Holy Family A Stewardship Parish March 15, 2015 Fourth Sunday of Lent Greater Kirkland Ecumenical Parish Member Liturgy Schedule Weekend Masses Saturday Vigil 5:00pm Sunday Morning 7:30, 9:00 & 11am Youth & Young Adult 5:00pm (Sept-Jun) Weekday Masses Mon-Sat 8:40am (during school year, Mass is at 9am on Friday) Mondays only 6:30am Parent Co-Op Nursery Childcare Services available during the 5:00pm Sat, 9am and 11am and Youth & Young Adult Masses on Sunday Reconciliation Reconciliation is celebrated on Saturdays from 3:30-4:30pm, every Friday from 6-7pm, and on Mon-Sat from 8:10 to 8:30am. Holy Family Mission Holy Family Parish, Kirkland is a welcoming Catholic Community called to continue the earthly mission of Jesus Christ. We are formed through worship, sacraments, education and fellowship. We are challenged to give generously of our time, talent and treasure to love, to minister and to serve others with our neighboring ecumenical churches. 7045 120th Avenue NE Kirkland, WA 98033 Phone: 425-822-0295 Fax: 425-827-0648 Office Hours: 8:30am-4:30pm (M-Th) 8:30am—3pm (F) Website: www.hfkparish.org Administration March 15, 2015 HOLY FAMILY STAFF Parish Office Phone 425-822-0295 Pastor Priest Minister Pastoral Assistant for Administration School Principal Rev. Kurt Nagel (112) Rev. Stephen Szeman Margot Washington (115) Jackie Degel (211) Pastoral Assistants Faith Formation Hannah Hochkeppel (232) Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Claudia Petursson (122) RCIA & Liturgy Norm Bross (114) Pastoral Care & Marriage Prep. Betsy Staal (111) Senior High Youth Ministry Amanda Koppes (108) Junior High Youth Ministry Cathleen Ito (107) Young Adult and Evangelization Ministry Andrew Dejka (129) Social Outreach & Advocacy Andrea Liggett (110) Administration Facilities Manager Steve Carbonetti (121) Bookkeeper Kathy Heideman (117) Office Manager /Baptism Prep Carol Frost (118) Facilities Use Manager Karen Schweitzer (119) Receptionists Connie Moretti /Sharon Harris (100) Holy Family Parish School Holy Family Pre-School 425- 827-0444 425- 889-4735 GENERAL INFORMATION Bulletin Notices Notices must be turned in to the parish office by noon, Tuesday, in written form, or by email to andrea@hfkparish.org. Reserving Parish Facilities Please call Karen in the parish office. SPRING CLEAN UP Mark your calendars for March 21 Spring Clean up day. Join us as we spruce up the grounds for Easter. We’ll be weeding, raking and trimming so please bring tools if you have them (otherwise they will be provided). This is a great ministry to do with your family and a wonderful way to meet new people. We’ll work from 9:30 to noon so come anytime. Refreshments will be provided. IRS TAX REFUND FRAUD UPDATE The Archdiocese has an IRS Tax Refund Fraud letter posted on their website http://www.seattlearchdiocese.org. Please read the letter, and the Archdiocese reports that one of the most important points that the IRS has stressed to us is the best way to avoid being impacted by this scam is to file your return as early as possible. This will help minimize the likelihood that a criminal can file a false return in your identity. Filing an extension early will not have the same effect; the return must be filed. CATHOLIC RELIEF SERVICES (CRS) COLLECTION Next weekend, March 14-15, the 4th Sunday of Lent, our parish takes up the annual Catholic Relief Services (CRS) Collection. This collection supports six Catholic agencies that work to serve our suffering brothers and sisters around the world. Through humanitarian aid, resettling displaced individuals and families, and providing legal and advocacy services for migrants, the Catholic Relief Services Collection allows us to see every encounter with a person who is suffering as an opportunity to help Jesus in disguise. During Lent, Catholic Relief Services provides two opportunities for Catholics in the United States to live in true communion with our brothers and sisters worldwide—through CRS’ annual collection and through CRS’ Operation Rice Bowl. Operation Rice Bowl offers simple yet powerful ways for families to bring our Catholic faith to life during the holy season of Lent. The program provides resources for families to foster their faith life in the home. By participating in the traditional Lenten practices of prayer, fasting and almsgiving through Operation