VIKING VOICE A Publication of Valencia High School Vol. 16, #3 Feb/Mar 2015 In this Issue: Counselor’s Corner Open House Info State Testing Spring 2015 Principal’s Honor Roll School Calendar From the Viking Leader John M. Costanzo The district has provided Valencia High School students with a new program called Naviance that will help students make college and career choices. Naviance is the premiere program available for career and college searching. There are several college, career, and personality assessments that will help you make the decisions important to you. There are five major features available on Naviance: 1. Career Planning – Students can discover interests, research careers, and link careers to post-secondary requirements. 2. College Planning – Students can research colleges and manage the college application process. 3. Success Planning – Students can keep track of the tasks they need to compete in order to accomplish their goals. 4. Course Planning – Students can build multi-ear course plans that meet high school graduation requirements using an online course catalog. 5. Naviance eDocs – Students can submit application materials to colleges electronically. Students and parents have access to this program now on the Valencia High School web site ( Students have now been trained on the use of Naviance. If you have any questions pertaining to Naviance, please contact your son’s or daughter’s counselor. I am available as well for questions or comments at or 294-1188, ext. 401. Spring 2015 State Testing Jamie Timmins, Assistant Principal Valencia High School will participate in State testing during the weeks of April 20-24. All students will have a regular day during the week with testing for the 11th grade students taking place through English blocks and testing for the 10th grade through their science course. Our school API (Academic Performance Index) will be determined, as in the past from student scores obtained from State testing. We are required to have a minimum of 95% student participation. 11th Grade This year, 11th grade students will test using an online assessment system. It will incorporate the UC and CSU Early Admissions Program (EAP) utilized by the California University systems and other post-secondary schools to determine the degree of college readiness of students. The test will include math and English for all students. The benefits of the online assessment are many: The assessment is designed to be intuitive and will determine students’ actual achievement levels and will move a student to more or less difficult questions depending upon responses. The assessments are untimed and students are given breaks to allow them to do their best work. Accessibility resources are built into the system for all students. Embedded and Non-embedded accommodations for students are available and preloaded into the system. The assessment is designed to measure critical thinking skills with questions that ask students to demonstrate their research, writing, and problem solving skills. The assessment requires students to demonstrate their ability to think, make connections and present ideas in a variety of formats an create thoughtful responses rather than simply choosing between multiple choices. Students are highly engaged in the online assessment process. Opportunities for practice will be provided by content teachers. How parents can learn more about the testing and help their students prepare: Visit the Smart Balanced website: Take a practice test at home to gain familiarity with the test software platform and sample test questions: IMPORTANT: Students must bring their ID card each day for testing and are encouraged to bring their personal ear buds or headphones for the listening portion of the online assessment. Ear buds or headphones will be available for students who do not have them. The use of all cell phones and personal electronic devices will be forbidden during testing. 10th Grade The 10th grade students will take a paper and pencil assessment in the area of science during their regularly scheduled science class. 9th Grade and 12th Grade Students in 9th and 12th grades will not test and will follow their regular school schedule. Counselor Valencia High School Counseling and Guidance Counselors 2014-2015 Extension Student Breakdown Ms. Jeannie White Ms. Rhonda Carr Mr. Justin Thomas Mrs. Kathy Ferry Mrs. Theresa Long Ms. Kathy Stroh 421 440 340 424 425 426 Mr. Kellen Atkins 422 (A-Chi) (Cho-Gi) (Gi-Lag) (Lah-N) (O-Se) (Sh-Sili) + Special Education students (Si-Z) OPEN HOUSE Thursday, March 26, 2015 See page 7 for more information COUNSELORS’ CORNER 2015/2016 Course Selection The VHS counselors have conducted a group meeting with all current 9th, 10th and 11th grade students to discuss and prepare course requests for the 2015/2016 school year. These students were given a copy of the registration paper were asked to bring it home and discuss and fill it out with their parents/guardians. We have/will be meeting individually with each of our student by the end of March to review the details of each student’s course choices and future plans. SAT Workshop Valencia High School and The Princeton Review are offering an SAT Workshop on Saturday and Sunday, March 7th and 8th at VHS. Designed as a basic introduction to the major principles tested on the SAT, this two-day program is ideal for those students who want to do a quick overview of the SAT before the March 14th SAT administration. In this workshop, students will learn valuable information about the SAT as well as some of the Princeton Review’s famous strategic test-taking tips. In addition, students will take a practice SAT and receive The Princeton Review’s famous Cracking the SAT book, complete with practice problems and test-taking strategies. Flyers with more information are available in the counseling office, and students must sign up before Monday, March 2nd. This is an especially great workshop for junior students, as the March SAT exam date is the most popular date for junior students to begin their