S aint Anthony Church North Providence 353-3120 Saintanthonychurch.org C S hurch of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary aint Edward Church North Providence 722-7140 Presentationchurchnp.org Providence • 331-4035 Saintedwardchurchpvd.org March 15, 2015 Reverend Edward S. Cardente, Pastor Reverend Nolasco Tamayo, Part time Associate Diocesan Director of Intercultural Ministries Reverend Mr. Louis Vani, Deacon WELCOME If you are alienated or upset, we welcome you lovingly. If you are in need of forgiveness, Jesus forgives you completely - with uncondional love. If you have been hurt by the Church, we are truly sorry. If you are angry, Jesus offers you peace. If life has become burdensome, we are here to support you. We are happy you are here and want you to stay. We would like to share our lives with you. Come join us each week so we can worship God together. WEEKEND MASS CELEBRATIONS SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH - 1413 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence Saturday Vigil 5:15 PM, Sunday 8 AM, 10 AM, 11:30 AM Angelo Minervino, Sacristan CHURCH OF THE PRESENTATION - 1081 Mineral Spring Avenue, North Providence Saturday Vigil 4 PM, Sunday 10 AM Stephen Campbell, Sacristan SAINT EDWARD CHURCH - 997 Branch Avenue, Providence Saturday Vigil 6 PM (Spanish), Sunday 9 AM, 11:30 AM (Spanish) John Arena, Sacristan HOLY DAYS - as announced WEEKDAY MASS Monday through Thursday (Trinity Chapel) 8:30 AM St. Anthony Novena Mass: Tuesday 8:30 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday 3:15 PM - 3:45 PM (Presentaon Church) BUSINESS OFFICES - 5 Gibbs Street, North Providence, 401 353-3120 401 353-5126 (Fax) Monday - Thursday: 9 AM - 4 PM Karleen Celona, Administrave Assistant Informaon about the Sacrament of Marriage, Ministry to the Sick and Dying, Parish Records Bullen submissions should be emailed to stanthonynp@yahoo.com by 9 AM Tuesday. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION MINISTRY OFFICE – Saint Anthony Parish Center, Pope Street, North Providence, 401 353-5215 Maryann Palloa, Elementary Coordinator Mary Ann Dempsey, Junior High Coordinator Sr. Carol Ann Murray, RSM and Sr. Diane Marie Pederzani, RSM, First Eucharist Coordinators Cheryl Anderson, Bapsmal Preparaon Informaon about Infant Bapsm, Adult Sacraments, becoming Roman Catholic (RCIA) YOUTH MINISTRY OFFICE – Saint Anthony Parish Center, Pope Street, North Providence, 401 353-5216 Michael Murphy, Coordinator Evere Downing, TIP Baseball Tom Malloy, CYO Basketball ABBA-AVE PRAYER MINISTRY 330-7021 401 353-3059 MINISTRY TO THOSE IN NEED Saint Anthony Kitchen – Gloria Mamis, Director 353-0688 Saint Anthony Mobile Lunch - Steven and Louise Bello 556-5129 Social Acon Commiee 621-3805 Saint Edward Food & Wellness Center, 1001 Branch Avenue, Providence, Lori Porcaro, Director Mary’s Meals to the Poor, Church of the Presentaon, David St.Hilaire MUSIC MINISTRY DIRECTORS St. Anthony Church - Kim Nixon, 573-0685 Toby Andrews, Assistant Church of the Presentaon - Kim Stanzione St Edward Church, (English Mass) - Judy Laffey CONVENT 3 Pope Street, North Providence Daughters of Mary, Mother of Mercy MINISTERIO EN ESPAÑOL Rev. Nolasco Tamayo 331-3833 Asistente Pastoral: José Aponte 919-6572 Programa Confirmación: Mayra Vizcaíno 347-5545 Catequesis de Adultos: Guillermina Arias 499-8387 Bausmos: Ibeth de Aléncar 868-8004 Matrimonios: Hablar con Fr. Nolasco con un año de ancipación. Grupo de Oración: Ibeth de Aléncar 868-8004 Grupo de Lectores: Salvador Pérez 474-9802 Confesiones: Antes de las misas o por cita THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK In the roughest moments, remember: God is our Father; God does not abandon his children. - Pope Francis Every Mass is offered for the intenons of the faithful present. SAINT ANTHONY CHURCH MONDAY March 16 8:30 AM For the Parishioners TUESDAY March 17 8:30 AM Mem - Frances Foye by the Family WEDNESDAY March 18 8:30 AM 17th Anniv - Karen Ann Bastien by Mother THURSDAY March 19 8:30 AM 18th Anniv - Mary Cherello by Daughter, Michelina Catallozzi SATURDAY March 21 5:15 PM Birth Rem - Alfred Conca, Sr. by the Family SUNDAY March 22 8:00 AM Mem - Bernardino and David Petreccia by Tina 10:00 AM 1st Anniv - Rose Romano by the Sousa Family 11:30 AM 5th