Shaker High Sch ool Guidance Department GUIDANCE NEWSLETTER Volume 2 Issue 6 February 2015 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Programming 1 Class of 2016 Info 1 College Fairs 2 SAT & ACT Info 2 Scholarship Info 3 Summer Programs 3 Financial Aid Info 4 As of February 1st, the SHS Guidance Department has processed 2,810 college applications. 92% of the students in the senior class have applied to at least one college. Some colleges will continue to receive applications through February and March. Students are advised to pay close attention to application deadlines. Admissions decisions will be delivered in March and April. Students must notify the college they plan to attend by May 1st, and provide a tuition deposit. All seniors will be required to complete a Graduation Survey on Naviance. This ensures the final transcript is sent to each student’s college. The survey will be available on the About Me tab of Naviance. More information to follow soon. PROGRAMMING UPDATE 2015-16 Guidance Counselors will begin meeting with students on Monday, February 23rd to make course selections for next year. Juniors will meet first, followed by sophomores and freshmen throughout the month of March. By now, all students should have received an updated Course Catalog. The course catalog contains information about all courses that are available, as well as any necessary pre-requisites. A summary of graduation requirements and other relevant information is included. Students are encouraged to review the Course Catalog in advance of their scheduling meeting. Teachers will provide recommendations for each student to the Guidance Counselors. If the student and parent are not in agreement with the teacher recommendation, a “Waiver of PreRequisite Form” must be filed with the appropriate Academic Supervisor. The forms can be obtained from the Guidance Office. Completed forms are returned to the Supervisor for review. The Supervisor will make the final determination as to whether a student will be permitted in the desired course. All course requests must be finalized by July 1, 2015. Please be aware that some courses require applications and/or pretests. Students are advised to pay attention to deadlines for these special requirements. A few are listed below: Advanced Placement (AP) Applications—Due 3/6 Math Honors Applications—Due 2/27 Math Honors Problem Solving Test—March 19th @ 2:30 in J201 Other courses that require an application: -Advanced Studio 1, 2, 3 -Advanced Digital Art -Engineering Capstone -Science Research Please see the respective Academic Supervisor for further information. COLLEGE & CAREER PLANNING RESOURCES FOR JUNIORS Guidance Counselors recently met with all juniors to discuss the post high school planning process. The PowerPoint presentation covered many elements of the college planning process. The complete presentation can be accessed on the Guidance page of the district website. Juniors also received an updated version of the Junior Handbook which contains a wealth of information, including: -tips for college interviews -checklist for college visits -financial aid information -timetable for college planning -NCAA Reference Guide -important dates The Junior Handbook can also be accessed from the homepage on Naviance. -SAT & ACT information -tips for the college essay -college checklist COLLEGE FAIRS AND SPECIAL PROGRAMS Several area locations will be hosting College Fairs this spring. WINTER BREAK CAMPUS VISIT WEEK AT HUDSON VALLEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE—Bulmer Telecommunications Center Meeting Rooms Saratoga High School: Monday, April 20, 6:30-8 PM Guilderland High School: Tuesday, April 21, 6:30-8 PM Sessions will be held daily Monday, Feb. 16th through Friday Feb. 20th, from 8:30 to 11:45 A.M. Campus tours and financial aid presentations will also be available in the afternoon. Shenendehowa High School: Wednesday, April 22, 6:30-8 PM South Colonie High School: Thursday, April 23, 6:30-8 PM CDCA Spring College Fair at Hudson Valley Community College— McDonough Recreation Center on Wednesday, May 6, 6-8 PM Register online at campus-visit or call 629-8112 SAT/ACT TEST PREPARATION RESOURCES Information about the SAT Review class offered through North Colonie Continuing Education is available on the district website. Students may also pick up registration forms in the main office. The deadline to register is March 6th. Classes begin on March 17th and end on April 30th. There will be twelve 2-hour sessions. Classes will meet from 6:30-8:30 in the Dwing of the High School. Important Note: Students must still complete the registration process for the SAT online at the Collegeboard website. Information on other SAT/ACT Test Prep Programs can be found on the following websites: Shaker students now have access to PrepMe on Naviance. This free program offers test preparation, including study plans and practice tests. SAT and ACT TESTING DATES: SPRING 2015 Date Page 2 Test Registration Deadline Late Deadline *Mar 14 SAT 1 only Feb. 13 Mar. 3 Students register online at or April 18 ACT Mar 13 Mar. 27 There are links to both websites on the Naviance homepage. *May 2 SAT 1 & SAT 2 Apr. 6 Apr. 21 *Shaker is a test site in March and May June 6 SAT 1 & SAT 2 May 8 May 27 ACT’s are offered at several area high schools June 13 ACT May 8 May 22 G U I D A NC E NE W S L E T T E R Page 3 V O L U M