The Shofar Temple Or Elohim serves the surrounding communities of Jericho, Syosset, the North Shore and beyond. March 2015 Volume 37 No. 6 Adar - Nissan 5775 Temple Or Elohim Jericho, NY 11753 “Temple Or Elohim’s Eleventh Annual Purim Musical Shabbat Service Shabbat Across America and Canada Friday, March 6, 2015 at 7:30 PM Friday, March 13, 2015 at 7:30 PM Friday evening, March 13th, 2015 Temple Or Elohim along with hundreds of synagogues will be celebrating Shabbat Across America and Canada. This is an event created by the National Jewish Outreach Program that we have participated in for over ten years Shabbat Across America celebrates what unifies all Jews as one people — Shabbat! Everyone is invited: singles, couples, families — all ages. Please join Rabbi Abramowitz and Cantor Katz for a fun-filled Band Musical Shabbat Service celebrating Purim! A Megillah Reading, a Purim Shpiel, a special Purim Oneg and laughs will make this evening a night to remember! Come in costume and be part of our PURIM PARADE. *****Important Notice***** Many of the temples will be using the same service, regardless of their branch of Judaism. This Shabbat we are all one. As Friday, April 3, 2015 is Erev Passover First Seder, Friday Evening Shabbat Our Monday Fast Forward fifth and sixth graders will help lead Services will not be held. the service. Our temple will be having a Band Shabbat and a special Oneg to commemorate the evening, so why not join us at 7:30 PM on Friday, March 13. Purim Carnival Sunday, March 8, 2015 11 AM - 2 PM Sunday, March 8th from 11 AM until 2 PM, we will celebrate the holiday of Purim starting with our wonderful Wax Museum. Maybe this year, Golda Meir or Henry Kissinger will be there! After the Wax Museum, our amazing Carnival will begin. The raffle prizes range from a “Go Pro” to a gift certificate at Gyrolicious. All you have to do is enter the drawing. Our children are selling tickets before the event as an added incentive. Our DJ this year promises to entertain everyone from young to old with game favorites such as Coke and Pepsi to Limbo. There will also be the opportunity to learn the latest dances. Children and adults will be able to show off their game skills with challenging games for all levels. There will be exciting and fun prizes to be redeemed at the prize booth and raffles to be won. To volunteer, contact: Temple: (516) 433-9888 ext. 14, Jill Karp (516) 642-1179, Tara Kass (917 )680-7917, We look forward to your enthusiasm and your attendance. Passover Congregational Seder Saturday, April 4, 2015 at 5:30 PM Hard to believe but we are planning for our Congregational Seder, here at the Temple. Passover starts on Friday evening, therefore, Shabbat Services will be canceled on the first night of Passover, April 3rd. However, we will be open and having our annual Seder at the Temple on Saturday, April 4th at 5:30 PM. The congregation and the community are invited to our Seder. We will have all the fixings from beginning to end. From chopped liver to Afikoman, we won’t forget anything. We even provide the Haggadot. You don’t have to bring them or the Seder plate. Just bring your appetite and your family. Our meal will be Kosher for Passover, but not Glatt. We order the food from Ben’s of Carle Place, so it is very important that our RSVP’s are on time. The RSVP’s must be received no later than Monday, March 30, 2015. We sadly cannot accept any walk-ins because Ben’s will be closed on Saturday. The cost is $40 per adult and free for 12 and under. Any questions, please call the Temple office at (516) 433-9888 ext. 14 or e-mail Temple Or Elohim Vol. 37 No. 6 Temple Or Elohim Rabbi’s office hours are: 4 — 6 PM Wednesdays & Thursdays Temple Fax (516) 681-6126 Rabbi Harvey Abramowitz Marvin Antosofsky, Rabbi Emeritus Cantor David Katz Deborah Tract, Director of Education Howard Pastolove, President Nancy Marshall, Temple Administrator Goldie Brandl, Temple Secretary The Shofar Office Hours 18 Tobie Lane, Jericho, NY 11753 Temple Office (516) 433-9888 5775 ext. 11 Cantor’s office hours are: 4 — 6 PM Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays ext. 12 ext. 15 Director of Education’s office hours are: 1:00 — 6:30 PM Mondays & Thursdays 2:00 — 8:30 PM Tuesdays If any of the above office hours are inconvenient, please call to arrange an alternate meeting time. ext. 13 ext. 14 Executive Committee President.……………………………...……….….….Howard Pastolove Vice President…………………………………………...…....Laurel Fried Vice President……………….……………....…...…...Michael Wilner Vice President………………………………….…….…...……Deena Yaris Treasurer……...…………………………….…….........David Schwartz Asst. Treasurer…….………………………………...….Roslind Vermut Recording Secretary…….……………………...……......Gail Mayer Immediate Past President.………….…….…....…Marc Wiener Chairman of the Board………………………………..Bob Feinstein Advisor to the President…………………….Susan Bloomberg Yarmulkes Do you need yarmulkes for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah or Wedding? Satin 6-panel Suede Suede (with trim) Embossed Suede $21.00/dozen $28.00/dozen $32.50dozen $34.00/dozen $10 shipping and handling charge on all orders. Gold or Silver imprint is free on orders of 5 dozen or more. If more than one color is ordered, or if orders are less than 5 dozen, there is an additional fee. Please call Susan Bloomberg (516) 932-7112 Catering Information Board of Trustees Amy Adler Susan Bloomberg Jodi Breslin Bob Feinstein Jeff Feltman Jill Karp Tara Kass Ronald Langman Susan Levine Neil Miller Steven Finkelstein Mike Mogavero Robin Grossman Donna Wolff Larry Jacobs Gilda Balesh Sheila Zimmerman Sisterhood Co-Presidents Artie Mayer Men’s Club President Editorial Corner We encourage our members to submit articles, photos and simchas for us to include in future issues. We also welcome suggestions for future articles/columns. Please contact Gail Mayer at: (516) 