This Week at Central SUNDAY, 3/15 C.O.O.L. School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Youth Group discussion 12 p.m. Prayer Joys and Concerns Share their grief: Julie Husted and family. Julie’s mother, Gay Allais, died on February 27. Juanita Joiner whose mother, Iva Kight, passed away March 2. The family of Tom Olson who passed away March 3. Tom’s funeral was March 14 here at Central. The family of Ann Black. Ann passed away on March 6. MONDAY, 3/16 Vibrant Women 6:30 p.m. Fermenting Faith 7 p.m. For those undergoing medical treatment: Anita Frans · Tricia Werner (Dale & Sue Beattie’s niece) · Jim Cox (Nancy Crandall’s brother) · Sherry Wallace (Richard & Karen Wallace’s daughter) · Carole Vanderwall · David Noel · Debbi Plamondon (Jane Redline’s daughter) TUESDAY, 3/17 Computer Club 10 a.m. Isabelle Thoburn 1 p.m. Widows Together 7 p.m. For those recovering at home: Jane Diederichsen · Phyllis Sonnega · Carl Frans · Ginny Hallead · Lloyd Cotton · Donna Cotton · Kevin Powlenko · Lois (Susan Every’s friend) · Chris Berry (Cavan’s brother) · Avis Boelkins · Tom Huizenga · Lori Streb · Jenn Faunt (friend of Alan & Monica) · Adeline Brozek (Steve & Jessica’s grandmother) · Sylvia Overbey · Christine Twork · Esther Kirk · Morgan Dennison (Carol Higginson’s granddaughter) WEDNESDAY, 3/18 Ruth Circle 10 a.m. Staff Meeting 1 p.m. Worship Arts Team 2 p.m. Worship Planning 3 p.m. Mystery Dinner 5:30 p.m. Church Council 7:30 p.m. Mystery Dinner Central’s Nurture and Youth Teams invite you to jump on your donkey and join us in Parish Hall on Wednesday, March 18 at 5:30 p.m. Lenten Fun Facts will be served up with the food. All ages will enjoy this time of fellowship. THURSDAY, 3/19 Outlook Deadline for April Susannah Wesley Circle 10 a.m. Sanctuary Choir 7 p.m. FRIDAY, 3/20 Church Office is closed on Friday A free will donation will be taken to cover our costs. SATURDAY, 3/21 SUNDAY, 3/22 C.O.O.L. School 9:30 a.m. Worship 10:45 a.m. Youth Group 6 p.m. Sign up on the chapel board — deadline is tomorrow. For those recovering at McAuley Place: Helen Sonnega (Room 505) For those recovering at Bear Creek Rehab: Don Dahlquist, 8041 State Road 52, Room 103, Hudson, FL 34667 Keep in Prayer: Steven Wei · Benita Mikesell (Bill’s mother) · Nancy Kieft · Ernie Gibner · Charlene Blue · Don West · Dale and Sue Beattie · Evelyn Shirey (Mick Capman’s mother-in-law) · Kathy Rabach · Betty J. Garzelloni · Charles Nagel · Les Snyder (Dexter Larabee’s grandfather) · Scott (friend of Joel & Merijo Dulyea) · Martha Burgess · Gordon Lange · Heather TenHove · Ruby Garrett · Evelyn Nelson · Alan Greene · LeighAnn Mikesell · Dave (friend of Liz Johnson) · Bill Mikesell · Greg & Cindy · Brent Baker (son of our Hastings friends Dave & Brenda) · Ed (friend of Larry & Leann Seastrom) · Tom Brozek (Steve & Jessica’s father) · Benjamin Clarke · Laura Wilson · Sue Zack · Dick Morgan · Gerry Bruining · Tree (friend of Tom Huizenga) · Lana O’Lonegran (friend of Leann & Larry Seastrom · Nova Fry For those on Hospice care: Peggy Huff (cousin of the Duram Family) For those serving our nation: U.S. Army: Brian Gale; PFC Benjamin Walsh, 2nd Combat Brig., Korea (Mick Capman’s nephew); Nicholas Lloyd (Juanita Joiner’s nephew). U.S. Air Force: Lt. Col. Kevin Heckle, Washington D.C.; Lt. Co. Paul DeFlorio, Dayton OH (Zack nephew); Ken Efting (friend of the Dulyeas) in Afghanistan Sunday Volunteers THIS WEEK…March 15 Worship Leader Joel Dulyea Lay Reader: LeighAnn Mikesell Acolytes: Colin Berry Ushers: Bill Paulson, Bill Nicholson, Dale Beattie, Joyce Lewinski Greeters: Laura Kahler & Carol Higginson Coffee Hour: Welcome Center: Billie Joy Holmes NEXT WEEK…March 22 Worship Leader Kay DeMoss Lay Reader: Sally Wibalda Acolytes: Kyle Berry Ushers: Bill Nicholson, Huey Husted, Jack Hughes, Sue Van Hoesen Greeters: Carl & Diane