St. Rose of Lima Parish Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima In Christ, We are Bread for one another: Broken… we gather. Nourished… we reach out. ………………….....……………………………. En Cristo, Somos Pan para cada uno: Lo Dividimos… Nos Juntamos. Alimentados… tendemos la mano. Come Forth! March 22, 2015 LENT 5 The resurrec on of Lazarus was a miracle for which Jesus was applauded by the people as he journeyed to Jerusalem, but it also led to His arrest and death. Yet, this miracle offers an important teaching that is central to Chris an life. There are many Chris ans who believe that Jesus will give them eternal life when they die, but they live as if He has no power to give them new life here and now. They are like Martha saying, “Lord, I know that Lazarus will rise on the last day,” not realizing that Jesus could raise him that very moment. Besides “biological death” there is also “spiritual death.” We can be alive as our heart is bea ng, our lungs are breathing and our brain waves are ac ve, and at the same me be spiritually dead. Our life may have lost purpose and direc on, with no conscious rela onship with God. Our spirit may be trapped by sin, addic on, obsessions and fatal a rac ons. The Lord calls us to come forth from our tombs to new life in Him. When Jesus says that He is the Resurrec on and the Life, He is teaching us that the cri cal moment in every human life is not the moment of our first job, a promo on, marriage, giving birth, our death, but the moment when we turn from unbelief to real belief in Him. That moment is decisive because it connects us to Jesus Christ in a very personal way as He gives us His own life, His grace. When we place ourselves in the hands of Christ and His truth, we start to emerge from the darkness. The bonds which enslave us are loosened as grace enters our life. It is the moment when we open ourselves to the power of Christ. Jesus calls us to “Come forth” from our tombs in the Sacraments... 11701 Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1024 PHONE: 301-948-7545 FAX: 301-869-2170 EMERGENCIES (A er Hours): 301-355-8191 CANCELLATION INFORMATION: x307 WEBSITE: EUCHARIST / EUCARISTÍA Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica Monday-Friday................................... 8:30 am (English) 1er Viernes ........................................ 7:00 pm (Español) Sunday............................................... 7:15 am (English) 1er Dimanche................................... 10:00 am (Français) 2nd Sunday ........................................ 5:00 pm (Tagalog) Church / Iglesia Saturday Vigil ..................................... 5:00 pm (English) Sunday...... 8:45 am (English) & 11:15 am (English + ASL) Domingo ........................................... 1:00 pm (Español) RECONCILIATION / RECONCILIACIÓN Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica Thursday........................ 7:00-9:00 pm (English/Español) Church / Iglesia Saturday ..................................... 4:00-4:30 pm (English) Domingo .................................... 2:15-3:15 pm (Español) BAPTISM PREPARATION / PREPARACIÓN PARA BAUTIZO Bap sm Classes Begin while pregnant or awai ng adop on. Bap sms will not be scheduled un l clases have been completed. Parents MUST pre-register to a end. Two sessions are required. 2015: March 21 & 28, May 2 & 16 Clases para Bau smo Comience cuando este embarazada o esperando una adopción. Los Bau zos no se podrán programar hasta que las clases hayan sido completadas. Los padres TIENEN que pre-registrarse para atender. Dos sesiones se requieren. 2015: mayo 2 y 16, sep embre 12 y 19, noviembre 7 y 14 NEWCOMER’S GATHERING / REUNIÓN DE NUEVOS MIEMBROS …from private faith, He calls us in Confirma on to a public expression of Faith. Church / Iglesia 2o Domingo ...................................... 