935-1626 or e-mail Rabbi Requests Information We commemorate the lives of those we have loved and lost. It is also appropriate to commemorate events in the lives of those we love in the here-and-now. I’d like to announce happy events in your lives: birthdays, anniversaries and special occasions that bring joy to you. Please forward all such information to or contact the Temple office at (516) 433-9888 ext. 11. Our expanded and redecorated Temple can accommodate your celebrations, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, Kiddushes, Havdalahs, Luncheons, Weddings, Bris, and all other parties. Please contact Hasson Caterers to consider having your simcha at Temple Or Elohim. Shawn and Scott will be happy to help you plan memorable occasions for your family. Hasson Caterers (516) 937-0120 or 0121 Sponsor an Oneg A special way to celebrate your family's simcha is by sponsoring a Friday night oneg. Sponsorship is not only for Bar/Bat Mitzvah families. You can celebrate an anniversary, birthday, aufruf, bris, special birthday, graduation, becoming grandparents or anything else. The price for an oneg following a traditional Friday night service with an event attached to it is $250 with fruit and $200 without fruit. The cost for an oneg following a Friday night service without an event is $100. Your sponsorship will be acknowledged in the pamphlet and will be announced from the Bimah. You will not only be making a wonderful gesture on behalf of your family but will be helping out your temple as well. Please call Deena Yaris at (516) 433-0771 2 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.69 Committee Chairpersons B/M Liaison, Changes B/M Flowers Babysitter Connection By Laws Temple Attorney Building & Housing Caring Committee Catering Entertainment Books E-mail Blasts Amy Adler 931-6030 Contact temple office 433-9888 Susan Bloomberg 932-7112 Roz Vermut 822-2246 Neil Miller 681-9263 Howard Pastolove 433-9007 Susan Bloomberg 932-7112 Deena Yaris 433-0771 Janet Weinberg 922-1160 Laurel Fried 932-5410 Gail Mayer 935-1626 Finance Bob Feinstein 681-5113 Laurel Fried 932-5410 Internal Controls Roz Vermut 822-2246 Kinder Club Arlene Isserles 718-631-9822 Membership Rose Bruy 749-1958 Laurel Fried 932-5410 Men’s Club Artie Mayer 935-1626 Publicity Laurel Fried 932-5410 Religious School Korri Frampton 364-6511 Jill Karp 390-5691 Ritual Chairperson Michael Wilner 822-7057 Shofar Editor Gail Mayer 935-1626 Sisterhood Gilda Balesh 933-3749 Sheila Zimmerman 935-1533 Sisterhood Showcase Susan Bloomberg 932-7112 Social Action Susan Levine 931-2550 Strategic Planning Larry Jacobs 759-3229 Star of David, Tree of Life, Wall of Light Toby Suroff 433-6618 Yarmulkes Susan Bloomberg 932-7112 Webmaster Gail Mayer 935-1626 5775 5773 Schedule of Services, March 2015 Fri. Mar. 6 Purim Musical Shabbat Evening Service Sat. Mar. 7 Shabbat Shalom Fri. Mar. 13 Musical Shabbat Across America and 5th/6th Grades Monday Fast Forward Led Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Sat. Mar. 14 Shabbat Service 10:00 AM Fri. Mar. 20 5th/6th Grade Thursday Fast Forward and 5th/6th Grades non-Fast Forward Led Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Sat. Mar. 21 Shabbat Shalom Fri. Mar. 27 Fourth Grade Led Shabbat Service Sat. Mar. 28 Shabbat Shalom Order Memorial Plaques Now is the time to order bronze Yahrzeit plaques to be mounted on the Memorial Tablet in the sanctuary. 7:30 PM (If God forbid, there is a death or illness in the family) CALL AND TELL US Daytime—Call the temple office (516) 433-9888 or (516) 433-9587 Call the Rabbi at (631) 424-6632 or (516) 510-9931 Call the Cantor at (516) 849-1332 Honor the occasion of your child’s Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Anniversary, Birth, Wedding, special Birthday. Please call the temple office at (516) 433-9888, ext. 14 7:30 PM Keep Handy for Reference Honor the Occasion Give them a “Leaf “on the Tree of Life or a “Star” on the Star of David. Both are located in the temple lobby. The TheShofar Shofar Consultation with the Rabbi before final scheduling of services will help ensure his availability. SERVICES PROVIDED BY TEMPLE FOR MEMBERS: Shiva services at home for up to 3 evenings. E-mail notice will be sent to our membership informing them of the loss in your family, if requested. Whenever Kaddish is said during services: Names read for Temple Members—11 months Near relatives of Members—30 days. Thoughts and Prayers These plaques offer the opportunity to memorialize the We want to acknowledge those of us who have had an illness names of our departed loved ones. or are in need of healing (mind, body and soul). Each year upon the anniversary of their passing, a light is kindled beside their name and at the Memorial service on We offer our prayers of healing and heartfelt thoughts. Please Yom Kippur. do not hesitate to contact Rabbi Abramowitz, Cantor Katz or our Caring Committee with any requests you may have. To order, call the Temple office at (516) 433-9888, ext. 14 3 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.69 5775 5773 From the Rabbi Winter seems to be the longest season of the year and spring the shortest. With that said, we have so many fun programs at Temple. The winter’s cold doesn’t stop us from having all sorts of events that draw us out of our homes. We began this month with a Super Bowl family event, then a fun evening at the Coffee House. Dave and Carol Berg were the ‘sparks’ that started this musical evening last year, and this year sang and played with added appearances by Joan Abramowitz, Barbara and Dennis Weiss. We had a supporting cast of volunteers who handled the set up and the clean up, thanks to you all. What a night! It was an evening that just didn’t seem to want to end! Our teen program just keeps on growing, making our temple a ‘cool’ place for local Jewish teens to come to, even when it is