April Temple View

The Temple
Congregation Ohabai Sholom
The Temple Family in Israel
April 2015 ~ www.templenashville.org
The Temple
5015 Harding Road
Nashville, TN 37205
Phone: 615-352-7620
Fax: 615-352-9365
Executive Staff
Mark Schiftan
Senior Rabbi................................. ext. 224
Shana Goldstein Mackler
Rabbi.............................................. ext. 221
Rabbi Michael Shulman, RJE
Director of Education &
Next Generation Programs...... ext. 233
Lesson of the Month
The March for Freedom Continues...
(At this Passover Season, we are asked to remind ourselves of the bitterness
of being the stranger, the other, the enshackled and enslaved -- all so as
to remind us of our continuing responsibility to bring others closer to the
warmth, comfort and safety of Freedom's light. In this spirit, and despite
some tenuous weather conditions, thirty members of the Temple traveled to
Rabbi Schiftan
Birmingham in February, during Black History Month, to trace the struggle
for racial equality and social justice in the South and in this nation, on the fiftieth anniversary years of
both the Civil Rights Act and the Voter Rights Act. One of our congregants, Ellie Flier, captured the spirit,
power, and the essence of this day by publishing her thoughts in the Los Angeles Jewish Journal. Her
thoughts appear below.)
David Davis..................Rabbi Laureate
Tracy Fishbein
Cantor............................................ ext. 226
Bernard Gutcheon
Cantor Emeritus.......................... ext. 234
Tammye Crump
Finance Manager & Director of
Operations....................................ext. 230
Corye Nelson
Preschool Director...................... ext. 231
Erin Zagnoev
Director of Membership &
Development................................ ext. 299
Office Staff
Mitzie Russell
Executive Assistant to the Clergy &
Office Manager........................... ext. 292
Mark Shepard
Facility Manager.......................... ext. 235
Helene Dunbar
Marketing Specialist................ext. 227
Marjorie Zager
Senior Services Coordinator..... ext. 237
Ralph Levy................................President
Martin Sir.......Vice President/Treasurer
Joyce Friedman.......................Secretary
“You’ll be the first in our family to set foot in Alabama,” my mom half-joked over the phone from
L.A., when I told her where I was going. “Well, I was the first one to set foot in Tennessee,” I quipped
Before moving to Nashville two years ago to pursue my music career, some of my parents’ friends
were aghast. Are there any Jews there? It’s the South--everyone will be racist. And anti-semitic.
Truthfully, I didn’t know what to expect. To my surprised delight, it turned out that Nashville has a
vibrant Jewish community that welcomed me with open arms.
Shortly after arriving in Music City, I stopped in at the JCC. “I’m new in town,” I announced to the
receptionist. “I wanted to meet some Jews.” In short order, I was introduced to a group of twentyand thirty-somethings, and learned from them that Nashville has, not one, but – count ‘em -- five
Two new friends invited me to Shabbat services and dinner at their Reform temple. Even though my
own background is Conservative, after just a few Friday nights, I knew I wanted to become a member
of Ohabai Sholom -- known around town simply as “The Temple.” Besides the warm friendliness of
its congregants, what drew me to my new synagogue was the congregation’s strong commitment to
social justice. Which brings me to how I got to Alabama.
The Temple had chartered a bus to go to Birmingham to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of
the Voting Rights Act. Highlights were to include a stop at the 16th Avenue Baptist Church, site of the
infamous 1965 bombing that took the lives of four young black girls – which put national attention
on the civil rights movement -- followed by a tour of the Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, a large
research institute and multimedia museum.
When I boarded the bus for the three-hour ride, Rabbi Mark Schiftan and Temple members of all
ages filled the seats. During the journey a long-time member started a conversation about Randall
Falk, The Temple’s rabbi from 1960 until 1986.
I was fascinated to hear that he had been a champion of social justice and one of Nashville’s most
vocal and active clergymen for civil rights. (Although I am repeatedly told by native Nashvillians that
their city is a blue dot in a red state, I always marvel at that fact. I was even more surprised to learn
that during the Civil War Nashville and east Tennessee tried to remain free of the Confederacy.)
Growing up in liberal Los Angeles I had the impression that all Southern cities were mirrors of the
injustices that were commonplace in Selma, Birmingham and elsewhere. While I know that strict
segregation was enforced in Nashville, too, somehow belonging to a Jewish community historically
committed to equal rights made me immensely proud.
Before we hit the off-ramp, Rabbi Schiftan picked up a microphone. “Passover is coming,” he
reminded us. “We’ll be forced to taste the bitterness in our mouths -- of slavery, of being the other,
the marginalized.The Seder is our yearly reminder to put ourselves in others’ shoes and work toward
freedom and equality for all.”
