SUNDAY OFFERING March 8, 2015 Envelopes/Pre-Authorized Giving Program $13,156.10 Loose $1,400.85 “You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the WE PLEDGE 5% . . . Saskatoon Pr egnancy shape of anything…” Exodus 20:4. How many Options Centre, $618.67; Global Gathering “gods” do you put before God? “Idols” do not Place, $704.80; Spectrum, $638.48. Thank you. always take the shape of physical things, things we can touch and feel. Those are easy to recognize. Many times they take the form of things we cannot touch and are much harder to spot - pride, power, ego, comfort or health. BAPTISM Expectant parents please contact the parish office three months prior to the baptism date to arrange for the baptism preparation program and for the baptism celebration. The next baptism celebrations are April 19, June 21 and August 23. Please call Sr. Marlene Aquino at the parish office, 306 374-1425, for information and to register. MARRIAGE Ar r angements for mar r iage can be made by contacting the par ish pr iest eight months prior to the date of marriage. This will provide adequate time for documentation and the diocesan required marriage preparation program. A preparation program is offered through Holy Spirit parish. This program is intended not only for engaged couples but also for couples considering engagement and marriage. The winter session of Marriage Preparation began on February 8, 2015. The next session will be held in October, 2015. Please call Arch McKay, 306 373-0993/ or the parish office, 306 374-1425/ for information and to register. Catholic Family Services, 306 244-7773, also offers a marriage preparation program. Please check the diocesan website at saskatoon for more opportunities for marriage preparation. CHILDREN’S LITURGY The pr ogr am takes place dur ing the r eadings and homily at Sunday Mass. It is suitable for children age 3 to pre-First Eucharist. Parents and young people interested in leading the program or helping, please call Shannon Granger, 306 955-0089. NEW IN THE PARISH? MOVING? Please help us keep par ish r ecor ds up-to-date. It assists us to serve you. Please complete the following and return to the parish office by mail or in the weekend collection basket. Thank you for your assistance. NEW PARISHIONER REGISTRATION/CHANGE OF ADDRESS NAME ______________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________ POSTAL CODE _______________________ TELEPHONE _________________ EMAIL ______________________________________________________________ PARISH OFFERING ENVELOPES? YES ______ PRE-AUTHORIZED GIVING PROGRAM HOLY SPIRIT PARISH FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Second chance You always have another chance. This is the good news of Lent and Easter. God knows our shortcomings. God knows our past. God knows our present inabilities. God knows where the future is headed - if we do not change. Too often in life, people do not give us another chance. If you say or do something inappropriate to a person you're dating, it may end the relation ship right there. If you treat a customer disrespectfully, you may never see that person again. If you offend a perfect stranger while driving your car, you never have a chance to make it up. Too often you don't get another chance. And, sadly, death sometimes gets in the way. You had harsh words with a close friend or family member. You never made up. Now, the person you once loved is gone. You don't have another chance - in this life. But with God, you always have another chance. If you have sinned, God can forgive. If you sin again - and again - God will still forgive. We know this because God sent Christ into a world absorbed in sin. The Letter to the Ephesians says, "God, who is rich in mercy, because of the great love he had for us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, brought us to life with Christ." This Lent, confess your sins and rejoice in Christ, who gives you another chance. NOT AT THIS TIME ______ YES _________ MARCH 15, 2015 Paul Turner. Resource Publications, Inc. Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ! God so loved the wor ld that he gave his only Son, that everyone who believes in him may have eternal life. Praise and honour to you, Lord Jesus Christ! Gospel Acclamation WEEKEND MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 10:00 am, 12:00 noon, 7:00 pm PASTORAL ASSOCIATES Charlene Nijhawan Ministry of Care Kelly Wormsbecker Ministry of Care Arch McKay Christian Initiation of Adults Marriage Preparation Bible Study Sr. Marlene Aquino Baptism First Reconciliation Confirmation First Communion Celena Komarnicki Youth Ministry Coordinator OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Delores McLean FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATOR Melina Palendat BUILDING MAINTENANCE Jack Altrogge Ed Yuzyk p/t PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL Brent Blazieko Todd Gursky Jeannette Chicoine Darroch Robyn Kondratowicz Jaybee De Castro Ian Rana Rhea Johner Jim Wilson Bev Jutras Kim Morrison PARISH FINANCE COMMITTEE Loretta Simonot, Chair Pat Pitka Ed Solie Basil Waslen LENT ONLINE ….. …… free downloads for your Apple iphone and ipad - an online retreat for Lent; - a 3-minute retreat for Lent. THIS WEEK AT HOLY SPIRIT Monday, March 16 6:30 pm EDGE Tuesday, March 17 8:30 am Mass 9:00 am Quilting for CWL Clothing Depot 7:00 pm Twelve Steps-A Spiritual Journey 7:15 pm Book Club Wednesday, March 18 8:30 am Mass 7:00 pm Rite of Christian Initiation 7:00 pm Baptism Preparation Thursday, March 19 8:30 am Mass 9:30 am Lent Bible Study 10:30 am Mass (Stensrud Lodge) 1:15 pm Mass (St. Bernard school) 1:30 pm 55+ Seniors’ Cards/Bingo Friday, March 20 8:30 am Mass 9:00 am-12:00 noon Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross 7:30 pm Mass (Men’s Spiritual Enrichment) Saturday, March 21 8:00 am Men’s Spiritual Enrichment 11:00 am-12:00 noon Confessions 5:00 pm Mass Sunday, March 22 10:00 am Mass 11:00 am Parish Breakfast 12:00 pm Mass 1:00-5:00 pm Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament 7:00 pm Mass On our front cover: Sister Marlene leading pilgrims as they pray on Friday evening the Way of the Cross. DID YOU KNOW? . . . Wednesday, March 25 is the next Columbian Seniors potluck at Holy Spirit parish hall. Doors open at 5:00 pm supper at 6:00pm. Holy Spirit parishioners are invited to join members of McClure United Church each Thursday during Lent for a noon lunch and fellowship. Following lunch, there will be a short reflection concluding at 1:00 pm. Lunch is $10. To help the committee prepare for lunch, please register with McClure church office, 306 373-1753, before Tuesday noon of the week you plan to attend. Come to one or all the lunches. Saskatoon Pregnancy Options Centre is seeking a full-time Executive Director. For a complete job description or to submit a resume, please call 306-665-7550 or email Applications will be accepted until April 20, 2015. that a ministry/talent for teaching reading/ literacy is needed. Please call the parish office, 306 374-1425, if you would like to offer your time for one hour a week. Bible Study, reflecting on the Sunday Scripture readings, continues Thursday mornings - 9:30 am -11:00 am at Holy Spirit. — 2015 Year of Consecrated Life — Our religious charisms, our communities, our way of life and our very vocations are precious gifts that come with tremendous responsibilities. How will we share this responsibility and provide leadership and loving service with and for God’s people into the future. Sister Susan Francoism, C.S.J.P., Giving Voice Update, December 2012 BOOK CLUB Ladies of Holy Spirit parish, the Book Club selection is ‘Left Neglected’ by Lisa Genova. New and present Book Club members are always welcome (you do not need to be a CWL member to attend). Discussion will be held Tuesday, March 17, 7:15 pm in Conference Room C. For information, Barb, 306 374-0981. WE PLEDGE 5% . . . CHALICE Canada is a Catholic sponsorship program active in a number of countries. The core mission is to bring Christ’s loving presence to those suffering the sorrowful stress of poverty. Through the sponsorship of a child or the support of a community project Christ is present to a hungry boy or girl, to the sick or to children now with an opportunity to be in a classroom. Holy Spirit parish has been actively involved through our 5% project. 5% of all Sunday offerings is given to charitable groups and organizations. Additionally, individual parishioners have sponsored children and assisted in community housing development in CHALICE missions. This year one of our parishioners, Jackie Saretsky, will be participating in a Mission Trip joining 21 other volunteers from Canada to work in Cochabamba, Bolivia from March 15-23. Volunteers do not receive any funding and provide for all their own expenses. Jackie, Holy Spirit parish thanks you for your initiative and desire to provide handson support at this sponsor site in Bolivia. Holy Spirit parish continues to support CHALICE and this week 5% of our Sunday offering will benefit the projects of the Mission Solidarity Tour in Bolivia. Thank you for your ongoing support. LIVING THE LITURGICAL YEAR The season of Lent is all about conversion: changing our hearts and turning away from sin toward God. Our sacramental practices, such as reconciliation, help us change old habits and lead life differently than before. We undertake this journey not just as individuals but also as a community. The Sacrament of Reconciliation celebrates God's action in our lives, the reality of God's forgiveness. It also celebrates what God hopes for us: to be a forgiving and reconciling people. In light of God’s unconditional love for us, we realize that we