Anniv - Gabrielle Ando by Children SAINT EDWARD CHURCH WEDNESDAY March 18 6:00 PM Exposicion del Santisimo 7:00 PM Spanish Mass SATURDAY March 21 6:00 PM Spanish Mass SUNDAY March 22 9:00 AM Mem - Pietro and Concetta Africo by the Family 11:30 AM Spanish Mass Please note: The 9 AM Mass at Saint Edward Church will be celebrated in the lower level of the Church through the heating season. STEWARDSHIP March 7 and 8, 2015 Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Budgets $ 3,534.00 from 136 envelopes Includes mail ins of $ 749.00 Donations for the Poor: $ 259.00 Saint Anthony Church Budgets $ 6,893.00 from 355 envelopes Includes mail ins of $ 1,215.00 Donations for the Poor: $ 229.00 Saint Edward Church Budgets $ 2,419.00 from 134 envelopes Donations for the Poor: $ 29.00 CHURCH OF THE PRESENTATION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MONDAY March 16 7:00 PM Stations of the Cross SATURDAY March 21 4:00 PM Birth Rem - Jennie Calci by the Family SUNDAY March 22 10:00 AM 1st Anniv - Anthony Viccione by the Family THE VIGIL LAMP The Vigil Candle will burn from March 14th through March 20th in Memory of Deceased Parishioners. THE WAY OF THE CROSS DURING LENT You are invited to participate in the Stations of the Cross on Monday evenings at 7 PM at the Church of the Presentation. The service will be conducted by Deacon Vani. LENTEN FAST AND ABSTINENCE REGULATIONS Abstinence from meat on the Fridays of Lent (for those 14 and older) is required by Church law. Serious reasons such as one's health can excuse a person. Parents are encouraged, by the law of the Church, to see to it that minors who are not bound by the law of fast and abstinence are educated in an authentic sense of penance. REST IN PEACE Lord, let perpetual light shine upon Robert Godbout, Albert Mancini Sr and Arthur Sherring. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through Your mercy, rest in peace. YOUTH MINISTRY Youth Ministry Office: 353-5216 CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR BOYS GRAMMAR BASKETBALL TEAM ! A genuine team of 12 outstanding boys who have put Saint Anthony Church on the diocesan map for great athletic skills and true Christian sportsmanship was awarded the runner up status in the Catholic Athletic League state finals last weekend. Having won every game they played but two in the last two seasons, these young guys have done an outstanding job on the court, winning most games by double digit spreads and only losing their final game by three points. They performed as gentlemen at all their games often surpassing the court behaviors of their opponents. We are so proud of them and grateful to their coaches, Anthony Crocenzi, Marty Gaughan and Frank Kelly for their skillful guidance. Special thanks to these young parishioners who will serve as good role models to those aspiring to follow them in the future: Kenny Amaral, Nicholas Conte, Domenic Crocenzi, Ed Evangelista, Anthony Gabriele, Marty Gaughan, Randall Hien, Nathan Kelly, Andres Perez, Aidan Murtha, Vincenzo Nassi, and Giancarlo Ricci. Their commitment and love for their parish has begun another basketball dynasty in a parish that has a gymnasium that is the envy of a lot of other parishes. Youth Ministry is growing with the addition of 11 new members from Confirmation I & II classes. There have also been several 7th and 8th graders who have expressed interest in becoming a part of Youth Ministry. Youth Ministry will be organizing and participating in a variety of events including service based projects within the church and surrounding communities, social activities, leadership training activities and a variety of growth and mentoring opportunities. If anyone is interested in becoming involved with youth ministries, please contact the Youth Ministry office (353-5216) or by cell at 401-339-7848. Michael Murphy, Youth Ministry Coordinator ATTENTION: PARISHIONERS Have you signed up for online giving through Our Sunday Visitor? You can log onto any of the parish websites and follow the online giving link. Have you officially registered as a parishioner of Saint Anthony, Saint Edward or Presentation Church? In order to officially register, you must call the parish office (353-3120, 722-7140, 331-4035). If you are not receiving budget envelopes you may not be officially registered for the parish. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION INFORMATION Religious Education Office: 353-5215 RCIA (First Eucharist) for Children: Parents of children in grade 3 and up who have not received First Communion should contact the Religious Education Office to register their child(ren) for classes and further information. Schedule of Classes: All classes are held in the Saint Anthony Parish Center. First Eucharist: Classes will meet on Monday, March 16th from 6 PM - 7 PM. Grades 1, 3, 4, 5 and 6: Classes will meet on Monday, March 16th from 6 PM - 7 PM and Tuesday, March 17th from 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM. Confirmation I and II: Classes will meet on Sunday, March 15th and Sunday, March 22nd at 10 AM followed by 11:30 AM Mass. GOOD FRIDAY WALK This year confirmation candidates and anyone interested will participate in the 32nd Annual Good Friday Walk which will follow a four mile route through Pawtucket and Central Falls, beginning at 9 AM at Saint John the Baptist Church. This is an area served by the Saint Anthony Mobile Lunch Ministry and Mary’s Meals for the Poor. Walkers will be seeking your financial support for our outreach ministries. Please be generous. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION GRADES 7 AND 8 Sunday morning classes for grades 7 and 8 are complete. The schedule for this group includes a session in the Spring for each grade. Grade 8 will attend a workshop on Saturday, March 21st from 9 AM - 11 AM. READINGS AND CELEBRATIONS FOR THE WEEK Monday – Lenten Weekday Is 65: 17 – 21; Jn 4: 43 - 54 Tuesday – Saint Patrick, bishop Ez 47: 1 – 9, 12; Jn 5: 1 - 16 Wednesday - St Cyril of Jerusalem, bishop & doctor of the Church Is 49: 8 – 15; Jn 5: 17 - 30 Thursday – Saint Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Sm 7: 4 - 5a, 12 - 14a, 16; Rom 4: 13, 16 -18, 22; Mt 1: 16, 18-21, 24a Friday - Lenten Weekday Wis 2: 1a, 12 – 22; Jn 7: 1 – 2, 10, 25 - 30 Saturday – Lenten Weekday Jer 11: 18 – 20; Jn 7: 40 - 53 Sunday - Fifth Sunday of Lent Jer 31: 31 – 34; Heb 5: 7 – 9; Jn 12: 20 - 33 THE LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS OF PASSION SUNDAY AND EASTER Palm Sunday Masses: Saint Anthony Church Saturday at 5:30 PM – Vigil Mass Sunday at 8 AM, 10 AM, and 12 Noon Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday at 4 PM - Vigil Mass Sunday at 10 AM Saint Edward Church Sunday at 8:30 AM – English Liturgy The Saint Anthony Passion Players will participate during the Liturgy of the Word as they do annually during the Saint Anthony Masses, the Vigil at the Church of the Presentation and the Good Friday Liturgy at Saint Edward Church. Pascal Triduum: Holy Thursday: No Morning Mass; 7:30 PM – Mass of the Lord’s Supper at Church of the Presentation followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament until 10 PM Good Friday: No Morning Mass 9 AM - Walk for Hunger at St. Anthony Church 3 PM - Way of the Cross at St. Anthony Church 7:30 PM - Passion Liturgy at Saint Edward Church Saint Anthony Church Holy Saturday / Easter Vigil: 7:30 PM Easter Sunday: 8 AM, 10 AM, 12 Noon Church of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Easter Sunday: 10 AM Saint Edward Church Easter Sunday: 9 AM English Mass Sacrament of Penance: Saturday, April 4th from 4 PM - 5 PM in Trinity Chapel (at St. Anthony Church) ABBA AVE PRAYER INTENTION Please pray for the following intention: 2015 CATHOLIC CHARITY APPEAL Parish Goals: Saint Anthony Church Church of the Presentation Saint Edward Church $ 84,000 $ 40,950 $ 19,950 Through your support of the Catholic Charity Appeal, 1,204 youth attended 42 retreats from over 68 parishes and two Catholic schools. Thank you for your generosity! IN ANTICIPATION OF THE ANNUAL PASSION PROCLAMATION For the past 17 years the youth of our parish have been presenting the Palm Sunday Gospel in a dramatic fashion which has been well received by members of the congregation. The zeal and fervor which characterize their rendition of the scriptural passion account have inspired many at the beginning of the Church’s special time of remembrance of Jesus final earthly ordeal. The probable circumstances of his condemnation and crucifixion were not at all pleasant and startling comments of