12:00pm (Español) 2nd Sunday ........................................ 12:30pm (English) …from sin, He calls us in Penance to a renewed life of grace. OTHER SERVICES / OTROS SERVICIOS …from isola on, He calls us in the Eucharsist to a life of communion with Him and with His Church. Stephen Ministry Ralph Bally, 301-873-0487 (English) Zita Tepie, 301-519-1527 (English) Julie Diaz, 301-519-8654 (Español) …from separa on from God, He calls us in Bap sm to union with God. …from anxiety in illness, He calls us in Anoin ng of the Sick to join our illness to His redeeming work. …from self-absorp on, He calls us in Marriage and Holy Orders to sacrificial love. Can you place yourself in the posi on of Lazarus, bound up in the darkness and spiritually dead? Then you can hear and trust the words of Jesus to you in today's Gospel, in every sacrament and every Mass: “Come forth back to life." Accessibility / Fácil Acceso Hearing systems, accessible sea ng, large print worship guides and an ASL interpreter (11:15am) are available. / Aparatos ampliadores de sonido y asientos accesibles están disponibles. Woodlands Room Rental / Eventos de Alquiler Maria Cris na Peano, LITURGY SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE LITURGIA Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord / Domingo de Ramos de la Pasión del Senor Cycle B - March 28/29, 2015 Historic Chapel: Sun., 7:15 am Fr. Agus n Mateo Church: Sat., 5:00 pm Sun., 8:45 am Sun., 11:15 am Sun., 1:00 pm Fr. Agus n Mateo Fr. Ma Carnes Fr. Ma Carnes Fr. Agus n Mateo (Español) Scriptures: Mark 11:1-10 (Processional Gospel) Isaiah 50:4-7 Philippians 2:6-11 Mark 14:1—15:47 Liturgical Ministers: Team C Bread Bakers: Group 6 MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS † Deceased Tue., 3/24 8:30 HC Wed., 3/25 8:30 HC Thu., 3/26 8:30 HC Fri., 3/27 8:30 HC Sat., 3/28 5:00 CH Sun., 3/29 7:15 HC Sun., 3/29 8:45 CH Sun., 3/29 11:15 CH Sun., 3/29 1:00 CH * Living † Loved Ones, by Stephen F. Burt Thanks to Infant Jesus, by Marlene O. Prepe t † Rita Conley, by Dick & Kathy Chiacchierini † Cecilia Ballenger, by Elizabeth McCandliss † Eme a Giuliano, by Maria Cris na Peano † Laurent Toto, by Kinday Toto † Raymond J. Maeder, by Mark & Marie Maeder † Alan Willimann, by the Aquino Family † Benito de Jesus Caballero, by Carlos Caballero PLEASE PRAY FOR / POR FAVOR RECE POR... Those who are sick / Aquellos quienes están enfermos: Zabrina Abad, Sofia Anderson, Stephen Ashman, George Aubin, Bill Bartle , Tom Bayne, Mary Lou Beane, Joan Berado, Gilbert Blake, Lois Carnes, Pratap Chirayath, Daniel Downey Jr., Mary Fenimore, Marco Garcia, Don Gisin, Fred Gleitsmann, Elizabeth Johnston, Ingrid Jones, Erin Joost, Mary Julius, Anne Krause, Mary Larsen, Michael Lindsey, Yi Liu, Michael Mahsetkey, Karen Mallen, Alfonso Mar nez, Carlota Mar nez, Stephano Ma ana, Josie Ma ero, Elizabeth McCracken, Sarah Isabella Mojica-Muriel, Andrew Morton, Maja Orcino, Rodolfo Padilla, Clarita Pomareda Pinto, Enma Posadas Amezquita, Anthony Reid, Joanne Reid, Mary Rhoads, Jolie Robbins, Alfredo Rodriguez, Johana San Miguel, Ligia Sanchez, Maria Jose Sarceño, Donna Shaw, Anna Sieber, Luis Somarriba, Mar n Sullivan, Paula Turner, Pedro Ernesto Uribe, Marie Valen ne and Kay Volo. Those who have died / Aquellos que han fallecido: Ollie Hamby, great grandmother of Rosemary Holt Fernando Holguin, friend of Rafael Cas llo Veronica A. Kennedy, mother of Rev. Kevin C. Kennedy Martha Lidia de Soto, mother of Byron Soto WORSHIP / ADORACIÓN Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion EMHCs are needed at the 5:00pm, 8:45am and 11:15am Masses. You must be Confirmed