ABU DHABI MARTHOMA CHURCH PARISH MISSION CHAIN PRAYER SUBJECTS MARCH 2015 (To be held from 13th Friday Night 10:00 to 14th Saturday Night 10:00) “Hear my cry, O God; listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, I call as my heart grows faint; lead me to the rock that is higher than I." (Psalms 61:1-2) Let us ask the Lord with broken heart to cleanse our spirit, soul and body by the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. Let us thank and praise the Lord for His providence. 1. Thanksgiving “Shout for joy to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious." (Psalms 66:1-2) • • Let us thank God for the answered prayers Let us thank God for His grace prevailed during all activities in our church ►Especially in Parish Mission General Body on February 20th & Parish General Body on February 27th ►Praise God for His grace prevailed during the election of office bearers for the new financial year. For the blessed leadership for the coming financial year in unity and peace ►Praise God for Grace prevailed during the Maramon Convention • For the freedom of worship in this country 2. The Church “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Ephesians 3: 10-11) Pray for the Christendom, especially our Mar Thoma Church. • Pray for our Most. Rev. Dr. Philipose Mar Chrysostom Valiya Metropolitan, Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan, Suffragan Metropolitan, All other bishops, Clergies and laymen. • Pray for the blessed functioning of the Synod, Mandalam and Council. • Pray for the clergies and missionaries who have old age problems & sickness. • Pray for the different services and ministries of the church • Pray for all the elders. Especially for the people who are having Old age problems & sickness. 3. Our Parish “So that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it. Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.” (1 Cor 12:25-27) • • • • • • • • Pray for the blessed ministry of Our Vicar Rev. Prakash Abraham Achen and family. Pray for our assistant Vicar Rev Issac Mathew(Perayam) achen and family Pray for our former assistant vicar Rev. Shaji Thomas achen and family. Pray for our former vicar Rev. John Mathew achen and family. Especially for his speedy recovery from the illness so that he can do his ministry effectively. For the English worship service which is being conducted on every 3rd Friday of the month. Let the children with their parents participate in this service and understand the meaning of our worship and be regular in our Church services. Pray for our parish, all families, and individuals, especially for the young couple who joined recently in our church so that all work together for the glorification of the kingdom of God. Sunday school, Teenager’s Forum, Youth Group, Yuvajana sakhyam, Choir, Parish Mission, Sevika Sangkhom, Senior Citizen’s Forum and all the 30 Prayer groups. Pray for the blessing of Altar Boys 2nd Batch Training For the blessing of all the activities in March 9 UAE Centre Parish Mission Silver Jubilee Valedictory Function on March 20th at Dubai Mar Thoma Church. Praise God for leading UAE Centre Parish Mission for 25 years blessedly 9 Blessed functioning of VBS which is scheduled from March 21st to 28th. For God’s Grace for all arrangements. For the VBS Leader Rev. Sujith Mammen 9 For the blessing of Teens Camp which is scheduled from March 29th to 31st. Pray for Rev. Dr. P.G George who is coming to give leadership for Teens Camp & Passion week services ►For the blessing of Passion week services 9 Easter Carol by Church Choir 9 For the blessed publication of Hand written Bible on time • • Pray for the blessed functioning of the Book Stall ►Prayer cell on every Friday morning from 8 to 9 am in cooperation with other organizations ►The fellowship which is being conducted at Bada Zayed ►For all the families gathering there For the Udkal Mission project (Mission Hostel for 30 Girls + 5 boys) in Padelpuda village in Navarangapur district of Orissa under the patronage of Parish Mission under the Guidance of