Rice Bowl, the faithful are making a positive difference in the lives of our brothers and sisters who are most in need. RECTORY Congratulations to our builder and our rectory team! We have substantial completion at the rectory. There are still a few odds and ends to complete, but our priests have moved in! A more complete financial report of the rectory construction will be coming in the bulletin shortly. We want to thank again the more than 400 parish households that made a pledge to the Rectory Project! If you have specific questions, please call the parish office and ask to speak to Margot Washington at 425-822-0295 ext 115. NEW VEHICLE DONATION PROGRAM The Seattle Archdiocese has a new Vehicle donation program powered by CARS, Inc. Do you have a vehicle you would like to donate for the benefit of the parish, parish school or Archdiocesan campaign? The new program will help the donor through this process of selling your car including all the paperwork and tax receipts needed for filing. Please call the toll free number (800) 407-GIVE (4483) or visit the website: http:// www.seattlearchdiocese-cardonations.org/. Liturgy & Worship Prayer Corner Please pray for those who are ill: Helen Koob, Mary Dymek Joyce Snavely, Holly Fotheringill And for those who have died: Ruth Reynolds , Diana Linn, Manuel Ayres, Dick Cavaliere (father of Michael) Mass Intentions - week of March 16 March 16 Alphy, Merlin, Vinslet INT March 17 Colleen Tibbet RIP March 18 8:40am Terry Kan 6pm Julila Krekales INT March 19 Tony Pugh RIP March 20 Annie Rue RIP March 21 Marcella Woods RIP Scripture Readings Sun. 2 Chronicles 36: 14-16, 19-23 Psalm 137: 1-6 Ephesians 2: 4-10 John 3: 14-21 Mon. Isaiah 65: 17-21 Psalm 30: 2, 4-6, 11-13 John 4: 43-54 Tue. Ezekiel 47: 1-9, 12 Psalm 46: 2-3, 5-6, 8-9 John 5: 1-16 Wed. Isaiah 49: 8-15 Psalm 145: 8-9, 13-14, 17-18 John 5: 17-20 Thurs. 2 Samuel 7: 4-5, 12-14, 16 Psalm 89: 2-5, 27, 29 Romans 4: 13, 16-18, 22 Matthew 1: 16, 18-21, 24 Fri. Wisdom 2: 1, 12-22 Psalm 34: 17-21, 23 John 7: 1-2, 10, 25-30 Sat. Jeremiah 11: 18-20 Psalm 7: 2-3, 9-12 John 7: 40-53 Sun. Jeremiah 31: 31-34 Psalm 51: 3-4, 12-15 Hebrews 5: 7-9 John 12: 20-33 March 15, 2015 Members of the Franciscan Order for Seculars invite you to join them in praying the Stations of the Cross to accompany Mary, our Blessed Mother, after morning Mass on Saturday, March 28th. This is our fourth year praying the Stations of the Cross at Holy Family parish. Sister Mary Ann Conley, O.S.F. will lead us in prayer. In addition to this prayer service, you are welcome to join us anytime when we gather in the St. Jerome room in the parish administration building. We ask you to contact Sue Renner, O.S.F., Minister of Poverello Fraternity prior to our regular monthly gatherings. Her number is 206-979-7373. We look forward to sharing our way of life with you. Fourth Week of Lent Reconciliation Schedule Mon-Sat 8:00 to 8:30 am, Fri 6:00 to 7:00 pm, Saturday 3:30 to 4:30 pm Stations of the Cross Every Friday at 7:00 pm during Lent (except Good Friday) March 14 through 18 Mission with Fr. Pivonka RCIA 2014-2015 If you or someone you know is interested in exploring our Catholic faith, please contact Norm Bross – 425-822-0295 x114; normb@hfkparish.org Baptism Call Carol Frost at the parish office for information and requirements Marriage Preparation Call Betsy Staal at the parish office at least six months prior to the intended wedding date and before booking the marriage venue. Engaged couples must complete our marriage preparation program Anointing of the Sick Please call the parish office to make arrangements for individual anointing before surgeries or when facing a serious illness Funerals Call the parish office for assistance with funeral arrangements. Catholic Cemeteries serving our parish are Calvary (206-522-0996) and Holyrood (206-363-8404) Prayer Line Call Bob Kay at 206-355-7403 between 8am and 8pm or email your request to robertkay001@comcast.net Life, Justice & Pastoral Care March 15, 2015 RESPECT LIFE The work of the winners of the 2014 Respect Life Essay Contest is being displayed on east narthex Kiosk. Read/see how our HFK students addressed the theme, ‘A Person is a person no matter how small! - recognizing the personhood of the baby in the womb.’ THANK YOU TO OUR KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS FOR COSPONSORING THE CONTEST AND TO PRINCIPAL DEGEL AND STAFF FOR INTEGRATING THE CONTEST INTO THE CLASSROOM! This year’s contest produced a high level of work, learning and thought from our students. AND THE WINNERS ARE: 8th grade; Dani Carino, Lauren Henry, Nathan Limono, Claire Maurer, Alyssa Sutanto: 7th grade; Stefan D’Souza, Marie Hauck, Andrea Leonard, Kevin Brinton, Riley Kwiatkowski, Caitlin Yackley. Congratulations to All!! Severe Weather Shelters for Men, Women & Children Lots of openings on the Calendar! You can sign up to provide a meal and get more information by going to http://tinyurl.com/lt7dg9r or contacting Andrea in the parish office. This is a wonderful ministry for you to do with family, friends, neighbors or coworkers. The shelters are only open 2 more months and then most of the men, women and children will be sleeping outside or in their cars again. If you haven’t already provided a meal, please consider doing so again. If you haven’t, we really need you! Thanks! Society of St. Vincent de Paul When you know someone in need in Kirkland tell them about the HFK Conference 206-326-9610 or hfksvdp@hotmail.com. Give Blood ! Wednesday, March 25 from 1 to 7 pm in the Social Hall Sign up after Masses this weekend! You can truly save a life by giving an hour of your time. Take your Kindness & Compassion to the Road! Volunteer drivers are needed for Senior Services’ Volunteer Transportation program. Using their own vehicles, volunteer drivers help older adults maintain their independence by taking them to necessary medical appointments. If you have the “drive” to help others, own your own vehicle, and have some daytime availability, please call 206-748-7588 or Hilary at hilaryc@seniorservices.org. You can also visit www.seniorservices.org to find out more. Discover why rides changes lives! Are you looking for work or know someone who is? Get emails from connectup@solid-ground.org and learn about job fairs, job openings and more. Another resource close to home is the Westminster Chapel Job Search Support program. See our Parish Ministry & Ongoing Events page in this bulletin for contact information or contact Andrea in the parish office for more info on either of these resources. Malawi Mission Corner To find out more about how you can help our sister parish, St. Joseph’s in Malawi, contact Sharon at sharon.sundance@gmail.com. The New Bethlehem Project This is the name of our Shelter planning group. We will meet again on Wednesday, March 19 at 7:00 pm in the St. Jerome room of the parish center to continue the discussion and planning around the need for shelter for homeless families on the Eastside. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea in the parish office at andrea@hfkparish.org Parish and Community Events 100 Faith Filled Years The next 100th Year Event will be a pilgrimage to Roche Harbor on April 8 for Mass with Fr. Jim Dalton at Our Lady of Good Voyage Chapel! A pilgrimage is a journey taken as an act of religious devotion. For example, April 8 could be a day set aside to practice the Presence of God. You could be inspired by Holy Family’s first altar with its beautiful statues, or the sight of an orca whale on the way, or some other sparkling moment. Imagine the “tweets” of gratitude you could generate to God on such a day. Practice the Presence of God * Touch the moment * Become closer to God. Save the date! The Parish Directories are at the printers and the hope is they will be ready by Easter. We will let everyone know when they are here. Passing them out will be a big job, so if you’d like to help, please contact Andrea in the office. Thank you! SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Have you looked at the back of the bulletin lately? It is because of the generosity of our advertisers that this bulletin is printed by Catholic Printery at no cost the parish. Please patronize these advertisers when you can and tell them you saw their ad in our bulletin! Also, please consider advertising your business on our bulletin. Call 1-800-867-0660. It’s a great deal and helps support your parish. March 15, 2015 Sell, Rent, Hire, Roommates wanted or needed! Check out the bulletin board in the north narthex which lists services, jobs, items for sale, etc. If you have anything you’d like to advertise on this board, please see Andrea