and 18+ years old. Training is provided. Serve once every three weeks. INFO: Mike Ballen ne, mike_ballen or 301-528-5801 Eucharis c Adora on - Come and Adore Eucharis c Adora on is held on Thursdays* from 9:00am to 9:00pm. There are openings in morning and a ernoon slots. Please sign up for an hour of quiet adora on each week. INFO: Abigail Morais, or 240-416-5200 *On Holy Thursday (April 2), Adora on will be held a er the 7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper un l 11:00pm. Liturgical Ministry Sign-Ups for Triduum & Easter Liturgical Ministers are needed for Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Easter Vigil, plus the overflow Easter Sunday Masses at 8:45 and 11:15am. Sign-up sheets are in each worship space. Team A liturgical ministers are expected to serve as scheduled. Lenten Evening Prayer Tuesdays of Lent, 7:00-7:30pm, in the Historic Chapel. Sta ons of the Cross for Families Good Friday, April 3, 10:00am, rain or shine. Journey the Way of the Cross on the grounds of St. Rose and contemplate the passion, death, and resurrec on of our Lord. We will begin in the Church. At each sta on, a keepsake symbol for that sta on will be given out as a reminder. 15 Families are needed to take turns carrying the cross to each sta on. INFO: Susan Joseph, Sta ons of the Cross Fridays of Lent, 7:00pm, in the Church. Misión Cuaresmal Misión Cuaresmal: 27 de marzo, 7:00-9:00pm, Salon Woodlands, Centro Parroquial. Lenten Fas ng & Abs nence Guidelines On Good Friday, Catholics aged 18 - 59 years observe a modified fast (guidelines allow one full meal). Catholics aged 14 and older abstain from meat every Friday during the season of Lent. Pautas Para Ayuno & Abs nencia En Viernes Santo, los católicos de entre 18-59 años de edad enen un ayuno moderado (las pautas permiten una comida completa). Los católicos de 14 y más de 14 años de edad se abs enen de comer carne en cada viernes durante la época de cuaresma. COMMUNITY / COMUNIDAD EDUCATION / EDUCACIÓN Li le White Books for Easter Two Ques ons to Ponder A limited number of the daily devo onal Li le White Books for Easter will be available a er Masses on Palm Sunday. To reserve your copy, please contact Chris ne Jeffrey, In this Period of Purifica on and Enlightenment, please pray for our Elect and Candidates as they con nue preparing for the recep on of the Sacraments at the Easter Vigil. What connec on does the dying and rising of Jesus Christ have to our daily lives? Invite Someone Back to Church Do you know someone who has been away from the Church for a while? Holy Week is a GREAT me to invite them back! The liturgies are beau ful and opportuni es for fellowship are plen ful. Some mes a kind word of welcome and a sincere invita on are all it takes to help someone find their way back. Could that invita on come from you? How does the spiritual journey of those preparing for Chris an ini a on call our en re community to conversion? During the Scru ny Rite, we pray for the Elect, “That the Eucharis c food, which they are soon to receive, may make them one with Christ, the source of life and of resurrec on.” We also to examine our understanding of the Eucharist. Are You A ending the Easter Vigil? Please consider staying a erwards to help dy up the Church for Easter Sunday Masses. The Easter Vigil usually ends around 11:00pm. If you are willing to help, contact Remi Bauer at Young Adult Open Mic & Coffee House This Sunday, March 22, 7:30pm, Woodlands Room. Young adults are invited to this fun event! Please come and invite a friend! INFO: Ogechi Akalegbere, Religious Goods & Gi s for Sale A er Masses this weekend, one of our Catholic vendors is selling religious goods - rosaries, medals, and lots more. Purchase these lovely