Webster Presbyterian Church 550 Webster Road Webster, NY 14580 (585) 265-9700 Web site: www.websterpres.org E-Mail: office@websterpres.org WHAT’S INSIDE Page No. 2 Pastor Larry’s Letter 3 “Together, In Christ” 4 Children’s Christian Education News, Chimers 5 One Great Hour of Sharing, Women’s Circles, Men’s News 6 Presbyterians in Action, Mission Trip, Trustees’ Corner 7 Governing Bodies Relations Information Meeting, Preschool Book Fair 8 March Calendar 10 Adult Education 11 Session Notes, Pathway Deadline 12 Deacons’ Doings, Library News 13 March Lectionary Passages 14 News from the Spiritual Growth & Nurture Committee, Session Responsibilities 15 Church Family News, Easter Flowers, Time Change Insert Youth News, Youth Calendar, Peace & Justice March 2015 Vol. XLV No. 3 CH URCH - WI DE P RAY ER VI GI L “In Jesus’ death on the cross, God is speaking a profound message to us, and this message of the cross has the power to save us – our relationship with God and our relationships with others – and, in turn, to save the world.” Adam Hamilton, Final Words From the Cross The Spiritual Growth and Nurture Committee warmly invites the members and friends of Webster Presbyterian Church, the Church of God by Faith, and Trinity Emmanuel Presbyterian Church to participate in a church-wide Prayer Vigil, scheduled for April 3 – 5 in the WPC chapel. Sign-up sheets will be available beginning March 15 in the Narthex. As we prepare for the Prayer Vigil, plans are underway to create a Community Prayer Chain. Prayer Packets, complete with resources and instructions, are in process and will be available March 15 - 29. “What is a Prayer Packet,” you may ask? A Prayer Packet contains the resources necessary to create each link of the prayer chain. In your packet you will find: passages of Scripture, slips of paper, pencils and an instruction card for completing each segment of the chain. As each segment is completed, you will be invited to connect your prayers to the Community Prayer Chain, which will reside on the cross in the Narthex until the Prayer Vigil. The cross and the Community Prayer Chain will then be moved to the Chapel for the duration of the Prayer Vigil. Arrangements are being made to accommodate those interested in participating in creating the Community Prayer Chain or in attending the Prayer Vigil, but are unable to be present for whatever reason. If you are planning on being away or are simply unable to be physically present, you can still actively participate! Every prayer is vital! Please join us! Dear Church Family, We are in the midst of another Lenten season, and there will be many opportunities for you and your families to worship, study, fellowship, reflect and meditate on the significance of our lives and what God has accomplished through Jesus Christ. Please plan to take advantage of as many of these offerings as you can! Most of us are familiar with the first creation story in Genesis where God created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them in six days and then, on the seventh day, he rested. Well, it seems that God actually finished creation twice, once at the end of the sixth day and then once more on the seventh day. Quoting from a midrash, a medieval rabbi Rashi claimed that after six days of divine work creation was not quite complete. What it lacked, and thus what remained to be created, was menuha, the Hebrew word meaning rest, tranquility, serenity and peace of God. Menuha points us in the direction of the sort of happiness and harmony that come from things being as they ought to be. When the Hebrew word shalom is shared to greet or say goodbye, it is menuha that is being shared. It means the capacity for happiness and delight, and it is suggested that this, not the creation of human beings, is the crowning achievement of God’s creative work. Without menuha, creation would lack an ultimate purpose and meaning. God invites his creatures to bask in the glory of the divine life which is our ultimate purpose. God’s intentions take precedent over our own ways. In this season of remembering and looking honestly and reflectively at our individual and collective lives of faith, I pray that our disciplines will lead us to yield our self-serving desires and designs that often cut us off from God’s presence and purpose. From Deuteronomy 8: 2-3: “Remember the long way that the Lord your God has led you these forty years in the wilderness, in order to humble you, testing you to know what is in your heart, whether