“Where strangers become friends, and friends become family.”

2201 Rainbow Drive
Gadsden, AL 35901
Phone: 256-547-3731
Times of Service:
Morning Worship: 9:30 am
Bible Class:
10:30 am
Hispanic Service: 3:00 pm
Evening Worship: 5:00 pm
7:00 pm
Volume 47
“Where strangers become friends, and friends become family.”
Y or N - Is it acceptable to leave less than a 5% tip at a restaurant
after receiving good service?
T or F– God has clearly expressed His desire for His people to give to
Him, as a reminder of what He has given us (Leviticus 27:30-32;
Malachi 3:8-10).
Let each one do just as he has ____________ in his _______; not
___________ or under _______________; for God loves a
______________ giver (II Corinthians 9:7).
What is the real value of tithing? It helps us center our lives on
____________. (Matthew 19:21)
This past week Harper Hayes made her
entrance into this world. She is
absolutely beautiful and mom, dad, and
big brother are all doing well. We are
excited for the Hayes family and we
congratulate them on the birth of Harper
Lillian Hayes.
T or F - God promises to provide for the needs of those who place
Him first in their life (II Corinthians 9:8-11)
When we become sacrificial givers…
Our life becomes __________ (Malachi 3:10; II Corinthians 9:6)
God is _____________ (II Corinthians 9:12-13; Acts 2:44-47)
Our Elders have designated that our Spring quarter (March-May) will be Bible Class Emphasis Quarter. During that quarter they
have decided that we will be flipping our normal routine on Sunday morning. Our worship hour at 9:30 and then our Bible classes
will begin following its conclusion. Along with our normal Bible classes curriculum for the children we will be having several new
classes beginning in March. Dave Lasseter will be teaching a series, to the teenagers, entitled Hear God. They will looking at the
things of this world that are drowning out their willingness and ability to listen to God.
Sunday Morning
David Wallace and John Wallace will be teaching in the auditorium on Jesus (and other New Testament teachings)
Chris Mikle will be teaching in the daycare room on Is your God real? Defending His existence
Blake Jones will be teaching in the fellowship hall classroom on Building a Stronger Marriage
Last week we had almost 80% stay following worship and attend Bible class….that’s wonderful! Our Bible classes are going to be great; but your
presence, participation, and prayers will make them so much better!
Blake Jones
Dave Lasseter
Jessica Lasseter
Youth Minister
Pew Packers will be meeting tonight following our evening worship service. This is
always a great time of singing, learning, and laughing for the children of our
Our new quarter on Wednesday nights started this past Wednesday and with it three new adult
classes began.
John Bowling is teaching in the auditorium on the book of I Thessalonians.
Jim McKelroy is teaching in the fellowship hall classroom on the book of Revelation.
Blake Jones is teaching in the iDisciple room on What it Means to Be a Disciple.
March 27th—A Meal & a Movie @ the Mall. Meet at the building at 6:00. Money for meal & movie.
April 2nd-5th—YOUTH SPRING RETREAT! Three nights in Gatlinburg this year! Only $50!
TONIGHT, Sunday, March 22nd, following our evening worship service the McCarver Visitation team
will meet at the home of John & Cheryl Bowling. If you are not currently a part of a visitation team
you are encouraged to become an active part of this ministry. You will be glad you did.
On Thursday, March 26th, our Golden Generation Ministry will be meeting for its monthly time of
fellowship in the fellowship hall. If you have any questions about this see Roy Harris.
The iDisciple Ministry is going bowling in Trussville on Friday, March 27.
Midnight-??, if you're interested in going, please let them know so they can
know how many lanes to rent. Any questions see Kelli East.
On Sunday, March 29th all whose last name begins with A, B, or C are invited to the
home of Blake and Rebekah Jones following our evening worship service. The
evening is more about fellowship than food and if you can come, they would be
honored by your presence. But if you can’t make it, they completely understand.
Directions are on the bookcase outside of the church office.
There will be an Easter Egg Hunt at the home of Craig and Cindy
King on Saturday, April 4th from 2-4 pm There will be games,
snacks, crafts, Easter Egg hunt and pictures with the Easter Bunny!
