Chapter J2 Newsletter

Chapter J2 Michigan
Region D Shamrock Wings Clare Area
Web Site:
March 2015
Executive Director
Ray & Sandy Garris
Region D Director
Lee & Kay Tieche
District Director
Bob & Kim Scott
Ass’t District Directors
Frank & Deb King
Clark & Sandy Wentz
Chapter gathering First Thursday of the month in Clare at VFW Hall 7 PM
Chapter Director: : Hello Chapter J-2. Well are we
all keeping warm? BRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! It has been a cold
one. Hope no one had the challenge of frozen pipes.
Well for those of you that missed the Valentine dinner, you
missed a great time lots of laughs and some fabulous food.
There were fifteen chapter members that attended, those including, Mary and Gale Leeth, great to see Mary she had knee
surgery the day before, Phil and Char Smock, Bob and Mary Chapter Directors
Jerry & Sandy Tice
Duquette, Clark and Sandy Wentz, Glenn and Deb Gras989-424-1142
ley, Dick and Sandy Diechman, Jerry and Sandy Tice and a
friend of the Tice's Mark Morningstar. The owner of the Family Tree has a couple of really good specials, steak for two and a seafood buffet. Great
tasting food. The owner Terry is a very good friend of Sandy Diechman, so thank-you to
the two of them for all the arrangements.
Haven't had a chance to talk to Bob and Kim Scott but hope that Ohio's Cabin Fever
and the Indiana Rendevous were a great success. Lets hope that next year more of us will
be able to attend. It would be great to see a large turn-out from our chapter. There are
lots of activities we as a chapter could be involved in. Check the district website and see
what interests you. Well this is not too lengthy but must get this to Clark on time See you
all soon.
Wingless Weekend—March 20-21. 2015 at Bay Valley Resort
Wing Ding 37—Sept. 3-6, 2015—Huntsville, AL
Indiana Spring Warmup—May 7-9—Greenburg, IN
Ohio-Buckeye Rally/Convention—June 11-13
Mary & Bob Duquette
Region D Rally/Convention—July 23-25
Michigan District Rally—August 20-22 —Osceola County Fairgrounds in Evart
Sunshine Person &
Individual of the Year
Maxine Lago
GWRRA Events
Rider Ed & ACD
COY Ponderings & Past Events
Pictures and Flyer
Wingless App.
Ads & Nat, District Events
Calendar, Upcoming events, B-days & Ann.
Cover page
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RIDER ED: Glenn Grasely
Let’s Get Ready!
Over the ankle boots
Oh! Don’t forget to get’ter all polished and shined
up to make your bike as pretty as a picture for that first
Well, believe it or not, spring
is not that far away. With the
But whatever you do don’t be in a hurry; wait for
weather we’ve been having,
some of the salt to get off of the roads with a good rain
below zero for a high in the
or two.
day and double digits below
Just a couple of reminders to get you informed, first
zero at night it doesn’t feel
thing is I will be going through the rider ed data base
much like summer is coming,
and printing everyone’s status in the levels program to
but the first day of spring is Rider Educator
hand out at the next gathering. This will let you know
only 32 days away on March Glenn & Debra Grasley
where you are and what you need to advance if you
20, 2015. For me it can’t get 989-435-9126
would care to do so. Also we are going to schedule a
here fast enough!!
couple of seminars that have been requested for inforBut let’s not rush things to
mation before riding season starts and for levels adfast because if you’re like me you’ve put off repairs, new vancement. And finally April 1st is the time to jot down
gadgets, lights and whatever else, till it warms up. But
your start mileage for the season; I will have new slips
wait, it’s time to ride then.
also at the next gathering.
Yes, I am probably one of the worst because there are
Keep the shiny side up!
other things that need to be done or it just takes too long
Have Fun and Ride Safe!
to get the garage warm or make enough room to work.
Glenn and Debra Grasley
If you haven’t seen my garage lately I have paths and
Chapter Educators MI-J2
that is it.