Continued on page 13...
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Five More Years
I am pleased to announce that The Temple Board of Trustees, acting by a unanimous vote, has approved
an extension of Rabbi Mark Schiftan’s employment as Senior Rabbi through June 30, 2021. With this five year
extension (Rabbi Schiftan’s current agreement was scheduled to expire in
June, 2016), we have taken another step to make certain that our clergy will continue to lead our
congregation for the foreseeable future. In response to the Board’s action, Rabbi Schiftan expressed joy and
indicated that he “looked forward to continuing to serve this sacred community. I am pleased to be able to
continue to serve this historical and vibrant congregation.”
Ralph Levy
During Rabbi Schiftan’s sixteen plus year tenure, he has led several significant initiatives both at The
Temple and as part of our congregation’s outreach efforts to the greater community, including conceptualizing or expanding
Temple programming initiatives such as the popular AJ Levine lecture series, the annual Taste of Judaism Classes, the continuing
Conversion Conversations Class program and others. Early on in his career, he organized the Nashville Board of Rabbis and
served as President of that august body (of which he is now the most tenured Rabbi in the Nashville community). More recently,
he led a third Temple trip to Israel and is looking forward later this year to co-leading a trip to Israel for leaders of several local
Christian congregations. Finally, he envisioned the expansion of The Temple’s Director of Education position to include Next
Generation Programming responsibilities and also authored related applications for grants from the Jewish Federation for funding
of activities seeking to involve young Jewish adults in Temple activities.
As part of Rabbi Schiftan’s contract extension, he outlined his goals and objectives over and above his significant day-today responsibilities in partnership with our lay leadership, other clergy members and senior support staff. For example, in the
immediate future, he will lead the review and update of the curriculum and programming activities of the Religious School across
all grades. Other initiatives included in his goals and objectives will be announced in the future as appropriate.
On behalf of your officers and Board of Trustees, The Temple lay leadership thanks you, Rabbi Schiftan, for your continued
willingness to assist The Temple in responding to the ever changing and evolving needs of our congregation. To paraphrase, a
quote from a former U.S. President, “we look forward to five more years.”
Travel with the Temple to Morocco
Led by Rabbi Mark Schiftan
Gil and Joyce Fox, Trip Co-Chairs
May 2016
An 11-day trip including Casablanca, Fez, Rabat, Marrakesh and the Atlas Mountains, and
Desert Sites of Jewish Historic and Contemporary Interest
Visits to other sites of Moroccan Importance
Come to an Information Session
Tuesday, May 5th, 7:00 - 8:00pm at the Temple
For more information or to RSVP for the meeting, please call Mitzie at The Temple.
April 2015 - www.templenashville.org - 615-352-7620 ~ page 3
Temple Life
Congregational News
Mazel Tov to . . .
April & Jake Nemer on the February 20 birth of their son,
Henry Matthew. Henry is the grandson of
Martha & Bob Nemer and the nephew of
Matthew Nemer.
Joyce & Gil Fox on the birth of their grandson and to
Gilbert Fox on the birth of his great grandson,
Dominic Louis Elwell. Dominic was born on February 14th and
his parents are Karen & Ken Elwell of Denver Colorado.
Lauren & Mike Cooper on the engagement of their
daughter Emily to Corry Davis.
Sincere Sympathy
The Temple family extends condolences to the following
members who lost loved ones.
• Steve (Kristin) Berneman on the loss of his grandfather,
Norman Genoy.
• Bob (Alberta) Doochin and Elinor (Rudy) Saperstein on the loss of their brother, Jerry Doochin.
• Janet (Rick) Froio on the loss of her father, Harold Stampler.
• Leslie (Mark Freedman) Klein on the loss of her mother, Shirley Litt.
Congratulations to our Post Confirmation Graduates.