his accusers are disturbing and should not be forgotten because this scenario has repeated itself throughout history up to present times. Thus, as a caution, very young children may be startled by the loud voices during parts of the passion portrayal. As alternatives, the 10 AM Mass at Presentation Church and the 8:30 AM Mass at Saint Edward Church on Palm Sunday will follow the traditional format instead. DECORATIVE PALM CROSS SALE Once again the sale of decorative palm crosses will be held on Palm Sunday Weekend (March 28th and 29th) after all masses at the Church of the Presentation. Any remaining crosses will be available at Saint Anthony Church after the 11:30 AM mass on Sunday. The small cross is $1; the large cross is $10. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Name: (not required) _________________________ Phone Number (not required): ___________________ ____ I would like to join the Abba Ave Prayer Ministry by praying privately each evening. Please contact me with more information. PARISH MEETINGS – WEEK OF MARCH 15 St. Anthony Church Knitting Ministry Monday @ 1:00 PM Parish Center Adoration Thursday @ 9:00 AM Trinity Chapel Choir Rehearsal Thursday @ 7:00 PM Church I DOMINGO HAZNOS DIGNOS… SEÑOR Señor, cuando tenga hambre, dame alguien que necesite alimento. Cuando tenga sed, mándame a alguien que necesite de bebida. Cuando tenga frío, mándame a alguien para que lo abrigue. Cuando tenga un disgusto, ofréceme alguien para que lo consuele. Cuando mi cruz se vuelva pesada, hazme compartir la cruz de otro. Cuando me sienta pobre, condúceme a alguien que esté necesitado. Cuando no tenga tiempo, dame a quien pueda ayudar. Cuando me sienta humillado, haz que tenga a alguien a quien alabar. Cuando esté desanimado, mándame a alguien a quien dar ánimos. Cuando sienta necesidad de comprensión de otros, mándame a alguien que necesite de la mía. Cuando necesite que se ocupen de mí, mándame a alguien de quien tenga que ocuparme. Cuando pienso sólo en mí mismo, atrae mi atención sobre otra persona. Haznos dignos, Señor Jesús, de servir a nuestros hermanos que, en todo el mundo, viven y mueren pobres y hambrientos. VIERNES SANTO DIA DE NO TRABAJAR Recuerda que el Viernes 3 de Abril es el día de ayuno y penitencia más importante para los católicos. Por tanto ese día no trabajes… Pide el día a tu empleador. Regálale al Señor ese día. Ven con tu familia al vía crucis y a las celebraciones de la tarde. DONACIÓN DE LAS FLORES PARA SEMANA SANTA Cada año acudo a la generosidad de todos para decorar el templo durante la Semana mayor. Necesitamos decorar el templo para el domingo de ramos, el monumento del Jueves Santo y altar, el santo sepulcro, la camilla del Señor y por supuesto las flores de pascua. Un ramo cuesta 85 dólares. Gracias a todos por hacerlo posible! MI OFRENDA SEMANAL… A LA MEDIDA DE DIOS No tienes que poseer grandes sumas de dinero para ser un gran dador a los ojos de Dios. Dios no mide nuestro dar por el tamaño de nuestras ofrendas. Él lo mide por la cantidad que damos en relación a lo que tenemos. Dios mira cuánto sacrificamos cuando ofrendamos. Según este modo de medir nuestro ofrendar, una persona pobre puede dar igual o aun más que una persona rica. Nuestro ofrendar debe costarnos algo. En una ocasión el Señor Jesús se sentó en el templo mirando a la gente presentar sus dádivas. Algunos eran ricos y daban mucho. Entonces vino una viuda pobre y echó dos pequeñas monedas de cobre. Estas monedas tenían muy poco valor monetario; sin embargo, a los ojos de Dios, esta mujer había dado mucho más que todos los que habían ofrendado aquel día. ¿Por qué? Porque ella había dado todo lo que tenía, todo su sustento. Jesús dijo: De cierto os digo que esta viuda pobre echó más que todos los que han echado en el arca; porque todos han echado de lo que les sobra; pero ésta, de su pobreza, echó todo lo que tenía, todo su sustento (Marcos 12:43–44). Has pensado que a veces tratas a Dios como si fuera un mendigo? Pues sí… Cuando te encuentras a alguien en la calle pidiendo una limosna, metes tu mano al bolsillo y le ofreces lo que tienes a la mano, unas monedas, un par de dólares para que te deje en paz. Por salir del paso. Pues bien, Dios te lo da todo… La vida, una familia, amigos, inteligencia, habilidades, un