or not you would keep his commandments. He humbled you by letting you hunger, then by feeding you with manna, with which neither you nor your ancestors were acquainted, in order to make you understand that one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” - 2 - We cannot live by ourselves and by our own wisdom and might. Lent teaches us this truth, either for the first time or again if we have forgotten. Let us commit ourselves in this holy season to honor the presence of God in all things and to participate fully in God’s delight. May Lenten disciplines and Easter joys be yours as we grow in faith together. In Christ’s Love and Service, TOGETHER, IN CHRIST The Praise Team invites you to join us for worship on the first Sunday evening of every month. Worship begins at 5:00 p.m. (new time!) in the WPC Chapel. On March 1, we will be offering the second installment of our Lenten series, entitled Sticks and Stones. “Together, In Christ” is a growing ministry in need of musicians – vocalists and instrumentalists alike – who love the Lord and are looking for ways to express their love through song and sound. Can’t carry a tune? No problem. We are also in the process of forming worship teams to assist us during the “Together, In Christ” services, as well as serving the greater Webster community. Please contact Susan Garofalo (585-545-0601 or saudreyg@gmail.com) with your interest and your ideas! - 3 - CHILDREN’S CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Children’s Easter Party Saturday, March 28 2:30 – 5:00 p.m. Behind all of the colorful, candy-filled eggs and the stuffed bunnies, there is a wonderful Easter story about love – the story of the cross. The afternoon’s activities will include music, stories, crafts and games as we take time to reinforce the true meaning of Easter with the children. Sign-up for this event is requested so that we can plan for supplies, snack and enough adult/teen volunteers. Parents are not required to stay but are welcome to! We will need extra volunteers from 4:00 – 5:00 during the game portion of our afternoon. Stop by the information table in the upper Narthex hallway to sign up to help or to register your children or grandchildren to attend. Kids are always encouraged to bring a friend! Vacation Bible School 2015 “Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power” July 27 – 31 9:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Classes provided for PreK – 5th Grade Children must be 4 years old by January 1, 2015 to attend Both adult and teen helpers are needed. Speak with Gayl Galen about how you can help make this program possible. Registration forms will be mailed to all WPC families on May 1. Additional forms will be available at the information table in the upper Narthex hallway. CHIMERS For Children in 2nd – 5th Grade Chime choir for 2nd through 5th graders will rehearse from 9:00 to 9:25 a.m. in the Memorial Room on March 1, 8 and 15; we will not meet on March 22 or 29. For more information, comments, or questions, contact Jackie Anderson (265-9054 or (robert.jackie.anderson@gmail.com). - 4 - One Great Hour of Sharing Yes, WPC just finished collecting for Blankets +, and beginning Sunday, March 15, we will turn our attention to a charity that we and many other Protestant churches have been supporting since the 1940’s – One Great Hour of Sharing. The Mission Committee is constantly presenting charities that are needy, but it makes no apology for doing so because that is exactly the task that you have given it! OGHS is certainly one of the oldest that we have continually and generously helped over the years. Do you remember that the monies WPC collects during OGHS are divided between Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger Program and (Presbyterian) Self-Development of People? Can you think of three areas where our contributions are more needed? Our congregation has another opportunity to make a difference in the lives of many people. Please be generous in your support. WOMEN’S MARCH CIRCLE MEETINGS Ruth – Tuesday, March 3, 10:45 a.m., in the Memorial Room. Program: Horizons Bible Study. Naomi – Wednesday, March 11, 7:00 p.m., at Color Me Mine. Program: Fun Night. King – Thursday, March 12, 9:30 a.m., at The Maplewood (100 Daniel Drive). Program: Visit and Bingo. Rachel – Monday, March 30, 7:00 p.m., in the Memorial Room. Program: Mission Giving: Silent Auction/Mini Gift Baskets. Presbyterian Men’s Fellowship Thanks to Jay Petrino for his informative