Lindstrom Coffee Hour: Martha Giacobassi Welcome Center: Tim Lundholm 5 March 15, 2015 10:45 a.m. GATHERING Prelude Largo G.F. Handel Mike Giacobassi, violin Welcome Call to Worship Choices *Greet your neighbor *Hymn # 163 UMH Ask Ye What Great Thing I Know *Centering Prayer O God, give us hearts of wisdom so that we will always make wise choices. Give us an eagerness to obey you and to respond in faith to the calling for which you have prepared us. We are yours. Amen. PROCLAMATION Children’s Message Linda Chesser (New entries this week are noted in bold.) Anthem Birthdays this week: Carlos Nunez 3/15, Susan Brookstra 3/16, James Johnson 3/16, Timothy Lundholm 3/16, Joshua Cherry 3/17, Jean Anderson 3/19, Cathy BrubakerClarke 3/19, Kevin Youngquist 3/19 What Does the Lord Require of You Sanctuary Choir & Dan Giacobassi, flute Scripture Lesson LeighAnn Mikesell Joshua 24:14-15 Old Testament, Pew Bible, Page 216 Attendance last Sunday 3/8/15 Adult Sunday School 10 Youth/Child Sunday School 5 10:45 a.m. Service 123 Youth Group 5 This is the Word of God for the people of God. Thanks be to God! Hymn # 339 UMH Care Notes How to get on the prayer list … please make requests by calling 722-6545 or by emailing the Church Office at 6 Come, Sinners, to the Gospel Feast (The worship leaders will collect the prayer cards at this time.) Sermon When you are hospitalized … Please remember, hospitals no longer notify the church. Call the Church Office if you or a family member are hospitalized, 722-6545. Pastor Mark can be reached at (231) 766-1376. R.Hobby Choices Ready for a Change worship series Rev. Mark D. Miller Luke 14:7-24 New Testament, Pew Bible, Page 77 *Please stand as you are able. Congregational responses in bold print. Today’s worship leader is Joel Dulyea RESPONSE Time of Prayer Sharing of Joys & Concerns Prayer Chorus # 472 (vs. 2) UMH Pastoral Prayer—The Lord’s Prayer Near to the Heart of God Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Presentation of our Tithes and Offerings Offertory Gabriel’s Oboe Mike & Dan Giacobassi *Doxology # 95 Lord, Whose Love Through Humble Service *Benediction Allegro from Sonata in A Mike Giacobassi G.F. Handel (You may remain seated during the postlude or you may depart quietly.) Worship Notes The flowers this morning are given to the glory of God by Barbara Walters in loving memory of loved ones. Next Sunday we continue with our Lenten worship series, Ready for a Change, with the theme Solutions. “Mary took a pound of costly perfume made of pure nard, anointed Jesus’ feet, and wiped them with her hair.” John 12:3 Jesus was hosted at a dinner at the house of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus – three people whose lives had been changed immeasurably by Jesus’ presence. In gratitude and devotion, Mary gives Jesus the gift of precious perfume and close, personal attention. When our lives change because of our encounter with Jesus, we are compelled to follow his, and Mary’s, lead–offering ourselves in generous ways. How has personal transformation offered you a vision of your own capacity as a changeagent for good solutions in the world? 2 Please join us for Coffee Time in Parish Hall immediately following worship. Parish Hall is down the hall on the right. There is an elevator next to the Chapel to assist you. Central’s sanctuary is equipped with a hearing loop. Hearing aids should be set on t-coil or ask an usher for a headset. Large-print hymnals are available from an usher. We provide child care from 9:30-12:15 upstairs in Room 214. Linda Chesser, our Nursery Coordinator, is happy to assist you. SENDING FORTH Postlude We are pleased to have you as our guest in worship today. We have a gift for first-time visitors at our Welcome Center in our lobby and would be happy to give you a tour if you are interested. We have worship activity