HOLY NAME OF MARY PARISH HUNTERS HILL ST PETER CHANEL WOOLWICH We acknowledge the Walumatagal people — the first custodians of this place 15 March 2015 Calendar FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT REFLECTION………..………………………………….…OUR FATHER This most familiar prayer that we’ve been rattling off all our lives is worthy of a fresh visit from us. It is a prayer that while utterly familiar, is on reflection, deeply disturbing. What we’re praying for just doesn’t seem possible! Lent opens us to conversion of heart, so it is apt that we now pay the Lord’s Prayer a visit. MARCH Kindergarten Welcome Mass HNM 6.00pm Our: In a world where our individual self is often at the centre of our endeavours, the first word of the prayer pulls us up short. “Our” Father alerts us to the fact that we are part of something beyond oneself! It’s not “’My” Father we address but “our”. My essential identity as a Christian is as a member of a family and not as an individual. I could well spend the rest of Lent teasing out the consequences of this startling truth. 17 Baptism Prep Session Chapter Hall 7.30pm In My world, I am the centre of so much. The energy I expend, the goals I set, the dreams I dream. If I were to take family or community as my starting point for my life’s project, I would need to start again, to be born again! 19 Anointing Mass Chapter Hall 11.30am Our Father: This family is held together and takes its identity from the God who is revealed to us in intimate personal terms. Our Father is no anonymous cosmic force. Our Father is not a spiritual law-enforcement agent. This Father is no alien god. 14 21-22 Parish Pastoral Council Election Weekend 25 Liturgy Group Meeting P arish House 7.30pm This Father is our source of life and of every love we’ve ever known. He is the glue who binds the whole family together. Like any other loving father, there is nothing he would not do to assure our happiness. He sends his own Son to hold up a mirror to us all, so that we might have some understanding of our present state and so that we might know a hope that this present state will not be our final destiny. Our Father who art in heaven: The Father has seen more than ever we have, has a wisdom beyond anything we will find here and now, and embraces the whole creation, including each one of us, in a loving, saving look. Heaven allows the Father to see everything without filters, spin or the blockages that human deception tries to put in his way. Heaven seems to hold a promise that we have a home there ready for us. Heaven tells us that we have not seen it all just yet! 27 La Paroisse Restaurant Parish House 6.30pm 28 New Parish Pastoral Council Announced this weekend. Hallowed be Thy Name: The very name “Father” must mean a lot if we’re to go around praising and honouring it. It’s a name that is all about relationships between people who love and enliven each other. It is in relationship alone that hearts can be healed, that wounds can be properly dressed and tended, that guilt and shame can be transformed into self-acceptance and thanks. No wonder we pray “Hallowed be thy Name.” 31 Reconciliation Service HNM Church 7.00pm Thy Kingdom Come: Now the rubber hits the road! I am not just some starry-eyed believer sitting around on a cloud praising and blessing all day. God’s Kingdom, God’s hope is that truth, forgiveness, gentleness, justice, peace and compassion will be the energies that shape our world. Sitting around all day simply offering praise won’t quite get the job done! 2 14 16 APRIL Holy Thursday Baptism Prep Chapter Hall 7.30pm As a member of the Father’s family, I am loved so much, I cannot help but return that love by living the Father’s great hope for me and for all of us. Clearly from today’s news bulletins, we haven’t got close to managing this yet. While the Father is infinitely patient, the wounds of our family are profound. All of a sudden, I have a mission if I dare to pray “Our Father.” Anointing Mass Chapter