items for your home or to give as 1st Communion, Confirma on, gradua on or wedding gi s! St. Rose Summer Camp Registra on REGISTRATION: THEME: "Amazing Angels and Super Saints." CAMP: Mon., July 27 - Fri., July 31, 9:00am-12:00pm. Extended Day (12:00-3:00pm) will be offered for an addi onal fee (space is limited.) Main Camp: Ages 3 (Po y Trained) - 4th Grade; Leadership Training Camp: 5th - 8th Grade; Camp Volunteer Staff: 9th Grade Age 17. COST: $50/child, $150 max/family (includes daily snack & camp t-shirt). We need 18 adult volunteers! Adults who volunteer all week receive a 50% discount for their children or grandchildren. Adult volunteers (18+) must complete Archdiocesan Background Check and Training by June 15. INFO: Kathryn Heetderks, 1-520-SRLCAMP or Bap sm Prepara on Session Leaders Needed Stephen Ministry - We’re Here to Help Do you know someone who would benefit from having a Stephen Minister? Are they feeling overwhelmed? Don't let them face it alone! Stephen Ministers are trained to provide a confiden al listening ear and model Christ's compassion, care and healing love. Contact Zita Tepie at 301-519-1527 or Are you willing to help parents as they take this first step on their child‘s faith journey? Leaders must commit to leading two Saturday morning forma on sessions, once a year. Training is provided. We also need people to set up hospitality on scheduled Saturdays before the 8:45am sessions. INFO: Chris ne Jeffrey, LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD - FR. MATEO & THE PASTORAL COUNCIL WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Fr. Mateo and the Pastoral Council are working on a pastoral planning process to help iden fy goals and objec ves for the parish for the coming years. Your opinions and thoughts about your parish are an important part of this work! Let your voice be heard by comple ng a survey about the various areas of parish life. NOTE: This is not the survey regarding Family Life that has recently been publicized. ¡DEJE QUE SU VOZ SEA OÍDA - PADRE MATEO Y EL CONSEJO PASTORAL QUIEREN SABER DE USTED! Padre Mateo y el Consejo Pastoral están trabajando en un proceso de planificación pastoral para ayudar a iden ficar metas y obje vos para la parroquia para los próximos años. ¡Sus opiniones y pensamientos acerca de su parroquia son una parte importante de este trabajo! Deje que su voz sea escuchada al completar una encuesta acerca de las diversas áreas de la vida parroquial. NOTA: Esta no es la encuesta sobre la vida en familia que recientemente se ha publicitado. TAKE THE SURVEY / PARTICIPAR EN LA ENCUESTA: ONLINE VERSION (English) VERSIÓN EN LÍNEA (español) PAPER VERSION / VERSIÓN DE PAPEL CON ASISTENCIA (español) DEADLINE / FECHA TOPE h ps:// h ps:// Available in the Church Foyer / Disponible en el ves bulo de la iglesia domingo, 12 de abril, depués de la misa de 1:00pm Sunday, April 12, 5:00pm / domingo, 12 de abril, 5:00pm STEWARDSHIP / CORRESPONSABILIDAD Spring Shape Up Day PALM SUNDAY - MARCH 28/29 Normal Weekend Mass Schedule HOLY THURSDAY - APRIL 2 Morning Prayer - 8:30am (HC) Bilingual Mass of the Lord’s Supper - 7:30pm (CH) Adora on following Mass un l 11:00pm (HC) GOOD FRIDAY - APRIL 3 Morning Prayer - 8:30am (HC) Sta ons of the Cross for Families - 10:00am (CH/PG) Sta ons of the Cross - 3:00pm (CH/PG) Vía Crucis en Vivo - 7:00pm (PCW) Celebración de la Pasión del Señor con Veneración de la Cruz y Sagrada Comunión - 7:30pm (PCW) Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion with Venera on of the Cross & Holy Communion - 7:30pm (CH) HOLY SATURDAY - APRIL 4 Bilingual Morning Prayer with Blessing of Easter Food - 10:00am (HC) Bilingual Easter Vigil Mass - 8:00pm (CH) EASTER SUNDAY - APRIL 5 Masses - 7:15am (HC), 