lesson on the use of our mobile Internet devices on February 7th at the PMF breakfast. We learned how to receive the church’s Wi-Fi signal and connect to the church website and Facebook page. Jay also provided a list of other church-related websites that members may be interested in visiting. The church Technology Committee continues to add more capability to our resources for presentations of audiovisual materials in various rooms in the church. The next PMF event will be a Saturday morning breakfast on April 11. The topic is yet to be confirmed. Watch for more information! - 5 - MISSION NEWS GOVERNING BODIES RELATIONS Adult Mission Work Trip to New Jersey in April 2015 There will be another mission trip to work on Hurricane Sandy recovery near the coast of New Jersey from April 12 to 18. We will be staying at the Point Pleasant Presbyterian Church in Point Pleasant Beach, NJ, where we stayed for our very successful and rewarding September 2014 trip. About sixteen folks have already signed up for this trip, and three or four others are “maybe’s.” If you are interested in going on this trip and haven’t already registered, there may still be room; please contact Brad Adams at bkadams@frontiernet.net or at 585-698-3229. If you are unable to go on the trip but would like to help with the team’s expenses, you may do so by contributing to “Adult Mission Trip Expenses” and placing your contribution in the offering plate or bringing it to the church office. 2016 Kenya Mission Trip Early planning is underway for a mission trip to Kenya in September 2016. No exact plans have yet been made, but we expect to leave shortly after Labor Day and be gone for nearly three weeks. If you have not already done so and are potentially interested in going on this trip or have questions, please contact one of the trip leaders: Brad Adams (585-698-3229), Dick McNeary (671-5232) or Eleanor Scott (787-0802). Information Meeting There will be an informational meeting regarding the upcoming Genesee Valley Presbytery vote on March 21 regarding the proposed change in the denomination’s Book of Order section on marriage, which includes the change in wording from “…between a man and a woman” to “…between two persons, traditionally a man and a woman.” However, there are additional changes that many may not be aware of. The meeting will be held from 9 to 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, March 8, in Room 9/10, and it will focus on the process that the denomination is conducting to either affirm or reject the proposed changes, a side-by-side comparison of the current language and the proposed language, and an up-to-date tally of the denomination’s voting at that time. The meeting is NOT intended as a forum for debating the proposed changes, although participants will have an opportunity to ask questions. WPC’s four voting delegates to the Presbytery meeting – Pastor Larry, Rev. Eileen, Fred Denson and Al Durbin – will be present at the meeting. Copies of the side-by-side comparison document are available at the Welcome Center in the Narthex for those interested in reviewing the proposed changes before the meeting. In addition, it is important to note that pastors will be afforded the option whether or not to conduct a samesex marriage (in states where such marriages are legal), as is the current case for traditional marriages, and individual church Sessions will retain the right to forbid same-sex marriages in their facilities or on their property, regardless of the final outcome of the denomination’s vote. TRUSTEES’ CORNER Our friends at Heritage Christian Services have asked for a designated parking space on Sunday mornings. Their bus requires extra space to maneuver, so the traditional spaces do not work well. The Trustees are pleased to announce that we have granted their request. The space closest to the building on the north side will be reserved for the Heritage bus on Sunday mornings. We have placed a temporary sign in the space until we can have a permanent one made and installed. We thank everyone for their cooperation to allow our friends easier access to the building. Reminder: As winter does not want to give up its icy grip, please continue to use caution in the parking lots and sidewalks. Our plowing contractor has done an exceptional job keeping the lots clear, but as we all know, snow happens! As we transition into spring and experience the spring thaw/freeze cycle, take extra care in your footing. With a little luck (and some prayer!), this