Marriage Startup Episode 29 [Intro music] LESLIE Welcome to the Marriage Startup Podcast, Episode 29: 30-Day Miracle Morning Challenge: Our Living Review. In this episode we tell all about our experience living out The Miracle Morning for 30 days. LAURA We also cover our experience with The Five-Minute Journal after 30 days. LESLIE We have some community news to share, plus an important reminder about our mid-season break. LAURA And as always, we'll end with the what I'm going to do for you this week segment where we offer instead of ask. LESLIE I'm your co-host, Leslie Camacho, and honestly that's enough for this episode. The rest of my accomplishments can take a break, except of course for being the Chief Espresso Officer of the Camacho household. LAURA I'm Laura, the wife of this operation [laughter]. LESLIE Well said, well said. All right, so I want to start out the community news by an ask. I feel a little embarrassed to ask like this because part of it's an ego thing and part of it's also a plea to just help us with the show here. We haven't gotten one review yet for February and February's almost over, there's only a few days left. We would love at least one review for February. We're 26 reviews in. Actually, someone might have left us a review. We can't see international reviews. LAURA What?! LESLIE You have to do some fancy magic because the iTunes Store separates out the reviews so the podcast is in all the internationals. You don't have to do anything else to distribute your podcast internationally through iTunes but you can't actually see reviews. So if someone's in another country and left us a review, we can't see it without paying for some other service. LAURA Oh, I'm sure we have someone in Denmark who's left us a review. LESLIE Yeah, so - I just forgot her name. LAURA Claudia. LESLIE Claudia. So Claudia, if you left us a review, we can't see it but thank you. If you haven't left us a review, thank you anyway for listening. So if someone would be kind enough to do that for us, it doesn't - or if someone doesn't like the show and you love to listen to the show because you disagree with us all the time, leave us a one-star review - LAURA Yeah, who cares? LESLIE - out of just - LAURA Spite! LESLIE Yeah. LAURA [chuckles]. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! LESLIE Or to have your voice heard. We'll take it. All right. We have - so I'm going to switch this up a bit because you have some community news too, I think, right? No? LAURA Yes, I do. Well, I have an important announcement to make. LESLIE Okay. Go ahead and let's do your announcement. LAURA We have a special guest in studio with us tonight. My mom is sitting just to my left and she is going to watch us live [chuckles]. LESLIE That's right. We have an in-studio audience. We expect clapping. GAIL [claps enthusiastically] You two are the best! LESLIE We'll see if that makes it - if the mics will pick that up. LAURA That was - did I have something else? LESLIE I thought you did but let's keep going. The other really important announcement that we have is that this is our mid-season - this is the last show before our mid-season break. So to recap, after Season 1 we decided we were going to take a month off, recoup, retool parts of the show and get re-energized so we could start the New Year. What happened, we discovered, is that if you take four weeks off you eventually take six weeks off and you lose the momentum. We really regret doing that in terms of how we lost momentum on the show and because this show is good for us. We miss doing it on a regular basis. But we also know that it was really good for our hearts. It was really good for us to recharge, to have just a little bit of rest time to recuperate. For Season 2 what we're doing is we're going to do seven episodes, take a one-week break and come back with another seven episodes to close out Season 2, then we're going to take a two-week break before Season 3. So basically every seven episodes we're going to take a break - take a Sabbath rest, if you will, to get all Jewish and Biblical about it - and we're going to see if that works, if that allows us to recharge and keep the level of honesty and openness and energy that we really want to give to all of you out there. So the next show's going to happen on - I think it's March - next show's going to be March 12, Thursday March 12, so on March 5 there won't be a show. The very first show in the second half of the season is going to be our community feedback where we answer your questions, we share your stories and any feedback and resources and advice that we get from you. We did one in 1st Season, it was really well received and it was one of our favorite episodes to do. So far we have one question in from Teresa from Facebook, we have some great advice and feedback from Randy that we're also going to share on this show about his experience with The Miracle Morning and some of his advice and examples on affirmations, and just this week we got an absolutely beautiful email that was incredible in terms of some advice for the show, but I don't have his permission to share it yet so we're not going to do into details yet. But hopefully we can share some of that part on the show, and we're looking forward to that one as well. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! Do you have any advice yet or have you gotten any feedback yet that I haven't seen? LAURA I'm trying to think. I might have some stored up somewhere but I don't have any off the top of my head. LESLIE Okay, so again, you can send us feedback on Facebook, ask us questions on Facebook, on any of the comments on the show. We get notified on that. You can ask us on Twitter or you can always email us at Just as a reminder, any time you send us an email we consider that private and we don't share any of it without your confirmation, just like in the example I just gave. In the email I received, there's nothing personal about it, it's not a deeply personal story, it was just some advice and feedback on the show. But because it came through email, we just assume everything is private and we want to get permission and really have the chance to dialog with you guys privately before we share like that. So yeah, let us know because we'd really like to serve you by giving back that way and exploring topics and expanding on things that we've covered, because we've covered a lot of ground very fast. I had one more thing, because I don't think you have anything else. I have a confession and I wanted to share it because I felt like it was really important when I realized - and I didn't realize it until this morning, because something was bothering me in the back of my head. In the book that Randy sent me to read, the first one called Freedom Flight: The Origins of Mental Power, it is about a military person or it's written by a military person and it's written in a parable format. The book itself is in large print and it's a short book. So I realized when I started this book, when I first picked it up, I thought, "It's a military story by a military author and it's in large print. This is going to be easy reading." LAURA [chuckles]. LESLIE I confess that sort of humorously but it also exposed some biases. I assumed that if someone from the military writes