MASS SCHEDULE Monday – Friday: 6:30 & 9:00am Saturday: 8:00am & 5:30pm (Vigil Mass) Sunday: 7:00, 8:30, 10:00, 11:30am & 5:30pm RECONCILIATION Saturday: 4:00 – 5:00pm STAFF Father Corey V. Piccinino Pastor Father Rolando Arias Parochial Vicar Father Chris Perrella Parochial Vicar John DeRoin Deacon Kate Fitzgerald: Parish Secretary & Bulle n Editor Pat Jackson: Parish Secretary Julie Doerner: Business Manager Paul Orsino: Property Manager ST. MARY SCHOOL (744-2922) Sister Anne McCarthy: Principal RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (743-4557) Mary Ferri: Director Elizabeth Cuneo: Secretary RCIA: (203)744-5777 (Call if you are interested in becoming a Catholic or comple ng your ini a on as a Catholic with Confirma on and/or Eucharist) YOUTH MINISTER Dean Aufiero MUSIC MINISTRY Michael Ferrari: Music Director Elizabeth Barnes: Choir Director Karen Ma era: Children’s Choir FINANCE COMMITTEE Bob Kozlowski: Chairman (794-8512) BAPTISMS Most Sundays at 12:45pm. Please call the Rectory at least six weeks in advance to schedule your Bap sm and to sign up for the New Bap sm Class that is required for both parents and Godparents. These classes are offered on the first Sunday of each month. Anyone reques ng a Sponsorship form must be a currently registered and prac cing Catholic, and they must a end one of the New Bap sm Classes to receive it. There is a 3-month wai ng period for a sponsorship form for the newly registered. The Catholic requirements for a Godparent/Sponsor are: you must be at least 16 years old; received the Sacraments of Bap sm, First Holy Communion and Confirma on in the Catholic Church; a end Mass regularly on Sundays and on Holy Days of Obliga on; receive the Sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion regularly; sincerely try to follow the moral teaching of the Catholic Church; and if married, was married in the Catholic Church. ARRANGEMENTS FOR MARRIAGE All couples must meet with a parish clergyman at least six (6) months before the marriage is to be celebrated. PASTORAL CARE AT DANBURY HOSPITAL Prior to Your Hospitaliza on: You or a family member should no fy the Rectory. Saint Mary Parish 26 Dodgingtown Road, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone: (203)744-5777 Fax: (203)744-3740 Visit us on Facebook: StMaryChurchBethel PARISH OFFICE HOURS: 9am –3:00 pm, Monday – Friday (Closed weekends and Holidays) March 29, 2015 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord St. Mary Catholic Church Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord FATHER COREY’S EPISTLE ♦ The following are some of the many Chris an symbols and their meanings: The Cross symbolizes that Chris ans believe Jesus Christ died for everyone on a Cross. The La n Cross, also some mes called the Roman Cross. The base of the Cross has three steps that symbolize faith, hope, and love. The Irish or Cel c Cross is a normal cross with a circle in the middle to symbolize eternity. The Triumphant Cross represents the earth with the cross on top. It symbolizes Jesus is triumphant over anything we can face in the world. The Jerusalem Cross was worn by the crusaders going to Jerusalem, in the middle ages. It can symbolize the Four Gospels in the Bible, the spread of the Gospel to the four corners of the earth or the five wounds of Jesus when he died on the cross. The Eastern Cross is used by many Eastern or Orthodox Churches. The Furca or Upsilon Cross comes from the Greek le er Y. It is also called The Thieves' Cross from the two robbers who were crucified on each side of Jesus. It also symbolizes the choice between good and evil. The Anchor Cross reminds Chris an's that Jesus is the anchor of their faith. The Fish is one of the oldest Chris an symbols. The le ers, from the Greek word for fish (ichthus), stand for Jesus (I), Christ (X), God (Q), Son (Y), Savior (S). Some of Jesus' disciples were fishermen. Alpha and Omega are the first and the last le ers of the Greek alphabet. Used together, they are the symbolize that Chris ans believe Jesus is the beginning and end of all things. The Chi-Rho looks like a 'P' with an 'X' on top of it. These two le ers are the first two le ers of the Greek word 'Christos' which means Christ. The Star