Delhi Diocese. For the blessing and growth of this project. ►Praise God for providing 4.7 acres of land in Navarangapur for the Mission Centre ►For the completion of the Compound wall and to start the construction of Mission House, Hostel, Basic Facilities ►For God’s grace in on time completion of the designing of 2nd phase ►For the missionary work in the village through the newly appointed Evangelist Julias Harpal ►Praise God for Synod’s decision for providing Director Achen to take care of the Missionary Work in Udkal ►Pray for the perfect appointment of a missionary Achen ►Let these missions inspire the members of our church to do more missionary work. • • • • Pray for those who have given leadership for Edavaka Mission in the beginning. ►Thank God for the persons whom God used to start this chain prayer. ►Pray for those who participated in the chain prayer till now Pray for the Kidney Dialysis Unit which is starting at Kumbanad Fellowship Hospital under the leadership of Abu Dhabi Mar Thoma Church so that it will be a blessing for many and also pray for all the staff. Pray for the blessing of the Mission field in Uppukuzhi near Punalr which is under the patronage of Yuvajana sakhyam For the Pollachi Mission & Andhra Mission of Chennai-Bangalore Diocese ►Pray for the family and children there 4. Nations “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” (Jer 29:7) • • • • Pray For the blessing of UAE ►Rulers of UAE ►For the peace of this country To put an end to the war between Israel and Palestine, Communal violence in Iraq, Civil violence in Libya, Yemen, Syria, Egypt and African countries, terrorism in Pakistan and Afghanistan ►for the peace in Middle East countries For an ending of the persecution of Christians in Egypt & Pakistan Pray for the people in Middle east who are affected by the change in labor law & localization 5. India “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people - for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior” (1 Tim 2:1-3) • • Let us submit India and its 115 Crores of people into the hands of Lord ►For the President, newly elected Prime Minister and all the cabinet Ministers ►To have a strong Government. So that there will not be any hindrance for the Missionary works. ►For the ending of the inhuman acts & attacks towards women and children in different states of India For maintaining good relationship with the neighbouring countries ►For those who safeguard our country’s border ►To liberate the country from all evil activities such as Terrorism, idol worship, corruption, alcoholism, drugs, thefts etc ►For the development of 6 Lakhs Indian villages ►For different churches and organizations who is doing the missionary work in different places of India ►To deliver the countries from financial crisis. Especially pray for the deliverance of India from the current financial crisis. 6. Kerala “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. (2 Chron. 7:14)” • • • • Pray for the healing of Kerala Pray for the revival of the Christian churches in Kerala Pray for a stable Government Pray for the Kerala’s deliverance from the evil power ►Due to alcoholism many families and the generations in Kerala are being affected. Pray for Kerala to become Alcoholic Free State. ►For the success of prohibition of Alcohol 7. Those who are in special needs “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them” (Mathew 18: 19-20) th th • For the 10 & 12 children who are writing the Board Exam ►Children who is studying in professional college ►Children • • • • • • • who stay in hostels/boarding house. ►Children who are reluctant to pray and study. To give them wisdom to study & grace to pray ►Pray for all the children who are writing the Final Exam? Those who are suffering due to visa regulations. ►Those who do not obtain their wages regularly. ►Those who are in debts ►Those who lost their job and seeking new jobs. ►Families troubled because of lost jobs. ►those who struggle in their jobs due to economic recession The youngsters who are seeking life partners