Kol Emanu-El March 2015 Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach Melvin J. & Claire M. Levine Campus Adar - Nisan 5775 Purim Passover Schedule (see page 7) Purim Celebration (see page 3 & 10) Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach Tel: 561 832 0804 • Fax: 561 832 0811 www.tepb.org Clergy Rabbi Michael Resnick Barbara & Jack Kay Rabbinical Chair rabbimichael@tepb.org Hazzan David Feuer Gilda & Henry Block Cantorial Chair hazzan_feuer@tepb.org Officers President Anthony Lampert tony@lampertco.com Vice Presidents Robert Gordon Charles Feldberg Financial Secretary Dvora Callahan Treasurer Robert Burke Recording Secretary Steven Horowitz Board of Trustees Honorary Board Harold Bix Melvin z”l & Claire Levine Diane Belfer Henry Block Alec Engelstein Rita Dee Hassenfeld z”l Sidney Kohl William Langfan Stephen A. Levin H. Irwin Levy David Mack Roberta Robinson Bill Sandler z”l Jami Huber Vivienne Felberman Ivry Gladys R. Jacobson Sheila Josephberg Brahm D. Levine Sheri Levine Susan Pertnoy Laura Pincus Jill L. Richman Hana Siegelstein Richard Sloane Michael Yasuna Women’s League President Rhea Zukerman rkzkdz@aol.com Past President Ronald Y. Schram Kol Emanu-El Editorial Board: Mickey Feldberg milfel@aol.com Donna Kramer Arlene Kurtis Haviva Langenauer Barbara Steinberg Belle Winston Mission Statement Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach strives to be the leading congregation in the greater Palm Beaches, built upon an expansive and inclusive vision of what a Jewish community can be. We recognize that people connect to God and Judaism in diverse ways – through prayer, learning, shared activities, artistic expression and social action. As an egalitarian, Conservative congregation, we are committed to nurturing and facilitating the personal and spiritual journeys of all our members and welcome all who enter our doors. We strive to do so in a manner that resonates with their innermost needs and interests, resulting in increased involvement, observance and participation. In This Issue: Candle Lighting Times 2 President’s Message 3 Rabbi’s Message 3 Slate of Officers 4 Rosh Chodesh 5 Adult Ed 6 Guest Lecturers 7 Passover 7 Women’s League 8 Women’s League Shabbaton 9 Youth & Education 10 Purim 3, 10 Birthdays & Anniversaries 11 Calendar 11 With Appreciation 12 Tribute Form 12 Contributions 13 Advertisers 14,15 CANDLE LIGHTING TIMES MARCH 6 13 20 27 6:06pm 7:09pm 7:13pm 7:16pm FRIDAY NIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT FRIDAY NIGHT Ritual Coordinator Jacob Mitzner ridahou@hotmail.com Director of Youth Education & Programming Amanda Brezinski amanda@tepb.org Pianist/Organist Claudio Waisgluss Administrative Assistant Graphics Eduardo Mendieta eddie@tepb.org Administrative Assistant Jo Anne Frechette joanne@tepb.org Committee Chairs Adult Education Vivienne Ivry Investment Andy Richman Program Charles Feldberg Jami Huber Membership Harold Bix Dvora Callahan Sheri Levine Rothman Religious School Laura Pincus Leslie Schram Youth Activities Emily Bernstein Jason Bodnick Ritual Rob Gordon Kol Emanu-El Mickey Feldberg Judaica Arts Sheila Josephberg Mazal Tov to Andrea and Josh Pertnoy on the birth of their newborn son! Blessings also to grandparents Susan and Ron Pertnoy and great grandparents Barbara Kay and Elizabeth and Alan Shulman. &RQGROHQFHV Notice of Annual Meeting The Annual Meeting of the Membership of Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach will be held at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, March 31, 2015. Food will be served. Welcome New Members Elyse Barkin Samuel Feldman & Marilyn Myerhoff 2 Staff Synagogue Administrator David Schreier david@tepb.org It is with deep sadness that we inform you of the passing of: Longtime Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach member & former member of the Board of Trustees, Joseph Kerzner. Richard Schwartz, Brother of Temple Emanu-El memberLes Schwartz We offer our heartfelt condolences to Lisa Koeper, the Kerzner & Schwartz families during this difficult time. “Zichronam L'vracha” May their memories be for a blessing. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE We have all heard the famous cry from supporters during presidential election time…four more years! In our temple world it was 2 more years, 2 years ago and my second “2 more years” is over in 2 months. I am looking forward to the next 2 years as your past president. Tuesday March 31, 2015 is the Annual Meeting of the Congregation. It will begin at 6 PM. In addition to reports that will be given that summarize the year’s work, we will have the election of Officers and Trustees for the NEW Board. (See page 4). In addition, on April 24th, we will have a “really big night” as we usher in the NEW and say good-bye to the past. We will have an International Dinner that evening followed by Kabbalat Shabbat services with a few surprises and then the installation of the NEW board of trustees, officers and president. This is when my next 2 years kick in! To me, being past president means ensuring that my work and the work of my predecessors, Ron Schram, Gladys Jacobson, Marvin Rosen and Steve Levin is taken to even higher heights. Perhaps a cliché, but we must build upon what others before us have done. With the assumption that the slate proposed is voted on and approved, I am more than confident that our synagogue will continue to flourish. My last plea to all of you is that you volunteer, contribute, attend and be advocates for others to join our temple community. Please re-read our mission statement in the middle of page 2. I pledge to you my continued love and support for our shul. Sincerely, Anthony Lampert Purim A MESSAGE FROM THE RABBI... Let me begin by saying how much I appreciate you being a member of Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach. I am so happy you are here. And since you are here, I have a few questions for you. Why are you here? What compelled you to join Temple Emanu-El? What were your reasons for joining? Are you getting from the Temple that which you wanted or expected? You see, contrary to popular belief, Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach is NOT