Hinuera School News … Community Notices

TERM 1 Issue 3
Hinuera School News …
12 March 2015
13th Senior Swimming Sports—Town Pools
20th Interschool Swimming—Town Pools
Thursday 26th Junior Swimming Sports—School Pool
2nd Triathlon & End of Term Assembly
3rd Good Friday
20th Term 2 Begins
In my regular visits into classrooms I have
been delighted to see the great start everyone is making with learning this year.
Students and teachers have settled into
good learning routines from the beginning
of the year. A reminder that our school
mission statement is that we exist together
as a learning community to be a place
where everyone is “Learning and Growing”
all the time. Parents have a huge role to
play in this, and we are very thankful for
the wonderful way you model learning,
and support your children with theirs. The
recent parent/teacher interviews are a
good example of this, and we thank all
families that were involved. If you have not
yet had the chance to talk to your child’s
2015 teacher about learning goals for this
year, please contact them and make a time
to do this. Regards – Dean.
PTA Meeting
The PTA continue to do a great job supporting our school Learning and Growing
culture. Their next meeting is on Tuesday
28th April, 7pm in the school staffroom.
This meeting will be the AGM, followed by
a regular meeting. New parents are always
welcome to get involved. It is a great way
to get to know other parents and also
make a positive contribution to the school.
Wacky Hair Day
There were some wonderful efforts for the
special Wacky Hair Day on 26th Feb. $700
was raised to support Javon Lawson with
his recovery. Zarna, Javon and family have
passed on their sincere thanks for this
kindness. Ella Leadbeater’s hair design
captured many people’s attention, so a
photo follows!
bag will do as long as it protects the books
and is waterproof.
Swimming Sports
A reminder that our R5-8 school swimming
sports are being held tomorrow at the
Matamata town pools. All parents should
now have received information and permission slips for this event. Those helping
with transport are asked to be at school by
11.30am. The first race will be the Stewart
Cup at 12 noon.
The PTA will run a stall at the pools. Prices
- Sausages, Drinks and Juicies all $2.00,
Apples 50c.
The interschool team for 20th March will
be announced this Monday. Our Junior
Swimming Sports will be held at school on
Thursday 26th March.
Term Dates 2015
We want to welcome …..
Liam Giles-Paquier—Rm 2
Chris van Zuydom—Rm 2
Zane Farac—Rm 2
Blake Eason—Rm 2
Emily Horne—Rm 2
Term 1
Term 2
Term 3
Term 4
Thurs 2 April
Friday 3 July
Friday 25 Sept
Wed 16 Dec
End of Term Assembly &
School Triathlon - 2nd April
Camp Update
It was a wonderful week for the 2015 Hinuera School Y5/6 camp last week. Many
thanks Jenny Clements, Glenda Corkill and
Kirsten Dagg for their organisation of this
event, and to the great parent team that
worked so hard to support the staff. We
completed bush and stream studies, built
bivouacs, went to the Waimarino water
park, took the ferry to Matakana Island,
and much more. For those with younger
children, students generally attend two
camps while at Hinuera, one each when
they are in Y5 and Y6. At present we are
going with a cycle of bush camp and beach
camp, so next year we are planning a
beach camp based in Ohope.
Mon 2 Feb
Mon 20 April
Mon 20 July
Mon 12 Oct
Library Bags
A reminder that all library books that are
being taken home must be placed in a waterproof bag. Although the bags we sell in
the office are probably the best option we
can get, they are not 100% waterproof.
The best solution is to use a double layer
by placing a shopping bag like a Farmers
bag inside the domed bag. Remember, any
Advance notice that the last day of term
(Thursday 2nd April) will run differently to
usual, due to the short term and the difficulty of fitting everything in. End of Term
Assembly (presented by R7&8) will be held
at 11.30am, and the school triathlon will
be straight after lunch, from 1.15pm. Parents wishing to attend both events may
like to bring a picnic lunch to enjoy on the
day. Alternative programmes will be running for the Juniors in the afternoon
(including watching the races), so any Junior parents wanting to attend the assembly
and then get away for Easter are more
than welcome to do this.
Writing Samples ...
At the beach
As the wind approached me,
I galloped along the beach.
Bare back on horses.
The water washes up the shells as it
comes closer.
Waves force in as they collapse onto the
Swimming with horses in the water
Fully swimming
Scared but fun.
Trotting out in slow mode.
Birds having singing contests as I canter
By Jordan Edmonds - Y6
The waterfall throws itself down the
As clammy mist clouds the air,
And icy liquid trickles from rocks.
Tuis chirp,
And twitter,
And sing.
Creatures rustle through
The wet, gleaming undergrowth,
As fern fronds overshadow them,
And ancient trees fan out their bulbous
By Jessica Walton Y6
commented that it had been great to lead
the Board since the last election, but that
this would be his last term on the Board,
and that he would love to see newer Board
members have the opportunity to take the
lead through to the next BOT elections.
Leigh Noble was elected to the Chair role
and is already underway with the extra
duties this entails. Our thanks to Wynn
Brown for his work and hearty congratulations to Leigh. Wynn continues to serve on
the Board.
New Newsletter Covers
Very special thanks to Paul Sutherland for
doing another of his photo journal walks of
the school at the end of last year, which
has provided some great new shots for the
newsletter cover. Please see the advert we
will be running below for the next few editions for Paul and Marnie’s local businesses, Kodak and Black. Thanks also to our
sponsors on the back cover, who have all
signed on for another printing round for
the current edition. Great to have such
wonderful support for the school. Many of
these businesses are also school parents.
BOT Update
The BOT are looking forward to an exciting
year ahead, with a continued focus on student achievement, as well as the completion of the sports shed upgrade. At the
February Meeting Wynn Brown stepped
down from the Board Chair role. Wynn
Sausage Sizzle
Sausage sizzle helpers…
13 March Keri Morgan
20 March Janelle Burnside & Teresa Harris
If you are not able to make it on the day
please arrange a swap or call Janelle Burnside on 888-6822. We are always looking
for parents who are keen to help with the
sausage sizzle, so please contact the school
office and register your name if you are
Community Notices
Dry Pinecones
$4.00 per bag (20kg calf meal size)
Phone Jackie on 888 1784 or 0275006632
Can deliver to school or pick up from
524 Totman Road
Gymnastics Class
Date, 17th March 2015
Time, 3.30pm - 6.30pm
Where, Matamata College Gymnasium,
upstairs Pavillion Room
Cost, $65 per child
Goes for terms 2 & 3
A newsletter with more info is given at registration
Future Ferns
School years 4 - 8
Cambridge High School Premier netball team are
providing a fun and active netball development day,
designed for our youngest players.
The day will include:
Netball skills for defence, attack and shooting.
A few games at the end to practice those new skills.
Date: 16th April (Thursday)
Time: 9am – 2.30
Cost $45 – numbers are limited
Bring – Plenty of nutritious food, and drink, suitable clothing
For more information and expression of interest email:
Natasha Metcalfe natmetcalfe@xtra.co.nz