The Informer (District Newsletter)

Parents of Preschool
Age Children
Moose Lake School’s Early
Childhood Screening will take
place on Wed. Feb. 11, 2015.
If you have a child who was
born between the dates of
Sept. 1, 2010 and Aug. 31,
2011, you will receive a
packet of information in the
mail by January 16th. You
also will receive a packet if
your child’s birthdate falls
between Sept. 1, 2009 and
Aug. 31, 2010, and we do not
have a record of Early
Childhood Screening for
them. Please call Maureen
Gassert if you do not receive
a packet in the mail by Jan.
16, 2015.
Ros Evenson works with the
school census for the Moose
Lake School District. If you
have a preschool child/
children please contact Ros
to verify that your preschool
child (birth to 5 years) is on
our census at, or
485-4834, ext. 1140. You can
also contact Maureen
Gassert, as she does the
scheduling for Early
Childhood Screening, and
uses the census to schedule
children of the right age. Her
contact information is,
or 485-4834. Ext. 1212.
Upcoming Events:
Band/Choir Concert
Junior High Band/Choir Concert-Monday, Feb 23, at 7:00 in the
•Senior High Band/Choir Concert—
Thursday, Feb. 26 at 7:00 in the
•Section Music Contest - March 16-17
Collecting For Ronald McDonald House
Moose Lake Elementary students
are collecting pop can tops for the
Ronald McDonald House. So far
this year we have collected 83
pounds! If you would like to help
us, please drop off your donations
at the Moose Lake
School Elementary office. discussed how they could make
changes to the world themselves.
Awesome work students and staff!
Students Learn About MLK
Mrs. Nordstrom’s kindergarten
class studied how Martin Luther
King Jr. changed the world and
Student Drop Off - Pick Up
No student AM drop off or PM pickups in
front of the school between 8:00-8:20 AM
and 3:00-3:30 PM)
Student drop off areas are by the
elementary entrance or district office
entrance on the south end of school.
Dates To Remember
TeacherPLC/Workday, Feb. 16 No School for
Spring Break -3/2 – 3/6.
Inservice Day on Friday, February 27, No
School for Students
Grades 3-4 Elementary Concert, 1:00 p.m.,
Wednesday, 4/1, in the Auditorium
Robert Indihar
Here is the latest on
the new school: On
January 21st, we will
be selling the bonds.
This is the date where
we will know the
exact figures on what
our taxpayers will be
paying for the
building. The bond
rates are looking good
for us. They are at
record lows right now,
which should mean a
lower tax impact to
our citizens than what we were showing during
the bond campaign. We are doing soil borings
and surveying the land in the next couple of
months. We need to do a wetland delineation
early in the summer. I am told the delineation
takes time and may push the date we have for
breaking ground closer to the fall.
You may see in the local paper a notice about us
going for an HSEM grant for safe shelters. We do
have an opportunity to receive a grant for
building a safe shelter that would
withstand the forces of a tornado. We are
looking at making our locker room area a
safe shelter area. The advantage for us
applying for the grant is that if we
receive it, we will get 75% of the
structure paid for. We are working on
getting the biggest bang for your dollar
on this building. We have many hoops to
go through to receive this grant, but we
have a good chance of being awarded it.
Right now we are applying for four grants to help
with the cost of the new building.
Every year I get calls about when do we cancel
school due to cold weather. There is no set
number because it is a situational decision. In
general, we would be looking for unusually cold
circumstances for closing. Again, in general we
would need 50 below wind chill and 30-40 below
actual before we would think about canceling. If
you as a parent feel your child would not be safe,
you have the right keep your child home.
We have also invited the architects to show up
one hour before our board meetings to discuss
updates in the development of the building. The
public is welcome to listen and give input during
this time. You will start to see more detailed
visual concepts of what the building will look
Moose Lake Dollars for Scholars® officially
launched a new website November 2013 through
a new software tool provided by Scholarship
America®, Dollars for Scholars’ parent
organization. You can access our new web site at
the following address:
This new website will allow us to help students in
the community access more scholarships.
Through the website, students will have the
ability to create an online profile, which allows
them to apply for and be matched to
multiple scholarships—on both the
local and national level—in just a couple
of clicks.
The Moose Lake Dollars for Scholars
web site also provides the opportunity
to make a donation to our scholarship
fund online with your credit card.
Simply go to our web site (given above)
and click on the Donate Now tab for
instructions. 100% of your online
donation goes towards scholarships for Moose
Lake High School graduating seniors desiring to
further their education.