in the parish office. This is a service only. The parish does not endorse, recommend or take responsibility for any item sold or purchased or any service offered. No person has been vetted by the parish. You are responsible for background checks. Join us for breakfast and a talk on Wednesdays at 6:00 am in the Social Hall. 3/18 Seven Deadly Sins (Anger/Sloth) 3/25 Passion of Christ by Fr Larry Richards 4/1 Stations of the Cross “Glorifying God: Mind, Body, and Soul” Men’s Retreat April 17-19, 2015 Led by: Fr. John Antony Archbishop Brunett Retreat Center at the Palisades, Federal Way $199 per person, $165 for a shared room, $99.50 per young adult (aged 18-30) Register now! www.seattlearchdiocese.org/palisades or (206) 2743130 Saint John Paul II made an astounding claim: “The body, and it alone, is capable of making visible what is invisible, the spiritual and divine. It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the invisible mystery hidden in God from time immemorial, and thus to be a sign of it.” By those words, the saint-pope ushered in a new era of Catholic theology with his ground-breaking “theology of the body.” Applying John Paul II’s reflections on the human body like a kind of “leaven,” we will explore various themes relevant to daily life, as a single or married man. Mark your calendars for Divine Mercy Sunday on April 12. We will gather in the church at 2:30 and Fr. Nagel will lead us in this beautiful devotion to our Lord. Bring a rosary. Also, beginning on Good Friday you can pray the Divine Mercy Novena. Pamphlets with the prayer will be in the narthex during Holy Week for you to take. More details to follow in the bulletin and on our website. Apostleship of the Cross The Apostleship of the Cross invites you to join us. Learn how to offer your daily cross, in work and rest, to Jesus. Implore graces for the world, the Church and especially for priests. Father Roberto Saldivar, Pastor of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Bothell is offering a workshop for all who are considering joining us. Date-Saturday April 11 (full day workshop) and Sunday April 19 (half day workshop). Where-Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Bothell For more information, contact Barbara Chace (206) 920-2852 or Khaja_afghans@msn.com We meet at Holy Family every other Wednesday morning after Mass. Faith Formation, School & Young Adults March 15, 2015 The KOC Council 7642 was established at Holy Family almost 35 years ago. We have 235 members but we are always looking for a few more good men to help us serve our parish and community. Here is just a sampling of what we do: Because families and children are very important to our Council we encourage efforts and programs that support them. Pro-Life and Families are the cornerstone of the Knights! We sponsored a “Respect Life Essay Contest” for the 7th and 8th graders at Holy Family School in which we provided prize money of $480 to the three winners of each grade. We also donated $825 for the rental of a bus for the March for Life Rally in Olympia. And we presented over 60 baptismal gift packages to families who were having their children baptized at Holy Family to honor the significance of the Sacrament and the joy of the day. We support the School in many ways including providing a special table at the Crab Feed to be sold at the school auction which last year raised $1300. We donate proceeds from one of our Pancake Breakfasts to the Drama Club and the proceeds from our Keep Christ in Christmas Card sales helped purchase new equipment for the school. We also sponsored the free throw contest at the annual basketball tournament and provided a plaque to the winner. The men of our Council have contributed countless hours of their time providing coaching to the local youth groups and actually managed to win a few games! Our Council established partnerships with children’s and Youth groups from our parish to have them provide waiters and deserts for some of the meal events we sponsor. This allowed us to raise money for the Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Holy Family Youth Group. We are proud to say we donated over $1,200 to these great young people! The Special Olympics is another charity that our Council is proud to support and this year’s Tootsie Roll Drive was a great success as our