Rachel Clark ~ Emma Fischer ~ Gracie Hoffman
Matthew Jacobs ~ Noah Klinsky ~ Madeline Levy ~ Julian Mastri
Post Confirmation graduation is Friday, April 24th at 6:00 pm
Congratulations to our Confirmation
Class of 2015/5775
Adam Bednowitz
Stephanie Blumenthal
Shayna Elliot
Vivian Herzog
Jonah Hoffman
Spencer Klinsky
Margot Suchet
Lillie Yalowitz
Confirmation is
Saturday, April 25th at 11:00 am
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Purim Fun at The Temple 2015
April 2015 - www.templenashville.org - 615-352-7620 ~ page 5
Notice of Annual Meeting and Nominations for Officers and Board Members
2015 Annu
al M
In accordance with Article II, Section 3 of the Constitution of The Temple, notice is hereby given of the 2015 Annual
Meeting of the Congregation that will take place at 5:00PM on Friday, May 8, 2015 at The Temple at which a slate of
officers and new members of the Board of Trustees will be voted on by the Congregation. Pursuant to Article III, Section 3 of the
Constitution, the Nominating Committee, which is chaired by Ray Berk, Past-President, is required to report to the Congregation as
to the persons it has nominated for officers and Trustees and that will be presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting. Any twenty-five
members of the Congregation in good standing may submit further nominations no later than twenty days prior to the 2015 Annual
Meeting in which case such further nominations shall be communicated in writing to the membership not less than ten days prior to
the 2015 Annual Meeting.
The report of the Nominating Committee follows:
By Ray Berk, Immediate Past President
As Chair of the Nominating Committee, I am pleased to report the nominees for Officers and Board of Trustees. I
would like to thank the members of the Nominating Committee, Jamie Brook, Betsy Chernau, Raye Ann Greenbaum,
Erica Jacobs, Stan Kweller, Robb McCluskey, Jimmy Schulman, and Amy Smith, for the time and effort that they have
devoted to The Temple in connection with this endeavor.
Nominated Officers for 2015/16:
President: Ralph Levy,Vice President/Treasurer: Martin Sir, Secretary: Joyce Friedman.
Nominated Board Members to serve as Trustees for a four year term from 2015 -2019:
Michael Berman
Michael has a lifelong history with The Temple. Michael was consecrated, became a Bar Mitzvah, and was confirmed at The Temple.
Upon moving back to Nashville in 2000, Michael married his wife, April, and it was the first wedding officiated by Rabbi Schiftan at the
Temple. Michael and April have two sons, Lawson (5th Grade) and Gavin (2nd Grade), and they are active members of the Temple
Religious School. Michael is an attorney and the Chief Executive Officer of Ncontracts, a contract and vendor management company.
Betsy Greenbaum Hoffman
Betsy grew up in Nashville and was consecrated, became a Bat Mitzvah, was confirmed, and married at The Temple. She and her
husband, Seth, will celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary this summer. They have 2 children, Gracie (18) and Jonah (16). As well
as being involved in various Temple committees, Betsy is a 1st grade teacher at University School of Nashville.
Judy Lefkovitz
Judy and her husband, Steve, upon completing their respective graduate programs, moved to Nashville in 1978 and immediately
joined The Temple. They have two grown children, Jay (of Nashville) and Emily (of Cincinnati), both of whom were consecrated,
became a Bar/Bat Mitzvah, confirmed and graduated (post-Con), all at The Temple. Judy is Executive Vice President and Chief
Information and Administrative Officer of DSI Renal, a national dialysis company that is headquartered in Nashville. Her community
and professional involvement includes Jewish Federation, Circle of Red of the American Heart Association, Leadership Health Care
and The Society of Information Management (SIM). Judy received the Nashville Business Journal 2014 CIO Award for Large Private
Ben Raybin
Ben is a third-generation member of the Temple and attended the Religious School through post-confirmation. He is a graduate
of University School of Nashville, University of Chicago, and Vanderbilt Law School. Ben currently practices law at Hollins, Raybin
& Weissman. He has helped coach the USN mock trial team since 2007. Ben lives in East Nashville with his wife, Sarah.
Dana Strupp
Dana is a sixth-generation member of the Temple. Dana’s great grandfather, Adolph Meyer, was Temple president from 1916
to1918 and her mother, Suzanne Morris, was president of the Temple from 1992 to 1993. Dana was consecrated, became a Bat
Mitzvah, confirmed and married her late husband, John Allen Strupp, at The Temple. She has three children, Emily (26), Joshua
(22) and Suzanne (20). Dana has chaired events for the Jewish Community Center, Planned Parenthood and University School
of Nashville. She has served as board president of University School’s Alumni Association and University School’s Parent
Association. Most recently she served on the board of the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America.
Julie Yalowitz
Julie and her husband Jay moved from Chicago to Nashville in 2006 and joined The Temple. Their children, Lillie (16)
and Eric (14) attend Sunday school and became b’nai mitzvah at The Temple. Julie has a MSW, and before moving to
Nashville worked in child welfare in Chicago. Julie has worked on The Temple Arts Festival, is a member of the Religious
School Committee, and co-chairs the Purim Carnival. Julie has been on numerous committees and chaired events at her
children’s school.