the building located at 190 N. County Road. Temple Emanu-El is you. It’s me. It’s the hundreds of people that make up our congregation. If our beautiful building was suddenly replaced with a barn, we would all still be Temple Emanu-El. WE are the beating heart of this Temple, not the building. So I ask you, have you found what you are looking for by being a member of Temple Emanu-El? If yes, then I’m delighted to hear it. If no, then I’m going to ask you to do something about it. This Temple is your Temple. I need you to help make it what you want it to be. If there is a program you’d like to see us offer; if there is a Jewish subject you would like to learn more about; if you’d like to explore your spirituality in more depth – anything – I encourage you to let me know. In the Torah in Parashat Terumah, God instructs the Israelites to build a Sanctuary so that God can dwell – not in the Sanctuary – but in the heart of each person. “V’asu Li Mikdash v’shachanti b’tocham.” We just completed a major renovation of the synagogue. Our campus – outside and inside – has never looked better. The “Sanctuary” has been built. Now comes the next step – and to me, the more important one – of ensuring that our Temple is alive, vibrant and meeting the needs of each and every member of our community. I can’t do this for us. But we can do this together. With your help, participation and involvement, I look forward to us creating a more sacred space in our Temple and in our hearts. B’Shalom, Rabbi Michael Resnick Celebration Wednesday, March 4 5:30PM - Free Dairy Dinner 6:30PM - Ma’ariv and “Make Some Noise” Megillah Reading Ice Cream Reception to follow *Bring the whole family! *Come in costume! *Be ready to make some noise on exotic noise making instruments! RSVP is required for dinner by Monday, March 2nd RSVP at 561-832-0804 or officesec@tepb.org 3 SLATE OF OFFICERS AND BOARD 2015-2017 Irish Shabbat Dinner Dear Temple Members, Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach will be holding its Annual Honoring Our New Members! Meeting of the Congregation on Tuesday, March 31, 2015, at 6:00 PM. Included in this year’s Annual Friday, March 6 at 5:45PM Meeting, in addition to a series of reports reflecting upon the past year and projecting the Temple’s future, there will be Special Musical Service following at 7:30PM with our own an election of Officers and Trustees for the new Board term Hazzan David Feuer, Rabbi Michael Resnick, Claudio that begins May 1, 2015. Waisgluss accompanied by a violinist & percussionist The accepted slate for the Board of Trustees as presented by the Nominating Committee for the term of May 1, 2015 Menu through April 30, 2017 appears below. Green Salad If you have any questions regarding the Annual Meeting or Dijon Glazed Corned Beef regarding running for a Board of Trustees position, please Lemon Rosemary call me at (561) 832-0804. Cornish Game Hen B’Shalom, Roasted Cabbage David Schreier, Synagogue Administrator Carrots and Sugar Snap Peas The Board of Trustees of Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach Baked New Potatoes has approved the following slate of Officers and Trustees for Assorted Yummy Desserts the 2015-2017 term. Officers President: Robert Gordon, DO 1st Vice President: Charles Feldberg 2nd Vice President: Harold Bix Financial Secretary: Steven M. Horowitz, DC Treasurer: Ronald Y. Schram, Esq Recording Secretary: Vivienne Felberman Ivry Immediate Past President: Anthony Lampert Board of Trustees Robert Burke, MD Sheri Levine, Esq. Dvora Callahan, CFP® Susan Pertnoy, Esq. Ben Gordon Laura Pincus, Esq. Jami Huber, Esq. Marvin S. Rosen, Esq. Sheila Josephberg Hana Siegelstein Sheldon Konigsberg, MD Michael Yasuna Patricia Lebow, Esq. Rhea Zukerman, Women’s League President Torah Fund Luncheon 4 Carmela Kalmanson presents the Woman of Achievement Award to honoree Mickey Feldberg Cost is $20 for members, $10 for children (6-13), children 5 & under, no charge. Guest of members & Non-members cost is $25, children $10 (6-13), children 5 & under, no charge. To RSVP, call the Temple office at 561-832-0804 by Monday, March. 2. SPACE IS LIMITED Please feel free to bring your own bottle of wine to Temple Emanu-El as long as it is certified Kosher. There are many wonderful Kosher options now available. **Additional charge of $5 per adult if RSVP is made after the cutoff date** ***Vegetarian and Special Diet Requests NEED to be made with reservation*** Save the Date Friday, May 1, 2015 at 7:30PM Board Installation Out with the past and in with the future as we thank Tony Lampert for his service as president and welcome in our new president. We have an expanded Friday musical service featuring our Hazzan and Rabbi along with Claudio and his band. A “not-to-be-missed service” and evening. Special Oneg to follow service. Rosh Chodesh Nisan 5775 Every year we start to feel like Passover is upon us – as soon as we read the Megillah on Purim. So it’s cleaning time and time to buy the kosher for Passover food, to plan the menus, to invite the guests, and to study the texts that help us celebrate the major holiday of Nisan. This year let’s focus our attention on the number “four” as we begin our Passover preparation. Passover has several items that come in “fours” in its celebration: four questions, four sons, four cups of wine, and one Internet source says there are four flavors of matzah: unsalted, egg, onion, and white grape. Have you tasted white grape flavored matzah. I personally didn’t know about the white grape flavored matzah but it sounds interesting. The holiday also has four names: Hag HaPesah (the festival of Passover), Hag HaMatzot (the festival of matzah), Hag Ha'Aviv (the festival of spring) and Z'man Heiruteinu (the time of our freedom). What is the source of all these “fours?” In Exodus 6:6-8, God makes four promises to Moses: "I will free you from the labors of the Egyptians and deliver you from their bondage. I will redeem you -- and I will take you to be My people." Some however believe that there were five promises, including “I will bring you to the land that I promised to your forefathers.” If there were five promises why aren’t there five cups? We are told in