will be the last of the cold, cold weather. - 6 - PRESCHOOL BOOK FAIR!! Webster Presbyterian Preschool will be holding a Scholastic Book Fair on March 23 – 26. The church nursery will be transformed into a wonderful bookstore of children’s books for all ages. All proceeds will help to support the Preschool program. Families from the Preschool, Webster Presbyterian Church, and the community are invited to stop by and shop for something special. The bookstore will be open each day from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and 2:15 to 3:00 p.m. Stop by and take a look!! - 7 - YOUTH NEWS On March 1, youth will be putting on their chef hats and stirring pots to create flavorful food, incorporating the secret ingredient for this year’s WPC Iron Chef. At 4 p.m., those present will be divided into small teams and the secret ingredient will be revealed! A panel of judges will judge the dishes on taste, creativity, and plating. One team will be awarded for each course, and one team will be awarded the grand title of IRON CHEF! March 8 we will be lending our hands to Eastern Service Workers in Rochester to clean and stock the food cupboard. Meet at WPC at 3:30 p.m. to travel into the city, and we will return by 6:30 p.m. for parent pick-up. March 15 at 4 p.m. youth will participate in “Family Feud” WPC Edition. We invite the families to cheer on the youth! The mandatory parent/workcamper meeting will follow at 6:00 p.m., so show up early or stay for the whole time and be part of the live studio audience and add to the atmosphere with shouts of, “good answer”! On Sunday, March 22, Senior High workcampers will be commissioned at the 9:30 a.m. worship service. From 4 to 6 p.m. in the Youth Room, teams will fellowship drawing, sculpting, acting, spelling and guessing our way around the “Cranium” board. Workcampers will attend the 8:00 a.m. worship service on Sunday, March 29, prior to driving to Point Pleasant Beach, New Jersey for a week of work on homes damaged during Hurricane Sandy. On Saturday, April 4, we will head home to worship at WPC on Easter. There will be no regular youth fellowship on Sundays, March 29 or April 5. YOUTH CALENDAR Date 3/1 Church Praise School Ringers Worship 10:45 Youth Fellowship * WPC Iron Chef 3/8 9:45 10:45 Eastern Service Workers 3:30 p.m. 3/15 Service Sunday 10:45 “Family Feud” WPC Edition Mandatory Workcamp Meeting at 6:00 p.m. 3/22 9:45 10:45 “Cranium” Game 3/29 – 4/4 9:45 None Senior High Workcamp (No Fellowship Meeting) * 4:00 – 6:00 p.m. unless otherwise noted PEACE & JUSTICE Are you looking to spread peace in our community and world through enlightening others? Have you always wanted to join the Peace & Justice Committee but haven’t been able to make the meetings? Come join us at our new evening meeting time: 7:00 p.m. on March 23, as the meetings move to the fourth Monday of the month. New members are always welcome to come share their wealth of knowledge, ideas, and skills. Contact the committee’s chairperson, Susan Garofalo (saudreyg@gmail.com), for more information. Together in Fellowship, Another opportunity to increase your awareness on social injustices is to sign up for e-mail newsletters produced by the Presbyterian Church (USA) Office of Public Witness. The newsletters raise a prophetic voice through the social justice policy of the presbytery, advocating on world issues and how you can take action and make a difference! By applying biblical and theologically based insights to issues that affect the public, signing up for the e-mail newsletters is a way to make a difference from your own home. You can subscribe to the emails through this link: Wanda Nungesser, Director of Youth Ministries wnungesser@frontiernet.net, 585-377-6683 http://www.pages03.net/presbyterianchurch/Presbyterian_Church_Newsletter_Su bscriptions_2015/ All youth, grades 6th through 12th, are welcome and always encouraged to bring friends. Bring back a youth who hasn’t come in three months and earn a bounty hunter t-shirt. Come out to enjoy 15 fellowships and earn a reward! Please print out and have a parent complete a permission form from the WPC website: http://websterpres.org/675784.ihtml. ADULT EDUCATION Date Sundays at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m. 3/1 Lenten Study in Room 9/10: Final Words from the Cross by Adam Hamilton March 4, Room 9/10 Lenten Study: Final Words from the Cross by Adam Hamilton 3/8 3/15 3/22 3/29 Lenten Study in Room 9/10 Coffee & Conversation in the Sanctuary