~1~ Welcome to the March 2015 issue of The Witham Staple Whilst sat here thinking late one night, what it was that I might write, my email pinged with such delight. A message received from far way, greetings from Australia it did say. Down Under seems so far away but this is read and there’s no delay. This gave thought on what to say, if this is read so far away. Let us have a go at the Australian way. G’Day mate! Welcome ta the March issue we hope yoos are all well and that the changeable weather isn't get yoos down ta much. As we March on into the third month we tinnie start ta look forward ta Sprin'. (No sorry tongue tied already)!! Colour in the garden a blanket of snowdrops and aconites will flourish then daffodils will emerge from the winter soil like a golden sea or vapour trail. Grab a drink and sit straight down, read on with hope, sure as spring is growing, because far away even old friends are knowing, what we’re doing and where we’re going. Once we’re done and April looms one last thing is wind it on? th British Summertime Begins. Sunday 29 March, wind your clocks on one hour. We love to receive articles from all corners of the community ITEMS TO THE EDITOR NO LATER THAN 15th MARCH PLEASE The earlier the better for inclusion in the April Issue. Editor:- Paul Hubbard. Thornlee, 1 Wheatley Lane, Carlton-le-Moorland, Lincoln. LN5 9JA. Tel. 789673 or e-mail paul@withamstaple.com When contacting the Witham Staple. Please include your name, address and telephone number, even if they are not to be printed. We don’t accept anonymous items. If you require any help or advice with your entry, feel free to call before sending. Small non-commercial advertisements are carried at the cost of a £1 per item. All other items of local information, events, fundraisers and none profit making groups are carried free. For Business Advertisement Material for the Website Please contact Julie Burrows Web Editor, David Wood 07714 290 421 or 788576 email:- info@withamstaple.com email:- adverts@withamstaple.com Website – www.withamstaple.com Other contacts for The Witham Staple Chairman: Stan Underwood (Tel: 788461) Distribution: Sheila Wood (Tel: 788865) Witham St Hughs: Elaine Eagle (Tel: 869062) ADVERTISEMENTS IN THE WITHAM STAPLE. Whereas care is taken to ascertain that advertisers in The Witham Staple are bona fide, readers are strongly advised to take their own precautions before entering into any agreement to obtain services or goods. Should any query arise concerning a business advert, please contact the Witham Staple Advertising Manager on 788576. Names and addresses of advertisers can be made available if requested. This month’s front cover is by Celia Davis Winner of The Witham Staple cover design competition 2014 for 8 to 11 years. ~2~ CARLTON LE MOORLAND PARISH COUNCIL The next Parish Council meeting in the village hall (LN5 9HQ) will be held on th Wednesday 11 March at 7.30pm. Public time takes place at the start of the meeting. All are very welcome. Dog Fouling – Carlton to Bassingham Pathway. The verge of the Carlton to Bassingham pathway is beginning to look like a dog toilet. Despite there being two dog bins at either end of the pathway, irresponsible dog owners continue to allow their dogs to run free and foul the verges...... or bags of faeces are left on the verge for others to pick up! Please act responsibly and clear up after your dog. The dog bins are there for a purpose – use them! Carlton le Moorland Village Hall. Are you looking for a venue for a community group or a party? Carlton le Moorland Village Hall is always available for hire to residents and non-residents for parties and other events. Nonresident prices start at £9 per hour for children’s events and £10 for general bookings. If you would like any further information regarding booking and availability please contact Mrs. Margaret Hutchinson on 788489. Volunteers Wanted – if you could help us tidying up the exterior of the Village Hall, cleaning windows and general light tasks please contact the Parish Clerk. Street Lights. Please report any unlit street lights directly to Lincolnshire County Council Customer Service Centre on 782070 or contact the Parish Clerk. Coffee Morning. The next Coffee Morning will take place on Saturday 7th March from 10am to 12noon in the Village Hall. Come along to the hall - enjoy a coffee, bacon roll and a chat! There will be cakes and other goodies on sale including second-hand books. All funds raised are for the Village Hall Improvement project. Carlton le Moorland Website. Log onto the village website for the latest parish council information, newsletters and other events www.carltonlemoorland.org.uk Post Office. The Outreach Post Office in the Village Hall is open Wednesdays 2pm to 4pm and Fridays 1pm to 4pm offering a full range of Post Office services including foreign currency and motor vehicle road tax. Please support this local facility. Lincolnshire Co-op Community Champions – Have you a Co-op Dividend Card? Remember if you have a Co-op Dividend card please pass your dividend donation to Carlton le Moorland Village Hall development project by going onto the Co-op Community Champions website and changing your donation preference, by contacting the Community Champions Team on 544632 or e-mail membershipandcommunity@lincolnshire.coop Please support our fundraising every little helps!!!!! Debbie Parker Parish Clerk 789630. Email: carltonlemoorlandpc@gmail.com ACT TWO AGM Monday 9th March at 8pm Hammond Hall Meeting Room (LN5 9HQ) ~3~ BASSINGHAM PARISH COUNCIL The next Parish Council meeting will be held on th Thursday 12 March at 7.30pm The Hammond Hall Sub-Committee. Meets every Tuesday morning at 10am South Moor Allotments Sub-Committee. The next meeting will be on th Thursday 26 March at 6pm Press and public are welcome to attend, there will be a public session at the beginning of each meeting After each meeting the minutes will be posted on the Parish web-site (hhtp://parishes.lincolnshire/Bassingham) and on the Parish notice boards. All meetings are held in the Hammond Hall (LN5 9HQ) The Allotments at South Moor. Now available for rent at a cost of £55 per annum to include water all enquiries to the Parish Clerk. Street Lights & Pot Holes. Any problems or defects should be reported to the Parish Clerk at the Hammond Hall Roger Hales Parish Clerk Tel: 789758. E-mail basspc@btconnect.com Bassingham Parish Council web-site - hhtp://parishes.lincolnshire/Bassingham NORTON DISNEY PARISH COUNCIL The next Parish Council meeting will be held in the Village Hall (LN6 9JU) on Wednesday 18th March at 7.30pm Members of the public are welcome. The most recent agreed minutes are displayed on the Village Notice Board and are available from the Clerk on request. Charlie Rudkin Parish Clerk Tel: 788480 or e-mail: c.rudkin01@yahoo.co.uk WITHAM ST HUGHS PARISH COUNCIL The next month’s Parish Council meeting in the Village Hall (LN6 9TN) is on Wednesday 18th March at 7pm The meeting’s always start with an open session until 7.15pm, at which residents are welcome to contribute. Mrs S Lane Parish Clerk 869643. email: withamsthughspc@hotmail.co.uk Please leave a message if no reply and the Parish Clerk will get back to you. Postal address: ℅ 28 Gibson Green, Witham St Hughs, Lincoln LN6 9GB Village Hall Lettings: Contact as above please THE HAMMOND HALL PRESENTS COFFEE MORNINGS every Monday from 9am to midday in the Main Hall (LN5 9HQ) Enjoy a cuppa with friends old and new and catch up with what’s going on ~4~ AUBOURN & HADDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL The next Parish Council meeting will take place on th Wednesday 4 March at 7.30pm In our Community Heritage Room, Aubourn Clock Tower (LN5 9EA) All residents are very welcome to attend the council meetings. There is a public session at the beginning of the meeting. At the February meeting we were very pleased to co-opt Mr Fred Harston to the council. We also welcomed our new clerk, Rachael Raraty. The Parish Council has a 99 year lease for the Clock Tower from the Lincoln Diocese and we are responsible for the maintenance which includes the 3 splendid bells. We are very fortunate to have Chris Woodcock repairing the bell rope wheels, they enable the bells to be rung. By the time you read this, the bells will have been rung for the first time in 40 years, so it will be an exciting occasion! The PC is working with the Road Safety Partnership to procure signs which we hope will remind drivers of the speed limits in the villages. We are also considering 30/40mph stickers for the wheelie bins. Notices to be put in the parish noticeboards can be given to Cllr Denis Knott, for Aubourn, or Cllr Fred Harston for Haddington. Please report any faulty street lights or any potholes to the clerk. Rachael Raraty Parish Clerk 788654 - email aubournhaddingtonpc@outlook.com WITHAM STAPLE DELIVERY HELP WANTED Witham St Hughs. A deliverer is needed please as soon