so cold outside! We will finish the short month of February with Comedy Night on the 28th, an event that seems to get better and funnier each year. Try not to miss it. March (which, according to the old rhyme “… comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”) will start off with an outrageous Musical Purim Shabbat Celebration on Friday night the 6th. Featuring our band Nishamah, a Megillah reading and a Purim Shpiel, as well as a special Purim Oneg sponsored by Rabbi Harvey and Rebbetzin/Cantor Joan, are all sure to delight your spirit, your ears and your kishkas! The TheShofar Shofar There will be an amazing presentation at temple by NYPD Det. (ret’d) Ike Ilkiw on Sunday, the 22nd at 11 AM. Get a real inside look at the plans and programs that are in place to protect us all and provide the security we need and deserve. Our Congregational Seder will be held on the second night of Passover, Saturday evening, April 4th. Join us for a Seder and Passover dinner with all the trimmings. Call the office for information and to reserve your places early. I will be meeting shortly with several local area rabbis and other clergy to discuss the recent resurgence of anti-Semitism and to formulate plans for our community’s response to this scourge and insult to all humanity. In April, after Passover, there will be a meeting to present plans for the Israel Family Tour scheduled for June of 2016. The itinerary, as well as associated costs and options will be presented at that time. Make your plans early since there are but a limited number of places available. For those who have been to Israel before, please note that this trip is sub-titled “The Israel You’ve Never Seen”. Come down and find out what that’s all about! Shalom. Rabbi Harvey Abramowitz (516) 433 - 9888, ext. 11 The following Shabbat, we will join in solidarity with the all the Jews of North America in the annual Shabbat Across America program. This event too has grown and now includes our brethren north of the border across Canada. Notes from the Cantor You may have noticed that this winter has had its cold spells! Well, at temple we have had a remedy for this cold all season. It is the warmth and energy you get from coming to services and the fabulous events! The last couple of months have only been the beginning. Why not come in from the cold and get warm with G-d feelings this month. We have so much going on, there is bound to be something for everyone. Let’s start with our once a month musical Shabbat services with our band. We turn up the heat and have people dancing in the aisles with each prayer and song. This service happens each first Friday of the month, unless otherwise noted in the calendar. The first Friday this month is March 6th. Not only is this a special musical service but it is also Purim. This year we will be celebrating Purim during our Shabbat service and having a very special Purim Shpiel. The Shpiel will be a short play about the story of Purim set to 70's rock and roll music. This is something you won't want to miss, especially if you have always longed to hear and see Mrs. Tract dressed up as Esther singing a rock-nroll duet with yours truly as Mordechai! Our children from the Hebrew School will be dressed up as their favorite Purim 4 character and we will have a costume parade during the service. Who will you dress up as? The very next week, Friday March 13th, we celebrate Shabbat Across America along with other congregations across the United States. This is a nationally celebrated service and one you do not want to miss. In addition, our children from the Hebrew School will be leading Shabbat services throughout the month. All of this is happening along with our regular Sisterhood and Men’s Club meetings, Adult-Ed classes with Rabbi, Social Action meetings, Youth Group meetings and Choir rehearsals. As you can see, Temple Or Elohim is the place to be to beat the cold. Come on over and warm up in the month of March. Cantor David Katz (516) 433 - 9888, ext. 12 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.69 5775 5773 Torah Notes The TheShofar Shofar Coffee House 2015 I would like to thank everyone for coming out to our second Coffeehouse at TOE, especially in such horrible weather. It was better then I had anticipated, thanks to the efforts of many. March 10, Ki Tisa, Shabbat Parah , Exodus 30:11-34:35 The first census is taken of all male Israelites, ages twenty and older. Moses spends forty days and forty nights on Mount Sinai and the people begin to fear that he will never return. They ask Aaron to make an image of God for them to worship – a golden calf. Upon returning from the mountain and in a rage at what he saw, Moses shatters the Tablets. The rebels are punished and a second set of tablets are received from God, this time chiseled in stone by Moses. A special thank you goes to my little committee; Ed Kislik, Bill and Sheryl Sobel and Carole Wolfner, who gave up their family time to help me shop and schlepp. Thank you to Deborah Tract and Barbara and Bob Feinstein for being there to help with the prepping. Thank you to Laurel Fried and Gail Mayer for making sure we were properly advertised and of course Goldie and Nancy in the office who answerd all my questions so effortlessly. March 14, Vayakhail- Pekudai, Exodus 35:1 – 38:20, 38:21 – 40:38 This chapter tells of the plans and details concerning the building of Israel’s first house of worship. This takes place in the Wilderness of Sinai as the people are on their long march to the Promised Land. Moses sets up a system of voluntary contribution, and the people give generously. Thank you to Greg, our custodian, who never says it can't be done and to Shawn, our caterer, for letting me use some of his furnishings. A special thank you to Howard Pastolove, our president, who always makes me feel it will be good, and IT is! Thank you one and