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Thur 26th: Brian & Necy ELLIS – Metro Manila, Philippines: Today is the last day of the
Academic Year for Grace Ministerial Academy. We only have one graduate for this year
but have a full body of current students. Brian is also hoping to visit the UK for a short
visit next month and would value prayers for preparation.
Fri 27th: Theo & Sonja DONNER – Medellin, Colombia: Pray for Norberto, a Cuban
graduate of the Seminary in Medellin who leads a Seminary in Cuba. Pray for those who
support him in teaching, that the ongoing ministry of the students who graduate will
have a gospel impact in Cuba. (JDS, DB: Saved2Serve till 29th)
Sat 28th: Adam & Julia LAUGHTON - Gateway Project, UK: We rejoice as around 30
friends/neighbours witnessed Tom & Ellie's baptism, and spiritual work seems to be
going on in several hearts. Please pray for ongoing conversations and conversions. Pray
especially for one man "V" whose wife became a Christian last year.
Sun 29th: Andrzej & Monika KEMPCZYNSKI – Legionowo, Poland: Please pray that the
Lord would bless our evangelistic efforts and that a few people could be added to our
group. (DJ: Wigan; IF: Over)
Mon 30th: Ian & Hélène FLANDERS – Radio, Abingdon, UK: As two new booklet titles
are sent out, pray they will safely arrive and that radio stations will use them wisely in
follow-up of interested listeners. More people are writing in to the email address on the
back of the booklets. Pray for Ian as he replies and addresses spiritual and pastoral
issues raised.
Tues 31st: SOUTH INDIA: Pray for the Tamil Baptist churches as they run medical and
evangelistic camps in Kannagi Nagar, a slum area in the south of Chennai. Everyone who
comes for medical treatment receives the gospel message.
Andrew Cook
Andrew Sadler
Derek French
Daryl Jones
Dan Bryant
Derek French
Ian Flanders
Graham & Sally Jones
Jonathan Bayes
Jim Sayers
Julia Jones
Kester Putman
Ruth Sadler
Contact Grace Baptist Mission CIO 12 Abbey Close, Abingdon, Oxon, OX14 3JD
Tel: 01235 520147 Fax: 01235 559796
March 2015
Now, my God, may your eyes be open
and your ears attentive to the prayers
offered in this place.
Sun 1st: Jean ELLIS – Klagenfurt, Austria: Today is one of two sign language services this
month. Today we are looking at John chapters 2 and 3 and on the 29 th, chapter 4. Please
pray for the preparation and that Deaf will come to both and understand the gospel
message being presented. (JDS: Clink, Frome am/West Lavington pm; KP: Melksham am/
Trowbridge pm; AC: Lea am; IF: Penknap; JB: Wellbeck Rd, Newcastle; NJ: Thorpe Edge,
Bradford am)
Mon 2nd: Peter SLOMSKI – Poznań, Poland: Please pray that our meeting held yesterday
regarding the church covenant will keep the church united and of one mind and heart.
Tues 3rd: Jason & Andrea MURFITT – Manacapuru, Brazil: As Jason, Andie and Lucy settle
back into Amazonian life, pray that their small church in the creek will continue to meet
and grow in their understanding of the Bible truths. Also pray that communication and
Lucy’s schooling will be much enhanced by the satellite dish. (JB: Thirsk; G&SJ: Tollington
Wed 4th: Graham & Sally JONES – Kisumu, Kenya: While in the UK, we continue to enjoy
being at Guildford Park, our sending church. Graham will cover for Glenn the pastor while
he has a sabbatical in March and April. He also goes to the weekly coffee morning. Sally
has re-joined the Toddlers club team and occasionally helps with Sunday School and Ladies
Bible Study. Pray we may be a blessing to the church whilst here. (G&SJ: Horsham)
Thur 5th: Gilbert & Emily McADAM – Metro Manila, Philippines: We arrive in the UK
today and Gilbert begins ministering in the Harbour Mission, Wick on the 15 th for some
months. Please pray for all practical arrangements, for G’s ministry there and particularly
for our dealings with Social Services and the Court as we apply for Claire's adoption to be
legally recognised in the UK. Pray that things will go well for CREC in this period. (G&SJ:
Guildford Park am/Hailsham pm)
Fri 6th: Sarah CLAY – Huaraz, Peru: Please pray for our 13 year old shoe-shiner friend
Kieran whose "evangelical" dad has re-married. The relationship is very fragile and as I
write Kieran is at risk of having to repeat Year 5 of primary for the fourth time. His mum
feels like giving up on him and sending him to work in the fields! He is sensitive to God but
has an understandable negative attitude to evangelicals. Pray for God to enter and protect
his heart and for wisdom as we relate to his family. The new school year started this week
and I fervently pray he will be part of it.
