Welcome to St. Dominic Church 493 North Second Street, Breese, Illinois 62230 Phone: 618-526-7746 Fax: 618-526-7755 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT, YEAR A March 22, 2015 Pastor: Fr. Patrick N. Peter Deacon: Linus Klostermann Sunday Masses: Saturday Vigil 5:30pm Sunday 8am and 11am Weekday Masses: 8am: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday First Reading: Ezekiel 37:12-14 Second Reading: Romans 8:8-11 Gospel: John 11:1-45 Websites: St. Dominic Church Diocese of Belleville Knights of Columbus Mater Dei High School All Saints Academy Holy Day Masses: 8am, 12:10pm, & 7pm Confessions: 4:30pm on Saturday or by appointment Baptism & Marriage: For arrangement please contact the Parish office Bulletin Deadline: Wednesday at noon Office Hours: Mon. – Fri. 9am-3pm Office Staff: Judie Kuper Office manager Carol Niemeyer Office secretary All Saints Academy Dr. Robin Booth - Principal Pat Huene - Secretary 295 N. Clinton St. 526-4323 Mater Dei High School Dennis Litteken - Principal 900 N. Mater Dei Dr. 526-7216 E-mail: saintdominic@papadocs.com Bulletin info: carolatstdominic@gmail.com Website: www.saintdominicbreese.org ww.saintdominicbreese.org www.diobelle.org www.breeseknights.org www.materdeiknights.org www.asasaints.com Parish Organizations, Committees and Ministries Parish Council Janice Albers Bill Hummert Cyndi Riley—Vice P Cindy Klein Rita Litteken Marty Johnson– Pres. Janice Niemeyer-Sec. Kathleen Heinzmann Christopher Stark Trustees Dennis Ratermann Dawn Tebbe Adult Servers Mary Ellen Detmer Adoration Allison Cowgill Altar Sodality Kathleen Venhaus Building & Maintenance Marty Johnson Community Committee Janice Albers Rita Litteken Eucharistic Ministers Dorothy Voss First Fridays/Homebound Ministry-Fr. Pat Lectors Rod Kloeckner Liturgy Committee Cyndi Riley Cindy Klein Men’s Sodality Ken Schonhoff Picnic Executives Leo Lammers Mike Klein Mike Klostermann Prayer Ministry Marie Timmermann Lorine Schmidt Choirs, Cantors, Musicians Leah Loddeke Rosary Leaders open Church Decorating Lynn Hollenkamp RCIA Mark Wright Sacristans Ruth Langhauser Gail Linn Josie Timmermann Servers Fr. Pat Spiritual Formation Rita Litteken Stephen Ministry Marg Beckmann Sue Darr Aggie Dumstorff Helen Essenpreis Marilyn Gnaedinger Margaret Jakel Michael & Cindy Klein Deacon Linus Klostermann Marita Loddeke Stewardship Committee Marty Johnson Kathleen Heinzmann Ushers Dave Moss Welcoming Committee Dot Bauman Youth Faith Formation Darlene Menietti Youth Ministry Diane Klostermann Events This Week Mass Intentions Saturday, March 21 5:30pm: Parish Family Sunday, March 22 8:00am: L&D Tony & Clara Toennies Family Alvin Mensing 11:00am: Hannah Berndsen Monday, March 23 8:00am: For an end to Terrorism August J. Timmermann Adoration 1-7pm Tuesday, March 24 8:00am: Evelyn Ratermann Adoration 1-7pm 10:00am: (NH) For Pope Francis, Cardinals, & Bishops of our faith Wednesday, March 25 8:00am: Martha Timmermann St. Jude Devotion after Mass 7:00pm: Grace Kues 29th Weekly Cash Raffle Winner: Mrs. Mildred Essert Welcome into our Faith Family, Liam Weh and Lena Weh, children of Ryan and Laurie (Winkeler) Weh. Liam and Lena were baptized here this week. Congratulations to all. Save the Date: Golden Egg Deadline, April 5, 2015. Sell those tickets!! Church Picnic June 20, 2015 ASA Confirmation, May 11, 2015 ASA Graduation, May 19, 2015 Pre-Mission Planning meeting, April 25 at 10:00am in the Multi purpose room. All parish leadership need to attend and anyone else who would like to volunteer. The Ecumenical Faith Walk hosted by St. Augustine will be held again this year on Good Friday, April 3 at 10am. Join with members from area Churches to walk the Way of Cross around town. Please gather at St. Augustine’s at 9:45am. Thursday, March 26 NO MASS Adoration 1-7pm Let’s All go to the Movies ....Sunday morning at the movies… Come join us Friday, March 27 8:00am: Celestine Niebur Adoration 1-7pm 2:00pm Stations 7:00pm: Stations and Benediction Saturday, March 28 5:30pm: Mary Harper Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday) 8:00am: Parish Family 11:00am: John VonAlst Joe