St. Rose of Lima Parish Parroquia Santa Rosa de Lima In Christ, We are Bread for one another: Broken… we gather. Nourished… we reach out. ………………….....……………………………. En Cristo, Somos Pan para cada uno: Lo Dividimos… Nos Juntamos. Alimentados… tendemos la mano. What Is a Family? December 28, 2014 HOLY FAMILY OF JESUS, MARY & JOSEPH 11701 Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878-1024 PHONE: 301-948-7545 FAX: 301-869-2170 EMERGENCIES (A er Hours): 301-355-8191 CANCELLATION INFORMATION: x307 WEBSITE: EUCHARIST / EUCARISTÍA Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica Monday-Friday................................... 8:30 am (English) 1er Viernes ........................................ 7:00 pm (Español) Sunday............................................... 7:15 am (English) 1er Dimanche................................... 10:00 am (Français) 2nd Sunday ........................................ 5:00 pm (Tagalog) Church / Iglesia Saturday Vigil ..................................... 5:00 pm (English) Sunday...... 8:45 am (English) & 11:15 am (English + ASL) Domingo ........................................... 1:00 pm (Español) RECONCILIATION / RECONCILIACIÓN Our readings today emphasize that the family is a bridge, a spiritual community, a factory of love and a living cell. Historic Chapel / Capilla Histórica Thursday........................ 7:00-9:00 pm (English/Español) The Book of Sirach tells us how human life is connected across genera ons. We should carefully observe respect and care for our parents as they become older, weaker, more easily distracted, and respect their legacy and Chris an faith. The family is a community in which one genera on cares for another; the family is a bridge that connects genera ons and transfers both civic and faith-based values. Church / Iglesia Saturday ..................................... 4:00-4:30 pm (English) Domingo .................................... 2:15-3:15 pm (Español) The family is also a spiritual community. St. Paul writes to the Colossians about the virtues that hold a church or family together: pa ence, forgiveness and joint prayer. It would be nice if the whole Chris an life unfolded automa cally with our Bap sm. But it doesn’t happen that way. We learn within the family how to be a Chris an - to pray, to be pa ent, to reconcile, to be bridge-builders. Bap sm Classes Begin while pregnant or awai ng adop on. Bap sms will not be scheduled un l clases have been completed. Parents MUST pre-register to a end. Two sessions are required. 2015: January 10 & 17 Clases para Bau smo Comience cuando este embarazada o esperando una adopción. Los Bau zos no se podrán programar hasta que las clases hayan sido completadas. Los padres TIENEN que pre-registrarse para atender. Dos sesiones se requieren. 2015: enero 10 y 17, marzo 14 y 21, mayo 2 y 16, sep embre 12 y 19, noviembre 7 y 14 The family is the factory of love where we start to learn the virtues of uncondi onal love, generosity, responsibility, coopera on, goodness, selfdiscipline, self-control, faith, charity, love of God and dealing with authority. The family is the tes ng-ground for how deeply parents have engrained these Chris ans virtues in their children. It is a factory of faith where the rough edges get smoothed, where shape and structure come into our lives, where we start to learn how to be good persons and what it takes to follow Christ. Each family is a living cell of the Body of Christ, the larger Church. That is part of the wisdom of the Holy Family coming to the Temple together as members of the larger Jewish family, the chosen People of God. We are also - individually and as a community - living cells, members of the Church Universal, the great family of God, the chosen people, the Body of Christ. Today, we li in humble prayer our families to the Holy Family to ask for