Term 1 Week 6, 6 March 2015 Mercy Messenger Contents Principal .......................................................................... 1 BOARD............................................................................. 3 MEMBERS ....................................................................... 3 Parents & Friends............................................................ 4 Association ...................................................................... 4 Assistant Principal Mission ............................................. 5 Called to Compassion ................................................. 5 Assistant Principal Students............................................ 6 The Australian Child Wellbeing Project ...................... 6 Sports Department ......................................................... 7 Date Reminders March Mon 9-Fri 13 March…………...……….Yr10 Work Experience Wed 11 March.......................…...P&F and Board Meeting Fri 13 March……………….…………..……….Yr 8 Immunisations Wed 18 March……………………………….…………Harmony Day Mon 23 & Tues 24 March……………………..…….Yr7 Retreats Wed 25 & Thurs 26 March………..…….Yr 8/9 &10 Retreats April Thurs 2 April………………..…………Interhouse Cross Country Thurs 2 April…………………….……………..…Last day of Term 1 Fri 3 April…………………………………………………....Good Friday Mon 20 April…………………………….…….Term 2 Commences Wed 22 April……………….……………….. Yr 10 Immunisations Interhouse Swimming Carnival ................................... 7 Health & Physical Education ELP ................................ 9 Art Department............................................................. 11 Food For Life ................................................................. 11 Inter-school Chess Competition ................................... 12 Cook’s Corner................................................................ 13 Tuckshop ....................................................................... 14 Helpful Hints & How To ................................................ 14 Weekend Mass Times Southern Cluster Parishes St Mary’s St Francis Xavier St Patrick’s St Therese’s St Michael’s Saturday 6.00pm Saturday 6.00pm/Sunday 9.00am Sunday 7.00am/ Sunday 6.00pm Sunday 7.00am Sunday 9.00am Let’s Connect ................................................................ 15 Tia & Jack - EP Launch ................................................... 15 A Lenten Retreat ........................................................... 16 Music Ministry Mackay Army Cadet News ............................................ 17 Community Notices ...................................................... 19 Students are invited to lead the music ministry at St Mary’s Church, 6.00pm every second Saturday of the month. Please come along and sing on Saturday 7 March and 21 March For more information please email Carmen Bennett carmen.bennett@mercymackay.qld.edu.au Be inspired…. “We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty." Maya Angelou Word on the Street …… Adhockery – noun. Reliance on temporary solutions rather than on consistent long-term plans. Sentence: The Student Council members agreed that adhockery was not the prescription for organising a good school social. Source: Dictionary App Principal small changes can make a BIG difference ‘The 7 Habits of highly effective teenagers’ Why teenagers? Because this next half decade can set the patterns for life. Where do we start? Year 7’s at Mercy College Mackay. We will train our students in an age approporiate fashion to take responsibility for their own success in life. So what are the habits of highly Ineffective people/teenagers??? Habit 1: ‘React’ (blame all problems on your parents, teachers etc – be a victim) Habit 2: ‘Begin with no end in mind’ (don’t have a plan, avoid goals, just live for today) Habit 3: ‘Put first things last’ (waste time, don’t turn up, avoid homework) Habit 4: ‘Think Win-Lose’ (win every argument, if you cant win don’t do it) Habit 5: ‘Seek first to talk, then pretend to listen’ (only your opinion is worth listening to) Habit 6: ‘Don’t cooperate’ (only your ideas, compete rather than cooperate, don’t share) Habit 7: ‘Wear yourself out’ (eat junk food, late nights, go hard) Now there are not too many parents who want their offspring to ruin their lives. Naturally, they want their children to have the best chance to succeed and leave a legacy. 1 In Year 7 Careers at the College, we will progressively instruct the students in the world’s leading Personal Development Program first published by author Stephen Covey 25 years ago. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People” Habit 1: ‘Be proactive’ (take responsibility for your life) Habit 2: ‘Begin with the end in mind’ (set goals, reflect and plan) Habit 3: ‘Put first things first’ (do important things, prioritise) Habit 4: ‘Think Win-Win’ (abundance mentality, problem solve) Habit 5: ‘Seek first to understand’ (listen sincerely) Habit 6: ‘Synergise’ (work together to achieve more) Habit 7: ‘Sharpen the saw’ (personal renewal and health) The habits have stood the test of time. We think it important that our students appreciate that success and effectiveness in life are not due to luck. The personal qualities and skills highlighted in ‘The 7 Habits’ is an important foundation for personal leadership qualities. References: Cover, Sean. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens” 2004, Simon & Schuster – Covey, S. “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People – Signature Edition 2014, FranklinCovey Back to home 2 Tony Stevens Board Chair BOARD Julie Brook Board Secretary Sister Marie Duffy Board Spiritual Leader MEMBERS Paul Krause Board Member - Policy Guidance Financial Planning Strategic Direction Spiritual Development Professional Development of Interest Jim Ford Principal Bree Sinn Regional Indigenous Liaison Officer Peter Scott Leadership Team Representative Susan McKay Staff Representative 3 members to be inducted onto the Board following a discernment process at next week’s meeting. Two new We will introduce them in a future newsletter. Janice Quadrio P&F President Ross Di Francesco P&F Vice-President Andrea McCarthy P&F Secretary Parents & Friends Association Input Trephoan Lewis P&F Treasurer / Bike-a-thon Committee Rita Mactaggart P&F Bike-a-thon Committee into routine functioning of the College Support for Curriculum programs Discussions and debate on issues relevant to parents Support for school functions and key Input into long-term development Fundraising and support for parents Barb Carroll P&F Bike-a-thon Committee Sharon McKie P&F Bike-a-thon Chair Sara Sugars P&F / Bike-a-thon Committee Chris Sorbello Staff Representative 4 Kathy McPherson P&F Correspondence Secretary Assistant Principal Mission Called to Compassion ‘To be known by the name Mercy is to publicly commit to become ever more compassionate’ We endeavour to understand the love and compassion of Jesus, the need of all humanity to understand the steadfast love of Jesus, does not however, cancel out the anger that God must feel when He sees this unjust world filled with people who do know better and fail to act with compassion. As we enter the Third Week of Lent, I would like to share an excerpt from ‘Called to Compassion’ by Breege O'Neill rsm (Mercy International Association) Image: 'Compassion' by Mary Southard, CSJ www.MarySouthardArt.Org Licence: Non- Commercial Usage. Used with permission. Congregation of St. Joseph of LaGrange retains the rights, specifically including the ownership of . original art/words and copyright In Manila, some weeks ago, a profound encounter was witnessed by thousands of people. Pope Francis was being welcomed by a young girl Glyzelle Palomar, when she broke down, and through her tears she asked the question: “Why do children suffer?” Pope Francis did not respond with a theological lecture on the mystery of evil. Instead, visibly moved, he reached out and hugged Glyzelle, affirmed her tears, and then diverging from his prepared speech he responded from the heart saying… "Only when we are able to weep about the things that you have lived, can we understand something and answer something.….. today's world needs to weep," he said. "The marginalized weep, those left aside weep, the scorned weep ... but those of us who lead a life more or less without needs, don't know how to weep….. certain realities of life are only seen with eyes cleansed by tears”. In Jesus, we see God’s compassion. ‘Be compassionate as your Father is compassionate’ (Luke 6:36). Venerable Catherine McAuley knew God as the Compassionate One who loved her and provided for her. Through the events of her life, God gradually shaped Catherine into a woman overflowing with compassion. Catherine knew from her lived experience that what the poor hold more precious than gold is ‘the kind word, the gentle compassionate look and the patient hearing of sorrows’. Her ability to express God’s Mercy and Compassion as a soothing balm to the wounds of the poor, homeless, hungry, sick and dying, and her service to the unprotected and the uneducated became the founding charism of the Sisters of Mercy. To be known by the name Mercy is to publicly commit to become ever more compassionate. Compassion is one of the most beautiful presents we bring to the world and true compassion is born from suffering. When we have felt deep pain we are able to be touched by the suffering of others. Jesus our saviour, we recognize our own weakness, and we know that only through Your Mercy can we be merciful. In time of trial, in the midst of our daily work, whenever we feel doubt or confusion, enlighten and strengthen us so that we may do Your Holy will. May our deeds of mercy express Your Mercy to a suffering world. We make this prayer with gratitude for Your unfailing goodness to us. Amen. Mrs Jeanette Refalo, Assistant Principal Mission Back to home 5 Assistant Principal Students The Australian Child Wellbeing Project – ACWP In Term 3 last year all Year 8 students participated in a survey conducted by the Australian Child Wellbeing Project. This online survey took place nationwide in 180 schools with over 5,400 students participating. The ACWP surveyed students about aspects of their lives that are viewed important for their wellbeing. I have included two graphs from the report and their explanations. The first column is the National Year 8 results and the second column is Mercy College