Lenten Study in Room 9/10 Lenten Study in Room 9/10 Coffee & Conversation in the Sanctuary Lenten Study in Room 9/10 March 11, Room 9/10 Lenten Study March 18, Room 9/10 Lenten Study March 25, Room 9/10 Lenten Study April 1, Room 9/10 Lenten Study Lenten Study: Our Lenten journey of the 40 days before Easter has begun. Join in the church-wide study of Final Words from the Cross on either Wednesday evenings at 7:00 or Sunday mornings at 10:45. What would it have been like to witness the crucifixion? Adam Hamilton, pastor of the United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, will help us “examine Christ’s dying hours and His final words as seen and heard through the eyes and ears of those who stood near the cross.” Books are available in the church office or at the video/teaching sessions for $5. Anne Marie Stewart writes, “It is the experience of genuine grief that prepares for joy…The disciples approached the Resurrection from their bereavement. But for us, who return backward into the past, the Resurrection comes first and we miss the disciples’ terrible, wonderful preparation.” Participate in Adult Education, your Small Group, or read the book to prepare for the true joy of Easter morning. All sessions take place in Room 9/10. March 8 & 22: Coffee & Conversation - Get a cup of coffee and return to the Sanctuary for a follow-up conversation on the morning’s text, sermon and worship. Come with questions, comments and thoughts, and we will be one another’s teachers! - 10 - SESSION NOTES At its February meeting on February 9, • Session voted to approve expenditure of funds for the renovation of the Memorial Room as recommended by the Board of Trustees. This, again, will be a project supervised by Gary Maier, so members will have the chance to help with the labor. • Session began a year-long prayer initiative that was started by the Membership Committee. Each month, members of Session will be praying for about one-twelfth of those in the church until the end of the year, when all will have been included. We thank Dianne Reidy and the Membership Committee for getting us started with this. What do you think about our Sunday morning worship times? Session is discussing whether we should keep the existing 8:00 and 9:30 morning worship times or make some adjustments. We expect that the 8:00 time will remain as it is, but if you think we should consider or not consider changing the 9:30 time to a different time, please speak to a member of Session or contact Tony Hubbard (tghubbard@frontiernet.net or 2651224). A decision will not be made until sometime in the spring. The Presbytery of the Genesee Valley recently voted to include the Belhar Confession in the Book of Confessions of the national denomination. Inclusion of the confession will require a 2/3 approval of all presbyteries. In March, the local presbytery will vote on the proposed change to the Book of Order regarding the definition of marriage. Please see the separate article on page 7 regarding this proposal and an announcement about the informational meeting to be held between services on March 8. If you desire to learn more about the national church and the various resources, programs and proposals offered, you may visit the website at www.pcusa.org. PATHWAY DEADLINE!! The deadline for the April issue of The Pathway is Friday, March 20. Articles can be brought to the church office or emailed to kotoole@websterpres.org and ghubbard@websterpres.org. (As always, when emailing the office, be sure to send items to both Georgia and Karen to help ensure that your message gets through if one of us is not in the office.) - 11 - DEACONS’ DOINGS Care Packages: The Deacons are preparing to send out care packages to help our college freshmen through the stress of their spring finals. Donations of store-bought, individually wrapped snacks (e.g., candy, cookies, crackers, gum, etc.), along with small study aids (e.g., Post-It Notes, pens, highlighters, etc.), would be much appreciated. Please bring donations to the church office by March 30. Food Barrel: The Williamson Come-Unity Center always appreciated our non-perishable food contributions. During March, let us focus our attention on food items of peanut butter, canned and boxed milk, cereals of all kinds, and tuna and chicken in cans. Of course, jelly with peanut butter is always a treat! Items are delivered to the Center monthly, or as our response indicates. Jelly Beans: Our church family will also be supporting the Webster