as possible to deliver the Witham Staple Magazine to Nettleham Drive Witham St Hughs. The Witham Staple is looking for an enthusiastic dedicated person to join the delivery team in Witham St Hughs and cover this area please. For more details or to join the Witham St Hughs delivery team please contact Elaine on 869062 Bassingham. The Witham Staple requires a volunteer to deliver the magazine to Vasey Close, Bassingham. This is the new housing development next to the Surgery. Thurlby. We are also looking for a volunteer to provide cover for our regular deliverer, to the Thurlby and Thurlby Moor area. For more details or to join the Bassingham or Thurlby delivery team please contact Sheila Wood on 788865. BASSINGHAM VILLAGE LUNCH CLUB Tuesday 10th & Tuesday 24th March serving at 12noon in the Hammond Hall (LN5 9HQ) All welcome, if unable to attend please ring Diana Geeson on 788427 or Rona on 789256 ~5~ HELP WANTED st Do you have some spare time to give 1 Bassingham Guides? We are looking for someone to help with our Tuesday night meetings. We meet in Bassingham School Hall from 7.45pm to 9.15pm during term time. No experience is necessary - just a sense of fun and adventure. If you would like to know more please telephone Becky Jordan on 01636 894215 or Sarah Hassnip on 789649 CARLTON LE MOORLAND VILLAGE HALL FUNDRAISER EVENT Coffee Morning th Saturday 7 March 10am to Midday at Carlton le Moorland Village Hall (LN5 9HP) Tea, Coffee and Cake - Bacon Butties Table Top Sale - Raffle – Cake Stall - Books and CDs If you would like a stall please contact Julie on 788576 or 07714 290 421 This is a fund raising event for improvements to the village hall and playground equipment NK NEWS FROM SUE and PAT your NK DISTRICT COUNCILLORS By the time you read this, hopefully Spring will be on its way. We are fortunate in our Bassingham and Brant Broughton ward to have both thriving communities and businesses. In South Hykeham, we have the ever growing Gateway Park and look forward to visiting Pennells’ new extension and café. In Bassingham we have Harvey’s Steel Fabricators who are also expanding. All of this means more jobs and a boost to the economy. Health and Wellbeing is one of the councils priorities, over 30% of adults regularly participate in sport and active recreation at least once a week. Also popular are the NK health walks, the Active Strollers, these walks take, on average 45 minutes and start at Whisby Natural World and the Sports Centre in North Hykeham - there is more information on the NK website. Don't forget HILL HOLT WOOD, in Norton Disney, this is open every day for walks around the wood. The café, “The Hive” is open on a Sunday from 10am to 4pm, serving all sorts of home cooked food. Finally NK are running a photography competition for amateurs to capture an event or landmark within the district, winning entries to appear in a 2016 calendar. The winner will be able to spend time with a professional photographer. The closing date is 3rd July. Best wishes Cllr Sue Howe and Cllr Pat Woodman MBE BASSINGHAM LUNCH CLUB rd th st Tuesday 3 , Tuesday 17 & Tuesday 31 March at 12noon in the Hammond Hall (LN5 9HQ) Cost £5. All welcome For more details or to book please contact Tom on 789935 or Lynn on 789031 ~6~ THANK YOU th st 30 Lincoln 1 Bassingham Scout Group would like to say a big thank you to Sainsbury’s of Lincoln for allowing them to bag pack on Saturday 6th December. The group had a great afternoon helping shoppers with their packing while raising much needed funds for the group. The Cubs Christmas Post was once again well supported and a big thank you to everyone who used the service. Unfortunately the Cubs were unable to deliver 3 cards as they only had Christian name’s on the envelopes, (all cards need addressing correctly so we know where to post them). Elizabeth Rachel Booker. My gorgeous wife past away on the 1st September 2014 after a year of trying to beat her cancer but sadly this was not to be. She was a very brave and courageous lady who always had a smile for you no matter how she felt. It was her dying wish after taking early retirement due to her illness, that all well wishes should give any gifts as money and donations to her three chosen charities being St Michael's Church Bassingham, Marie Curie Cancer and St Barnabas Hospice Lincoln. All of which helped support her and the family during this difficult time. Over £1050 was raised at the church service held in Bassingham on the 22nd September and in total from all collections from her work colleagues at Longhurst Group Boston, the church and other donations received by the Coop funeral directors a rounded up figure of £2550 was collected and split equally between these three very deserving organisations. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of my wife and I to thank all who attended the service and all who gave so generously to the collections. I know she would have been bowled over by how much you all gave but she didn't realise how well liked she was. I would also like to thank our Rev Canon Nick Buck for his kind words, the Lincoln Coop Funeral Directors and all at the Five Bells for looking after everyone after the service, the food was just great. Many thanks to you all from me (Darren Booker) and our family. British Heart Foundation. A big thank you. Although we were unlucky with the overall turn out for the Coffee Morning in aid of the British Heart Foundation on Sunday 8th February. I would like to say a very Big Thank You to everyone who managed to make kind donations and who gave up their Sunday Morning. We managed to raise a Fantastic £251 after expenses. Also a big thank you to all at Bassingham Primary School for collecting £147.17 thank you in aid of the British heart foundation. So once again a very sincere Thank You. We couldn't have done it without you. BASSINGHAM SHOW MEETING Wednesday 4th March 7.30pm Bassingham Tower Meeting Room (LN5 9 HQ) We will be holding our first meeting to arrange the 2015 Annual Show, we are always looking for new people and new ideas to make this day enjoyable for all ages. If you feel that you can help in any way please come along or give me a call. We would like as many groups of the village to do something on the day. All money raised goes back into the village and is there for the use of all villagers. Julie Thomas Show Coordinator 789425 ~7~ WOMEN’S WORLD DAY OF PRAYER th Friday 6 March at 7.30pm St Mary’s Church Carlton le Moorland (LN5 9HR) The service this year has been prepared by the Christian women of the Bahamas Everyone is invited BASSINGHAM PARISH COUNCIL ELECTION MAY 2015 Would you like to stand for election? The number one objective of the Council is to maintain its endeavours to provide high quality services and never lose sight of its purpose to improve the lives of the inhabitants of Bassingham and continue to spend your money wisely. All Councillors give up their time freely, are likely to be members of other Village Organisations and be involved with Fund Raising for the benefit of our Village. Do you know what a Councillor does? Bassingham Parish Councillors are required to: Take account and represent the views of all parishioners. Ensure, with other councillors, that the council is properly managed. In effect, they should work to sustain all the valued features of Village Life. Councillors are summoned (not invited) to attend the monthly meetings, plus any extraordinary meetings, in addition they will be required to be involved in other Council sub committees and/or be representatives for the next 4 years. Further, Councillors have a responsibility to consider all related documents in advance of meetings. Full Council, monthly - Hammond Hall & Playing Field, weekly. Allotment, monthly - Neighbourhood Planning, weekly, NK Village Cluster, bi monthly - Bassingham Village and PF Charity, bi monthly. Other Projects as and when – e.g. during the last 4 years the Council has:Built Hammond Tower - Refurbished the Multi-Play Area Upgraded the Cemetery - Provided the NK Local Access Point Provided a Hard surfaced Play area that can be used for temporary car parking Provided 29 new Allotments, together with a water supply, Refurbished Community Car Park - Updated the Village Clock Invested in the Bassingham to Carlton Pathway Please don’t assume it doesn’t matter who you vote for, it does, Please use your Vote. If interested, or for further information, please contact: Roger Hales (Clerk to the Parish Council) Hammond Hall on 789758 GARDEN GROUP 23 members enjoyed a talk on Trees and Shrubs by Steve Lovell in January. Our next meeting is on Thursday 12th March at 7.30pm in the Tower Room at The Hammond Hall (LN5 9HQ) When Steve Routledge from Floral Media will be giving a presentation 'Spring is in the Air' All welcome. Admission £3 ~8~ CARLTON LE MOORLAND VILLAGE FUNDRAISER EVENT Quiz Evening Saturday 28th March at 7.30pm in Carlton le Moorland Village Hall (LN5 