eckington village news march 2015

Three Counties
Chimney Sweep
Richard M Foxen
Gardening for You
Certified Chimney Sweep
Sweep & Vacuum
Insurance Certificates Issued
Chimney & Stove
Maintenance & Repairs
Bird Guards & Cowls
Call Ian on:
01684 891005
thorough and
07847 236735
01684 773203
Funeral Directors
Secure barn storage
at competitive rates
A caring service given by an
independent family business
cars ~ motorbikes ~
trailers etc.
01386 751674
07710 493103
PERSHORE 01386 552141
a comprehensive
range of
Help with
22 High Street
Glos GL20 5AL
01684 298479
Digital & Film Photo Processing in
1/2, 1 or 24 hours
Wedding & Portrait
Classes in English for
For further details please visit
non-native business
Print from print/transparency service
and professional
We also print images onto
mugs, coasters, placements
and mouse mats
27years experience
I can also help:
Proof read, copy edit and
reformulate non-native
English texts & documents,
Prepare presentations,
meetings, interviews, Check
grammar, punctuation,
spelling and syntax for native
English speakers who struggle
to express their purpose in
Call - Jill Edkins
Passport & ID photographs
All Aspects of Electrical Work.
Free Quotes.
Guaranteed, Insured and
Fully Qualified, Part P Electrician
Dave McAspurn
24 Queensmead, Bredon
Tel 01684 772261
Mobile 07957 585790
Ward’s Landscapes
Kevin has the knowledge and skills to enhance your garden
Garden maintenance.
Slabbing – patios, paths.
Fencing – erection, maintenance.
Trees – pruning or removal.
Lawns – laying, maintenance.
Construction – cold frames, compost bins.
Contact Kevin to carry out that job you’ve been waiting to get done.
References available if required.
Kevin Ward 07825 286136
3 Fulbert Rd, Pershore, WR10 1LN
Need help with the
Let Rachel and Karen give
your garden a
750401 or 07815175922
to discuss all your gardening needs
Stuart Huntley
Aerial Erection Service
01386 553151
Family Business Established 1973
WR10 3BB
TEL: 01386 750585
A Superb collection
of beautiful
For details please
01386 751051
HM Garden &
Landscape Services
David Haynes
Curtain Designer
Fabrics by Clarke & Clarke, Warwick,
Richard Barrie, Swaffer, Seamoor
and many more.
Poles & Tracks
Curtains - Roman Blinds - Cushions
Tel: 01684 772965
Garden Maintenance
Patio Cleaning
Hedge Cutting
01684 773834
07909 948284
For the treatment of muscle and joint pain, overuse
injuries, postural imbalances, stress
Sally Allen (MFHT, CNHC)
Tel: 07776 142427
Eckington Stores
Shop locally and
save money on petrol
We always stock
Cold lager and beer, wines and spirits
Sandwiches, cold drinks, crisps, sausage rolls
Bread, cheese, bacon, ham, fruit and veg
Grocery, confectionary, household products
Newspapers and magazines
Frozen foods and ice cream
Genuine offers on branded products changing
every 4 weeks. See our leaflet for details.
All our offers and products
are subject to availability
Opening hours
0600 to 1830 Monday to Friday
0600 to 1800 Saturday
0600 to 1300 Sunday
John, Sue and Mark
Tel: 01386 750266
Eckington Stores
Shop locally
Look out for genuine offers on
branded products.
We have offers throughout the year.
Promotions usually include:
· Beers, lager, wines and spirits
· Cold drinks
· Crisps and confectionary
· Grocery usually including a
range of biscuits, tea or
coffee, pet food and
domestic items
· Occasional range of frozen
food and ice cream
Full details are available in a
colour leaflet at the shop.
John, Sue and Mark
Tel 01386 750266
Laptops & Computers
Thorough and
from £299.00 inc VAT
Excellent References
Broadband, Repairs &
Please Phone
Upgrades, Networks,
Printers, Web Design
Bredon (01684) 773632
Mob: 07595 218736
An ad this size will cost you just £2.50
a month or £30 a year to go in the
paper version, and just £5 per year
extra to go online. If you are
interested in advertising every month,
or just select months of the year,
please call Liz on 07794336696 or
Paintings, prints, photographs, needlework, memorabilia
Gill & Kevin
PICTURE SCENE 01386 750 547
Rose Cottage, Church Street, Birlingham
(on the way to The Swan Inn)
Professional and friendly podiatrist
chiropodist offering a mobile/visiting
All your foot care needs in the comfort
of your own home.
Experienced and insured female
High risk/Diabetic, palliative and routine
foot care available.
or call 07971664984 - 01905841454
Preferred Contractor for Wychavon District Council
Speedy Response to Domestic Calls
Commercial Quotes Available
Wasps, Flies, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Carpet Moths, Textile Beetles, Ants,
Cockroaches, Rats, Mice, Rabbits, Squirrels, Birds, Moles, Foxes
Fully Insured, BPCA/RSPH II Qualified Staff
Very Competitive Rates
Telephone: 01386 41762 / 07775 168666
An Art Exhibition
to be held in the Gallery, Pershore Library
of paintings and embroideries in a variety of
styles, media and subjects including sea and
landscapes, ballet, flora and buildings
by local artist, Brenda Sheridan BA
Open between 9.00am and 5.00pm
Monday to Saturday
Tuesday 17th March to Wednesday 29th April
Free Entry
Free Kickstart event with CP Sport England on Sunday 18th January 2015 from 12 noon – 3pm @ MSJ,
33 Barnards Green Road, Malvern, Worcestershire, WR14 3LH. Contact Scott Tranmer for details.
A new, exciting
Newtown Sports
Cerebral palsy
Football Club
Every Sunday morning 10am – 11am from Sunday 25th January 2015
First week free, then £2.50 per week.