it that it's not going to be intellectual. It might have great advice, it might be something I could really learn from so it's not like I disregard it as not worthwhile, but I don't - I have a bias against the idea that there can be military intelligence, so to speak. LAURA Huh. That's a really interesting bias. LESLIE I just want to say it openly because that's a really stupid bias to have [laughter]. Of course there are incredibly smart people in the military. Just because it's that - but I think that combined with the fact it's a large print book also made me think, "Large print books are for dummies," and I have no idea where that bias comes from. I really don't. That's just a bias floating round in my head and I want to get that out. I just wanted to say that because one of the things I've been thinking heavily about is - especially since we're starting new businesses, is that your biases can really screw up your assumptions when you're trying to do something of significance and create something of value for other people. So I've really had a heads-up about what are my biases that I'm bringing into this new business, into this new perspective. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! When we were reading the book together this morning, we didn't get past three paragraphs before we had to stop and think. I mean, Randy, this is a great book. I'm so glad you sent it. I thought, "Man, I'm just going to read this in a day. This is a day's reading." But no, we got three paragraphs in and we had to stop and we had a 40 minute discussion about three sentences, and I love those kind of books so I'm really looking forward to going through the rest of it. I just wanted to admit my biases and get you guys to think about your own biases that you're inadvertently bringing into a relationship or into the business or whatever you're doing. So I wanted to confess that and say it loud, just to flush it out of my system. Anything else you want to share? LAURA No. Let's go. LESLIE Okay. So, today we're doing our Miracle Morning 30-Day Challenge review. If this is your first time listening to the show or as a brief reminder, kind of our thing on the show is that we don't just review things, we actually do our best to live out the advice given in whatever resource we've decided to try out. We give it an honest shot, we actually see if it adds value to our lives, we warn you if it doesn't, and we try to get a mix of experiences because already we've tried things where there's some people in the community that it's really connected with where it hasn't connected with us, and vice versa. We're going to go over that today and I thought we were going to have a short show, like, "Really? This is the only thing we're covering - LAURA You always think we have a short show. LESLIE I have a page and a half of notes of just me [laughter]. So I might have to watch myself and cut it short. The Miracle Morning, let's do a quick recap of what this is about. We already covered that in previous episodes but we want to be conscientious to first-time listeners here because good news, our listenership has gone up. LAURA Woohoo! LESLIE We have more downloads this morning than we did in January and in December. LAURA Nice. LESLIE December's not surprising since we weren't podcasting but it was really nice to see the uptake in February, so thank you everyone who's listening and subscribing. So, The Miracle Morning is by a guy named Hal Elrod and it's a system that he has developed from various sources including his own really compelling life experience. It's meant to get you into a routine that starts your day - hence the name Miracle Morning - that significantly improves your life by practicing what he terms Life SAVERS. The idea is to do your Life SAVERS every single morning and that carries momentum into the day that gets you on your way by small steps at a time towards a better life. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! The SAVERS part of Life SAVERS is an acronym and it stands for Silence, Affirmations, Visualization, Exercise, Reading and Scribing. By his own admission, scribing is just finding a word for S that means journaling [laughter]. Fancy term for "write daily". If you want to hear a more in-depth take from us about the book, you can go back and listen to Episodes 24 and 25 where we introduce the topic, we give our first update, and we go into all these things a little deeper. But I think during our review you'll get the gist of it. Basically, this is a way to kickstart your morning and that was the challenge. In the book itself, in addition to the information there's a part of it called the 30-Day Challenge which I did following the instructions to the letter and Laura, as usual you found your own path. LAURA [chuckles]. LESLIE You're like, "That's nice, Hal. Thank you for these great ideas that I will build on." LAURA [chuckles]. LESLIE So why don't you go first? LAURA I have actually been following the SAVERS acronym since I got to the SAVERS chapter. I didn't get much farther than that chapter [laughter]. I still haven't finished the book but I am doing the SAVERS. I've built that into my morning routine. Aside from trying to start with silence, I've been pretty faithful to it. It is very hard to begin your morning with silence when you've been woken up by a toddler, but I'm trying and I'm trying to help him learn some meditation skills too. So when I get him up in the morning or when he calls me from his crib and I go rush him out so he doesn't wake up his sister and the rest of the house, we sit in front of the fire. We turn the fireplace on - we have a gas insert - and then we sit very quietly and we look at the flames together, and we do that for a couple minutes, however long he can handle it. That's really been a sweet way to wake up in the morning. I feel like it's been going pretty well but two weeks ago I really hit a wall and I didn't quite realize how much it was going to affect me to start backsliding on The Miracle Morning practice. But Ethan had been waking up between 3:45 and 4:30 for almost a month - I've been complaining about that for the last few episodes - so I was really tired. Then he started sleeping until 5:00 but he was waking up in the middle of the night, like at 2:00 or 3:00 every night, sometimes at 11:00 and then 2:00 or 3:00. So those middle of the night wakeups are the worst, man. I can handle the early morning but being woke up in the middle of the night and then having to go back to sleep for just a couple more hours is really hard. LESLIE Yeah. LAURA I didn't have that same kind of bounce out of bed energy that I was having before. Even at 3:45 in the morning I was still like, "Woohoo! Let's do it and embrace The Miracle Morning" but getting woken up at 2:00 and then waking up for the day at 5:00, that just - that’s a totally different experience. My body does not handle it as well. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! So I started letting things slip. I succumbed to the temptation to try to doze a little bit longer on the couch while he was up and eating his snack. Everything kind of got pushed back. I'd kind of do it but I wasn't really focused on it. I was preoccupied with how tired I was and then I started forgetting to write in my journal in the evenings. It would be this shock to me the next - I was very faithful in the morning to do it at some point, but I would realize, "Oh my goodness, I didn't even think about this last night." That had a cascade effect. Then a couple weeks ago I had a ton of client work and I let it take over. Instead of spreading it out and scheduling people appropriately, I tried to barrel through it in my morning time when just Ethan was awake and no one else is. That took over my personal heart space time - that just disappeared. I get a lot of really great emotional and spiritual stuff out of the work that I do but the work I do is for others, it's not for me, and so it doesn't have the same effect for me as actually focusing on my own heart work. So it compounded and built up and then yesterday I had a really bad day. It finally just all built up and broke and I realize I have not been taking care of myself well. I have been going to bed too late and not taking into consideration the fact that I am going to be woken up at inopportune times in the night, so I'm not getting enough sleep, I'm not planning ahead to get more sleep and I really started backsliding on The Miracle Morning. I realized that yesterday and said, "Okay, I'm back on the wagon." I did everything to the letter today and I had a much better day today. I feel a lot more optimistic about life in general and I really do credit The Miracle Morning routine for that. There's something really quite powerful about this particular protocol. I don't know what it is, it feels weird. The book feels like an infomercial a lot of the time and I want to be cynical about it, and yet when I actually do it, it works. LESLIE Yeah, there is something about the tone of this book that is outside our normal reading. We don't read ra-ra, everything is beautiful, positivepositive, fluffy kitten books. That's just a lot of the self-held fad out there. That's been around for a long time but the Internet has taken this to a whole new level. We were talking - we won't mention it specifically by name but we were discussing a training series today that was a lot of money and if you look at the online reviews and everything else, it's all flash and no substance, highly polished video that you pay thousands of dollars for, and there's no love behind it, right? It's just, "Hey, thanks for your $2,000, here's some videos." LAURA Yeah, it’s a "Here's how to be like me," kind of thing. LESLIE There's a lot of that out there. In my space, in the Web professional space, there's more and more. In the business I'm starting, I'm really cognizant of that because I want to provide training videos, I want to do stuff like that, but I don't want to promise the world and do stuff like that. You're holding up a book that I'm really looking forward to reading called Love is the Color App. I hadn't planned to talk about that in this show but I found that through another book I'm reading called Book Yourself Solid which I'll get to in my part. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! I wanted to ask you something. Is there anything - what was the most surprising thing you've discovered by following this over the last 30 days? Was there anything that really stood out to you? LAURA I think it - realizing about myself that I do really well on a structured kind of schedule and yet I really hate developing and maintaining that structure myself. It's why I thrive so much in academia because I know when I have to be at class and they tell me what I need to read and I read it. It's all laid out for me and I do really well with that. I like it when people tell me what to do [chuckles]. It's like being an adult is hard because no one tells you what to do anymore, you have to figure it out and then you have to tell other people what to do and it's just terrible. So that's been one of the things where - it's been hard for me to create the schedule and the structure and then stick with it without any sort of external force holding me to it. Because honestly, I just don't have that type of personality. I don't have the internal drive to keep maintaining that forever. It just starts getting boring. LESLIE I wonder how actually using the physical checklist would've changed it for you, if at all. LAURA I hate checklists like that - LESLIE Like I did. That doesn’t equate to academia for you? LAURA No! LESLIE See, that's what - when I think academia, I just think, "Oh, someone has a list of things for me to do." LAURA No, because academia is like being part of a group. I show up at class and there's my professor and there's my fellow students, we're all in this together. That's the part I like. I feel like being an adult and being a parent especially is very isolating for me. I feel like I'm in charge of everything so I'm making all the rules, it doesn’t matter what I do, and I kind of deflate. LESLIE Was there any particularly negative? Was there something that you experienced where you just felt, "No, this doesn't really work for me," or, "It's not just not working for me but I fundamentally disagree with it"? LAURA I can't really talk to that because I didn't finish the book and I probably - I'm probably not even doing what he says, so… [chuckles]. LESLIE I did not know to this moment that you hadn't finished the book. LAURA I'm sorry. I'm a terrible podcast partner. LESLIE Well, no, I think it's valid, so let's talk about that. Why did you not finish the book? LAURA I have no idea. I just got - I just felt like I got what I needed out of it and felt like I was doing enough to be doing it. It was working for me, and still is. Whatever weird extrapolation I got from the book, from reading at least up to the SAVERS part, it's working for me, so it just felt kind of non-essential to finish it. LESLIE I have no criticisms about you not finishing it. I think that's a legitimate part of reviewing a resource. If you don’t get through the resource, I just want Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! to know why and was there a stuck point or - I really like your answer and again, that shows how different our personalities are. LAURA I know [chuckles]. LESLIE Which we're going to dig into more in the second half of Season 2. Teaser [chuckles]. But yeah, that's very you, where you're like, "Here's a valuable part, I'm going to go live it right away" and I really love that you did that. If finishing the book would've prevented that then yeah, it's great that you took action right away. So you didn't get into any of the deeper questions or really dig into what the actual 30-Day Challenge was? LAURA Nn-nn. LESLIE Okay. Is there anything else you want to add about your experience? We'll come back to you at the - after mine, but I wanted to see if there's anything else you wanted to throw in here. LAURA Yes. One thing that I've been really consistent with and I'm really happy about is with my exercise. I've been - I started out just doing the yoga, the Sun Salutation, and I've since added Pilates to it, a core Pilates routine, and then pushups. Then I do core exercises with the girls each individually when they wake up at their individual time, so I'm actually doing three sets of exercises, which has been really good for me. I feel like I've really excelled there and that's one of