Memories of the Future - St. John Brebeuf Catholic Parish, Niles IL

March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Memories of the Future
The Future is as Bright as the
Promises of God
St. John Brebeuf Parish
8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, IL 60714
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Dear Parishioners,
Our journey to new hope continues!
Some days I can identify with the writer of Psalm 10:
Lord, why do you stand afar off
and hide yourself in times of distress?
The poor man is devoured by the pride of the wicked:
he is caught in the schemes that others have made.
In my pastoral experience and in my own life, I have wondered where God is. Where is God when
you hear the bad news of your best friend diagnosed with Cancer, or a young mother and father going
through the agony of having a still born baby. Yes, too, when you see the horror on TV of innocent
people cut down by senseless street violence or in particular, this past year the world has been stung
by the inhumane killings by the Isis State.
How do we find hope for ourselves and those who seem caught in circumstances beyond their
Where is God?
In all this we ask for grace to enter the paschal mystery; to walk with Christ through death to new life.
In this journey with the Lord, St. John of the Cross reminds us: we will not make it far, he says,
unless we can distinguish the absence of God from our feelings of God's absence. We must be able to
move ahead, despite the feeling of absence, confident of God's presence.
Last November, a 26 year old former Army Ranger from Indiana was doing humanitarian work in
Syria when he was captured. Peter Kassig, who converted in Islam while in prison was beheaded
simultaneously along with 14 other Syrian soldiers by Isis. His family released a letter he wrote after
he died that speaks to his pain and anguish, wondering if there is any hope to be found.
“I am obviously pretty scared to die but the hardest part is not knowing, wondering if I should even
hope at all.” Kassig wrote. “I am very sad that all this has happened and for what all of you back
home are going through. If I do die, I figure that at least you and I can seek refuge and comfort in
knowing that I went out as a result of trying to alleviate suffering and helping those in need.”
Please pray for yourself, for those you love and for the stranger, that even when you feel that God has
abandoned you and those in your prayers, you and they will believe in his presence and abiding love.
With prayers for you and those you love,
Father Mike Meany
March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
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7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM
Sunday, March 29
3:00 PM LIVE AT SJB Concert Series
Niles Metropolitan Chorus & Soloists, Musica Lumina Orchestra
STABAT MATER by Gioachino Rossini A sacred music masterpiece by the celebrated opera composer, the Stabat
Mater is a 13th-century Catholic hymn to Mary and is, appropriately for Palm Sunday, about the Sorrows of Mary
REQUIEM by Gabriel Faure This beautiful favorite setting by the French composer offers an inspiring start to
Holy Week.
Monday, March 30
Tuesday, March 31
Wednesday, April 1
6:30 & 8:45 AM Mass
6:30 & 8:45 AM Mass
6:30 & 8:45 AM Mass
2:00 PM
SJB School - Stations of the Cross
6:00 PM
Decorating for Holy Thursday – Church
Holy Thursday, April 2
8:45 AM
7:00 PM
Until Midnight
Good Friday, April 3
8:45 AM
3:00 PM
5:30 PM
7:30 PM
9:00 PM
Holy Saturday, April 4
Easter Sunday, April 5
Morning Prayer – Church Chapel
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Parish Priests Concelebrate – Adult Choir
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Morning Prayer – Church Chapel
Stations of the Cross
The Lord’s Passion (Polish)
The Lord’s Passion (English) – LifeTeen Choir
Decorating for Easter – Church
8:45 AM
Morning Prayer – Church Chapel
9:15 AM
Decorating for Easter – Church
10:45, 11:30, 12:15, 1:00—Food Blessings in Church
7:00 PM
Vigil Mass – Parish Priests Concelebrate –
Adult Choir, brass, organ
5:00 AM
7:30 AM
9:00 AM
10:45 AM
12:30 PM
No 6 PM Mass
Sunrise Mass (Polish)
Mass – Cantor with trumpets, organ
Mass – Cantate Deo Women’s Ensemble with trumpets, organ
Mass – Adult Choir with brass, organ
Mass (Polish)
Second Sunday of Easter (Sunday of Divine Mercy) April 12
7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:45 AM, 12:30 PM (Polish)
3:00 PM
Bilingual Mass with Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Exposition
6:00 PM
Eastertime continues until Pentecost Sunday on May 24
(continued on page 4)
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
Devotions in the Church
Monday through Friday
After 8:45 AM Mass
After 7:30 AM Mass Saturday
Ave Maria Polish Prayer Group
After 7:00 PM Mass
(Including Benediction )
First Friday Devotions
To the Sacred Heart of Jesus
After 8:45 AM Mass and
After 7:00 PM Polish Mass
First Saturday Devotions
To Immaculate Heart of Mary
After 7:30 AM Mass and
After 6:30 PM Polish Mass
Devotions in the Adoration Chapel
Marian Prayer Group
March 15, 2015
Sunday, March 15
Fourth Sunday of Lent
4:30—Gorzkie Zale
Friday, March 20
3:15 & 7:00—Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 21
1:30—Confirmation—Bishop Andrew Wypych
Sunday, March 22
Fifth Sunday of Lent
(Second Collection for Church Projects)
10:45—Family Mass
Monday 7:00 PM
Godzinki Ave Maria Prayer Group
Thursday 8:00 AM
Hour of Divine Mercy
Friday 3:00 PM
(Includes Stations of the Cross)
Pray for priests every Thursday
The Marvelous Rosary
Join in Rosary Prayers daily,
Monday through Friday,
immediately following the 8:45
AM Mass; Saturday following
the 7:30 AM Mass; Sunday
before the 7:30 AM Mass.