trabajo, salud, etc. Todo es dádiva y bondad de Dios. Y cuando vienes al templo el domingo… qué le das? Lo que tienes a la mano, unas monedas, un par de dólares? Cierto que tratas a dueño de todo, como a un mendigo? Planea bien el aporte de tu tiempo, de tus talentos y tu tesoro para el Señor. Desde casa prepara tu sobre con lo que has recibido de tu salario y ofrenda en la medida en que seas bendecido. Dios ve y conoce tu corazón… Como la viuda del Evangelio, Él sabrá distinguir si tu ofrenda equivale a algo que te cuesta… Por ejemplo, para empezar, el 5% de tu salario semanal… Es decir: Si te ganas $500.00 dólares a la semana y el 10% serían $50.00 dólares, por tanto el 5% serían $ 25.00 a la semana! Puedes dar un poco más? Lo importante es que tu ofrenda sea un acto de AGRADECIMIENTO por lo que recibes a diario de Dios para ti y tu familia. COMISIONES DE SEMANA SANTA 2015 Cuento con el apoyo de todos para celebrarla. Necesitamos un grupo de al menos 10 parejas de esposos para la procesión del santo sepulcro. Un grupo de 5 señoras, solteras o viudas para llevar el incienso, un grupo de 6 jóvenes soldados romanos, unas 6 familias que donen una canasta decorada con mercado para el jueves santo, el grupo de los 12 apóstoles, coordinar las 7 palabras, etc. Celebremos juntos los misterios de nuestra Salvación!! NUESTRA CO-RRESPONSABILIDAD!!! “Si quieres sentirte el más rico del mundo, solo cuenta todo lo que tienes que el dinero no puede comprar”. Tiempo y Talento: Bendiciones para quienes ayudan a reparar los kneelers del Templo: Héctor Rodríguez, Ángel Luis Aponte, Jorge Zapata, Jaime Zarate. Tesoro: Ofrenda del 07 y 08 de Marzo $ 2,41900 en 134 sobres y $ 249.00 en ofrenda suelta. 2 personas dieron su diezmo esta semana. Dios les pague!!! 904 A. A. MARIANI & SON FUNERAL HOME “Serving our community Since 1889” TIMOTHY O’ TOOLE ~ FD/RE • MICHEAL SLADEN ~ FD/RE 200 HAWKINS ST., PROVIDENCE, RHODE ISLAND 02904 • 861-5432 NICHOLAS D. IANNUCCILLI, MD SMOKESTACK CIGAR SHOP X-RAY • FLUOROSCOPY • ULTRASOUND • BONE DENSITY Comforting & Relaxed Environment WELLESLEY MEDICAL BUILDING smokestackcigar@cox.net DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY WALK-INS WELCOME Evening & Saturday Appts. Available. Stat Reports Phoned In Promptly 1515 Smith Street North Providence, RI (401) 353-1600 2003 Smith St., North Providence 401-349-0512 Gourmet Italian Deli Hot or Cold Sandwiches • Bakery • Full Service Catering 1290 Mineral Spring Ave., North Providence, RI 401-722-3222 • www.paulypentasdeli.com Providence Auto Body, Inc. 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Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 401-353-0443 Richard & Gina Califano 1538 Smith St. N. Providence, RI “Voted #1 By RI Monthy Best Breakfast” Please patronize the businesses and professionals that advertise in your bulletin and thank them for their continued support! Your advertisers make your bulletin possible. St. Anthony & St. Edward are looking for a few more sponsors. If you would like to place an ad in the bulletin, please contact us. John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net 904 St. Anthony & St. Edward, Providence, RI (inside) UPS John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • www.jppc.net ROBBINS FUNERAL HOME TOWN LINE SERVICE CENTER 2251 Mineral Spring Avenue 24 HOUR TOWING • P/U-JUNK CARS & TRUCKS 231-9307 COMPLETE SERVICE CENTER Geoffrey D. Greene, Director Jennifer L. Fagan, Director Veronica L. Houston, Director 1232 DOUGLAS AVE., NO. PROVIDENCE PONTARELLI-MARINO FUNERAL HOME Funeral Directors - RE Daniel A. Pontarelli • Jeremie R. Thibault • Mark S. Marino • Kelsey N. Casey 971 Branch Ave., Providence, RI 02904 • 401-331-7390 401-353-6610 Rosemont Terrace Simply Elegant Flowers Birchwood Manor LLC, Ledgemont Manor LLC Apartment Complexes Sal Compagnone • Sal Compagnone, Jr. “Where art & nature meet” 10 Cedar Swamp Rd., Smithfield, RI 231-4310 • www.simplyelegantflowers.net & Peretti, LLP A t t o r n e y s A t Robert A. Peretti Larue’s Blackstone Valley DRIVING SCHOOL L a w 353-1710 1536 Westminster St., Providence, RI 02909 401.273.7747 • Fax: 401.421.4818 Email: bob@lpllplaw.com MERRICK R. WILLIAMS FUNERAL HOME, INC. Low-Cost Health Insurance Charlene E. 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