I have noticed even people who claim everything is predestined,
Anyway, we will have one or two days soon that will
that we can do nothing to change it, look before they cross the
let us get the oil changed, if you didn’t do that before
Stephen Hawking
you put your beauty to bed for the winter. Get the new
gadgets and safety chrome put on and installed.
And don’t forget those all important repairs or replacements of parts that may have broken or worn out.
ACD: Phil & Char Smock:
In other words do a T-CLOCS before you take that first
Hello Again,
spin on the bike.
It’s so darn cold out today
Tires & wheels
birds didn’t even hit the
feeders out front in their norOil
mal continuous fashion. Hard
to believe only it’s only 4
Side stand
Just remember that you don’t have to take the bike weeks until spring begins with
all the snow covering the
apart to check what you can. Also use a flashlight in
ground. The good news is
Assist. Chapter Director
those dark spots.
Phil & Char Smock
I will have some copies, at the next gathering, of the
sheet for what to check just as a reference so you can do
a good check up on the bike before you hit the road.
Don’t forget to check out your riding togs to make sure night that we have something
every weekend for the next 4 weeks.
they are in tip top shape for riding. Replace anything
The celebration dinner at the Amish kitchen and
that is worn out, broken, cracked or doesn’t fit any more.
First Aid training will be over before you get
Remember the six items that are suggested to wear as a
and I are going to take the Officers Certificareference as to what to check.
tion Program on the weekend of the 7th in Jackson, and
hope we learn something valuable to bring back to
Eye protection
you. That puts us into the week of March 14th and
Long sleeve shirt or jacket
Clare’s St Patrick’s Day celebration. The two weekends
Full fingered gloves
following are Wingless Weekend and then, one of our
Long pants
favorite events from last year, the Anniversary Party for
for organizing this. Also, thank you Phil and Char for
the fun Game day and delicious soup at your home!
Gale and I are both looking forward to the First Aid,
CPR class coming up on Feb. 28th. 34 This is something
that is so important, and might be needed when you least
expect it!
Also, happy to report that J2 Bars have been ordered,
and we should have enough to last for several years to
come. Also,we will have new J2
Rockers displayed on the flannel hanger at the Gathering, if anyone is interested in purchasing them.
Now Gale and I will leave you with some Fun and
Serious Motorcycle Phrases:
1. Four Wheels move the body. Two Wheels move the
2.Live to Ride, Ride to Live!
3.It takes more Love to share the Saddle, than it does to
Share the Bed!
4.Keep your bike in good repair: Motorcycle boots are
not comfortable for walking!
5. What do you call a cyclist that does not wear a helmet? An organ donor.
6.Catching a yellow jacket in your shirt at 60 miles an
hour can double your vocabulary, etc... (this one is for
7.Only a biker knows why a dog sticks his head out of a
car window.
8.When your riding lead, don't spit!
9.Winter is Natures way of telling you to polish.
10.Ice cream and Hot chocolate are just as important as
11.Gray haired riders don't get that way from pure luck.
They have many good years of experienced riding!
12.Remember to pay as much attention to your partner
as you do your carburetor!
Chapter G in Grand Rapids. It’s getting busy…..can you
Chapter G is Ezra and Marilyn’s chapter and they are
the hosts for the Midnight Ride. The dinner last year
was held at Braun’s, and we hope it is again; the food
was good and it was a great time. Let us know if you
want to carpool down there. Wingless Weekend is another opportunity to enjoy a great meal and lots of 37
fellowship. There are seminars, raffles, games, chapter
sales, skits, euchere tournaments and on Friday night,
Phil and I are going to compete for the District Couple of
the Year. Come on out and support us, but mostly; come
out and meet new and old friends for a ton of laughter.