Malvern St James Sports and Fitness Centre, 33 Barnards Green Road, Malvern,
Worcestershire, WR14 3LH
Newtown Sports CP Football Club,
Affiliated To Newtown Sports Junior FC.
Contact: Scott Tranmer.
Mob: 07703384731
Tel: 01684 566717
For children with cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, diplegia and other physical disabilities. Contact Scott
Tranmer to register interest and find out more information or just come along on a Sunday morning.
Sports kit, trainers, shin pads and water bottle required.
Bredon Hill Group Lent Course
See, Hear, Pray
We will be using the arts as a way in to prayer
5 March – Elmley Castle – Richard Worsley
12 March – Bredon – Matthew Baynes
19 March – Ashton – Roger Spiller
26 March – Eckington – Chris Worsley
Patty White will be hosting a lunch on
Wednesday 25th March
from 12 – 2.30pm
at St Josephs, Harewell Lane, Besford
556390 in aid of Besford Church and
Arthritis Research (ARC)
Homemade soup, crusty bread, with fruit, wine, cheese
and good company!!
Do come and bring a friend, all are welcome.
Minimum donation £6.00
If you would like to donate a lily in memory of an anniversary or a loved one
(cost £3.00 each) for the Easter Sunday service please contact Joan Green on
750396. Thank you.
If anyone would like to view the arrangements the church will be open on
Thursday morning or Easter Sunday services.
Magazine Deadline
Please make sure everything is with Liz Crumpton by
March 20th
6 Furlongs Road, Pershore, Worcs WR10 1NY  07794336696 (all emails will be acknowledged so
please re-send any that you do not receive a reply to in 2-3 days)
Items can also be left for me at Eckington School Office
Page 1
Church Wardens
Parish News
Village Website
Rev Susan Renshaw (Day off - Friday)
The Vicarage, Drakesbridge Road
Mrs Angela Lancelot
Mr Derek Potter
Mrs Liz Crumpton
6 Furlongs Rd, Pershore
Lorraine & David Bainbridge (
Parish Council
District Council
Mr George Glaze
Mrs Louise Gerber, 2 Gibbs Close, Lower Moor
Ron Davies, Blenheim, Upper Street, Defford
Worcs, WR8 9BG
County Council
Adrian Hardman, Dormers, Oak Lane, Bredon,
Nr Tewkesbury, Glos. GL20 7LR
01684 773172
Eckington Church of England First School ( 750666
Mrs Gail Whiting
Mrs Nicky Peebles (mornings) & Mrs Lisa Wallace (afternoons)
Mrs Liz Crumpton
Chair of Governors Rev Susan Renshaw
Friends of Eckington School (FOES)
Mrs Sara Bennett ( 07772462947
Eckington Under Fives (07582 452024 )
Mrs Jenny Doyle
Admin Manager
Mrs Julie Mason
Mrs Nikki Hubbard
Church Youth Group Becki Bickerton
07799 148664
Village Hall
Mrs Cynthia Norton
Mrs Betty Hodges
(WI, Thursday Club, Whist Drive, Old Tyme Dancing, Jumble Sales, Parties etc)
W I President
Mrs Cynthia Mortimer
Thursday Group
Mrs Mollie Smith
Whist Drive
Scouts & Guides
Recreation Ground
Cricket Club
Junior Football Club
Bell Ringers
Mrs Betty Hodges
(Monday - Scouts, Thursday - Guides)
Mr John Jones
Bookings - Mrs Sarah Fincher
Mr Ian Fincher
Mr John Oliver (
Mr Tony Cocks (
Eckington & District Representative, Dewi Blythin
Page 2
From Bredon Rectory. Green shoots ????
I am not a great lover of winter. It’s not so much the cold and the wet, although
I prefer heat and warmth, but the darkness. The sun dips down soon after
three thirty each day not to rise until about eight the following day. However, as
February slips into March we begin to see the first signs that things are on the
turn. The first snowdrops bravely stick their white heads above the ground, and
the daffodils begin to peak through the frosty earth reminding us that within a
month they will be filling the countryside and gardens as the bold heralds of
spring. And alongside natures regrowth we begin to notice the darkness lifting,
the lighter mornings and evenings. Each year this fills me with a new hope.I
write this having just returned from General Synod, where, for the first time, we
were not talking about ordaining woman Bishops. Indeed, to great applause,
we greeted the first, Bishop Libby Lane, who had come to speak to the Synod.
