March wind is a jolly fellow; He likes to joke and play. He turns umbrellas inside out And blows men's hats away. He calls the pussy willows And whispers in each ear, "Wake up you lazy little seeds, Don't you know that spring is here?” Author Unknown WELCOME We would like to wish a very warm welcome to all who have recently moved into the Parish of Enford. We hope that you will find many new friends and neighbours March 2015 The next Newsletter Deadline is ENFORD NEWSLETTER Oil Buying Scheme/The Hub Cafe 3 Gardeners/Grass Cutting 4 The Hub Cafe 5 Film Club/Community Speed Watch Bingo 6 Village Hall 7 Youth Club News 8 Cricket Club/Enford Cycling 9 FRIDAY 20th MARCH 2015 All items for inclusion, whether they are handwritten, typed or via e-mail, MUST be submitted by the date of the meeting. These articles may be handed in to any Newsletter Committee member. Woodborough / Fishing / Football 10 Thank you/Telephone Directory Jumble Sale/ 11 All Saints Church 12 Lent Lunches/Lent Talks 13 A Vicar’s Musings 14 Enford Gardening Club 15 Newsletter Website/Darts 16 Thank you Letter/Summer Fete 17 Mobile Library 18 Parish Council Summary/ Proms Band Concert 19 Our Travels Though the Antarctic Regions 20 Community Speed Watch Messages 21 The Tichborne Dole 22 Police/Messages 23 Advertising 24 Village Committees 31 March Diary 32 2 Please send e-mails to Enford Newsletter Committee reserves the right to reject or omit from publication any material that is considered by majority of Committee Members to be detrimental to any person or which is not in the best interest of the community as a whole. All letters and articles must be signed, but the Committee will withhold the name of the writer if this is requested at the time of sending it in. ENFORD DEFIBRILLATOR The defibrillator is in a yellow box on the wall of Hill House, 9 Longstreet, SN9 6DD Grid Ref SU142515. It is located in the centre of Enford 25 m north of The Swan next to the parish notice boards. When you phone the Ambulance Service they will give you the code to get into the cabinet. YOU CAN READ MORE ABOUT IT AT, WWW.ENFORDNEWSLETTER.ORG WHERE YOU WILL ALSO FIND A LINK TO A SHORT VIDEO SHOWING YOU HOW TO USE IT. March 2015 February 2015 Community Firsts oil buying scheme CF Oil, has now been running since October 2011, with just over 300 Members, saving an average of 10% an order compared with prices given from other local suppliers. Januarys Member Price was 37.25 pence per litre (+5% VAT) The highest market price quoted in January was 59.9 pence per litre The Average market price quoted for January was 42.9ppl CF Oil not only saves you money on your heating oil, but also takes out the hassle of phoning around for quotes each time you need oil. If you would like further information or would like to join the scheme, please contact CF Oil’s Administrator Jess Emery on 01380 732809, or email THE HUB AT THE SWAN INN At the time of writing we have just finished our third week at the Hub. It was a great morning with Enford folk being joined by those from Haxton, Netheravon and Durrington. There was a real buzz about the place as everyone gathered around the log fire and caught up with all the news over coffee and cake! For those of you who haven't yet popped in, the Hub is Enford's new community cafe running out of The Swan pub on Thursday mornings. We serve freshly brewed coffee and tea and there is always a selection of scrumptious home-made cakes. Our aim is to create a welcoming space for everyone whether you have 10 minutes to spare or 2 hours! Amanda, Pauline and I want to thank everyone who has supported us so far. We hope you'll continue to come and to tell your friends about it...better still, bring your friends! See you soon, Diane Cake Rota If you would like to join our rota to make a cake once a month, please call me on 01980 671769. 3 March 2015 ATTENTION ALL GARDENERS! FROM THE PLANT STALL COMMITTEE OF ENFORD VILLAGE FETE We seem to be gathering a good reputation from local gardeners who come in their droves to buy annual flowering plants, shrubs and perennials from the Plant Stall at the June Fete. If any of you have a space in your greenhouse or on a windowsill for a few seed trays of Cosmos, Cleome, Larkspur or any other pretty flowering annuals I'd be really grateful as they are big sellers and the more the merrier! I am happy to take them over once you've potted them on and they are ready to be left outside (i.e. about May, when all frost risk is over) if that would help you out. Jeni Scott Dalgleish, Longstreet House 01980670210 VOLUNTEER(S) REQUIRED On behalf of the Parish Council: The Parish Council is looking for a volunteer(s) to assist with grass cutting in both the Community Garden and also at the Play Park. Currently these areas are cut seven or eight times a year and we have been paying a contractor. Due to endless budget cuts from all strata of public finance, it would ultimately reduce the annual precept/Council Tax on each one of us in the Parish if someone would offer to take this job on. The Parish Council will cover the cost of fuel for your lawn mower. If you have the time and commitment to the Parish, please contact the Clerk – Elizabeth Harrison – on 01980 670034 or the Chairman – Richard Roberts on 01980 671055 or email DO YOU NEED A LIFT TO THE VILLAGE HALL? If you would like to come to any of the clubs or events in the Village Hall but would like a lift or are worried about coming on your own, please call 01980 670501 01980 670345 email We will try and arrange for someone to pick you up and take you home. 4 March 2015 5 March 2015 TUESDAY 24TH March ENFORD VILLAGE HALL STARRING BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH, KIERA KNIGHTLEY AND MATTHEW GOODE During World War II, mathematician Alan Turing tries to crack the enigma code