9HP) Teams of Four Tickets are £5 per person for adults and £2.50 for children th Please book your places by Wednesday 25 March by contacting Andy Sceeny on 788303 Price includes a Ploughman's Supper and there will be a Raffle Bring your own drinks This is a fund raising event for improvements to the Village Hall and playground equipment WITHAM ST HUGHS ALLOTMENTS The warmer weather is just around the corner and soon the Witham St Hughs allotments will be a hive of activity, as we see once again a flurry of digging; planning and nurturing for bumper harvests later in the year. Unlike most areas we still have vacant plots available; do you want to join a great community down on the allotments? if so then please contact John Phillipson, our liaison officer on allotments.wsth@outlook.com For those wanting to renew the tenancy on your current allotment, a reminder that March 16th is the deadline for payment of the fees for 2015/16. This year, we are looking to run a “Best in Show” competition for Vegetables/Fruit and Flowers at the Village Summer Fete in August - more information over the coming months of what the categories will include. Vacancy on the Allotments Committee. Do you want to have more of a say in how the allotments are run and help to support the allotments community? There is currently a vacancy on the Committee and we would love to hear from any allotment holders, or villagers who might be interested in filling it. The Committee meets four times a year. In addition to this, Committee members have a say in decisions relating to the allotments site and can provide help and advice to other allotment holders. If you are interested in putting your name forward please contact us on allotments.wsth@outlook.com or on 07709 126 327 or you can speak to any committee member. Next committee meeting is on nd Wednesday 22 April at 7pm in the Village Hall - all welcome Cllr K Harrison – Chair WSH Allotment Committee CARLTON LE MOORLAND LUNCH CLUB March Lunch Monday 16th March at 1pm in the Village Hall (LN5 9HP) £3.50. All ages welcome. Please join us for a home cooked meal and good company. Please phone Andy or Sue (788303) by Wednesday 11th March to book your meal as this helps us to know how many to cook for. ~9~ NORTON DISNEY VILLAGE HALL BINGO Saturday 7th March. Eyes down 7.30pm ‘Meet your friends and have a go at Bingo!’ CARLTON LE MOORLAND SPRING SHOW st Saturday 21 March In Carlton le Moorland Village Hall. (LN5 9HP) th Staging from 7pm to 8pm on Friday 20 and 8.30am to 10.30am on the Saturday morning Show opens at 2.30pm There will be a raffle, refreshments, tombola and much more. Donations of Raffle or Tombola Prizes and refreshments would be very gratefully received by Paul (1 Wheatley Lane) or Debbie (28 High St) Why not have a go and enter the show, there are 53 classes to suit everyone Flowers and Pot Plants ~ Photographs ~ Floral Art ~ Handicrafts ~ Cookery Children’s Section 5 years and under ~ 6 to 10 years ~ 11 to 16 years Schedules available from Green’s Store, Carlton Church, or visit www.carltonlemoorland.org.uk or even call 789673 All proceeds to Village Hall Development Fund CARLTON LE MOORLAND MINI LIBRARY Sadly The Mini-Library closed at the end of 2014 We thanks those who borrowed books and those who help to run the Mini-Library A few books have not been returned - please return them at the next Village Hall Coffee Morning on Saturday 7th March or contact Andy Sceeny 788303 BOMBER CRASH MEMORIAL Over 70 years ago a Stirling Bomber on a training mission crashed on my farm killing all 7 members of the crew. The resultant fireball was one of my first memories as a child. There is now a National Memorial to Bomber Command in London and also another is to be erected at Canwick in Lincoln commemorating the tremendous contribution that local aircrews made to winning the Second World War. However, after many years, I believe it is important to mark the exact site of the crash of the Stirling Bomber with its own memorial so that visitors can understand the local context of this particular event. The dedication ceremony for the Memorial will be conducted by the Reverend Canon Nick Buck on Saturday 14th March at 11am. The site is at Wirelocks Farm, Bassingham Fen, which is at the bottom of Linga Lane. The Post Code is LN5 9LD. O/S map Ref: SK9359. Everyone who is interested is invited to attend the dedication ceremony. George Marsh. ~ 10 ~ THE AUBOURN & HADDINGTON PLAYGROUND ASSOCIATION Would like to invite you to their Annual Public Meeting rd Tuesday 3 March at 7.45pm At the Enterprise Hall, Aubourn (LN5 9FD) This meeting will also provide an opportunity for those interested in joining our committee. We look forward to seeing you there! BASSINGHAM & DISTRICT WI CRAFT FAIR th Sunday 8 March 10am to 3pm Hammond Hall Bassingham (LN5 9HQ) A variety of stalls including craft ~ Refreshments served all day Further details: Sandra Nelson on 788213 EASTER FAYRE th Sunday 29 March from 2pm until 4pm at the Enterprise Hall in Aubourn. (LN5 9FD) Easter Bunny Hunt around Aubourn Village & Easter Fun Activities Please bring your decorated Easter Bonnets, Easter Eggs prize for the best ones. Teas, coffees & cake, Raffle, craft corner, egg & spoon race, Easter gifts and other competitions too! £2 entry per child – Easter eggs for all child participants of the Easter Bunny Hunt. All proceeds will go to the maintenance and running of the Aubourn & Haddington Playground Raffle prizes gratefully received phone Charlotte on 868174 BASSINGHAM OPEN GARDENS Sunday 14th June 2pm to 6pm Would you like to open your garden? Have you opened before and would like to do so again? Perhaps you would like to discuss the idea before you make up your mind. Please contact Jan or Geoff on Bassingham 788793 Gardeners, please help this event, held in aid of the Village Charity, by saving and bringing on spare plants for the plant stall. Perennials, shrubs, annuals and houseplants are all very welcome. The plant stall will also be delighted to receive ‘gardenalia’ – any odd garden tools, pots, ornaments or even furniture which does not fit in your garden or shed any more. If you would like to help on the day by giving an hour selling programmes, making cakes or giving an hour to help with teas please call Sandra on 788213 In conjunction with Open Gardens SCARECROW WEEKEND Saturday 13th & Sunday 14th June This year’s theme is 'HERO'S' it can be anyone who you think is a hero in your eyes ~ 11 ~ st 1 BASSINGHAM SCOUT GROUP SCOUT TROOP LEADER URGENTLY WANTED A range of opportunities for volunteers in the community. Bassingham has a well established Scout Group which has flourished for many years. The Scout Group is made up of three sections. There is a Beaver Colony, a Cub Pack and a Scout Troop. There are three appointed leaders and a number of assistant leaders and parent helpers who work with the Beavers, Cubs and Scouts on a weekly basis. There is a very healthy waiting list of young people who would like to join the different sections of the Bassingham Scout Group and we are in urgent need of an additional Scout Troop Leader to join in and help run the local troop of boys and girls age 10½ to 14. If you live in the area and think that working with young people in this way could be something you would enjoy then why not come along to one of the sessions to have a look, we meet on a Thursday evening from 7.30pm during school term time. For more details please contact the Group Scout Leader Alison on 788241. THE SUSTAINABLE BASSINGHAM GROUP AUCTION OF PROMISES EVENING Saturday 21st March 7.30pm to 11.30pm The Hammond Hall, Bassingham (LN5 9HQ) Bar available (supplied by SB) Tickets £8 available from Elaine Harris on 788047 Here are just a selection of lots to be auctioned on the night! Two days before and after school care for two children over 5yrs Voucher for one hours children's entertainment by Feet First entertainment Boat trip on 34ft yacht to include lunch on the River Orwell for two people, transport there and back included Creation of a brand new, professionally designed logo for your business(worth £400) by Default Blue, Vanity case with assorted Leighton Denny nail products £50 worth high street shopping vouchers Family ticket to Doddington Hall and garden's Professional chimney sweep to the value of £60 Two tickets for Royal London one day cup match, Trent Bridge Ride in a classic sports car and Champagne picnic for two. Personalised cards by professional printer Four hours gardening service Custom made cake £10 voucher towards meal 5 ballet or tap lessons Free MOT 6 week gym membership Child large sit and ride JCB tractor £20 nail treatment voucher Mystery lots Children's Photo session Children's cookery lesson Afternoon tea for two Ride in Porsche Sunday lunch for two Trouser shortening 8 hours Granny sitting ~ 12 ~ AUBOURN & HADDINGTON BRANCHING OUT LUNCH The next lunch will be held at Hill Holt Wood on th Thursday 