healing, faith, grace, determina on and strength, because family life is not easy today. Many dark forces influence our family members, especially our youngest ones. This Holy Family Sunday is not simply a chance to reflect on family life in general, but to decide how we can strengthen our own family’s life in the coming year. That kind of decision can only be made in each individual home. Are we keeping the faith legacy of our ancestors? Are we transferring Chris an values to future genera ons, to our children? Are we models of uncondi onal love, generosity, coopera on, responsibility, goodness, selfdiscipline, self-control, faith, charity, love of God and respect to authority? Are our families true factories of Chris an love? BAPTISM PREPARATION / PREPARACIÓN PARA BAUTIZO NEWCOMER’S GATHERING / REUNIÓN DE NUEVOS MIEMBROS Church / Iglesia 2o Domingo ...................................... 12:00pm (Español) 2nd Sunday ........................................ 12:30pm (English) OTHER SERVICES / OTROS SERVICIOS Stephen Ministry Ralph Bally, 301-873-0487 Julie Diaz, 301-519-8654 (Español) Accessibility / Fácil Acceso Hearing systems, accessible sea ng, large print worship guides and an ASL interpreter (11:15am) are available. / Aparatos ampliadores de sonido y asientos accesibles están disponibles. Woodlands Room Rental / Eventos de Alquiler Maria Cris na Peano, WORSHIP / ADORACIÓN LITURGY SCHEDULE / HORARIO DE LITURGIA The Epiphany of the Lord / Epifanía del Señor Cycle B - January 3/4, 2015 Historic Chapel: Sun., 7:15 am Fr. Tony Krisak Sun., 10:00 am Fr. Jacques Bateko (Français) Scriptures: Isaiah 60:1-6 Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6 Ma hew 2:1-12 Church: Sat., 5:00 pm Sun., 8:45 am Sun., 11:15 am Sun., 1:00 pm Liturgical Ministers: Team C Fr. Quinn Conners Fr. Tony Krisak Fr. Agus n Mateo Fr. Agus n Mateo (Español) Bread Bakers: Group 7 CONGRATULATIONS TO THOSE CELEBRATING / FELICITACIONES A AQUELLOS QUE CELEBRAN Bap sm / Bau zo Kelly Renee Allender Jay Thomas Crimans Hudson Kuang-Yan Kundu Patrick Pasutah Weill MASS INTENTIONS / INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS † Deceased Tue., 12/30 8:30 HC Wed., 12/31 8:30 HC Thu., 1/1 10:00 CH Fri., 1/2 8:30 HC Sat., 1/3 5:00 CH Sun., 1/4 7:15 HC Sun., 1/4 8:45 CH Sun., 1/4 11:15 CH † † † † † † † † * Living Mary Ann Usavage, by Jane Usavage Johnson John McDonough, by Jim & Sally Wilberding William & Thomas Oberle, by Martha Oberle William Patrick Schneider, by Chris Jeffrey Ray His a, by Alvira & Bernard Garcia Stuart Belacoff, by Don Gisin Henry William Hollingsworth, by Family Robert Brown, by Jeanne Vanover A Family Blessing O God, you have created us in love and saved us in mercy, and through the bond of marriage you have established the family and willed that it should become a sign of Christ's love for his church. Shower your blessings on this family gathered here in your name. Enable those who are joined by one love to support one another by their fervor of spirit and devo on to prayer. Make them responsive to the needs of others, and witnesses to the faith in all they say and do. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. OR In good mes and in bad, in sickness and in health, we belong to each other as we belong to you, God ever faithful. By morning and by night may your name be on our lips, a blessing to all our days: so may kindness and pa ence be ever among us, a hunger for jus ce, and songs of thankfulness in all we do. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen. Household Blessings and Prayers, Na onal Conference of Catholic Bishops (1988) Prayer For A New Year God, thank you for a new year. May everyone in our family be willing to begin anew with a clean slate. We know that you are always ready to forgive us. Help us to be willing to forgive ourselves and to forgive one another. As we begin a new year, remind us of our truest values and our deepest desires. Help us to live in the goodness that comes from doing what you want us to do. Help us to put aside anxiety about the future and the past, so that we might live in peace with you now, one day at a me. h p:// Eucharis c Adora on & Confession Schedules Due to New Year’s Day, Eucharis c Adora on and Confessions are cancelled on Thurs., Jan. 1. PLEASE PRAY FOR / POR FAVOR RECE POR... Those who are sick / Aquellos quienes están enfermos: Dante Aleman Jr., Mar ta Antunez, Stephen Ashman, Barb Bartle , Mary Lou Beane, Gilbert Blake, Mischa Bolton, Joyce Botkin, Leonard Brown, Elaine Bygrave, Lois Carnes, Pratap Chirayath, Honorate Cigangu, Crisanto Cornejo, Paul Epley, Jean Ervin, Mary Ann Fitzpatrick, Aurora Fonseca, Marco Garcia, Don Gisin, Antonia Giuliano, Dayana Gomez, Bing Inocencio, Mike Johnson, Ingrid Jones, Anne Krause, Jacob Landsteiner, Yi Liu, Dagoberto Lovos, Rodolfo Padilla Luque, Michael Mahsetkey, Karen Mallen, Oscar Marimon, Alfonso Mar nez, Carlota Mar nez, Josie Ma ero, Katy Orellana, Maria Esthela Orellana, Clarita Pomareda Pinto, Anthony Reid, Mary Rhoads, Alfredo Rodriguez, Marilyn Rodriguez, Larry Sakkestad, Maria Jose Sarceño, Walt Seglem, Mary Shay, Anna Sieber, Zita Tepie, Paula Turner, Kay Volo, Vernon Wingate and Bobby Wolski. Those who have died / Aquellos que han fallecido: Percy Ardaya, uncle of Jackie Rios Solemnidad de María, Madre de Dios / Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God A Holy Day of Obliga on. Liturgical Ministers, please sign up! All Masses are in the Church. English Vigil Mass: Wed., Dec. 31, 5:00pm. Misa Vigília en español: miércoles, 31 de diciembre, 7:30pm, en la Iglesia. English Mass: Thurs., Jan. 1, 10:00am. Holy Hour for Young Adults Young adults aged 18 - 35 are invited for a Holy Hour on Dec. 30, 7:30pm, at St. Mary’s, 520 Veirs Mill Road, Rockville. Following the holy hour, gather for light refreshments and socializing. A $5 dona on for refreshments is appreciated. Mark your calendar for future dates - Holy Hour is held on the last Tuesday of each month. INFO: h ps:// events/712883732122839/ or EDUCATION / EDUCACIÓN Religious Educa on ~ Educación Religiosa Grades K-5 Religious Educa on No classes on Sun., Dec. 28 or Tues., Dec. 30. Classes resume on Sun., Jan. 4 and Tues., Jan. 6. Grades 6-12 Religious Educa on No classes on Mon., Dec. 29 or Tues., Dec. 30. Classes resume on Mon., Jan. 5 and Tues., Jan. 6. Grados K-5 Educación Religiosa No hay clases el domingo 28 de diciembre, o el lunes 29 de diciembre. Las clases se reanudarán el domingo 4 de enero y el lunes 5 de enero. Planning Session for Women’s FaithLi Retreat Tues., Jan. 6, 7:00pm, King David Room. We will be planning the retreat theme and break-out sessions. All who are interested are invited. INFO: Chris ne Jeffrey, Just Three Minutes… Do you have 3 minutes a day? If so, you might like Loyola Press’ 3 Minute Retreat. Sign up and you’ll receive a daily email with reflec ons and readings. It’s a nice way to start the day! Visit; you can also sign up for Daily Inspira on and Sunday Connec on. Do you know a good website to share? Email it to Chris at SERVICE / SERVICIO Youth Rally, Mass & March for Life: #iStand4Life If you can’t a end, please join us in prayer that as a na on, we stop wandering in the wilderness of the culture of death and enter into "life in abundance" (Jn 10:10) through our faith in Jesus Christ and our proclama on of the Gospel of Life. Thursday, January 22, 2015 Meet at Shady Grove Metro - 5:30am Depart for Verizon Center, Washington, DC - 6:00am Rally - 7:30am / Confessions - 8:00am / Mass - 9:30am Proceed to the Na onal Mall for the March for Life - 1:00pm Return to Shady Grove Metro - 5:00pm (approx.) INFO & RESERVATIONS: For youth in Grades 6-12. Adult Chaperones are needed! Limited spaces available - SIGN