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Temple Seder for Everyone
Second Night Passover Seder
led by Rabbi Schiftan & Cantor Fishbein
Saturday, April 4th at 6:00 pm
Dinner catered by Goldie Shepard.
We hope you’ll join us for this festive family-friendly evening.
price $18 for adults, $10 for children ages 3-11; $36 for all nonmember guests.
Please RSVP to Erin no later than April 1st.
(erin@templenashville.org or 615/352-7620 x 299)
Name:_________________________________ Phone:______________________
Number of Adults_____x $18 ________ Number of Children_____ x $10 ________
Number of Nonmember Guests _____ x $36 _________Total Enclosed __________
Mail to: The Temple, 5015 Harding Road, Nashville,TN 37205
Attn: Passover reservations enclosed - Your check is your reservation!
Young Adult Neighborhood Passover Experiences
April 4th at 5:30 pm ~ 2nd Night Seder ~12 South Neighborhood
hosted by Rabbi Shana & James Mackler led by Rabbi Shulman
April 10th at 7:00 pm ~ Maimouna* at Cafe Nonna in Sylvan Park
*celebrate this Sephardic tradition of ending Passover together
Next Gen Creative Passover
Experiences funded by the Jewish
Federation & Jewish Foundation
of Nashville & Middle Tennessee
For additional information & to RSVP contact Rabbi Shulman
(615/352-7620 or rabbishulman@templenashville.org)
Conversion Conversation Class
First Night Seder ~ April 3rd ~ 6:00 pm
at the home of Patty & Jimmy Marks ~ led by Rabbi Mackler
For additional information contact The Temple (615/352-7620)
GLBT Seder - April 5th ~ 6:00 pm ~ JACS Seder - April 8th
For additional information contact Robb McCluskey (615/568-1786)
April 2015 - www.templenashville.org - 615-352-7620 ~ page 7
Temple Events
Golden Lunch
11:30 am
First and third
Tuesdays of the month
April 7th
& April 21st
Putting the ‘New’ in our Jewish New Year: An Intro to Mishkan Hanefesh.
Even as Passover approaches, your clergy team is already thinking ahead to the High Holy
Days! The whole congregation is invited to join Cantor Fishbein and Gus Kuhn
for a series of adult education classes on Mishkan Hanfesh,
the newest High Holy Day prayer book of the Reform movement.
In our second class, taking place on Tuesday, April 14 at 6:30 pm, we will turn to our new
prayer book to learn about the history of Unetaneh Tokef, one of the most provocative prayers
of our High Holy Day season. For more information, please see your copy of the March
bulletin or contact Cantor Fishbein.
Join us for
and fun!
Call Anna Sir
Weight Watchers
12:30 & 5:30 pm
@ 12:30 &
5:30 pm
Weight Watchers
12:30 & 5:30 pm
of the Month
@ 7:15 pm
April 1st
Weight Watchers
12:30 & 5:30 pm
For more
Martin Sir,
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Temple Events
Book Club
The next meeting
will be held on
April 12th
The Martian by
Andy Weir
and save the date for
our May 3rd book,
The Martian by Andy
For more
Joan Breyer
led by
Patty Marks
@ 12:00 pm
Lunch with
the Rabbi
There will be NO service on
Friday, April 3rd
(First Seder)
Yizkor Service will be at 5:00 pm on
Friday April 10th
(prior to our regular Shabbat Service).
April 2015 - www.templenashville.org - 615-352-7620 ~ page 9
11:30 am at
The Temple
by Rabbi Michael Shulman
Todah Rabah! Thank You to All of Our Teachers!!
Each week I am privileged to see so many teachers creating vibrant, fun, rich, and meaningful Jewish learning experiences
for our kids. With joy and caring they show our kids what it means to live thoughtful, engaged Jewish lives. These
Jewish educators demonstrate and embody so many of the values we teach our kids: gemilut chasadim, loving kindness,
hachnasat orchim, hospitality, kavod, respect, talmud Torah, learning, ometz lev, courage and simcha, joy. Our teachers
have a love of Judaism that spills over and must be shared with others. They seek to learn and grow Jewishly themselves.
I see in them individuals who have found a window to their own spiritual life in teaching others. Understanding that
Judaism asks us to contribute to our community, our teachers have found a most wonderful (and challenging!) way to do
so – by teaching and inspiring others, by nurturing a Jewish community that our kids want to be a part of.
As our school year quickly comes to an end, this is a wonderful opportunity to honor and thank all of our amazing
teachers for everything they have done for us as a congregation. Our tradition teaches us that the highest kavod, the
highest honor, is due to our teachers. For a tradition that places great value on kavod, that is no small thing!