Of course, we will continue to accept donations in
the form of a check made payable to Moose Lake
Dollars for Scholars, mailed to P.O. Box 489,
Moose Lake, MN 55767. Again, 100% of your
donation goes directly towards scholarships.
We are looking forward to helping dreams come
true for our 2015 Moose Lake High School
graduates planning to further their education.
We are pleased to play a part in helping further
the strong educational base provided by Moose
Lake Community Schools.
Principally Speaking
Billie Jo Steen
Preparing for
Although we are only
midway through the
year, we will soon have
students in grades 7-11
register for classes for
next year. Students will
input their requests into
our Infinite Campus
student management
system. We call this our
pre-registration process.
Students indicate
courses they are interested in taking, and we try to
develop a master schedule and programming to
meet the requests of most of our students.
Unfortunately, we are not able to take into account
all of the scheduling issues that undoubtedly arise in
a small high school such as ours.
We should have some time this spring to make
changes to student schedules so they are not
surprised when they return to school in the fall.
Communicating with Parents in the Digital Age
As a school, we are constantly looking at ways to
improve communication with parents. As a parent
of a high school student myself, I know that papers
and information shared with students does not
always make it home to parents. Many people
prefer to get information digitally instead. Our
Infinite Campus Parent Portal allows us to send
messages to our users as well as generate group
emails with important information. We would ask
that all parents check their information in the
Parent Portal to be sure that we have current emails
for all members of the household. You can do this by
logging into the portal from the district website and
clicking on “Family Members” on the left side of the
Another handy tool is the Infinite Campus app. With
the app, you can adjust your settings to get
notifications on assignments and grades. As busy
parents these days, it’s nice to get the information
sent to your device as a notification, making it one
less thing to have to remember to check up on
during the busy week.
If you need help setting up your portal, please
contact our Technology Coordinator, Scott
Anderson, at
Upcoming Testing
The spring MCA (Minnesota Comprehensive
Assessments) testing season starts soon. Please see
the dates below for specifics. As much as possible,
we appreciate when parents can make any doctor or
dentist appointments around these dates.
February 2 8th Grade NAEP
(National Assessment of Educational Progress)
March 26
11th Grade Accuplacer Test
April 7-10 7th, 8th & 10th Grade Reading MCA
April 27 – May 1
7th, 8th, & 11th Grade Math MCA
April 28 Grade 11 ACT
May 4-8 8th & 10th Grade Science MCA
We Bake for
On Friday, February 13th, the
NHS will be selling baked
goods at Willow River during
the Rebels vs. Cook County
Basketball game. This project is a global project
which is part of our WeDay commitment. Our
Fundraising supports families in developing
communities, helping empower them with the
Artists of the Month
I would like to highlight our
foreign exchange students
Lucia Cartolano and Zita
Surjan. These two students
have great skills in more
than one area. Lucia and Zita
do not have art classes in
their countries so their skills
have been developed without
prior training.
~Therese Kill, Art Teacher~
Principally Speaking Cont…
Kraig Konietzko
It’s time to celebrate!!! Moose
Lake Elementary was recently
name a “Celebration School” by
the Minnesota Department of
Education. Last month the
Department of Education
announced that 22 schools are
being recognized as Celebration
schools for their efforts to
increase student achievement.
One hundred forty-three schools
went through the application
process and applied for this
I’m please to announce that this
is the first time our elementary
has received this recognition!
Minnesota Education
Commissioner Brenda Cassellius
was quoted on the MDE website
by recognizing the twenty-two
Celebration schools - “I want to
congratulate these schools for
this incredible accomplishment.
Minnesotans should be proud of
the work going on in our
schools. I look forward to
continue learning about their
successful efforts to ensure all
students succeed and share that
work with other schools across
the state.” The Celebration
school designation is part of
Minnesota’s federal
accountability system that
replaces No Child Left Behind.
Under Minnesota’s program,
Find us on Facebook!
You can find a link on our website.
schools are assigned a Multiple
Measurement Rating (MMR)
based on students’ proficiency
and growth, as well as a school’s
progress towards reducing
achievement gaps and
increasing graduation rates. The
department selects schools
based on their ability to
effectively document best
practices that have led to
student success to receive the
Celebration school recognition.
The Moose Lake Elementary
application outlined our Title
One curriculum based program
and our grades five and six
middle school math
differentiation instruction.
As we now move closer to
springtime it is time to start
thinking about State and
District Assessments that will
occur. Students in grade 3-6
this year will once again take
the Minnesota Comprehensive
Assessments in different
formats. These tests will assess
students in the areas of Reading
and Mathematics. The Moose
Lake Schools will be conducting
MCA Reading assessments on
April 21-25 and the
mathematics MCA testing will
run from April 29 -May 2. In
addition, fifth graders will again
take the computer-based MCA
Science assessment. The
Science assessment will be
administered to all fifth graders
on March 24. Please keep these
dates in mind when if you need
to schedule any doctor or dental
appointments for your child.
