The FREE Scan to read the Digital Version A Magazine About The People & For The People of Glanton Village Issue 3 March 2015 Parish Magazine PROFESSIONAL DESIGN & PRINTING SERVICE • • • • • Leaflets Letterheads Printed Envelopes Business Cards Promotional Items • • • • • Magazines Catalogues Brochures Programmes Newsletters Specialists in short run, fast turnaround, magazine and booklet printing. 0843 88 66 071 CONTRIBUTIONS From The Editor T he honeymoon period for the new magazine seems to be over. Contributions have fallen drastically - as you can no doubt see by the slimness of this month’s issue. I am very grateful to the handful of regular contributors who have worked so hard to try and make the new magazine format a success. It is the efforts of these four or five individuals that make up 90% of the content of the magazine. Whilst their hard work is gratefully appreciated, we must remember that they have lives of their own to live and it is unfair of us to expect them to be the sole providers of content every month. So, please help us out. Anything you can contribute towards the magazine will be gratefully accepted. It doesn’t have to be perfectly written or spelt correctly. It doesn’t need to be typed or emailed. To make it easier for residents who aren’t comfortable with technology we have set up a box in the village shop, where you can just drop off your contribution. See the article on page 18 for further details. The centre pages contain a village questionnaire, asking you what you would like to see made available in the village in terms of entertainment and activities. Please take a little time to fill this in and drop it off in the box at the shop. Brian Johnson, Glanton You can now drop off your items in the new Contributions Box in the village shop. We accept typed or hand-written items. No need to worry about spelling or grammar - we will edit your item so it looks great! DEADLINES The deadlines for the April issue are: March 22nd For Contributions March 25th For Advertising Please email content to the editor at: (Content received after the deadline will appear in the following issue.) ©MagWrite Publishing 2015 March Book Sale In support of Bolton, Edlingham & Whittingham Churches Whittingham Memorial Hall Saturday March 14th 10:30am until 12:00pm FREE ENTRY u Tea, Coffee & Biscuits (only 50p) u RAFFLE The raffle includes a new copy of Pippa Greenwood’s ‘Gardening Year’. Donations of unwanted books always welcome. Contact Beryl for further details: 01665 574385 Submission Guidelines We rely on you as a reader to send us information to help fill the pages of this magazine. Without your contributions, this magazine would just be a flimsy leaflet. To create the best quality articles and event information pages, we really need you to follow these simple guidelines when sending us material for the magazine: • Please send any text as either a Word document or a text file • Please send us high quality images of at least 300dpi resolution • (Please don’t send images taken from the Internet, as they are very low resolution and will not print well.) • Please only send text and images which you have created or own the copyright to. ! NEW If you are not able to supply your contribution by email, simply drop it into the contributions box in the village shop. Thanks for helping to make your village magazine something special! Glanton Memorial Hall Events & Activities in March Annual General Meeting We picked an atrocious night for our AGM on 19th January. This was reflected in the public attendance, with just one brave soul turning up! For those unable to make the trek through the snow, a copy of the Memorial Hall Annual Report is available on the village website with paper copies available on request, together with the 2013/14 Annual Accounts. The following trustees were appointed for the 2014/15 financial year: • • • • • Joe Easton (Chair) Lynne Livsey (Vice Chair) Mark Harrison (Treasurer) Lesley Frater Cath Coultas Vacancies We current have vacancies for additional trustees and we urgently need a volunteer Hall Secretary to take hall bookings, deal with routine correspondence and take the minutes at hall committee meetings. The time required is approximately 2 hours per month. If you can help, please contact Lynne Livsey (01665) 578 459. Continued... Please Support Your Hall The key message from the Hall Committee this year is that WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT if the hall is to remain a viable community asset. Running costs are increasing, we need to spend a considerable sum on modernisation and refurbishment if the hall is to become ‘fit for the future’. Without your ideas for activities and your support for community events, we cannot balance the books and the hall will face an uncertain future. Here are some ways in which you can help.. Sunday 8th March