094 : Monthly Issue : Korea_Pohang JOYFUL CHURCH Architect: The beck group 095 096 : Monthly Issue : Joyful Church 097 <Joyful Church> chose Beck to create a new facility for the church’s growing, vibrant worship <기쁨의 교회>는 성장해가고 있는 교회의 살아있는 예배와 주일 성경교육 프로그램, and education programs on Sundays and for the church’s many social welfare ministries during 또한 주중에 활발히 진행되는 많은 사역활동들을 지원할 새로운 새성전 건축 설계를 the week. The church’s vision was to have a design that expressed a strong symbolic Christian 맡길 건축회사로 벡(Beck)그룹을 선정했다. 교회의 디자인에 대한 비젼은 강한 기독교 message, but that also used traditional Korean symbols in a fusion of architecture, faith and 메세지를 담으면서 또한 한국적인 정서가 신앙과 문화의 융화속에 녹아있는 것이었다. culture. The location was a 10 acre site in a new town development area of Pohang. This site had 건축 부지는 포항의 신도시 개발지역으로 12,000평 정도가 되며, 가파르고 수목이 우거진 many development challenges included steep, wooded hillsides and strict zoning limitations. 경사지와 엄격한 용도사용 제한이 있는 까다로운 조건의 지역에 위치해 있었다. Beck’s solution provided a 383,500 SF design that integrated into the landscape with gently 벡그룹의 디자인은 35,800m 2의 공간을 조경의 자연스러운 라인을 연결시켜 대형의 flowing lines that wrap around a large central plaza. Spaces included a 2,700 seat sanctuary, 중앙 플라자를 감싸안으며 빌딩의 흐름이 연결되도록 하였고, 2,700석의 예배공간과, 800seat chapel, cafeteria, cafe, library, fitness facilities, children’s and youth spaces, welfare 800석의 채플, 카페테리아, 카페, 도서관, 휘트니스 센터, 어린이 예배실, 청소년 ministry facilities and a 350 car underground parking garage. Placement of the buildings into 예배실, 복지사역실, 그리고 350개의 지하 주차공간을 배치하였다. 자연의 언덕을 the natural hillsides and careful orientation of the windows allowed ample natural light into the 이용한 건물의 배치와 창문의 정교한 배치를 통해, 자연광을 충분히 이용하면서 spaces while providing greater energy efficiency. Forms and patterns in the architecture were 에너지를 효율적으로 절약할 수 있도록 했다. 디자인 형태와 패턴은 한국의 전통 inspired by traditional Korean crafts and calligraphy, and the use of natural materials and colors 공예와 서예에서 영감을 얻었고, 자연재와 색상을 사용하여 전체적으로 조화를 이루 further harmonized the entire building into its unique place. 면서도 독창적인 작품이 되도록 했다. Written by The Beck Groups 글: 벡 그룹 Location Pohang, South Korea Site area 41,026m2 Building area 35,600m2 Building height 25m Structure RC, Steel Exterior material Composite metal panel, Granite, Low-E curtain wall MEC Water cooled central plant Architect of recored Posco architects Design team Rick del Monte, Tom Greenwood, Jay Chung, Jae Lee, Scott Sumsion, Yoon Kang, Yoosook Lee, Ik Joo Lee, Michael Kaiser Photographer Sung-Hoon Yum Editorial designer Shin Min-Ki Editor Park Ji-ll Woven basket pattern 3D SECTIONS RELIGIOUS SECTION Wall pattern from traditional wall Ceiling shaped from traditional pattern Tradition in Modernity 3D SECTIONS WELFARE SECTION 101 1ELEMENTARY HALL 2SEMINAR ROOM Administration MEC & ELEC Chapel Other spaces Circulation Restrooms Education Service hall support 3ELDERLY LOUNGE 25 4 CORRIDOR 5 FAN ROOM 24 Main service hall 6WASTE RECYCLING 19 DUMPSTER 7 CONTROL ROOM 8 DROP OFF 23 9PARKING 23 22 10PRACTICE 21 11STAGE 20 12 MEDIUM SERVICE HALL 13 CAFETERIA 14KITCHEN 15ENTRY VESTIBULE 19 16 MAIN SANCTUARY 17ADMINISTRATION & INFO level 3 18INFANT ROOM 19 MEDIUM SERVICE 19 HALL BALCONY Administration Main service hall Chapel MEC & ELEC Circulation Other spaces Education Restrooms Fellowship Service hall support 20GYM/ MIDDLE SCOOL 21KEBS 18 11 22LOUNGE 23 FAMILY ROOM 16 24PRE SCHOOL HALL 25KINDERGARTEN HALL 17 15 13 14 11 12 level 2 Circulation Other spaces Culture & welfare Parking Education Restrooms Fellowship Service hall support MEC & ELEC Training development 10 9 8 1 2 3 6 7 5 4 1 1 level 1
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