Come join the fun...this for children from nursery through the 4th
grade. If you have any questions see Mark or Rachel Westcott.
Our men’s Bible class meets at
7pm on Thursday night in the
fellowship hall classroom.
Our ladies’ Bible class meets at
10:30 am on Wednesday morning in
the fellowship hall classroom.
@rainbowcofc & @rcocym
This past week has been full of such great encouragement as we saw precious souls respond at
all of our services. On Sunday morning, Dwight and Amy Harper came forward expressing
their desire for forgiveness and prayers as well as indicating their desire to be a part of our family here at Rainbow. We welcome this wonderful family who are anxiously anticipating the arrival
of their first grandchild! We welcome the Harper family!
Chris Mikle also came forward Sunday morning saying that he realized, years ago he gave his
heart to the church but had never fully given it too God. On Sunday night, Ethel Yates came
forward confessing that she struggles every day and needs our prayers. Then on Wednesday,
Mike Wallen came forward and he wrote, “I need to be a better husband, father, family leader,
Christian and friend. I can’t do this on my own, I have tried everything I can and know. I need
prayers and forgiveness for al the mistakes I have made. “
We love Dwight & Amy, Chris, Ethel, and Mike so much...their example of submission to the will
of God is powerful for us all. May we learn from them and their example as we continue to love
them by praying for them and encouraging them in any way we can. What a blessing it is to be a
part of a family where hearts are so tender. TO GOD BE ALL THE GLORY!
Dwight & Amy Harper
113 Cross Creek Lane
Gadsden, AL 35901
Luke Boyd did a tremendous job Wednesday night as he did our devotional then extended the
invitation. This was Luke’s first time to do this, but you could not tell it. We are so proud of all of our
young people . May we all have the willing heart to serve that so many of them have. Keep up the
great work, Luke!
On March 27th, Paul and Vangie Baker will celebrate their 67th Wedding Anniversary. In a
world where marriages so often fail to live up to their precious vows of “Til Death Do Us Part” it
is wonderful to see their shining example of faithfulness to one another and to God. Happy
Anniversary Paul and Vangie!
Our deepest sympathy is extended to Laura Wallace (the fiancé of Ben Akins) in the passing of her mother, Froncine
Wallace (62). Her funeral will be today, Sunday, March 22nd at Crestwood. Visitation will be 1-3 and then the funeral
will be at 3. We also extend our sympathy to Jan Helms in the passing of her brother in law Peter Brogdon. His funeral was this past Monday. Let’s keep these and so many others in our prayers as they go though this time of grief.
On Sunday, April 12th there will be a baby shower from 2-4 pm for Kinna Harper
at the home of Nancy Wallace.
On Saturday, April 11th we will once again be making our presence known as we volunteer our services at the
annual Chocolate Festival. This year we will be setting up a large tent with tables and chairs so that as people
come through the festival they will have a place to sit, eat, and relax. This provides us a wonderful opportunity
to get to know a lot of people who we might not ever have any other contact with. For this we have several
needs for volunteers who will help keep the tables clean and provide smiling faces for the people of our
community. If you can help with this annual outreach event there is a sign up sheet in the hallway and if you
have any additional questions see Chris Mikle.
We have now begun our third year of our 10 year note for our land. This land is 5 prime
acres located in Rainbow City at the entrance to Westbrook School on Steel Station
Road. The Rainbow family bought this property two years ago to plan for a future
church building site when the need arises. Many of you have faithfully supported this
work monthly and others have given as they can. The Elders thank each of you that have given toward this
effort. We have members that have pledged toward our payment that can no longer give due to relocating or
other reasons. We invite you to consider a pledge or a donation in the coming year toward our land. If you are
willing to make a pledge for the coming year please see any Elder. Our land payment box is located in the
foyer between David and the Shepherds offices. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.