This time in Synod, we were discussing a number of reports which looked to
address the challenges which we as a church face in the future. We discussed
discipleship, training and resourcing, recognising that we are going to have to
change radically if we are going to continue to serve the nation in these very
rapidly changing times. One particular aspect we looked at was how we can
grow the Rural Church, an issue close the hearts of many of us who serve the
rural community around Bredon Hill. We debated a very well researched
document entitled ‘Released for Mission’ which was largely produced by
Canon Jill Hopkinson, the Church of England Rural Officer, and a Canon of our
own Cathedral in Worcester. Canon Hopkinson has done a huge amount of
work identifying the difficulties we face, and although there are no easy
answers I was greatly encouraged to realise that many of the ways identified in
the report as being ways to promote growth we are already undertaking in the
Bredon Hill Group. We have long moved beyond the mentality of a church in
which the Vicar does everything, and for many years our church life has only
been sustainable by a hugely committed team of lay people who keep the
church communities in their villages vibrant and visible. If we look purely at the
statistics, we probably would not be able to go on. They do not make cheerful
reading, ageing and diminishing congregations and difficulty in raising
resources. However, Jesus was no great statistician, if he was he would not
have suggested that five loaves and two fish could feed five thousand, but
somehow they did. This causes me to hope that, although things will be very
different, the church can survive. Reports in themselves, of course achieve
nothing, but the tone of the debate in this month’s synod felt different. There
was a lightening, a sense of promise in the air, like the first snowdrops of
spring, and the lengthening of the evening daylight. I don’t know where this will
all lead, but I have hope that we can move forward into a sustainable and more
positive future. Snowdrops herald the promise of summer; I hope and pray that
this Synod’s debates herald a new and positive season in the life of our
Matthew Baynes
Page 3
Church Services for March 2015
Parish of Eckington and Parish of Defford cum Besford
1st March
The Second Sunday of Lent
9.00 am
Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30 am
Parish Communion (CW)
8th March
The Third Sunday of Lent
9.00 am
Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30 am
15th March The Fourth Sunday of Lent
(Mothering Sunday)
9.00 am
Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30 am
Parish Communion (CW)
22nd March The Fifth Sunday of Lent
9.00 am
Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30 am
29th March Palm Sunday
9.00 am
Holy Communion (BCP)
10.30 am
30th March - 5th April
Holy Week
Please see Page 6 for the listing of events planned for the
Bredon Hill Group of Churches and the diocese throughout
Holy Week in the run up to Easter Sunday, 5th April
Page 4
Readers (OT/NT & G) and Intercession (I) Leaders for Parish Communion
Venue Old/New Test Epistle
Mar 1st
Genesis 17:
Rom 4:
Mk 8:
Pearl Winchester (OT)
1 - 7
13 - end
31 - end
Sue Creese (NT)
15 - 16
Mar 8th
Roy Shepherd (I)
Exodus 20:
1 Cor 1:
Jh 2:
Ann Besley (OT)
1 - 17
18 - 25
13 - 22
Heather Smith (NT)
Sue Checketts (I)
Mar 15th
Mar 22nd Eck
Exodus 2:
Jh 19:
Richard Booth (OT)
1 - 10
25b - 27
Jane Shepherd (G)
Jeremiah 31:
Heb 5:
Jh 12:
Audrey Jones (OT)
31 - 34
5 - 10
20 - 33
Roy Putnam (NT)
Donna Saunders (I)
Mar 29th
Mar 29th
April 5th
Phil 2:
Mk 11:
Audrey Tong (NT)
5 - 11
1 - 11
Rev Susan Renshaw (I)
Phil 2:
Mk 11:
Karen Sagar (NT)
5 - 11
1 - 11
Heather Smith (I)
Isaiah 25:
Acts 10:
Mk 16:
Anne Booth (OT)
6 - 9
34 - 43
1 - 8
Gill Hancock (NT)
Audrey Tong (I)
April 5th
Isaiah 25:
Acts 10:
Mk 16:
Lorraine Bainbridge (OT)
6 - 9
34 - 43
1 - 8
Angela Lancelot (NT)
Sarah Fincher (I)
Page 5
Palm Sunday - 29th March
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
Holy Communion (BCP)
Parish Communion (CW)
Monday 30th March
11.00 a.m.
Chrism Mass
Worcester Cathedral
Blessing of the Oils, and Priests' Renewal of
Vows. All are Welcome.
Maundy Thursday, 2nd April
7.30 p.m.
Maundy Thursday Eucharist Besford
Followed by stripping of the Altar and
short watch.
Celebrant: Revd Susan Renshaw.
Good Friday, 3rd April
11.30 a.m.
Bredon Hill Group Service
Liturgy at the Cross
Preacher: Ven. Robert Jones, Archdeacon of
Depart from Woollas Hall Farm for
Deanery Service on Bredon Hill at 2.45 p.m.
Leader: Revd Susan Renshaw.
Speaker: Ven. Robert Jones, Archdeacon of
1.45 p.m.
Holy Saturday, 4th April
8.00 p.m.