Hall 11.30 This prayer’s longer than I thought. See you next week! am Father Kevin Page 2 Fourth Sunday of Lent What’s on? HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR PARISH? See if anyone in your pew knows this parishioner. Her name next week. Last year’s last photo: John O’Connor LA PAROISSE RESTAURANT Book in for a meal cooked by Father Kevin and meet some of your fellow parishioners. Bookings through Sylvia at the parish office and our dates are: 27 March, (Booked out)1 May, 26 June, 24 July, 4 September 6.30pm ANOINTING MASS Our monthly anointing/healing Mass is on again this coming Thursday in the Chapter Hall at 11.30 am. All are welcome. CHOIR PRACTICE FOR HOLY WEEK Each Wednesday Evening Holy Name of Mary Church 8.00pm MARIST SISTERS’ COLLEGE OPEN DAY FOR BROTHER CHARLES You are all invited to a farewell Sunday 29th March 2015 11am - picnic for Br Charles, who is retiring and moving to Queensland. Charlie 2pm is one of those quiet workers beSTATIONS OF THE hind the scenes, who has always CROSS helped this parish operate smoothEvery remaining Thursday night ly. Many would not realise how during Lent. often he has saved the day, by 7.30 - 8:15pm, fixing something, finding a lost item Holy Name of Mary Church. or helping one of the parishioners Each week we will use a different organise the Way of the Cross or version of the stations - some some big liturgical event. Br traditional, others contemporary. Charles has made friends with Don't miss the chance to 'do' many parish families and was of something extra for Lent. great assistance when the first children's Masses started many MEN’S GROUP years ago. All of the Marist ComFIRST DINNER FOR 2015 munity will notice his absence in Liam Knight will be our special many ways. guest to talk about his challenges and aspirations as a teenager Date: Sunday 19 April, 2015 trying to live a normal life after Place: Grassed area, through the his accident. His foundation is gate into the Marist Fathers Comwww.thewhiteknightfoundation.com munity, near small parking area beside Church. Parish Hall at 7-9pm Thursday 26th March A BBQ dinner will be provided with drinks for $20 per person. Time: After 10am Mass which will be especially for Br Charles Bring: Your picnic lunch, drinks and RSVP your attendance to Clinton rug or folding chairs 0450 021 011 or Gerardo 0418 Tea and coffee will be provided. 294 063 by Wed 25th March. Organise your family and friends to (You can pay on the night). come, catch up with other parishioners and say goodbye to Br KEEP THE DATES! Charles. UPCOMING DATES FOR MEN’S GROUP DINNERS GOOD FRIDAY WALK Tuesday 23 June, Thursday 24 September, Thursday 3 December FAREWELL CAN YOU HELP WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING? Anyone who would like to take part in the re-enactment please contact Richard Korkor on 0410431022. We need people to help serve coffee, tea cordial and food. We have Cross Cutter’s for the biscuits, they can be delivered to your door or mailbox (must be returned with biscuits). Hot cross buns, slices will all be welcomed. Please call Marie on 9816 2084 or 0403583039. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL NOMINEES Heartfelt thanks to the following parishioners who are generously standing for election next weekend. Ann Freeman, Richard Korkor, Natasha Foley, Belinda Figueira, John Halmarick, Patrick Lauren, Patricia Curtin, Peter Ephraums, Mark Worrell, Michael Brooks, Linda Lucey, Liz Phillips, Susan Sharples, Richard McNamee, Damien Kiley, Please note: Voting forms will be emailed out on Friday and available at Mass next weekend. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL ELECTION DATES 21-22 March: Election Weekend 28-29 March New Pastoral Council Members announced 26 April: New PPC Orientation Day, Parish House 5 May: First Meeting of New Parish Pastoral Council SPECIAL LENTEN OPPORTUNITIES The Sacrament of Reconciliation: As well as our normal Saturday 5.15pm time, a priest will be available for you to celebrate this Sacrament for extra periods during Lent. St Peter Chanel Church: From 8.30 am until just before Mass each Sunday. Holy Name of Mary Church: Saturday following the 6.00pm Masses and Sunday following 8.00 am Mass Holy Hour: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Reflective Reading of the Sunday Gospel and silent Adoration. Each Sunday during Lent, 5.00 pm until 5.50pm Holy Name of Mary Church Page 3 Fourth Sunday of Lent Well Done...CONGRATS AND THANKS ZONE Congratulations and a very warm welcome to Abigail Collins, Cooper Beaver, Cameron Scott, Alexander Ledowsky & Mark Owens all of whom will be baptized into our Christian community this weekend. Pray for... PRAYER ZONE NEW PARISHIONERS A warm welcome to Peter-John and Marianne Michael and their three children Amelia, Rachel & baby Solomon MEETING POPE FRANCIS Please pray for all those who are sick in our community. We pray for Norma Brosnan, Bishop Geoffrey Robinson, Tess O’Farrell, Dr Michael Dwyer, Marie Corcoran and Maggie Mulveney. We pray for Fathers Bill and Paul who are both battling ill health at this time. AMELIA SHANNON & CHRIS Tatyana Vigara and Scott Gandy. JOEYS RULE!! For the first time in 43 years, the Joeys Eights won the Head of the River last weekend. We add our congratulations to that of all the others!! Last weekend a fine young man, Chris Byrne proposed to, and was accepted by our beautiful Amelia Shannon. We are all delighted for them both and of course the Shannon family. We thank God for you and we look forward and pray for a wonderful marriage for you both. POINT TO PONDER Watch O Lord with those who wake, or watch or weep tonight, and give your angels and saints charge over those who sleep. Take your sick ones O Lord Christ, rest your weary ones, pity your afflicted ones, shield your joyous ones, and all for your love’s sake. Amen. St Augustine’s Evening Prayer (With thanks to Martha Pietor) Principal: Mr. Kevin Turner Phone: 98796100 Website: www.vmhuntershill.com GREEN CUPCAKES!! Next week for St Patrick’s Day, the school will be awash with green: green tops, green hats, green leggings, green cupcakes, green…….....we won’t go there!! Marist Sisters’ College Principal: Ms Anne Anderson Ph: 9816 2041 Web: http://www.mscw.nsw.edu Parents and Principal Party! The College Parents and Friends hosted a twilight supper on Cerdon Plaza for parents to meet our new Principal, Ms Anne Anderson. The evening was a great success. We ray for those people for whom love seems beyond reach, for whom memories of love lost or denied are too painful, and for whom love has been a failure. Where real love is, God is, so let us pray that love can find, heal and delight them as it was meant to in the first place. . Coming Soon Parish Pastoral Council Elections 22-23 March Holy Week Reconciliation Service 31 March HNM This Week… Scripture Zone First Reading: 2 Chronicles 36:14-16,1923 thing that depends on us, but as an act of love from God. This passage from 2 Chronicles shows us a people at their lowest. Just when all would seem lost (the destruction of Jerusalem and years of exile), an unlikely messiah (Cyrus) appears who invites the people of Israel to make their return home. Grace doesn’t always march according to our expectations. Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! Response: Let my tongue be silenced, if I ever forget you! Villa Maria Primary School THOSE WHO LIVE BEYOND LOVE’S REACH Second Reading: Ephesians 2:4-10 This text is an invitation to joyful reflection as the author of Ephesians is practically bursting at the seams in his awareness of the riches of God’s mercy. Again, grace at work, not some- Gospel Acclamation God loved the world so much, he gave us his only son, That all who believe in him might have eternal life. Glory and praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! Gospel Reading: John 3:14-21 Here we have a summary of the Good News-a love that first loved