the things that I have the hardest time sticking to usually and yeah, I've actually maintained consistency with that better than anything else. LESLIE That's really good that it had that effect and that has encouraged you to do that, because I know that's something that's been really important to you, to get back into that habit for a bit. I mean, I remember we were both talking about that at the end of the year during December about that being - us getting much more serious about that this year. Okay. I'm going to move onto my part and you're free to interrupt me and ask questions along the way, because this week I've been in fire hose mode and I don't know if it's the meds. I'm in my third week of being on the antidepressant meds and my energy level's back up. I've noticed this week in particular that I can start going and then it's even more so than usual for me. So yeah, that's just a heads-up, dear listeners [chuckles]. All right, so the 30-Day Challenge. At the beginning of this year I made a commitment to follow the directions. I've mentioned this several times on the show already but I feel like it's worth bringing up every time, because the reason the directions are important to me is for as much as possible this year, especially early in this year, I want to concentrate on doing the work. In order to do the work, I don't want to think about what the structure has to be, I just want to concentrate on getting the value out of it. So the less I have to think about the structure and order, the more I can concentrate on the value and my own development or the service I'm trying to provide to somebody else. This is going to get a little bit detailed about how the 30-Day Challenge actually works. It's a five-step process. Step 1 is called Clarity Questions and this is a PDF handout that you download and you print out, or of Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! course you can just open a document and write it on the computer, but for me I actually wanted to write it out because again, I'm being a stickler for the directions. It says print, I print. I don't even let myself get into a debate about which is better for me, I just do it. With the Clarity Questions, I found these to be really challenging. They're actually quite sharp, insightful questions that made me analyze where I'm actually at. The purpose of it is just to provide some headspace and some direction about how to actually in a more objective way clear away the mud and just say, "Where am I right now?" As honestly as possible, what am I like right now? The second step is called the Wheel of Life Assessment. I've seen similar things and this is a literal wheel with degrees on it. I will see if I can post an example of this online for you guys, or I might just link to the packet so you can download it and see it yourself because it's free from his website. Basically the Wheel of Life is split into a bunch of categories. They are Family and Friends, Personal Growth and Development, Spirituality, Finances, Career, Business, Significant Other and Romance, Fun and Recreation, Contribution Giving, Health and Fitness, and Physical Environment/Your Home and Office. The idea is to, in kind of a pie chart fashion, create a spread of how healthy you feel in each of these areas. The less you put in, the less healthy you are and so you get a really good visual picture of how you see yourself in all these areas. LAURA Wait. So the less pie, the less healthy? LESLIE Yes. LAURA Okay. LESLIE Yes, you need more pie. The more pie you have, the healthier you are. It's a lesson in life. LAURA [chuckles]. LESLIE You go through the Clarity Questions so you have an idea and then you think about these deeper, and he calls it getting idea of success and satisfaction and I feel that's kind of open-ended so I translated it to healthy. That let me get my brain around it, but I also did use those two words to help measure these things. Each one's a scale of 1 to 10 but it's represented visually quite well so that when you're actually looking at it, you get a clear picture of where your weak areas are, at least from your own perception. My weak areas were definitely Spirituality, Finances, Contribution Giving, and Fun and Recreation. I scored the lowest in all of those and it was eye opening. I think I knew inside that I was suffering in those areas and I think those were red flags to get me to go on and get me assessed for depression, but it was quite eye opening to actually see that physically on paper and to have a tangible idea of where I was at and the need for improvement there. The third step is called Level 10 Vision and here we get into that kind of weird life coachy stuff which I've been reading a lot since I've been calling myself a coach lately. I'm kind of still uncomfortable with the vocab here Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! but I actually think the idea behind it is really solid. The Level 10 Vision is simply getting clear on your ideal conditions for each area of your life. It takes each of those areas we just talked about and you are asked to write a paragraph describing what would success and satisfaction look like for you in concrete terms. Am I earning $100,000 a year, $1 million? Do I have ten friends, five friends? Do I describe my friendships in numbers? Maybe I describe it some other way. Maybe I describe it as I'm on the phone three times a week with someone important to me or I've written a heartfelt email whatever that looks like. Same thing with your relationships, like my relationship with you. What would a Level 10 marriage look like with you? LAURA I'm so curious. What did you say? LESLIE It's private [laughter]. LAURA Can I read it? LESLIE No, no. LAURA Okay. LESLIE This is something I may share with you later but this was a really raw experience and I feel like this is still mine. I'm not ready to share my exact answers to any of those areas yet. It was really personal because I took it - again, I'm following the instructions. I took it really seriously. I think it took me probably three or four days to answer these questions because I went back and circled back. I found that of everything, it was this that was the hardest because I had to open myself up to the possibility that there may be a day when I could consider myself successful in these areas and it might look like this. So I found my first pass on the questions being really small picture, like maybe I'll make $100,000 again one day, maybe, if I'm lucky. Maybe I'll have some real friends. Maybe I might connect with my family. They were these really tentative, bordering on helpless, sort of victim sounding questions and I knew that was not the spirit of the thing. I knew for certain that's not what success looked like but that was the honest first pass on those questions. So it took - I'm going to use the word courage. It required a lot of courage in me to admit that this might be possible to come around to these areas. The next step then is called Level 10 Habits. Here's where he asks you to go through each area there and list one to four habits - I think it was four, but list a small number of habits that I can do that's going to get me just one step closer. He's not asking you to, "What's the thing you can do to get you from 0 to $5 