2 1 zz Hastine Art V alley F ine A rt A ssociation Inc. Hastings PO Box 8044 Port Macquarie 2444 www.hastingsvalleyart.net.au In this issue New Secretary Camden Haven & Comboyne Show results Secretary news Fine Print March 2015 No 348 editor Maria Nolan email: maria@pmfp.com.au Local Shows: HVFAA members well represented in the awards Karen, left And Deb, right Camden-‐Haven Show 21-‐22 February Overall Champion – Brian Barker “Afternoon Glory, Rainbow Beach” Class A – Oil, acrylic, mixed media st 1 Place – Joan McFadden –“ Beach Bonfire” – this painting also SOLD! nd 2 Place – Joan McFadden – “Golden Sunflowers” Class B – Watercolour st 1 Place – Kim Madden – “A Woman with Attitude” nd 2 Place – Brian Barker – “Bridge Too Far” Class C – Pastels st 1 Place – Terri Maddock – “Afternoon Shadows, Coomba Park Road” Class D – Drawing st 1 Place – Shana R owe-‐McLean – “Danae” Viewers Choice Joan McFadden – “Golden Sunflowers” Our Secretary Karen Cornish has resigned due to work commitments and committee member Deb Sarkoezy has now accepted the position of Secretary. Karen will continue to organize our Life Drawing sessions, and we would like to express our thanks for her hard work as secretary Welcome and best wishes to Deb in her new role. . Above: Jan Wilson plus Artworks at Camden Haven Show Comboyne S how 28 February Overall champion:Most successful exhibitor: Hilma Daggar st nd Watercolour: 1 Hilma Daggar , 2 Barbara Atkins, H/Commended Brian Barker st nd Comboyne Scene: 1 Hilma Daggar, 2 Sue Burrows st nd oils acrylic: 1 Sue Burrows, 2 Elsa Toms, H/Commended Sue Burrows. st nd Pencil or ink drawing 1 Ruth Peters 2 Jan Wilson st nd Pastels 1 Jan Wilson, 2 Terri Maddock st nd Viewers Choice: 1 Barry Beames, 2 Maria Nolan Upcoming Artist: Margaret Tucker Overall champion Hilma Daggar and her Comboyne scene President Brian Barker 65863236 Secretary Deborah S arkoezy 65863371,Treasurer Terri Maddock, Vice Presidents: Jan Wilson 041847858 & Elsa Toms 65 851525, Gallery Coordinator Jan Farrell, Membership Secretary Fran Daly 65 860827, Advertising Robyn Toms, Editor Maria Nolan 0408257075 nd Terri Maddock 2 in Pastels “Graeme’s dam” Jan Wilson’s winning Pastel Comboyne Show Gallery Changeover st Please note that the next changeover at the gallery is 21 April th You will need to let Rita know by Tuesday 13 Arpil if you are dropping out, want to join the gallery and any unavailable dates for duty in the new 3 month period. This is necessary so that we know who will be exhibiting and a roster can be prepared before the changeover date. Your paintings will not be accepted if you do not th notify us by 13 April. A reminder email will be sent to the existing gallery members only, at the b eginning of April. Rita 6585 3236 or 0418284583 Dates for your Diary 9,10,11 March 2015: Bernadette Trela workshop 23-‐29 March 2015: Have Brush will travel 1 April: still life at Laurieton (see below) 7 April: next HVFAA General meeting at Gallery 1pm 14 April: WW1 paintings due for Masterpiece Gallery 21 April Gallery Changeover Laurieton Wednesday Painters will hold a still life day on first wed in April, 9-‐2pm. Two still lifes will be set up.Picnic and Gardening. All welcome $6, untutored, bring you own paints and refreshments. Glorious day assured. No need to book just do it! Inquiries Kim Madden 65863185. No M ixed Media on 25 M arch due to Paint away trip Paint out Pals 9 Mar No paint out (tutorial) 16 Mar McInherney Park, PMQ 23 Mar Spoonies Beach, Bonny Hills (contact Terri Maddock) 30 Mar 6 A pril 13 A pril 20 A pril 27 A pril 4 M ay 11 May Upcoming Exhibitions th Uralla 38 Annual Arts Exhibition, 20-‐29 March. Entries now closed Port Stephens Art Prize 20-‐29 March 2015 – entries and fees by 27/2/15 For details and to download entry forms contact Judy Murrant 02 49829148 Or Kevin Griffey 04 49843536 or go to www.artscentrenelsonbay.org.au or email artscentre@westnet.com i Art in the Vale Exhibition (Hannam Vale Hall) 4-‐5 April. Entries by 20 March, Julienne Richardson 0413007765 julesofcolour@bigpond.com Port Macquarie Art Society Easter Exhibition 2-‐8 April at Historic Court House. Entries close 11 March email:secretary@pmas.org.au Masterpiece Framing is planning an exhibition coming up for Anzac Day and invite members to put in a painting or WW1 memorabilia. email Denise delejola@y7mail.com or phone 65831344. Paintings etc. to be in by 14 April. TUITION 9,10 & 11 March 2015: Bernadette Trela $150, HVFAA gallery: Acrylic (or oil) Abstract techniques. Class filled 28,29, 30 September: Denis Clarke “Drawing & Acrylic Abstraction” (5 places left) January 2016: David Chen “Oil” Contact Jan Wilson 65848210 or 0401847858Or email janwilson49@hotmail.com 39 Rainbow Bch Drive, Bonny Hills 2445 Fay Boyd’s Fine Art School Grafton High School April 12 to April 16 Variety of Mediums offered. Phone 66431528 info@fayboydsfineartschool.com, web