We are planning to enter a float in the Irish parade on
the 14th. That is, if the weather permits. We are going to
trailer a couple of bikes on a trailer if it is too cold to
ride and you are welcome to climb in the truck or walk
with us. We could use some walkers to hand out candy
and to help show our colors off. We will decorate the
trailer and float when we get in line. Meet us on Wilcox
Parkway (that is the street the VFW is on), around
11:00. Just drive along until you find us; we will be
there somewhere in the lineup. When we finish with that
we are heading over to Gladwin for lunch at Diechman’s
church. They are holding a spaghetti dinner benefit to
help with medical bills for their pastor’s daughter.
In between all of this, we are trying to finish up the
scrapbook and we will have the March celebration dinner on March 11th. The location for that will have to be
announced at the meeting. Until then, continue to keep
warm and know that Spring is right around the corner!
Yours in fun, knowledge and safety,
Char and Phil
COY Ponderings:
Hello everyone!
Hope everyone is
staying warm with
these frigid Feb.
Temps.! Well, as
most of you know,
I am recovering
from ACL knee
surgery. My surgery was on Friday
the 13th. If any one
is interested, I have a new ACL made from a donor Tibialis Tendon. I have alot of painful physical therapy, but
it will all be worth it, eventually.
We had a wonderful Valentine's dinner at The Family
Tree. ( I wasn't going to miss it.) Thank you Sandy D.
Past Events:
Our February gathering was nice for the weather. We
had a visitor, Hot Rod, that Maxine had contact with
and invited to join us. From Chapter Y was John &
Barb and Kinney & Theresa. Ron & Marsha Orwig
joined us this month. Glenn did his rider ed on headlights. There are many kinds for Goldwings but make
sure they work for you own bike. Be sure and check
your owners manual for what is recommended for your
bike. Glenn talked about the upcoming Medic First
Class on Feb. 28, he has a full classes of 24. We
planned to check with Buccilli’s for having pizza delivered for lunch. A lot of us need ARC this year too.
Sault Ste. Marie is May 10, Ionia is May 16-17 and
Grayling is June 20-21 which is the one most of us have
taken in the past. It would be nice is everyone could
agree on the same place so we could ride together to it.
Phil talked on the Amish dinner coming up. If you
haven’t made your reservations, please get with Phil. It
was decided to have meatloaf and chicken with all the
trimmings and peanut butter pie and blueberry pie for
dessert. Char talked about Wingless Weekend. If you
have ideas for a centerpiece which includes a sock,
please let her know. The theme is Sock Hop. Game day
is being held at Smock’s on Feb. 15th and Char wants to
have the brag book done for Wingless Weekend. Sandy
D couldn’t attend so Dick talked about the Valentine’s
dinner at the Family Tree. The meal offered would be
Seafood Buffet or New York strip steak for 2 for $25.00
or you could order off the menu. Sandy T did the Sunshine report due to Maxine not feeling well. Our After
Christmas party was discussed. Char asked about being
in the St. Patrick’s Day parade with a float, weather permitting. Maybe sell raffle tickets somewhere on the
main street of the parade. The parade is March 14th at
11 am. More details later. We are checking into doing
the parking at the Gladwin fair. The membership number was found by Bob Duquette. The raffle tickets were
won by Jerry Tice. 50/50 was split two ways and Sandy
T won the 1st and Gale won the 2nd.
Clark & I was going to Chapter Y gathering but the
weather wasn’t favorable so we stayed home. Later an
email came that said they had cancelled due to the
weather anyway.
See Tice’s and Leeth’s articles about our Valentine’s
Day Dinner at Family Tree 25.
Game day at Smock’s started out with the girls working on the brag book. The guys just chatted for a while.
Kim and Bob stopped by on their way home from Winter Rendezvous in IN. Char had soups for us and some
of us brought desserts. Those that came and enjoyed the
day were Grasley’s, Leeth’s, Scott’s, and Wentz’s.
Thanks to Smock’s for opening up their home for an enjoyable day.