with help from fellow mathematicians. Doors open at 7.00 pm Drinks available from the Bar Tickets £5.00 each booked in advance and £6.00 on the night Lifts can be arranged for anyone who would like to come If you wish to join the Mailing List, would like to book tickets, or need a lift, please contact 01980 670501 or email ENFORD COMMUNITY SPEED WATCH EASTER PRIZE BINGO Due to illness and resignations, I am trying to recruit new members for the Enford Community Speed Watch Group. In memory of John Plank Wed 1st April Figheldean Working Men’s Club This is a worthwhile activity and since it was formed a substantial decrease in the speed of cars through Enford has been noticed. If you are interested or require more information please ring me on 01 980 670553 and I will be happy to meet you and explain the procedure in more detail. Doors open 7pm Eyes down 7.30pm Full training is given by Wiltshire Constabulary. All proceeds to Salisbury Stars Appeal Michael Fay Enford Speed Watch 6 March 2015 Come and join in some of the many activities and clubs taking place in our Village Hall. COMING UP You can learn about photography and gardening, keep fit by attending Pilates, Keep Fit or Yoga classes and have a night out at the monthly Film Club night. The Youth Club takes place, weekly, on a Friday night and on Saturday there are football coaching sessions for the children . 10th March Parish Council Meeting 17th March Village Hall Meeting 24th March Film Night You will also meet neighbours and friends. 01980 670501 Day Activity Mon Yoga Beginners’ Class Yoga Intermediate Enford Film Club Tues Wed Time Emma Petitt 01980 670510 4th Tuesday in the month Doors open 7.00 pm 6.15 pm – 7.15 pm Judy D’Arcy Irvine 01980 670501 Wed Body Conditioning & Bootcamp Short Mat Bowls Thu Pilates 8.45 am – 9.45am Thu Camera Club Thu Gardening Club Fri Youth Club Sat Children’s Sports Football Coaching Sessions Red Lion Football Club 8.00 pm – 9.00 pm 1st Thursday in the month 7.00pm – 9.00 pm 2nd Thursday in the month 6.00 pm – 8.00 p.m. 10.00am -11.00 am Recreation Ground Sun Contact 6.00pm – 7.15 pm 7.30pm—9.00pm 7.30 pm – 10.00pm Recreation Ground Helen Gould-Cooper 01980 670324 David Spencer 01980 670526 Nicci Caswell 01980 625245 Work Martin Webb 01980 670537 Fanny Middleton 01980 671645 Bruce Carter 01980 670006 Ollie Stagg 01980 670634 Ian Fribbins YOUTH CLUB We would love to hear from anyone who is interested and who can commit to a Friday evening once a month, weekly or fortnightly. ENFORD FOOTBALL CLUB is running weekly Saturday morning Junior Football Sessions. Contact Ollie Stagg 01980670634 for further information and to join in! 7 March 2015 Every Friday Night 6 – 8pm No need to book - just turn up £1 per week (membership required after initial visit) Youth Club is about having fun at the end of the week You decide what you want to do! Come and join us, all welcome! For more information call: Bruce Carter – 07872 335579 Enford and Avon Valley Youth Club FORTHCOMING EVENT: OXENWOOD HERE WE COME! The Oxenwood Outdoor Centre has been booked again for 3rd-4th of July 2015 and the club would like to hear from children who are members and who would like to attend. This event is sure to be popular and there are limited places so early booking is recommended! The actual activities have yet to be confirmed however last year there was Air Rifle Shooting, Archery, Canoeing and Wall Climbing as well as lots of yummy food and fun! 8 March 2015 AVON VALLEY CRICKET CLUB U13 Cricket for 2015 Avon Valley CC has joined up with Collingbourne CC to kick start Avon Valley children getting into the game and improving their skills. Collingbourne has two level 2 coaches, a net and an established youth team and are keen that we get involved, too, as follows: Indoor nets at the Wellington Academy on Sundays 15, 22 & 29 March and 12 April9.30-10.30am (cost £2). Outdoor nets, coaching and practice on Friday Evenings 6pm until 7.30pm, starting1st May and ending 28th August at AVCC & Collingbourne grounds alternately. Currently 10 x U13 T20 matches starting Thursday 14 May at 6pm with friendly and cup games to be confirmed. Coaching and nets will be suitable for ages 8-13, girls and boys, beginners especially. No special kit needed; we may well be able to sort lifts out. To register an interest or sign up, please contact: Simon Campbell on or 07761 780578 Enford Cycling Group aims to give riders of all experience the opportunity to explore some of our beautiful local countryside. Weather permitting, we will run these every 4 weeks on the first Saturday of the month. The next meeting will be on Saturday 7th March at 9.30am. The route will suit most abilities and will be from the Swan to a coffee stop and back - in the region of 15 miles. If you are interested, please contact Nigel Murray on either 01980 671684 or by email at – or indeed just turn up on the day. 9 March 2015 Chisenbury Fishing Syndicate Fly Fishing on 2.5 miles of the Upper Salisbury Avon for Brown Trout and Grayling Membership Available for 2015 Enford Football Club Children’s Coaching Sessions The next coaching sessions will take place on the field at Enford Village Hall on February 28th, March 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th The sessions run from 1000hrs until 1100hrs they cost just £2:50 per child per session. Any child who wants to take part should be aged between 5 and 11 years old and they should bring their own shin pads, suitable footwear and a drink. Ollie10Stagg March 2015 Thank You A little late, as we missed last inclusion, however, David and Heather from Water Lane would like to say a huge thank you to all our neighbours’ who came to our rescue on New Year’s Eve. In particular Kim and Lynn whose hot - water bottles and blankets kept Heather warm until the ambulance