million a year? Go!" Of course you're frozen, you can't think of those things. Instead, it's just an invitation to, "Hey, now you have clarity in where you want to be, what one small change could you make to get you a little bit closer to that?" Again, this took me a couple of days. Some of them were really obvious and I got through those fast but some of them weren't and I really took the time to consider them. I think that overall that's one of the takeaways I took away from this and even going back to Season 1 when we went through Essentialism and some of the other resources that we've talked Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! about. I am relearning something really important in that - and I think I'm paying extra special attention to it because so much of my actual work is coaching people that it doesn't matter how well someone coaches me, like Hal is coaching us through this book. It doesn't matter how good Hal's advice is if I don't put in the work, so I think that's again me taking seriously that I need to put in the work and especially if I'm going to have clients that I'm asking them to put in the work. I cannot treat my coaches any less. I have to know if this stuff works and what techniques work. So I did that. I had habits listed for everything there. Step 5 is the 30-Day Transformation Tracker. That's his fancy way of saying, "Okay, now here's the work you're going to do for the next 30 days." The way the Tracker works is it's a grid you print out and basically he asks you to do ten habits each day. Six of those are the Life SAVERS. You do your Life SAVERS and then he wants you to pick the four habits you want to start with that are from Step 4, the habits that are going to get you there. I picked habits from my weakest area - the Spiritual and the Financial then I did one that I knew was going to be good for our entire family, most especially you. In addition to the Life SAVERS, the four habits I picked are read Scripture every day and in particular I chose to read the New Testament. I did not want to get lost in the theological aspects of the Bible because I wanted to re-establish a relationship with Jesus and I find that particularly in the Book of John in the New Testament, so that's where my commitment was to starting there. I committed to reading Book Yourself Solid: The Illustrated Edition because I know that the biggest obstacle for me in my own success is learning to sell myself and my own value. I don’t have any problem selling someone else's stuff that I believe in. Like in my old job, I was fantastic at selling ExpressionEngine. I sold million dollar ExpressionEngine installations without batting an eye, with full confidence. Walked into virtual rooms, walked into real rooms, stood up against multi, multimillion dollar competitors compared to our small 15-person shop and stood toe-to-toe with the big guys with full confidence. I do not have a problem with selling. Last year I sold $40,000 websites, I sold $90,000 websites. I went in because I had full confidence in my partners doing the work. The guys I worked with - Derek, Noah and Garrett - I could walk in there and say, "I'm going to kick some butt for you guys." I had no - there was no lack of confidence repping those guys and their skillsets. But when it comes to myself, it's just like, "Maybe you should pay me $5? Am I worth $5?" I'm exaggerating somewhat but I know that a key switch I need to make - because I need to understand my own value and how to sell that. I've read a lot of different books on sales over the years but the Book Yourself Solid is the first one that has really connected with me in terms of an ethical, grounded, love-based even way of serving people and also selling your services along the way. I've tried to read it for a year-and-a-half. I've owned it for a year-and-a-half and I've been putting it off that long. We all buy books that sit in the shelf Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! and this one has been burning a hole in my heart for that long. It's like, "Okay, this is the time to do it." So that's one of the habits I made a commitment to - reading a little bit of that every single morning. The third one was train for the Tough Mudder. This was the push goal I identified for the year. I know if I train for that it's going to push me through everything else. So with this one, I didn't want to do the same exercise every single day so I'm doing a FitStar routine called The Tough Mudder. That's a 35-minute workout from hell. I love it [chuckles]. It really kicked my butt in a really serious way. So I did that one day and then the next day I would do pull-ups. I want to do 20 pull-ups throughout the day using a technique I heard from a strength-based trainer on the Tim Ferris podcast. Then on the last day I wanted to do an exercise back from my boot camp days called countdowns. That's a super mix of cardio and strength training. Then on the fourth day I rest and repeat. That was my exercise routine. The very last one is I wanted to clean the kitchen every single morning. If you beat me to it, which occasionally you did but not too often, then I would make a commitment to clean the kitchen at least once more throughout the day. So those are my ten. If you do the math on this, what is really being asked of you is you're being asked to make a total of 300 potential commitments. Because I committed to - and you're allowed to skip in advance. For example with my exercise, I can't exercise seven days a week, I will destroy my body. I know because I've done that. So if you minus out every fourth day I took off, I had a total of 293 commitments in a 30-day period. I missed nine of them so I completed 284 of my commitments in a 30-day period. LAURA Nice. LESLIE Hopefully that doesn't make it sound overwhelming but the idea is I wanted to put those into numbers because if I start out asking you, "Hey, can you do 300 things for me in the next 30 days?" or, "Can I do 300 things for myself that are going to improve my life in the next 30 days?" the answer's no. LAURA Yeah. LESLIE But can I do ten things a day? Then the way the book puts it is that there's even a version of Life SAVERS where you can do your Life SAVERS in 10 minutes, all six in 10 minutes. So the amount of time I actually spent on this every single morning would vary from 15 minutes to 30 minutes. The workouts took longer, of course, but nine out of my ten commitments I could complete in 30 minutes. So it wasn't a huge time suck but it was amazing the progress that I made. I just made a short list of some of the results I got. When I started doing pull-ups I could only do two in a single set. At the end of the 30 days I could do five. LAURA Nice. LESLIE I'm doing the strength-based pull-ups. They're the full extension on a nonsolid bar. I hang it, it's a free floating pull-up bar which makes the pull-ups even more difficult. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! LAURA It's a rake handle. LESLIE Yeah. Let's not get into the intricacies of my expensive gym, but I'm really proud of it. I have these slings and I just hang up a rake handle and do pull-ups in my office, it's awesome. So I went from two to five in a single set. Then the other thing, I do knuckle military-style pushups that I learned in kung fu. At the beginning I could only do nine of them in a single set and at the end of 30 days I can now do 21 quite easily. LAURA Dang! LESLIE Full extension pushups, chest to the floor, military-style on my knuckles. I'm really proud of that. My cardio is back in shape. It's not as in shape as I want to be but it was real progress from where I started. I have read almost all of Book Yourself Solid and more importantly, I've actually implemented a good deal of it. I only read sometimes one or two pages so it's not like I did a comprehensive study every single morning. Again, the idea is just small, incremental progress. So if I stopped and saw something I should be doing in my business, I actually wrote it down, then I would share it with my partners and talk about it. If you talk to the guys in Haywire Consulting, they'll tell you, "Les can't shut up about that book right now." It's been amazing, I love it. I doubled the amount of income that I earned in February from January. Now, I just need to be honest that that wasn't difficult to do. January was harsh, very, very harsh on our income. LAURA I think maybe I made more than you did in January. LESLIE Yeah, you might've made more in January than I did and that's how bad January was. December was awesome, January was the exact opposite. So even though I doubled my income it's not nearly enough but I am really happy with that progress. I don't want to denigrate the progress I made and I know that part of it was just being open to the possibility, not getting stuck in depression about the small amount of money I did make, but instead looking forward to, "Okay, we're going to follow these leads and we're going to do it." But I just want to be honest about this here because hey, this is a stern, serious reminder that when you start a new business, it really doesn't matter what you've done for someone in the past. It only matters what you're doing for them right now and you have to earn a whole different type of trust. Anyway, I will get off my soapbox about that. But I am really happy that we have - actually, it's a little bit more than doubled our income in February and I'm really hoping for similar results in March. I launched both my new business and the new business website. The other podcast I do, the Haywire podcast, I kept my commitment to publish all of those on time and I wrote the show notes to all of them except one. No, two if you count the one that went out today. That is a huge improvement over last year. The Haywire podcast has now been consistently published every single week since the beginning of this year and that's something that me and my teammates over there were super proud of doing and getting that figured out. I got my very first coaching clients. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! LAURA Yay! LESLIE I got my first coaching leads. When we launched the business we got three leads off the bat. We got another lead yesterday. My former partners have been telling other people about it and I'm just really happy with the momentum going forward. I helped you redo your website. I actually secured the guys that I've been working with as actual business partners. I guess technically we don't have an LLC formed yet but that discussion has happened. We've got a plan, we're heading that way, and I'm feeling really positive. I journaled every single day. Just honestly overall, I feel significantly better than I started at the beginning of the 30-Day Challenge. Questions so far? Because I've got a little bit more to cover [laughter]. I warned you guys, this was a lot. I was surprised when I started writing this down. LAURA This list is really cool. It makes me feel like I should go back and look at everything I accomplished, because I know that I did, I just - I didn't keep as good a track as you did. LESLIE I was pleasantly surprised by how practical affirmations and visualizations are. I think of everything in the book this was the one I was most wary of because I didn't know how - is this New Age-y? Is it old stuff? Is it woowoo? Despite what people might assume, I am not that guy [chuckles], not by a long shot, and you would think I would be. But it was amazing the impact that these had almost immediately, especially doing the affirmations before bed, having those before bed and then doing them first thing in the morning. I think the most powerful thing about the whole experience was about how it really got me back into relationship with God in the way that I wanted. What I discovered during the 30-Day Challenge was that if I practiced silence, Scripture reading, journaling and then my affirmations followed by visualizations, doing it in that order invited God into the entire process for me, which for my own belief system has been critical to flipping my mind and being open to the possibilities of what can be accomplished and open my eyes to the significance of what I'm really trying to do, yet giving myself the grace to know that this is the long haul game. I don't need to be there tomorrow, there's not a rush. Change of plan are okay, bumps in the road are okay, tightening belts this morning it's okay, because I found what's more important. Again, the theory of this podcast that we are living out is God, marriage, everything else. If we do it in that order, we're testing in real time whether that actually leads to the lives that we want. These 30 days I felt like okay, there's something to the theory. It gets a little bit more personal than that but not much. Again, I can't point to any particular day where it started clicking for me but I just noticed about halfway through that when it went in that order, those were my best days. LAURA You just played around with the order and suddenly figured it out? LESLIE You know, it was the affirmations that were the key because when I took someone else's affirmations and used them, they were good starting points but I felt like it was using someone else's wand, to use a Harry Potter analogy, or someone else's lightsaber. It's like, "This is a really cool instrument of potential and power but it's not mine, it's yours." Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! To get my affirmations to the way I wanted, I found I had a difficult time writing affirmations without inviting God into them. I think it goes back to how I think of myself. There's a part of me that has very old wounds that devalues myself every chance I get. Even though I've significantly improved, when you're asked to be open to the potential of what you can be versus my ability for other people's potential, again it's like a completely closed door to me. So I just asked God to help me write my affirmations every day and I found that my ability to ask God was much better if I just had silence and then Scripture and then writing and then affirmations. Once I had the affirmation then I had the visualization and those lined up for me. Now, I still feel like a novice at affirmations and visualization. I don't consider myself an expert by any stretch of the imagination but just the default starting points offered in this book were really powerful for me. LAURA Did you have any areas that you disagreed with? LESLIE Yes. I had one, one major one, and that is Hal's approach to sleep or his assertions that