rabbinic literature that some rabbis argued for four cups and others for five. In the end it was decided that this argument would be decided by the Messiah, whose forerunner we believe is to be Elijah the prophet. As a result the fifth cup was added – Elijah’s cup – to remind us of all five promises. The four questions remind us of the four responses that the Bible offers when people asked why we celebrate Passover. As you celebrate this year and enjoy your family at your sedarim, ask them to find other numbers in the haggadah (if they can!) and to remember the miracle of the Exodus in which we all participated (In every generation) thousands of years ago. Hag Pesah Sameah! - Barbara Steinberg NOW THAT THE MAHZORIM ARE SOLD OUT... HELP DEDICATE OUR REMAINING PRAYER BOOKS Only 166 remain HONOR OR REMEMBER ANY OCCASION Dedicate one or more and have a customized name plate added to: Carolyn & Richard Sloane Mishkan T’filah (Prayer book used on Friday night) All proceeds go to the Temple’s General Fund. $36 members $50 non-members Please contact the Temple office for more information at (561) 832-0804, or email officesec@tepb.org Temple Emanu-El Continues Helping The Jewish Family & Children’s Services Food Pantry Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach donated $2,875 to benefit the food pantry at Alpert Jewish Family & Children’s Services through our Food Basket Program. Last March our shul donated $3000 to the food pantry. Congregants are encouraged to sponsor the sample food basket that is displayed on the Bimah on Shabbat. The proceeds add up quickly for this worthwhile act of tzedakah. Call the Temple office at 561-832-0804 to schedule a date when you have a birthday, anniversary or special person you want to honor or remember. Tree of Life Honor or remember any occasion by sponsoring a leaf or stone. Located in our office lobby Limited quantity available Leaf: $360 Stone: $1000 Please contact the Temple office for more information at (561) 832-0804, or email officesec@tepb.org 5 Adult Education Sunday Morning Series: Positive Psychology & Judaism Are you ready to make positive changes in your life but don’t know how to start? This impactful program will give you the skills and support you need to take your life to a new level! Each session consists of a newly revised 40-minute video featuring world-renowned Positive Psychology expert and former Harvard University lecturer Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar. Learn positive new habits. Build up your self-esteem. Make positive changes. This course will have a lifelong impact on your interpersonal relationships and the way you understand yourself. Opportunities for discussion follow each film. Facilitated by Rabbi Michael Resnick and a trained Family Counselor. Sunday Mornings: 10:30 AM - noon March 8 & 29, 2015 An Introduction to Judaism as a Civilization Has Been Cancelled. We look forward to renewing the class in the future. Engaging Israel: Join us for the Shalom Hartman Institute Video Lecture Series. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn from the great scholars of the Hartman Institute, from our own Rabbi Resnick, and from one another as we engage in thinking about the meaning that Israel can have in our lives and what our role might be in envisioning and building the future of the Jewish State. Each session includes text study and discussion led by Rabbi Resnick, a video lecture by Rabbi Dr. Donniel Hartman, and a video dialogue between Rabbi Hartman and other top scholars and experts. The cost for the series is $20 for Temple members, and $36 for guests. (Cost includes a 100-page sourcebook). To Register: Call the Temple Office at 561-832-0804 Wednesday Mornings: 11AM - 1PM March 11, 18 & 25, 2015 Thursday Nights: 7PM - 9PM March 12, 19 & 26, 2015 Facilitator: Rabbi Michael Resnick Adult Ed Movie Nights Wednesdays at 7:30 PM. Refreshments are served. All are welcome, members free, guests $5 per film. March 18, 2015 Lies My Father Told Me April 15, 2015 Nora’s Will Spanish, Hebrew, 92 minutes English, 103 minutes Nora’s Will is a unique tale of lost faith This heart-warming English language and eternal love from talented Mexican Canadian film classic set in the writer and director Mariana Chenillo. 1920s Jewish immigrant community Nora had a plan. It would bring her of Montreal was winner of the 1976 ex-husband, Jose, and the rest of the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Film family together for Passover Seder. and the 1975 Academy Award nomiThere is a flaw in her plan.A mysterious nee for Best Screenplay. Lies My photograph from the past, hidden Father Told Me is the quintessential under the bed, leads Jose to reexamine their relationship and Canadian film about a boy’s evolving rediscover their undying love for each other. view of the world and the Jewish Director Mariana Chenillo was the first female director to immigrant experience in Canada. win Mexico’s Best Picture award. These smiling students at the University of Central Florida are appreciative of Temple Emanu-El’s donation of the Ark and Torah table from the Rabb Chapel. The old showcase is now also located at the school’s Hillel House. 6 Guest Lecturers Arthur S. Berger Senior Advisor for External Affairs at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Saturday Morning, March 7, 2015 - Service at 9:15AM Passover Schedule Friday Night Service, April 3 at 6:15PM 1st Seder Friday, April 3 at 7:00PM (see details below) 1st Day Services Saturday, April 4 at 9:15AM Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism and Holocaust Denial: Why does the 2nd Seder situation seem so bad? Saturday, April 4 Before joining the Museum, Mr. Berger directed public 2nd Day Services relations and communications at the American Jewish ComSunday, April 5 at 9:15AM mittee and then at the American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science. 