Our 2014-2015 Temple Teachers:
PAGE – Pre-K Program:
Jan Huettner & Ceci Sachs
Nancy Flexer & Polly Shepard
1st Grade:
Emma Tadlock-Goldsmith & Gigi Gritsak
2nd Grade:
Sara Starr & Emma Fischer
3rd Grade: Jason Wesley
4th Grade: Hannah Epelbaum
5th Grade: Samara Orkin
6th Grade:
Gabe Borman & Diane Scher
7th Grade: Jeremy Wolff
Confirmation – 10th Grade:
Rabbis Schiftan and Mackler
Post-Confirmation/11th & 12th Grades:
Alan Mazer
Junior High and High School Elective Teachers:
Tara Worthey, Sarah Shapiro, Ellie Flier,
Rhonda Wernick, Jeremy Wolff,
Rabbi Mackler, Liron Finkelstein,
Chris Hollingsworth, Robb McCluskey
Music Teacher: Dennis Scott
Hebrew Teachers:
Ellie Flier, Gabe Borman, Marissa Wertheimer,
Cantor Fishbein, Rabbi Shulman
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by Corye Nelson & Jan Huettner
Readers are Leaders - March 2-6, 2015
“Oh the things you can think, if only you try.”--Dr. Seuss
During the first week of March, the Temple Preschool joined schools across the country celebrating
Dr. Seuss’s birthday and the love of reading with Readers are Leaders Week.
On Monday and Tuesday, students brought in their favorite Dr. Seuss book to share their enjoyment of
reading with their peers.
On Wednesday, Temple Preschool welcomed members of our Nashville community into each of our classrooms to share
their love of reading with the children. Our “Readers are Leaders” included Christina Evans, Lori Glenn, Rae Hirsch, Rabbi
Saul Strosberg, Hettie Stuart, Linda Telfeyan, and Catherine Vrettos.
On Friday, students dressed up wacky to honor Dr. Seuss. Throughout the week, classroom teachers joined in the fun with
special art projects and activities. For example, Ms. Dawn and Ms. Gladys in Tikkum Olam’s PreK class had students make
their own Cat in the Hat art projects as well as work on Seuss themed puzzles-Hop on Pop
and Hooray for Diffendorfer Day.
The week was a wonderful event where parents, teachers, administrators, grandparents, and members of the Nashville
community and The Temple community came together to encourage reading to our next generation of readers!
April 2015 - www.templenashville.org - 615-352-7620 ~ page 11
Social Action
Nashville Adult Literacy Council (NALC)
Each month we highlight an organization which receives funds through the Temple’s Social Action Allocations
NALC uses volunteers to teach US-born adults to read and teaches English to adult immigrants. Last year,
NALC spent approximately $35,000 on books. Services and materials are always free to the learner. In the past
year, NALC served 1,500 adult learners and worked with 500 volunteer tutors. Additionally, NALC operated
33 specialized classes based on specific needs in the community.. Even though they continue to increase the
numbers of volunteers, demand for services continues to exceed the supply of tutors. Funding from Social Action
Allocations was awarded to offset book and material expenses, which are critical to the program.
We need your donation at
The Temple Blood Drive!
Sunday, May 3rd - from 9:00 am
Last appointment 1:00 pm
It takes approximately 1 hour to donate.
**If you donated blood before 2/4/15,
you can donate at this drive.**
Please make an appointment online at www.redcrossblood.org and click on Donating Blood
(Enter Sponsor Code: Sholom - Nashville, TN and 05/03/15)
Problems or questions? Contact:Brian Bauer: brianbauer247@gmail.com, 847-858-1088 or
Victoria Cohen-Crumpton: vmeltz@bellsouth.com,
Brian or Victoria will be happy to assist you with making your appointment.
Schedule your appointment today!
Remember to bring in your PULL TABS from soda and other cans.
Ronald McDonald House uses them to raise funds to support the services they offer as a “home away from home”
to out-of-town families with seriously ill children in local hospitals.
The Temple offers the following Scholarship opportunities:
The Donald E. Jacobs Student Loan Fund
This fund assists Jewish students who are attending college or post-graduate school with interest-free loans to assist in paying
tuition. Please call Rabbi Schiftan’s office for more information and for application forms.
Applications must be returned no later than April 30th.
Camp Scholarships
The Temple offers partial camp scholarships to the children of members of the congregation.
Just write a letter to Rabbi Schiftan explaining why you want to go to camp.
Letters must be received by April 30th.