UP NOW: Rosemary Holt, Medical Mission Trip to Honduras St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Damascus is seeking doctors, nurses, den sts and interpreters for its February 6-13, 2015 Medical Mission to Honduras. An informa onal mee ng is scheduled for January 6, 2015 at St. Paul’s. If interested, please call Sherrie Wade at St. Paul’s: 301-253-2027 x105. JustMa ers: Lenten Series on Immigra on Confirma on for Adults Have you been Bap zed and received First Eucharist, but have never been Confirmed? Sessions for those preparing for Confirma on will be held on the first and third Thursdays of each month, beginning on Thurs., Feb. 5. INFO & REGISTRATION: Chris ne Jeffrey, This spring, we will offer an 8 week series from JustFaith Ministries en tled Crossing Borders Migra on, Theology and the Human Journey. Par cipants can find common ground and discover more about themselves, their values, our God and the millions of people on the move in every part of the world. Par cipants are asked to commit to a ending all eight sessions, to be held on Thursdays, 6:00-9:00pm. INFO & RSVP: Sherry Moitoza, Walking Together in Faith Share the faith journey by sponsoring an adult preparing to become Catholic through the Rite of Chris an Ini a on of Adults (RCIA). Sponsors are ac ve Catholics who get acquainted with their RCIA candidate, listen, answer ques ons, pray together, and help him/her connect with the parish. Sponsors are not expected to have all the answers; their main role is to be a friend and companion. INFO: Chris ne Jeffrey, or 301-948-7545 x230 Dorothy Day Shelter Volunteers Needed Volunteers are needed to prepare and deliver meals for 20 women living at the Dorothy Day Shelter in Rockville, on various days once a month or every other month. This is a good ministry for groups because they can share meal prepara on. INFO: Susan Hayduk, 301-869-0697 INCLEMENT WEATHER AND EMERGENCY CLOSING POLICIES Weekend Masses & Religious Educa on Classes: Call the Cancella on Informa on Line, listed below. Weekday Masses: If Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) open late or are closed, there is no 8:30am Mass. Weekday Religious Educa on Classes: If MCPS close unexpectedly/early or cancel all evening ac vi es, Religious Educa on is cancelled. If MCPS are closed for a scheduled day off or if some evening ac vi es are s ll occurring, we meet as scheduled. Parish Offices: If MCPS Administra ve Offices open late, we open as close to 9:00am as possible. If MCPS Administra ve Offices are closed, Parish Offices are closed. Cancella on Informa on Line: 301-948-7545, x307 COMMUNITY / COMUNIDAD Parental & Spousal Bereavement Support Group Wednesdays, Jan. 14-Mar. 4, 10:00-11:30am, St. Elizabeth Catholic Church, Montrose Road, Rockville. Adults who have experienced the death of a parent, spouse or significant other are invited to join this FREE eight week bereavement support group series. Registra on is required. Space is strictly limited. INFO & REGISTRATION: Deacon Kevin Byrne, 301-279-5962; Claudia McAuliffe, 301-881-1457 STEWARDSHIP / CORRESPONSABILIDAD Important Informa on: Crossing Guard Service During winter months when it gets dark early, the Crossing Guards are posi oned at our main entrance by the lower parking lot. If you are traveling south on Clopper Road, please exit at this main entrance. Only those traveling north should use the Game Preserve Road exit. OWLS Epiphany Luncheon Join the Older, Wiser, Loving Seniors on Tues., Jan. 13, 11:30am, at Not Your Average Joe’s Restaurant, 245 Kentlands Blvd. COST: $20.00, includes several entrée choices and fountain drinks, coffee and tea. Dessert is extra. Pay when you arrive at the restaurant. INFO & RSVP: Linda LeBlanc, 301-963-1269 or Reminder: Don’t Risk Ge ng a Ticket! If you park in the Fire Lanes, you will be cketed and may also risk having