The schools are mandated to
administer these tests and it’s
difficult to schedule make-up
tests for students when they are
absent. Your cooperation on
this manner is greatly
Continued on page 8
Welcome New Staff and
If you would like to con
tact staff
members log on to
and look for the Direct
ory on left
panel of the the home
Moose Lake Elementary
Celebration School
Check out the Rebel Shop Quick Link
You can find a link on our website.
Pam Litsey
Guidance Counselor
Moose Lake Schools
413 Birch Avenue
Moose Lake, MN 55767
Elementary School
High School
District Office
Community Education
218-485-4834 ext. 1003
Moose Lake Schools does not
discriminate on the basis of
race, color, national origin, sex
or disability
Log On With Us!!!
View this newsletter online @
Check It Out!
Mrs. Litsey’s Webpage
Counselor’s Corner
Pam Litsey
Junior Conferences: I will be
meeting individually with all juniors
and interested parents during our
2nd trimester. We will cover a
number of topics including a review
of their transcript, the college
search, applying to college, financial
aid, ACT/SAT testing and resources
fro each of these.
All seniors should be doublechecking their credits and making
sure they’re on track for
graduation. They should also be
completing last minute college
application forms. Be sure to watch
for deadlines!! The big question on
most of your minds right now are
probably revolve around paying for
I recently attended the Minnesota
Office of Higher Education Annual
Statewide Financial Aid Conference.
Financial aid regulations change
often, so each year I’m learning
something new. With that being
said, even if you’ve been through
the process of sending a student
off to college, there might be
something new regarding
financial aid, this time around.
Each year the Moose Lake High
School Counseling Department
teams up with Barnum High
School’s Counseling Department to
host a Financial Aid Night. This
year our Financial Aid Night will
be held at Barnum High School
on February 23rd from 5:00-7:00
To start the financial aid process,
students and their parents will
need to fill out a FAFSA (aka Free
Application for Federal Student
Aid), after January 1st of the year
in which the student intends to
enroll. You can go to the FAFSA
website ( to get
more information. While you can fill
out the FAFSA using estimated tax
information obtained from your W-2
forms, local financial aid officers
recommend that you complete your
taxes before filling out the FAFAS
for more accurate award
information. For the third year
now, the FAFSA website can use IRS
data to retrieve the necessary
information to populate your online
FAFSA. IRS data will be available
after February 1st and two weeks
after federal tax forms are filed
electronically. This will greatly
reduce the amount of time it takes
to complete a FAFSA and reduce
potential errors that could delay
your financial aid award letter. One
thing to remember is the first “F” in
FAFSA stands for FREE! You should
NEVER have to pay for financial aid.
In the past years, students in our
area have received mailings from
official sounding “educational
councils” or organizations that
require a processing fee to “help you
secure financial aid for college.
These are essentially scholarship
searches, providing a list of
potential scholarships for which
students can apply. The same list
can be found by visiting some of
these FREE scholarship websites:,, or This
last website is the MCIS program we
use at school. Our user name is
“moose” and password is “mcis”.
There are also local scholarships
available that I continue to have
available to our students.
ACT Testing: It’s never too early
to start planning or to register for
the ACT Test. This year, all
juniors will be required to take
the ACT plus writing as part of
their graduation requirements
from a public school in the State
of Minnesota. This test date will
occur on Tuesday, April 28th, 2015.
The score they receive during this
test opportunity may be used for
college admission purposes. If a
student would like to take the ACT
prior to or after this date, they can
register for a national test date on
ACT’s website at The
test given at school will be free of
charge, others, as always are the
financial responsibility of families.
Students that are planning to attend
a four-year college (even if they
plan to transfer into a four-year
college after a two-year college)
should take the ACT the Spring of
their junior year. The 2014-2015
ACT Test schedule is available
online at, along
with practice tests and preparation
information. You can find copies of
the registration guide and practice
tests in the counseling office. There
are a limited number of ACT test fee
waivers available for students who
qualify for the free lunch program
at school. Please see me if you need
continued on page 6.
Mini Moose Lodge (Preschool/School Age Care)
The Mini Moose Lodge has
current openings in our all
day preschool program!
This program is for
children 3-5 years of age
who are potty trained, and
is conveniently located in
the Moose Lake
Elementary School.