26 March for residents of Aubourn and Haddington who are over 60. The cost is £5 for lunch, a main course, pudding and coffee. Pick up at the Enterprise Centre on Bridge Road, Aubourn at 12.30pm. All welcome. If you are interested please ring 788074. BASSINGHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL Calling all villagers. The school is collecting the Sainsbury's Active Kids vouchers. The vouchers are invaluable and provide fantastic cooking and sports equipment. Please pick up the vouchers when you are shopping. There are now collection boxes in the Spar and Greens shop. Thank you Withamside United Parish FUTURE DATES FOR YOUR DIARY th Saturday 17 October Last Night of the Proms Concert with the Foss Dyke Band th Saturday 14 November Ceilidh with the Higgledy Piggledy Group Saturday 28th November Christmas Market Further details of these events will be published near to the time. HEATH U3A LINCOLN Our next branch meeting is on Monday 9th March at 10am Adventure talk – Ladakh, John Robinson If you are no longer in full time employment, retired and looking for new interests, then new members are welcome to join this lively U3A Group, for group learning, social events and new friendships. Monthly branch meetings take place on the second Monday of each month, 10am to 12noon at the Methodist Church, Grantham Road, Bracebridge Heath, Lincoln. LN4 2LD There are more than twenty interest groups which are held each month on a wide range of subjects. For more information, please contact Membership Secretary: Alan Mayo 3 Glebe End Canwick Lincoln LN4 2FP. Tel. 528881 e-mail heathu3amembers@gmail.com Please visit the website: http://heathu3a.org.uk/index.htm ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH BASSINGHAM COFFEE MORNING th Saturday 7 March at 10.30am to 11.30am The choir is hosting our get-together this morning. Various refreshments, cake stall, books and a raffle. Please come and join us. ~ 13 ~ You are invited OPEN HOUSE th Saturday 7 March 11am to 3pm 5 Bell’s Court, Carlton le Moorland (LN5 9JL) Come and be inspired! Brand new Stampin’ Up products & Free products with your order during Sale-a-Brations Refreshments, Raffle and Free Prize Draw Contact: Sarah Marwood - rsmarwood@aol.com 788901 www.stampinarttoheart.wordpress.com ENJOYING LEARNING ACHIEVING SUCCESS Lincoln Road, Bassingham, Lincoln LN5 9HQ Telephone: 788395. Fax: 789467 enquiries@bassingham.lincs.sch.uk www.bassingham.lincs.sch.uk Headteacher Mr Ian Howells B Ed (Hons) Cert. Edn. NPQH A Victory for Bassingham Bassingham Primary School has recently been invited to a swimming gala at the Grove Leisure Centre on Monday 9th February. The team was: Freya, Niamh, Frazer, Dylan, Holly, Ellie, Jack, Henry, Oliver, Alex, Katie and Jenna. We had a very successful swim and ended up coming 3rd out of 8 teams. We set off thinking that we would never make it to the top three; that is why we are so proud of this achievement! As the first person stepped up we were thinking 'we are never going to win this' but we set off with a flying start. We would like to thank the parents that came and supported us in our pathway to success. Special thanks to Mr Howells and Jackie for putting up with us on poolside and helping us all the way to victory. Thank you swimmers for giving your time and effort for us to make this an outstanding achievement. (Accompanying photo on Witham Staple website) By Jenna and Katie Vacancies Bassingham Primary School would like hear from you if you are interested in working for us on a temporary basis. We are looking for mid-day assistants to form a panel to cover staff absences. If you are local, friendly and prepared to work at short notice please contact the school office on 788395 for an application form. An enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service check will be required. BASSINGHAM RECORDED MUSIC CLUB The last meeting held in February was entitled 'Ancient & Modern' and was presented by two members. The selected music varied between items composed as long ago as 1098 and as recently as 2002 with a great deal of variety, including a recording by 'Acker' Bilk, in between. The next meeting will be on Friday 13th March at Roy & Jo's house. Please contact Bill Golder on 789289 should you like more information about the Music Club. ~ 14 ~ BASSINGHAM & DISTRICT WI NEWS We were all left completely mystified at our February meeting by the antics of our speaker Paul Vickers who spoke on the theme of the history of magic. This was a talk with a mix of magic tricks which, although performed right under our noses, were impossible to work out how he did them! A delightful and thoroughly entertaining evening. Next meeting: th Thursday 5 March at 7.30pm Bassingham Tower Meeting Room (LN5 9HQ) How to cheat at scone making! - with a dash of annual meeting! Competitions: Scone making - just follow the instructions on the cake kit! If you didn’t pick up a scone kit at the February meeting then please contact Vivienne. Flower of the month - (Reminder: a single flower or single stem only please) Guests and visitors welcome - £2.50 to include light refreshments. th Don’t forget the craft fair on Sunday 8 March 10am to 3pm details on page 11 Further details available from Sandra on 788213 or Vivienne on 01636 659034 BASSINGHAM TABLE TENNIS Every Tuesday evening 8pm to 10pm at the Hammond Hall Come along and try our friendly club Pay per Play £4 Adults, £2.50 Juniors Full memberships available at attractive rates For more information call Derek 788358 or Iain 788935 URGENTLY NEEDED – RAINBOW LEADER 1st Bassingham Rainbows is in need of a new leader from after the Easter Holidays. If you enjoy working with young children and want to help in the community, this is a great opportunity. Rainbows are part of the Guiding family. The girls are aged between 5 and 7 years. They meet every Tuesday during term times from 4.45pm to 5.45pm in the Bassingham School Hall. Their main activities are games, crafts, singing and of course, having fun! If you are interested in getting involved please contact: Mags Smart on 789671. (Contact number amended from error in February issue) EASTER FETE AT WITHAM ST HUGHS VILLAGE HALL Monday 6th April 12noon to 4pm Easter Egg Hunt - £2 per child including an egg prize Easter Bonnet Competition, Entry £1 - Two age categories, 5 & under and 6+ Judging will take place at 3.30pm Face Painting - Tea, coffee &cake BBQ - Bar open ~ 15 ~ ACT TWO 1940's / World War 2 themed Dance th Saturday 28 March 8pm to 11pm The Hammond Hall, Bassingham (LN5 9HQ) Featuring live music from Decent Chaps, a professional jazz, swing and Latin quartet. Licensed bar. Please feel free to embrace the mood and dress up of the era. Tickets sales: st Sunday 1 March 3 to 4pm. Hammond Hall Foyer. Then from Monday 2nd March in Greens, Spar, Bugle Horn and from Roger in The Hammond Hall Bassingham. Prices: £10 per ticket. Contact Kathy on 07879 812 529 for more information. POP IN AND PLAY Every Friday morning, during term time 9.15am to 11am At Witham St Hughs Children’s Centre (LN6 9WF) Lots of fun for little ones aged 0 to 5 years old Crafts, snack and singing Meet and chat to other parents/carers at our friendly parent-led group £1 each week Everyone welcome – hope to see you soon! Art To Heart CHILDREN’S STAMPING CRAFT CLASS For Mother’s Day Wednesday 4th March 4pm to 5pm Carlton le Moorland Come and let your creative talents flow at this new children’s stamping craft class. Full tuition will be given to make cards/notelets/boxes and other fun projects (suitable for Mother’s Day) future classes will, where possible reflect other seasonal festivities. Classes will be held in my craft room. Depending on popularity it maybe possible to arrange more classes to tailor for specific ages and interests. Children must be accompanied by an adult and Refreshments will be available, (complimentary tea or coffee for adults). Cost £6 per child to include materials. For more details about these classes and to book a place contact Sarah Marwood 788901, email: rsmarwood@AOL.com. Booking is essential. www.stampinarttoheart@aol.com In addition I also offer children’s craft parties to help enhance your child’s Birthday celebration and take away some of your hard work! Please feel free to call me to discuss this further. ~ 16 ~ WITHAMSIDE UNITED PARISH Aubourn with Haddington: St Peter. Stapleford: All Saints. Thurlby: St Germain. Bassingham: St Michael. Carlton le Moorland: St Mary. Norton Disney: St Peter www.withamsidechurches.org.uk Rector. Assistant Curate. Reverend Canon Nick Buck. Reverend Andy Jackson-Parr The Rectory, Torgate Lane, 8 Doe Close, Witham St. Hughs, Bassingham. Lincoln. Tel: 788383 Lincoln. LN6 9UW. Tel: 869550 SERVICES FOR MARCH Lent 2 st 1 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 10.30am Morning Prayer Lent 3 th 8 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am All Together for Communion 6.00pm