your vehicle towed! Egress must not be blocked in the event that emergency vehicles need to access the property. Theology on Tap in Rockville Thurs., Jan. 8, Miller’s Alehouse, 1471 Rockville Pike, Rockville. Young adults (college-aged to mid-30s) are invited for Happy Hour from 6:00-7:00pm with a dynamic talk and Q/A to follow from 7:008:00pm. Speaker: Fr. Paul Dressler, OFM Capuchin, Director of PostNovi ate Forma on; Topic: TBD. INFO: h ps:// events/347256435446472/ or Visit the Franciscan Monastery Looking for something to do with family or visitors over the holidays? Visit the Franciscan Monastery, located at 1400 Quincy St. NE, Wash., DC (free parking/Brookland-CUA Metro/H6 bus). INFO: or 202-526-6800. Na vity Gro o: This beau ful full -size replica of the Na vity in Bethlehem is part of the monastery’s free tours. Luminaria: More than 1,000 candles illuminate the outdoor Rosary Por co during the “Seven Nights of Lights,” from Christmas Eve to New Year’s Eve. The candles symbolize a welcoming path into our homes and hearts for the Holy Family. TIME & TALENT SALUTE Christmas Tree Lot & Shoppe Leaders & Helpers Thanks to the many, many people who helped plan, organize and carry out this year’s Christmas FUNdraiser! Not only did our volunteers conduct the planning mee ngs, order the merchandise, organize sign ups, cook food for workers, unload trucks, set up lot and shoppe, sell trees/wreaths/ garlands/shoppe items, take care of accoun ng tasks and clean up when it is all done, they did it all with a joyful and welcoming spirit, sharing the Light of Christ will everyone they encountered! TREASURE REPORT Mark Your Calendar: Sarah Hart Concert Jan. 24, 7:00pm, at St. Rose. All are invited to this parish-wide concert featuring the interna onally known Catholic musician, Sarah Hart. A free-will offering will be accepted at the door. Food will be available for purchase. More details coming soon! INFO: Remi Bauer, News from Mary of Nazareth School Open House for Preschool – Grade 8: Sun., Jan. 25, 1:003:00pm. Tour the facility, meet teachers, and talk to current Mary of Nazareth School parents and students. The school is located at 14131 Seneca Rd. in Darnestown. If you can’t a end the Open House, call the school to schedule a tour: 301-869-0940 Registra on 2015-2016: Registra on forms and registra on requirements will be available online by mid-January. Visit, under “Admissions”. REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Fri., Feb. 13, 2015. Preschoolers must be 3 or 4 years old by 9/1/15, and Kindergarteners must be 5 years old by 9/1/15. TUITION ASSISTANCE: Visit the Archdiocese of Washington website,; call the school, 301-869-0940 x3. December 13 - 19, 2014 Your Gi s to the Lord Offertory ........................................................... $24,749 Direct Debit Offertory ........................................ $30,002 Mortgage Reduc on ............................................ $1,677 Capital Campaign................................................. $3,573 Social Ac on Fund .................................................. $100 Gi Cer ficate Profit............................................... $203 Our Weekly Tithe Parish Poor Box ................................................... $2,738 Upper Montgomery Assistance Network .............. $1,000 Financial Fact Your generous dona ons to the Social Ac on Fund (SAF) in FY 2013-2014 totaled $2,272. SAF dona ons are given to organiza ons whose work addresses the root causes of poverty and empowers recipients to improve their lives. Funds were divided between Habitat for Humanity and the Montgomery County Coali on for the Homeless. PARISH DIRECTORY CALENDAR / CALENDARIO PARISH OFFICE .........................................................301-948-7545 Not all mee ngs & events appear on this calendar! PASTOR Rev. Agus n Mateo Ayala.......... x 