Praying the rosary
together in front of the Blessed Sacrament
gives many graces and is so peaceful.
Christ's followers were
skeptical when He preached
the reality of His Body and
Blood as food and drink. St.
John said, "many of His disciples withdrew and no longer
went about with Him."
Seeing this, Jesus asked the Twelve, "Do
you also want to leave me?" Simon Peter did
not understand any more than those who left
Christ, but his loyalty was more firm. "Lord,"
he said, "to whom shall we go? You have
the words of eternal life."
We have the "Word of Eternal Life"
right here with us day and night in our
Adoration Chapel. Do you have something
you want to ask Him? There are several
hours needing adorers. Please pick one for
your personal hour with Him.
Altar Server Schedule Week of March 16—22
8:45—Danny England, Peter Seitzinger
8:45—Vincent Macam, Renz Yuson
Wednesday: 8:45—Stanislaw Swiatek, Amanda Tolentino
8:45—Megan John, Vincenzo Genualdi
8:45—Delilah Denka, Anna Dias
Stations of
3:15—Shane Tarjan, Jake Wargo
the Cross
Samantha Wargo
7:00—Lucas Teng, Patrick Jurkulak
Suraj Mesquita
7:30—Bryanna Manogura, Brandon Manogura
Braeden Manogura
5:00—Merril Philip, Ania Rostkowski
Simon Rostkowski
6:30—Agnes Folga, Christian Guzek
Robert Guzek
7:30—Connor Fallon, Nathaniel Caamoan
Julia Nawara, Gabriella Vos
9:00—Ryan Inumerable, Kurt Kozeny,
Allena Healy
10:45—Magda Chilinski, Anthony Genualdi
Vincenzo Genualdi
12:30—Kamil Bialorudzki, Kamila Kawa
Julia Sadko
6:00—Katie Zalesny, Cassie Corbes
Joshua Vernon
March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
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DAILY EUCHARIST— 6:30 AM and 8:45 AM
SACRAMENT OF PENANCE —Saturdays 11:00 AM until noon (except Holy Saturday)
MONDAY ROSARY DEVOTIONS— 7:00 PM in the Adoration Chapel in the Parish Ministry Center
WEDNESDAY MASS (in Polish)—7:00 PM
STATIONS OF THE CROSS — 7:00 PM in the Church (except on Good Friday) (English & Polish)
FRIDAY: HOUR OF DIVINE MERCY—3:00 PM—Adoration Chapel in the Parish Ministry Center
SCRIPTURE STUDY—Sunday Mornings beginning February 15 from 10:00 AM—11:45 AM (contact
Chester Gilbert, 847-966-4789
POLISH LENTEN TAIZE—Sunday, March 22—8:00 PM
Special Palm Sunday Showing:
The Francis Effect Video
All are invited to a special showing of The Francis
Effect Video on Palm Sunday, March 29 at 7:15 pm in
our Parish Ministry Center. From the moment he
appeared on the balcony of St. Peter’s Basilica, Pope
Francis won the hearts of the people. The Francis Effect
takes a critical and in-depth look at how one man has
quickly changed the face of Catholicism at a moment
when no one really expected it. Admission is FREE and
light refreshments will be served. For more information
please contact Deacon Andy Beierwaltes (847) 966-6961.