arrived and the ladder that rescued me from the loft. The hot drinks from Liz and Karina certainly helped and were very much appreciated, and also to Pete from ‘The Swan’ for your quick response after my fraught phone call. Heather was very blessed escaping with just bruises and a chipped elbow but without the help we received it could have been so much worse. It’s not until you have an accident that you realise how lucky we are to live in such a kind community. To everyone involved on that bitter cold day a sincere ‘Thank You’. David Kirkham ENFORD PARISH TELEPHONE DIRECTORY 2015 Over the next few months the Enford Newsletter Committee will once more be gathering information for the updated Enford Parish telephone directory. If you are not in the directory and you wish to be so or if you are in it and do not wish to be included please let either me (, 01980 670345) or any member of the committee know. If you know of any errors we would be very grateful if you could tell us what they are. The process of collating the information will take a while but we would like to complete the 2015 version and send it out to all the houses in Enford by our last meeting in the Summer which is at the end of June. Sat 11th April 2.00 – 4.00 pm at Durrington Village Hall in aid of Mothers Union holiday fund – providing holidays for families who would not otherwise be able to have one Donations of jumble, books & bric-a-brac please to either Gay Monk at 15 Coombe Lane or Janet Buckland at Mill View, Netheravon (opposite the brewery) 11 March 2015 ALL SAINTS CHURCH, ENFORD There is much more information and help to be found on the website at CHURCH SERVICES March April 1st Holy Communion, 9.00am 3rd 8th Team Service, Enford, 10.30am Messy Church, Netheravon School, 4.00pm GOOD FRIDAY Messy Church, Enford, 10.30am 5th EASTER DAY Holy Communion, 9.00am 15th Mothering Sunday, Family Service, 10.30am 12th Team Service, Figheldean, 10.30am 22nd Evensong, 6.00pm 19th Family Service, 10.30am 26th APCM for all team churches, Figheldean Village Hall, 12.00pm 26th Evensong, 6.00pm 29th PALM SUNDAY Team Service, Durrington, 10.30am CHURCH CLEANING ROTA 6th March Amanda Murray & Mary Burdick/Patti Hall-Smith 13th Sue Poole-Warren & Hilary Horsford 20th Tanya Becker & Linda Mundy 27th Paula de Chalus & Amanda Marx ENFORD CHURCH Sunday 8th March 4 pm NETHERAVON SCHOOL Messy Church is a way of being Church for All Ages, including families who might want to meet Jesus, belong to their local church and bring up their children as Christians in another forum other than traditional Sunday morning church services. Play games, celebrate God, be fed! Lots of crafts. Children must bring an adult! Why not come and join us and discover more? 01980 670326 So that we can make sure we have enough craft and food, please do let us know if you are coming 12 March 2015 Lent Lunches 2015 Once a week during Lent we offer a lunch of bread and soup in various venues across the Team. A collection plate will be at each lunch, any contributions will go to Christian Aid. Timing is 12 noon -2 p.m. If you would like to come but have no transport do contact either Gale 01980 670326 or Rachel B 01980 594335 Wednesday 18 Feb –Lower Farm House Enford SN9 6AR Wednesday 25 Feb –Chartwood Fittleton SP4 9QA Tuesday 3rd Mar –Paddock House, SP4 9QP Netheravon Wednesday 11 Mar – The Church Figheldean Wednesday 18 Mar – The Vicarage NetheravonSP4 9QP Wednesday 25 Mar –Old School Hall SP4 8AE Durrington Wednesday 1 Apr –Camilla Hall (behind the Church) Bulford Lent Talks During January and February we have been meeting for the second part of the Pilgrim Course which was about the Lord’s Prayer. So it seemed logical to use Lent to consider how prayer is essential to the life of Christians. To help us we are fortunate to have Edward, Bishop of Ramsbury; Alan Jean, Archdeacon of Sarum; Ruth Worsley, Archdeacon of Wilts and Revd; Ian Cowley, Co-ordinator for Vocations and Spirituality. Venue: Camilla Hall, Bulford Church. The dates are: Monday 2nd March with Ian Monday 9thMarch with Bishop Edward Monday 16th March with Alan Monday 23rd March with Ruth. The evenings will start at 7.00pm and finish at 8.00pm, coffee and tea will be provided. It is not necessary to book but it would be helpful if you could indicate if you would be attending so that enough coffee and tea can be provided. If you require any further information or to say that you are going to attend contact Rachel on 01980 594335 or 13 March 2015 A Team Vicar’s Musings A new era begins in Avon River Team as we enter into a vacancy. A Vacancy is interesting as it is a time for reflection and for growing. It is a time for reflection because we have to write a Profile to describe the Team and the communities it serves. There is a small group who are pulling together this document and, if you want to see a draft, you will find a copy on the church notice board. If you have any comments either let me or the churchwardens know. It is a document that outlines what we do and wish to do and in the process of writing it we realise how blessed we are with the number of opportunities to meet offered across the Team, not only church run but also community run events. It is a time for growing as people step forward to take on responsibilities that they did not have before. At this stage, I want to thank all those who have taken this step forward, in particular the churchwardens who will work with me to offer pastoral care to Durrington, Figheldean and Enford ( Gale, the other Team Vicar, will continue to offer pastoral care to the other parishes). On the face of it nothing will seem to have altered. You may see a different face or there may be a different name attached to an activity but the services provided by the Team will continue as they always have done. In