Community Chest Easter Basket program by collecting 50 bags of jelly beans. Please place donations in the designated box in the church office. FROM OUR PRINT LIBRARY . . . The Church Library has quite a collection of books by Max Lucado, an inspirational writer and speaker, minister, and family man. Many of his books are suitable for Small Groups and include a discussion guide. He uses scripture throughout his books and reminds us of God’s love. These books are located in the Prayer and Meditation section of the library. The Applause of Heaven is one of his oldest books and is based on the Beatitudes. It is much more than a “How to” book on happiness and joy. He reminds us that God’s love for his children is the message of the Bible and the message of this book. In Next Door Savior: Near Enough to Touch, Strong Enough to Trust, Lucado tells us that we have a friend in high places. According to the Bible, Christ was both fully God and fully man – our next door neighbor. Life gets tangled. People mess up. You never outgrow the urge to look up and say, “Help”! The fact that it is hard to imagine how God hears a million requests does not mean he can’t or doesn’t hear them. He can and does. LECTIONARY PASSAGES FOR MARCH 2015 We invite all of you to read these lectionary passages ahead of time as one way of expanding your Biblical aptitude and also as a way of preparing for worship each week. Sunday, March 1 - 2nd Sunday in Lent Old Testament: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16 Psalm: Psalm 22:23-31 New Testament: Romans 4:13-25 Gospel: Mark 8:31-38 Sunday, March 8 - 3rd Sunday in Lent Old Testament: Exodus 20:1-17 Psalm: Psalm 19 New Testament: I Corinthians 1:18-25 Gospel: John 2:13-22 Sunday, March 15 - 4th Sunday in Lent Old Testament: Numbers 21:4-9 Psalm: Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22 New Testament: Ephesians 2:1-10 Gospel: John 3:14-21 Sunday, March 22 - 5th Sunday in Lent Old Testament: Jeremiah 31:31-34 Psalm: Psalm 51:1-12 or Psalm 119:9-16 New Testament: Hebrews 5:5-10 Gospel: John 12:20-33 Sunday, March 29 - Passion/Palm Sunday Palms: Gospel: Mark 11:1-11 or John 12:12-16 Psalm: Psalm 118:1-2, 19-29 Passion: Old Testament: Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm: Psalm 31:9-16 New Testament: Philippians 2:5-11 Gospel: Mark 14:1 – 15:47 or Mark 15:1-39 (40-47) Max Lucado’s books are relevant to today and the world we live in. - 12 - - 13 - SPIRITUAL GROWTH AND NURTURE Prayer Times The WPC Prayer Group meets every Saturday at 9:00 a.m. in the Prayer Room (Room 1). You are welcome to join us as we read scripture, share the praises and concerns of our church family, and pray together. Prayer partners will be ready and waiting to pray with you under the cross following our 9:30 a.m. worship service. Plans are in place to extend this ministry to the 8:00 a.m. worship service in the very near future. If you are interested in serving as a prayer partner for either service, please contact Susan Garofalo (585) 545-0601. Prayer Corner This month, the Spiritual Growth and Nurture Committee invites you to join us as we pray for our neighbor, Webster Comfort Care. For years, with the help of local hospice agencies, WCC has offered tender care to terminally ill patients and their families. It is all-at-once challenging and rewarding work. Pray for them as they continue to offer excellent, loving care to those so desperately in need. Keep praying! SESSION RESPONSIBILITIES The Elders on Session have varied responsibilities in supporting the life of our congregation. These are listed below: Elder Stuart Cooper Tori Clarke Susan Garofalo Steve Gaudioso Tony Hubbard Dan Marsh Dianne Reidy Bob Rich Sally Turner Kay Wahl Responsibility Worship/Music Youth Representative Spiritual Nurture Governing Body Relations Clerk of Session Personnel Membership Stewardship/Finance Adult Christian Education Mission - 14 - FAMILY NEWS We were saddened by the deaths of: Shirley Ann Jackman, sister-in-law of Steve Gaudioso, on January 12; Maxine Frederiksen on January 28; Herb Barbehenn, Kim Phillips’ father, on January 30; Aleyah Rose Kucharski, infant daughter of Ryan & Deanna Kucharski, granddaughter of Deb Szalay, and great-granddaughter of Bob & Sandy Abbott on February 2; Evelyn Sharer, Alta Harter’s sister, on February 2; Marian Cole, Ernie Cole’s mother, on February 3; Jon Kimmett, Mary Ellen Pacocha’s cousin, on February 14; and Edward Doescher, II, son of the late Reginald & Mary Doescher, on