fall short, get lost, miss the mark that is, we sin in our living and our loving. we repent, ask for forgiveness, and take actions to put things right. Perhaps our biggest challenge with this sacrament is to truly believe that we can be, and are forgiven. Lent Reflection: In what areas of my life do I need to work toward reconciliation? POPE FRANCIS ON TWITTER Follow the pope’s tweets: @Pontifex MINISTRIES for March 21/22 Altar Servers 5:00 pm Grace Rath team 10:00 am Nicholas Cody team 12:00 pm Lien Tong team 7:00 pm Dominic Kuin team Children’s Liturgy 10:00 am Bridget Olver/Julian Olver 12:00 pm No Children’s Liturgy 7:00 pm Kelsey Cooper/Justine Cooper Sandi Scissons-Neth 55+ SENIORS’ CARDS AND BINGO Fun, enjoyable afternoons of card games and bingo are held two Thursdays a month in the parish hall. Gather, meet other parishioners and enjoy some refreshments. Next gathering Thursday, March 19, 1:30 pm Please call Lucille, 306 242-4482 for more information. PARISH BREAKFAST The next parish breakfast is Sunday, March 22, 11:00 am. Sponsored by Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus 8905. WE ARE ALL CHURCH As Catholics, we are all aware of the wonderful and precious gifts that God has given us. God’s love and the promise of eternal life cannot be valued in terms of earthly goods. They truly are priceless! If we recognize the priceless nature of God’s gifts, how valuable then is the life that the Church offers us? How is it that the Church can be present to all of us? It can be present only if we participate in our faith and are good stewards of the gifts of time, talent and treasure which have been given to us by God. These must be shared with others. When seen in this way, it is clear that our sharing and our participation in our faith are our priceless gifts to each other, to our Church and to God. Priceless is the gift Christ gives us through his Church. Priceless, too, is the gift we give each other in Christ. LIVING STEWARDSHIP NOW Make a consistent effort to listening attentively - to God in prayer and during Mass, to people in conversations. Consider carefully what response is being asked of you; then put it into action. HOLY SPIRIT PARISH 114 Kingsmere Place, Saskatoon, SK S7J 3V7 Office Rectory 306 374-1425/Fax 306 374-3190 Rectory 306 664-4548 Email Website Office Hours 9:00 am-12:00 pm 1:00pm-5:00 pm Pastor Rev. Ken Beck Associate Pastor Rev. Dan Yasinski Diocesan website WELCOME to all visiting with us this weekend. Your faith and spirit enrich our community. May you travel safely and know that God’s presence is always with you. BUNNY MONEY The diocesan Restorative Ministry Office will be providing chocolate bunnies to the prisoners at the Saskatoon Correctional Centre on Easter Sunday. If you wish to participate in this ministry, you are invited to place a toonie in the basket available on the hospitality desk in the Place of Welcome. Bishop Donald Bolen will be celebrating the Eucharist with the inmates and volunteers on Easter Sunday. Thank you for caring. NATIONAL CATHOLIC MISSION 2015 “Beware the Holy Spirit!” on VisionTV Part 1 Monday, March 30, 4:00 pm (repeated at 8:00 pm) Part 2 Tuesday, March 31, 4:00 pm (repeated at 8:00 pm) MINISTRY OF CARE Our March gathering will include Part Two of the video presentation by Fr. Ron Rolheiser, OMI: The Cross of Christ. We will meet Wednesday, March 25 in Conference Room A from 10:00 am – 11:30 am. All parishioners are welcome. Please contact Charlene at (306) 374-1425 or charlene@ for more information. EASTER FLOWERS AND DÉCOR Easter lilies and mums will be available for purchase in memory of a loved one. These flowers ($20) will be used by the Art and Environment committee when they prepare the church for our Easter and Easter season liturgies. Next weekend March 21/22 a member of the committee will be available in the Place of Welcome. You may sign the cards that will be placed with the plants. Thank you. PENITENTIAL CELEBRATIONS St. Philip Neri Tuesday, March 24 7:00 pm HOLY SPIRIT Wednesday, March 25 7:00 pm St. Augustine Thursday, March 26 7:00 pm Our Lady of Lourdes Friday, March 27 7:00 pm St. Joseph Saturday, March 28 12:00 pm-4:00 pm The sacrament of Penance is also available at Holy Spirit every Saturday, 11:00 am - 12:00 noon and by appointment LENTEN PRACTICES Ideally, our Lenten pr actise and obser vances lead us to conversion, a change of heart. We often “give up” certain things as a way of fasting. Lent is also ripe for “giving more:” more of our time, treasure, talent - of ourselves. One way to reach out is to think of people with whom you lost touch over the years. Rekindle relationships by writing a note to let the person know that he or she is in your thoughts and prayers. Lenten Reflection: Which aspect of “giving more” is the most challenging for you? What would it take to meet the challenge? Baptist