Mini Moose preschoolers
have enjoyed library time
with Ms. DeYoung, paper
airplane races, attending
school events with the
“big” kids, and meeting
new friends! For
Valentines Day we will
have our second annual
Valentines Day party for
parents and grandparents,
watch for more
or call Kendra at
485-4834 ext 1028 for
more information!
Parent Aware Rated Four
Star Center
Mini Moose Lodge School
Age Care
The Mini Moose Lodge
offers before and after
school childcare, as well as
all day care on non-school
days for children k-6th
grade. For more
information please contact
Kendra at:
Mini Moose Lodge
or by phone at 485-4834
ext 1028
Mini Moose School Age
Care will be open during
Spring Break! Fun
outdoor activities such as
ice fishing, snow shoeing,
Elementary Counselor’s Corner
Jillian McGee
Each fall, the Lions Club hosts the Lions
International Peace
Poster Contest. This
contest is an
international contest
that encourages
children, ages 11-13 to
creatively express what
peace means to them.
Gracie Le was this year’s
local winner. Her poster
will go on to state
competition. The Moose
Lake School community
wishes her luck!
MCA testing is starting soon and Moose Lake
Schools have begun preparing for the spring test
schedule. Keep an eye out for additional
newsletters that will be sent out regarding the
testing schedule, and what families and students
can do at home to best prepare.
2015-2016 Course Registration
and building an igloo are
planned! Come join us!
Moose Lake High School students will register
for their courses for the 2015-16 school year
during the week of March 9-13th. The
registration process will be reviewed during the
school day with students to ensure student
understanding as they will now complete the
process of registration on their own. Students
will automatically be registered for their
required classes and will need to log onto their
Infinite Campus account at some point during
the registration week to select their electives.
NAEP Testing )National Assessment of Ed.
Moose Lake High School students in the 8th
grade have been selected to represent schools
across the nation by participating in NAEP
testing. This test will take place February 2nd,
2015. The results of this test are completely
confidential and the information provided will be
used for statistical purposes only. This test is
administered by the National Center for
Education Statistics. The results of NAEP are
released as The Nation’s Report Card, which
provides information about student achievement
to educators, parents, policymakers, and the
public. Your child may be excused from
participation for any reason, is not required to
complete the assessment, and may skip any
question. If you do not want your child to
participate please notify me in writing by
January 26th. Your child will be provided with
further information on this test and is
encouraged to share the information with
Early Childhood Family Education -2015 Spring Session Classes
The Lunch Bunch ~ Thursday,
10:45am-12:15pm, Jan 15 –
April 9 (No class on Jan 29, Feb
12, & March 5). Cost $70. This
class is for 1 đ to 3 year olds,
who are ready to separate. We
will spend the first half of the
class together doing a variety of
activities. Then the class joins
together for a circle time. The
second half of the class is
parent discussion time while
the children share lunch and
explore the classroom with
their teachers. Children bring
their own lunch. Milk will be
provided. Adults sign up for
snacks to share in their room.
Doing Preschool Together ~ A
unique preschool and ECFE
experience for you and your
child. One day you and your
child will have parent/child
class and the second day your
child will have a traditional
preschool class. Children are
required to be toilet trained for
this class. *Available for
children ages 3, 4 or 5 by Sept
1, 2014. Tuesdays,
8:30-11:15am, child only day.
Thursday 1:30-3pm parent and
child day.
Love and Logic for Early
Childhood ~ February 5 –
March 26 from 5:30-7:30pm.
No class February 12 or March
It's never too early to use Love
and Logic; it even works with
the teeny tiny ones! Turn the
terrible two’s into terrific two’s
with the easy to use steps.
•Great solutions to, “I
waaaaant it!” “You can’t make
me,” and a favorite, the grocery
store “gimmes.”
•Hear how parents successfully
model the behaviors they want
to see.
•Build your child’s self esteem
early in life.
•And much more.
This is a parenting class for
families with children ages’
birth – 2nd grade. Sibling care
will be provided. Class is 6
weeks long. Light supper will
be provided. Cost is $60 and
includes the Love and Logic
workbook. If you are involved
with other Early Childhood
programs (Mini Moose, ECFE,
or SR) just pay the workbook
cost ($20) and, if needed, the
sibling care cost. Sibling care
is $10 per family, per night,
includes light supper.
Spring Mini Classes ~ coming
soon! Thursdays, April 23,
April 30 and May 7 from
9:30-11am. A class for children
and their families from ages 2
-5 yrs old. We will explore
places of business around the
Moose Lake area. Children
must be with an adult for these
classes. Watch the April
Informer for more information
about this class.
ECFE Play Day ~ Thursday
April 16th from 10-11am.