Easter Vigil for the Bredon Hill group of
Giles, Bredon
President: Bishop David of Dudley
Easter Sunday, 5th April
10.30 a.m
10.30 am
Sung Easter Eucharist,
Celebrant/ Preacher: Bishop Michael Hooper
Sung Easter Eucharist, Eckington
Celebrant/ Preacher: Revd Susan Renshaw
Page 6
Tel: 01386
Mothering Sunday
Sunday 15th March 2015
Roasted Tomato, Basil & Red Pepper Soup, Crusty Bread
Atlantic Prawn, Crayfish & Smoked Salmon Timbale
Buffalo Mozzarella, Red Onion & Vine Tomato Salad, Balsamic Dressing
Chicken Liver Pate, Plum Chutney, Toasted Baguette
Main Courses
Roast Sirloin of Beef, Yorkshire Pudding,
Roast, New & Mashed Potatoes, Red Wine Gravy
Roast Loin of Pork, Sage Stuffing, Crackling,
Roast, New & Mashed Potatoes, Apple & Sage Gravy
Roast Chicken Supreme, New Potatoes, Creamed Leeks, Crispy Bacon
Grilled Sea Bream Fillets, Citrus & Herb Crushed New Potatoes,
Crayfish & White Wine Cream
Aubergine, Sweet Potato, Spinach & Tomato Lasagne, Grilled Goats Cheese
Rich Chocolate Torte, Chocolate Sauce, V anilla Ice Cream
Lemon Curd Eton, Mess Lemon Sorbet
Steamed Spotted Dick, V anilla Custard
Selection of Luxury Ice Creams & Sorbets
£17.45 Per Person. £9.95 Children under 12
Now Available
Two/Three Course Specials Board
Monday – Thursday
Fish Market Friday Specials
Page 7
Mother’s Day Lunch Menu
Sunday 15th March 2015
Leek & potato soup, cheddar ravioli, crispy onions
Chicken & ham hock terrine, spiced apple chutney, toasted brioche
Smoked & cured salmon, pickled cucumber, fried capers
Roast beef, Yorkshire puddings, seasonal vegetables, red wine sauce
Fillet of sea bream, confit Jersey royals, Jerusalem artichokes, brown
shrimp butter
Parmesan gnocchi, local asparagus, butternut squash veloute &
Lemon tart, raspberry meringue, raspberry sorbet
Dark chocolate delice, poached local rhubarb, ginger mousse
Cheese selection, homemade chutney & crackers
3 Courses 29.50
(Price includes homemade chocolates for Mum and a 10% discount
voucher towards our Spring cookery demonstration )
How to Create the Perfect Dinner Party …
All the inside hints and tips!
Tuesday 24 March
Asparagus Evening
Monday 11 May
Hammock Road, Eckington, WR10 3BJ
01386 751600
Page 8
11am – 2pm
Easter Bunny
Children’s Stalls
Tea/Coffee and Cakes
Easter Trail Hunt
Easter Hat Parade at 1.30pm with Prize for the best hat!
Babies & Toddlers
LOCAL BUSINESS STALLS please contact us to book your place
Telephone: 07582 452 024
Book Club
We all enjoyed Olive Kitteridge, very clever writing and evocation
of small town America.
Friday 20th March will see us discussing
Hilary Mantel’s ‘Vacant Possession’
Wed 22nd April we will be reviewing
Romensh Gunsera’s ‘Noon Tide Toll’
Page 9
Newtown sports
Cerebral palsy
Football club
5 - 11
Every Sunday morning, 10am to 11am
£2.50 per week
Malvern St James Sports & Fitness Centre,
33 Barnards Green, Malvern, WR14 3LH
Contact Scott Tranmer on 07703384731,
01684 566717,
Community Speed Watch
Speeding has been a concern in the village for both Councillors
and residents for some time. This being the case, the Parish
Council is considering becoming involved in community speed
The Scheme is coordinated by the Police but managed and run
by volunteers within the community and therefore we are seeking
your help.
The Parish Council are looking for a minimum of 6 volunteers to carry
out roadside monitoring at specified sites. Applicants must be able to
make a regular commitment to carry out activity and must adhere to the
scheme’s safety rules.
Full training on procedure and use of equipment will be given.
If you think you may have an interest in serving the community in
this way, please contact the Parish Clerk at
Page 10
Have you ever thought of becoming a
Parish Councillor?
Would you like to get involved and make a difference in your
Do you have the time and the skills to represent the views of the
residents within your parish and give your community a voice?
If so, you may wish to consider standing for election on 7 th May,
when residents will have the opportunity to decide who they want
to represent them by voting in local elections.
More information regarding this role can be obtained from the
Parish Clerk (,
or any of the current Parish Councillors.
You are warmly invited to our all Age
Mothering Sunday
at Holy Trinity Church, Eckington
Sunday 15th March
at 3pm
If you would like further information then
contact Becki Bickerton on 07799148664
Refreshments will be served after the service.
Crèche will be provided for the very young.
Page 11
Monday 4th May
10am – 2pm
Register your interest NOW
The Village Garage Sale event is being held this year on Monday 4th May between 10am & 2pm.
To register your interest, contact Cynthia on 750548:
Registration fee £5.00 per ‘garage’ covers publicity and preparation costs of the Sale Map of the Village Garages.
Monies you raise from the sale are YOURS to keep or donate
to charity – your choice!
Join forces with your neighbour(s) or local group to make
best use of one ‘garage’.
Following last year’s success, we are taking steps to
assist with car parking and refreshments.
We do require help & so please let us know if you can help
particularly with:
Putting out & collecting signs
Car park stewards
So please help to make this year a success again and
contact Cynthia on 750548 for further details.
Page 12
Eckington Neighbourhood Plan
Your village….your Plan….your future
A big “Thank You” to everyone who returned the
Household Survey
We’ve had a fantastic response, with two thirds of the
surveys returned. This is excellent and we are told much
higher than usual for this type of survey. The views and
aspirations of the village as a whole are becoming clearer
and this will help our future proposals regarding any
development within the village. If, however, you still have a
survey which you want to return, please drop it into the
village shop.
The returned surveys will be further analysed by the steering
group and we will feed back on your overall views at a
consultation event to be held later in the spring. We will
also share some of the proposed content of the Plan and
ask for your help in ensuring the Plan reflects the majority
view of the village.
Looking at the surveys one thing is immediately clear – just
about every one of us loves Eckington! It’s also clear that
for the majority, it’s the community and the friendliness that
we care about most. In two questions alone the word
‘community’ was mentioned 183 times and ‘friendly’
mentioned 263 times!
We are proud to live in the village and its surrounds and
that’s why the Plan is so important.
After all, it is: Your village…your Plan…your future.