this Dispatch you will see information about Lent Lunches and Lent Talks. Do come along to as many as you can. It will give us all a chance to meet and in doing so we will reflect and grow together not only during Lent but also during the vacancy. Earlier this year the Bishop of Salisbury talked about Renewing Hope and he gave the church postcards (there are some in your church) on which is a prayer about hope and growth – God our Father, renew our hope. By the Holy Spirit’s power, strengthen us to pray readily, service joyfully and grow abundantly rejoicing in Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Rachel Team Vicar in The Enford Newsletter £20 per 1/8 page for 10 issues £45 per 1/3 page for 10 issues Please contact Gay Monk 01980 670540 14 March 2015 ENFORD GARDENING CLUB Spring 2015 Thu March 12th - Clematis, Marcus Dancer Marcus Dancer has a nursery near Fordingbridge, where he grows clematis which he sells by mail order and at plant fairs, including Enford Gardening Club! He is giving a pruning demonstration and will be talking on how to grow clematis. Thu April 9th - Vegetables, question & answer session, Rupert Wade Thu May 14th - British Wild Flowers in Nature and in the Garden Robert Harvey Thu June 11th - Garden Visit to the Priory, East Chisenbury By kind invitation of John & Tessa Manser We hope you will share our enthusiasm and come and join us on the second Thursday of the month at 7.00 pm in the Village Hall. All meetings take place in Enford Village Hall SN9 6DD 7.00pm for 7.15pm Tea & coffee available Entrance fee: £4.00 We look forward to welcoming you. Lifts can be arranged so please ask. Further details from Fanny Middleton, 01980 671645 email GARDENING CLUB MEETING REPORT THURSDAY 8th JANUARY 2014 The February meeting of the Garden Club had a most interesting talk by Steve Oakes of the RSPB, on birds most likely to be seen in the garden. The birds in his beautiful slides almost flew round the hall and ranged from the tiny wren to the troublesome woodpigeon , all the finches, long tailed tits, dunnocks and robins who turn out not to be such nice characters after all – though I don’t believe it! We were urged to keep feeding them all year round if possible and to keep the feeders and bird baths clean as infection can be spread very easily. Birds obviously appealed to a wide audience and over 30 people came and many questions were asked at the end. A very enlightening evening. . 15 March 2015 Newsletter Website Did you know that the newsletter runs a website on behalf of the parish? Parish Archive As well as holding all the newsletters from 2007 onwards, you can also view minutes and a multitude of other documents from the Parish Council, Village Hall, Community Fund and Parish Plan committee. There are also old maps, photos and links to many historical documents relating to Enford. Calendars of Events Keeps you abreast with what is going on in the village. If you have a Google account, you can add these calendar to your smartphone (search for ‘Enford Newsletter’ and ‘Enford Village Hall’ and never miss another jumble sale ever again! Contacts Comprises a list of local advertisers and another list of useful contacts. Committees & Clubs There are several web pages here, dealing with: the Parish Council; Village Hall; Parish Plan; Neighbourhood Watch and Community Fund. On each page you can also find links to: the local weather forecast; WiItshire Council Newsletters; Enford on Facebook and the Broadband blog. Visit AN EVENING OF DARTS Can you think of a better way to pass the time than by combining a few darts with what has become a great socially, friendly and a very popular evening? Don’t worry if you haven’t played before or feel that you’re a little rusty because, hopefully, you’ll find the welcome worthwhile and who knows you may also discover that you’re glad that you took the plunge. If you don’t have a set of darts there are spare sets for you to use. This takes place every Wednesday 2030hrs at The Swan Hope to see you there!!! 16 March 2015 LETTER OF THANKS The Old Shop Enford SN9 6AR 20th February 2015 Dear Jane, I just wanted to formally thank you and The Parish Hall team for your efforts in running the Jumble Sale for the benefit of the War Memorial Lychgate Appeal. Your splendid contribution of over £200 is much, much appreciated. Please relay the thanks of the Parochial Church Council to all those who helped raise the money Yours sincerely Henry CALLING ALL GARDENERS! The home produce stall at the summer fete will desperately need supplies of plants to sell, so if you are splitting perennials this autumn, please DIARY DATE 2015 SUMMER FETE AT ENFORD PLAYING FIELD Saturday 27th June 2015 1.00pm – 5.00pm Free Entry CALLING ALL JAM AND PRESERVE MAKERS! If you are making jams, chutneys or other preserves, please spare a thought for our summer fete and maybe make an extra jar or two for the home produce stall! If you are interested in hosting you own stall at the fete or would like to help at the fete please contact Mandy Farrow. Email: Telephone 671343 17 March 2015 Devizes Mobile Library Timetable Do you love reading? Hardback, paperback, bestseller, new author – you name it, the mobile library can get it. From children’s picture books to large print, audio books to DVDs, there’s something for all the family. All this – and more – is on offer from your mobile library. Mobile Libraries visit a range of communities throughout Wiltshire, operating on a fortnightly timetable between 9am and 5pm. Weekly stops are highlighted in bold. Joining the library is free. Just bring along one form of ID with your name and cur5 rent address. Your library card can be used in any Wiltshire library or mobile library. Your Mobile Library Manager is Ron Jerrard For information and to renew items, contact