Evening Prayer including dedication of restored bells. Norton Disney Bassingham Aubourn Thurlby Bassingham Carlton le Moorland Mothering Sunday 15th 9.00am Holy Communion 10.30am Holy Communion 6.00pm Evening Prayer Aubourn Bassingham Norton Disney Lent 5 22nd 9.00am 10.30am 10.30am 4.00pm Carlton le Moorland Stapeford Bassingham Bassingham Holy Communion Holy Communion Morning Prayer Tea Time Church Palm Sunday th 29 10.30am Worship begins at Battersby Close Bassingham, concluding with Holy Communion at Bassingham Church after procession along High Street. April Easter Day th 5 10.30am Parish Celebration of Holy Communion Bassingham This will be the Rector’s last service in the parish CHURCH COUNCIL CONTACTS The contacts for the six Church Councils are as follows:St Peter’s Church, Aubourn: Christine Knott 788336 St Michael and All Angels Church Bassingham: John Williams 789165 St Mary’s Church, Carlton le Moorland: Mary 788335 or Cynthia 788461 St Peter’s Church, Norton Disney: Alan Haines 788753 All Saints Church, Stapleford: Sandra Nelson 788213 St Germain’s, Thurlby: Tony Spray 788325 ~ 17 ~ HOLY COMMUNION is celebrated. Every Thursday at 9.30am at St Michaels Church Bassingham The next month’s mid-week Holy Communion services is on rd Tuesday 3 March at 9.30am at St Mary’s Church Carlton le Moorland CARE HOME SERVICE Monthly at Bassingham Nursing Home after the first Sunday of the month Thursday 5th March BUGGY SERVICE For pre-school children and their carers is held in Bassingham Church on alternate Wednesdays from 10am. The next month’s services are on th th Wednesday 11 & 25 March SUNDAY CLUB For school age children is held most Sundays from 10.30am at Bassingham Church THE RELIGIOUS SOCIETY OF FRIENDS (QUAKERS) METHODIST CHURCH Meeting for worship each Sunday 11am to 12noon at Meeting House Lane Brant Broughton LN5 0SH The Reverend. Susan Chambers 41 Harewood Crescent, North Hykeham Lincoln. LN6 8JB. Tel. 681655 email revsue@btinternet.com SS PETER & PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH FAITH CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP – LINCOLN Skellingthorpe Rd, Lincoln LN6 7RB Mass: Saturdays 6pm; Sundays 9am & 11am Parish Priest: Mons. Thomas McGovern. Tel. 696838. Parish Office: 682278 Service times are Sundays at 10.30am. All are welcome Memorial Hall, 317 Newark Road, North Hykeham. LN6 9RY Revd Peter Ronald Tel: 509613 THE VINE FREE CHURCH Meets at The Community Centre, Millers Road, Waddington. LN5 9RX Sunday Services at 10.15am. Our members come from all sorts of backgrounds, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Pentecostal, Catholic etc. truly an interdenominational Church. Come and visit us one Sunday and see what you have been missing – simple easy to follow services that everybody can join in and enjoy. Haven’t been to Church for ages but would like to try again and find answers to life’s difficult questions, try The Vine or visit these web sites. www.thevinefreechurch.co.uk or www.lookingforgod.com Enquiries or further details phone 789015 ~ 18 ~ WITHAMSIDE UNITED PARISH ‘Tea-time Church’ nd Sunday 22 March at 4pm in Bassingham Church (LN5 9HA) For families with school-age children, usually meets on the fourth Sunday of the month for activities, worship and tea together ST MARY’S CHURCH CARLTON LE MOORLAND 100 CLUB ST MICHAEL’S CHURCH BASSINGHAM 200 CLUB The winners for February were 1st – K & J Smith 2nd – D Spencer rd 3 – J & M Hutchinson The winners for February were 1st – Dianne Atkin 2nd – Karen Dixon rd 3 – Michael Webb DISCOVER LINCOLNSHIRE FREE WEEKEND th th Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 March See traditional ironworking demonstrations at Welbourn Forge in complete and authentic Victorian workshop dating from 1864. (Saturday Only from 10am to 1.30pm). View the nose art exhibition at Cranwell Aviation Heritage Centre and the chance to create your own piece of artwork to take away. Visitors to both Navigation House and Cogglesford Watermill can see the mill in operation and claim their free bag of 500gms of flour per family (Sunday Only). You can also enjoy free children’s trails at Cogglesford Watermill, Cranwell Aviation Heritage Centre and Navigation House over the weekend. BOARDWALK CAFÉ AT THE NATURAL WORLD CENTRE. nd th National Pie Week 2 to 8 March The question is… which pie will you choose? Our traditional selection? Meat and potato, spring vegetable or chicken and mushroom… or why not one of our more indulgent? A selection is available all week. Please ask for more details. Mothering Sunday Lunch Sunday 15th March Treat the special Mum in your life to a delicious three course lunch. A special treat will be waiting on your table to show her you care. £12.95 per person. Book your table now a deposit is required at the time of booking. If you would like any further information please call the centre on 688868 or email whisby@1life.co.uk NO NAME LODGE R.A.O.B. The No Name Lodge has a wheelchair that is available to anyone wishing to borrow it on a short-term loan e.g. holidays, relative visiting, day trips out. A donation for the loan, to one of our Charities would be much appreciated. Please contact Geoffrey Nelson on 788213 for further details. ~ 19 ~ BASSINGHAM SURGERY NEWS FOR MARCH Don’t forget that when we are closed you can get urgent medical advice by dialling 111. For emergency assistance you should still ring 999. Forthcoming Training afternoons th th th Tuesday 17 March ~ Tuesday 19 May ~Tuesday 16 June On the training afternoons the surgery will be closed from 1pm until 8am the following day. Normal out of hours service will be provided – details will be available on the practice answering system at the time. Flu Vaccinations. We still have some vaccines available to those patients who normally come for their flu jab each year. In addition to this, there are nasal flu vaccinations available to children age 2, 3 and 4 years. Please ring and enquire if you are uncertain about your eligibility. Shingles Vaccinations. Shingles vaccinations are currently being offered to st patients defined by age on 1 September 2014 of 70, 78 or 79 years old. Other age groups will be introduced to the vaccination programme in future years which will ensure that patients aged between 70 and 79 years are offered the vaccination. th A new GP joins our team. Dr Helen Wilson will be joining us on Monday 16 March and will be working 3 days a week, she is an experienced and highly respected local GP and we are extremely pleased to welcome her and look forward to working with her. Telephoning the surgery with routine enquiries or for test results. If you have a general enquiry regarding your care or would like to know test results, please telephone between the hours of 10am to 1pm or 3pm to 4pm. Please be aware that if a patient is aged 16 or over we can only discuss information with the patient unless we have written consent from the patient. For reasons of confidentiality we are unable to disclose results or any other information to anyone other than the patient, please do not be offended if we decline your enquiry for this reason. Mobile telephone numbers and your consent to text reminders. Many of you will know that our clinical system has the facility to send out reminders for appointments that have been booked. If you have a mobile phone and would be happy for us to send you reminders please ensure we have your up-to-date number and that you have given us your consent to use the number for text reminders. Any appointments you book will then generate a text on booking and another 24 hours or so prior to the appointment as a reminder. This is a useful service in order to help us reduce missed appointments. Angela Gresham Administration Manager Bassingham Surgery MUSIC MONKEYS Every Wednesday (New session added) Toddlers and upwards 10am to 10.45am - Newborns to toddling 11am to 11.15am At Witham St Hughs Children’s Centre (LN6 9WF) For 0 to 5 years - Entrance Fee £1 ~ 20 ~ BELLS AND CLOCKS THREE of the churches in the Withamside United Parish have fine rings of bells: St Michael & All Angels, Bassingham, 6 bells; St Mary, Carlton le Moorland, 4 bells; St Peter, Norton Disney, 6 bells. All three rings have been refurbished in recent years, with new bearings at Bassingham and at Carlton major new fittings and a new bell cast, to make a ring of four to augment the old ring of three. Bassingham and Carlton each have a clock high in the church tower. Bassingham’s clock chimes each quarter hour and strikes the hour on the church bells; Carlton’s just strikes the hour. With the bells away since March 2014, Carlton has missed the clock striking. But it’s now back in full working order since rd 3 February. FOR CENTURIES, church bells have proclaimed aloud for all to hear the Church’s message and the call to worship. We could now do with some new bell ringers. If YOU would like to learn more about the distinctly English art