Come enjoy a day of free play
with all our friends and meet
some new friends too. We will
enjoy a simple spring craft,
circle time and snack together.
Then we will hopefully be able
to play outside or in the gym
weather permitting – dress
accordingly. All ages from 9
months to 5yrs olds are
welcome. There will be no
parenting time for this day.
Cost is Free!
Mark your calendar for the 6th
Annual Early Childhood
Transportation and Spaghetti
Dinner Fundraiser ~ May 13th,
2015. Come see vehicles of all
kinds, enjoy a delicious dinner
of spaghetti and bid on a theme
basket of your choice. Watch for
more information coming out in
the next informer.
Other ECFE Information:
*Scholarships are available for
all classes. *Sliding Fee Scale (ECFE
classes only): $15 for Free and
$30 for Reduced
*You may join any class at any
time in the year.
*No one will be turned away for
the inability to pay.
**Call 485-4834 ext 1025 or
email to
register for classes or for more
*Check out our website at
under Community Ed, ECFE
and School Readiness
Moose Lake Schools
413 Birch Avenue
Moose Lake, MN 55767
Elementary School
High School
District Office
Community Education
218-485-4834 ext. 1003
Moose Lake Schools does
not discriminate on the basis
of race, color, national origin,
sex or disability
School Readiness/Preschool
Classes 2015-20-16
Registration starts May 1st for 2015-2016
School Readiness Classes!
Doing Preschool Together – A unique
preschool and ECFE experience for you and
your child. One day you and your child will
have parent/child class and the second day
your child will have a traditional preschool
class. Children are required to be toilet
trained for this class. *Available for children
ages 3 & 4 by Sept 1. Classes will be on
Tuesdays for the preschool day and Thursdays
for the Parent/child day.
School Readiness – for those children who are
4 or 5 on or before Sept 1 2015. This is a two or
three day a week, half-day preschool program.
Our primary goal is to provide a positive
learning experience for your child in an
environment that inspires exploration,
experimentation, and discovery. We believe a
good self-image is vital to your child’s
development, growth, and independence. We
will encourage your child to acquire self-help
skills, make choices, and interact in a positive
manner with his/her peers as well as be
prepared for kindergarten in the Moose Lake
School District. Class days will be Monday,
Wednesday and Friday mornings, or Monday
and Wednesday afternoons.
2015-2016 Information:
•School Readiness applications will be
available online.
•Registrations will be accepted starting May
•Scholarships available for afternoon classes.
•First come first serve basis for class
•One time $25 application fee required
reserving your place (this goes towards
materials needed for the school year).
•Call 485-4834 ext 1025 if you have questions
or would like to be sent out an application.
•OR Email your questions to:
Principally Speaking
We will also assess all K-6 students using
AIMSweb testing this coming Spring with
dates to be determined. Our early release PLC
sessions are specifically focused on preparing
and improving our students for the MCA tests
and the content of the Minnesota Academic
Standards as well as making important
decisions on our school curriculum.
Please remember to make sure that your child
is appropriately dressed for these colder
winter months. We will keep all students
inside for inclement and/or harsh weather
conditions that warrant; however, it is also
important that children get the opportunity to
go outside for their recess time to exercise and
play with their grade level peers.
Math and Science Kindergarten Transition Night
For: Children starting kindergarten in the fall of 2015
Where: Moose Lake Kindergarten Classrooms, Rooms 33 & 34
When: Monday, February 23rd, 6:00-7:00pm
Children play in the classrooms and do math/science activities.
Parents hear kindergarten readiness tips from speech and occupational specialists and kids take home
math/science kits.
All caregivers welcome!
Sibling care provided!
Kindergarten Transition Nights are being sponsored by: Moose Lake Public School, School Readiness,
and HeadStart.
Please call or email your registration: or 485-4435 ext. 1025
Kindergarten Transition Night, February 23rd, 2015 6:00-7:00 pm
Child’s Name: _________________________
Parents attending: ________________________
Siblings attending and ages: _________________ Phone Number: _______________________
Email or send to: ML ECFE/SR, Julie Duesler, 413 Birch Ave. ,Moose Lake MN 55767,
February- March 2015
Register online, call 485-4435 ext. 1003 or Payment must be received prior to class.
Mail payments to 413 Birch Avenue P.O. Box 489 Moose Lake, MN 55767 or drop off in Comm. Ed. or Elementary
office-or pay via Payschools.
View us online at
Learn the basics of cake decorating! Start off by learning
how to make buttercream icing. From there, learn simple
piping techniques to make borders, basket weave, writing,
flowers and more. Next, learn how to ice a cake with a
smooth surface and apply your new piping skills to decorate
it. Plenty of hands-on practice
will be provided to master each
new skill. Students will need to
come to the first class with 6
cupcakes and be able to bring 8”
round cakes along with icing to
each additional class.