In 1931, Our Lord appeared to Sister Faustina Kowalska in a vision and gave her the
mission of spreading His message of Mercy to the whole world. Jesus said to her: “Paint
an image according to the pattern you see with the signature: “Jesus, I Trust In You” --“Jezu, Ufam Tobie. This Feast emerged from the very depths of My mercy, and it is
confirmed in the vast depths of My tender mercies (420)…It is My desire that it be
solemnly celebrated on the First Sunday after Easter. I desire that the Feast of Mercy
be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender
mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fountain of My mercy
On the first Sunday after Easter 2000, POPE JOHN PAUL II announced that Sister Faustina was to join the
ranks of SAINTS. On that same day, the Pope formally announced that the Sunday after Easter would henceforth
be known as Divine Mercy Sunday.
Again, this year, we will celebrate The Feast of Mercy with 2:00 PM English/Polish Confessions, 3:00 PM
bilingual Mass, Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
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Easter Season Flower Memorials
What a beautiful way to remember your loved ones, living or deceased, with a
donation in the amount of $10 toward the purchase of flowers which will grace the
church environment from Easter until Pentecost.
Only one name or one family name may be listed per donation, i.e. Mr. John
Smith or John Smith Family. Please place this completed form along with your donation, in an envelope marked Easter Flowers. You may then place it in the offering
basket or return it to the parish.
All memorials must be received by Easter Sunday, April 5 so that they can be published in the Divine Mercy
Sunday, April 12th bulletin. Please note that the names of those memorialized will be printed, not the donor’s name.
Easter Flower Memorials
Memorial Name ____________________________________________________
Donor’s Name ____________________________________________________
Amount Enclosed ___________________________________________________
Immediately following the 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper, St. John Brebeuf
Parish offers the opportunity to revive the age-old tradition of the “Visitation of
Churches”. We are invited to pray with our Lord late into the night, through the sacrament
of the Mass, followed by an evening visiting five “Altars of Repose” throughout
Chicago. Chartered school buses will pick us up outside of St. John Brebeuf and will
whisk us from church to church, for our evening of prayer. The Churches we tentatively
plan to visit are: St. Hyacinth Basilica, Holy Trinity, St. Stanislaus Kostka, St. John
Cantius, and St. Mary of the Angels. The evening will end with night prayer at about
midnight, when the buses return us to St. John Brebeuf.
Reservations are not only a must, but they are limited too. Please fill out the form
below and return it to the parish office, along with your donation of $10.00, to help defer
the expense of the buses, by Monday, March 30th. For additional information, please contact Barbara Bronder at
PHONE: ________________________ # OF PEOPLE IN YOUR PARTY: _________
AMOUNT ENCLOSED: $ _________________
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
Altar Bread and Wine will be
Offered in Memory of
Deceased Members & Friends of
Zacharia Family
Donated by Zacharia Family
during the week of
March 15, 2015
First Reading — I will make a new covenant; I will
write my law upon their hearts (Jeremiah 31:31-34) or
Ezekiel 37:12-14.
Psalm — Create a clean heart in me, O God (Psalm
51) or Psalm 130.
Second Reading — Christ learned obedience and
became the source of eternal salvation (Hebrews 5:7-9)
or Romans 8:8-11.
Gospel — If a grain of wheat falls to the ground and
dies, it produces much fruit (John 12:20-33) or
John 11:1-45 [3-7, 17, 20-27, 33b-45].
MARCH 2015
March 15, 2015
3. Join SJB Youth Ministry at the Holy Name
Men’s Club BINGO Event on Sunday, March 22nd
in FLANAGAN HALL from 2:30 to 5:30pm. We will
be selling food, baked goods, and World’s Finest
Chocolates. All sales will cover our costs for the Summer Service Trip. THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!
4. SAVE THE DATE! Our next Life Teen Mass
and Life Night is Saturday, March 28th. We’ll meet
in church and celebrate the 5:00 Mass together. Then
we will proceed to the Parish Ministry Center until
8:00pm for our evening activities. Join us for food,
games, inspirational talks, music, and more!
any of our items will help cover our costs for the
Summer Service Trip. Tshirt ($15), Sweatshirt ($20),
Sweatpants ($20) or bracelet ($3) were all designed
by our teens! Contact Mrs. Pam Perez by texting or
calling her (847-239-2379) to place your order.