all. This chapter deals with the minute details of the construction of the Tabernacle and includes the garments for the Kohen, the drapes for the Ark and the total amounts of the various precious metals to be used. The "biggest thank you" of all goes to our music makers. Thank you to Joan Abramowitz, always a pleasure to work with and Barbara Weiss also a pleasure to work with. It goes without saying the biggest and most huge thank you to Dave Berg, who can make even me sound good.... I think). March 21, Vayikra, Leviticus 1:1 – 5:26 This weeks portion begins the third book of the Torah, and is described as ‘Torat Ha-Kohanim’, detailed definitions of the many laws of sacrifice that were to be followed when making offering in the Sanctuary – the chief way of worshipping God at that time. The five major offerings were: the burnt offering, the meal offering, the peace offering, the sin offering, and the guilt offering. Dave, you truly are the "guitar man"!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Please join us next time, as social events are just as important as everything else we do at Temple Or Elohim. Carol Berg March 28, Tzav, Leviticus 6:1 – 8:36 In this chapter we find the continuation of the detailed descriptions of the sacrificial offerings, as well as of the initiation of Aaron, older brother of Moses, as High Priest (Kohen Gadol), and his sons and their decedents as priests (Kohanim) in the tribe. We welcome a new member to the Temple Or Elohim family Dr Yelena Markovskaya and Family 5 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Religious School Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.69 5775 5773 Dates to Remember Shalom Friends! Snow, blizzards, school closings. We survived! Acts of Mother Nature cannot stop our Religious School. Thanks to our stellar teachers, we were able to offer “make-up” classes, and our Fast Forward students were able to Skype. Thank you to our parents for supporting the efforts of our school and for working with us to maintain continuity regardless of unforeseen circumstances. We celebrated the holiday of Tu B’Shevat with song, activities, and Seders! Spring has arrived in Eretz Y’srael, and we too, celebrate Israel and continue to keep our Jewish homeland close to our hearts. March is a busy month at Temple Or Elohim. On March 6, 2015 please join Rabbi Abramowitz and Cantor Katz for a fun-filled band Shabbat celebrating Purim! Megillah reading, a Shpiel, and laughs will make this evening a night to remember. All of you are encouraged to come in costume; moms and dads this includes you too! On March 8th, prior to our awesome Purim Carnival, you are invited to take a walk through the Madame Esther’s Living Wax Museum. Our ambitious 5th graders will portray a famous Jewish person that he/she has researched. In conjunction with the 5th grade curriculum, students learn about Jewish people whom have contributed to society. From entertainers and athletes to Jewish leaders, this is an event not to be missed. Come meet Adam Sandler or maybe Albert Einstein. Our children will enlighten us with their creativity and wealth of information. On the same date, TOE will hold our largest school fundraiser, the Purim Carnival. This is a fun and entertaining event for our TOE families and community. Our Purim festivities include games, food, DJ, inflatable and spectacular raffles! Huge thank you to Co-Chairs, Jill Karp, and Tara Kass who have been working tirelessly with the committee to bring our temple family the best party. Thank you to all of you for your time, efforts and commitment to our Religious School. Three Friday evenings in March, services will be led by our students, and Clergy. The students have been eagerly preparing to share Shabbat with our congregation. Prayers, songs and RUACH (spirit), our children are embracing their learning with confidence and motivation. I am proud of all our students as they ascend to the Bema with feelings of accomplishment. I look forward to seeing all of you and celebrating the achievements of our wonderful children. It is a pleasure working with your children. I always feel that I am fortunate to work with an outstanding Clergy, faculty and students. Our school wing overflowing with happy students, who are thriving, intrigued and eager to learn about their Jewish identity. Thank you parents for sharing your children with all of us. Deborah E. Tract Director of Education The TheShofar Shofar (516) 433 - 9888, ext. 15 6 Friday, March 6 Purim Shabbat Services Sunday, March 8 5th Grade “Madame Esther’s Living Wax Museum” followed by the Purim Carnival Tuesday, March 10 Teen Program-Krav Maga Friday, March 13 -Monday Fast Forward Shabbat Service Friday, March 20 Thursday Fast Forward and 5th/6th Grade Shabbat Service Sunday, March 22 Junior Youth Group Rock Climbing Trip with Temple Beth Am and others Monday, March 23 Religious School Meeting Wednesday, March 25 Junior Youth Group Chocolate Seder Tuesday, March 31 Teen Program Chocolate Seder Save the Date Our Annual Concert Sunday, May 17, 2015 at 7:00 PM Our annual concert will be taking place on Sunday, May 17th, 2015. Although we don't have a formal name yet, the concert will consist of famous, familiar and much-loved songs from the Broadway stage. Look for a new twist to this year's concert. More information will appear in future editions of The Shofar, the temple website, e-mails and flyers. The Concert Committee Temple Or Elohim Vol. 37 No. 6 5775 The Shofar Contributions RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND CANTOR’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Janet Weinberg In honor of Shirley Singer PRINCIPAL’S DISCRETIONARY FUND CHOIR FUND Marilyn and Harold Finkelstein In memory of Howard Bertan HONORIAL AND MEMORIAL Laurie and Mitchell Beller In loving memory of Sophie Kerner Jay and Carolyn Berfas In loving