Minimum age to take class is 16 years of age.
MLHS Comm. Ed./KIDS Plus Room
4 Session Course
Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m.
March 11,18,25 & April 1
Class Limit 10
Course Fee: $30 ,payable to MLCE
Supply Fee : $35, payable to instructor, Jesse Neuharth
(ML School Psychologist) at first class.
FELTING CLASSES-Coming Soon!!!!!!
We didn’t get this class
set up by the time the
Informer went to print.
Please check out the
school’s website in the
Community Education
Class Listings, we’ll post
the class schedule.
We’ll have project samples in the
Community Ed. Room, just call
to make sure staff will be here to
greet you. Classes are expected
to be taught in March and AprilCall or visit for more info.!
The Annual Father/Daughter Dance will be
held on Saturday, March 28, 2015
Invitations will be sent to all Pre-K-6th
Grade students. “Winter Wonderland”
2015 The Official Year of Sewing!! Learn from a Pro with 3 wonderful
Workshops. Sign up in singles or pairs (if you’d like to share a machine)
You must pre-register as space is limited. Dust off Grandma’s machine &
join us! (Better yet, bring Grandma with you!) Must be at least 16 yrs. to
sign up by yourself, youth ages 9+ are welcome if they are signed up
with an adult. Please take advantage of these opportunities & call for
more information if needed.
Kathy Lundgren, owner of Kathy’s Country Square, has designed the workshops
based on her years of sewing instruction.
“Have a desire to know more about your sewing machine, elementary
quilting, threads, needles and fabric knowledge?
Like everything else, there are no real hard-fast
rules, but many helpful guidelines. I have
created three workshops packed with tips and
general knowledge of basics in the sewing world
with all ages and levels in mind, whether your
sewing skills are brand new or you’d like a refresher.”
Bring your machine if you have one. It’s best to use your own, but we
have some on site. Also needed: thread, bobbins, pins, your machine’s
manual, tape measure & scissors. We will discuss a list of basics
including reading a pattern, thread, fabrics, sewing machine knowledge
threading your machine & basic tension issues. (Coffee and donuts will be
readily available for your tension issues) You’ll practice on paper & won’t
need fabric.
MLHS Comm.Ed./KIDS Plus Room
Saturday, February 28th 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Course fee: $5.00 single or ($7.50 pair-you’ll share a machine & table-&
knowledge, which comes in handy when you get back home)
*A supply list for the project you’ll be making in Session 2 & 3 will be
given out at the end of this class.
(you’ll finish project in #3)
Adding to your previous knowledge of what was covered in the first
session, you’ll learn to make a ruffle, top stitch, under stitch, elastic
applications, cutting fabric, use of rotary cutter, ruler and mat. We’ll put
our cutting skills to use and begin making a pillow in the last half of this
session & finish it up in Session #3. (You may leave your machine here at
the school between session #2 & #3.) You’ll need: supplies listed in
Workshop #1 PLUS the supply list for pillow. If you were not in the first
workshop, supply lists are available at the Comm. Ed. Office or at Kathy’s
Country Square.
MLHS Comm.Ed./KIDS Plus Room
Saturday, March 14th 9:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Course Fee: $5.00 single or $7.50 (Combined fee for #2 & #3 Workshops)
Now we’ll assemble our pillows and employ quilting techniques -on a
scaled down version in order to have a completed project for you. You’ll
gain valuable experience with guided step by step instruction so you can
quilt on your own!
MLHS Comm. Ed./KIDS Plus Room
Saturday, March 21st 9:00-11:30 a.m.
Moose Lake Community Education Courses
You’ve tried the rest. Now try the best truffles of all -that you will make
yourself! With just one 3 hour class, you will be making truffles for all
those special occasion, from graduations to weddings to gifts and
more. Educated in France, Instructor Steven Blondo shares five
different recipes in class, and each student will take home a classy box
with 15-18 truffles. A $12 supply fee collected in class.
Join us for this presentation by Eileen Quittem
Did you know that 80% of our health is
determined by what we put in our bodies and on
our skin? Did you know that heredity is only 10%
and our activity level is the other 10%? Come
learn about about how the choices we make affect our health. Learn
about toxins we are exposed to and how these toxins affect our weight.
Make small steps now to improve your health! Let me help you reach
the goals you set to improve your health for the new year!
Eileen is the nurse at Willow River School. She is a person who cares
deeply about teaching people about healthy living! She is an Arbonne
Consultant, wife and mother of two.