Each month our Elders take a turn sharing the responsibility of “Elder of the Month”. During that month,
that Elder is the contact person for our flock for any needs that they might have. During the month of
March, David Wallace is the “Elder of the Month” you can reach him at 256-390-2273 (James 5:14)
Servants for March 22nd
Serve the Family
Haydn Hayes / Bobby Lasseter
Zach Buckner / Rick Cranford
Tim Barnard / Steve Lorren
Jeff McGlaughn / Greg Hill
Glenn Amberson / Jeff
Communion Preparation
Dave & Jessica Lasseter
Lock Up the Building
Charles Clifton
Opening Prayer:
Tony Cleveland
Selton Long
Scripture Reading:
Joseph Wallace
Preside Lord’s Supper:
Bruce Phillips
Closing Prayer:
Tim Barbaree
Tim Parker
Greeters: Bruce & Patsy Phillips
Communion Cup Pick Up: Lorren Family
McGuffey’s Group
Kathy Overbey
Milton McArthur
Tony Cleveland
Linda Morris
Greater Things
Dallas Dean
Betty Hale
Craig King
Cade Cleveland
Total: 121
Chris Mikle
Mike Bowdoin
John Bowling
David Wallace
John Wallace
Jeff Birchmore
Elderly Care
Tony Cleveland
Prison Ministry
Charles Clifton
Steve Lorren
Building & Grounds
Doyle McCarver
Chris Mikle
Outreach Ministry/Daycare
Tim Parker
Mark Westcott
5 years ago—Patricia Morton and Raegan Holmes placed membership at Rainbow.
10 years ago—Rainbow’s “Come Grow With Us” sign was placed in the front for motorists to see as they drive by.
March 24—Tommy & Jan Hamrick
March 27—Paul & Vangie Baker
March 23—John Wallace
March 24—Susan Stroup
March 26—Kandace Hayes
March 28—Hannah Blisard
Prayer Requests
Joey Wheat, brother of Tina Parker, will be having back surgery,
Sherry Regan had hernia surgery this past Friday.
Marilyn Gentry went to the hospital with congestive heart failure last
week, but is now home recovering.
Joyce Flynn is now at home and doing much better.
Jonathon Newberry, son-in-law of Craig & Cindy King, has been
diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia.
Mike Bowdoin is still sick and recovering.
Jan Helms, with the passing of her brother in law, Pete Brogdon. Also,
her sister Brenda is in the hospital sick.
Laura Wallace, with the passing of her mother,
Patricia Morton, with the passing of her mother.
Janice Watson, cousin of Craig King, has a brain tumor.
Gene Brown stared chemotherapy.
Liz Barbaree, Tim’s mother, has dementia and fell this week. She is in the
hospital and is going to rehab.
Elmus Honeycutt has been in the hospital for the past few days with
health problems.
Steve Proffitt, an employee of Craig King, was diagnosed with
Dewey East is home. He continues to undergo treatment for his throat
Nathan Owens is at home. He is taking a chemo pill to fight his lung cancer.
Arthel Higginbotham had hip surgery and is now recovering at McGuffeys.
Maureen Staudt, friend of Pamela Boyd, is fighting Leukemia in
Mary Williams (friend of Carrie Wallen) recently learned that her cancer
has returned and spread to her lungs
Sherry Cardwell (Sister of Marilyn Gentry) is undergoing treatment for
breast cancer.
Glenda Fitz is undergoing chemotherapy
Jerry Mikle (Chris Mikle’s uncle) has begun chemotherapy
Roger Dale (brother of Jane Cleveland) has started chemotherapy
Please Continue to Remember These Also:
Nancy Miller, Barbara Watkins, Elizabeth Khan, Helen Cloud, Butch Jones, Wilson Jones, Malburt Murphree, Kim Naler, Ron Patterson, Gordon Smith,
Austin Elliott, Bill Brothers, Betty Jones, Beulah Sylvis, Louise Butler, Sarah Foote, Tina Quarrels, Don Dover, Karen Cook, Jennifer Davis, Harriet
Wade, Doug Brown, Betty Hale, Natalie Garner, Connie Barabalce, Jill Gardner, Paul Colbert, Nellie Ruth Teal, Alton & Eloise Miller, Bill Cooley, Betty
Yancey, Bob Kennedy, Stan & Lisa Cook, Vangi Baker, Rita Bowdoin, Joseph Brown, Bill Brothers, Asher Collins, Prisca Tshuma