Find us on Facebook! Search for St John YM or our
group St John Brebeuf YM
Questions? Contact Pam Perez, Youth Ministry Director, 847-966-9815
Check out our upcoming events at and select Parish Ministries,
then Youth Ministry, then select Calendar.
March 15-Fourth Sunday
of Lent:
In today’s Gospel, God demonstrates great love for
us by sending his Son so that we may believe in
1. JOIN US THIS SUMMER! SJB Youth Minis- him. We demonstrate our great love for God by
try is registering teens for our Summer Service camp doing good works: reaching out to others, acting in
“ALIVE IN YOU 2015”. Be part of an inspirational
justice and charity.
summer experience! We will be traveling to Springfield, Illinois, from June 23 through June 28, 2015.
Registration fee is $140. Interested? Contact Mrs.
Pam Perez by texting (847-239-2379) or emailing her
for the registration form. Tell your friends! ALL
2. Our next OPEN ROOM is this Sunday, March
15th from 7:00-9:00pm in the Youth Ministry Office.
Enjoy video games, board games, or watch a new
DVD. Snacks and pop are provided by Youth Ministry. Pizza is $3.00. Invite your friends, and make new
Through your almsgiving you are performing a
good work; far greater than you think. Know
that your nickel, dime, quarter or dollar is multiplied by the coins placed by others in the St.
Vincent de Paul Poor Box.
Parish Office: (847) 966-8145
March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
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Archdiocese of Chicago
Parish Consultation in Preparation for the Synod of Bishops
The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and in the Contemporary World
Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has called together two synods or meetings of representative bishops from
throughout the world to consider the family. The first synod took place last fall, and the second will take place
this coming October. Our own Archbishop Cupich has been named as an alternate delegate to the synod.
As he prepares to offer a perspective to his fellow bishops in the United States and in turn to the Synod
Office preparing for the November meeting in Rome, Archbishop Cupich wants to hear the voice of the people of
the Archdiocese of Chicago. Consider using this brief survey to help him prepare for his work. Your pastor and
parish staff will receive your comments and forward them to Archbishop Cupich.
The theme of the synod is the vocation and mission of the family in the Church and in the contemporary
world. The hope of the synod is to make the “gospel of the family” come alive in our world. That means to understand and live family life in such a way that the family becomes a privileged place where we meet God and
God meets us. Please share your reflections on these questions.
The full documentation, called the Lineamenta or guidelines, along with discourses by Pope Francis and two articles, can be found at the archdiocesan website:
Parish Consultation Form
How has family life been a grace or a blessing from God for you?
In what way does our American culture at this historical moment help or hinder our families from being the families that God wants them to be?
In your experience, what are the main challenges that families face today?
How can we as a Church respond to those challenges?
Can you suggest ways that parishes can include and be more available to those who might be overlooked when we
consider family life, for example, single people, the widowed, single parents, divorced or separated, those who
identify as gay or lesbian, and others?
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
All parishioners and
friends are welcome to attend an
informative program hosted by
the Holy Name Men’s Club on
Monday, March 16th. It begins at
7:00 PM in the Parish Ministry
Emily Pobratyn (MBA,
HC,DPSc, AADP), a health
coach, will give a presentation on
how adopting some positive habit
changes will gain longevity in
your life. She is also a member of
the American Association of
Drugless Practitioners.
Emily’s program includes information on anti-aging by incorporating the latest DNA science
into your everyday life; decreasing stress which accounts for 75%
of all doctor visits; improving
your digestion which helps your
immune system; and weight
loss—your diet is important for
your well-being and feeling
Emily is grateful for the opportunity to share with you the
health and wellness treasures she
has acquired through education
The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but and practice. Join us for this inby those who watch them without doing anything. Pray
formative evening. You do not
and work to end abortion and euthanasia.
have to be a Holy Name Men’s
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I love you very much. I beg you to spare the Club member to attend, but we
life of the unborn baby that I have spiritually adopted who is in danger
always welcome new members.
of abortion.”
March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
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Eagle Scout Project
My name is Bill Boudreau. I am working on my
Eagle Scout Project for Boy Scouts. I am collecting travel-size products, shampoo, shaving
cream, body wash, facial wash, toothbrushes,
toothpaste, disposable razors, and deodorant for
the PADS organization. PADS is an organization
that provides shelter and services to those who
are homeless or who are at risk of being homeless. PADS relies on donations in order to keep
the shelter able to care for the people who stay
there. I will be collecting these items from now
until March 22nd. Boxes for donations will be
located in the church vestibule.