MLHS Comm. Ed./KIDS Plus Room
Thursday, February 26
6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Course Fee: $20 payable to MLCE
Materials Fee: $12 payable to Instructor
Bring a ray of Italian sunshine into your kitchen by creating
homemade pasta using a few basic ingredients. We will use pasta
machines to roll and cut or go “low tech” and try rolling/cutting by
hand. Compare basic pasta with recipe variations including spinach
pasta. Recipes will be discussed so you’re able to savor your fresh
pasta with classic meat sauce,classic tomato sauce, gorgonzola sauce,
and a quick alfredo sauce. Freshly grated Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
is a must as well as topping your pasta with almond pesto, classic basilgarlic pesto, and a walnut-basil pesto. With a handout on tips and
techniques, you can make perfect pasta
every time. $12 food fee paid to
instructor in class.
MLHS Comm. Ed./KIDS Plus Room
Thursday, March 26th 6:00 - 9:00 p.m.
Course Fee: $20 payable to MLCE
Materials Fee: $12 payable to Instructor,
Steven Blondo
Traveling to Alaska is Easier Than You Think
“Traveling to Alaska is Easier Than You
Think” is an informative two hour
presentation geared to folks interested in
traveling to Alaska on their own or with the
help of experienced travelers.
Sharon and Alan Finifrock will share their
20 plus years of Alaskan living, traveling to,
from, and within Alaska to help you create a plan for the trip you have
been dreaming about.
Topics will include: When and how to travel; best times to plan your
travel; airline reservations; Alaska Highway ALCAN travel ; foodlodging- travel options and costs; free and inexpensive activities;
hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing; websites to visit; travel brochures;
developing a budget. They will also highlight three areas that are of
interest for those who have limited time for travel.
The Kenai Peninsula, to include Seward, Homer, Soldotna, and Kenai.
The Interior, to include Palmer, Wasilla, Talkeetna, Denali, Fairbanks
and North Pole. East Central, to include Palmer, Glennallen, Copper
Center, Valdez, Prince William Sound and Whittier. The insights
presented will help you plan and travel wisely.
ML Elem. Library
Thursday, February 12th
6:00 p.m.
Course Fee: $10 per person or $15 per couple
MLHS Library Media Center
Thursday, February 19th 6:30 p.m.
Cost: $3.00-all proceeds will go to the Back Pack program for Moose
Lake Schools.
John Bajda is returning to help you
make your special project. First you
need to attend the informational session
where you’ll see samples of furniture, a
demo., lots of photos to help you decide
what to make, learn how to prep your
materials for the workshop day, and
what types of trees are best suited for your project. The only tools
you will need are a saw, pruning sheers, hammer, tape measure,
marking pen and screw gun. We do require that participants sign up
in pairs, this makes the project much easier to build and complete in
one day. Each team can make a chair, bench, etc., and help each
other with their projects. Don’t be intimidated by the one-day work
session, with proper preparation, you can easily complete your
project with time to spare! Bring a bag lunch for Saturday.
MLHS Shop Room
Course Fee: $60 p.p. - your helper comes to the class for free
Thursday, April 16th 6:00 p.m. Informational Meeting
SATURDAY, MAY 2nd 8:00 a.m. -4:00 p.m. Working Session
The 30- hour classroom course is
required by the State and will
prepare you for the driver’s permit
test. You will learn the basics of
good driving practices. Students
need to be 15 years of age by the end
of the class session-(or close), and
must attend all 10 sessions in order
to receive the Letter of Completion.
LOCATION: Moose Lake High School
March 9-20
Monday-Friday 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Instructor, Chris Nathan
Course Fee: $65 for ML School residents Payment is required with
registration & to receive MN Driver’s Manual. *A Parent Meeting will
be scheduled which will address the Writing Log students must present
to DMV after Jan.1, 2015.
moose lake community education classes & events
Instructor: John Tarnowski
Save 10% on your Auto Insurance. The MN Highway Safety and
Research Center at St. Cloud State Univ. developed this program,
specifically for Senior Drivers. It consists of 8 hours of lecture,
discussion and educational videos. There are no written or behind
the wheel tests. Upon completion of the course, drivers over the
age of 55 are eligible for a 10% discount on their auto insurance.
MLHS Choir Room
Instructor: Maura Corey
5 Evenings of class
Sundays March 1-March 29
Session 1: 5:15-6:30 p.m.