Council was able to donate over $4000 to both the State and local Special Olympics programs. In addition, our Council raised $500 to support the Seminarian we sponsor and donated $1,450 to the Holy Family Youth Group for their Summer Mission and $1,000 for Next Step Pregnancy Service. Our Council loves to feed the parish too and we have provided some great meals this last year. This included not only our popular Pancake Breakfasts but also the amazing Crab Feed and two gourmet meals during Lent. And because the Knights don’t do anything small, we will be cooking for our Parish’s 100th Year Anniversary Summer Celebration. With over 400 people projected to attend the picnic, our Council is breaking out our closely guarded barbecue recipes and getting ready to cook some extra special food. The Knights of Council #7642 also took some time to play as well. We hosted our annual Christmas Party, had a free steak dinner for our members and got together for a great family social during the summer. Finally, in May we will once again be providing carnations to the woman of our parish as part of our Mother’s Day celebration. Please check out our information table at Friday’s Lenten Dinner on March 13th and after all masses in the East Narthex on March 14th and 15th or contact Frank Lucarelli at 425-822-8620 to find out how you can be part of this wonderful organization. Thank You! Parish Ministries & On-going Events March 15, 2015 St. Vincent de Paul conference, please call Andrea in the Parish Office 425-822-0295 or email hfksvdp@hotmail.com. Men’s Ministry is where men connect about faith, life, and leader development pathways. 6:00 a.m. Free breakfast provided. Contact Roy Selvidge at roys12843@hotmail.com for more information. Pray and Play meets in the parish nursery every Wednesday morning from 10:00 to 11:30. All moms of children from 0-5 are welcome to join us for fellowship and fun! please contact caitlin.m.burch@gmail.com for more information. Pray & Play Latino Te esperamos los martes a las 9:45am en la guardería de la Iglesia. Ven a conocer otras mamás latinas de nuestra comunidad y en nuestro idioma! Unidas en oración, fortalezcamos nuestra Fe y edifiquemos cimientos sólidos en la fe de nuestros pequeños. Niños de 0 a 6 años. Karina (425) 761 0445 Cub Scout Pack 615 is an active group of 1st to 5th grade Scouts who participate in fun as well as learning activities and community service projects. Contact us to find out how you can join! For more information Contact: Brian Hardy (Brian.Hardy@Cigna.com) or Clyde D'Souza (clydebev@comcast.net) or 425 770 2923. Ladies volleyball is a fun night of getting to know other Parish women while we play volleyball. Players of all skill levels welcome. Our first night of the school year will be October 19th at 8:30pm in the gym. We will play every Friday night. Please contact Alissa Long at cissa.volleyball@gmail.com to be added to the Evite. Men’s Basketball Tuesdays and Thursday night at 8:00 pm. Contact Jay Vandewark at vandewarks@msn.com Knights of Columbus—If you think you might be interested in joining the Knights of Columbus and making a difference in your parish and community, please contact Frank Lucarelli at 425-822-8620). The Café At Holy Family – The Café At Holy Family invites you to join us for a lively after Mass experience of fun and fellowship. Come for the best coffee in town and a variety of delicious food choices including gluten free! Pray the Divine Mercy Every Wednesday you are invited to join other parishioners in the church after 8:40am Mass for the recitation of The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. This is a beautiful meditation asking for mercy and forgiveness for our sins and those of the whole world. The prayer is provided. Bring a rosary! Liturgy of the Hours Evening Prayer (Vespers) is prayed every Monday evening in the church – 6:25 to 6:45. If you need a Breviary, a few copies of “Shorter Christian Prayer” books are available to borrow. Pray the Rosary every Tuesday morning after Mass. We do this for our children and grandchildren. You can also pray the Rosary every morning before Mass in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 8:00 am. Make sandwiches for homeless Seniors Every month on the 7th day, a group of parishioners makes hundreds of sandwiches for Lazarus Homeless