Devizes library 01380 726878/9 For further enquiries, contact Rebecca Bolton, Outreach Services Manager, 01225 713706 To renew loans via the internet please visit our website at The Mobile Library Enford Enford Water Lane 3.50-4.25 Mar 10,24 Apr 7, 21 / May 5, 19 / Jun 2, 16, 30 18 March 2015 Parish Council Summary 28th January Meeting Update Community Hub Café Diane Christie informed the Parish Council that a community café would be opening at The Swan every Thursday morning from the 5th Feb, as a place for the community to meet and chat. Coffee and biscuits will be available for £1. This is a non profit making venture, so please support Diane. Chairman Following the resignation of Norman Beardsley, Richard Roberts has volunteered to take the position of Chairman which was supported unanimously. New Councillor We now have a vacancy for a Councillor. Anybody interested should reply to the contact details in this magazine. High Speed Broadband As mentioned in last months magazine, all, except Coombe, should expect High Speed Broadband before March 2016. The exact speed will vary dependant on many factors, but will be significantly faster than our existing service As always details of the topics discussed can be found in the minutes of the meeting displayed on the village notice boards and at PROMS BAND CONCERT—TIDWORTH I went to the Garrison Theatre at Tidworth to see the Royal Artillery Band last week, having seen the advertisement in our newsletter. There was a variety of music from War of the Worlds, Fantasia etc. and there were also a several band members singing songs from Les Miserables and other shows. It was great to see two members of the band who live in Enford, Rebecca and Gavin. Rebecca is one of the youth leaders for Enford and Avon Valley Youth Club. Towards the end of the concert came the Last Night of the Proms music so lots of flag waving!!!!! With the theatre being full to the rafters it was a rousing evening with everyone joining in - and it was all free! Wonderful! Jane Young 19 March 2015 Our Travels Through the Antarctic Regions On January 20th we boarded our plane to begin a rather long and arduous journey to Antarctica. Our first stop was in San Paolo in Brazil to refuel before continuing to Buenos Aires in Argentina. 33 degree heat and 90% humidity greeted us as we stepped off the plane, our clothes sticking to us, before we met the welcome air conditioning of the terminal. We stayed overnight, downtown, glad to sleep in a proper bed again, and continued our journey from the local airport down to the most southern city in the world, Ushuaia, the next day. We had visited once before, some ten years ago, and found it then to be a charming shanty town with wooden clapperboard bungalows painted in different colours and a very laid-back atmosphere. Today it’s very different. To encourage development the Government declared that all income earned would be tax free and the electricity is virtually free too, the equivalent of about £2 per month. Factories are springing up all along the coastline, ships from China are delivering parts for the workers in Ushuaia to assemble into mobile phones, tablets and computers, and consequently the town is expanding beyond all recognition. Because of the lack of planning laws huge swathes of forest are being hacked down and huts are built from anything to be found. It’s therefore beginning to lose its charm. However, we were soon on the next leg of our journey when we joined our ship for the three week journey to the Falkland Islands, South Georgia, South Orkneys, South Shetlands, South Sandwich Islands and on to the Antarctic Peninsular. This was a journey I’d dreamt about for so long it was hard to believe that it had finally arrived. I’d been terrified something would happen to prevent us from going as we’d booked so far in advance. We’d been informed that everything was weather dependent and two different friends had been unable to land in South Georgia and Stanley. We’d been placed for evening meals on a table at the far corner of the restaurant with fabulous views on two sides and during our first evening dinner a wandering albatross could be seen swooping and gliding over the waves, a truly magnificent sight with it’s 3 metre wingspan. These birds don’t set foot on land for up to 7 years after they fledge and are able to lock their wings to enable them to withstand the conditions they have to endure. This was the first of so many fantastic sightings. We had hoped to see several different varieties of penguin plus seals and maybe whales but what we did experience far outshone our expectations. I’d heard on the previous trip that many whales had gathered due to an upsurge in plankton and were around the ship for over an hour. I thought ‘Just our luck‘! - but we were not to be disappointed. We had pulled in to Paradise Bay on the Antarctic peninsular, the first zodiacs had departed (we were on one of them) to explore the glaciers and icebergs when someone noticed two whales not far away. We were nearing the end of our trip and were making our way back to the ship so decided to investigate. The whales did too! One came underneath our zodiac and while we were watching it, the other was showing off behind us! Wonderful! Then a humpback tail fluke was seen and soon four were spotted feeding close by. 20 March 2015 One of my favourite places was Salisbury Plain on South Georgia, home to thousands of king penguins, standing there on the beach with their big, fluzzy babies, waiting for us it seemed. None of the wildlife we came into contact with was bothered by our intrusion, except for the fur seals who were very protective of their pups. As those of you who read my articles will know, I love wildlife trips and this was definitely one of the best. We saw young elephant seals, fur