official SAT testing. College Transcript Requests Seniors must remember that all colleges, with the exception of the UC campuses, want students to send an updated transcript that includes first semester senior grades. To request these, seniors need to follow the format that they were taught last semester to request transcripts using Naviance. For questions, students should see their counselor right away. CSU Placement Tests If your student is planning to attend any of the Cal State Universities in the fall, he/she may be required to take the English and math placements tests (EPT, ELM). Please make sure your senior is checking his/her admissions portal online to see if anything is still required for fall admissions. To learn more about the placements tests, visit: College Financial Aid Seniors and their families are encouraged to apply for federal financial aid for the 2015-2016 college school year. To set up an account, create a pin number, and fill out the application (FAFSA), visit: as soon as possible. Applications become available on January 1st, 2015 and are due no later than March 2nd. California Grant (Cal Grant) After your student’s FAFSA has been submitted, he/she can be considered for a California Grant (Cal Grant) if attending a California college. ALL seniors have been submitted for a Cal Grant electronically, so students do not need to apply individually or fill out any paperwork. Information regarding the Cal Grants are found at To find out the status of your Cal Grant, AFTER you have filed a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), you can go online and check the status of your Cal Grant application by logging onto and creating an account. This secure site will let you view the status of your Cal Grant application, update your address, view payment history or tell us you're changing your school. CSS Profile In addition to the FAFSA, some private colleges require a CSS/Profile application as part of the financial aid application process. The CSS/Profile is a supplemental financial aid application used by many private colleges across the country. More information on the CSS Profile application and a list of all nationwide colleges that require the profile can be found at: Grades and College Eligibility Colleges do not accept any grades below a “C” for required classes. If your student receives a “D” or an “F” in any required class, he/she MUST retake that class to be eligible to apply to college during his/her senior year. NCAA Clearinghouse If you have a junior or senior student who plans on being an athlete at the college level, he/she must register with the NCAA Clearinghouse. The registration website can be found at: Students/Parents should be very careful when reviewing this website, as there are many details that the students must adhere to in order to be eligible. If your student needs additional help with eligibility issues, he/she can contact Mrs. Stroh in the counseling office or by email at COLLEGE ADMISSIONS TESTING Current juniors planning to apply to any four-year college or university next year are highly encouraged to take the May and/or the June administration of the SAT/ACT. For those taking the ACT instead of, or in addition to, the SAT, students should sign up for the ACT with the optional writing portion. The University of California System and many independent colleges may further require/recommend the SAT Subject Tests, as well. For test requirements of particular colleges and universities, please check the college website online, or contact the college or university directly. Applications for the SAT Reasoning Test, the SAT Subject Tests, and ACT are available online. TEST SAT Exams ACT PRE-COLLEGE CHECKLIST Seniors: Submit Federal Student Aid Application (FAFSA) by mail or online at Apply for outside funding or scholarships. (Keep checking the “Scholarship” section of the VHS website on the counseling pages). Send a thank you note to all those individuals who wrote a recommendation letter for you. Juniors: Start planning to take the SAT, ACT, and/or SAT Subject Tests, if necessary. (Check with all colleges you will be applying to and find out their specific testing requirements). Begin browsing college websites . Sophomores: Consider taking some of the SAT Subject Tests during June of this year. Since you may already be studying for finals in subjects like chemistry and world history, this is an excellent opportunity to try the SAT Subject Tests in the same subjects. Valencia High School Presents OPEN HOUSE & FAMILY NIGHT! Thursday, March 26, 2015 The entire family is invited to attend Valencia High School’s Open House and Family Night. Join us for a fun-filled evening during which you may, at your leisure, view and admire all of the hard work of the Valencia High School’s students. 6:00 – 7:00 pm – 8th grade orientation in the gym 7:00 – 9:00 pm – Open House Classroom visitations Cheerleading & Dance Team Competition performances Choir and ROTC performances ASB, Yearbook and Journalism representatives Athletic coaches Intramurals Math department activities Science department demos Art Exhibit College representatives SCV Summer employers VHS Clubs Job Shadowing Carnival games Hot dogs, hamburgers, snow cones, bake sale and more! VALENCIA HIGH SCHOOL CALENDAR Spring 2015 MARCH 5 16 20 26 NEW MIN. DAY - STAFF DEVELOPMENT FROM 3/16 (3/16 CANCELED) P.A.C. Meeting 7:00 PM Library 3rd Quarter Ends MINIMUM DAY - OPEN HOUSE APRIL 1 3 6-10 16 18 21-24 27 Blood Drive Sprolic Rally SPRING BREAK – NO SCHOOL MINIMUM DAY – STAFF DEVELOPMENT PROM 7:00 PM Spring Theater Performance P.A.C. Meeting 7:00 PM Library MAY 1 4th Quarter Progress Report 14, 15 Choir Spring Concert 11 Viking Valor Awards (Tentative) 7:00 PM Gym 14 MINIMUM DAY – SENIOR PROJECTS 18 Senior Awards (Tentative) 7:00 PM 25 MEMORIAL DAY – NO SCHOOL 29 GRADUATION 7:00 PM C.O.C. JUNE 2 3 4 4 5 FINALS Per. 3, 5 & 1 MINIMUM DAY FINALS Per. 4, 6, & 8 MINIMUM DAY FINALS Per. 2 & 7 MINIMUM DAY END OF SEMESTER 2 TEACHER WORK DAY
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