7th Day Services Friday, April 10 at 9:15AM Previously, in a 25-year career in the U.S. Foreign Service, Mr. Berger served in Israel, Uganda, Ethiopia, Brazil and the Neth8th Day Services / Yizkor erlands, as well as at the Department of State as Middle East Saturday, April 11 at 9:15AM issues spokesman. In that position, he was honored as Speaker of the Year by then-Secretary of State George Shultz. He First Night Passover Seder retired as a senior Foreign Service officer in 1995. A graduate of Yeshiva University in New York, Mr. Berger received a Join Rabbi Michael Resnick, Hazzan David Feuer & Your Temple Family master’s degree from Howard University (with a focus on Friday, April 3 at 7:00 PM Africa) and continued his post-graduate studies at the Washington, D.C. Consortium of Universities researching political Buffet Menu leadership in Africa and the Middle East. He was born in Rotisserie Chicken Rhode Island, is married, and has two adult sons and two Sliced Brisket of Beef with Gravy granddaughters. Homemade Gefilte Fish with Red Horseradish Homemade Clear Chicken Soup with Fluffy Matzo Balls This special program is made possible through the generosity Homemade Potato Kugel of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum FoundaHomemade Mushroom Onion Farfel tion. Sweet Carrot Tzimmes with Honey and Prunes Hot and Cold Beverages Desserts THE MIDDLE EAST Dr. Robert Rabil Associate Professor of Political Science, & Lifelong Learning Distinguished Professor of Current Affairs, Florida Atlantic University Saturday, March 14, 2015 Service at 9:15AM The Middle East is undergoing a period of incredible flux. From the civil war in Syria to dramatic political changes in Egypt, understanding the nuances of what is driving these changes - as well as how they affect U.S.-Arab Relations, reform in the Arab world, radical Islam and terrorism - are of utmost importance. No one can help explain it better than Dr. Robert G. Rabil. Dr. Rabil holds a Masters in Government from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Near Eastern and Judaic Studies from Brandeis University. He served as Chief of Emergency for the Red Cross in Lebanon, and was Project Manager of the U.S. State Department-funded Iraq Research and Documentation Project. Cost is $70 for members Guest of members cost is $85 Non-member cost is $85 Children $25 (5-12), children under 5, no charge. To RSVP, call the Temple office at 561-832-0804 by Monday, March 23. Passover is just around the corner and that means that it is time to Sell your Chametz! As you know, the Torah (Exodus 12:19 and 13:7) prohibits possession of Chametz (leaven) on Passover. In other words, it is a biblical requirement to get rid of all of the Chametz in your possession before Passover begins. As an alternative to the disposal of Chametz, many people sell their Chametz (Mechirat Chametz) as a means of "removing" the Chametz from their possession. If you would like the Temple to sell your Chametz on your behalf, please contact the office (561) 832-0804 and we do the rest! The deadline to sell your Chametz is by Friday, April 3, 2015 at 10:00AM. This is time-sensitive, so don't delay! 7 WOMEN’S LEAGUE WOMEN’S LEAGUE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE It’s too bad that we had to reset our clocks at the beginning of this month to jump ahead. We could have used that lost hour to get all the exciting coming events underway. WOMEN’S LEAGUE Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach CALENDAR OF EVENTS 5775/ 2014-2015 ____________________________________________ Monday, March 9, 11:30 AM Home Is Where The Art Is Chair: Mickey Feldberg “Home is Where the Art Is,” a new effort by Women’s League to raise funds in support of Friday and Saturday, March 27-28 various activities in our temple, is on Monday, March 9. We Women's League Shabbaton will visit the art-filled homes of Marylou Gray, Ellen Levy and Chair: Sandi Gladding Beverly Myers, chaired by Mickey Feldberg. Our Book Club this month will feature the provocative book by Ari Shavit, Thursday, April 23, 1:30 PM “My Promised Land: The Triumph and Tragedy of Israel.” CAMERA Israel Affairs chair, Carmela Kalmanson, will be our reviewer. Chair: Priscilla Friedman Because of the great interest and diversity of opinion about Wednesday, May 13, 7:30 PM this book, we invite men, as well as women, to join us in what Women's League Takes You To The Movies will surely be a lively discussion. Chair: Hana Siegelstein The highlight of March is our annual Shabbaton weekend, ______________________________________ March 27 and 28, ably chaired once again by Sandi Gladding. Book Club Meetings - Mondays at 1:00 PM We are so fortunate to have with us, through the generosity Chair: Mindi Belsky of Gilda and Henry Block, Rabbi Rachel Ain, Rabbi of Sutton March 16, April 20, May 18 Place Synagogue in Manhattan. Among her many accomplishRosh Chodesh Study Programs 10:30 AM ments, Rabbi Ain served as a commissioned Lieutenant for Leader: Barbara Steinberg the US Navy Chaplain Corps. She served as director of the Adar: March 19 National Young Leadership department for the Jewish Federations of North America and is a lecturer at the JTS Board Meetings: Mondays at 12:30 PM Rabbinical School. March 2, April 13, May 4 Rabbi Ain is married to Rabbi David Levy, Director of Teen Learning at JTS, who we’re delighted to have joining us. SYBIL SANDERS LEGACY Thanks to the effort of our Youth Director, Amanda Brezinski, S E S BOOK BOOK CLUB Rabbi Levy will be available to meet with our USY kids. The CLUB weekend will start off with a Shabbat dinner with Rabbi Ain Meets monthly on Mondays at 1:00 PM in the Stone Family Lounge & sharing her learning with us then and continuing on Shabbat Kramer Library. morning. As always, our women will be leading our congregaMy Promised Land (Non-Fiction) tion in prayer, Torah reading and song. By Ari Shavit A lot of planning, preparation and commitment by our women are what makes all of this possible. More to come in March 16, 2015 Carmela Kalmanson, Reviewer April! Kudos and enormous thanks to all. This book is a history of Israel by Ari Shavit, the most talented Israeli journalist of his generation. It is positioned B’shalom. to appeal to hard-line supporters of Israel as well as dovish Rhea Zukerman groups more critical of Israeli government policies. Each side, he hoped, would find something in the book that appealed to their own perspectives on the IsraeliCOLLEGE CONNECTION Palestinian conflict. Do you have a child in college? Women's League sends four packages a year to any college student for Rosh Hashanah, Hanukkah, Purim and Passover, filled with holiday-appropriate goodies, a letter from the Rabbi and a gift card. There is no charge for Temple members. Grandparents can sign up for a charge of $36 a package. Sandi Gladding chairs this means of connecting our youth to our shul and requests your cooperation providing your children's addresses. Please contact her at: slg759@comcast.net or 561-684-2869. 