of church bell ringing and perhaps learn to ring please contact Stan Underwood on 788461 or Alan Haines on 788753. WITHAM ST HUGHS VILLAGE HALL EVENTS COMMITTEE Bar Night’s every Friday at Witham St Hughs Village Hall from 7.30pm Themed Bar Night’s 1st Friday of the month. Friday 6th March – Pub Quiz. Pie, chips & mushy peas on sale! Why not join us with some friends for a good night. Friday 3rd April – Bingo! Legs eleven! The committee are always looking for volunteers, if you would like to help and be a member then please mail us at wsh.vhec@gmail.com. Any assistance no matter how much is always appreciated. TEA TOGETHER Here’s an opportunity to meet others in Witham St Hughs! Come and join us for tea, cake and chat. Bring along your own ideas and we will provide the tea! Every Tuesday 2.30pm to 4.30pm during school term In Witham St Hughs Village Hall (LN6 9TN) For details call Ann Baker on 868977 or Elaine Eagles on 869062 TIA CHI Tia Chi is gentle movement and exercise for all ages. The sessions focus on breathing and balance. It is beneficial to stiff joints, circulation and boosts the immune system. Classes take place on Wednesdays 4pm to 5pm In the Hammond Hall (LN5 9HQ) Come see or join in. for further information ring Sylvia on 07583 243 719 ~ 21 ~ Sunday 15th March 1pm to 4pm Hammond Hall, Bassingham (LN5 9HQ) Roll up, roll up for the return of the event of the season. Come along and take part, or just to enjoy some cakes and help raise money for Comic Relief. Showstopper Cake Challenge. Bake and decorate a cake in a carnival / circus theme. Win Star Baker prizes and coveted Comic Relief apron. Cakes then put on silent auction so take home your favourite. Tray Bake Challenge. Bake the best tray bake to win Star Baker prizes and apron. All bakes then sold off for your enjoyment. Under 16 Cupcake Challenge. Bake your favourite flavour and decorate in any style you wish to win Star Baker prizes and apron. All cakes sold off after judging. Baking Demonstration. Pete Welborne will be returning to give expert demonstration on bread making with a twist. Get advice, hints and tips from an award winning baker. So much better then a recipe book. And Lots More. Raffle, refreshments and Bake Sale (donations of your delicious home baked goodies needed please Yummy!) Free Entry Competition entries arrive at 11.30am WINTER GRITTING IN BASSINGHAM A resident of Bassingham has noticed this winter that the High Street is no longer being gritted. They have been in touch with the Parish Council and the County Council at City Hall Lincoln “Winter maintenance route request Department” with regards to this matter. They have been told that this winter the High Street in Bassingham has been taken off the gritting route but no one can tell them why this has happened. This enquiry is being followed up with the council but in the mean time they wanted to draw this to the attention of residents who may not be aware this road was no longer gritted. If anyone has any queries or concerns on this subject they should contact the County Council on 782070 or the Parish Council to strengthen the need to get the High Street back on the gritting route. Information brought to the magazines attention by concerned resident Advance notification of THE WHITE HART, CARLTON LE MOORLAND CHARITY GALA FUN DAY Saturday 6th June at 1pm Raising money for Charities (to be name in next issue) Wheelchair Race around the village, (Race for Rosie) followed by the Wheelbarrow Race (fancy dress theme Music Festival) Disco, BBQ, Raffle, Bouncy Castle, Craft & Cake Stall, Fun attractions for all the family and much more. Live Music in the evening from 7pm For more details phone 788863 ~ 22 ~ ACT TWO THEATRE COMPANY One Act Plays with Theatre Supper 2015 Performance Dates Thursday 28th to Saturday 30th May Auditions will be held on: Wednesday 18th March 7pm to 8pm in the Hammond Hall Tower Monday 23rd March 7pm to 8pm – to be confirmed ring Mags Smart on 789671 for confirmation of venue. We are always looking for new members. Please come along and join us. Art To Heart CRAFT CLASSES FOR ALL In Carlton le Moorland Learn how to Create gorgeous Handcrafted cards/packaging/garlands/enhance your scrapbook and more. Special Starter classes to include your own stamp set and ink pad to keep, plus all other materials included. Full tuition, materials and refreshments included £20 This class will take place in my craft room Sunday 1st March 10am to 1pm In addition there will also be a mother’s day themed class held at Syston Park Farm shop on Wednesday 4th March 9.30am to 11.30am. Booking essential Call Sarah on 788901 or email rsmarwood @aol.com www.stampinarttoheart@wordpress.com If you fancy this but are unable to make this time, call me and I will do my best to accommodate you at another time. Create a special card for Mother’s day. THE FRIENDS OF THE HAMMOND HALL 100lb BY EASTER CHALLENGE SPONSORED WEIGHT LOSS By 9 members of The Friends of the Hammond Hall All monies raised will be donated to the St Barnabas Trust Starting weight is 1,748 lb If you wish to sponsor our challenge drop into the Hammond Hall and ask for Roger WELLINGORE & DISTRICT U3A The next meeting in Wellingore Memorial Hall (LN5 0JA) will be held on Wednesday 11th March at 10am As a long established Navenby butchers, this is sure to be an interesting and informative talk. New members and visitors are always welcome. Further information about meetings and membership can be obtained from Dave Carmichael on 811194 Additional information about U3A can be found at www.u3a.org.uk ~ 23 ~ WITHAM RUNNERS Friendship. Fun. One community. Run How can we help you? Do you run to keep fit? Are you training for a race? Do you want to just lose weight and make new friends? Whatever your reason we can help. We’re a very friendly running club based in Witham St Hughs that has members of all abilities and levels of fitness, so whether you’re already a seasoned runner or just want to give running a go, we’re here to help. Running with other people, as part of a club, can help you in many ways. You may have a fear of starting out alone, in which case we can provide support. You may want some company or advice as you embark on distance running, or maybe you just want to improve your time at a particular event. Running with others is also a great way to make friends, as we run many social events throughout the year in addition to our well attended running nights. Witham Runners’ motto is to make running fun and to help everyone get the best out of themselves. We also promise to never leave anybody behind, whatever your pace. We all remember being beginners, so we understand the effort you are putting in and we love working with our members to see them improve over time. In 2014, we became a UK Athletics affiliated club. We have a very experienced and knowledgeable running coach and eight leaders in running fitness. One of our running leaders is halfway through her first stage of becoming a UKA coach, another is about to embark on training as a coach and our current level 2 coach is working towards his level 3. We also have members taking qualifications to become race officials this year. For the first time in 2015, we are very proud to be the organising club behind the local Bassingham Bash 5 mile road race held on 8th August. This is one of the fastest 5 mile races in the country that attracts many elite runners and this year we are hoping it will be bigger than ever. So how can you join us? Club nights are every Monday and Thursday. We meet at Witham St Hughs Village Hall changing rooms at 7pm and go from there. Many of our members also run together on non-club days and why not try our local parkruns with us every Saturday at 9am in Lincoln and Newark. (www.parkrun.org.uk). We already have many members from our surrounding villages of Bassingham, Carlton le Moorland, Norton Disney, Thurlby, Haddington, Aubourn, Collingham, Swinderby, Thorpe on the Hill, Eagle and South and North Hykeham as well as our own village Witham St Hughs, but we’d love more of you to come along and run with the club. So why not come along for a few sessions and see what we have to offer? All our details and our current training schedule can be found on our website: www.withamrunners.co.uk You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter @witham_runners Please contact Michelle Mortimer (Chairman) for any further information: 07789 953 380 michellemortimer@me.com ~ 24 ~ THE CARE ACT 2014 The provisions of the 2014 Care Act come into force from April this year. For anyone needing care the Local Authority will conduct a means test to assess the ability of the person to pay for it. Under the new Act the authority has no power to assess married couples/civil partners jointly and must only include individually owned assets. This does however include jointly owned assets such as property. Property will be disregarded if it is occupied