8:45am & 11:15am (CH & PCW) Misa - 1:00pm (CH) Easter Egg Hunts following the 8:45am, 11:15am & 1:00pm Masses (PG) Sat., Apr. 11, 9:30am-2:30pm. If you can’t come early, come any me up to 1:00pm. Lots of hands are needed to beau fy our grounds and facili es! A light breakfast and hearty lunch will be served. Please bring tools and work gloves. Students: Earn community service credits! Get pre-approved and bring your form. SIGN UP TO HELP: March 21/22 & 28/29, in the Church Foyer a er Masses. INFO: Stan Fisher, Dia de Limpieza Primaveral El sabado, 11 de abril, 9:30am-2:30pm. ¡Se necesita de muchas manos para embellecer las áreas verdes e instalaciones! Se servirá un desayuno ligero y copioso almuerzo. Por favor traiga herramientas y guantes de trabajo. Estudiantes: ¡Adquiera créditos de servicio comunitario! No se olviden de tener una preaprobación y traigan su forma. ANOTESE PARA AYUDAR este fin de semana y el próximo. INFO: Stan Fisher, Crea on Care Outreach Sat., April 11, 9:00-11:00am. Join the Eco-Ac on Team in its 2nd annual stream clean-up in Gaithersburg as they partner with the Greater Potomac Watershed Clean-Up. INFO: Pat Cuff, TIME & TALENT SALUTE SERVICE / SERVICIO Ac on in Montgomery (AIM): You’re Invited! Mon., Mar. 23, 6:30pm, Duggan Room 1. Come and learn about updates on AIM's affordable housing, gun control, and affordable a erschool care campaigns and how St. Rose can take part. INFO: Ogechi Akalegbere, Opera on Rice Bowl: Hungering for a Healthy Harvest This week, we journey with CRS Rice Bowl to the Democra c Republic of Congo in Africa. We join our fas ng in solidarity with people who go hungry, and we remember in prayer the importance of building a community that is willing to support those most in need. Rice Bowls are in the Church Foyer. INFO & RESOURCES: h p:// 40 Days for Life Closing Rally Tues., Mar. 24, 6:30pm, at Mother Seton Parish, 19551 Father Hurley Blvd., Germantown. The evening includes a Rosary for Life, Mass with Fr. Lee Fangmeyer (pastor of Mother Seton), and a talk by Fr. Dave Wells (parochial vicar at St. John Neumann). Nancy Buschman, Abigail Morais, David Brake & Dick Ka a Dick and David led our Cardinal’s Appeal, with lots of behind-thescenes help from Nancy and Abigail. Thanks to all for their great teamwork for this effort, which supports the many ministries throughout the Archdiocese of Washington. TREASURE REPORT March 7 - 13, 2015 Your Gi s to the Lord Offertory ................................................................... $22,949 Mortgage Reduc on.................................................... $3,288 Capital Campaign ........................................................ $1,320 Direct Debit Capital Campaign ..................................... $1,556 Social Ac on Fund ......................................................... $100 Gi Cer ficate Profit...................................................... $168 Our Weekly Tithe Parish Poor Box ........................................................... $1,147 Upper Montgomery Assistance Network (UMAN) ........ $1,000 Financial Fact Are you planning your Easter dinner? Be sure to purchase extra grocery cards (available for Giant, Shopper’s Food Warehouse and Whole Foods)! You then redeem them at face value as you shop, and St. Rose receives a rebate at no addi onal cost to you! Cards are sold a er Masses and at the Parish Office. PARISH DIRECTORY CALENDAR / CALENDARIO PARISH OFFICE .........................................................301-948-7545 Not all mee ngs & events appear on this calendar! PASTOR Rev. Agus n Mateo Ayala.......... x 229 / PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon John Liu......................... x 226 / Deacon Al Opdenaker ........................... Deacon Leo Schneider.............................. Diácono Mario Moreno PASTORAL STAFF K-5 Religious Educa on / 1st Penance / 1st Eucharist Susan Joseph .................................... x 245 / 6-12 Religious Educa on / Confirma on / Youth Ministry Rosemary Holt ...................................... x 224 / K-5 Educación Religiosa Ivonne Salazar .................................. x 234 / Liturgy & Adult Faith Forma on Chris ne Jeffrey ................................ x 230 / Social Concerns Sherry Moitoza ...............................x 228 / Music Remi Bauer ........................................ x 235 / Youth & Children’s Music Jeannie Vanover ....................240-506-0258 / ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Secretary Mary Carey ....................................... x 221 / Administra ve Assistants Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / Tania Murphy ................................. x 223 / Bookkeeper Liz Sullivan ....................................... x 232 / Maintenance Team Ryan Janes .......................................... x 287 / Rafael Cas llo .............................................. rcas COUNCILS Pastoral Council Liaison Steve Ring............................ 301-977-0495 / Finance Council Chair Paul Riekhof ...........................................................301-990-1815 BULLETIN / CALENDAR / ROOM RESERVATIONS Bulle n items due at noon, 2 Fridays before publica on date! Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / MARY OF NAZARETH CATHOLIC SCHOOL - GR. K-8 Serving Grades K-8, Upper Montgomery County Parishes Michael Friel, Principal ............................................301-869-0940 Website 10:00 am 10:00 am 10:00 am 11:30 am 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:15 pm 2:30 pm 3:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 4:45 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm SUNDAY, MARCH 22 | LENT 5 Grant Orr Religious Goods Sale a er Masses Thomas Merton Contempla ve Prayer (PAR) Centering Prayer Group (HC) K-5 Religious Educa on (LLCH/LR/BR2) K-5 Educación Religiosa (LLCH/BR/LR) Reunión: Lectores (BR) Youth House Band Rehearsal (YC) Grupo de Jóvenes (LR) Confessions/Confesiones (CHRR) Reunión: Padres de Jóvenes (STJ) Passion Drama Rehearsal (CH) Adult House Band Rehearsal (YC) Young Adult Open Mic & Coffee House (PCW) MONDAY, MARCH 23 Daisy/Brownie/Junior/Cade e Girl Scouts (DGN/STP/STJ) Gr. 6-12 Religious Educa on (LR/BR/YC/PCW) K-5 Educación Religiosa (RTH/JE/SAR/IS/STP/STJ) AIM - Ac on in Montgomery (DGN1) Stephen Ministry Supervision (DGN2/STP/STJ) TUESDAY, MARCH 24 6:30 pm K-12 Religious Educa on (LLCH/LR/BR/YC/PCW) 7:00 pm Lenten Evening Prayer (HC) 7:45 pm Curso Matrimonio (DGN2) 10:00 am 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:30 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 Kni ng & Croche ng Ministry (STP) MOHO - Ministry of Hanging Out (YC) The Light Is On For You (CH) French Choir Rehearsal (KD) Legión de Maria (STP) Knights of Columbus (DGN2) THURSDAY, MARCH 26 Eucharis c Adora on un l 9:00 pm (HC) Just Ma ers: Social Concerns Study (DGN2) Ensayo del Drama de la Pasión (JE) Challenge Club for Girls (BR) Adult Choir Rehearsal (CH/KD) Boy Scouts (PCW) RCIA Precatechumenate (STP) FRIDAY, MARCH 27 10:00 am Parish Play Group (OLCC) 7:00 pm Misión Cuaresmal (PCW) 7:00 pm Sta ons of the Cross (CH) 7:30 am 8:00 am 9:00 am 9:30 am 9:30 am 4:00 pm 7:00 pm SATURDAY, MARCH 28 Men’s Group (CH) Church Cleaning Ministry (CH/CF) Bap sm Prepara on: Session 2 (CH/STJ/OLCC) Taller de Oración y Vida (STP) Lector Forma on: Team C (CH/HC) Confessions (CHRR) Grupo de Oración (DGN)
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