February 15. INTERCESSORY PRAYERS During February we prayed for: Lea and her parents & family, Olivia, Hans Malmstrom, Ruth Huboi, Jeremy Phillips, Herman, David Crews, Herb Barbehenn, Carolyn Bartlow, Dick Wiley, Cynthia, the Family of Herb Barbehenn, Ryan & Deanna Kucharski and the Abbott & Szalay families, Suzanne Wiley, Jeanne Wasmuth, the Family of Evelyn Sharer, the Family of Marian Cole, Barb Tomchik, The Kimmett Family, the Family of Edward Doescher, II, Cathy Denson, Rosemary Camp, and Gary Zaso & his family. - 15 - EASTER FLOWERS Orders for Easter flowers to be displayed Easter morning will be taken on Sundays, March 15, 22 and 29. Watch the bulletin for details regarding flower selections and pricing. Payments may be by check (payable to PWC) or cash when placing your order. The flowers may be picked up after the 9:30 a.m. service on Easter Sunday. If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Dougherty (2652191). PEOPLE WITHOUT PARTNERS Come to the Atlantic Restaurant for breakfast at 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, March 11. You don’t have to bring anything; just come and share any news you want. Newcomers are always welcome! TIME CHANGE! Remember to move your clocks ahead one hour! Daylight Saving Time officially begins at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 8. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Every Sunday 8:00 Chapel Worship 9:30 Sanctuary Worship 10:00 Church of God by Faith Worship 2 1 9:00 9:45 10:45 10:45 2:30 4:00 5:00 Chimers’ Rehearsal Children’s Praise & Play Grade 9 & Adult Christian Ed. Praise Ringers’ Rehearsal GS 868 Youth Fellowship Together in Christ Worship 9:00 9:00 9:45 10:45 10:45 10:45 Chimers’ Rehearsal Marriage Presentation Children’s & Youth Christian Ed. Grade 9 & Adult Christian Ed. Sermon Conversation Praise Ringers’ Rehearsal 9:00 Preschool 7:00 Session Meeting 7:00 BS Troop 262 8 7:00 BS Troop 262 7:00 Praise Team 15 9:00 9:45 10:45 10:45 4:00 5:00 6:00 Chimers’ Rehearsal Children’s Christian Ed. Grade 9 & Adult Christian Ed. Praise Ringers’ Rehearsal Youth Fellowship No Walls Worship Workcamp Meeting 22 9:45 Children’s & Youth Christian Ed. 10:45 Grade 9 & Adult Christian Ed. 10:45 Praise Ringers’ Rehearsal 4:00 Youth Fellowship 6:30 Breakfast/Bible Study 9:00 Preschool 12:45 5:00 6:00 7:00 Women’s Club TOPS Alleluia Bells PMF Steering 6:00 Souper Supper 7:00 Lenten Study 7:00 Chancel Choir 10 6:15 9:00 9:00 9:30 5:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 7:15 3:00 Neighborhood Team 3:30 Youth Fellowship Men's Book Study Preschool Women’s Bible Sty Ruth Circle 9 9:00 Preschool Men's Book Study Retreat Committee Preschool Women’s Bible Sty TOPS Alleluia Bells Cub Pack Comm. GS Leaders Trustees’ Meeting 16 9:00 Preschool 7:00 BS Troop 262 7:00 Spiritual Nurture 5:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 TOPS Alleluia Bells Adult Ed. Comm. Deacons’ Meeting 23 9:00 Preschool 7:00 Peace Committee 7:00 Mission Committee 7:00 BS Troop 262 5:00 TOPS 6:00 Alleluia Bells 6:00 Preschool Event 29 30 31 6:15 Men's Book Study 9:30 Women’s Bible Sty 5:00 TOPS 7:00 Rachel Circle 9:00 9:15 10:30 10:30 Preschool Glory Bells Book Study Chapel Bells 6 9:00 Preschool 7 9:00 Prayer Time 9:00 GS Event 11:00 Memorial Service 1:00 Vision Meeting Breakfast/Bible Study WIC Program People w/o Partners Preschool Souper Supper Lenten Study Chancel Choir Naomi Circle BS Troop 262 12 6:00 6:45 7:00 7:00 Souper Supper BS Committee Lenten Study Chancel Choir 6:30 8:00 9:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 Breakfast/Bible Study WIC Program Preschool Souper Supper Lenten Study Chancel Choir 14 13 9:00 Prayer Time 9:00 9:15 9:30 10:45 Preschool Glory Bells King Circle Book Study 9:00 Preschool 6:00 GS Event 18 6:30 Breakfast/Bible Study 9:00 Preschool 24 6:15 Men's Book Study 9:00 Preschool 9:30 Women’s Bible Sty 5 11 6:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 6:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 7:00 17 6:15 Men's Book Study 9:00 Preschool 9:30 Women’s Bible Sty 9:00 Workcampers to New Jersey 9:45 Children’s & Youth Christian Ed. 10:45 Grade 9 & Adult Christian Ed. 4 3 6:15 9:00 9:30 10:45 19 9:00 Preschool 9:15 Glory Bells 10:30 Book Study Pathway 20 Deadline 10:00 Singles Group 21 9:00 Prayer Time 6:30 Cub Pack 262 25 26 27 28 9:00 Prayer Time 9:00 Preschool 9:15 Glory Bells 10:30 Book Study 9:00 Preschool 2:30 Children’s Easter Party
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