Mackay’s Year 8 results. Further information can be obtained from www.australianchildwellbeing.com.au Mr Chris Sorbello, Assistant Principal Students 6 Sports Department Interhouse Swimming Carnival Last Wednesday, the Interhouse Swimming Carnival divided Mercy into Six fiercely competitive teams: Argos Midas Pindar Badila Oraya Triton For a few years now, we’ve been holding the swimming carnival after school to keep our students out of the hot midday sun. It’s a huge success supported by not only our committed staff members, but our parents who join the P&F crew to cook up a barbeque for all to enjoy. Thank you to the parents who took time out this week to assist and cheer on! On the ‘business’ side of the swimming carnival, let’s take a look at the scores: CHEERSQUAD COMPETITION 1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5th place 6th place 99 points 98 points 94.5 points 91 points 86.5 points 81.5 points PINDAR ARGOS BADILA ORAYA TRITON MIDAS RUBBER DUCKY 1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5th place 6th place 15 points 14 points 14 points 11 points 4 points 2 points TRITON ORAYA MIDAS ARGOS BADILA PINDAR OVERALL 1st place 2nd place 3rd place 4th place 5th place 6th place 973 points 940 points 889 points 831 points 798 points 797 points MIDAS ORAYA BADILA PINDAR TRITON ARGOS Congratulations to all the students involved, as the participation numbers were fantastic this year. Also a special congratulations to the students who were named 2015 ‘Swimming Age Champions’: U12 Girls Age Champion - Abbey Thompson U12 Boys Age Champion - William Bella U13 Girls Age Champion - Tiffany Osborne U13 Boys Age Champion - Adam Smit U14 Girls Age Champion - Emma Manzelmann U14 Boys Age Champions - Benjamin Luhrman U15/Open Girls Age Champion - Kahtia Gooch U15/Open Boys Age Champion - Connor Roduner Well done and thank you to all those involved in making the event so successful. Miss Deanna Turner, Sports Coordinator 7 8 Health & Physical Education ELP 2015 On Friday 27 February, 26 students from our Catholic Primary Feeder Schools took part in an Extended Learning Program for HPE, under the directions of Mr Mattsson and myself. They enthusiastically participated in a theory lesson focussing on anatomy, fitness and nutrition, culminating in a Kahoot Quiz covering the content. Students were also tested in the various fitness components in the Gym and Hall, which related directly to their theory lesson. They also took part in a number of mixed games including War Ball, Road Runner and Futsal, focussing on participation, team work and game sense. The day was a great success with all students being terrific ambassadors for their primary schools. They learnt a lot of new content, giving them a clearer idea of what is coming their way when they commence high school next year. Back to home Mr Matthew Paul, HOD HPE 9 Thoughts & comments from students who attended the HPE ELP on Friday 27 March. 10 Art Department Art Camp April 24-26 2015 at QUANDONG CREEK RAINFOREST LODGE, EUNGELLA Art camp is on again with 30 places available for this three day rainforest experience, being held from the 24 -26 April. The cost is approximately $230.00, however, the price may vary depending on the final number of students attending. Quandong Creek Rainforest Lodge is hidden deep in the Eungella Range surrounded by mountains and forest. Students share bunkhouse accommodation, eat sensational food and participate in sketching, painting, printmaking and photography. They also go bush walking and swim in a private rock pool. Interested students can pick up a letter from Student Reception or the Art room. Places are available for any students, even if they have not studied art yet. Mrs Dolores LaSpina, HOD Arts Food For Life Mercy College Mackay is once again raising money for Caritas Australia. As announced on assembly this week, students can wear House shirts instead of formal or sports uniform on Wednesdays for the rest of term, however they MUST bring in a gold coin donation, otherwise it becomes an incorrect uniform. Please encourage your student to contribute, by raising an awareness of the cause. “I invite you to make space in your heart….respecting the God-given rights of everyone to have access to adequate food.” Pope Francis Ms Angela Petrow, Vinnie’s Committee Coordinator 11 Inter-school Chess Competition Mackay/Whitsundays Inter-school Chess Competition Term 1 Monday 23 February New Year … New Chess Team … New Venue (Mercy College) Inter-school Chess; the ultimate strategy game is on again for a new year. Mercy’s award winning team of champion players have now moved on to senior school, so it’s time for renewal. What a result, with the first round of competition for ‘New Mercy’ resulting in 3rd place overall in the Secondary division. Two more rounds to go in 2015 with Mercy planning to improve by two positions. We’re not pawns in someone else’s game! Mercy Chess Club is on every Wednesday in our Library at lunchtime. New players are always welcome. See you there! Mr Jim Ford and Mrs Louise Mullaney, Mercy Chess Coordinators Back to home 12 Cook’s Corner Barbecue Chicken Tortillas Ingredients 2 tomatoes ½ red onion ½ green capsicum 1/4 cup