229 / PERMANENT DEACONS Deacon John Liu......................... x 226 / Deacon Al Opdenaker ........................... Deacon Leo Schneider.............................. Diácono Mario Moreno PASTORAL STAFF K-5 Religious Educa on / 1st Penance / 1st Eucharist Susan Joseph .................................... x 245 / 6-12 Religious Educa on / Confirma on / Youth Ministry Rosemary Holt ...................................... x 224 / K-5 Educación Religiosa Ivonne Salazar .................................. x 234 / Liturgy & Adult Faith Forma on Chris ne Jeffrey ................................ x 230 / Social Concerns Sherry Moitoza ...............................x 228 / Music Remi Bauer ........................................ x 235 / Youth & Children’s Music Jeannie Vanover ....................240-506-0258 / ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Secretary Mary Carey ....................................... x 221 / Administra ve Assistants Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / Tania Murphy ................................. x 223 / Bookkeeper Liz Sullivan ....................................... x 232 / Maintenance Team Ken Fisher.......................................... x 287 / Ryan Janes .......................................... x 287 / Rafael Cas llo .............................................. rcas COUNCILS Pastoral Council Liaison Steve Ring............................ 301-977-0495 / Finance Council Chair Paul Riekhof ...........................................................301-990-1815 BULLETIN / CALENDAR / ROOM RESERVATIONS Bulle n items due at noon, 2 Fridays before publica on date! Laura Lowery .................................... x 238 / MARY OF NAZARETH CATHOLIC SCHOOL - GR. K-8 Serving Grades K-8, Upper Montgomery County Parishes Michael Friel, Principal ............................................301-869-0940 Website 10:00 am 10:00 am 2:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:15 pm 4:00 pm 7:00 pm SUNDAY, DECEMBER 28 | HOLY FAMILY No Religious Educa on Classes Centering Prayer (HC) Thomas Merton Contempla ve Prayer (PAR) Youth House Band Rehearsal (YC) Grupo de Jóvenes (LR) Confessions/Confesiones (CHRR) Altar Server Training (CH) Adult House Band Rehearsal (YC) MONDAY, DECEMBER 29 No Religious Educa on Classes 10:00 am Taichi Intermediate Prac ce (PCW) TUESDAY, DECEMBER 30 No Religious Educa on Classes 10:00 am Taichi Beginner’s Class (PCW) WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 | NEW YEAR’S EVE 5:00 pm Vigil Mass - English (CH) 7:30 pm Misa Vigilia - Español (CH) THURSDAY, JANUARY 1 | SOLEMNITY OF MARY Parish Offices Closed 10:00 am Mass - English (CH) FRIDAY, JANUARY 2 10:00 am Parish Playgroup (OLCC) 7:00 pm Grupo de Oración (DGN1) 8:00 am 9:30 am 2:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm SATURDAY, JANUARY 3 Church Cleaning Ministry (CH/CF) Lector Forma on: Team C (CH/HC) French Choir Rehearsal (KD) Confessions (CHRR) Servidores Grupo de Oración (RTH) A Note to Our Visitors May joy and peace be yours this Christmas season! As we celebrate the birth of our Lord and welcome Him into our hearts, we extend a warm welcome to all who are visi ng! Some of you may be in town visi ng family or friends; some of you may live locally, but do not regularly a end St. Rose; others of you may be coming to Mass a er being away from the Catholic Church for a me. To one and all, we are glad you are here, and hope that you find a spiritual home with us your presence enriches our community and our worship! Please come back again! If you are interested in registering as a member or if you simply want to learn more about the parish, please a end a Newcomer’s Gathering, held on the 2nd Sunday of each month, a er the 11:15am Mass, in the Duggan Room (on the lower level of the Church).
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