memory of Bernard Berfas Linda and Ralph Biderman In loving memory of Mary Eisenberg Steven and Wendy Blidner In loving memory of Toddy Blidner Sue Butner In loving memory of Louis Gelber Marvin and Judith Cohen In loving memory of Renee Ostrove Allan and Arlene Cohn In loving memory of Louis J. Cohn Michael and Sheryl Doyle In loving memory of Rose Holtzman Roberta and Richard Feinstein In loving memory of Samuel Feinstein Bob and Barbara Feinstein In loving memory of Rose Weintraub Marilyn and Harold Finkelstein In loving memory of Rowie Finkelstein Susan and Alan Geller In loving memory of Stella Matzner Arthur and Sharon Gralitzer In loving memory of Michael Lehner Betty Grayson In loving memory of Henry Kleinberg George and Elinor Haber In loving memory of Jacob Grumet Arlene and Howard Isserles In loving memory of Pauline Serota Deborah and Paul Kazan In loving memory of Marilyn Nathel Edward and Judy Kislik In loving memory of Robert Kislik Enid and Al Kotowitz In loving memory of Harry Ritterband Leon and Adrianne Lebensbaum In loving memory of Joseph Lebensbaum In loving memory of Betty and Richard Dennie Sara and Scott Lefkowitz In loving memory of Edith Fradin Beverly Lobel In loving memory of Herbert Koenigsberg Arlene Marder In loving memory of Lorraine Yager Susan and Stephen Mender In loving memory of Jerome Deutschman In loving memory of Samuel Deutschman Audrey Newman In loving memory of Betty and Joseph Newman In loving memory of Wolf Werbin Ellen and Scott Paticoff In loving memory of Rose Fern In loving memory of Rowie Finkelstein Linda and Philip Peller In loving memory of Louis Peller Mark Potashnick In loving memory of Carl Potashnick Mark and Leslie Rosner In loving memory of Kurt Rosner Jeffrey and Ana Seltzer In loving memory of Bernard Seltzer In loving memory of Isadore Seltzer Sandy and Larry Simon In loving memory of Elizabeth Kenger Barbara and Joseph Synnott In loving memory of Rose Jacobson Entman Jodi and Neal Weisbrod In loving memory of Roberta Bilfeld Sona and Alan Yaglom and Family In loving memory of Harold Bisom and Rose Yaglom Deena and Harvey Yaris In loving memory of Charles Wisotsky CARING COMMITTEE GENERAL CONTRIBUTION Stan and Alene Miller In memory of Howard Bertan Beverly and Paul Silpe In memory of Howard Bertan FOOD BASKETS MARVIN DUBIN CHILDREN’S LIBRARY FUND SCHOOL & EXPANSION FUND SOCIAL ACTION SPONSORED ONEG Judy and Ed Kislik In celebration of their 30th anniversary Neil and Laura Miller Janet Weinberg In honor of Commander Risa B. Simon Harvey Yaris In honor of his lovely wife, Deena Deena Yaris In memory of her brother, Charles Wisotsky Laurel and Mark Fried In honor of Laurel and Seth’s birthday and in memory of Lila O. Fried Thank You! Save the Date Annual Passover Food Drive March 16th thru March 26th Men’s Club Movie/Dinner Sunday, April 19, 2015 Our annual Passover Food Drive will take place from Monday, March 16th thru Thursday, March 26th. Please donate non-perishable kosher for Passover food that will be delivered to local needy Jewish families. Drop-off boxes will be available throughout the Temple. Volunteers will be needed to deliver the food on Sunday morning, March 29th. Please e-mail Susan Levine at if you have any questions or you would like to volunteer to deliver the food. Next month, on Sunday, April 19th, Men’s Club will host our annual Movie and Dinner event, highlighted by Chef Ken Gerome’s unique, mouth-watering pastrami. The buffetstyle dinner will also feature sliced turkey, salads, beverages and more. Oh yes, there is the movie and the title of our feature film will be announced soon. 7 Temple TempleOrOrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.69 5775 5773 Yahrzeits—March 2015 School Happenings Week of March 6 Estelle Friedman, Herbert Grayson, Robert Lobell, Robert Cohan, Samuel Greenberg, Adolph Hersh, Saul Sachs, Annette Woliner, Sam Adler, John W. Brady, Regina Franco, Gloria Schechterman, Phillip Chester, Shirley Dratler, Irwin Goldstein, Elliot Newman, Ben Raisman, Sol Rome, Nathan Burg, Estelle Diamond, Shirley Gelber, Esther Kellman Peterman, Murray Sohmer, Irving Behar, Rose Kellman, Lawrence Krause, Abraham Minchenberg, Charles Smith Pictures from our 3rd grade class watering cans they made! Week of March 13 Molly Finkelstein, Morris Garelick, Jacob Goldberg, Frances Helen Moed, Louis Nackman, Samuel Zimmerman, Esther Epstein, Abraham Fox, Stewart Gluck, Harriet Kaye, Otto Napell, Henrietta Bohrer, Rose Chafetz, Herman Nathan Cohen, Philip Dinofsky, Abe Stein, Ruth Teichholz, Marion Blum, Abraham Grosman, Ida Hill, Lillian (Libby) Piken, Jerry Greenwald, Lillie Perl, Harry Shopsin, Albert Goldman, Phyllis Newman, Fay Fink, Beatrice Kaufman, Joseph Wapnick Week of March 20 Sarah Dinofsky, Adam Daniel Goldblatt, William Meshell, Noima Rabunski, Sherman Scheinthal, Rebecca Seiden, Bessie Singer, Tristen Jacob Isserles, Charles Ettinger, Seymour S. Lanton, Samuel Pinto, Elsie Rosenberg, Stanley Strauss, Rose Tabacoff, Louis Kessler, Bertha Theodore, Blanche Vandow, Bertha Adler, Philip Fine, Isidore Finkelstein, Alex Hantman, Solomon Rauch, Joseph Ziporkes, Hyman Edelman, Anna Rumaker, Herbert Schwartz, Abraham Weiss, Louis Ginsberg, Jack Lamel, Sylvia Weisbrod Week of March 27 Julie Kline, Dora Stein, Irving Weiner, Julius Citron, Sylvia Blum, Patricia Mallamud, Jeanette Rauch, Thelma Stuppler, Gloria Wasserman, Sol Isserles, Judy Scheman, Elaine Achenbaum, Gertrude Belenko, George Cohen, Louis Lerner, Herbert Lucas, Samuel Peters, Louis Piken, David Lubard, Frank Reichenthal, Lenka Strasser, Jack Eisenberg, Herman Epstein, Abraham Lish 8 The TheShofar Shofar and the Tu B'Shevat Temple TempleOrOrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.69 Sisterhood News Our temple is always chock full of activities that all of us can enjoy. The camaraderie and appreciation of each other builds