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Fun Facts
The bronze doors to the Chapel Ark were cut from sheet
bronze using a water jet and contain a design that was created
by renowned artist Laurie Gross. The stylized design includes
tree branches that incorporate the Hebrew words Etz Hayyim,
meaning Tree of Life, which is how Judaism refers to the Torah.
Worshippers can look through the open work of the doors
through the Ark itself and the windows beyond to see the
beauty of the natural world. The doors, which were purchased
for $40,000 and installed in 2000 as part of the extensive
renovation of The Temple facility, are more than ten feet in
height. The design is a perfect complement to the Torah covers
in the Ark that also contain tree branch designs.
Continued from page 2...
The oppression of African Americans felt overwhelmingly vivid.
Among the array of historic “relics” were yellowed “colored only”
signs that had hung over water fountains in this city only mere
decades ago. In one gallery hung caricatures of African Americans.
The vicious cartoons were reminiscent of hideous Nazi depictions
of Jews I have seen.
To be sure, I had studied the Sixties cursorily in Jewish day school
and again in high school. But actually being in the South brought civil
rights history to life.
The photos, recordings and documents even helped me pull my
own family history into sharper focus. My father had often told me
about the time when as teenagers he and his sister were arrested
at a Los Angeles sit-in demanding that the National Guard be sent
to protect the marchers at Selma. And now, here I was in Alabama.
Ground zero for so much tragedy and so many bitter struggles.
A larger than life-size video projection of Dr. King delivering
his 1963 “I Have a Dream” speech drew a throng of people. Even
though I had seen it many times on YouTube and television, I stopped
to watch it again. I lingered for a moment before turning toward the
exit, still moved to my core by the sonorous oratory.
Uplifting as it was, Dr. King’s prophetic vision saddened me
because it is so far from being realized. Driving to work down Old
Hickory Blvd. every day I see a Confederate flag flying from the
mailbox of a grand estate. And only a few months ago walking to a
downtown gig, guitar in hand, I crossed a long line of demonstrators
chanting “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot.”
True, our country now has nominal integration of schools and
public places, a Voting Rights Act and laws against hate crimes. But
recent events teach us that we are far from the Promised Land of
full equality.
On the bus home, I learned that the speaker who preceded
Dr. King on that historic day in Washington was the President
of the American Jewish Congress, Rabbi Joachim Prinz. (I knew
about Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s close association with
Dr. King, but Rabbi Prinz’s name was new to me.) With Pesach
still in mind, Rabbi Schiftan read to us some of what the rabbi
said at the Lincoln Memorial that day:
When I was the rabbi of the Jewish community in Berlin under
the Hitler regime, I learned many things. The most important
thing that I learned under those tragic circumstances was that
bigotry and hatred are not the most urgent problem. The most
urgent, the most disgraceful, the most shameful and the most
tragic problem is silence.
Avadim hayinu: we were slaves. Ata b’nai horin: now we are
free. Remembering the words in the Haggadah I used growing
up, I thought: “Until every person is free, none of us is free.”
This year will mark my third Pesach in Nashville, and my
parents’ friends would be reassured to know that I’ll be sitting
at seder tables crowded with fellow Jews. When it comes time
to ask questions, I’ll ask how I, and they, will -- in Rabbi Prinz’s
words -- shun the shamefulness of silence. Telling our ancient
story aloud is only the first step.
-----------When she is not writing music or performing, Elizabeth Flier
teaches Hebrew and music in Nashville. You can hear her work
at ellieflier.com.
April 2015 - www.templenashville.org - 615-352-7620 ~ page 13
Kaddish will be recited in memory of these loved ones . . . .
April 3 & 4
April 10 & 11
April 17 & 18
April 24 & 25
Pearl Dashkin Anchor
Ken & Felicia Anchor
Sidney Averbuch
Herbert Cole
Louise Cole
Peggy Coplon
Paul Dicker
Fred Dillon
Abraham David Faier
Joseph Friedman
Ruth Fleschler Gitlitz
Scott Newman
Dorothy S. Goldstein
Randall & Gretchen Goldstein
Edward T. Goldstein
Randall & Gretchen Goldstein
Sonny Grollnek
Bonita “Bonnie” Halprin
Meinhard Heilbronn
Phyllis Hirshberg
Reginald Holzer
Pauline Kornman
Gayle & John Rosen
Sophie Kuhn
Mary Jo Lambert
Louis Leftwich, Jr.