seals, Weddell seals, leopard seals, seven types of penguins on land, in water, on icebergs, over 70 whales, mostly humpbacks but some fin and minke too, dolphins and porpoises, countless bird varieties, albatross and petrels, gulls and sheathbills to name but a few. We were reasonably lucky with the weather too, which varied in temperature between 0 and 10 degrees. We stopped at 3 different islands in the Falklands; the first, New Island to visit a Rockhopper penguin colony and an albatross nesting site, the second to Carcass Island which involved a 5km ‘yomp’ to a settlement where we were served tea and cake and then we sailed on to Stanley to one of the warmest days they’d had. It was certainly strange to have travelled SO far only to find everyone speaking English and handing over pounds for our purchases. We’d looked forward to this day and thoroughly enjoyed our fish and chip lunch in The Globe pub chatting to the locals about ‘the war’ and everything else. We then had two days at sea when we came across our first tabular iceberg! This was no ordinary iceberg, measuring 17kilometres in length, rising 40 metres out of the water, 320 metres under. It had broken away from the main Antarctic Peninsular and was a truly spectacular sight. On South Georgia we had nine landings altogether, including Salisbury Plain to meet the king penguins and Prion Island for a trek up to see another albatross nesting site. The next day we visited Gritviken where Sir Ernest Shackleton is buried, before visiting the small museum which contains the lifeboat used by his men to travel from Elephant Island to South Georgia. We were also lucky enough to listen to a piano concert in the small church there before making our way back to the beach passing an rusting, old whaling station, dodging the now familiar penguins and seals, for our zodiac ‘ferry’ back to the ship. We were sorry to leave such a spectacular place as South Georgia. It’sdazzling snowy peaks and black rock, surrounded by green, red and yellow vegetation and a sparkling crystal clear blue sea. On then to the South Orkney Islands where, weather permitting, we hoped to visit the oldest permanently inhabited research station in the Antarctic, the Argentine station Orcadas, subject to permission of course. Our luck held and we were given a tour of the facility which was very interesting. The old wooden huts were still there as well as the new pod-like structures which linked together, elevated and looked to me rather like a space station. Another day at sea heading for Elephant Island. January is the only month when landings are attempted as it’s often too dangerous at any other time. Those of you familiar with the life of Shackleton will know that his ship, The Endurance, got trapped in ice and several of his men made a 16 day journey in terrible conditions from there to South Georgia in one of the ship’s lifeboats and all survived the journey. 21 March 2015 However, as predicted, we encountered some really bad weather; high winds and 5 metre waves so it was decided to carry on down to the South Shetland Islands and the Antarctic Peninsular where we spent the last week exploring different sights, the last of which was Port Lockroy on Goudier Island where the world’s most southerly Post Office is situated, surrounded by 2,000 penguins!! Again the people working there were all British and seemed to enjoy chatting to us during our visit about the life they lead there. The scenery is absolutely stunning but I don’t think it would suit me. Even though the penguins are cute they do smell!!! Though the staff say they don’t even notice it after a while! This was our last port of call and then we had a final two days crossing the notoriously rough seas of Drake Passage, passing Cape Horn on our port side and back to the Argentine mainland. WOW!!! What an unforgettable journey! Anne Houghton THE TICHBORNE DOLE – MARCH 25th The Tichborne Dole is an ancient British tradition still very much alive today. It takes place in the village of Tichborne near Alresford in Hampshire every year on March 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation (Lady’s Day), and dates back to the 13th century during the reign of King Henry II. Lady Mabella, a woman locally noted for her charity and piety, was married to Sir Roger de Tichborne. The surname derives from the nearby River Itchen, with the suffix "bourn", meaning a stream. Sir Roger was a professional soldier and his character starkly contrasted with that of his saintly wife, who was noted for her charitable nature – so much so, that even with the imminent death of his wife, from a physically wasting disease, he failed to show any compassion. From her death bed, Lady Mabella made a final humanitarian request. She asked for the value of a small area of the Tichborne estates to be given annually to the poor of the parish in the form of a dole. This was greeted with derision by her husband who was definitely no champion of charity. His response to his ailing wife’s plea was to say that he would agree to annually give the value of as much land, around the boundaries of which she could walk, while holding a blazing torch in her hand. So determined was Lady Mabella to see this through, that, as legend has it, she managed to crawl around 23 acres of land, upon which she charged her husband and his heirs to forever give the produce value of that land to the poor. To this day, one of the fields on the estate is still named “The Crawls”. Naturally, land values, and therefore the amount of flour distributed, has varied over the generations, and today, two tons of flour are distributed. The parish priest carries out the traditional Blessing of the Tichborne Dole before the flour is distributed to the local people - only those families in Tichborne, Cheriton and Lane End are entitled to the dole. They receive one gallon of flour per adult and half a gallon per child. 