a little bit more at each activity. Flanked by the warmth of our synagogue walls, there is constantly an upcoming event to pique our interest. Our January meeting heralded an author event, featuring Steven Griffel. Steven shared with us his background in publishing and the history of his writing prowess. He brought many of us back to the days of the bungalow colonies and the family adventures therein. Oh, those childhood memories! Susan Bloomberg created yet another magical evening with Club Night, held in late January. We felt as if we were transported to a unique setting of soft music, warm conversation, intimate décor and gourmet delicacies to enhance the lounge experience. Thank you, Susan for another successful evening of friendship and gathering. In February, our members brought new possibilities for next year as we planned a host of exciting new events, with a smattering of the old favorites. Stay tuned for more on this topic, and keep in mind that Sisterhood is always open to new ideas! Also in February, many of us enjoyed a night of music and gathering at our Mid-Winter Coffee House. What a joy to just kick back and allow the music to take us back to remembrances of times past. March 11th will be another game night at Panera Bread so, dust off your Mah Jongg sets, Pictionary games, Scrabble sets, etc. and join us for a night of relaxation, brain teasers and fun. Please use this opportunity to support Panera Bread with the purchase of a dinner, snack or drink as we enjoy each other’s company and the comfort of the premises. To satisfy the Sherlock Holmes curiosities within us, we will be hosting a presentation on March 22nd featuring a retired detective who will regale us with his criminally minded experiences during his years of duty with the NYC Police Department. th On March 29 , theater goers will revel in the production of “My Son, the Waiter”, accompanied by dinner in New York City. April 15th will be our favorite foods meeting and our annual Sisterhood luncheon/demo will be held on April 26th at Andrea’s 25 in Woodbury. Watch ‘The Shofar’, e-mails, flyers and the temple website for details. As always, we are looking forward to sharing these events with each of you. With our warmest wishes and welcoming thoughts, Sheila Zimmerman & Gilda Balesh Sheila Zimmerman Gilda Balesh 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Men’s Club Perseverance: thank you to Neil Miller for bringing the first Men’s Club Super Sunday event into the end zone. Over 50 people, football fans and those not, turned out and had a good time, with one of our congregants winning the football game box pool to the tune of $300. I am asking all of you reading this, whether having attended or not, to send me your suggestions as to what you would like to see done for next year’s Super Sunday event. See my e-mail address below. Worst-kept secret: TOE’s got talent! At the Coffee House with Dave Berg, we heard many of the songs we all grew up with, performed so well. The music inspired many in the gathering to join in! Let’s do this more often. Phil Rubin brought us another evening of ribald humor which, in turn, caused repeated eruptions of laughter as Men’s Club Comedy Night was a big success. Everyone in attendance enjoyed the Italian buffet dinner, dessert and the show, a procession of four top-shelf comedians. I want to encourage everyone who cares about Temple Or Elohim and our religious school to attend the annual Purim Carnival on Sunday, March 8th. If you come for the Living Wax Museum, an outstanding undertaking by our students or for the raffle prizes, activities or the traditional foods of the Purim holiday, you support our temple with your attendance and purchases. Everyone should feel that they have a stake in the future of our Jewish community, which is manifested by a show of support of our Religious School and our children. Everyone who has a youngster enrolled in our terrific Religious School should join Familyhood, an organization formed by Jodi Breslin and Steven Finkelstein. The group holds events aimed at the younger members of our school and their parents. For Purim, Familyhood has a “Make and Bake Hamentashen Party” on Sunday, March 1st. March 22nd, Sisterhood is hosting NYPD Detective Ike Ilkiw who has authored a book, maintains a website and conducts tours to crime scenes of high-profile cases in Lower Manhattan. You will be riveted by this presentation. Next month, on Sunday, April 19th, Men’s Club will host our annual Movie and Dinner event highlighted by Chef Ken Gerome’s unique, mouth-watering pastrami. The buffet-style dinner will also feature sliced turkey, salads, beverages and more. Oh yes, there is the movie and the title of our feature film will be announced soon; Look for details in The Shofar, on the temple website, in e-mails and table-top flyers. I have traveled way off the Men’s Club road this time out and I do so knowing what a great job we at Men’s Club do for our temple, while never forgetting that we are but one important component that comprises “Templehood” at TOE. We’re part of the “whole Megillah”. Please join us in celebrating Purim. Artie Mayer Men’s Club President 9 Temple TempleOrOrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.69 5775 5773 Social Action Committee The TheShofar Shofar Baskets on the Bimah Program Passover Food Drive Our annual Passover Food Drive will take place from Monday, March 16th thru Thursday, March 26th. Please donate non-perishable kosher for Passover food that will be delivered to local needy Jewish families. Drop-off boxes will be available throughout the Temple. Volunteers will be needed to deliver the food on Sunday morning, March 29th. Please email Susan Levine at if you have any questions, or you would like to volunteer to deliver the food. Social Action Committee News The Social Action Committee collects non-perishable