Steering Group
Eckington Neighbourhood Plan
Page 13
Our outing this month is a visit to The White Hart Inn,
Fernhill Heath for a carvery.
Followed by a visit to Worcester Garden Centre.
Cost of one course carvery.............. £5.00
Cost of coach travel..........................£9.00
Total cost.........................................£14.00
Anyone wishing to book on this outing please contact Janet
on 750066, Margaret on 750316 or Mollie on 750874
Thursday April 30th North Cotswold drive with Fish and
Chips tea stop at The Hobnails Inn.
Thursday 25th June South Cotswold drive with afternoon tea
stop at Chedworth.
Thursday20th August Afternoon drive Forest of Dean with
afternoon tea stop at The Belfry Hotel.
Thursday15th October Afternoon visit to The Hop Pocket
Craft Centre.
Tuesday 30th June Day trip to Morton in The Marsh market
with afternoon tea stop at Stow on the Wold.
Friday July 24th Boat trip on River Avon Stratford upon Avon
followed by Fish and Chip Supper at The View restaurant
Friday 18th September Evening drive with Fish and Chip
supper Royal Oak, Broadwas on Teme
Page 14
S.O.S (Social on Saturdays) youth group 7-9pm for 11-14 year
olds every Saturday. Held at Holy Trinity Church during term time.
Kids United Service. First Sunday of every month 3-4pm at Holy
Trinity Church.
S.O.S has had a great few terms and we have a great group of
teenagers attending on a regular basis.
We would love to do more with them but we are in danger of not being
able to run for much longer. This youth group is one of the few things
available for teenagers on a regular basis in Eckington, so it would be a
shame for this group to close.
We are looking for willing volunteers who are able to help out, once a
term at the most, to support Becki. You wouldn’t need to provide or
plan anything. All you need to do is turn up and get to know the
amazing young people we have.
If you are able to help us in any way please can you contact
Becki Bickerton on 07799148664.
Eckington Cricket Club
Sponsored by Readyhedge Ltd
200 Club - February Draw
£20 - 180 - Jason Brown, £10 - 1 - John Godfrey
£10 - 178 - R Harris
This is the final draw before the new 200 Club year starts.
Our collectors will be around shortly . The numbers are still only £5
each and if anybody would like a number , this would be greatly
Please ring Ian Fincher on 751692 if you would like to join the 200 club.
The next meeting is on Wednesday March 18th - 8.30 Anchor.
Page 15
American-built, "ENGLAND" locomotive, ca 1840. Bristol & Gloucester Railway
Broad Gauge Third Class Parliamentary Carriage, 1844. This provided only
minimal compliance with the Railway Act by covering the passenger
accommodation by means of a tarpaulin, similar to a tilt wagon.
It has always fascinated me to think of how cricket teams in days
of old managed to travel to their away fixtures. Pictures do exist
of cricketers in the back of horse and trap. There are living
testimonies of this practice continuing until well after WW2.
We can only imagine the excitement there must have been at the
prospect of a railway station opening in Eckington railway station
in 1840. The Birmingham and Gloucester Railway was completed
between Cheltenham and Bromsgrove on 24 June 1840. Stations
heading south were Bredon, Ashchurch, Cleeve, Cheltenham,
Churchdown and Gloucester. Stations heading north were
Defford, Spetchley (later replaced by Shrub Hill), Worcester,
Fernhill Heath, Droitwich, Stoke Works, Bromsgrove, Blackwell
and Barnt Green. Surely it is not too big a leap of the imagination
to guess that the Eckington village cricket club would use the
railway to visit other teams in the places on the new line? We
know that travel times were slow and a first search on the
worldwide web showed that third class passengers would have
had only a rudimentary tarpaulin as protection against the
elements, but with the only comparison being the horse and cart
this must have seemed very acceptable.
At the suggestion of David Bainbridge and armed with our 1847
date we decided to see if there were records of the cricket clubs
on the original railway linePage
16played Eckington prior to 1847.
Barnt Green confirmed that records show that BGCC played its
first match in 1889. Bredon CC have 1890 as their formation year
on their fixture card. Droitwich believe DSCC was founded in the
1870s but their first records relate to 1896. Churchdown CC
replied to say that their Centenary had been held in 2009. The
date had been taken from local records.
But Cheltenham CC suggested a more promising source of
history. Their first written record is in August 1833. On 23rd April
1842 the “Looker-On” announced a new cricket club “County of
Gloucester and Cheltenham Cricket Club”. Seven matches were
played, three of them against Gloucester plus Minchinhampton,
the Lansdown Club and the Cheltenham Union or Tradesmen’s
Club. In 1844 matches v Ledbury, Stow-On-The-Wold,
Cheltenham College. In 1845 Stourport came to a new ground
near St. Paul’s Church, now known as The Folley, of the College
of St. Paul & St. Mary and the club lost both matches against
Cirencester. The Bristol Club were played on the College Ground
Bristol. In 1847 Birmingham Victoria and “Bristol and Clifton” were
defeated, but there is no mention of any regular opponents.
Investigations into the other places with stations on the early
railway line are ongoing.
Christian Aid Exhibition
‘I Witness`
Featuring Stunning Photography
In 2010 Haiti was devastated by a massive earthquake.
The spirit of the people remained unbroken and five years on they
are reclaiming their lives, building a better future.