Shelter. Please join us from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. in the parish center. Bring some lunch meat or bread if you’d like. Contact Andrea in the parish office if you have any questions. Respect Life Prayer Vigil, 2nd Tuesday of each month, Bellevue Planned Parenthood Facility, 148 th Ave.NE & NE 8th Street, bring your rosary. Your presence & prayers could save a life!” Young Adult Bible Studies The men meet every other Monday from 8:00-9:30pm, and the women meet every other Monday from 7:30 -9:00pm. Interested men should contact Andy Dejka at andrewd@hfkparish.org and interested women should contact Melissa Guzman at melissaguzman11@gmail.com. It’s a great opportunity for friendship and spiritual growth. NAMI Spiritual Support for Mental Illness Group Meetings. They meet every 2nd & 4th Wednesday from 7:00-8:30PM in the Dining Room at St. Brendan’s parish office in Bothell. Call Joe at 425-486-7579 with questions. Job Search Support Program Meets 7:00 – 9:00 P.M. Thursday nights at Westminster Chapel: 13646 NE 24th St., Bellevue, WA 98005. The purpose of the Job Search Support Program is to serve as a resource to the unemployed, the underemployed, and those desiring a career change, as well as a help to their families. For more information contact (425) 562-8028. and leave a message rbtrdt238@frontier.com Widow/Widower Support Group Contact Amy at wiljar2013@yahoo.com or 206-999-1948 for information. Secular Franciscan Fraternity: Meets the 4th Saturday of each month at 9:15am in the St. Jerome Room. Newcomers are always welcome. Please contact Sue Renner, Minister of Poverello at susanrenner3@comcast.net for more information. Weekly Calendar March 15, 2015 Monday—March 16 Mission with Fr. Pivonka Catechesis of Good Shepherd Liturgy of Hours/Vespers Faith Formation Mission with Fr. Pivonka Life Teen Excel Tuesday—March 17 Church 8:30 Dominican Room 3:30pm Church 6:25pm HFK School 6:30pm Church 7pm Holy Family Room 7pm Mission with Fr. Pivonka Pray-n-Play Quilters Mission with Fr. Pivonka Wednesday—March 18 Men’s Ministry Apostles of the Cross Mission with Fr. Pivonka Catechesis of Good Shepherd Charismatic Prayer Group Mom’s Pray-n-Play Catechesis of Good Shepherd Mission with Fr. Pivonka Thursday—March 19 Social Hall/Kitchen 6am St. Jerome Room 8am Church 8:30am Dominican Room 9:30am St. Thomas Room 9:30am Nursery 10am Dominican Room 3:30pm Church 7pm Catechesis of Good Shepherd Sacramentors (Men) Pastoral Care Meeting Catechesis of Good Shepherd Homeless Shelter Meeting Young Adults Lenten Reflection RCIA Adult Open Gym Friday—March 20 Life Teen Excel Church 8:30am Nursery 9:30am St. Martin Room 1pm Church 7pm Dominican Room 9:30am St. Thomas Room 10:30am St. Martin Room 11am Dominican Room 3:30pm St. Jerome Room 7pm St. Martin Room 7pm Holy Family Room 7pm Gym 8:30pm Saturday—March 21 Youth Center 6pm Grounds Clean Up Pray -n– Play Weekend Parish Center 9:30am St. Martin Room Sunday-March 22 Paul F. Benoit, D.D.S. 523 Kirkland Way Kirkland, WA 98033 General Dentistry (425) 822-3505 paulbenoitdds.net Faith Formation Confirmation mini-retreat #3 Life Teen Night Marriage Prep Specializing in investment real estate. Patrick Riley 206.812.9127 School Café 10am Parish Center 1:30pm Social Hall 6pm School Library 6:30pm 425-771-3515 www.HaiderConstruction.com Amy Maggio REALTOR® Managing Broker Parishioner Real Estate/East Inc (425) 466-6965 AmyMaggio@windermere.com AmyMaggioHomes.com ad 3 x 3 freeDoM various sizes-28_bc-32.qxd 11/14/2012 12:15 PM Page 1 Est. 1978 “Let Us Prove Our Name” Serving the community for 37 years through Catholic values, by providing outstanding quality for all of life’s special occasions Charles Royer Advisors LLC Charles H. Royer, Parishioner 425-466-6270 Bellevue, WA Specializing in Senior Transition A+ BBB Rating - Licensed & Insured 31yrs Experience • 206-369-4454 2.972 x 2.457 425.643.2610 • www.dacels.com 3500 Factoria Blvd SE, Bellevue, WA 98006 “Fee only Financial advisor” Attention: New Year Special Call Now! Redmond’s Newest Senior Living Community CALL FOR A TOUR TODAY 4585 W. Lake Sammamish Parkway NE 425-497-0900 * * * Talk Help is on the way! 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Specials 425-827-4422 7 Mares - Menudo AmyMaggio@windermere.com AmyMaggioHomes.com FamilyAuthentic Owned &Pork Operated since 1995 - Carnitas get $10 off! 11605 State Ave., #100 MPH Construction Services Marysville Authentic Italian Cuisine (360) 657-4273 Where Residents are Family! 