food items all year round. Food collected is donated to various food pantries on Long Island. So, next time you come to the Temple bring a food item with you! Are you interested in getting more involved at Temple Or Elohim, but don’t want to make a huge commitment? Do you enjoy helping people? The Social Action Committee needs you. We are looking for new members and new ideas. Please join us at an upcoming meeting and learn about the many wonderful things we are doing. A great way to honor a simcha is by sponsoring a basket on the bimah. Proceeds go to assist local needy families. Any congregant can have a basket displayed on the Bimah for a non-Bar Mitzvah Shabbat by bringing a minimum of $36 to the temple office, at least one week in advance. It is a great way to honor any simcha you may be celebrating! Save the Date Sisterhood’s Annual Luncheon/Demo Sunday, April 26, 2015 Sunday, April 26 will be the annual Sisterhood Luncheon/ Demonstration at Andrea's 25 located in Woodbury. This is the 10th anniversary for this event which includes a food demonstration and sampling, followed by a full luncheon and plenty of raffle prizes. We look forward to seeing you at an upcoming meeting: March 10, April 14, May 12 and June 1 at 7:30 PM What is the Adopt-a-Family Program? Through Social Action, the Temple currently has one “adopted” needy Jewish family. The family is assigned through F.E.G.S., a subdivision of UJA. For discretion purposes, a contact person acts as the liaison to the family to protect their privacy. However, the family is adopted by the entire congregation and the contact person (Susan Levine) is the one that makes the contact and delivers items donated by the congregation. Please remember our adopted family during the cold winter months. Any donations would be much appreciated and surely warm the hearts of this special family. While waiting on line at the register at Target, Stop and Shop, Wal-Mart, Waldbaums, CVS, etc. think about picking up a gift card to donate to the family. Thank you. Susan Levine Chair, Social Action Committee (516) 931-2550 10 The chef will prepare and demonstrate several wonderful Continental dishes and share his recipes. The meal will include chopped salad, pasta course, choice of entrée, soda, coffee, tea and dessert. Sisterhood members, spouses and friends are welcome. Space is limited. See the enclosed flyer for more information, the temple website ( or contact Barbara Ruvin at (516) 932-0331, e-mail Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.69 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Celebrations It is appropriate to commemorate the lives of those we have loved and lost. It is equally appropriate to celebrate events in the lives of those we love in the here-and-now. March Birthdays 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 11 11 11 11 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 Evan Damast Marjorie Franzman Barry Leff Spencer Moore Mary Ann Schwartz Jonathan Spivak Jonathan Wiener Steven Glickman Miriam Rosen Joanne Blutter Caitlyn Schultz Jason Senzon Natalie Sklar Ashley Keltz Adam Everard Wactlar David Berg Sandi Kamber Samantha Etess Jeffrey Getelman Oren Gold Meredith Kaufer Amy Kotowitz Pearl Jacobs David Kislik Emma Van Dorn Joan Baiman Taylor Brecher Jonah Caspe Daniel Flatow Noah Svetcov Jeffrey Glickman Richard Jankowitz Marilyn Kellman Ilyssa Pastolove Mark Starr Rose Bruy Marilyn Bertan Paige Hutner Stacy Franzman Abigail Kleinman Mark Sklar Sam Tract Matthew Bekerman Miriam Briendel Drew Gold Barry Lawrence Hauptman Abigail Kleinman Steven Peller Roslind Vermut Emily Goodkin March Anniversaries 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 23 23 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 26 26 26 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 Sophia Goodkin Paul Kazan Erna Leff Susan Levine Jamie Maldow Lola Rosenthal Benjamin Skopicki Sarah Wilner Jeanette Koster Dana Aronowitz Hanna Bruy Laura Cohen Andrea Kislik Marilynn Rose Eli Ginsburg Joan Neugeborn Philip Levy Alison Beller Chase Brodsky Perry Gold Jordyn Landman Michelle Weiss Eric Battino Carolyn Jaenisch Avery Mark Abe Milstein Gary Miller Sandra Simon Donna Wolff Rachel Frampton Stephanie Lerner Melanie Roth Curt Rush Kayla Blank Meredith Epstein David Seth Hauptman Jacob Lefkowitz Steven Ross Liam Bekerman Kyle Corey Larry Menkes Erica Zion Kimberly Ballen Samantha Coleman Jennifer Hatz Robin Levine Douglas Miller Dara Piken Erica Lauren Ross Darien Schultz Brian Schwartz 3 10 17 21 26 26 29 31 Irwin & Barbara Ross Evan & Allison Damast Robert & Stefani Appel Eric & Arlene Roth Lon & Lisa Goldstein Daniel & Kim Sternick Mark Osnowitz & Joan Ritter Dennis & Karen Blinder Save The Date Celebrate Israel Festival Sunday, June 7, 2015 This year our Temple is joining the Jewish Community Relations Council of Long Island in sponsoring the Celebrate Israel Festival on Sunday, June 7, 2015. This event was formerly called “Israeli – American Night” at Eisenhower Park. It is now a four hour evening with vendors, exhibits, entertainment, food and children’s activities. To quote their website: On June 7th the Celebrate Israel Festival will take place at the Harry Chapin Lakeside Theater at Eisenhower Park. There will be a bounce house, carnival games, and a story hour for children. Adults and children alike will enjoy Israeli dancing, and kosher food is available for purchase. Before the event concert, Nassau County Executive Edward Mangano will be speaking and presenting awards. This will be a great opportunity for us to be part of our larger Jewish community of Long Island and to show Israel we care. It will also be a time to share with others information about our temple and let the Island know we are here. For anyone interested in this event, please contact Laurel Fried at (516) 932-5410 or Neil Miller at (516) 659-0352. 