8 Judaica Boutique at Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach SALE 30% OFF SHABBAT ITEMS Volunteers Needed Hours: Monday, 9:30AM-10:30AM Tuesday, 1PM-3PM Wednesday, 1PM-4PM Thursday, 9:30AM-10:30AM & 1PM-4PM Women’s League Shabbaton MARCH 27-28 Our visiting scholar will be Rabbi Rachel Ain, Rabbi of Sutton Place Synagogue, a Conservative Synagogue in Midtown Manhattan. She believes that people of all ages, stages, and backgrounds can find meaning and purpose through a connection with a Jewish community and Jewish traditions, and in turn, that community is enriched by their presence. Before coming to SPS in the summer of 2012, she served as a Rabbi in Syracuse, NY and then as the director of the National Young Leadership department for the Jewish Federations of North America. She sits on the Rabbinic Cabinets of JTS and the Masorti Foundation, is a board member at the Solomon Schechter School of Manhattan. Earlier in her career she served as a commissioned Lieutenant (JG) for the US Navy Chaplains Corps. She writes for The New York Jewish Week, E-Jewish Philanthropy, Kolot: The magazine of the Conservative movement, and is a lecturer in the Rabbinical School at JTS. Rabbi Ain holds a BA from Barnard College, and a BA, MA (Jewish Education), and Rabbinic Ordination from JTS. She is married to Rabbi David Levy and they have two sons, Jared (9) and Zachary (6). Women’s League Shabbat Dinner Friday, March 27 at 5:45PM Special Women’s League Shabbaton Service following at 7:30PM Menu Chicken with Dried Fruit Sweet and Sour Meatballs Carrot and Cauliflower Puree Broccolini with Balsamic Vinaigrette Basmati Rice Yummy Desserts Cost is $20 for members, $10 for children (6-13), children 5 & under, no charge. Guest of members & Non-members cost is $25, children $10 (6-13), children 5 & under, no charge. To RSVP, call the Temple office at 561-832-0804 by Monday, March. 23. Please feel free to bring your own bottle of wine to Temple Emanu-El as long as it is certified Kosher. There are many wonderful Kosher options now available. **Additional charge of $5 per adult if RSVP is made after the cutoff date** ***Vegetarian and Special Diet Requests NEED to be made with reservation*** SUPPORT GROUPS Temple Emanu-El offers these support groups for the community as well as our congregants.They are led by trained and certified professionals and are free of charge. For more information, call the Temple office at 561-832-0804, or email officesec@tepb.org. Being a caregiver can be mentally, physically, and emotionally draining under the best of circumstances.The challenges of caring for a sick or elderly loved one can result in caregivers ignoring led by their own physical and emoDale Kinzer, LCSW tional health, often to the extent that they don't recognize or cope with the symptoms of stress that they are experiencing. Temple Emanu-El's Caregiver Support Group offers a safe place to discuss the Home Is Where The Art Is stresses and challenges of providing care for a loved one as A Fundraiser of the Women’s League of Temple Emanu-El well as strategies for also caring for yourself. Tour the Art-Filled Homes of Marylou Gray, Ellen Levy & Beverly Myers Monday, March 9, 2015 from 11:30am to 4pm couvert $72 Petite Luncheon at Temple catered by Marla. Carpool from Temple and return Reservations required as space is limited contact Mickey Feldberg: 561-586-2358 or milfel@aol.com Memorial Plaques Honor your departed loved ones with a plaque installed in the lower lobby’s Ruth & H. Bert Mack Memorial Room. Memorial Plaques: $500 each Please contact the Temple office for more information, (561) 832-0804, or email officesec@tepb.org. Thursdays March 12 & 26, 2015 10:00AM-11:30AM Bereavement Group led by Jordana Perlman, LCSW Have you suffered the loss of a loved one? We can help. Thursdays March 12 & 26, 2015 1:00PM-2:00PM 9 YOUTH & EDUCATION It’s been a big month for our youth group! Kadima and USY enjoyed two major events, a night of ice skating and Yom Universal, and Pre-Kadima did their part to help others with a Social Action/Tikun Olam After-school project. Our group of 44 youth members traveled to Orlando early Sunday, February 15th for a two day adventure at Universal Studios and Islands of Adventure. On Ice Cream Reception to follow day one of our trip the members were reunited with friends from all over the HaNegev region of United Synagogue Youth. The friends were able to partake in all of the park’s activities Contact Amanda with any questions amanda@tepb.org including fantastic rides like Transformers 3-D and the Hollywood Rip Ride Rocket, parades, shows and even their own stroll down Diagon Alley. We spent day two at Islands of Invitation to Beach USY & Kadima to Adventure enjoying the attractions with a few of our neighattend the Women’s League Shabbat boring chapters. This annual event is heavily anticipated by all Dinner at 5:45 PM on Friday, March 27. of our USYers and Kadimaniks and certainly turned out to be Immediately following the dinner Rabbi David Levy will lead a special one of the best of the year. discussion with our USY and Kadima groups and their friends. The cost for Beach youth members is $10 and $15 for non Beach youth members. Parents are also invited to attend the Dinner (see details on page 9). RSVP is required by March 23rd to amanda@tepb.org. Rothman Religious School is going strong and our students are gearing up for the spring holidays. The Purim costumes are being chosen carefully and noisemakers are under construction for the celebration. In the midst of our spring holidays, we will be pausing for spring break. Please note that there will not be religious school