bags for your children. You may pick them up in the church lobby. Please visit Cody’s Place, our Children’s Library located outside the balcony on the second floor. Announcements *Hymn # 581 UMH ANNOUNCEMENTS Good Morning Sunday at 9:30 a.m…..C.O.O.L School* Children….K-5 in Room 204 Teens…….Grades 6-12 in the Youth Room Adults……. Lenten Study—24 Hours that Changed the World. Parlor *Children Of Our Lord...making disciples of all ages. Please note … Think Summer! The snow may still be on the ground but it’s not too early to think about Church Camp. Camp registration is done online. See the poster on the Chapel Board. Carol Higginson can help answer your questions. Central pays half the fee for campers going to United Methodist camps. On Sunday, May 3 we will hold our traditional BBQ lunch and welcome a special guest from Wesley Woods Camp. In 2014 Central helped 18 kids meet Jesus in the outdoors at this camp near Dowling. Church Conference: mark your calendars now for a very important decision on the purchase of the Christian Science Building. The meeting will take place after worship on Sunday, April 12. All members of Central are able to vote. In the meantime, talk with members of the Vision Keepers: Mark Miller, Don Crandall, Kay DeMoss, Kory Chesser, Sue Zack, Cathy Brubaker-Clarke, or Mick Capman. Nursery News: We are looking for individuals who would be willing to volunteer to work in the nursery for both Sunday School & the Worship hour. Each Sunday requires 2 volunteers (can be 1 youth & 1 adult or 2 adults). Please see Linda Chesser in person or e-mail her at Coffee Hour: We have an opening for March 22. Please let the office know if you are willing to help. Coffee always tastes better with cookies! Worship News: The 8:30 a.m. chapel service will not start up again after Easter. Our summer schedule will begin a few weeks later on May 24 (Memorial Weekend) with one service in the sanctuary at 9:30 a.m. Also, John Mattson will be taking a renewal leave during the months of June and July. Substitute organists will play those Sundays. Good Neighbor News ... Central United Methodist Church 1011 2nd Street, Muskegon MI 49440 231-722-6545 E-mail: Follow us on Facebook at: Muskegon Central United Methodist Church Members of CUMC Ministers Rev. Mark D. Miller Senior Pastor ( cell (231) 766-1376 John R. Mattson Dir. of Worship Arts Rev. Kay DeMoss Disciple Coach Kory Chesser Director of Youth Ministry cell (616) 819-9240 Patty Dahlman Office Manager/Treasurer Lynn Lively Director of Technology Marian Davis Parish Visitor Ron Vanderwest Assistant Organist Jim Johnson Financial Administrator Jane Catey Financial Secretary Doug Schramm Custodian Linda Chesser Nursery Coordinator The Office is open Monday-Thursday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 3 Mission of the Month This month we can express our love for the United Methodist Committee on Relief through our gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing. This annual offering pays all administrative costs of UMCOR. Helping Hand Fund: Today’s mission offering assists Pastor Mark as he responds to needs of individuals and families in our church and community. Place your offering in the banks at the doors. Pantry for March: Easter Candy for Nelson School. Yes, we are filling eggs again this year. The eggs will be shared with the students at Nelson School. Please bring sweets—chocolate and other assorted candy—to the Mission Room or shopping cart in Parish Hall anytime this month. Parent/Volunteer Meeting: Today after church we will discuss the Youth Mission Trip, Fundraisers, and Anchor Student Ministry. The Wake-Up Service for Easter Sunday, April 5: hosted by Youth and Young Adults. If you are 13-30 and want to help, 8:30-9:00 a.m. in the Chapel, email Kory at 4
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