theologian makes the case for Lent (It’s not only Catholics!) In this season of conversion, at least one Baptist theologian is coming around to the idea of Lent and in so doing striking a refreshing note for ecumenical unity in a time plagued by divisive religious rhetoric. "If you're like me, you grew up in a Baptist church where Lent was a foreign word," said Jim Denison, theologian-in-residence for the Baptist General Convention of Texas. "Like all things Catholic, Lent was ignored if not rejected. "In recent years, I have come to see the error of our ways," Denison said. "I am now convinced that Lent holds enormous promise for us. This ancient discipline can be a pathway to healing and hope in our fractured, fearful world." Why is Lent relevant for Baptists? Denison offered three reasons: "One: We need to live in community with the larger body of Christ. Since the vast majority of Christians practice some form of Lenten observance, joining them in some way is a good step toward solidarity of faith and ministry. This is also an important witness to others, answering Jesus' prayer, 'May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me' (John 17:23). "Two: We cannot fully appreciate Jesus' resurrection unless we have experienced something of his suffering. A fast of some sort is an appropriate means of spiritual identification with our Lord's suffering for us. Three: We need a period each year for intentional spiritual introspect-ion and contemplation . . . We need a time every year for spiritual renewal. "Just as students need a spring break, so do souls," Denison said. "Lent is a wonderful season for such renewal: As the physical world is renewing itself, so should the spiritual. Can a spiritual discipline practiced for more than 17 centuries by the vast majority of Christians be irrelevant for Baptist souls today?" Jim Denison for the Associated Baptist Press CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE President Elaine Easton, 306 955-0063 Saskatoon Diocesan CWL Convention April 19 and 20 @ St. Patrick's Parish Registration $15 Sunday banquet $30 Monday lunch $10 Monday breakfast included Registration deadline April 1 Contact Margaret - 306-374-4214 THE TWELVE STEPS - A Spiritual Journey for Everyone This wor kshop series uses the Twelve Steps in a Christian context. We cover a wide range of topics exploring your own experiences, your relationship with God and connection to others. It is especially good for those who have experienced a difficult childhood or relationship whether you suffer from addictions or not. The intention is to restore your spirit and build the practices of Christian life. It is Tuesdays from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at Holy Spirit beginning March 17 and continuing until June 16 with a break at Easter. For more information or to register call or text Kim at 306-230-9893 or email There is no fee. You will purchase a workbook and weekly donations are gladly accepted. QUILTS for the CWL Clothing Depot The Clothing Depot quilters will meet again on Tuesday, March 17 at 9:00 am until 4:00 pm. Please bring your bagged lunch if you are staying all day. All ladies are welcome to come and help us out. For information, contact Margaret Schwab 306 374-4214/aschwab KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS 8905 Paul Caves, Grand Knight 306 374-371 Meeting: Monday, April 13, 7:30 pm 40 Hours of Life (Lent-ProLife Walk) outside City Hospital, 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm Monday through Friday. Membership fees are due. For information regarding membership in the Knights of Columbus, please call Paul, 306 374-3713 or Rob Young, 306 374-8559. Holy Spirit Knights of Columbus Council 8905 is hosting a Men’s Spiritual Enrichment Weekend on Friday, March 20 and Saturday, March 21. The weekend begins with Mass at 7:30 pm on Friday with Bishop Albert Thevenot presiding. The theme for the weekend is, “You will all be Brothers: Our Vocation to Fraternity.” Speakers include Bishop Albert Thevenot, Bishop of the Prince Albert Diocese and Knights of Columbus State chaplain; Bishop Emeritus Gerald Wiesner, OMI; Rev. Amanda Currie, St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Minister, Saskatoon and Father Steve Morrisey, Saskatoon Knights of Columbus Chapter chaplain. There will also be a presentation by Fr. Bernard de Margerie on his book, “In God’s Reconciling Graces” and a presentation by Gertrude Rompré. This reflection weekend is open to all men of faith. All men of Holy Spirit parish are invited and encouraged to attend. Please invite your friends. For registration or more information contact Dale Meier, 306 374-9160 or Registration forms can be found at enrichment_ registration. 