Eilers Last Weekend’s Stewardship: Sunday envelopes: $5,485.00 Online Giving $2,133.00 Loose: $61.00 Children’s Envelopes: $3.00 Adopted Parish: $10.00 Needy: $20.00 Tuition Assistance: $11.00 PSR $10.00 Building: $125.00 Miscellaneous Blue: $5.00 Messenger $25.00 Ash Wednesday $5.00 Easter Flowers $155.00 Catholic Relief Services Saturday & Sunday, March 21 & 22: Anointing of Sick at Mass Adoration during Lent is Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday from 1:00pm-7:00pm. Mon., March 2: MD Parent-Teacher Conference 6-7:30pm Tues., March 24: Spiritual Formation Meeting 7:00pm ASA Elementary Spring Play 1:30pm & 6:30pm Wed., March 25: Bldg & Maint. Meeting 7:00pm Fri., March 27: Stations of the Cross 2:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm YFF will lead $1,474.00 each Sunday morning during Lent (9:15 am in the Parish Center multi-purpose room) as we present Father Robert Barron’s video series Priest, Prophet, King. Spend an hour learning a little more about Jesus and our faith especially during this Lent. Lenten Reconciliation Services: March 22, 3:00 PM at St. Francis, Aviston March 22, 4:30 PM at St. Mary, Trenton March 24, 6:00 PM at St. Lawrence, Sandoval March 24, 7:00 PM at St. Mary, Centralia March 25, 7:30 PM at St. Teresa, Marydale Good Friday, April 3rd, our parish will take up the annual Good Friday collection for the Holy Land. Your financial contribution helps to support the struggling Christian community there and to protect Christianity’s holiest places. By supporting Christians in the Holy Land, the collection allows all of us to be witnesses of peace and protectors of the Holy Places. Keep Selling Golden Egg Raffle Tickets! There are only 2 weeks left. Extra tickets are available in the breezeway and back of Church. You can also enter by mailing your information and a check for $50.00 to: St. Dominic Church, 493 N. 2nd St., Breese, IL 62230. Drawing held on Easter Sunday, April 5, 2015. Only 2,000 tickets will be sold at $50 each. The seller of the winning grand prize ticket will receive a $500 bonus! Food for families: food and cash will be collected during Lent to be distributed to the needy of our Diocese. Baskets for food items are in the back. Cash donations can be placed in an envelope marked ―Food for families.‖ A portion of what is collected is given to our local food pantry, House of Manna. The Breese Squire will be hosting a Living Rosary Tuesday, March 24th at 7:00pm at the Breese K of C Hall. Everyone is invited to attend. Servers are needed at all the services during Holy Week and Easter. Please call the Parish Office, 526-7746, to volunteer. or e-mail Carol at: carolatstdominic@gmail.com. Thank you to the 100 households that have already pledged to support the mission of the Church to teach, preach, minister and serve in the name of Jesus through their financial support of The Catholic Service Ministry Appeal. So far $16,187.00 has been pledged. If you have not yet responded, please make every effort to do so. Our goal this year for this campaign is $20,450.00. Envelopes are in your packet for Easter flower memorials. These donations pay for the flowers in Church during the Easter season. Remember to fill out the side with ―in honor of‖ or ―in memory of‖. Quilt/Cash Bingo St. Augustine, Breese on Sunday, March 22, 2015. Bingo starts at 2:00pm. Fried Chicken Luncheon from 11:00am-1:00pm. St. Teresa Church, Marydale Chicken Dinner Sunday, March 22, 2015 from 11:00-5:00pm. $10.00 adults/$5.00 child. Quilt raffle. Breese Knights of Columbus will have their Annual Lenten Fish Fries every Friday from 4:00pm-7:00pm. Serving White Fish, Shrimp and Whole Catfish Dinners, Sandwiches and Sides. Chicken strips available for the kids. Dine or Carryout Fried Chicken and Pork Dinner, Sunday, March 22, from 11 am to 5:30 pm at St. Mary Parish Center, Trenton. Chicken Dinner, St. Felicitas Church, Beaver Prairie, March 29, 2015. Serving from 11:00am to 5:00pm. Adults $10, Children 6-12 $5 . St. Bernard Breakfast, Sunday, March 22, 2015. Serving from 8:00am to 11:30am at St. Bernard Parish Center. Annual Wurstmarkt sponsored