22 March 2015 Wiltshire Police Ludgershall and Rural Neighbourhood Policing Team Your team consists of: PC 1719 Tim Bunt PCSO 6078 Maria Downham Reported incidents: In the middle of East Chisenbury, an offender broke into a parked car and stole a handbag. Fly tipping has been reported at B Tank Crossing on the A345. Community Beat Manager writes: Please be aware of the increased security alert due to heightened threat. If you see anything suspicious, particularly regarding military camps or the police, you are asked to let us know, either calling in on the 101 number, or if you think there is an imminent risk, call 999. We have conducted some more warrants in the area and I will be looking for this to continue in the coming months. If you have any information and have suspicions about anything, or anyone please drop me a line. These things are always best checked out. Any information will be treated in the strictest confidence. I can be emailed on and can now be followed on twitter. Pc Tim Bunt @wiltspolicetb CONGRATULATIONS to Steve and Tanya on the birth of your 2nd granddaughter, Willow From the Newsletter Committee 23 TO ROS SPENCER We all wish you a very speedy recovery! March 2015 ENGLISH COUNTRY GARDENS Garden & lawn maintenance, hedge and tree work, fences, driveways & weed control Garden waste removed. Qualified, fully insured and licensed, 23 years experience WE SUPPLY Mushroom compost, manure, Pro Grow, woodchips, gravel, stone & scalpings Loads of logs by size: £63, £107, 145 All seasoned & dry native species. Can stack Bags of kindling: £4.50or 5 bags for £20 Call or text Nick on 07835299247 OOPS HAPPENS! Time to call Clean Living carpet and upholstery cleaners Where Really Clean Really Matters! **SPECIAL OFFER** For 10% off quote Enford when booking For your FREE SURVEY call Steve on 01980 621621 Mr and Mrs Germany of Fifield are delighted with our quality and service. 24 March 2015 Red Lion East Chisenbury Yummy Mid-Week Deal Take advantage of our prix fixe lunch menu! 2 Courses for £18 or 3 for £24 Available lunchtime every day Monday-Friday Same fantastic food at a friendly village price Book with us on 01980 671124 Bricklayer & General Builder All Building Works Including Extensions, Garden Walls, Patios, Roof Repairs, Plastering Floor & Wall Tiling etc 01980 554008 Mobile No: 07719 916854 25 March 2015 Hope and Faith Wedding Services FitSteps Planning & Co-ordination of your Wedding or Event Venue Decoration Hire Services Contact us for details of what we can do for you Wed 1830 £4.50 per class Fitness Yoga Wed 1915 £4.50 per class Both Wed classes on same night £7.00 Phoenix Hall, Netheravon Contact Selaine 07801 427358 Tel: 07835773714 Avon Small Saints Pre-School Open to 2- 5 year olds Whole and part day sessions plus lunch club available Monday—Friday during school hours term time only We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum and our children enjoy learning through play For more information, please contact Elka Priddin on: 01980 671681 Ofsted Reg. No. EY338057 Reg. Charity No. 1033639 26 March 2015 ELSTON VETERINARY CLINIC GRAHAM BUCKLAND SERVICES ELSTON LANE, SHREWTON Dr. Enid Frantilla, DVM MRCVS Small Animal Medicine and Surgery Providing high quality pet healthcare and a caring, friendly professional service HELPING YOU TO HELP YOUR PETS!! Consultations by appointment, Mon-Sat For appointments or enquiries, and General building maintenance: plumbing, Carpentry, glazing, brickwork, etc Free quotes and reasonable rates ‘Man with a Van’ hire. Removals and House Clearance Undertaken Tel: 01980 670870 or 07831 889 666 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE 01980 621999 TIM BUCKLAND BOILER MAINTENANCE CHIMNEY SWEEPING & SURVEYS POTS&COWLS FITTED FLUE LINER INSTALLATIONS BURNER INSTALLATION FOR SERVICE AND BREAKDOWNS Friendly and efficient service Wide stock of boiler spares in stock VERY COMPETITIVE PRICES FOR RATES &APPOINTMENTS CALL PETE ON 07432 899715 Also AGAs and RAYBURNs serviced Tel: 01980 625846 Mr Wayne Bawden City & Guilds qualified(Horticulture) Carpentry & Joinery Building Works & Maintenance Bathrooms and Kitchens ‘Professional, experienced local landscaper’ Drives / Patios / Paths / Decking / Fencing Hedge Cutting & Reduction Lawn Replacement (turf or seed) Complete Landscape of Gardens Renovation and Restoration. Portfolio of work done available on request. Free estimates, please call Wayne Please Call 01980 630545 Or 07759 586162 01980 671726 / 07795 058379 Sarah Faber Your local contact for OIL FIRED BOILERS For prompt reliable – SERVICING REPAIRS COMMISSIONING Your Local Interflora Florist 47 Estcourt Road Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP1 3AS Tel: 01722 321840 Web: Call Tim Walsh Tel. 01980 652803 Mobile 07919603884 27 March 2015 RGV ENGINEERING (NETHERAVON) Ltd MODERN & TRADITIONALLY DESIGNED MEMORIALS M J SLY High Street, Netheravon 01980 670667 Specialists in Plumbing, Heating and Electrical Works Also Boiler Servicing and Commissioning Monumental Stonemason New Memorials, Additional Inscriptions Restorations, Free Home Visits Free Brochure Marlborough (01672) 516797 Email: Website: Workshop & Showroom at Pelham Court, London Road, Marlborough, Wiltshire Interested in renewable Energy? Please see our website for details GAS SAFE*OFTEC*NICEIC*ECA Ring Donna on 07711 579403 THE OLD POST OFFICE B&B EVERLEIGH ROAD, HAXTON “PAMCAKES” Bespoke Cakes for your special occasions (any age group). Traditional and 3D, cupcakes and some Wedding Cakes. See my FB page “Netheravon’s Pamcakes” for more details & website or call 07919656141 Double, twin, single & family suites Call Jackie to book on 01980 671 640 / 07715 419 600 Science