2000 HOLY SPIRIT/MCCLURE UNITED 2015 Last Sunday afternoon parishioners from both churches gathered at Holy Spirit to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the Covenant signed in March 2000. The Covenant invited both churches to engage in public prayer for each other, to come together for shared prayer, to plan joint educational events, to promote fellowship through social gatherings and to share in joint social justice activities. We were joined at our celebration last Sunday by Bishop Don Bolen and Rev. Jordan Cantwell, chair of the River Bend Presbytery of the United Church. Their words of encouragement were appreciated by all who attended. Thank you to members of our parish of Holy Spirit for joining in the combined choir, for the musicians, soundboard technician, committee members who organized the event, welcomers, hospitality and all who helped share their gifts to enable the celebration to emphasize the importance of our two communities being a sign to the larger community of Saskatoon of the true desire for reconciliation and unity. DEVELOPMENT and PEACE Sowing seeds of love through 15,200 projects and partnerships Share Lent is the annual education and fundraising campaign for Development and Peace, the official international development organization of the Catholic Church in Canada. As a result of our faith in Jesus Christ, and inspired by his compassion for the most marginalized people, Development and Peace supports more than 100 partners in over 20 countries of the Global South to fulfil its mission of international solidarity with the poor. Money raised through Share Lent also helps to educate Canadians on the root causes of poverty and injustice and to mobilize them for actions of change. Your support is essential to the success of the campaign. Our goal is to share the abundance of God's creation with our brothers and sisters around the world so that we can end the injustice of hunger and make a place at the table for the poor. Thank you for joining with other Catholics across Canada and around the world who are making room at the table for all. You may choose to return the rice Bowl next weekend - Solidarity Sunday - the weekend of the Share Lent collection - bring the Rice Bowl or write a cheque for the amount you collected your choice. Or you may return the Rice Bowl and any time prior to Easter. Whatever you choose. Thank you. Share your Faith Share your Love Share your gifts FOOD FOR THE POOR A food container is available at the chur ch entr ance to r eceive your gifts of non-perishable food. This food will be distributed to agencies in Saskatoon involved in helping to feed the poor. Why not try on a weekly basis to bring an item of food? It will be a great reminder of God’s blessings and how we are called to bless others. Holy Thursday, April 2 Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7:30 pm Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament 8:30 pm - 11:30 pm Night Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) 11:30 pm Good Friday, April 3 Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) Celebration of the Lord’s Passion 9:30 am 3:00 pm and 6:00 pm Night Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) 8:30 pm Prayer before the Cross through the night (Sign up sheets available on bulletin board/Place of Welcome Holy Saturday, April 4 Morning Prayer (Liturgy of the Hours) 9:30 am Resurrection of the Lord (Easter Vigil Mass) Saturday, April 4 9:00 pm Resurrection of the Lord (Easter Sunday Mass) Sunday, April 5 10:00 am 12:00 noon (please note - no 7:00 pm Mass today) The task of each liturgical minister is to enable the assembly to enter into the celebration of the liturgy more fully. The parish liturgical committee is presently preparing for Holy Week liturgies. If you are involved in ministry (minister of hospitality, lector, minister of communion, altar server) and will be attending liturgies during Lent/Easter, you are invited to offer your gift of service. ‘Sign-up’ sheets are available in the place of welcome. Thank you for your ministry. FAMILY TIME CWL CLOTHING DRIVE Ar e you tir ed of winter? What’s the best way to banish winter doldrums and get thinking spring? Why, spring cleaning of course!! Holy Spirit CWL can help you get started on your spring cleaning and thinking spring. And what better place to donate your clean, gently used seasonal spring and summer garments and any small, in good shape working appliances, than to the CWL Clothing Depot. Please bring your items to the church on the weekend of March 21/22, and help us bring in Spring! We thank you for your participation and for generously helping those in need in our community. Pay special attention to the ways you work out disagreements in the family. At mealtimes talk about the importance of forgiving one another. How do we reconcile with each other in our family? How do we get past holding grudges and truly forgive?
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