by St. Damian’s Holy Name Society, Sunday, March 29th 2015 from 10:30am to 5:30pm at St. Damian Parish Gym. Adults/ $10.00, Children/$4.00, under 6—Free. Meat Sales & Raffles Fathers & Friends Breakfast, Sunday, March 29 (Palm Sunday) 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at Mater Dei in the cafeteria. Adults $8.00, Children ages 6 to 13 $5.00 and Children under age 5 Free. Breese Knights of Columbus Euchre Tournament to benefit Mater Dei High School at the Breese K C Hall on Sunday, March 22, 2015. Games start at 1:00pm. $15 per person includes fried chicken. Attendance prizes, 50/50 drawing. Contact Bill Shultz for reservations @ 228-7527 or 618-806-0292. Fathers & Friends Bowling Tournament Saturday, March 28 at Bartelso Bowl. Teams may bowl at 12:00 pm, 3:00 pm, 6:00 pm or 9:00 pm. For this 9pin no-tap tournament, the cost is $25 per bowler and teams consist of five (5) bowlers. To enter a team or receive additional information, please contact Mark Hitpas (520-9516). Saint Liborius Parish Quilt Bingo, Sunday March 22, 2015 at the American Legion Hall in St. Libory. Bingo starts at 1:00pm. Sandwiches and desserts available. Community Link Buddy Walk and 5K Run May 2, 2015 at Breese North Side Park. Vendors are also being sought for the Vender/Craft Fair. Watch bulletin for more information or call 618-526-3938 or email JamieF@commlink.org. Hannah’s Playground. We are excited to announce that groundbreaking for Hannah’s playground is scheduled on Hannah's birthday, Wednesday, March 25 at 4:00pm. Club level sponsorships are now closed so that we can finalize the signs. Information regarding community build days will be coming soon. Villas of St. James is looking for quilts for their Annual Quilt Show to be held on Sunday, April 26th. Churches are welcome to display their quilts and sell quilt raffle tickets. If you are interested in the quilt show, call Marilyn at 5260100. Chakota Therapeutic Riding Center is hosting their 5th Annual MANE EVENT, Saturday, April 11, 2015 at Aviston Legion. Semi-Formal 50’s night. For tickets call Barb at 618604-9559 or Kay at 618-334-0885. St. Joseph’s Hospital 2015 Spring Health Fair Screenings: 6:00am & 10:00am at the following locations: Germantown Legion Hall Wed., March 25 Trenton First United Methodist Wed., April 8 Carlyle KC Hall Tuesday, April 21 St. Joseph Hospital is collecting summer fun items for Community Link’s Early Learning and Family Support Program. Items they would like are Sunscreen (20SPF, lotion or stick. No spray), Swim Diapers, Youth Sunglasses, Big-brimmed Hats, & Beach towels. Items new and in original packaging, can be left in the donation tubs in the HealthPlex, Front Lobby or call Sue Darr or Helen Essenpreis Annual Diocesan Spring Blessing of the Farm, Thursday, March 26, 2015, at 1:00 P.M. at the farm of Marvin and Bernice Winka located at 4965 Jefferson County Line Road in Ashley, Illinois, 62808. Farm Blessing signs will also lead you to the arm. Those attending are invited to bring seed and soil in marked containers along with animals and farm machinery to be blessed. CHURCH TOURS: St. Francis Church, Aviston. Do you know what a pieta is, or where the word originates? Why are there women saints pictured on the north side, and men on the south side? Why is St. Joseph often pictured holding a lily? These and many more questions will be answered in our church tours held in recognition of our parish’s 150 anniversary. We will be providing guided tours of St. Francis Church immediately after the 9:30 AM Mass (i.e., about 10:45AM) on the 5th Sunday of the month. The first one is on March 29th. Gather in the cry room (or cry in the gathering room, your choice) and Deacon Steve will meet you there. You don’t have to be Catholic to participate – everyone is welcome. Recycling Reminder! If you reside in the city of Breese and participate in Community Link’s Curbside Recycling Services, your orange recycling bins must be out by 8:00am on your designated pickup day. For more information or to subscribe to Community Link's Curbside Recycling Service, contact Recycling@commlink.org or call 618-526-8800. PLEASE