Parish Council is asking all of the Ministries/
Organizations to represent themselves to the
During the next several months, leaders of our
ministries will be in the main vestibule to present
themselves to our parishioners. We encourage
you to take advantage of this opportunity. If you
are thinking about using your time and talent, this
would be a great time to join. During March we
will be highlighting the Commissions that make
up Human Concerns
The Servants of the
Pierced Hearts of
Jesus & Mary
Invite you to participate
in the great gift of the
Veneration of relics of
St. John Paul II
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Knightly News You Can Use
The North American Martyrs Knights of Columbus Council 4338 would like to welcome
our new insurance / Field Agent James Keefe. You may contact Field Agent James Keefe at
773.343.1000 or 847.259.4975. His email address is : Please contact
James with any of your insurance questions or future needs.
Council 4338 would also like to thank Field Agent Pierre Zermatten for his service to our
Council for the last three years. We appreciated his commitment, dedication and advice as
well as his recruiting efforts over the last three years. Pierre has been reassigned by the
Knights of Columbus to a region closer to his home (which I’m sure he appreciates).
The Knights of Columbus Council 4338 will be holding a recruitment drive at St. Juliana's church on March 14th
and 15th after all daily Masses. If you would like to help out and say hello recruiting new members, we can definitely use your help. You may contact Deputy Grand Knight, Steve Baggio with any questions.
Upcoming Events:
March 17, 2015 - Happy St. Patrick's Day
March 25, 2015 - Officer Meeting at 7:00 at S.J.B. in P.M.C.
April 1, 2015 - General Business Meeting at 7:30 S.J.B. in P.M.C.
If you have any questions, please contact Grand Knight, Michael Curtis at 847-663-1733 or
Serve Voters, Serve the Community, Serve as a Poll Worker on April 7th
The Cook County Clerk’s office is looking for community members to work as suburban poll workers for the
April 7th Consolidated Election. It’s a unique opportunity to get paid for serving voters and supporting local democracy. Poll workers are paid $175 or $325 based on the position they choose. Please visit
or call 312-603-0970.
Wielkoczwartkowa Pielgrzymka
Odnowienie Ponadczasowej Tradycji
Po Mszy Świętej Wieczerzy Pańskiej o 7:00 pm, parafia św. Jana Brebeuf oferuje możliwość
uczestnictwa w starożytnej tradycji Nawiedzenia Siedmiu Kościołów. Zapraszamy do modlitwy
z Panem do późnej nocy uczestnicząc w sakramencie Eucharystii, po którym będzie miało
miejsce wieczorne nawiedzenie siedmiu Ołtarzy Spoczynku na terenie Chicago. Wynajęte
autobusy szkolne zabiorą nas z terenu parafii i przewiozą z kościoła do kościoła w ten wieczór
modlitwy. Planujemy odwiedzić następujące parafie: St. Hyacinth Basilica, Holy Trinity, St.
Stanislaus Kostka, St. John Cantius, St. Mary of the Angels. Wieczór zakończy się modlitwą
około północy, po powrocie autobusami do naszej parafii.
Konieczna jest rezerwacja, gdyż liczba miejsc jest ograniczona. Proszę wypełnić poniższy formularz i przynieść go
do kancelarii parafialnej, wraz z ofiarą w wysokości $10 na wydatki związane z autobusami, do poniedziałku 30
Marzec. Po dodatkowe informacje proszę skontaktować się z Barbara Bronder w kancelarii parafialnej pod
numerem 847-966-8145.
Numer telefonu:_______________________
Załączona Kwota: $_____________
Liczba osób:__________________
March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
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Drodzy Parafianie,
Nasza podróż ku nowej nadziei ciągle trwa!
Czasami jestem w stanie zidentyfikować się z autorem Psalmu 10:
Dlaczego z dala stoisz, o Panie,
w czasach ucisku się kryjesz,
gdy występny się pyszni, biedny jest w udręce
i ulega podstępom, które tamten uknuł?
W moim duszpasterskim doświadczeniu, jak i też w moim życiu osobistym, zastanawiałem się nieraz,
gdzie jest Bóg. Gdzie On jest wtedy, gdy dowiadujesz się złych wieści o swoim najlepszym przyjacielu, u
którego właśnie zdiagnozowano raka albo, gdy młoda matka i ojciec przeżywają agonię z narodzin
martwego dziecka? Zapewne też wtedy, kiedy oglądacie w telewizji sceny, niczym z horroru, gdzie
niewinni ludzie padają ofiarami bezsensownej przemocy ulicznej, a już w szczególności ostatnich
wydarzeń, kiedy świat został dotknięty przez fale nieludzkich mordów dokonywanych przez Państwo
Islamskie zwane inaczej Isis.