E 2 I S S UE 6 SCHOLARSHIP INFORMATION New York STEM Incentive Program Applications Available: New York’s best and brightest students are now able to apply for the New York STEM Incentive Program for the 2015-2016 academic year. The Incentive program, launched last year by Governor Andrew Cuomo, encourages high school seniors in the top ten percent of their graduating class to pursue high -demand, high-tech careers in New York by providing a full SUNY or CUNY tuition scholarship if they major in a STEM field and work in a STEM job in New York State for five years after graduation. To be eligible for a STEM incentive award, a student must be attending a New York State high school and be ranked in the top 10% of his/her graduating class and enroll in full-time study at a SUNY or CUNY college in the fall term following graduation. Eligibility details and an application are available now on HESC’s website at Application deadline for the New York STEM Incentive Program is August 15, 2015. Other scholarships: Below, please find some featured scholarships. Log in to Naviance for more detailed information about other scholarships, applications and eligibility. To research scholarships and view the complete “Scholarship List”, click on the “Colleges” tab. Baptist Health System Foundation Alfred Kahler Scholarship Program: These scholarships are awarded to students planning to pursue health care related human services fields, including nursing, medicine, physical therapy and social work. Applicants will be evaluated on educational goals and plans, academic performance in grades 9-11, and school/community involvement. Applications can be obtained in the Guidance Office. Application Deadline April 6, 2015. Macedonia Merit Scholarship sponsored by the Macedonia Baptist Church in Albany, NY: Available to high school students of African ancestry who demonstrate the following: solid academics (3.0 GPA or higher); leadership in school, community, religious and/or civic organizations; community service; character; and, personal poise. Application Deadline: April 15, 2015. Applications can be downloaded from Macedonia’s website at SUMMER ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS Enrichment programs: Below, please find some featured summer programs. Log into Naviance for a more comprehensive list. Enrichment programs are found on the “Colleges” tab. Pre-College Programs at New York University - July 5th through August 14th, 2015: Programs offered include: College Writing Workshop, Journalism, Engineering and Business. Preferred Application Deadline: March 1, 2015. For more information and to apply to specific programs, go to College of Saint Rose—Pre-College Summer Experience Programs, Albany, NY: Courses offered in Music, Criminal Justice & Forensics, Drama, Filmmaking and Visual Art. Online applications being accepted until courses fill. For more information and to register, go to Health and Biomedical Sciences Summer Camp at Lebanon Valley College in Annville, PA, June 21-26 or July 5-10, 2015: Open to rising sophomores, juniors and seniors. This camp will provide a fun, challenging and engaging college environment in which students will develop a deeper understanding of what it means to be a biomedical scientist and health professional. For more information and to apply, go to or contact Dr. Courtney Lappas at FINANCIAL AID & SCHOLARSHIP RESOURCES Federal Student Aid Information Center: 1-800-4FED-AID or: LOGGING IN TO NAVIANCE Have you forgotten your Naviance password, or still need to register? Contact your Guidance Counselor or stop by the Guidance Office for assistance. Remember you can link to Naviance from the North Colonie District website. Go to Shaker High School, then Guidance to find the link. http:// shakerhigh To electronically sign your FAFSA, you must create a PIN. Apply for one at Go College! NY—A website designed especially for students new to the college search process: With FAFSA4caster, you can estimate your eligibility for federal student aid: Information on New York State grants and scholarships through NYS Higher Education Services Corporation: College Navigator, a US Dept. of Education website, allows students to search colleges and universities: Fastweb: A database of thousands of private scholarships: Hudson Valley Community College: Provides brief videos on a variety of financial aid topics: SUNY FINANCIAL AID DAY - FEBRUARY 28TH, 2015 SUNY’sFinancialAidDaysare offered as a service to all prospective college students and their families. The programs are designed to answer questions and provide assistance regarding the financial aid application, types of aid available and the award process. Forty-six programs across New York State will be offered free of charge. Many campuses will provide hands-on assistance from SUNY financial aid professionals in completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Listed below are campuses closer to the capital region that will be hosting Financial Aid Days. Saturday, February 28th: Adirondack Community College, Queensbury, NY; Columbia-Green Community College, Hudson, NY; Herkimer County Community College, Herkimer, NY; and Hudson Valley Community College, Troy, NY Students and families are encouraged to pre-register by going online at or by calling the SUNY Recruitment Response Center at 1-800-342-3811.
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