coriander leaves ¼ Masterfoods BBQ rib sauce olive oil ½ avocado sour cream 1 lime salt & pepper to taste 4 small chicken breasts 4 tortillas Method 13 Dice tomatoes and red onion. Deseed capsicum then thinly slice. Finely chop the coriander leaves. Juice the lime and combine all together in a bowl with salt and pepper and mix well, then set aside. Drizzle chicken breasts with olive oil and season with salt & pepper. Cook chicken in a preheated fry pan for 4 minutes each side. Brush with BBQ rib sauce and cook for a further 2 minutes or until cooked through. Slice the chicken. Warm tortillas. Thinly slice the avocado. On a serving plate, fill the tortilla with chicken, avocado and sour cream. Top with salsa and a sprinkling of coriander leaves. Tuckshop Please come along and help out in the Tuckshop. All recipients will receive a $25 exemption from the P & F levy for this term. Monday 9 March Tuesday 10 March Wednesday 11 March Thursday 12 March Friday 13 March Rhonda Muller, Katie Baker, Theresa Bolic, Jodie Philp Stacey Brazil, Michelle Brazil, Caroline O’Neill, Michelle Miranda Mark Fitzmaurice, Robyn Moschino, Selina Bowgett, Judy Orr Amanda Uren, Jenny Crawley, Samantha Vella, Lyndall Doolan Rebecca Sharp, Nicole Sanders, Lisa Clifford, Jacque MacDonald Monday 16 March Jodie Thompson, Judith Muonde, Lila Clarke, Keli McCowan, Nadya Bagaskaia Fiona Bragg, Annamaria Cappello, Patricia Anderson, Andrea Finn Andrea Westwood, Lina Martin, Teresa Williamson, Megan Graham Lynette McCall, Deb Weston, Rita Mactaggart, Louise Taylor Natasha Weiss, Cathy Galea, Louise Saward, Liz Falzon Tuesday 17 March Wednesday 18 March Thursday 19 March Friday 20 March Helpful Hints & How To To restore finished wood furniture, steep two tea bags in hot water for 10 minutes. Let cool, then dampen a clean soft cloth with tea and wipe over wood furniture. It will bring out the woods natural colour and shine. To keep weeds from returning to the cracks of your patio, deck, or drivewaykeep salt in the cracks. To clean gold and silver jewellery (not pearls) mix together one part ammonia to two parts warm water and a dash of shampoo in a screw-top jar. Add jewellery, gently shake and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse jewellery in clear water and leave to dry on a clean cloth. They will look like new! Back to home 14 Let’s Connect Tia & Jack - EP Launch 15 A Lenten Retreat Back to home 16 Mackay Army Cadet News 17 18 Community Notices Brothers Netball Club Mackay are looking for (4) 14 or 15 year olds to complete a new team to be entered in the Saturday fixtures of Mackay Netball. Any level of playing experience WELCOME! If you have never played netball before, and wish to learn and join a team, please contact Melissa on 0408 737 696 or email: brothersnetballclubmackay@gmail.com or via Facebook at brothersnetballmackay RSPCA Million Paws Walk 2015 will be on Sunday 17 May at the Gooseponds (pool end) Malcomson Street, North Mackay. Register and fundraise now at millionpawswalk.com.au for your chance to win an overseas holiday. Worldwide Marriage Encounter A weekend away for married couples in peaceful, picturesque surroundings – away from the distractions of everyday living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset - your Marriage! This is a unique opportunity to recharge your relationship batteries, refocus on each other and fall in love all over again! Weekend date: 15 – 17 May 2015 Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, Ormiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) For bookings/details contact: Maria and David Murphy, ph (07) 3342 1456, dandmmurphy@optusnet.com.au Information website: www.wwme.org.au Sydney Apostolic Congress 1st DVD from a Series of 8 DVD presentations from the Sydney Apostolic Congress on Mercy from the Conference held in October of 2012, followed by devotion to the Divine Mercy, at the Adult Faith Centre, Macalister St Every Thursday from the 5th of February, onwards at 4 pm to 6 pm, Series to end on the 26th of March. RSVP: Leenore Reddy 0434929742 or https://www.facebook.com/mackaydeanery/events Foster Carer….could you be one? Churches of Christ Care Pathways support their carers with training, advice and access to local resources to enable them to provide the best home environment for the children and young people in their care. Ph: 49535097 carepathwaysqld.com.au Sarina Saints Football Club For Registration details please go to www.myfootballclub.com.au. Training days are Thursdays with games starting on Saturday 7 March. Enquiries : David Sanewski 49438114. Finch Hatton Health & Harmony day Sunday 8 March, 10am to 4pm at Ulysses Garden Café 723 Gorge Road, Finch Hatton Gorge Over 30 stallholders and exhibits, hourly demonstrations, healers, natural, organic and hand made products and much more. Free entry cash only purchases. More info: www.facebook.com Finch Hatton Health and Harmony Day Back to home 19 PH: 07 4969 4199 FAX: 07 4969 4189 Penn Street, Mackay Q 4740 PO Box 5646 Mackay MC Q 4741 CREATIVE STUDENTS – CATHOLIC VALUES Mercy embraces Compassion, Hope & Justice Web: www.mercymackay.qld.edu.au Twitter: @MercyCollegeMky
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