Hall Spring Clean – 10.00 – 12.00 It’s time to banish the cobwebs, spruce up the garden and give the hall a good spring clean in time for the NTC visit on 10th March. All you have to do is turn up with rubber gloves and a duster and we’ll provide fresh coffee and home-made cake! There is a job for everyone so please come along and help if you can – the more the merrier. Tuesday 10th March 7.30pm – NTC Production ‘4-Thoughts’ The Northumberland Touring Company will bring their latest production to Glanton. Tickets are £7 each from the shop, pub or Lynne Livsey (01665 578 459) and you get four plays for the price of one! A real bargain. Continued... Saturday 11th April 10.00 – 12.00 Spring Coffee Morning and Easter Bunny Hunt 10 Easter Bunnies will be hiding in the village from 3rd – 11th April. See if you can spot them and write down where you saw them. Bring your completed Bunny Hunt sheet (on the other side of this page)along to coffee morning on 11th April to receive a free Easter egg. We’ll have activities for younger residents, home-made cakes, a tombola, raffle and craft stall. If you are interested in having a stall at the coffee morning please contact Lynne Livsey 01665 578 459. All proceeds in aid of the Hall. Regular Activities Monday Morning Exercise Classes with Grace, suitable for all abilities. Wednesday Yoga – Tracey is off for a little while but Yoga classes will resume in March. Please look out for posters. Sewing Bees – will meet in the Hall on 6th March and 20th March 7pm – 9pm. All welcome. For Hall Bookings please contact: Lynne Livsey (01665) 578 459 email: Easter Bunny Hunt We have hidden Easter Bunnies around the village. Search for them during the school holidays. 10 There are to find. Write down their names on this sheet. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Take your completed form to the Memorial Hall Coffee Morning between 10:00am and 12:00pm on Saturday the 11th of April to receive your FREE EASTER EGG tear here 5 of the newly appointed Care Workers Bell View ‘Help at Home’ ‘Help at Home’ provides high quality, reliable, consistent care and support to people in their own homes. We are a home care provider registered by the Care Quality commission and our care services are tailored to suit individual needs. Support provided can include personal care, washing, dressing, meal preparation, assistance with medication. We also offer shopping support and help with domestic tasks such as cleaning, laundry and ironing. If you are in a caring role, we can offer a respite service for carers so that you can have time to yourself. We operate in and around the Glanton, Whittingham, Hedgley areas. For further information please contact: David Robertson on 01668 219538. Also - If you would be interested in working for us as a support worker, we would love to hear from you. Bell View events at the Memorial Hall, Glanton: Wednesday 11th March , Coffee Break: 10am – 12noon. Tea, coffee, Cakes and Scones Wednesday 25th March, Lunch Club: 12noon – 2pm. Soup, Sandwiches, Tea, Coffee and Biscuits Church of England Services The Parish of Whittingham and Edlingham with Bolton Chapel St. Bartholomew’s, Whittingham SERVICES: Sunday 1st March 10.00am Holy Communion Sunday 15th March10.00am Holy Communion Sunday 29th March10.00am (Palm Sunday) Holy Communion St. John the Baptist, Edlingham SERVICES: Sunday 22nd March 10.00am Holy Communion Bolton Chapel, Edlingham SERVICES: Sunday 8th March 10.00am Holy Communion All Are Welcome Gardeners’ Calendar March Today I’ve seen my first crocus in full flower and willow starting to bloom too. It won’t be long before the tulips and daffodils join them. Early flowering plants, particularly those with lots of pollen like willows are vital for our native pollinators such of bumblebees. Listen out for whole trees buzzing with bees feeding. The earliest of these will be coming out of hibernation this month, in desperate need of food for themselves and for their fledgling families. Keep an eye out for large bees nosing round the back of your shed, in that untidy corner of the garden or even in the blue tit boxes. These are queen bumblebees, the only ones to stay alive overwinter, searching for this year’s nest whole. Don’t worry though- bumblebees are rarely aggressive and are much needed pollinators for some of our favourite plants, including crops like tomatoes. As the weather starts to improve, it’s time to start thinking about getting seeds sown indoors for summer flowers and vegetables. If you haven’t already done so, take time to prepare the areas they’ll be planted- make sure the beds are free of weeds and think about mulching with manure or compost. You might want to cover your vegetable or flower bed with a coat of plastic to warm the soil. This will give your plants a kick start when they are ready for planting out. And if the weather