on the following dates due to school holidays and spring break: March 15th, March 17th, March 22nd and March 24th. Important Dates: March 4 – Family Purim Evening March 8 – USY & 8th grade SATO Sunday March 20-22 – 8th Grade Gesher Convention Rabbi David Levy is the Director of Teen Learning for the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism. In this capacity he works to strengthen and transform teen learning in and among Conservative kehillot, as well as leading USY and Kadima. Previously, Rabbi Levy worked as the director of admissions for The Rabbinical School and H. L. Miller Cantorial School and College of Jewish Music of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Rabbi Levy worked for Colgate University, where he served as the University Chaplain and director of Jewish life. In 2007, while at Colgate, Rabbi Levy was selected by Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life as a recipient of the Richard M. Joel Exemplar of Excellence Award. Rabbi Levy is the author of “A Guide for the New Jewish College Student,” a resource published by Koach, the Conservative Movement's college outreach program. He is also a frequent contributor to Jewish Values Online. 8th -12th Graders! We are always accepting registration for the Rothman ReliYala! means “let’s go” gious School and Beach Youth Groups, so if you would like to receive more information or know anyone that is interested, Yala! means “let’s go” and allows teens to do just that, in a please contact us in the office or via e-mail at amanda@tepb.org. fun, social, and enlightening way. This program is designed for post Bar/Bat Mitzvah age students to continue their Jewish education as they grow into responsible Jewish Join our Facebook group to receive the most up to date adults. The classes specifically focus on the pressing issues Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach information! that confront them as they grow up in today’s world.Yala! Amanda Brezinski, Meets from 10:30AM – 12:30PM. Director of Youth Education & Programming amanda@tepb.org Sunday, March 8, 2015 10 March 1 4 5 8 11 12 3 2 8:15AM MINYAN 12:30PM 10:00AM *RRS *WL BOARD MTG NO SCHOOL 5PM *PB FELLOWSHIP MTG 10 9 8:15AM MINYAN 9:30AM *RRS 4:00PM *RRS 11:30AM 10:30AM YALA *WL PROGRAM 5:00PM *EBM 10:30AM *PP&J HOME IS WHERE 6:00PM *BTM THE ART IS 15 NO SCHOOL 22 NO SCHOOL 16 17 8:15AM MINYAN 1:00PM *WL BOOK CLUB NO SCHOOL 8:15AM MINYAN 11:00AM ADULT ED 11:00AM ADULT ED 7:30PM MOVIE NIGHT 19 8:15AM MINYAN 10:30AM *WL ROSH HODESH 7PM ADULT ED 31 29 30 9:30AM *RRS 4:00PM *RRS FAMILY 8:15AM MINYAN 6:00PM 5PM *PB PASSOVER CONGREGATIONAL FELLOWSHIP CELEBRATION MEETING & MTG 10:30AM *PP&J ELECTION 7 13 10:00AM PROGRAM COMMITTEE MEETING 7:30PM SERVICE 20 14 7:30PM SERVICE 9:15AM SATURDAY SERVICE SPEAKER ARTHUR BERGER 9:15AM SATURDAY SERVICE SPEAKER ROBERT RABIL 21 9:15AM SATURDAY SERVICE 27 5:45PM *WL 28 9:15AM 8:15AM MINYAN DINNER SATURDAY 10AM *CGG 7:30PM SERVICE SERVICE 1PM *BRV *WL SHABBATON *WL SHABBATON 7PM ADULT ED SPEAKER SPEAKER RABBI AIN RABBI AIN 26 25 NO SCHOOL 6 5:45PM INTERNATIONAL SHABBAT 8:15AM MINYAN DINNER & MEGILLAH 7:30PM SERVICE SERVICE 8:15AM MINYAN 10AM *CGG 1PM *BRV 7PM ADULT ED 18 24 23 NO ADULT ED CLASS 5:30PM DAIRY DINNER 6:30PM PURIM SERVICE 11:00AM ADULT ED *PP&J = POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY & JUDAISM *RRS = ROTHMAN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL * WL = WOMEN’S LEAGUE *BRV = BEREAVEMENT GROUP *BTM = BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING *CGG = CARE GIVERS GROUP *EBM = EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING We wish to extend a Mazal Tov to our members who are celebrating a birthday in March. Sanford Baklor Sam Bader Deborah Boner William Langfan Rosalie Chris Lerman Flora Heilweil Arlette Gordon Sheila Engelstein William Wolff Barbara Bell Denise Zeide Katherine Kraft 3/1 3/2 3/4 3/4 3/5 3/5 3/6 3/6 3/7 3/8 3/8 3/8 March Shelley Schwartz Platt 3/8 Gilda Block Irving Kramer 3/9 Robin Bernstein Carmela Kalmanson 3/9 Marcy Fine Eleanor Shaw 3/14 Marilyn Myerhoff Josh Pertnoy 3/15 Steven Pincus Philip Radlauer 3/16 Ron Pertnoy Garrett Ellberger 3/16 Elaine Wolff Ivor Safro 3/17 Susan Spilker-Ochstein Harry Black 3/17 Marsha Moskowitz Deanna Burger 3/17 Ileene Fisher Gerald Gilberg 3/18 Sir Geoffrey Leigh Jeffrey Levitt 3/18 Brian Cole 3/19 3/19 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/20 3/21 3/21 3/21 3/23 3/23 3/23 Bruce Moskowitz Stanley Jacobson Audrey Weinstein Ellen Rampell Lori Bernstein Ed Satell Janet Blank Roger Benjamin Donna Schneier Renee Seal Emily Gardner 3/24 3/25 3/25 3/26 3/29 3/29 3/30 3/30 3/30 3/31 3/31 We wish to extend a Mazal Tov to our members who are celebrating an anniversary in March. Allan & Muriel Greenblatt William & Elaine Wolff Mark & Cecelia Eisenberg Brian & Andrea Kosoy 3/6 3/9 3/11 3/17 March Jack & Rita Chase Craig & Rochelle Menin Jules & Leah Nettis Melvin & Bernice Spiegel 3/18 3/20 3/25 3/26 Sanford & Brenda Guritzky Michael & Lori Bernstein Leonard & Roberta Griff 3/26 3/30 3/31 11 With Appreciation... Shomrim (Guardians) Dan & Ewa Abraham Henry & Gilda Block Barbara Kay Henry & Marsha Laufer Claire Levine Bonim (Builders) Sanford Baklor & Arlene Kaufman Charles & Rita Bronfman Alec & Sheila Engelstein Charles & Mickey Feldberg Sondra Fetner Harold Goald Gerald Goldsmith & Roni Okun Herbert & Marylou Gray Sidney & Dorothy Kohl Anthony & Patricia Lampert Arnold Lampert William Langfan Stephen & Petra Levin H. Irwin & Ellen Levy Beverly Myers Arthur & Rhoda Rodbell Cyma & Ed Satell Matthew & Tracy Smith Richard Sussman Platinum Chai Ruth Albert Norman & Elinor Belfer Harold & Barbara Bell Harold & Helen Bix Dvora Lange Callahan Jenny Cyker Joan Eigen Malka Fingold Linda Glazer Ray & Linda Golden Jacqueline Goldman Steven Green & Cynthia Sulzberger Madelyn Greenberg Allan & Muriel Greenblatt Flora Heilweil Bruce Hindin Vivienne Ivry Gladys Jacobson Robert & Sheila Josephberg Henry & Elaine Kaufman Ronald & Paulette Koch Shirley Kullen Ronald & Jo Lauder Mark & Stacey Levy Paula Lustbader David & Sondra Mack Beatrice Neu Melov Craig & Rochelle Menin Bruce & Judith Newman Ron & Susan Pertnoy