by the spouse /partner or either a relative or incapacitated individual. Any change in circumstances will cause a reassessment of circumstances with different consequences. The means test will not include property where the care is for a temporary basis only. Where the ownership of property represents the main asset owned by a person entering into permanent care it may be possible to negotiate a ‘deferred payment ‘of care fees with a loan from the Local Authority. There will be an interest charge at the discretion of the authority of up to 5% p.a. and the property would have to be sold after death to repay it in full. There are new asset limits to determine how much a person will have to contribute to care fees. Under £17k of assets owned then no contribution will be made. Between £17k and £118k a contribution of £1 per week per each £250 between the two limits will be payable. Above £118k all care fees will be payable. A total cap has been introduced on the amount of care fees payable during a stay in permanent care at £72k but it must be realised that this does not include food and accommodation costs which could increase the figure to approx. £150k To avoid the loss of a home as a result of care costs early planning through the use of Wills and Property protection Trusts is essential. this will ensure peace of mind for you and your loved ones. David Dexter FCA LincolnWills MOBILE LIBRARY SERVICE The timetable for the Mobile Library service in the area for the next month is Thursday 12th March Carlton le Moorland Church 11.45am to 12.15pm Norton Disney Village Hall 1pm to 1.30pm Bassingham Five Bells 1.45pm to 2.45pm Bassingham outside St. Michael’s Church 3pm to 4pm Thursday 26th March Aubourn Royal Oak lay-by 12.30pm to 1pm Haddington Dovecote Lane 1.15pm to 1.45pm Saturday 7th March Witham St Hughs Nettleton Drive 1pm to 1.45pm Witham St Hughs Market Place 2pm to 3.45pm Every effort is made to ensure the mobile library arrives at each stop on time. For the latest news on these routes please contact customer services centre on 782010 or visit www.lincolnshire.gov.uk ~ 25 ~ TREE TOPS CLUB Bassingham Pre-school. Lincoln Rd, Bassingham Lincoln LN5 9HQ Wrap around Care for children 3 to 11 yrs Monday to Friday (Term Time Only) Breakfast Club 8am to 8.50am and After School Club 3.30pm to 6pm Caring for your child before and after school. Offering a wide range of activities to suit all age groups If you are interested in a place for your child then please contact Mellissa on 789492 for a booking form. Limited spaces available HOLIDAY CLUB ALL CHILDREN WELCOME AGED 3 to 11 EASTER HOLIDAY OPEN HOURS th nd Monday 30 March to Thursday 2 April th th Tuesday 7 April to Friday 10 April FULL OR PART DAYS AVAILABLE Cost Per Child £23 Full Day 8am to 6pm or £12 Part Day (8am-1pm or 1pm-6pm) Breakfast and a Snack Tea is provided but please bring a Healthy Packed Lunch. To Book a Place or for further Information Call: 789492 OFSTED REGISTERED Charity Number: 1032705 BASSINGHAM CRICKET CLUB 100 CLUB The winners for February were 1st – S. Russell 2nd – B. Taylor BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND. Travel Clinic Sunday 8th March 1.15pm to 3.45pm Witham St Hughes Village Hall (LN6 9TN) Your local Travel Counsellor will be holding a Travel Clinic and will be available to answer any questions regarding your future holidays. Pop down for a chat and a free cup of tea/coffee and talk over your plans and start the ball rolling in getting your holiday sorted for 2015 and beyond. It doesn’t matter where you are planning to go, or how long you are looking to go for, we have the answer to help make your dreams come true. For more information please contact Andrew Day on 01636 858160, email andrew.day@travelcounsellors.com or visit the website travelcounsellors.co.uk/andrew.day GET SNAPPING FOR NK PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPETITION Enter by calling 01529 308207 or emailing discovernk@n-kesteven.gov.uk or visit www.visitlincolnshire.com/destinations/heart-of-lincolnshire-photography.aspx ~ 26 ~ BRANT BROUGHTON PRE SCHOOL Registered Charity Number 1037586 We are open to children aged 2 – 5 years We offer full and half day sessions We are registered to deliver the Early Years Education Entitlement (EYEE) of up to 15 hours of free education a week We are OFSTED registered and have been established for over 30 years We provide a warm, caring, welcoming environment Our team of staff are long serving, highly qualified and experienced. We have access to both indoor and outdoor play which promotes the all round development of each individual child through fun and enjoyable activities For further details, including a free taster session, please contact Brant Broughton Pre-School, Mill Lane, Brant Broughton. Lincoln LN5 0RP Telephone - 01400 279061 Email - brantbroughtonpreschool@googlemail.com Website - http://community.lincolnshire.gov.uk/brantbroughtonpreschool To raise money for a new & improved playground in the village we’re having a FUN(D)RAISER FASHION SHOW th Friday 27 March at 7.30pm Brant Broughton Village Hall (LN5 0SF) Come along to view and purchase great spring clothes from Next, White Stuff, M&S, Phase8 and more. All clothes will be half shop price or less! Tickets £5 including glass of wine or soft drink from Louise at the Village Shop, Brant Broughton or for details contact Clare Fisher on 07912 648 164 Organised by Brant Broughton Playing Field Committee BASSINGHAM PRE-SCHOOL Lincoln Road, Bassingham. Lincoln, LN5 9HQ. Ofsted Reg. 253561 The main aim of our Pre-school is to provide a happy, safe and stimulating environment to enable children to learn about themselves, other people and the world around them, through play. Established over 40 years ago, we work very closely with Bassingham Primary School and benefit from the use of many of their facilities. We are Ofsted registered and have an excellent team of dedicated staff. We are open:- Monday to Friday 9am to 3.15pm. Children taken from the age of 2 until 5 years (subject to availability). Remember that all children aged 3 years and over are eligible for up to 5 FREE sessions per week. If interested in a place please contact Mellissa (Manager) or Phyl (Deputy) on 789492 or feel free to call in and meet us. www.bassingham.lincs.sch.uk/pre-school ~ 27 ~ BASSINGHAM & CARLTON LE MOORLAND BABY & TODDLER GROUP If you're looking for something for you and your little one(s) to do, come and join our friendly parent run group every Wednesday, alternate weeks at Bassingham Hammond Hall (LN5 9HQ) at 1.30pm Carlton le Moorland Village Hall (LN5 9HP) at 9.30am For this month's dates and venues see calendar on the back page We have - baby area - toys – creative activity children's snack & drink time. Tea and chat for parents and carers £1.80 per family each week For more information please call Lynsey 07709 495 157, Find us on Facebook search for Bassingham & Carlton le Moorland Toddlers Group. LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE HYKEHAM RURAL Sgt Jon Hammond your Community Beat Sergeant Mobile: 07500 920185 - Office: 805721 Email : jon.hammond@lincs.pnn.police.uk Hykeham Rural Villages PC Jess Goodall 07825 100370 - PCSO Sarah Lingard 07944 776791 PCSO Jo Mackie 07825 100379 - PCSO Donna Hill 07500 920537 Email : NorthHykehamRural@lincs.pnn.police.uk Facebook “HykehamNPT” Twitter @HykehamNPT Don’t forget to report all suspicious activities to the police on 101, or 999 if it is an urgent emergency, these calls will prompt a dispatch of the police officers at North Hykeham Police Station, and the surrounding stations. Assured Plumbing Solutions 07837 808 975 YOUR LOCAL OFTEC SPECIALIST Oil boiler installations, upgrades, servicing & repairs Oil/Renewable Hybrid systems For all your domestic plumbing & heating requirements, including Power Flushing EMERGENCY CALLOUT SERVICE All telephone numbers are local (01522) numbers unless otherwise shown ~ 28 ~ HYKEHAM RURAL Neighbourhood Policing Team. What is a Neighbourhood Panel? Your Neighbourhood Panel consists of local people and representatives of the community, who live or work in the area. The panel’s purpose is to identify issues that are affecting the community taking into account the views of the community. What does the panel do? They meet quarterly and assess all the information collected at the meeting, and consider all the issues raised. The panel then agree on neighbourhood policing priorities to be focused on during the next three month period. The Neighbourhood Policing Team then adopt a problem solving approach and are encouraged and empowered to work locally with NKDC and government agencies to address the priorities set. Your current priorities set by the Panel for this area are: Tackling thefts of power tools from vehicles and outbuildings in the villages The next panel meeting will be held on Monday 13th April at 7pm in Hammond Hall, Lincoln Road, Bassingham (LN5 9HQ) So if you have an issue, please contact your local team Based at Hykeham Police Station, Newark Road, North Hykeham Tel: 101 Extension 5720 or 5721 or visit www.police.uk and enter your postcode YOUR NEIGHBOURHOOD – OUR BEAT THE TERRY O’TOOLE MARCH EVENTS TÂN ~ Harnisch-Lacey Dance Thursday 5th March 7.30pm Tickets: £12 Concessions: £10 www.harnischlacey.com Spotlight Dance Studio presents… ‘Showstoppers’ Saturday 7th March 6pm Sunday 8th March 1pm Tickets: £7.50 Concessions: £6.00 www.spotlight-ds.com TOTT Young Ambassadors Present… Saturday 14th March 7.30pm For more details please see: www.facebook.com/TOTTAmbassadors or contact emily@lincolnshireonevenues.com Tickets £5 U26’s £3 Jesse Bannister Quartet Thursday 12th March 7.30pm Tickets: £12 Concessions: £10 Jazzpac Concessions: £10 & £8 www.jessebannister.co.uk Pitschi, A Kitten With Dreams! Komedia Saturday 21st March 3pm Age Guide: for little people aged 3 years and their families Running Time: 35 minutes, plus meet the animal characters after the show www.komedia.co.uk Jimmy Buckley The True Voice of Irish Country Sunday 22nd March 7.30pm Tickets: £20 www.jimmy-buckley.com The Terry O’Toole Theatre, North Kesteven, Moor Lane, North Hykeham Box Office tel. 883311 Theatre Administrator tel. 870251 Email. terryotooletheatre@litc.org.uk For further details view the performance websites or contact the theatre. www.terryotooletheatre.org.uk ~ 29 ~ Fresh tasty homemade cupcakes or giant cupcakes made to order – what’s your occasion? Follow us on facebook to see what we do and the flavours to choose from! Contact Little Miss Daisy Cakes now. FB: /littlemissdaisycakesuk E:littlemissdaisycakes@gmail.com T: 07867 794 141 FOR SALE Dyson DC40 Animal Upright Vacuum Cleaner Bought June 2013, as new with receipt so 5 year guarantee is still valid. £100 ono NRS “Ways and Means” lightweight folding Transport Chair Carry bag supplied, as new. £50 Outdoor Revolution 2.4m Caravan “Porchlite Square” Awning. Used twice. £50 Alloy Frame for up to 18’ Caravan £25 Universal Caravan cover in bag Used for Eldis Crusader Aurora, suits most 4 berths around 18’ internal £25 Phone 789042 “Answer phone” FOR SALE Turbolite 350 Flymo with lead £10 Wicker Rocking Chair £30 Phone 789161 Looking for an exercise class, but the usual active class is not suitable? Why not try an Extend class? Extend teachers are specially trained to help you understand and overcome any difficulties you may have. Local weekly class at The Hammond Hall Tower Room Tuesdays 2.30pm to 3.30pm Cost: £3.50, including refreshments after Fun & Laughter are FREE! Professional, Qualified Teacher For more details, please ring Mrs Thomas 01636 618038 / 07918 165 245 www.extend.org.uk THE ROYAL OAK AUBOURN From February we are now quizzing EVERY WEDNESDAY FROM 9pm so come along for a fun evening. We are also taking bookings for Mothers Day and we are open from 5pm EVERY DAY ~ 30 ~ FOR SALE PERENNIAL PLANTS and HILL HOLT HONEY 40 High Street, Carlton le Moorland Tel: 788137 BADMINTON ALLSORTS Seek social players to join their group at The Priory Witham Academy Tuesdays 7.30pm to 9pm. Why not give us a try? First week free Call 826197 for more info. UPHOLSTERY CLASSES Tuesday 9.30am until 11.30am or 1pm until 3pm Thursday 9.30am until 11.30am or 1.15pm until 3.15pm At THE STUDIO, THE CLAYS FARMHOUSE, BRANT BROUGHTON LN5 0RW Personal tuition will be given by Carol Halliwell a qualified upholsterer and Adult Education Tutor Join a class today! DESIGNER FABRICS at the STUDIO! Beautiful designer fabrics for your curtains, blinds and upholstery. Personal sampling service available to help you to decide on the perfect fabrics in your own home! Telephone: 788360 or 07929 074345 - E-mail: carolhalliwell@btinternet.com WITHAM RUNNERS Your local affiliated running club based in Witham St Hughs meets every Monday and Thursday at 7pm Meet at Witham St Hughs Village Hall (LN6 9TN) changing rooms All abilities. Find Witham Runners on Facebook or Twitter (@witham_runners) and contact Michelle Mortimer for more details on 07789 953 380 www.withamrunners.co.uk Holistic Massage with Heather. Discover for yourself the sacred system of natural healing that is massage ...in a home away from home. A world of warmth, calm and fragrance awaits. Heather has over 20 years experience and training and offers 5 different therapies uniquely tailored to your needs For more information and/or to book an appointment, please call: 07787 364 281 ~ 31 ~ NORTH KESTEVEN DISTRICT COUNCIL WITHAM OFFICE – COMMUNITY ACCESS POINT The Hammond Hall, Lincoln Road Bassingham LN5 9HQ Tel. 789758 The Witham Office is open on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 1pm. Have a question for the Council? Look no further; you do not need to know if the District Council, County Council or the Parish Council deals with the service. Just pop into your Community Access Point and we will help you. You will be able to: View local planning applications Get help completing forms Report a council house repair Pick up local information about the area Photocopying A4 only (8p per copy). Report fly tipping, street light problems, holes in the road Rubbish - arrange collection of large items, report a missed bin etc. Broadband internet access is available free of charge. The North Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council websites can also be viewed from this facility. For further information about the services provided, please contact the office. YOUR COUNTY COUNCILLOR Ray Phillips The Hall, 10 Meadow Lane, South Hykeham, Lincoln. LN6 9PF. Tel: 696496 Fax: 680006. e-mail: cllrr.phillips@lincolnshire.gov.uk ~ All Council problems promptly dealt with ~ NORTH KESTEVEN DISTRICT COUNCILLORS … available to help with enquiries concerning housing, planning, environmental and community services: Pat Woodman MBE Susan Howe The Old Vicarage, Church Road, 12 Badgers Oak, Bassingham, Aubourn, Lincoln. LN5 9FB. Lincoln. LN5 9JP. Tel: 788236 Fax: 789589. e-mail Tel: 788496. e-mail cllr_pat_woodman@n-kesteven.gov.uk Cllr_Sue_Howe@n-kesteven.gov.uk Representing - Aubourn and Haddington, Bassingham, Carlton le Moorland, Norton Disney, Stapleford and Thurlby. Barbara Wells MBE Mayfield 29 Chapel Lane, North Scarle, Lincoln. LN6 9EX. Tel: 778249. e-mail: cllr_barbara_wells@n-kesteven.gov.uk Sally Appleby Aventine 27 Lincoln Lane, Thorpe on the Hill, Lincoln. LN6 9BH Tel: 681159. e-mail: Cllr_Sally_Appleby@n-kesteven.gov.uk Representing - Witham St Hughs. NATIONAL ROAD RACE CHAMPIONSHIPS – 20 WEEKS TO GO Pace is gathering as Lincolnshire prepares to host the Championships for the first time on 25th June. To get involved with the event as a spectator or even help make it happen by becoming a volunteer contact Lincolnshire Sport on 585580 or visit the official website www.nationalroadchamps.co.uk/site/ for more details. ~ 32 ~ CALENDAR MARCH Every Monday Page Hammond Hall Coffee Morning 3 Witham Runners 30 Every Tuesday Hammond Hall Sub Committee 3 Tea Together Witham St Hughs 20 Table Tennis 14 Badminton 30 Every Wednesday Tia Chi 20 Music Monkeys 19 Royal Oak Quiz Night 29 Every Thursday Witham Runners 30 Every Friday Pop in and Play 15 Bar Nights 20 1st Sun Craft Class for All 22 2nd Mon Pie Week 18 3rd Tue Bassingham Lunch Club 5 Aub. & Hadd. Playground APM 10 4th Wed Toddlers Carlton le Moorland 9.30am 27 Aub. & Hadd. Parish Council Meeting 4 Children’s Stamping Craft Class 15 Bassingham Show Meeting 6 5th Thurs Bassingham WI 14 6th Fri Womens World Day of Prayer 7 Bar Night Pub Quiz 20 7th Sat Carlton le Moorland Coffee Morning 5 Open House Stamping Craft 13 St Michael’s Coffee Morning 12 Mobile Library Witham St Hughs 24 Norton Disney Bingo 9 8th Sun Bassingham WI Craft Fair 10 Travel Clinic 25 9th Mon Heath U3A 12 Act Two AGM 2 10th Tue Bassingham Village Lunch Club 4 11th Wed Page Toddlers Bassingham 1.30pm 27 Welingore U3A 22 Carlton le Moorland Parish Council 2 12th Thurs Bassingham Parish Council Meeting 3 Mobile Library Carlton/Norton/Bass. 24 Garden Group 7 13th Fri Bassingham Recorded Music 13 14th Sat Bomber Crash Memorial 9 15th Sun Mothering Sunday The Great Bassingham Bake Off 21 16th Mon Carlton Lunch Group 8 17th Tue Bassingham Lunch Club 5 Bassingham Surgery Closed pm 19 18th Wed Toddlers Carlton le Moorland 9.30am 27 Witham St Hughs Parish Council 3 Norton Disney Parish Council 3 21st Sat Carlton le Moorland Spring Show 9 Auction of Promise Evening 11 22nd Sun Tea Time Church 18 24th Tue Bassingham Village Lunch Club 4 25th Wed Toddlers Bassingham 1.30pm 27 26th Thurs South Moor Allotments Sub-Com. 3 Mobile Library Aub. & Hadd. 24 Aub. & Hadd. Branch Out Lunch 12 27th Fri Fund Raiser Fashion Show 26 28th Sat Discover Lincolnshire Free Weekend 18 Act Two 40’s Dance 15 Carlton le Moorland Quiz 8 29th Sun Easter Fayre 10 st 31 Tue Bassingham Lunch Club 5 *Church Services on pages 16 & 17*
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