doesn’t improve, you can always stay in the potting shed and clean, sharpen and service your tools ready for the summer! Sarah Lewington The Glanton Parish Council Update. D id you know Glanton Parish Council is unique amongst other neighbouring councils? Why; well it’s because we have a full complement of councillors for a start. Many villages and parishes are dwindling or losing their councils for one reason or another (there are several), so to live within a parish where there is a full and engaging Parish Council is quite unique and really important. The most recent member to be appointed to the council is our own editor of the Glanton Magazine, Brian Johnson. Brian answered our call to fill an existing vacancy we have had for a number of months and his arrival means the parish council is now at its full complement of 10. Remember, a Parish Council represents the bottom tier of local government and is there to represent you, regarding issues that affect you. Funding for the parish council comes via your council tax which goes to support its administration and small projects within the parish. All councillors give their time freely and do not receive any financial reward. Our aim is to give you maximum representation at very little cost. If you would like to know more about the responsibilities of a Parish Council then please contact our clerk Mr Stephen Rickett at We are currently deep in consultation regarding the County Councils Core Strategy. Jon Radgick is our lead councillor on the subject which involves canvassing opinion and responding on our behalf during the consultation phase. Its really important that Glanton develops sustainably, whereby there is housing stock available to meet our wider needs and circumstances. Key, is the need for development to maintain vitality and support or enhance local service provision. If you would like to know more about the Core Strategy and our response to it then contact Jon for a chat or come along to the next Parish Council meeting. Susan Rogers, working alongside the local heritage group is looking at a project to refurbish some of our traditional road signage. Dotted around the parish are some old black and white finger posts constructed of cast iron. Susan presented a report at the last meeting, suggesting that we should consider restoring some of these signs using modern materials made to look like the original (retro). The project was welcomed by the council and the green light given to Susan to look in greater detail at things such as costs and liability etc. Along with our red telephone box the signs will complement the streetscape and character, much of which has been lost in the to modernity and progress. Another reminder this month about dogs, remember the closer we get to lambing the greater the threat your dog may be to livestock. Please keep your dogs under control and on a lead when walking anywhere near livestock also try to avoid fields with young lambs and nursing ewes. Finally, the next Parish Council meeting is scheduled for Monday March 30th at 7pm. Everyone is welcome and if you would like to raise any points then you will be given the opportunity to do that. Alternatively, if you aren’t able to attend but would like to speak then contact me beforehand and I will do it on your behalf. Many thanks, Chris Livsey Chair, Glanton Parish Council Congratulations Rebecca & Lewis (of Glanton) On Your Engagement All the Best for Your Future Village Survey We want to know what types of entertainment and activities you would like to be offered in the village. Please take a few moments to tick the boxes that interest you and then pull out and drop this form in the new Contributions Box in the village shop. If we get enough villagers interested in particular activities, we will do our best to arrange this for you. If you can think of something you would like but it is not listed, please let us know. Entertainment: ☐ Ballroom dancing ☐ Salsa dancing ☐ Dancing lessons ☐ Video night ☐ Amateur dramatics group ☐ Wine group ☐ Dinner club ☐ Pudding club ☐ Theatre visits ☐ Concert visits ☐ Karaoke Night Games: ☐ Table tennis ☐ Bridge ☐ Other card games ☐ Chess club ☐ Board games ☐ World of Warcraft ☐ Gaming group ☐ Darts tournaments ☐ Computer Multi-Player games sessions Hobbiest Clubs: ☐ Modelling club ☐ RC Model club ☐ Model Railway club ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Photography club Health: ☐ First Aid classes ☐ Running groups ☐ Walking groups ☐ Swimming trips ☐ Badminton ☐ Circuit training ☐ Weight Watchers club Computer Skills: ☐ Using the Internet ☐ Using email ☐ Selling on eBay ☐ Using social media ☐ Building a website ☐ Computer club ☐ Lynix group Coding: Finance: ☐ HTML5 & CSS3 ☐ Javascript ☐ PHP Outdoors: ☐ Art classes ☐ Traditional crafts ☐ Stained glass work ☐ Jewellery making ☐ Water colours ☐ Oil painting ☐ Drawing ☐ Knitting club ☐ Credit union ☐ Savings club ☐ Food bank ☐ Nature walks ☐ Bird watching ☐ Fishing groups ☐ Astronomy club ☐ Shopping trips ☐ Dog training Learning: ☐ Basic English ☐ Basic Maths ☐ Sign language ☐ Foreign languages Arts & Crafts: Music: ☐ Classical music group ☐ Folk music group ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Jazz music group ☐ Other music group ☐ Learn to play an instrument ☐ Choir - traditional songs ☐ Choir - modern songs Literary: ☐ Book club ☐ Poetry group Add Your Suggestions: Kids: ☐ Mothers & Toddlers group ☐ After school group ☐ Kids’ film show ☐ Cartoon shows Do you have a particular skill or talent that you would like to share with others? If so, let us know: Your Name: Your Telephone No: How can you help us? If you have any ideas or comments, please use this box to let us know: Thank you for taking the time to fill out this form. Cook’s Corner A Great Place to Share Your Recipes Claire, from Glanton, kindly provided us with the recipe opposite (and another for a future issue) - She says: “I don’t like making complicated dishes which is why sorbets are a favourite of mine. They are flavoursome and so easy to prepare ahead.” Claire also asks the question: “Can anyone supply me with a really good fish pie dish? It’s one thing I have never made and would like to have a go.” AND THEY’RE OFF!!!! A big thank you to everyone who came to the village Race Night recently – the horses were on top form, with plenty of neck & neck finishes and not too many spills, and the betting was brisk and to some at least, rewarding! Geoff Allan’s fish & chip van did a roaring trade and the bar in the hall helped to dispel some wintery gloom. Thanks to everyone who helped, to everyone who came, and to everyone who donated prizes etc to the raffle – we made over £900 to be shared between the Show and the Village Hall, a big help to the finances of both. Glanton Show Committee and Hall Committee 30 BET GINGER SOR t) (Makes 1 pin INGREDIENTS HOW TO COOK gar water over a 225g su in r ga su ve ol ss Di 450ml water frequently. gentle heat, stirring ed il for 5 mins. 175ml freshly squeez Increase heat and bo d cool. lemon juice Remove from heat an d ve er es pr er, finely d an 75g preserved ging Stir in lemon juice d. ginger. ntainer choppe co w lo al sh to in p Pour syru arts to freeze and freeze until it st round the edges. bowl and beat Turn into a chilled crystals. (I use to remove the ice an electric beater) d freeze until Return to freezer an solid. er 15 mins. Remove from freez before serving. anton Claire Lofthouse, Gl Send Your Recipes to: ! W NE W e really are trying to make it as easy as possible for you to provide us with interesting content for your village magazine. We know that some of the villagers would like to contribute to the magazine but they don’t have access to email or don’t feel confident about sending in items. So, you can now drop off any items you would like included in the village magazine into the new Contributions Box, which we have placed in the village shop for your convenience. You can drop in photos, articles, recipes, stories, letters or anything Contributions Drop Off Box that you think might be interesting. We are happy to receive both typed and hand-written items. You don’t need to worry about spelling or grammar - we will take care of this for you and will make your item look great in the magazine! Please remember to include your name with the item and, if possible, put everything into an envelope so items don’t get mixed together in the box. We hope you will take advantage of this new facility and help us make the magazine even better. Calling All Amateur Artists! Glanton Leek Club will be organising an Easter Egg painting competition in the Queen’s Head on Easter Sunday (5th April). It’s FREE to enter and all you need is a hard-boiled egg and lashings of creativity! There will be three classes for entries: •Under 9’s •9-16 Years •16 and over (including adults!) Bring your painted egg along to the Queen’s Head by 1pm on Easter Sunday. Judging will take place in the afternoon. For more details, contact Joe Easton on: (01665) 578 654 GLANTON WI I t was while reading through the old minute book, which runs from Glanton WI’s foundation in November 1935 until July 1943, that our president Catherine first found references to our ‘link’ with Gunton WI in Manitoba, Canada. The first mention of them was in July 1941 when a letter from, “our Canadian link”, was excitedly received along with a parcel. The parcel contained tea, sugar, cheese, butter and tinned chicken. How these had survived the long trip is not discussed. Presumably these were sent in response to reports of the hardships being suffered due to food shortages and rationing. In August 1942 it was decided to invite 2 serving Canadian women, “strangers in a strange land”, as