Fanniitziee Stell Lindy
Samuel Loventhal
Jennie L. Lusky
Lou Lusky
Odell Steinberg Maddin
Jill & Dan Eisenstein
James Malin
Frank Moss
Max Opin
Nechmad Martin Orland
Emil B. Rosenberg
Mose Rosenblum
Hannah L. Rosenfeld
Henry W. Ross
Ella Roth
Bertha Rubenstein
Jeanette Bittner Rubenstein
Joe Saperstein
Katye Rudoff Saperstein
Randolph Seligman
Gretchen & Randall Goldstein
Sam Small
Louis D. Smith
Rose Unger
H. Frederic Weber
May Weisman
Hugo S. Worris
Isadore Zimmelman
Henry Abrams
David Cline
Jacob Cohen
Eli Cooper
Regina Cronstine
Minnie M. Foreman
Frieda Lindy Freedman
Bernard Friedman
Norman Geltzer
Sigmund Godhelp
Ada Goldberg
Mary Grollnek
Louise Kahn Hirschman
Alfred J. Hirshberg
Charles & Dorothy Hirshberg
Pearl Neaderthal Holzman
Norma Neaderthal
Donald E. Jacobs
Beverly Kasman
Leonard J. Koenig
Wilma Koenig
Rosa Levy
Hazel M. Loventhal
David Lowenheim
Sadie Martin
Claire Merlin
Bill Richardson
Rosa Lee C. Roth
Sadie Seiferth Simon
Helene Teitlebaum
Simon S. Weil
Bill & Emily Kuhn
Gus & Elaine Kuhn, III
Carol Lazarus Winkler
Julie & Phil Kramer
Ben Wolfe
Stanley Amelkin
Abba Arbitman
Ruth Aron
Herman Baron
Helen Bergida
Morris Berenstain
Emily & Bill Kuhn
Jerome Bernstein
Emma Rose Bubis
Milton Chazen
Sidney Edward Cohn
Learsi Davis
Evelyn Feingold
Sheila Schwartz
Salome Simpson Field
Irving Figlarz
Felicia & Ken Anchor
Julia Frankland
Mollie H. Hirsch
Wilfred Jensen
Selene G. Kent
Joseph Kleban
Jacob Kuhn
Alexander Latter
Josephine Z. Lockenbach
Virginia J. Miedzianski
Jennie Morris
Alyse & Charles Sprintz
Edward Osman
Max Pearl
Rubin Ratkin
Si Rosenblum
Sam Rosenfeld
Louis Rothenberg
Irving Saff
June Ellen Schwartz
Elisabeth Sondheimer
Milton Sperling
Peggy S. Tohrner
Julius B. Weil
Peggy Richter
Leah Wright
Anne Hirshberg Zager
Sally & Lawrence Wolfe
Ethel Zeitlin
Virginia K. Back
William S. Beck
Louis Bernheim
Philip M. Cohen
Rebecca Cohen
Abe Corenswet
Renette Corenswet
Harry Daneman
Mose B. Epstein
Lucile K. Falk
Samuel S Fishman
Atoinette Goldhammer
Esther Green
Isaac Green
Rebecca Guttman
Sigmund Held
Betty Hoffman
Samuel Jacobson
Richard Jacobson
Joseph M. Jacobus
Ricka Hirsch Jonas
Isabelle Joseph
Hannah Rosen Kirshner
Bernita & James Brown
Lillian Kolker
Gerald B. Kornman
Rosella Ehrenwald Medias
Herbert Mellow
Dave Mossman
Michael M. Ossoff
Louis Popper
Harry Roback
Stacie Rosenblum
Brenda & Jerome Rosenblum
Joseph E. Roth
Max V. Sigal Jr.
Israel Trestman
Megan Whaley
page 14 ~ April 2015 - www.templenashville.org - 615-352-7620
Exodus 35:22 . . . and they came, men & women willing-hearted to give.