us and takes flesh among us, not for condemnation, but for life. What more do we need to hear as we continue the Lenten journey? Next Week…SCRIPTURE ZONE First Reading: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Second Reading : Hebrews 5:7-9 Gospel Reading : John 12:20-33 A PARISH OF THE MARIST FATHERS PARISH OFFICE: 3A Mary Street. Hours: 9.00am – 5.00pm, Mon-Fri PHONE: 9817 5325. FAX: 9817 4615. EMAIL: villamar@bigpond.net.au Web: www.hnom.com.au Facebook: Holy Name of Mary Parish SUNDAY MASS TIMES Holy Name of Mary: Sat.6.00pm Sun.8.00am, 10.00am, 6.00pm. St. Peter Chanel: Sunday – 9.00am. WEEKDAY EUCHARIST Holy Name of Mary: Monday to Friday –9.00am. Saturday – 8.00am. St Peter Chanel: Wednesday 12.15pm RECONCILIATON: Holy Name of Mary: Saturday 5.15pm-5.45pm or by request. PARISH TEAM: Parish Priest: Father Kevin Bates SM (PP) (Ph: 0425 333 129) kev@kevinbates.com Priests Assisting: Fathers Bill Ryder SM, Paul Pearce SM, JP Willy Melteras SM New or Returning Parishioners… Please come along to the Parish Office for a warm welcome and to pick up a Parish Information Kit . Parish Secretary: Sylvia Gutierrez Associate Secretary: Maggie Mullane Sacramental Coordinator: Rosalia Foley fft@hnom.com.au Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson: Ann Freeman ann.freeman@syd.catholic.edu.au Parish Pastoral Council Secretary: Michael Brooks: Michael.Brooks@infrahealth.nsw.gov.au Repair & Maintenance: Anthony Russo BAPTISM: By arrangement. Parents please contact the presbytery to book & arrange to attend the Baptism Prep Program BAPTISM PREPARATION EVENINGS COMING UP: Tues 17 March, Tues 14 April, Tues 19 May, Tues 9 June in the Chapter Hall @ 7.30pm MARRIAGE: At least six months notice must be given. The parish clergy will officiate primarily for parishioners. Others are welcome to be married in one of our churches but generally need to arrange their own Priest or Deacon ..................................................................... PARISH PASTORAL GROUPS AND CONTACTS Counselling: Allison Cahill 0402 405 843. & Deborah Khoury 0409 719 443 Villa Play Group: Ellen Knoblanche: 0402955710 Meditation Group: Gabrielle Woodcock, 9817 0097 Young Adults Group: Nicholas Fearnley nfea9995@uni.sydney.edu.au Aged Ministry Group: Margaret Gambley 9807 2160/ Joan Bautovich 0402 275 105 Grief Support Group: Cecilia Brungs 0412 284 028 Young Adults and Liturgy Group : Rob Turnbull 0431 290 714 Eucharistic Ministry Coordinator : Kate Buckland 9817 2558 Altar Servers Coordinator: Patricia Curtin 0407 932 902 Social Justice Group: Sonia Zec 0413791775 Altar Society: Jane Keneally 0419221185. Joan Bautovich 0402 275 105 RCIA: Janet Greene 9879 6515 Cleaners: HNM Mike Burfitt 9879 4197 SPC Elizabeth Spencer 9816 4180 Readers HNM: Barry Buffier 9817 8805 Readers SPC: Mark Volpato 9816 4431 Children’s Liturgy HNOM: Susan Sharples 0419 991 620 SPC: Tee Davies 0407 827 957 St Vincent De Paul: Elizabeth Spencer 9816 4180 / Men’s Group:Clinton McDonald 0450021011Gerardo D'Angelo 0418 294 063 Marist Laity Group: Cathy Gallo 9817 2959, Josiane Espinosa 9807 9199 Welcomers’ Coordinator: Rob Turnbull, 0431 290 714 Family Faith Educator: Marea De Angelis Ph: 0419 448 201 Atrium of the Good Shepherd : Corinne Korkor 0448 440 592 Young Christian Workers Group: Natasha Foley 0424 976 658 OUR PARISH PRAYER Loving God, you are the home for our hearts’ deepest longings. We find our way as families and as individuals only in you, through our brother Jesus, encouraged by the breath of your Spirit. We thank you for all the blessings we enjoy in our parish family. May we continue to share our gifts of life and love with glad and generous hearts. May our world be somehow more alive because we have passed this way. May Mary our parish patron continue to inspire us as we give new birth to your Word in our turn. We make our prayer in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
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