www.fayboydsfineartschool.com th th st Hastings River Opp.tennis Courts CASS ‘ART at the TOP’ Weekend 29 30 31 May 2015 at the Tops Conference Centre, Stanwell Tops, accommodation on site River St. Some of the Participating Tutors in the 2015 Art at the Top Workshops and No POP (Easter) Demonstrations include: Ros Psakis, John Perkins & Catherine Harry. Kendall Railway Station, Railway St Contact Dee Jackson,Publicity Officer Combined Art Societies of S ydney Inc. Kendall deejackson@deejackson.com.au www.deejackson.com.au Shelley Beach PMQ (Pandanus lovers) 02 9416 2265 Mob: 0439 986 452 Long Flat Pub, Oxley Hwy Long Flat Pilot Beach, Dunbogan Sharon Gill’s 112 Bartletts Rd off Pipe Clay Rd via Beechwood Starts 9am – contact Elsa Toms 65851525 or 0413861520 if in doubt re directions, etc. Facebook HVFAA’s Facebook page updates are being looked after by Kim Maclean. Send have any material (art related material -‐photos or info) to kimbody77@hotmail.com Presidents Report for March. I usually don’t make political comments after all we are an Art Group. However we just donated a $1000 to the Bravehearts Foundation and I have invited their representative to address our April General Meeting about the role Bravehearts play in present day society. Daily we hear about the sexual abuse that has occurred in all sorts of organizations the latest the elite private school Knox Grammar and in all the groups that we have trusted to look after our children and grandchildren. To keep it all in perspective and the role our politicians play we are spending millions of dollars in combating terrorism and going to war in other countries in the text of protecting our way of life and principles and yet the simple facts are only one person has died in Australia in the last twelve months at the hands of a so called terrorist, at the same time 48 women have died by the results of domestic violence and countless children have been sexually abused or have disappeared or murdered , so come along to the next meeting and hear a report from Bravehearts. The Gallery is going better than we expected with good sales quite a lot of our members are selling their work and we are keeping our head above water. I make the point that the association isn’t making a lot of money from the sales but through all our activities we are still doing well. I have reported to you that a new roof will be put on the Gallery, we are also getting quotes for outside lights to be placed so we can use the building more of a night. The Museum is holding a Volunteers expo on the 16th of May and they have asked us to be involved we will probably have a children’s painting competition and other activities. It was decided last year that we would not hold the Spirit of the Camden Haven Exhibition in May this year because it was a lot of work with no return but we will still be part of the Slice of Haven, organising the children’s art competition, demonstration paintings and raffling the paintings at the end of the day as usual, dates yet to be set. We are going to have an anniversary party at the gallery to celebrate our first year on the 12th of July so you and your family’s will be invited including the public there will be further details after we organize it. Brian Barker President GALLERY NEWS February 2015 Hi everyone, Although visitors have finally dwindled since the holidays we’ve still managed to sell 15 paintings in February. The lucky artists were Roger Speaight, Jan Farrell 2, Ruth Bergin, Jill Henderson, Jen Dethlefs, Pauline Roods 2, Fae Lister, Brian Barker, Bernice Daher, Ann Pears, Jill Cairns 2, Al Grieve. Congratulations everyone! The gallery is looking lovely with roster members choosing to paint while on duty which gives it an extra dimension. We’re also getting outside sensor lights installed for safety and security reasons which will be a boon for evening groups such as Life Drawing. Foam-‐Core Backed Mounts: for our mid-‐range, unframed paintings have proved very popular. We now have 3 sizes available for sale at the gallery with square mounts added to our sizes available. Image sizes 330 x 230mm suit (1/4 w/colour sheet) 330 x 140 (1/6 w/colour sheet) and 260mm x 260mm. $12, $15 and $15 respectively. Cellophane also is available for 50c/$1 per painting donation, depending on size. Note: unframed pastels need special care so ask Terri or Jan F. for advice. Thank you everyone for making life at the gallery run so smoothly GAGS: Wednesdays, 9-‐2pm. $5. BYO everything. The main aim of this group being to interact with other arty folk and to encourage all members to use the gallery as their own art space to paint, draw or experiment (expect help and feedback in abundance.) Newbies very welcome. PORTRAIT DRAWING is incorporated with GAGs on the third Wednesday of the month for those so inclined Enquiries ring Jan 65 836693. LIFE DRAWING The first Thursday of the month from 6pm-‐9pm, $15. Some floor easels available. Bring something to nibble on during the break. Happy painting everyone. Jan Farrell, co-‐ordinator. nd Jan Wilson’s drawing wins 2 Place at Comboyne Art Lovers/tractor enthusiasts at the Comboyne Show observed studying nude on tractor Activities Member News: Paint out Pals – each Monday, see timetable page 2 Wednesday Painters - St Peters Hall Ocean Drive Laurieton : 9am-‐2pm every Wednesday. Join a friendly untutored group to draw and paint, for $6 a day. Call by for a look. BYO painting gear drinks & lunch. Contact Kim Madden 6586 3185 Mixed Media Painters : St. Peters hall L aurieton-‐ last Wednesday each month. 