Beautification Fund
Memory of Charlotte Strauss
Jerome and Albee Guttman
Douglas and Melanie Hirt
Ronald and Carol Wilker
Calvin A. Buchman
Social Action Fund
Memory of Charlotte Strauss
Craig and Dianne Sussman
Memory of Letty Lou Gilbert
Lee and Glenda Kraft
Nancy Loventhal
Robb McCluskey
Memory of Paul Cohn
Marion Katz
Craig and Dianne Sussman
Memory of Rita Hassenfeld
Craig and Dianne Sussman
Cantor Fishbein’s
Discretionary Fund
Appreciation of Cantor Fishbein
Sandy Schwarcz
Louis and Harriet Berneman
Engagement of Michelle Woods
Elin Fischer
Betty Frances Ginsberg
Memorial Library Fund
Birth of
William Norman Tannenbaum
Pauline Bader
Arthur Lee Goldner, MD Fund
for Judaica Artists &
the Healing Arts
Anniversary of
Martha and Fred Goldner
Norma Neaderthal
James and Elise Straus
Memory of Charlotte Strauss
Charles and Dorothy Hirshberg
Recovery of Norma Neaderthal
Jerome and Albee Guttman
Sally Wolkoff
This report
reflects donations
that have been
as of
February 28th
Greatest Need Fund
Honor of Jane and Dick Eskind
Norman and Melissa Davis
Marriage of
Megan Dickson and David Eskind
Norman and Melissa Davis
Memory of Barbara Burrus
Norman and Melissa Davis
Memory of Madeline Pargh
Norman and Melissa Davis
Memory of Rita Hassenfeld
Norman and Melissa Davis
Memory of Robert Corenswet
Norman and Melissa Davis
Rae and Bruce Hirsch
Greatest Need Fund
Memory of Rita Hassenfeld
Bruce and Rae Hirsch
Donald E. Jacobs
Student Loan Fund
Birth of Henry Nemer
Morton and Hannah Cooper
Birthday of Henry Sender
Morton and Hannah Cooper
Memory of Charlotte Strauss
Morton and Hannah Cooper
Annette Levy Ratkin and
Ralph Z. Levy, Sr. Library &
Archives Fund
Engagement of
Amy Seibold & Shawn Buford
Shawn and Gail Seibold
Gerda Loewenstein
Caring & Concern Fund
Memory of aunt of
Jackie & Howard Tepper
Lawrence and Sally Wolfe
Memory of Charlotte Strauss
Sam Hirshberg
Jerome and Miriam Klein
Memory of Letty Lou Gilbert
Lawrence and Sally Wolfe
Memory of Rachel Olsky
Sally Wolkoff
Memory of Rita Hassenfeld
Jerome and Miriam Klein
Memory of William S. Cochran
Lawrence and Sally Wolfe
Rabbi Mackler’s
Discretionary Fund
Conversion of Kristen Berneman
Louis and Harriet Berneman
Memory of Adele Balfus
Diane and Sy Trachtman
Memorial & Honor Fund
Memory of Charlotte Strauss
Jack and Daniella Fleischer
Joel and Bernice Gordon
Suzanne J. Morris Youth
Leadership Fund
Memory of Charlotte Strauss
Joel Morris
Music Fund
Honor of
Alex, Lauren & Brooke Glenn
Ronald and Lori Glenn
Prayerbook Fund
Memory of Inge Loewenstein
Marion Katz
Preschool Fund
Honor of
Alex, Lauren & Brooke Glenn
Ronald and Lori Glenn
Rabbi Schiftan’s
Discretionary Fund
Appreciation of Rabbi Schiftan
Leon Strauss
Memory of Rita Hassenfeld
Mark and Robin Born
Scott Shapiro Preschool
Scholarship Fund
Memory of Charlotte Strauss
Jerome and Brenda Rosenblum
Beverly & Jimmy Small
Golden Agers Fund
Memory of Charlotte Strauss
Isabelle Cohen
Sheila Schott
Bernard and Betty Werthan
Sally Wolkoff
Memory of Madeline Pargh
Sheila Schott
Mary & Irvin Wolf Fund for
Special Educational Needs
Memory of Hannah Tannenbaum
Bobby and Brenda Rosenblum
Memory of Irving Greenberg
Herbert and Elise Jacobs
Memory of Rita Hassenfeld
Bert and Jamie Wolf
Yahrzeit Fund
Memory of Hyman Cohen
Isabelle Cohen
Memory of Richard Eisenberg
Bill and Emily Kuhn
Memory of Roslyn Elterman
Kay and Alvin Zeisman
Karol Zyskind
Memory of Ida Greenberg
Shirley Greenberg
Memory of Nathan Liff
Judith Liff
Memory of Anna Newman
Janice Krohn
Don’t miss the
new & exciting
in the gift shop!
If the Gift Shop is not open, come by the front desk
& we will be happy to help you with your purchases!
Open Friday Before & After Services.
April 2015 - www.templenashville.org - 615-352-7620 ~ page 15
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The New Jim Crow documents the resurgence of a caste-like system in the United States, resulting in millions of African Americans locked
behind bars and then relegated to a permanent second-class status, denied basic civil and human rights—including the right to vote; the right
to serve on juries; and the right to be free of legal discrimination in employment, housing, access to education and public benefits.
In 2014, The Temple hosted a series of community discussions centered on Alexander’s book which were followed by candidate forums for
both the District Attorney and Juvenile Court Judge elections.