Sat 7th: James HAMMOND – Bordeaux, France: The GBU students are acting out the Mark
Drama today through to Monday. Pray these events will be well attended and for all the
students involved in the production - that the actors will have courage. Continue to pray for
the Bordeaux Church and Alan, the pastor. (DJ: Stowmarket; JB: Dewsbury; NJ: Ipswich)
Sun 8th: Aries & Jodith LIBORO – Metro Manila, Philippines: The school in which we meet
for Bible study with the youth has a new principal. She is more strict than the previous
principal and is not too happy with some of the youth. Pray we will still be able to continue
with our ministry there. (DJ: Stowmarket; DF: Clink, Frome; JB: Snape; NJ: CHRC, Ipswich)
Mon 9th: SUPPORT MINISTRIES – Abingdon, UK: Council conference meets from today
until Wednesday. Pray for us as we discuss some of the core issues of mission and reflect
on the whole of GBM’s work. (DJ, JDS, AWS: Council Conference till 11th)
Tues 10th: Phil & Carolyn REID – Burkina Faso: Phil & Carolyn return to the UK this month
for home assignment. Pray as they cope with reverse culture shock and that visits to
churches across the UK will be a profitable time.
Wed 11th: FINANCE: The annual accounts for 2014 are currently being audited and the
closing figures reflect a strong cash position, largely due once again to significant legacy
income during the year. We give heartfelt thanks for this, but ask for prayer that we may
guard against complacency. It is thanks to legacies that we are able to balance the books.
Thur 12th: Anthony & Roxanna GREEN / Ronny & Rocio TIPISMANA – Arequipa, Peru: All
the various activities commence this month as the Peruvian school year begins. Pray that
the outreach in all the areas this year will bring salvation, with both numerical and spiritual
growth in the work.
Fri 13th: Hannah PRIOR – Paris, France: Pray for a ladies craft afternoon on the 14th and an
all age invitation service on the 29th on the theme of “Hope”. Pray that church members
will invite friends.
Sat 14th: Malcolm & Ruth FIRTH – Riga, Latvia: Please pray for the Chinese Christianity
Explained course we shall be running from today for 6 weeks. Pray for those attending, that
God may graciously bring them to faith and repentance. (JJ: Newton Aycliffe Womens Day)
Sun 15th: Jonathan & Cathy BAYES – Ministerial Training, UK: This month it’s yet again a
case of plodding on steadily with language study and writing up Systematic Theology Part 3.
Please pray for progress in both areas. (DJ: Newton Aycliffe; JB: Bury)
Mon 16th: S & A – Serbia: Thank God for the people we know in the local area, many of
whom we have met through our children. Pray for more opportunities to clearly share the
gospel. Pray for new contacts particularly with men.
Tues 17th: ENVISION: Today we are interviewing applicants for the GBM Envision team to
South Africa. Pray this team will come together well, and serve God in proclaiming the
gospel among some of the most marginalised in South Africa. (D&JJ: Hambleton, Thirsk;
JDS, RS: Envision South Africa team Interviews)
Wed 18th: N & U – Bradford, UK: N will be teaching in Pakistan, March 19th to April 3rd.
Please pray for safety and dependence upon God. (D&JJ: Hanney)
Thur 19th: N– Cardiff, UK: We give thanks for opportunities to meet families in the local
area through the children's after school club. For reasons beyond our control, the club has
had to stop - pray for wisdom as we move forward and try to continue building relationships
with families we have met. (JJ: Swindon Evangelical)
Fri 20th: Daniel CABALLERO – Lima, Peru: Pray for our church young people’s weekend
away starting today when I will be speaking about “Holiness”. Next week I am speaking at a
Pastors’ Conference about “Christ-Centred Preaching”.
Sat 21st: Andrew & Marea COOK – Radio, Abingdon, UK: We are grateful for a very useful
interview with an African pastor dealing with the subject of domestic abuse. Please pray for
wisdom as Serving Today programmes are produced on this sensitive issue.
Sun 22nd: Kester PUTMAN – Literature, Abingdon, UK: Pray that the article in the Herald,
which encourages all of us to have a healthy engagement with Christian literature, will
promote a lasting (re)discovery of spiritual resources - no matter what their format is. (DJ:
Great Dunmow; JDS: Chatham; DF: Spring Meadow; KP: Crowfield)
Mon 23rd: D & I – SE Asia: Please pray for opportunities with young parents with children
we are getting to know. Pray also for Mrs Chen that she would also continue in her
enthusiasm for study of the word and want to get baptised.
Tues 24th: Naomi & Reddy GONZALES – Metro Manila, Philippines: God is faithful and
after years of waiting we are finally building a home for boys. Please pray for Reddy as he
overseas this project. Pray for the planning and prep for the CCM summer activities.
Wed 25th: Derek & Jacki FRENCH – Radio, Abingdon, UK: Editing is underway on
recordings on 2 Timothy for Serving Today. These are designed to help pastors preach from
this book in their regular ministries. Pray the Lord will help them have a good
understanding of his word and will help them to use this new material.