HELP! St. Vincent DePaul is needing clothing. All sizes. Men, Women & Children. Please put the clean clothes, right side out, in a bag marked for St. Vincent DePaul and place in the breezeway. St. Vincent feeds 400 people daily, so you can imagine how much clothing and supplies that are needed. Holy Week Mass Schedule YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Help available: Do you need a little help with leaf removal, snow shoveling or other yard work? Youth ministry has volunteers to assist the elderly, ill or widowed. Contact Diane at 526-4395. On 4/3/15 at 3:00pm,Youth Ministry will have a meeting and stuff eggs for the Easter Egg Hunt. High school youth volunteers are needed to help with the egg hunt on Easter. Please note that the April meeting is in Good Friday at 3:00pm. Volunteers are needed to help set up tables for the rummage sale at St. Augustine. Contact Mary 526-7797 or Cheryl 526-7594. ——————————————————————————————Youth Faith Formation Classroom: The 7th Grade Youth Faith Formation will be collecting for Heifer International at all the masses this weekend. Their goal is to collect $800 to purchase a llama, a goat, a sheep, a pig, two trios of rabbits, 2 flocks of birds and 2 bee hives for impoverished communities in different countries all over the world. Your support is greatly appreciated. To make up for the ―Snow day‖ class earlier in the season, YFF will have class on Wednesday, April 1st. The 7th grade class will be presenting the Living Stations on Good Friday at 7:00pm. We hope everyone in the parish will attend this moving rendition. There will be a short mandatory meeting next Wednesday, March 25th for parents of 5th through 8th graders. Please meet at 6:45 in the cafeteria of S. Dominic Parish Center. The meeting should only last 1/2 hour. ——————————————————————————————Holy Week Monday, March 30: Confessions 8:30am-9:00am Tuesday, March 31: Confessions 8:30am-9:00am Chrism Mass at St. Peters Cathedral, Belleville 11:30am 6:00-7:00pm Confessions, 7:00pm Benediction and closing of Lenten Adoration Wednesday, April 1 Confessions 8:30am-9:00am No 7:00pm Mass 6:45pm YFF Stations of the Cross Holy Thursday St. Dominic: No morning mass 7:30pm—Mass of our Lord’s Supper followed by Eucharistic Adoration and Confessions until 10:00pm 10:00pm—Tenebrae St. Anthony: 7:00pm Mass St. Augustine: No Service Good Friday St. Dominic: 8:00am Morning Prayer 1:30pmCelebration of the Passion & Death of Jesus 7:30pm Living Stations and Benediction 10:00am Ecumenical Faith Walk starting at St. Augustine St. Anthony: 1:00pm Ecumenical Stations (in Beckemeyer with Methodist Church) Holy Saturday St. Dominic: 8:00am Morning Prayer 7:30pm Mass St. Anthony: 8:00pm Mass St. Augustine: No Services Easter Sunday St. Dominic: 8:00am Mass 11:00am Mass St. Anthony: 9:00am Mass St. Augustine: 7:00am Mass 10:30am Mass Sunday 11 am Sunday 8 am Saturday 5:30 Ministers of the Mass for March 28/29 Palm Sunday USHERS Clarence Voss Steve Guttersohn Joe Humphrey Doug Kuhl Logan Kuhl Kevin Timmermann SERVERS Ellen Antonacci Jaci Krebs Audrey Lampe Jordyn Muscarello Tori Mohesky EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Gail Linn, Tim Richter Diane Grapperhaus Tim Moylan, Susie Hempen Lynette Eilermann Kori Voss Bob Albers Bill Koetting Stewart Freeman Jim Kuhl Jim Wesselmann Ric Koopmann Alex Koopmann Ben Cowgill Bryce Revermann Sam Helmink Seth Hock Sean Kuhl Linda Deiters Jim Kuhl Bonnie Holzinger Ann Olliges, Bill Foppe Tom & Jan Hustedde Barb Koopmann Kenton Roeckenhaus Marty Johnson Al Grapperhaus Jared Niemeyer Pete Jansen Al Gebke Carter Goebel Reed Timmermann Johnny Venhaus Jacob Dumstorff Tyler Goebel Elizabeth Dorries Rich & Jane Lappe Beth Bedard, Suann Fields Deb Koetting Tim Schleper Jane P. Jansen LECTOR: Tim Moylan Jim Darr—Narrator ORGANIST/CANTOR Leah/Amy K. GIFT BEARERS Parish Family LECTOR: Rod Kloeckner Joannie Becker—Narrator ORGANIST/CANTOR Diane/Sue D. GIFT BEAERS Toennies Family LECTOR: Jeff Strieker Shelly Toennies—Narrator ORGANIST/CANTOR Diane/Tom K. GIFT BEARERS Berndsen Family
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