Course fee: $25 or $6 per class
Topics covered include: Habits and Attitudes, Tires and Traction,
This 5 week session is open to both beginning and intermediate level
Signs, Signals and Markings, Vision and Habits, Fatigue, Drugs and students. Its focus is on applying the movements associated with
Alcohol, Road Rage, New Laws, ABS and Airbag Safety, Merging,
belly dance to exercise. The first 30 minutes of class will involve
Distracted Driving, Crosswalks and Driver Communication. Please stretching, warm-up and introduction to movements. The next 30
make payments to MLCE prior to the class date.
minutes will be spent on an aerobic routine and the last 15 minutes
will be spent on cool-down and review of movements.
Session 2: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Cost: $25.00 if only enrolled in
Location: MLHS Media Center
Session 2 Special Offer: $35.00 includes enrollment in Session
Four Hour Refresher Courses Available:
1 & 2 (5:15-8:00 p.m.)
Tues. Feb. 10th, Mon. April 6
This 5 week session is open to students who have had at least one
or Tues. May 26 5:00-9:00 p.m.
beginners and/or above exercise class and intermediate students.
The class will include stretching, review, introduction to advanced
Course fee: $20 for the 4 Hour Course
movements, a short aerobic routine and learning a choreographed
Eight Hour Full Course Available:
dance. Course will also cover aspects of dance performance.
March 24 and 26 5-9:00 PM
*Pre-Registration is required to attend class.
5:00-9:00 p.m. Course fee: $24
SHOOTING STARS DANCE Winter/Spring Session
7:15-8:00 Silver Stars ages 9+
When: Fridays after school - 5 Sessions
March 20-April 24
Times: 3:45pm - 4:30pm - 1st-3rd Graders
4:30pm - 5:15pm - 4th-6th Graders
5:15pm - 5:45pm - Pre K and Kindergarten
Course Fee: $43.00 - Beginner and Advanced
$33.00 - Pre K and Kindergarten
Where: ML Elem. Hallway *
Gymnastics is a sport designed to develop strength,
coordination, balance and flexibility. You will learn basic
gymnastics skills and get a great introduction to a wonderful
sport. Class will include warm up, stretching and basic tumbling
as well as balance beam and vault activities. Instructor, Carrie
Sandell has been involved with the sport for over 22 years and
has been coaching at the varsity level for 8 years.
Cost is $120 for the session
and can be split into 3
installments & are made directly
to SS Dance) ballet slippers or
jazz shoes and tap shoes are
required and can be purchased at
the first lesson (used items
sometimes available)
*Parents are welcome to stay/walk
in the High School during class, but
not in the Gymnastics Hallway. We
need the valuable wall space in the
halls and to avoid distractions. We
do not anticipate a lot of traffic in
this area on Friday afternoons.
Instructor, Laura Mills, of Shooting Stars Dance of Cloquet, will be
back in Moose Lake to offer more great dance lessons for your
child! Register & get up to date information online at or by calling 218-879-6717.
Lessons will be held on Tuesdays beginning February 3rd and end
with a recital on June 6th. *Please note time changes.
MLHS Auditorium 3:30-4:15 Big Dippers ages 5-7
4:15-5:00 Little Dippers ages 3-5
5:00-5:45 Advanced Little Dippers ages 4-6 with experience
5:45-6:30 Little Dippers ages 3-5
6:30-7:15 Northern Lights ages 7-9
Rita is here to help you with your ancestral endeavors!
For those of you just starting out, bring information
such as: full names, dates of birth, place of birth or any
other info. you may have on your loved ones. Join us for
a great adventure!!!!
Tickets will be on sale April 6th-17th for $80/couple and $40/single
More Info to come in next issue of the Informer!!
Attention Junior Class Parents! Your help is still needed if you are not already involved with the post prom committee. Historically at
Moose Lake High School the junior parents work together to plan post prom in order to provide a safe space for students to go after
prom. Please contact Julie Nelson or Cindy Jungers to find out when meetings are and how you can help. We need your help to make post
prom a success! There are currently boxes of candy available for you to sell to friends, family, co-workers, etc. and there are other
fundraisers that we will still need help with! Don't have time to help? Please make a donation to the committee!! Contact info: Cindy Jungers
Julie Nelson s Belgian Waffles
Waffles, Sausage, Toppings and Beverages
Thursday, February 5, 2015
4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Moose Lake School
Prior to the Barnum vs ML/WR Girls Basketball Game
Moose Lake Kiwanis Club Fundraiser
Students (6-18) - $5.00; Adults - $7:00; 5 & under free
Proceeds Support Local Youth Scholarships
Proceeds from the Belgian Waffle Fundraiser will be used for senior scholarships administered through the Moose Lake Dollars for
Scholars and the Barnum Citizens Scholarship programs
P.O. BOX 489