11 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Shalach Manot Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.69 5775 5773 The TheShofar Shofar Temple Or Elohim Happenings Last Call for the Wall of Honor Pick Up Instructions Kol Nidre Appeal If you are a recipient of a Shalach Manot (Purim Goody Bag) you will be notified by phone to pick up your treats at the temple in the lobby between the hours of 5 PM and 7 PM. Many thanks go to all of the generous donors to the 2014-15 Kol Nidre Appeal. If you ordered Shalach Manot for non-temple members you need to pick them up at the temple as well! There are only a few more days left for you to make a donation to the Kol Nidre Campaign. If you want your name to appear on the Wall of Honor, please send in your pledge before the names are sent out to be etched for the Wall on March 16th, 2015. Any questions please contact Robin Grossman at (516) 6819070 or (516) 287-6931 or e-mail Thank you, The Kol Nidre Committee ***** Tidbits from Temple Member ***** Larry Jacobs Temple Or Elohim Familyhood ‘Make and Bake’ Hamantashen Party Familyhood held a ‘Make and Bake’ Family Hamantashen Party on March 1st in anticipation of Purim. We made extra Hamantashen for Mishloach Manot (Purim Baskets) and donated them to those less fortunate. This event was a lot of fun while also having a purpose of ‘giving back.’ We want to know what activities or events YOU would like to see organized. Please drop us an e-mail, post a comment on our TOE Family Facebook page or give us a call. Perhaps you and your family would like to: participate in a painting party; learn how to do magic with a professional magician; go on a group fishing trip; hold a car wash to raise funds for a specific cause; team up to do a 3K race or walk-a-thon. WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOUR FAMILY!!! Contact us: Steve Finkelstein E-mail or (516) 375-8492; Jodi Breslin E-mail or (516) 413-6549; Family Facebook Page Ashkenazi Jews were among the last Europeans to take family names. Some German speaking Jews took last names as early as the 17th century. The majority of Jews living in Eastern Europe did not take last names until compelled to do so. The process began in the Austro-Hungarian Empire in 1787 and ended in czarist Russia in 1844. The authorities insisted Jews take last names so they could be taxed, drafted, and educated. Education was usually an internal Jewish affair. Until this period, Jewish names generally changed with every generation. Jews distrusted the authorities and resisted the new requirement. Over time Jews sought to advance within the broader society, left their shtetls for big cities and accepted the new last names. The easiest way was to accept the names they already had. They used patronymics (son of), matronymics (daughter of), the town or region where they lived or where their family came from. Others used occupational names related to craftsman, merchants, tailoring, medical, religious, personal traits, animal names and Hebrew names. Some invented fancy names. For these shmancy names, they may have been charged a registration fee. For example, these names included Applebaum (apple tree), Birnbaum (pear tree), Kirschenbaum (cherry tree), Mandelbaum (almond tree), Nussbaum (nut tree) and Tannenbaum (fir tree), Fein (fine), Rosen (rose) and Schoen/Schein (pretty), Glick/Gluck (luck), Hoffman (hopeful) and Fried/Friedman (happiness). Names from other languages were Marcus/Marx, from the Latin referring to the pagan god mars. Jewish names were also changed or shortened by immigration inspectors to sound more American. And... that is why Sean Ferguson was a Jew. 12 Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.69 5775 5773 Spivack Brothers Development Corp. BUILDERS OF FINE HOMES (516) 883-2110 99 Karol Place Muttontown, NY 11753 Paul Spivack Steven Spivack (Temple Member) Gary Topple CPA, P.C. 390 North Broadway Jericho, New York 11753 516-595-7080 Fax 516-430-5057 13 The TheShofar Shofar Temple TempleOrOrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35No. No.69 5775 5773 14 The TheShofar Shofar Temple TempleOr OrElohim Elohim Vol. Vol.37 35 No. No.69 5775 5773 New Country Deli (formerly Jagermeister) 15 The TheShofar Shofar Temple Or Elohim Vol. 37 No. 6 5775 The Shofar Temple Or Elohim 18 Tobie Lane Jericho, NY 11753 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Jericho, NY 11753 Permit No. 3 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED The deadline for the April 2015 Shofar is March 5, 2015 Shofar Advertising Rates based on 1 yr (9 issues) (Can be prorated) Business Card Size $150 1/4 Page $250 1/2 Page $500 Full Page $1000 For up to date calendar information please visit March 2015 Sun 1 Round Table Rap 11:00 AM Familyhood Hamantashen Make and Bake 10 AM to 12 PM 8 5th grade Wax Museum and Purim Carnival 11 AM - 2 PM Mon 2 3 Men's Club Meeting 7:30 PM 15 16 22 Sisterhood Detective Guest Speaker 11 AM - 1 PM 23 24 25 26 Religious School Board of Trustees Youth Goup Committee Meeting 8:00 PM Chocolate Seder Meeting 7:30 PM 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM 29 Sisterhood Theater Event 2:00 PM offsite 30 9 Tue 10 Social Action 7:30 PM Ritual Meeting 8:00 PM 17 Wed Thu 5 Purim 4 11 12 Sisterhood Meeting & Game Night 7:00 PM offsite 18 19 Executive Committee Meeting 8:00 PM 31 Teens Chocolate Seder 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM 16 Fri 6 7 Musical Band Purim Shpiel and Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 PM 13 Musical Band Shabbat Across America and Fifth/Sixth Grades Monday Fast Forward Service 7:30 PM 20 Fifth/Sixth Grades Thursday Fast Forward and Fifth/Sixth non Fast Forward Shabbat Service 7:30 PM Sat 14 Shabbat Service 10:00 AM 21 28 27 Fourth Grade Shabbat Evening Service 7:30 PM
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