Jak zatem mamy odnaleźć nadzieję dla siebie i dla tych, którym przyszło żyć w okolicznościach, na które
nie mają wpływu?
Gdzie jest Bóg?
W tym wszystkim prosimy o łaskę, aby wejść w misterium paschalne; aby przejść z Chrystusem przez
śmierć do nowego życia. Na tej drodze z Panem, Święty Jan od Krzyża przypomina nam, ze: nie ujdziemy
daleko, dopóki nie rozróżnimy pomiędzy nieobecnością Boga od naszych uczuć o nieobecności Boga.
Musimy być w stanie iść naprzód, mimo poczucia bólu i udręczenia, przekonani jednak o obecności Bożej.
W listopadzie ubiegłego roku, 26-letni były żołnierz ze stanu Indiana, pracował w misji humanitarnej w
Syrii, gdzie dostał się do niewoli. To niejaki Peter Kassig, który nawrócił się w więzieniu na Islam, a
potem został ścięty, wraz z 14 innymi syryjskimi żołnierzami przez Isis. Jego rodzina udostępniła list,
który napisał do nich przed śmiercią, w którym mówi o swym bólu i cierpieniu, zastanawiając się, czy w
ogóle istnieje jakaś nadzieja.
"Oczywiście bardzo boje się umrzeć, ale najtrudniejsze jest to, że zastanawiam się, czy w ogóle
powinienem mieć nadzieję" Kassig napisał: "Jest mi bardzo przykro, że to się zdarzyło i że musicie przez
to wszystko przechodzić. Jeśli umrę, to przynajmniej i wy, i ja będziemy mogli pocieszać się tym, że
pojechałem tam, by próbować złagodzić cierpienie i pomagać ludziom w potrzebie.”
Proszę, módlcie się za samych siebie, za tych, których kochacie oraz za innych, że nawet wtedy, gdy nieraz
czujecie, że Bóg was i innych opuścił w waszych modlitwach, to nie przestawajcie nigdy wierzyć w jego
obecność i nieprzemijająca miłość.
Trwając w modlitwie za was i tych, których kochacie,
Ks. Mike Meany
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Upamiętnij Swoich Bliskich Kwiatami Wielkanocnymi...
Pamiętajmy o naszych ukochanych, żyjących i tych, którzy już od nas odeszli,
ofiarując $10 na zakup kwiatów, które ozdobią naszą świątynię od Niedzieli
Wielkanocnej aż do Zesłania Ducha Świętego.
Proszę podać tylko jedną osobę, lub rodzinę, wraz z każdą ofiarą (przykładowo: Jan
Nowak, albo Rodzina Nowak). Proszę włożyć wypełniony formularz wraz z ofiarą
do koperty z napisem “Easter Flowers” i złożyć na niedzielną tacę, albo przynieść
go do kancelarii parafialnej.
W związku z ograniczeniami czasowymi, aby ofiary mogły zostać opublikowane w biuletynie w Niedzielę
Miłosierdzia Bożego, 5 kwietnia, muszą być one złożone do niedzieli 12 kwietnia. Tylko imiona upamiętnianych
osób, a nie ofiarodawców, zostaną opublikowane.
Wspomnij Swoich Bliskich Kwiatami Wielkanocnymi...
Pragnę Upamiętnić:____________________________
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March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
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Fourth Sunday of Lent
Mary Hamma
Julie Cardone
Edward Ward
If you would like to
remember a deceased relative
or friend in a special way, here
is your opportunity. We are
accepting donations for the
altar breads and wine that are used at Mass each week.
Every week in the bulletin we will post who the bread
and wine was donated in memory of. Suggested donation
is $50. You can drop off or mail your donation to the Parish Office, marked “Altar Bread Memorial.” Make sure
to include your name and the name/s of whom you would
like to be remembered.
Requests are published in the bulletin in the order
that they are received.