Roberta Robinson Lillian Sandler Muriel Shapiro Marty & Marlene Silver Beverly Sommer Rita Taca Lisa Weisberg-Snietka Victor & Belle Winston William & Elaine Wolff Gold Chai Richard & Harriet Baime Diane Belfer Georges Benarroch Judy Bergman Diana Burger Robert & Debbie Burger Alvin & Greta Chaiken Robert & Hiroko Davidow Kenneth & Frances Eisenberg Estelle Fassler Jeffrey & Ileene Fisher Sol Freedman Robert & Ann Fromer Ira Gerstein Gerald & Frances Gilberg Leonard Goldberg & Donna Schneier Arlette Gordon Benjamin & Elizabeth Gordon Robert & Renee Gordon Sylvia Greenberg William & Nina Heitman Herbert & Diane Hoffman Steven & Caren Horowitz Rosamond Isenberg Stanley & Michelle Jacobson Jane Karp Michael & Angelica Klebanoff Sheldon & Marjie Konigsberg Phyllis Kuby Patricia Lebow Brian & Vivian Lemelman Audrey Levine Brahm & Carole-Ann Levine Norman & Phyllis Lipsett Jeffrey & Rachelle Litt Karyn Lutz Earle & Carol Mack Sol Matsil Irving Morris Bruce & Marsha Moskowitz Paul Moskowitz Paul & Madelaine Niloff Frank & Lynn Peseckis Robert Postal Andrew & Jill Richman Marvin S. & Sandra Rosen Alice Rudin Irvin Saltzman & Robin Roshkind Ronald & Leslie Schram David & Joanne Singer Fay Sugar Pierce Weinstein Jay & Carole Weitzman Jacqueline Wilner Janice Winter Michael & Carolyn Yasuna Roger & Linda Benjamin Leonard & Bernna Berkowitz Harry Black Jack & Rita Chase Robert Chod Arnold Esterman Ed & Marcy Fine Gloria Fishman Gary & Leslie Granoff Leslie Groffman Sanford & Brenda Guritzky Lawrence & Michelle Herbert Michael & Lori Jacobs Martin & Carmela Kalmanson Richard & Susan Kaplan Stuart & Tammy Karu Joel & Darcie Kassewitz Miriam Kerzner Robert & Michelle Kirschner Brian & Andrea Kosoy Jeff Kotzen Katherine Kraft Stephen & Donna Krasner Steven & Dana Krumholz Barbara Landau Chris Lerman Ken & Sheri Levine Jeffrey & Susan Levitt Ellen Liman Adam & Malinda Linkhorst Daniel & Morrine Marantz Edward & Hadar Mehl Hilary Musser Sidney & Elise Neimark Harold & Nancy Oelbaum Steven & Laura Pincus Kathryn Resnick Ella Seidenfeld Fannie Shore Robert Shore Alan & Elizabeth Shulman Shirley Slater Richard & Carolyn Sloane Helen Stein Barbara Steinberg Lori Stoll Benjamin Tepper Polly Wachtenheim Karl & Rhea Zukerman Silver Chai Lauren Belfer Clive & Deborah Boner Robert & Jan Burke Albert Goldberg & Miriam Lieff Herbert & Barbara Goldberg Ron Guritzky Jack Halickman William & Sharon Hope Andrew & Jami Huber Jean Katz Lisa Koeper Irving & Donna Kramer Arlene Kurtis Geoffrey & Sylvia Leigh Sidney Packer Andrew & Hana Siegelstein Anita Sigel Jay & Shirley Tenzer Michael & Denise Zeide Chai Max & Inge Adler Belinda Agar Jo Ann Barone Ronnie Barre Asher Bar-Zev & Haviva Langenauer Elissa Baum Mindi Belsky The Temple is grateful to those individuals who have generously contributed to the welfare of the congregation.This listing reflects the higher of this year's dues pledge (2014/2015) and the past year's total payments for dues and donations for the High Holy Days, Book of Remembrance, concert and Memorial Plaque fundraisers as well as other regular donations. For more information on how you can help support our sacred work, please call our Temple Administrator, David Schreier, at 561-832-0804. Tribute Form Occasion: In Honor of Mazal Tov In Memory of For Speedy Recovery Other Name to Appear in Tribute __________________________________________________ Address for Acknowledgement _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Your Name ______________________________________________Your Phone ________________Your Email ____________________________ Your Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Unless specified, all donations go to the Temple’s General Fund. To specify a different fund, please indicate below. (Please use a separate form for each tribute). Adult Education Dr. Cindy Bix USY Flower Fund General Fund Bereavement/Support Group Fund Harold Bernstein Israel Scholarship Fund Hazzan’s Discretionary Fund Kramer Library Kiddush Fund March of the Living Memorial Fund Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund Rothman Religious School Total Enclosed $ _______ Thank you for your support of Temple Emanu El of Palm Beach.Tributes are published in our newsletter. If you do not wish yours to be published, please check here. Make your check payable to: Temple Emanu-El, and mail to: Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach190 N. County Road, Palm Beach, Fl 33480 12 Gifts to the Congregation January 16 - February 15, 2015 Adult Education Fund Martin & Carmela Kalmanson in honor of H. Irwin Levy's award for Visionary Leadership Paul & Madelaine Niloff in honor of Vivienne Ivry's birthday Bereavement/Support Group Fund Patti & Tony Lampert in honor of Mickey Feldberg Cindy Bix USY Fund Harold & Helen Bix in honor of Brittany & Zev Zaretsky's wedding Ruby & Risa Helman in honor of the Bar Mitzvahs of Helen & Harold Bix’s grandsons, Sam & David Irving & Donna Kramer in honor of the Bar Mitzvahs of Harold & Helen Bix's grandsons, Sam & David - Mazal Tov; in memory of Joseph Kerzner Walter Sag in honor of Vivienne Ivry's birthday Geri Sedler in honor of Cyma Satell's birthday Cantor's Discretionary Fund Shelley Schwartz Platt in honor of Hazzan David Feuer for Chanukat Habayit General Fund Jenny Cyker in honor of Vivienne Ivry's birthday Charlie & Mickey Feldberg in memory of Joseph Kerzner Rita Jacobs in honor of Cyma Satell Sheldon & Marjie Konigsberg in honor of the Bat Mitzvahs of Sophie and Haley Huber Debra Lerman in honor of Hayley & Sophie Huber's Bat Mitzvahs Paul Moskowitz in memory of beloved Dr. Paul Elkins Kiddush Fund Frank & Roslyn Roth in honor of Jack Halickman March of the Living Fund Ben & Ellen Levy in honor of the birth of Sheldon & Margie Konigsberg's granddaughter Jules & Leah Nettis in memory of Edward Feldman's beloved mother, Flora Memorial Fund Edward Brock in memory of Edward's beloved mother, Flora Hope Cramer in memory of her beloved sister, Goldanna Perlsweig; her beloved father-in-law, George B. Williams Ed & Cyma Satell in memory of Cyma's dear cousin-in-law, Herbert Sedler Joan Eigen in memory of her beloved mother-in-law, Cecile Eigen Joyce Goldberg in memory of her