your mind can tell your body how much sleep it needs and basically the idea that the body is subservient to the mind to the extent that you can do it. I've heard variations on this before. My initial workout trainers would really push me and say, "It's all mental, it's all mental. You think you could only do 10 pushups but you can really do 15. Just push your mind past it, make your body obey you." I did that for a long time and I have injuries to prove it. I did get my body into the shape but the two recurring injuries that I've had for years now are because I practiced that sort of belief. So yes, you can beat your body into submission but beating it you are. So my analogy is if you take your favorite kitchen knife, like your chef knife we talked about during the cooking shows where this is your knife, and you use that to cut metal, you're going to ruin your knife. It doesn’t matter how much mental willpower I say, "No, knife, you can cut this metal. You can do it. I order you to do it. Just try harder, you're going to push past it mentally," the knife eventually is going to break. Your body can be influenced heavily by your mental power but it is still a physical object that's going to break. You cannot push it past where it can't go. I would say the second week was really terrible sleep-wise and it wasn't just because of that but it was also because that was my first week on the full dose of my antidepression meds, which screws with your sleep anyway. But I used one of the things that I learned from kung fu and Pablo, my kung fu teacher, I am forever thankful for you giving me really good wisdom on how the body and mind work. Yes, you can beat your body into submission but why would you? Your body wants to work with your mind. You are not separate from your body. However you believe about the metaphysical nature of it, you can't escape that your soul and your mind dwell inside your body and you are a unit that needs to work together. The change that I made is I simply started asking my body how much sleep it needs. Most of the time it would tell me 5 hours. I would literally ask it exactly like this out loud before I went to bed, "How much sleep do you need today, body?" and I would just hear in my mind, "5 hours, 6 Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! hours." Then what I discovered was Friday it would say, "Please give me 8. Let me sleep in until 7:30." This was not me. This was not me saying, "It would feel so wonderful to take a break from this stupid Miracle Morning and I'm so tired and I'm so worn out." It was me going, "I'm loving this so much I want to keep it going. How do I keep this going?" I just felt like my body was telling me, "I will give you your 5 hours to 6 hours of sleep and I will give you my very best on that amount of sleep five days a week. But Friday night you're going to let me sleep in and you're going to take a nap and you're not going to do the intensity - you can still do workouts if it falls on a workout day but you're going to dial back the intensity and you're going to let me recover. We're going to make that deal." The inner play between my subconscious, that voice in your head, the body, it was amazing. Again, I'm not a woo-woo guy but I was taught that in kung fu and I don't pretend to understand it but doing it here, it's been amazing. I would say - only being 30 days in I would hesitate to call it life changing still but it's been really good. LAURA Yeah. LESLIE I warned you it was a lot [chuckles]. LAURA Are you going to keep doing The Miracle Morning? LESLIE Yes. I've already started my new 30-day stuff and I've picked four new habits to continue building on. I've kept the Mudder. LAURA You kept the kitchen. LESLIE I kept the kitchen. LAURA Thank you. LESLIE But the Mudder, I'm changing up my workout routines so I'm escalating some and keeping others the same. I want to continue - the month I'm focusing - the next 30 days I'm focusing on cardio and increased strength training, so I want to actually run, do some running. I haven't committed to a distance, I just want to start with the practice of it and see if my leg and knee continue to hold up. I'm going to use the same technique with my body with sleep with running - "How do I get this back into shape? What is the limit? How far can I run today? Is it a quarter-mile, half-mile? Can I do a mile, 2 miles?" I want to see how that interplay works versus forcing it to do something, I'm going to invite it to do something and see how that turns out for the next 30 days. The book I mentioned earlier, Freedom Flight, I'm alternating between Book Yourself Solid and Freedom Flight as my reading and study material for the day. It was really important for me to slow down on Book Yourself Solid because I'm into the meaty parts of implementing marketing and I want to use it right away in Haywire, so I want to make sure that I'm taking the time to implement and teach myself by doing it versus just reading it, so I'm really okay with going slow and I really want to get through Freedom Flight and the other book he gave me. I think the last points I want to touch on are the things that I - are the mistakes that I made. One was that my two worst days are when I did not Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! do the affirmations before bed. When I skipped the affirmations before bed I had terrible days the next days. LAURA Interesting. LESLIE The affirmations prior to sleep turned out to be way more important than the affirmations in the morning, because I did skip my morning affirmations a couple of times and those days weren't so hot either but they weren't as bad as skipping them in the evening. The hardest part of actually living out this SAVERS part was that I fell to the temptation of doing the Silence whilst still being in bed. So I thought, "I'm just praying and I'm practicing silence and I'm up, so I'm just going to stay here under the covers." Then suddenly it would be an hour later [laughter]. LAURA It's funny how that happens. LESLIE That's against the directions. Hal's very clear - you get your ass out of bed. You get up and you move, you do something. Have your Silence afterwards. So I really had to break that habit. I don't think I ever quite experienced the jump out of bed full of energy, no matter how many times I gave myself affirmations to do that, but it definitely got better. I could definitely get up a lot faster than I used to and I definitely got into my morning routine a lot faster than I used to. LAURA You're a lot more cheerful to be around in the mornings now. It's been really nice, and you're very much more present too when you have - you finish your routine and it's time to involve yourself in the family life. Even before coffee you are a much more pleasant person in the morning. I really appreciate that. LESLIE Good. See, I feel like I'm talking - I feel like this is a really braggy episode but yeah, this has been seriously good. I think it's been obvious by my excitement, how I'm talking about all this stuff. If you had asked me at the beginning of this Challenge do I think it would've really had this effect on my life, my answer would've been no. I think - LAURA No. Well, we have that on tape. You didn't. You were pretty cynical about it. LESLIE Yeah, I did not think it would have this impact in my life and you're right, because I've tried other morning books before like I mentioned. But you're right when you were talking about your experience with it. There is something to Hal's formula that is pretty unique that has obviously really worked well for us, and for thousands of other people. I mean, he's got a really big fan following and he runs conventions and meet-ups and stuff like that, so he's had a serious impact. I'm very happy we did this. LAURA So is The Miracle Morning aptly named? LESLIE Yes. LAURA Would you put a ring on it? LESLIE Yes. LAURA Me too. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! LESLIE Yeah, I plan to keep doing this for the foreseeable future, definitely. LAURA Yeah. I might even finish reading the book [laughter]. LESLIE I would be really interested to see how you would respond to - even if you don't actually do the checklist part, the Step 5 of the Challenge, I would really like to know whether going through the Clarity Questions and the Life Assessment Wheel or whatever it's called, whether that has an impact on you or not, whether that's just something that is good for my personality type or whether that's something that would - that you find actually helpful just to go through and do that for yourself. LAURA I feel kind of meh about it for myself - LESLIE I'm not asking you to make that commitment. LAURA No, no, I just - it's interesting because I can tell it's been really great for you and when I think about myself doing it, I'm like, "Meh," but I might do it just for fun. LESLIE All right. So this is exactly one hour [chuckles]. LAURA Let's wrap it up. LESLIE It's wound up being a long show. Let's wrap this up. We're going to take a quick break that's imperceptible to you, then we'll be back with what we're going to do for each other this week. Okay, and we're back with what we're going to do for each other this week. If this is your first time listening, this is a segment where we're really proactive about how we're going to show each other love, respect, affection, without the other person asking for it. We're just going to be - it's a gift. Would you like to go first? LAURA Sure. This week I'm going to clean and tidy your office for you, which is really our office. LESLIE [chuckles]. LAURA Part of the reason this needs to be done is because your stuff is encroaching upon my desk and we've had to offload it every time I need to use my desk. But I know that that kind of thing overwhelms you and you need help, and I love cleaning. LESLIE I do need help and I will gladly accept. LAURA Awesome. LESLIE What I'm going to do for you this week is I'm actually going to start thinking about how we would implement the suggestion we got by email this week. We're going to talk about that a little bit more in Episode 30. Don't go looking for the email! Just let it be - LAURA [chuckles] I can't remember it. LESLIE But we got some advice about how to possibly retool this segment or make it more powerful and I think there's - I'm not sure I agree with it but I think there's a lot of value in finding out. I want to know if there's a way I can even figure out how to give better things to you. The email we got, got a potential direction on how to do that. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! So this week and over break, because this is starting our break so we'll have the time to do it, instead of the time I would normally take to do my part of the script and edit and publish the show, I'm going to spend that time looking more into this idea and doing - researching some of our past episodes. In Episode 30, I think we're going to give it a try, as a living review of community feedback [chuckles]. LAURA Awesome. LESLIE No pressure, person who emailed us. But yeah, I think there's something to it, especially with some of the topics that we want to do for the second half of Season 2. I think it'll be a nice fit. LAURA Okay, so none of our listeners have any idea what you're talking about and I don't really either because [chuckles] I don't remember the email well enough. LESLIE It's a surprise for everybody but it is a gift. LAURA Okay. LESLIE It's a gift of my time and research to make me a better gift giver to you. LAURA That sounds good. LESLIE That's the end result of this, so that's the thing. LAURA I accept. LESLIE I want to know how to give better gifts to you by better understanding of you. LAURA I love that. I like to be understood. LESLIE Okay. That's the show. Again, iTunes, begging for reviews. Please one in February for the United States and thank you for any international reviews that we got and don't know about. The easiest way to do that is to go to - that's going to take you right to our show page in iTunes so you can leave us a review. You click how many stars it is, you write some words and press Submit. It'll take you 15 seconds, it's awesome. If you want to comment on this episode specifically and you want to leave a comment on the blog - most of you right now seem to prefer our Facebook which is just fine but if you want to comment on the blog for this episode, it's That's the secret shortcut to these episodes. You can always just put in number of the show and it'll take you right to that show's page where you can leave a comment. If you want to comment on Facebook and leave us a post on our page, it's and for the few very brave people on Twitter to whom we have almost no interaction there [laughter] LAURA Sorry. LESLIE It's @marriagestartup but hey, we love you guys and thank you for being there and following us there. But if you're following us on Twitter and you never hear from us, venture over to Facebook or the blog. I know Facebook's the dark side to a lot of you. It's the dark side for me too. I Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( ! hate that I have to use it but I love that you guys are there and we can talk with you there. So I sacrifice my uppity, snobby, tech morals to - I put them on the altar for the sake of conversing with all of you. LAURA [chuckles] Geez. LESLIE How's that for some ego and snobbishness? You guys are totally worth it and then some so I have no regrets about doing it. You can also email us,, and as I mentioned earlier your emails are always considered strictly confidential, even if it's just casual. In particular we love to hear your stories, your feedback, your advice. Like I said, we got some beautiful feedback and some advice on the show this week and we've had some great interactions in February that are way more important to us than reviews, by the way. So if you have to decide in your head, if there's some weird decision of "Should I leave them a review or should I share something with them by email?" share something with us by email. LAURA Yeah. LESLIE That is 1,000 times more important to us than a review. Hearing from you directly, we'll take that every single time over everything else. Especially since Episode 30 coming in two weeks is going to be the community feedback and questions answered show, which we're really looking forward to. Okay, that's going to do it. We will see you guys in two weeks and as always, be kind to each other. Transcript by Siobhán at SED Transcripts ( !
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