Celebrating our SJB Military
St. John Brebeuf Parish is in the
process of establishing a military
remembrance presentation for all active and fallen since
September 11, 2001. We are accepting family members
names, branch of service and photo. Please bring them to
the parish office, attention Legion of Mary. ARMY,
Please remember in prayer the
following who are currently
serving in the Armed Forces:
Timothy Casey
Joseph Merkel
Robert Monaco
Thomas Neuhengen
Christopher Vick
Pvt. James Cunningham
CDR John Tutwiler
Dominic Carrabotta
Mark Honsa
Peter Merkel
Chief Ryan Morrow
Scott Rodberg
Sgt. Daniel Cunningham
Susanne Connolly Tutwiler
Kevin Michael Kozeny
Col. Barbara Jones
May they return safely to their families.
March 15, 2015
Pray for all our ill Members
Carlyn Delort
Eugenio & Antonia Dias
Diana D’Costa
Angela D’Costa
Walter Przybysz
Aidan Stotz
Virginia Penkala
Barbara Donovan
Kathy Berresheim
Sr. Rose Mary Carney
Henryk Stankiewicz
Michael Curtis
Bob Biewald
Lorraine Bielat
Lourdes Vivar
Dolores Perales
Esther Prochaska
Mary O’Toole
Irene Dodaro
Mildred Nosko
Madeline Albano
Jackie Weiss
Sally Raphael
Clem Juris
Shahla Lahijani
Anna Chacko
Terry & Dominic DiVito
Margaret Lach
Mary Hamma
Debbie Terzakis
Souk Tha Phone
Rose Ugel
Cathy Neff
Donna Miller
Albert DeLorenzo
Dorothy Cichon
Kim Travaglio
Pamela Sobie
Charlene Green
Jeffrey Bandis
Betty Weiss
Henry Zajac
Kamillus Urban
Patti Maher Tyska
Stanley Kogut
Zdzislaw Puacz
Stanley Budzinski
Laura Begale
Michael Luisi
Lorna Alba
Annette Schubert
Patrick Leahy
Eugene Mangan
Adam Rowel
Varant Minatiskan
Madeline Pukal-4 yrs. old
Cyril & Peg Maher
Elaine Friedman
Patricia Clausen
Dolores Gruzynski
John Peter Rolwes
Nanette Sadorra
Oscar Malabanan
Jeff Sefcik
Lita Rosales
Alma Kort
Randolf Abana
Noli Failma
Christina Curtis
Julie Cardone
Bernadyne Semmerling
Jerry Brazowski
Michael Likvan
Madeline Hendricksen
Mary & Mario Colosi
Ruben Pactol
Mitchell Miklas
Marcelino de la Cruz
Donna Kornovich
Geraldine Tyre
Barbara Zonsius
Edward Kolasa
Patricia Jablonski
Dolores Perales
Linda Karno
Marilyn Philippsen
Butch Reeder
Linda Bennett
James Kurtzer
John Nawodylo
Wladyslaw Policht
Franciszek Policht
Jadwiga Cudnowska
Jan Martin
Dorothy Pedtke
Brian Brown
Roy Wolf
Anne Maczek
Jolanta Bialobrzewski
March 15, 2015
Fourth Sunday of Lent
Mass Intentions for the Week
Monday, March 16—Lenten Weekday
6:30—Jean Milauskas
8:45—Filippo Giacone
Blessings for Greg
Maria Wiechec
Tuesday, March 17—St. Patrick
6:30—Teresa Kelly
Joseph Zirko (3rd Anniv. Of Death)
8:45—Antonio Ripoli
Alojza Janus
McArdle & Walsh Families
Wednesday, March 18—Lenten Weekday
6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
Birthday Blessings for Marie Cierny
8:45—Elizabeth Matteoni
Birthday Blessings for Calixta Pacis Ramos
7:00—Zbigniew Pekala (Zmarly w dniu Imenin)
Anna, Dana & Czeslaw Gawedzki
Helena & Bogusia Diedzic
Thursday, March 19—St. Joseph, Spouse of the
Blessed Virgin Mary
6:30—August G. Merkel (1st Anniv. Of Death)
8:45—Joseph & Helen Handzel
Jozef Reszka (Names Day)
Friday, March 20—Lenten Weekday
6:30—Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
Jaen Milauskas
8:45—Elizabeth Matteoni
Blessings for Snehith Mesquita on 21st
3:15 & 7:00—Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 21—Lenten Weekday
7:30—Lorenz Gfessor
1:30—Confirmation—Bishop Andrew Wypych
5:00—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
Thomas Birt
Andrew Beierwaltes, Jr.