especially Reema, Sonia, Sam, Mini Mathew, Reshmi & Sherin ►Pray for a blessed family life for the youngsters of our church who enters into the marriage life these days. Pray for Ganesh, Kavitha and their two children who came to Christian Faith recently. Let us pray for them to sustain in the Faith and to grow in the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray for God’s intervention in the life of the couple Philip & Bincy who are on the verge of Divorce. For Mary Ann to have a peaceful life & her son Ranjith to have reconciled life Pray for the complete reconciliation of Shaji and his family life’s reinstatement ►for a revived spiritual life of Baiju Pray for deliverance of Chacko & Joy from alcohol addiction 8. Fruit of the womb “I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow.” (Jeremiah 31:13) Pray for the childless couples, so they may have blessed heritage from God. Specially for Jobi-Twinkle, Shibu-Giby, Roji Reji, ShibuJimi, Bindu & Jubin-Meena Pray for those who are pregnant. Especially for Serin. 9. Sick People “And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise them up. If they have sinned, they will be forgiven. Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5: 15-16) Let us submit our sick into the mighty hands of the great healer. a) Cancer Patients • • • • • • Abhilash Thomas who is under treatment for Rectal Cancer Leena (49 years) who is critically ill due to Breast Cancer Bindhu who is undergoing treatment for Ovarian Cancer Sajan P. Mathew Achen of Anna Nagar Mar Thoma church who is under treatment for cancer For the healing of Annie who is undergone Intestine surgery because of Cancer Dona (13 years) who is undergoing treatment for Lung Cancer and she is the only daughter of Jessy Sister who is working in NMC Hospital • Mrs. Rosamma Abraham (Wife of our former member Abraham P. Mathew) who is again undergoing Chemo Therapy treatment. For God’s Grace and strength to go through this situation and get a complete healing. • Jasmine who is undergoing treatment for cancer • John – who is undergoing chemo Therapy for Colon cancer • Ex member KV Samuel – Bone Cancer • Praise God for the healing given to Mrs. Apoly (Sister in law of Rev. T.A Varghese) from Stomach related Cancer. Pray for the complete healing. • Rihan who is undergoing treatment for cancer in Bangalore • Jofi of Karippuzha Mar Thoma Church who is undergoing treatment for cancer • 63 year old Jacob whose one Kidney has been removed due to a growth on the kidney and who is getting prepared for the Chemo Therapy b) Pray for the healing of Rev. Joy N. George achen who is undergoing treatment after an accident. c) Shaila Whose undergoing treatment as both her kidneys are functioning only 17% d) Mother of Liza (member of B2 prayer group) is suffering due to memory loss. Pray for her healing. e) Cherian -suffering from blood pressure, diabetics, Cholesterol and now with kidney stone f) For the complete healing of Siji who has undergone an operation for Brain Tumor g) Lysamma who has heart problem h) Baiju –Completely bed ridden in Kerala due to the Spinal cord problem. Pray for his physical, mental and spiritual healing. i) Praise God for the gradual healing given to T.G. Jose from Severe back pain. Pray continuously for his complete healing j) Mercy Reji & our ex-member Thomas Kurien who are undergoing Kidney Dialysis k) Mervin –an accident victim in America l) Leelamma – Who has difficulty in walking due to Arthritis & back pain m) Reji, Rani Benny who is suffering from Hepatitis B n) People who has Old age problems & loneliness 10. Bereaved Families “For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” (1 Thes 4:16-17) • • • Pray for the families of Mareena Mathew & Leelamma Samuel who are in mourning Pray for the families who are in mourning due to the demise of their dear ones. Let God’s peace that surpasses all human understanding covers them. People who are not able to share their pain and grief. Uphold in prayer all the dedicated participants of this Chain Prayer. For details