120A Park Lane, Kirkland, WA 98033 Call for a tour at 425-442-0930 www.ristoranteparadiso.com 425-889-8601 Sheila Navaluna, RN, BSN www.peaceofmindAFH.com sheila@peaceofmindAFH.com *100,000 Satisfied Customers “The Plumber People Recommend” TRES HERMANOS 30 Years of Integrity and Skill TRES HERMANOS www.fischerplumbing.com “We service all makes and models. Timing belts, brakes, tune-ups, wheel alignments and much more...Visit our website for more details and a full list of services, or just call for a free estimate. 425 821-8619 Thanks, Jeri & Camille Lucas, Owners/Parishioners http://www.easturbanauto.com 11841 Slater Ave NE • Kirkland, Wa. 98034 425.868.2327 BEAR CREEK RESIDENTIAL 425-823-6727 sylvan217@sylvannw.com Reading, Math, Writing, Study Skills, SAT/ACT Prep & More! Your Personal Contractor ORTHODONTICS HOME Improvement & Repairs 12819 120th Ave NE, Suite H Kirkland, WA 98034 www.bearcreekresidential.com Report Card A Problem? Sylvan Learning of Kirkland 12305 120th Ave NE Suite F We’re the Solution. Next to Fred Meyer, Now enrolling for All Programs. Kirkland, WA 98033 Children • Teens • Adults (206) 525-7000 Parishioners Amy & Jim Kirschner License # BEARCCR906BG Robert M. Sifferman Ralph Villavicencio Attorney at Law General Practice of the Law Wills, Estate Planning, Probate, Real Estate, & Business 2000-112th Avenue NE Bellevue (425) 454-5829 Parishioner johnlogue@windermere.com 425.922.1361 New Homes “The Retreat” $509, 990 & up Barb Avery, Broker Senior Certified 206-226-2879 www.seattlesuburbs.com •Relocation - city wide/worldwide •Investment Properties Elder Law Offices of JULIANNE KOCER, P.S. 425-367-4022 kocerlaw.com Parishioner Financial Advisor 14314 124th Ave. NE Kirkland, WA 98034 Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts, & Probate Downtown Kirkland 425-828-7800 425-821-9639 www.kruegerbecklaw.com Thinking of a Move? MAZATLAN Jim Muenz Asset Preservation, Medicaid, Long Term Care Planning, Disability, Wills & Trusts, RN on Staff Northwest Realtors Licensed, Bonded & Insured 206-783-4129 425-455-4773 Convenient Appts Lovrovich Orthodontics General Contractor Specializing in Residential Remodeling Lic # MOHCO*033QS Serving the Eastside Community for over 20yrs Our Caring Makes The Difference afamilydentist4u.com (425) 822-8248 Michael P. Hoey - Parishioner 206-595-7657 all your plumbing needs.” 881-9333 I-405 at NE 116th 11416 - Slater Ave NE Kirkland (425)(425) 746-4782 Parishioner 746-4782 Service, Quality & Integrity since 1985 Kirkland WA 98033 Mary Jean A. Oropesa, DDS Family Dentistry Welcomingnew new friends & families Welcoming & families 425-460-4965 Managing Broker 206-920-1200 Top 1% Nationally #1 Kirkland & Redmond JimMuenz@CBBain.com RESTAURANT Family Mexican Restaurant (425) 483-6633 FREE LUNCH: Buy 1 Lunch & 2 Drinks Get 2nd Lunch of Equal or Lesser Value FREE--$10 Value 14450 Woodinville-Redmond Rd Woodinville Open 7 days a Week Limit one coupon per table. Dine In only. Cannot be combined with other offer. Helping Fellow Catholics Care for Loved Ones Hersman Serles Almond PLLC Accountants & Consultants Committed to providing exceptional care. Dr. Baldwin • FREE Initial Consultation • Orthodontics for ALL ages • Friday and Saturday appointments available 425.861.7900 Redmond Village Square 16150 NE 85TH St., Ste.212 www.drbaldwinortho.com Redmond, WA 98052 • Personal Care • Errands/Shopping • Light Housekeeping • Care Management • Meal Preparation • Companionship • Hourly/Live-in • Skilled Nursing 866.545.1092 www.familyresourcehomecare.com Individual & Business Taxes, Business Consulting, Wealth & Estate Planning 425-822-6557 Julia Proudlove - Parishioner 139 - CPI, P.O. Box 81026, Seattle, WA 98108-1026 - For Advertising call John Hitt 800-867-0660 www.catholicprintery.com Bridle Trails Family Dentistry 6507 132nd Avenue N.E. Family, Implant, Family Cosmetic Cosmetic,Restorative, Implant Restorative Orthodontics Mention this ad, ©CPI Integrated Special Education for high school students Join us and learn more! Feb. 25, 8 a.m. eastsidecatholic.org/options RUSS NOMI, D.D.S. Family Mexican Restaurant Real Estate/East Inc
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