‘I Witness` is to be exhibited in Eckington
Church for 2 weeks from Saturday 21st March
We invite you to see it
Page 17
An Art Exhibition
to be held in The Gallery,
Pershore Library
of paintings and embroideries in a variety
of styles, media and subjects including sea
and landscapes, ballet, flora and buildings
by local artist, Brenda Sheridan BA
Open between 9.00am and 5.00pm
Monday to Saturday
Tuesday 17th March to Wednesday 29th April
Free Entry
Christian Aid
Soup Saturday
21st March
12 - 2pm
Eckington Village Hall
Delicious Homemade Soups to
enjoy with Good Company
Everyone Welcome
If you have a favourite soup to offer
Contact Donna 750 831
Page 18
Volunteering Opportunities for March 2015
NUMBER 8 - Maintenance Assistant - If you process some good DIY skills and
have a good, working knowledge of plumbing and electrics, the maintenance assistant
role may be perfect for you. Working alongside the maintenance engineer you will
assistant in some of the regular maintenance work required for the upkeep of the
Café/Bar Helper
Number 8 are also looking for volunteers to help behind the coffee bar, taking orders,
serving drinks, clearing away. Be part of this thriving independent, Community Arts
PASSENGER ASSISITANTS - As part of our Community Transport scheme we
are offering free accredited training to anyone who is interested in acting as a
passenger assistant on board our community buses. Ensuring clients are safely
delivered to their destination, this role is integral in ensuring local people can access
local transport for their needs.
SOCIAL CLUB HELPERS - Here at the volunteer centre we are urgently
looking for keen, able people who can help out at our weekly social and lunch club.
Helping serve up lunches, clear away and offer some social stimulation for our elderly
clients who regularly use this very valuable club.
MENTORING AND BEFRIENDING - If you are interested in talking to
people and can happily give an hour or two a week to someone who is lonely or
isolated then the befriending project ran Age UK and supported by Pershore Volunteer
Centre would be perfect for you.
HEALTHWATCH WORCESTERSHIRE - Healthwatch Worcestershire gives a
voice to children, young people and adults from all communities including those whose
voices are often unheard to:
access the right service
get the best out of our local health and care services
influence the design and delivery of local services where they should or could
be improve.
There are a number of very interesting volunteering roles within Healthwatch
Worcestershire from business support, marketing and communications through to
researchers and viewers. To find out more about the roles & their responsibilities
please do get in touch.
For full details of these and other opportunities, please see
or contact:
Laura Synnuck, Volunteer Development Officer, Pershore Volunteer Centre, 1 Billing
House, Pershore WR10 1EY Tel: 01386 554299, Email:; Website:
Page 19
Eckington W I
Our February meeting was another hands on
experience for us all. Our guest speakers were John
& Annette Christopher from Albrighton Pottery.
John gave us a ‘potted’ (sorry!) history of clay
working after which both he & Annette instructed us on making our
own piece of work. Individual pieces were created by all members, then
collected for Annette to join together and form a bowl. This is now with
them to be fired and finished ready to return back to us. We will be
posting a picture of the bowl on the village website and our Facebook
page in the near future for everyone to admire.
Members are beginning to look forward to some extra activities over
the next couple of months with a proposed lunch club visit to The Blue
Bell at Ryall in March .
Jenny is organising pancake making again at the school on 24th Feb with
the 8 year olds followed by races in the afternoon.
We are also hoping to join in the walk to the moon and back being
organised by Worcester University (ie an attempt for groups and
individuals to collectively walk the equivalent distance)!
At our next meeting on Wednesday 4 March, our speaker will
be Ann Travarison who will be discussing “become a dementia friend”.
Visitors are welcome to join us; the cost is £4.00, refreshments are
available and you can be assured of a warm welcome.
Worcester University are planning a mission to
the moon and back either by walking, swimming, pushing or running a distance of 477,714
miles in total to inspire people to get healthy.
Eckington WI have decided to assist in this quest and, in doing so,
also raise money for our annual charity, The Acorns Hospice. The route
we are planning involves a walk around the village of 2.2 miles to be
carried out once a week for 5 weeks in April, making a total of 11 miles
per person. If you would like to join us or sponsor us please contact
Jeanne Levy on 01386 750756.
Page 20
The Anchor Inn at Eckington
Dates For Your Diary
Help us raise money for Red Nose
Friday 13th March
Day at our Afternoon Tea Party
Live Music- Ian Luther
on Friday 13th March
Tuesday 17th March
from 12pm till 4pm.
Village Night & Pub Quiz from
Spoil your mum on Mothers Day on
Saturday 4th April
Sunday 15th March with a three
Family Easter Egg Hunt from
course Sunday Lunch for £12.95 and
get a complimentary bottle of wine
Friday 17 April
for bookings for four or more people.
Live Music with Crisis Blues
Proud to be Local
Tuesday 21st April
Don’t forget we are sourcing our products from
Village Night & Pub Quiz from
local suppliers so come along and try our new
menu and local craft ales.
Cotheridge Lane, Eckington, Worcestershire WR10 3BA
01386 750356
Steve Leighfield, The Bell’s landlord is competing
for a third time in The London Marathon.
This year I am running for Global Action Nepal.
This charity works hard as a social educational organisation aiming
to improve the lives of marginalised children in rural Nepal.
I believe that we are very fortunate in Eckington & indeed this
country and take a good many things for granted. I would like to put
my efforts in running to good use & try and help those less fortunate
children in Nepal.
If you would like to help by donation, then please pop into The Bell.
I am also having a sweepstake to guess my finish time at just £2.50 a
go; the closest time will receive dinner at The Bell for two people.
Many Thanks, Steve
Page 21
Garden Notes for March
We have had some wonderful sunny days in February with azure blue skies and it has
been a joy to be outside. Any gardening you do this month brings its rewards for the
rest of the year. Sadly this means that there is a lot to do so I shall just write a list!