We had our staff meeting at Grasley’s and planned the
calendar of events and talked about our campout this
summer on June 26-27. Look for more details and flyer
soon. We had cake and ice cream to celebrate Phil’s
birthday that day. Thanks Deb for the cake and open up
your home.
We had 24 members and friends go to the Amish Dinner in Clare. Orwigs, Tice’s, Deichman’s, Kim Scott,
Maxine, Gary, Duquette’s, Wentz’s with Clark’s sister,
Phyllis and friend, Margie, Grasley’s, Andreen’s,
Smock’s, Leeth’s and Earline. We started out with
drinks and homemade bread with peanut butter and apple butter, then we were served salad with dressing, the
main course came which was meat loaf and chicken
with mashed potatoes and gravy, chicken with noodles,
green beans and peanut butter and blueberry pie for dessert. It was all family style served. What a great meal
to just sit back and relax and eat —way too much—
stuffed when we left and good visit with friends.
Attention J2 Members
Our Newsletter is supported by 50/50 funds held at our Chapter Gatherings. One
visit within 90 days is all it takes to support the Chapter and continue to receive
a mailed newsletter. Of course, it would be great to see you there. You can also
view the newsletter on the web.
Hey, look for your membership number, it might be in here? If you find it, call Clark at 435-4753 before the
gathering. If no answer, leave it on the answering machine but you won’t get in the house. Ha, Ha.
Any member can write an article for our newsletter, would love to read about someone else’s fun. You can send the article
email or regular mail and we will put it in. Email:
District and Chapter
March 2015
OCP in Jackson, MI
Cascades Wesleyan Church 1505 Rowan St.
WINGLESS WEEKEND Registration.pdf
Registration Excell 2007 or Newer.xls
Bay Valley Resort 2470 Old Bridge Rd, Bay City
Spring Officer Meeting
Bay Valley Resort 2470 Old Bridge Rd, Bay City
Anniversary Party
Chapter G
April 2015
Anniversary Party
Chapter C
Mystery Dinner
Chapter R
Mall Show
Chapter J
March 2015
Detailed List of Events
See Michigan Events page for
more GWRRA events around
the state. Website
5—J2 gathering at Clare VFW
Hall at 7 pm-some go to Buccilli’s for dinner before
8—Chapter Y gathering at
Fred’s in Roscommon at 10 am
11—Celebration Dinner at Logan’s in Midland at 6:30 pm
14—Clare Irish Festival Parade,
weather permitting will ride and
have a float in the parade, meet
on Wilcox Parkway at 11am,
parade starts at noon—plan to
sell tickets near Witbeck’s.
After parade, we will go the
Krach benefit dinner at the Our
Savior Lutheran Church in
Gladwin. Dinner is from 1-7
pm with silent auction, live auction, bake sale and live music.
Meal will be spaghetti dinner
for $8.00 per person –01.
18—Staff meeting at Grasley’s
at 6:30 pm
18—Deadline for newsletter
articles to Clark
20-21—Wingless Weekend at
Bay Valley Resort in Bay
City—Theme is Sock Hop.
22—Spring Officer’s meeting
9am--4 pm at Bay Valley
28—Chapter G Anniversary
5 J2 gathering 6
7 pm Clare
VFW Hall
8 Chapter Y
gathering at
Fred’s in
at 10 am
11 Celebra- 12
tion Dinner
at Logan’s in
Midland at
6:30 pm
18 Staff meet- 19
Weekend –
Bay Valley
Bay Valley
ing at Grasley’s at 6:30
Deadline for
training in
14 Clare
Irish Parade
Benefit dinner for Krach
22 Spring
meeting at
Bay Valley
Resort 9am4 pm
28 Chapter
G Anniversary Party
10—Sandy Wentz
26—Barb Farkas
28—Char Smock
No anniversaries
23—Doug & Rowena McAfee
30—Chuck & Mary Nessett
GWRRA Chapter J2
Clark & Sandy Wentz
219 Tonkin St
Beaverton, MI 48612
March 2015