they are referred to, preferably from Manitoba, to stay as guests of WI for seven days leave. If this invitation was taken up we can only speculate upon. Then in October 1942 another letter along with TWO parcels arrived. These contained 14 packets of jelly, 2 packets of cheese, 1/2 lb of sultanas, 2 packs of toilet soap, 2 packs of lifebuoy soaps, a tin of pork, hairpins, hair clips, hairnets, a packet of needles, spearmint and some bars of chocolate. The ladies of Gunton WI were toasted with their gift of tea that evening and some of the jellies were eaten for supper. It was decided to raffle the rest of the goods at a social evening. To commemorate our 80th birthday this year we thought it would be lovely to re-kindle the link with Gunton WI. Our secretary Jackie contacted Manitoba federation via their Facebook page. Jackie quickly had a reply from Valerie Watt of Manitoba WI, who in fact lives only 20 miles from Gunton, but with the sad news that Gunton WI no longer exists, having closed in 1948. We are however staying in contact and continuing to correspond with Manitoba WI. If any readers have any information which can shed further light on how and why this link with Canada was established we would be very interested to hear from them. Jackie Stotard COMPETITION WIN Odd Man Out A vintage comedy series staring John Inman & Josephine Tewson To Enter: Put your full name, address and your answer on a piece of paper and drop it into the Contributions Box in the village shop. Simply Answer The Following Question: John Inman is famous for playing a different role, set in a department store. What was the name of the store? A B C Marks & Spencer Grace Brothers Harrods The winner will be picked from the hat of correct answers on the 31st of March and will receive their prize in the post. A Wines For Spring s we start to see some sunshine and to feel that spring is just about here at last, so we can think about enjoying some lighter chilled white wines without shivering at the prospect. And as St George’s Day reminds us of the delights of all things English it is a very welcome development that these days we can be very proud of many of the wines produced in this country. English wine producers are mostly still working from fairly small scale vineyards, many of them little more than one-man bands but there are a few larger producers building up brands which are more widely available, and these include Nyetimber, Three Choirs, Camel Valley and the one that I have chosen to stock which is Chapel Down produced in Kent. Chapel Down is a well-funded hard headed commercial venture and has a superb purpose-built winery with associated shop and high quality restaurant on it’s own vineyard just outside Tenterden, and if you ever find yourself in that part of the world I can recommend a visit. Their head wine maker has a worldwide reputation and is definitely one of the top wine makers in England today. They use the grapes from their own vineyards and also buy in some grapes from growers with whom they have a long standing relationship in Sussex, Kent and Essex. Sparkling wine is definitely the area where English producers can match the very best from anywhere in the world, and there are welldocumented stories of blind tastings held by the wine trade in France where the winner has been found to be an English wine, only for the French producers to complain that there has clearly been an error and the whole tasting has been done afresh with huge security over the identity of the bottles, and of course the exact same result has been replicated, to much Gallic pouting and shrugging. Chapel Down produce a non-vintage Brut sparkling wine you boost our economy rather than which is really very good, and a Pinot someone else’s – it is your patriotic Reserve 2004 which compares very duty in fact. Alfredo Gambachino favourably with a vintage Champagne. They also produce two pink sparkling wines which are absolutely delicious Did You Know? and are especially appropriate for a summer afternoon or evening party in That this magazine is also available the garden as a digital download. You can read The white wine line up starts with it on your iPad, iPhone, tablet, Flint Dry, which is just what it says kindle or your smart phone. on the label and is delightful with fish, this is a blend of several grape All you need to do is scan the QR varieties and is kept on the lees (grape Code on the front of the magazine skins and pips) for longer than usual to to download the electronic version encourage a complexity of flavour. straight to your device. Bacchus is a single grape variety and has a lovely fruity aroma and is very It looks like this, only smaller: easy to drink. The Bacchus reserve is similar but uses only the finest grapes selected from the best spots in the vineyard – this is as good as it gets. The red wines are very