*Shrubs grown for their colourful winter stems, such as cornus, rubus and salix, should
have their stems cut back to encourage new growth for next years display. Cut back
just above a bud - right down or pruned to about 30cm from the ground.
* Remove the netting from your pond.
* Take the shears to winter flowering heathers to prevent them becoming woody and
leggy. Just trim, don’t cut back into older wood.
* Perennials can be divided. If they have outgrown their space, replant pieces from the
outside of the clump.
* Prune bush roses. Remove dead, diseased or weak growth. Then cut the remaining
stems back to four to six buds from the base. Then feed them before mulching.
* It is the very end of the bare-root season if you want to put in a hedge, some fieldgrown roses or some bare-root fruit. From April on you need to plant container-grown
* Prune established blueberries. After removal of dead, diseased and weak growth,
remove one third of the oldest stems at the base to encourage new growth. Trim the
rest to a strong bud.
* Dig up the snowdrop clumps and divide them, replanting straight away before they
dry out.
* Tidy up the lawns. They didn’t seem to stop growing this winter!
* Plant onion sets, sow broad beans in the veg garden and tomato seeds in a propagator.
* A very few slug pellets in the hosta pots will catch the first generation of slugs. It’s
worth a try.
*Keep hoeing so the pesky weeds don’t get a foothold.
* If you have a shrub that you are very fond of, dig a hole beside it, put in some good
compost and bend a branch down removing a small sliver of bark.. Cover with soil to
fix in place (or use a hair pin!), mark the place with a cane and next spring you should
have a newly rooted shrub.
Marion, Blue Gecko Plants, 01386 751 802
Tuesday 10th March
Tuesday 24th March
We are a group of Village people who meet up on every other Tuesday,
from 2.00pm till 4.00pm to have a chat over a cup of tea and biscuits.
You would be very welcome to join us and perhaps make some new
Page 22
Eckington Parish Council
Three residents attended the Open Public Forum.
The Meeting was informed by the County Councillor that, due to recent
budget increases (Worcestershire County Council) funding will now be made
available to carry out re-surfacing works to Station Road. Resurfacing at
Tewkesbury Road and New Road was also requested by the Parish Council.
Neighbourhood Plan - It was reported that over 500 consultations have been
delivered within the village, with approximately 300 having been returned so
far. It is anticipated that a preliminary analysis of the data collected will have
taken place by the end of the month
The Meeting discussed and agreed to pursue the community led speedwatch
initiative. It was agreed that the first action would be to ascertain interest
from within the village, following which full commitment would be made to
the scheme (see separate article on Page 10).
The Clerk reported that although an official rate regarding urban grass cutting
had still not been received, a guide rate had been produced. Due to the fact
that this was much lower than expected, it was agreed that it was unlikely that
the Parish Council would take over the responsibility from Worcestershire
County Council at this time.
The Meeting discussed the quotes received regarding grass cutting at the
Cemetery and Churchyard. It was agreed that New Farm Grounds
Maintenance would be awarded the three year contract for the works.
Highways – Issues reported to Worcestershire County Council:
 Potholes Nafford Road – Inspected by works maintenance team, however
no safety issues evident;
 Manhole on New Road (further maintenance required) – WCC have
passed to contractor to undertake work.
Clerk to report overgrown hedges along Nafford Road.
The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Tuesday 10th March 2015 in
the Village Hall at 7.30pm. All ar e most welcome to attend. If anyone
wishes to raise any issues direct with the Council, you may do so during the
public open forum which is at 7.30pm prompt.
Page 23
Eckington Stores
Deals to 17th March 2015
Beers and Lagers
Bombardier, Lancaster Bomber, Hobgoblin and many more any 3 for £5
Carling, Carlsberg, Strongbow Foster’s 15 x 440ml
only £10 each
Coors Light, Carling, Strongbow, Fosters 568ml any 4 pint pack for £5 each
Kronenbourg, Heineken, Tiger, NRB
any 2 for £4
Fosters Gold, Kronenbourg Coors Light, NRB any 12 pack for £8 each
Wine, Cider and Spirits
Distant Vines PM £4
Brancott Estate 75cl
Teachers, Smirnoff, Gordons, Baileys, 70cl
Echo Falls 75cl
any 3 for £10
only £7 each
only £12.99 each
only £4 each
Drinks, Crisps and Confectionary
Pringles PM £1.79
Doritos PM £1, Salsa Dip PM £1.29
only £1.25 each
any 2 for £1.50
Robinsons Orange, Apple and Blackcurrant 1lt PM £1.49
PG Tips Pyramid PM £2.45 80’s
Utterly Butterly PM £1.99
McCain Home Chips PM £2.50
only £1 each
only £1.75
half price 99p
only £1.50
Other facilities
My Hermes Parcels collection point - sent Monday to Saturday
Western Union Money Transfer linking most parts of the world
National Lottery Scratchcards – There are lots of prizes to be won for
players 16+
Health Lottery agent - £1 per line for players 16+ - draws every
Wednesday and Saturday.
50p per line, draws Tuesday and Friday.
Call at the shop to see our full range of products and deals or ring 01386
750266. We open from 0600 to 1830 Monday to Friday, 0600 to 1800
Saturday and 0600 to 1300 Sunday. All items are subject to availability.