Contact: 050 5724596 / 050-7626818 e-mail: anilmats@eim.ae Time Fri 10 pm to 11 pm 11 pm to 12 mid night 12 mid night to 1 am Name Abu Dhabi Marthoma Church Parish Mission Chain Prayer Time Table- 2015 Tel.No. Time Name Ashok Jacob Mathew & family John Mathew T Thomaskutty M.G Dr. John Thomas K & Family Mathew Varghese Siby Varghese 6723353 6455126 050-7676951 6347403 5526588 055-8754576 Daniel George & Family George C. Mthews & Family Sindhu Jacob Kavitha Shibu Shyla Manoj Kurien Varghese Samuel Sisily Jacob Mary Varghese Thomas K. Abraham & family 6659936 6314974 6767528 6391938 4461522 6764869 5527910 6442235 6442235 Abraham Mathew & Family Annie Gorge Jancy Aju Biju Pappachan Shaji K.Baby & Family Roy Thomas 6422248 6419612 6748478 6440585 6715456 6272121 Sat 1 am to 2 am Aleyamma E. Alexander Aji Rachel Kurien Aleyamma Oommen 2 am to 3 am Babu Philip & family 6229837 Suma Thomas Koshy Thomas Mathew 6447583 6324778 3 am to 4 am 4 am to 5 am 5 am to 6 am 6 am to 7 am 7 am to 8 am 8 am to 9 am Emily Alex Mathai Jacob Mathew Samson Koshy 4465535 056-6021492 050-4671572 Rev. Prakash Abraham Rev. Isac Mathew James Thomas & family John Koshy Kurian Iype & family Mini Elizabeth Mathew Rosamma Varghese Santhy Roy Manoj Simon Abraham & Family K.S Varghese 4464562 050-2171188 5532028 6314284 6722454 6765822 6339280 6412838 6716560 0507725712 V.M Abraham & Family A.O. Oommen Betty Biju Madhu Susan Manoj Mathew Abraham & Family Rajesh Eapen Joshua Saji Mathews P. Thomas Cherian Thomas K C & Family Jessy Philip Jacob 6587761 050-5724373 6431267 6330740 6763710 055-9028048 050-7516920 050-4161146 6345915 6276340 Ajit Isaac & Family Biju Philip Daisy Biju Koshy Vilanilam George Dr. M.G. Philip & Family Sini Shaji Philip K. mathew & Family Shiju Mathew & family George Cherian & Family Benny John Abey Philip Thomas Ann Samuel Anil Mathew & family 6432663 6431267 6440585 4458049 6761038 6311496 6723738 6324990 6714322 050-6169628 6761407 6332973 5527749 Annie John Nebu Issac Eapen & Family Ruby Varghese Saramma Mathew Shiny Abraham Mini Samuel Bhupesh Abraham 6261517 6325015 6742765 6417488 5525475 5528860 050-8117369 K.G George & Family Mathew K. Varghese & Family Renny Ajith Thomas N. Abraham Valsa Rajan K.C. Thomas & Family Elsamma Varghese 9 am to 10 am 6780629 6717318 050-7224765 10 am to 11 am 11 am to 12 noon Anna Varghese Beena Mammen Grace Ajith Samuel Mathew & Family Tel.No. 0553612031 6445458 6794496 6418353 Jumila Abraham Sayu Thomas Annamma John Shibu Koshy 6341988 5522827 6779458 6391938 Jolly John Linu Arun 6714936 6658076 12 noon to 1 pm 1 pm to 2 pm 2 pm to 3 pm 3 pm to 4 pm 4 pm to 5 pm Viji Raju Shalu P. John & Family John C. Koshy Susan Thomas 503137025 6767050 050-8076229 4454901 Lucy George Suju Susan Mathew Biju K. Varghese & family 6219116 6714322 6799330 Jolly John K.P. Philip Ramani Soni Mathew 6669367 6729401 6787843 Beena Sam Leena Abraham K.M Mathew 6728215 6319840 6505348 K.P Daniel Shaji Abraham & Family Varghese John & Family 6329562 6447260 6747142 5 pm to 6 pm 6 pm to 7 pm Biju Mathew & family Manoj Mathew Mathew C. Philip & family Jose Kurikese 5524311 6330740 6417488 055-7415123 Aju Mathew James P. Baby John Philipose Koshy John P.O. John P.C Philip & family C.T Thomas Prem Chandy Philip Lijo Easow Mathew George Varghese 050-5701805 050-3231916 050-5462752 050-6606187 050-6723951 050-5814796 050-8274726 5590677 050-9729146 055-4272449 Abraham Kurien & Family Jacob Chacko A. John Mathew John Mathew Joyamma Thomas Roby Philip Sabu Mathew Samuel Mathai Vincent Mathew Elsamma Prasad Joyce Sam Dr. Thomas kutty C.S K.I John Scaria A.J Sam K. Kurien Bobby Jacob 6271036 050-2675737 6391401 050-4596569 4450237 050-7120564 050-8217570 5528860 050-2384330 6459138 6663784 6397212 050-7642985 050-5710069 6421101 050-7915365 7 pm to 8 pm 8 pm to 9 pm 4458233 6772368 6727349 5520265 6786949 6761474 5526588 9 pm to 10 pm "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" James 5:16 PRAY WITHOUT CEASING (For Private Circulation Only)
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