9am-‐2pm, $6 only. Explore abstract themes, try new techniques. BYO painting gear, drinks, lunch. G uided. Contact Elsa Toms 6585 1525. Details for this month, see page 2 Wednesday Gallery Art Groupies (GAGS):Paint or draw from 9am to 2pm at HVFAA Gallery, 2 W illiam St, Port Macquarie. $5, BYO morning tea and lunch. Contact Jan Farrell 65836693. rd Every 3 Wednesday will also cater to portrait drawers/painters Thursday Painters – Wauchope Country Club King St, Wauchope, every Thursday. Sign in at reception. Paint and draw from 10am – 1pm. Tutors available for minimal fee. Contact Hilma Dagger 65504045 Life Drawing 1st Thursday of the month 6-‐9pm at HVFAA gallery:, $15 contact Jan Farrell 65836693 Life Drawing Each Tuesday 6.50-‐9pm with Henry Field at Art and Craft Centre Library news: Stock has increased greatly due to donations from our members .There are also 15 new Magazine Folders each holds 5 Draw it Paint it publications. New DVDs include: “Painting Workshop” with Richard Robinson. Richard does step by step demonstrations in oil of Landscape scenes from photographs. “Wild About Oils” by Pip McGarry one of Europe’s leading wildlife artists. Inspiration galore for all wanting to capture animals in oils. “Starting Out in Oils” by James Willis. Very well produced DVD starting with the basics. James then demonstrates 4 paintings in a very supportive way. “Experimental Landscapes in Watercolour” by Ann Blockley. Watch 4 demonstrations utilizing a range of experimental techniques that encourage the pictures to almost paint themselves. For the pastel artist there is a DVD by Vic B earcroft c alled “Paint a Puppy and Kitten in Pastel”. All the techniques used can be applied to any animal portrait. To check on publications available there is, a full list of books and DVDs in the Library Borrowing Register Welcome to new members: Debbie Smith, Dale Symons and Florence Fletcher. A big welcome back to Margaret Pople who has rejoined us after a short break. Exhibition by Judy Jelsma titled "Real and Imagined" to be held at the Haven Fine Arts Gallery, 522 -‐ 524 Ocean Drive North Haven, opening SUNDAY 15 MARCH 12 midday, and continuing until 16 APRIL. Come along for a glass of wine. Our latest membership list has been sent out with this month’s fineprint, either via email or by post. Please check the details are correct and update if necessary (including a mobile number if you have one) contact Fran Daly franmdaly@bigpond.com or 04029856242. We need someone to chase grant money for our association. This person needs to research grants being offered, and then apply for them on the association’s behalf. Your reward is our appreciative Accolades! Denise from Masterpiece Framing has an exhibition coming up for Anzac Day and would like to invite members to put in a painting or WW1 memorabilia. email delejola@y7mail.com or phone 65831344. Some of our members are organizing to spend a week in early August painting and sightseeing in the AliceSprings/MacdonnellRanges area Fly/drive. Those interested please ring Jill Cairns 043439500 Kim Madden 0417741346 Terri Maddock & Maria Nolan will be manning a stall representing HVFAA at the Seniors Expo at Panthers on 16 March. Anyone wanting to join us is welcome. Local Art Supplies and Framing Haven Fine Arts 524 Ocean Drive, North Haven for all your art supplies (if we don’t have it we order in for you) including papers, canvas, paints, clays, gift cards etc. 10% discount to HVFAA m embers. All About Art & Framing 231 Victoria St Taree 6550 0390 Discounts HVFAA members Masterpiece Framing and Gallery –Hastings River Drive Port Macquarie (6583 1344). Masterpiece Framing supplies all your framing needs. Port Art Supplies & Framing -‐ Shop 5 Gore St. Port Macquarie. Art supplies and Specialised Custom Framing. Phone/Fax 6584 0184 Mobile 0412 196 721 HVFAA Sponsors.. A big than k you to ou r sponsors for their support! Laurieton United Services Club 6559 9110 Camden Haven Chamber of Commerce,Industry & Tourism Inc. First National Real Estate North Haven & Laurieton, Masterpiece Framing, Port Macquarie, Officeworks Port Macquarie Higgins & Dix, Lawyers, Laurieton 65598845
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