interesting too, typically quite light in body, made from Pinot Noir grapes they make a great accompaniment to English lamb. One useful factor is that all these wines tend to be about 11% or 12% alcohol so are quite a bit lighter than Take your magazine wherever you go and read it on the bus, train or many New World options where anything less than 14% is getting to be during your lunch break. a rarity. If you have not tasted any English Or, you can view it online at: wines recently then I urge you to give them a go, not only are they very good indeed, but you do not suffer from the poor sterling exchange rate, and Just For Fun Joke for February Word Search Q: What is the best way to speak to a monster ? A: From a long way away ! Sudoku Puzzle 9 4 5 6 3 5 7 6 8 4 9 2 1 7 6 6 3 7 4 9 1 9 2 7 6 8 6 5 3 (Answers on inner back page) 2 Find the words... •AUSTRIA•BELGUIM•CROATIA•FINLAND•FRANCE•GERMANY •IRELAND•ITALY•NORWAY•SPAIN•SWEDEN S W E D E N A B H Y I E I J N I X E Q K T Y A W R O N L D R A U Q T B S U G N F L X S T P S P I A I Y U K A Z T T U L N A J I W G O G M E L D N E C N A R F R A G E R M A N Y G I N V A I T A O R C Z D March Crossword 2 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 10 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ACROSS: 1. Thriving (7) 4. God of love (5) 7. Curb, restrict (7) 8. _ _ _ Sarandon, Actress (5) 9. Gaped (6) 12. Knowledgeable (8) 15. Absolutely _ __ _, TV comedy (8) 17. Threefold (6) 18. New (5) 21. Outdoor (4-3) 22. Unimportant (5) 23. Percussionist (7) DOWN: 1. Formal hockey start (5-3) 2. Coal industry (6) 3. Taunt (4) 4. Lloyd Webber musical (4) 5. Throb (7) 6. Mend (4) 10. Evil being (5) 11. Mission (5) 13. Protector (8) 14. Side by side (7) 16 _ _ _ Stoppard, doctor and author (6) 18. Failure (4) 19. Sacred (4) 20. Undesirable plant! (4) The answers are on the inner back page. 34 Answers to crossword: Across: 1. Booming, 4. Cupid, 7. Inhibit, 8. Susan, 9. Yawned, 12. Educated, 15. Fabulous, 17. Triple, 18. Fresh, 21. Open-air, 22. Petty, 23. Drummer. Down: 1. Bully-off, 2. Mining, 3. Gibe, 4. Cats, 5. Pulsate, 6. Darn, 10. Demon, 11. Quest, 13. Defender, 14. Abreast, 16. Miriam, 18. Flop, 19. Holy, 20. Weed. Answer to puzzles: 8 2 1 9 4 6 3 5 7 9 4 3 8 7 5 1 2 6 7 6 5 2 1 3 9 8 4 4 1 7 3 6 8 2 9 5 2 3 9 1 5 7 4 6 8 5 8 6 4 9 2 7 1 3 1 5 8 7 2 4 6 3 9 6 9 4 5 3 1 8 7 2 3 7 2 6 8 9 5 4 1 S W E D E N A B H Y I E I J N I X E Q K T Y A W R O N L D R A U Q T B S U G N F L X S T P S P I A I Y U K A Z T T U L N A J I W G O G M E L D N E C N A R F R A G E R M A N Y G I N V A I T A O R C Z D Mini Address Labels Mr Jo Bloggs 99 Whittingham Road Glanton, Alnwick Northumberland NE66 4AS Size: 54mm x 25mm (2” x 1”) Any text you want Any Quantity from 10 to 10,000 Supplied on a Roll Shown Actual Size Other sizes also available 10 for 99p 25 for £3.99 50 for £5.99 100 for £9.99 FREE DELIVERY TO GLANTON Call 0843 8866071 to order Or order online at: • Return Address Labels • Property Identification • Greetings Cards • SIMONSIDE BUILDING SERVICES • Home Improvements • Property Maintenance • Electrical Installations • Electrical Maintenance • Fire Alarm Installation and Servicing • Emergency Lighting • Electrical Installation Condition Reports for Mortgages, insurance or peace of mind For advice or a quote contact Chris 01669 621 189 07944 490 461 MOT Testing Townfoot, Rothbury For your peace of mind have your car tested by our expert professional tester 01669 620817 We also restore, service, repair and upgrade classic cars of all eras call us to see what we can do for your car What’s On March 2015 A t a G l a n c e Date List of Events in March Event 1st Holy Communion - Whittingham Page 10 URC Church Service - Glanton 2nd Gentle Exercise Class 7 6th Sewing Bees 7 8th URC Church Service - Glanton Holy Communion - Whittingham 10 Holy Communion - Bolton 10 Spring Clean 6 10th NTC Production - Glanton 6 11th Coffee Break 9 14th Book Sale - Whittingham 4 15th URC Church Service - Glanton Holy Communion - Whittingham 10 Glanton Buses Bus 473 (Alnwick - Wooler) Bus stop on The Causeway Mon-Sat: 07:05 , 08:12 , 08:22, 09:22 , 11:22 , 13:22 , 17:27 16th Gentle Exercise Class 7 20th Sewing Bees 7 Bus 710 10 (Kelso - Wooler) 22nd URC Church Service - Glanton Holy Communion - Edlingham 23rd Gentle Exercise Class 7 25th Lunch Club 9 29th URC Church Service - Glanton Holy Communion - Whittingham 30th Gentle Exercise Class REFUSE BIN COLLECTION DAYS FOR GLANTON S 1 8 15 22 29 M 2 9 16 23 30 March T W T F S 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 21 24 25 26 27 28 31 10 7 Bus stop on The Causeway Wed: 10:00 , 12:25 , 18:25 Sat: 10:00 , 17:05 General Waste Bin Recycling Waste Bin Garden Waste Bin If you have any questions about your waste collection, you can call Northumberland Council on: 0845 600 6400
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