Tuition Qualified Science Teacher and Examiner Science GCSE and Chemistry at A level and IB Helping you get the grades you need. For more details contact Ellen Oades on 01980 671760 or 07881 206507 28 March 2015 Phil Wakeford Tina’s Hairdressers GARDENING &LANDSCAPING High Street, Netheravon Unisex Salon Tel: 01980 670628 Tue 9-5 Wed 9-2 Thurs 1-7 Fri 9-6 Sat 8.45-2 Landscape Construction·Pruning Fruit Trees & Roses Garden Maintenance &Advice · Lawn Mowing 25Years Experience ·Flower Meadows TIPZ &TOEZ nails now available Appointments not always necessary Bits & Pieces 01980 670718 07194412396 GDB TECHNICAL SERVICES LIMITED Computer/IT support (Durrington Ltd) Small business and Home users Networking issues/installations PC Problems Tuition General IT advice/help Upgrades/Data Recovery Service Support Options BUILDING,GARDENING & DIY PETS, PANELS, AGGREGRATE 37 – 39 Bulford Road, Durrington Wiltshire SP4 8DL Tel: 01980 655552 Fax: 01980 652351 Call 01980 623052 or visit to see if we can help. Proprietors: P & M Conn M NASH & P WILKINS ALL LANDSCAPING WORK UNDERTAKEN FENCING*PATIOS*PATHS*PONDS* BRICKWORK HEDGECUTTING*GARDEN CLEARANCE GRASSCUTTING Tel: MIKE 01380 840767 Mobile:07977 950654 Tel: PAUL 01380 840763 Mobile: 07970 557002 Salisbury Garden Machinery AGRICENTRE Now stocking Frontline for cats and dogs at an unrivalled price Excellent products at an excellent price from well-known horse wormers Electrical fencing Complete range of Briswim pool chemicals FREE HOME DELIVERY! Contact: Justin Young, A.M.T.R.A., SQP (Branch Manger) 07850 184111 / 01722 320316 29 March 2015 WILTON CARPETS PEST CONTROL SERVICE RABBITS, RATS, MOLES WASPS, SQUIRRELS BIRD PROOFING JonCard Your local contact for: Great Carpets Great Choice Great Prices Full Measuring, Estimating & Guaranteed Fitting Email: 01722 742733 CALL NIGEL 01980 670804 07854 828904 SEAN DEVINE PAINTER & DECORATOR YOGA CLASSES ENFORD VILLAGE HALL EVERY MONDAY Beginners/Gentle yoga 6.00—7.15pm Intermediate Yoga 7.30—9.00pm For details of other yoga classes visit Emma on 01980 670510 Free estimates. Fully insured. For local professional service call: 01980 630864 or 07870 454884 Local Freelance Florist For all occasions including Funerals, Weddings, Anniversaries For something special and personal at competitive rates call Kate on 07906 580361 Soft Furnishings THE OTOR Telephone: 01980 670348 Mobile:07970 785284 ARAGE by Helen Judd LTD Loose covers Cushions Curtains Roman blinds Fabric sales Manager For further information call: Tel: 01980 625 442 Mob: 07971 028 972 The Motor Garage Netheravon, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 9RH 30 March 2015 VILLAGE COMMITTEES PARISH COUNCIL Chairman Vice Chairman Parish Clerk Councillors Nigel Murray Elizabeth Harrison Michael Fay Jane Young (Parish Hall) Anthony D’Arcy Irvine (Rep Tidwort & Pewsey Area Boards/Village Hall) David Harbottle (Roads and Highways) Richard Petitt (Planning Committee/ Parochial Church Council) Gareth Holden (PR/Press Officer) Bruce Waight Pat Holdway Richard Roberts (Police/NHW) 671684 670034 670553 670532 670501 670932 670510 671195 670113 671792 671055 NETHERAVON SCHOOL Chairman of Governors Head Teacher PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL NEWSLETTER Chairman Vice Chairman Secretary Treasurer Advertising Fanny Middleton Hayley Humphris Tanya Becker Linda Mundy Linda Mundy Ros Perry Gay Monk Jacqui Elkins Jane Young Ann Houghton Clare Burge Kriss Mitchell Church Wardens Treasurer Secretary Council Members: John Poole Warren Henry Middleton Gill Gould Amanda Murray John Manser Jonathan Walsh Judy D’Arcy-Irvine Bruce Carter Frank Horsford Mary Burdick Gai Rickett Sue de Candole VILLAGE HALL Chairman and Booking Officer Vice Chairman Treasurer Secretary PC Rep Youth Club Camera Club Football Club PCC Newsletter Property Officer Grounds Officer Gardening Club Short Mat Bowls Red Lion Judy D’Arcy-Irvine (670501) Steve Becker Hannah Tucker Kriss Mitchell Chairman A D’Arcy Irvine Treasurer Andy Lucker Secretary Jane Young Ollie Stagg Judy D’Arcy-Irvine Jacqui Elkins David Spencer Hamish Scott Dalgleish Sally Parker David Spencer Ian Fribbins 31 PARISH HALL Richard Petitt Bob Taylor Gareth Holden March 2015 FOR YOUR DIARY March 2015 FOR YOUR DIARY Holy Communion , 9.00am December 2010 1st Sun 2nd Mon 3rd Tue Quiz, The Swan 4th Wed Short Mat Bowls, 7.30pm 5th Thu Household and Gardening Waste/ The Hub Café, 9.30am - 11.30am, The Swan Inn, Circuits, Parish Hall, 7.00pm 6th Fri Youth Club, 6.00pm,Village Hall 7th Sat Enford Cycling, 9.30am, The Swan / Youth Football Session, 10.00pm, Enford Playing Fields 8th Sun Team Service, Enford,, 10.30am / Messy Church, 4.00pm, Netheravon School 9th Mon 10th Tue Library Van, 3.50pm—4.25pm, Water Lane / Quiz, The Swan 11th Wed Short Mat Bowls, 7.30pm 12th Thu Recycling/ The Hub Café, 9.30am - 11.30am, The Swan Inn / Gardening Club, Village Hall, 7.00pm for 7.15pm / Circuits, Parish Hall, 7.00pm 13th Fri Youth Club, 6.00pm,Village Hall 14th Sat Youth Football Session, 10.00pm, Enford Playing Fields 15th Sun Mothering Sunday, Family Service, 10.30am 16th Mon 17th Tue Quiz, The Swan 18th Wed Short Mat Bowls, 7.30pm 19th Thu Household and Gardening Waste / The Hub Café, 9.30am - 11.30am, The Swan Inn / Circuits, Parish Hall, 7.00pm 20th Fri NEWSLETTER DEADLINE / Youth Club, 6.00pm,Village Hall 21st Sat 22nd Sun 23rd Mon 24th Tue Library Van, 3.50pm—4.25pm, Water Lane / Film Night, 7.00pm, Village Hall Quiz, The Swan 25th Wed Short Mat Bowls, 7.30pm 26th Thu Recycling / The Hub Café, 9.30am - 11.30am, The Swan Inn / Circuits, Parish Hall , 7.00pm 27th Fri Youth Club, 6.00pm,Village Hall 28th Sat 29th Sun 30th Mon 31st Tue Evensong, 6.00pm PALM SUNDAY, Team Service, Durrington, 10.30am 32 Quiz, The Swan
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