John, Sue and Mark
Page 24
Grand Jumble Sale
in aid of Midlands Air Ambulance
and Village Hall Funds
at Eckington Village Hall
Saturday 18th April
Grand RaffleTombola
Homemade Pies and Cakes
For further information please call
Cynthia on 750860 or Betty on 750449
It’s soon time to get your brain into gear for
‘The Brain of Eckington’
Save the date now!
Saturday 25 April
To enter a team, please call pre-school
on 07582 452024
£25 per team of 4
Page 25
Eckington CofE First School
Hello, my name is Megan. I am in Year 5 and am here to
report on recent news at Eckington School. Recently a bad
case of coughs has been going around but luckily everyone
is now in fighting condition ready for a splendid half term.
This term Years 3, 4 and 5 have been finding out
information on the Art of Food, including teeth and the
digestive system. Year 2 have been creating moon buggies
with the help of some Year 5s, and Year 1 have been
learning about plants and growing. The Reception children
have been learning about people who help us and enjoyed a
visit from a fireman and police lady.
Highlights of this half term include winning the tag rugby
Year 3 and 4 cluster tournament, batik World War 2 artwork
(some of which will be displayed at No 8 in Pershore) and a
very successful parent topic sharing afternoon.
The Chair of FOES (Friends of Eckington School) has
stepped down and we now have Mrs Kiele Doyle taking that
Clubs are in motion daily (including music, drama and
football clubs) and are run mostly by teachers but some are
run by outside companies.
Homework happens on a regular basis for all years. Spellings
also happen each week to help improve our grammar and
Thank you for taking the time to read this article, there will
be more news next half term.
Page 26
For Sale
Longcroft, New Road, Eckington
Spacious 3 bedroom Bungalow
Large Lounge/Dining Room/Office
2 Bathrooms/3 Double Bedrooms
Kitchen/Utility/Workshop/Large Garage
Gardens Front and Back. Large Drive.
Contact and full details inc pics
Page 27
Calendar for March 2015
Every Saturday
Every Saturday
Every Sunday
1st Sunday
1st Sunday
1st Thursday
2nd Thursday
3rd Tuesday
3rd Thursday
Junior Football
Youth Group
Page 5
Eckington Football Club
Quiz @ The Bell
Page 7
Kids United Service
Page 5
Mums and Minnows
Mobile Library
Quiz @ The Anchor
Page 17
PACT surgery @ Eck Stores
Wednesday 4th
Thursday 5th
Tuesday 10th
Tuesday 10th
Thursday 12th
Sunday 15th
Tuesday 17th
Wednesday 18th
Thursday 19th
Thursday 19th
Friday 20th
Saturday 21st
Saturday 21st
Sunday 22nd
Tuesday 24th
Wednesday 25th
Thursday 26th
W. I. meeting
Lent Course
Catch Up
P Council meeting
Lent Course
Mothering Sunday Service
Art Exhibition
Cricket Club meeting
Coach Outing
Lent Course
Book Club
Art Exhibition
Soup Saturday
Easter Market
Catch Up
Lent Lunch
Lent Course
Page 20
Page 1
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Page 23
Page 1
Page 11
Page 18
Page 15
Page 14
Page 1
Page 9
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Page 9
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Page 1
Page 1
I was interested to see that the theme of this years flower festival is to decorate
wellingtons. We would like to join in but would first like to request for our wellingtons
to be returned.
The wellington less Pippins Posse.
Page 28
Now that the statistics are available for 2014, we thought readers might
be interested to see a summary.
Eckington Village News Online
 The online version of the Eckington Village News was downloaded a
total of 3,395 times during 2014.
 That is an average of 283 downloads for each month's edition.
 Some advertisers have taken advantage of the use of colour and
improved graphics available online.
This is very encouraging and many thanks are due to Liz for the extra
work involved. We will continue to include photos of our village fashion
model, Arthur Ore, wearing his variety of hats and any village event we
can get to.
Eckington Village Website
 During 2014, there were a total of 18,424 visits. The highest annual
figure to date. This is double the number just five years ago.
 The Village Website continues to come at or near the top of search
results, using a number of search engines, including Google.
 Apart from the homepage, the most visited page was the Local
Events, News and Public Information page.
 Other pages with high numbers of visits were the Local Businesses
and Trades page, Flower Festival and Open Gardens page,
Eckington First School and Pre-School page, Local Services page
and Village Contacts page.
As usual, we would be grateful to receive any feedback or suggestions
for changes and new material. Please send an email to or phone 751698.
David and Lorraine Bainbridge
S.O.S has had a great few terms and we have a great
group of teenagers attending on a regular basis.
We would love to do more with them but we are in
danger of not being able to run for much longer. This
youth group is one of the few things available for
teenagers on a regular basis in Eckington, so it would
be a shame for this group to close.
We are looking for willing volunteers who are able to
help out, once a term at the most, to support Becki.
You wouldn’t need to provide or plan anything. All
you need to do is turn up and get to know the
amazing young people we have.
If you are able to help us in any way please can you
contact Becki Bickerton on 07799148664.
A classic thatched holiday cottage….
Rookwood Cottage is a
beautiful cottage sleeping four
in an attractive row by
churchyard in Drewsteignton, a
very pretty village with
marvellous scenery and lots of
footpaths along a picturesque
stretch of the River Teign
An inglenook fireplace, open
fire with logs provided, a
generous welcome basket,
White Company bed linen and
soft fluffy towels are all
included in the rental of this
comfortable holiday cottage on
the northern edge of Dartmoor.
Call Ian & Jackie Pickford
on 01386 750678
20% Eckington
… in an exceptionally pretty village