Carl Komorowski
Vincenzo & Giuseppa Pecoraro
Czeslaw Stopa
William & Patrick Swanson
6:30—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor
Jozef, Maria & Wladyslaw Szkrabko
Jan Przytula (30 Days after Death)
Zofia Kulawik (3rd Anniv. Of Death)
Jadwiga, Marian, Ryszard & Czeslaw
Jan Mazurkiewicz
Page 17
Bronislava Markevich
O Boza Opieke i Zdrowie w 99-ta Rocz.
Urodzin dla Stanislawa Kulawik
O Zdrowie Boze Blogoslawienstwo i Pomoc
Matki Bozej o Pomyslne zdanie Examinow dla
Moniki Obniski
Sunday, March 22—Fifth Sunday of Lent
7:30—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
Albert & Georgiana Dorsch
Elizabeth Matteoni
Mary Jaretz, Wajeeb Rehani
Waseema Zakoop
9:00—Celebrant: Fr. Peter Rapcia
Josephine & John Maltese
Salvatore Badalamenti
Irvin Blaszynski
Good Health for Heidi Tatara
Birthday Remembrance for Dorothy Janikowski
Chester Neumann & Family
Monica & Mike Kenar & Blessings for Family
10:45—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany
Michael Puacz, Jozef & Janina Puacz
Lucille & Walter Jorgen
Walter Neuhengen, Sophie J. Steckly
Good Health for Jun DeLara, Nanette Sadorra,
Rene Ando, Renato Castillo, Dante Billedo,
Irene Viloria, and Albert DeLorenzo
Ruben Nery, Rosario Flores, Gerard Kenneth,
Marcelino, Brigida, Crispin DeLara, Marina
Galicia, Ester Bergara
Lorenz Gfessor
12:30—Celebrant: Fr. Robert Pajor
Bronislawa (4th Anniv. Of Death) & Wladyslaw
Anna Gazda (Wdniu Urodzin zmarlej)
Zbigniew Masier, Florence Araszewski
Jozefa Krakowka, Adolf Rak
Za Anastazie i Konstantego Milanowskich
Aleksander Sabramowicz
Teresa Kot (4th Anniv. Of Death)
Jozef Skruch, Zofia Jasnosz
Kazimiera Rafalik (5th Anniv. Of Death)
Krystyna Liska, Zbigniew Ogonowski
Birthday Blessings for Jan Zukowski
Blessings for Krystyna Piotrowska on Names
6:00—Celebrant: Fr. Michael Meany
Elizabeth Matteoni
8:00—Lenten Taize
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St. John Brebeuf Church
Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 15, 2015
Pastor: Rev. Michael Meany
Associates: Rev. Piotr Rapcia
Rev. Robert Pajor
Pastor Emeritus: Rev. Robert Banzin
Weekend Asst.: Rev. Patrick Marshall
Deacons: Larry Skaja
Andy Beierwaltes, Mariusz Kosla
Pastoral Associate: Maciek Karaban
Music Director: Marek Rachelski
Associate Music Director: Mariusz Kosla
Business Manager: Joseph Wojtowicz
School Principal: Elise Matson
Director Youth Ministry: Pam Perez
Staff Secretary: Charlotte Lindquist
Bulletin Editor, Parish Secretary:
Barbara Bronder
Rectory: 8307 N. Harlem Ave.
Parish Office: 8305 N. Harlem Ave.
Niles, IL 60714
(847) 966-8145 Fax: (847) 966-0014
School: (847) 966-3266
Religious Education: (847) 966-3269
Youth Office: (847) 966-9815
Mass Schedule
“We are a people of faith who offer each
other and those touched by us the
means to experience God through prayer,
sacraments, education
and mutual support in light of the
Gospel and Catholic Tradition.”
March 15, 2015
Saturday: 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM (Polish)
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:45 AM,
12:30 PM (Polish), 6:00 PM
Monday—Friday Morning: 6:30 & 8:45 AM
Wednesday: 7:00 PM (Polish)
Saturday Morning: 7:30 AM
Holyday: 5:30 PM (English); 7:00 PM (Polish)
Vigil: 7:00 PM English
Reconciliation - Saturday
11:00 AM—Noon (English & Polish)
First Friday, 6:00 PM (English & Polish)
Last Sunday of each month during
10:45 AM Mass or 2:00 PM Service
(Polish): First Weekend of each month:
at 12:30 PM Mass on Sunday &
Third Sunday of the Month at 1:45 PM
Parents must attend pre-baptism instruction.
Four months notice is minimal.
Eucharistic Adoration
24 Hours a Day In Parish Ministry Center Chapel
St. Vincent de Paul—