beloved father, Louis Berman Robert & Michelle Kirschner in memory of Robert's beloved aunt, Grace Ayervais Anny Lerman in memory of her beloved son, Israel Lerman Beatrice Melov in memory of her beloved father, Richard Neu; her beloved mother, Hedwig Neu Irving Morris in memory of his beloved wife, Doris Morris Larry Ochstein in memory of his beloved father, Charles Ochstein Arthur & Rhoda Rodbell in memory of Arthur's beloved mother, Sadye Rodbell Ed & Cyma Satell in memory of Cyma's beloved mother, Lillian Altman Jeffrey & Ruth Stein in memory of Ruth's beloved father, Morris Ginsberg Richard Sussman in memory of his beloved brother, Irving Sussman; his beloved father-in-law, Leo Pasternak Herb & Audrey Weinstein in memory of Herb's beloved father, Sam Weinstein; Audrey's beloved father, Joseph Cutler Michael & Carolyn Yasuna in memory of Michael's beloved mother, Rose Yasuna; Michael's beloved father, Marshall Yasuna Susan Zabriskie in memory of her beloved father, Irving Stern Mishkan T'Filah Prayer Book Shirley Kullen in honor of the birthday of her dear friend, Ginny Edlavitch Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Mr. & Mrs. I. Hammer in honor of Rabbi Michael Resnick Shelley Schwartz Platt in honor of Rabbi Resnick for Chanukat Habayit Dudley & Peggy Richter in memory of Rita Dee Hassenfeld Need a Ride to Shabbat Services? Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach would like to offer you a ride to Shabbat Services: Shabbat is the time when family and friends come together. Temple Emanu-El would like to offer free car service to our members who need a ride to the Synagogue to spend Shabbat with us! If you reside on Palm Beach Island or in the vicinity and have a problem driving to the Temple, we will gladly make arrangements to pick you up as many as 12 times per year. If you are interested, please RSVP to officesec@tepb.org or call the Synagogue office at 561-832-0804. We look forward to having you join us! Kiddush-Vegetarian Cholent INGREDIENTS 4 cups assorted dried beans 1 cup barley 2 envelopes onion soup mix 1 small onion, diced 4 cloves garlic, minced 3 small potatoes, cut into medium pieces 1 large squirt of ketchup 1 tablespoon smoked paprika 1 bag soy crumbles-add next day Black pepper Salt to taste-optional • About 3 pm, in crock pot, add 2 quarts water. • Bring to boil on high. • Add beans, when beans float, add barley, onion soup mix, • Smoked paprika, black pepper and ketchup.Turn to low. • Before sleep, add potatoes, onions and garlic. • Check on water content. If needed add more water • Cover, cook on low over night. • In morning add tofu crumbles, season with salt & pepper and additional smoked paprika if needed. • After 15 minutes, turn crock pot setting, to keep warm. • Serve when you are ready to eat. Cook with Love, Marla CLERGY GRATUITIES Members inquire from time to time what the proper protocol is for recognizing the Rabbi and Hazzan for officiating at life-cycle events. The answer is that the Rabbi and Hazzan are paid by the Temple to provide those services to our members. Therefore, separate compensation is neither charged nor expected for those services. However, if a person feels motivated to do more, we recommend that contributions be made to the Temple in honor of the Rabbi and/or Hazzan. Each of them also maintains a discretionary fund from which financial assistance is provided to those in our congregation and our larger community who are in need. 13 Palm Beach Fellowship of Christia ns & Je ws Presents Tom O’Brien • Rabbi Howard Shapiro Interfaith Dialogues Monday, March 2, 2015 • 5:00-6:30PM Christians and Jews: The Name We Call Each Other Monday, March 30, 2015 • 5:00-6:30PM A New Vision for a Shared Future Each session will open with a short video that will form a basis for the conversations among the Participants. The 2015 series is being held at Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach. ALL SESSIONS ARE FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Light refreshments will be served. Reservations are kindly requested for planning purposes. Please call the Fellowship office at 561-833-6150 or register online at www.palmbeachfellowship.net 14 L Anthony (Tony) Lampert ampert Michael Civin President Lighting Showroom 788 Harbour Isles Court LLC North Palm Beach, FL 33410 561.307.1962 561.423.9260 fax tony@lampertco.com Specializing in Life Insurance, Annuities, Long Term Care, Disability Income and Hard to Place Risks Kevin S. Sloane Managing Broker 2880 South Ocean Boulevard Palm Beach, FL 33480 direct 561.289.3050 office 561.345.3745 fax 561.855.6841 kevin@oceanvia.com oceanvia.com Advertisers are important because they help to defray the expense of publication so please support them. To place an ad in Kol Emanu El please call David Schreier, Temple Administrator at (561) 832 0804 15 TEMPLE EMANU - EL OF PALM BEACH Presorted Standard 190 NORTH COUNTY ROAD US Postage PAID West Palm Beach, FL Permit No. 1819 PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33480 OR CURRENT RESIDENT WARNING: NO PARKING IN PERMIT PARKING ONLY, AS WELL AS ON CURBS WITH RED OR YELLOW PAINT VIOLATORS WILL BE TICKETED Honor All Occasions Through Temple Emanu-El Show someone that you care! Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach’s tributes are a meaningful way to honor or remember a loved one or friend on a significant occasion. By making a tribute, you are letting someone know how special they are and you are making a difference in Temple Emanu-El of Palm Beach through your generous donation. Make a donation for: • Birthday • Bar/Bat Mitzvah • Get Well • Wedding Holiday Wishes Condolence Anniversary • • • • Promotion New Home • Honor or commemorate special occasions in various ways: • Tribute • Sponsor Friday Night Oneg or Saturday Kiddush • Sponsor Bima Flowers for Shabbat • Sponsor a Bima Food Basket benefitting the Food Pantry at Jewish Family and Childrens Services Call the Temple office at 561-832-0804 or e-mail officesec@tepb.org to make a tribute. Worship Services Friday Evening Services 7:30PM Saturday Morning Services 9:15AM Minyanim Mondays & Thursdays at 8:15AM
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