of David, some mes called the Star of Crea on, is a symbol that Jesus was a Jew and a descendant of King David. A Five Pointed Star represents the five wounds of Jesus on the cross. The Na vity Star is the symbol of the Star of Bethlehem or Epiphany, when the Wisemen visited Jesus. An Eight Pointed Star represents bap sm and regenera on. The Crown is the symbol that Jesus in King. It shows that Chris ans believe Jesus is ruler over heaven and the earth. Sunday, 3/29 Monday, 3/30 Tuesday, 3/31 Wednesday, 4/1 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 12:00n, 5:30pm 6:30am Mass 6:30am Mass 6:30am Mass 9:00am Mass 9:00am Mass 7:00pm Confessions 4:45pm Children’s Choir 9:00am Mass 6:30pm Senior Youth Group Knots 9:30am Confessions & Prayers 5:00pm Confessions St. Mary Catholic Church March 29, 2015 FATHER COREY’S EPISTLE The Shepherd's Crook or Staff remembers that Jesus some mes called himself a shepherd. It can also represent the shepherds who were the first people told about the birth of Jesus. Both of these symbols represent the Chris an 'Trinity' of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The Triquerta (on the le ) is made of three loops making a triangle represen ng the three parts of the trinity. The Trefoil (on the right) is three equal circles intertwined to form a whole. Hands in Prayer help Chris ans remember that they should pray to God. The Scroll represents the Bible. The Dove is the symbol of peace and the Holy Spirit. It is shown poin ng down to represent the Holy Spirit that appeared as a Dove when Jesus was bap zed. The Lamp and The Candle both represents that Chris ans believe Jesus in the Light of the World. The Shell is a symbol for bap sm. It reminds Chris ans of the water that they are bap zed in. It is also a sign of Pilgrimage, as Pilgrims to the Holy Land (Israel) would use a shell as a drinking vessel. The Keys are a symbol for the Church in all the world. Jesus told his friend Peter that "I will give you keys to heaven", so this means that Chris ans have to tell other people about Jesus. The Ship is also a symbol of the Church, sailing towards heaven. The Cup or Chalice is a symbol of the Mass, Eucharist or Communion. It also represents God's forgiveness. The Angel reminds Chris ans of the angels who told the shepherds about the birth of Jesus. It can also represent the second coming of Jesus, which the bible says will start with an Angel blowing a trumpet. The Lamb is a symbol for Jesus who is some mes called 'The Lamb of God'. The Bu erfly is a symbol for transforma on and the immortal soul. The Heart is a symbol of love and reminds Chris ans that God is love. The Lion is a symbol for Jesus who is some mes called 'The Lion of Judah'. Jesus is also represented as Aslan the Lion in the Chronicle of Narnia books by C S Lewis. The White Rose is a symbol for purity and can represent Mary. Thursday, 4/2 Friday, 4/3 Saturday, 4/4 9:00am Morning Prayer 9:00am Morning Prayer 9:00am Morning Prayer 7:00pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper 12:00n Ecumenical Way of the Cross with Adora on in the Parish Hall un l 11:00pm 3:00pm Celebra on of the Passion of the Lord 7:00pm Sta ons of the Cross Sunday, 4/5 6:00am Sunrise Mass at Blue Jay 12:00n Blessing of the Easter Food Orchards (weather permi ng) 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 12:00n 8:00pm The Great Vigil of Easter The Parish Office will be closed Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Monday. ST. MARY MEN’S MINISTRY Our next mee ng is on Sat., April 4 at 8:30am in the Parish Hall. For info, call Eric Keener at (203) 730-0468 or DOROTHY DAY VOLUNTEERS turn to Cook. Wed., April 1: Our The 2015 MASS INTENTIONS BOOK will be open on Tues., March 31. Come in and schedule your masses for next year. ST. MARY BOOK CLUB: Our next book is “Time for God” by Fr. Jacques Philippe. Join us on Wed., April 8 at 7:00pm, in the Children’s Room. On Good Friday, April 3, please meet at 12:00 noon on the sidewalk in front of the Bishop Cur s Homes for our annual ECUMENICAL WAY OF THE CROSS. In the event of inclement weather, we will meet at the First Congrega onal Church of Bethel. For more details please call Tony Caraluzzi (203-730-0804). There will be NO NOCTURNAL ADORATION on Good Friday. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY was declared by Pope John Paul II in the year 2000 to be celebrated on the Second Sunday of Easter each year. The celebra on is based upon the words of Jesus, who appeared several mes to a Polish nun (now declared a saint) named Faus na Kowalska. He spoke to her about His love and mercy for all persons. In several of His messages to St. Faus na, Jesus described His desire for a special day dedicated to His Mercy. Please join us on SAT., MARCH 28 5:30 + Kerri Holbrook — Friend SUN., MARCH 29 (Palm Sunday) 7:00 + Kathleen Pa erson — The Fesh Family 8:30 + Richard Becher — Friend 10:00 + Dianne Hoeppel — Lawrence Havey 12:00 + Clay Hines, Sr. — The Briscoe Family 5:30 + Judith Pla — The Viebrock Family MON., MARCH 30 6:30 + Dorothy Warden — Deanna & Joe Mossa 9:00 + Cathryn Z. Costello TUES., MARCH 31 6:30 + Maureen Major Ullah — Pat & Joe Jackson 9:00 + Vito Fanelli — Maureen Po er WED., APRIL 1 6:30 + John Stocks, Jr. — The Stocks Family 9:00 + Donald Calcaterra — Family THU., APRIL 2 9:00 Morning Prayer (No Mass) 7:00 Mass of the Lord’s Supper FRI., APRIL 3 9:00 Morning Prayer (No Mass) 3:00 Celebra on of the Lord’s Passion SAT., APRIL 4 9:00 Morning Prayer (No Mass) 8:00 The Great Vigil of Easter SUN., APRIL 5 (Easter Sunday) 6:00 Sunrise Service at Blue Jay Orchards (weather permiƫng) 7:00 8:30 10:00 12:00 Sunday, April 12 “It is the test of a good religion whether you can joke about it.” ~G. K. Chesterton at 3pm in the Church SENIOR YOUTH GROUP - Knots & Prayers a er the 5:30pm Mass on Sunday, March 29. for a Holy Hour including Song, Adora on and the Divine Mercy Chaplet For more informaƟon about our youth group or to volunteer contact our youth minister, Dean Aufiero at I I—Alex Durling & Deanna LeRoux Religious Ed Office hours Mon., Tues., Wed., and Thurs. 9:30am-2pm I I — Thomas Forshey & Ashley Cunningham Welcome to those newly Bap zed Caiden Phillips Fr. Corey invites all children grades 3-6 to par cipate in the Holy Thursday 7:00pm MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER as part of the Procession on April 2. Meet in the Parish Hall at 6:45pm and wear your Sunday best. PALM SUNDAY (March 29) Masses are celebrated on: Sat. evening (March 28) at 5:30pm Sun. at 7am, 8:30am, 10am, 12 noon, 5:30pm CONFESSIONS: Monday, March 30: 9:30–10:00am Tuesday, March 31: 7:00 — 9:00pm Wednesday, April 1: 5:00 — 6:00pm (last opportunity before the Triduum) DAILY MASSES: (Mon., Tues., & Wed.) 6:30 & 9am HOLY THURSDAY (April 2) 9:00am – Morning Prayer (no morning Mass) 7:00pm – Mass of the Lord’s Supper AdoraƟon in the Parish Hall unƟl 11:00pm GOOD FRIDAY (April 3) 9:00 am – Morning Prayer (no morning Mass) 12:00noon – Ecumenical Way of the Cross beginning at Bishop CurƟs Homes. 3:00pm – CelebraƟon of the Lord’s Passion 7:00pm – StaƟons of the Cross (Day of FAST and ABSTINENCE – no eaƟng between meals and no meat) HOLY SATURDAY (April 4) 9:00am – Morning Prayer (no morning Mass) 12:00n – Blessing of Easter Food (Parish Hall) (No 5:30pm Mass) 8:00pm – The Great Vigil of Easter EASTER SUNDAY (April 5) Masses are celebrated at: 6:00am Sunrise Mass at Blue Jay Orchards (weather permiƫng) 7:00am, 8:30am, 10:00am, 12:00noon at the Church (No 5:30pm Mass on Easter Sunday) DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY (April 12) Masses are celebrated on Sat. evening at 5:30pm and on Sun. at 7am, 8:30am, 10am, 11:30am, 5:30pm 3:00pm – Holy Hour including Song, AdoraƟon and the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the Church ST. MARY SCHOOL 21ST ANNUAL AUCTION FUNDRAISER DINNER DANCE is “Coming Home”! It will be held on Sat., April 25th from 6pm to 11pm in the school gym. $40 per person or $75 per couple which includes Fresh Seasonal Fruit & Vegetable Crudité, Imported & Domestic Cheese Display, Buffet Dinner, Dessert & Coffee, Cash beer & Wine, Live & Silent Auction, DJ & Dancing. Fill out the form and send to St. Mary School, c/o Auction Committee, 24 Dodgingtown Road, Bethel, CT 06801 JELLY & JAM COLLECTION BEGINNING ASH WEDNESDAY and con nuing each Sunday through Lent benefi ng “The Li le Sisters of the Poor”. DAILY MASSES during LENT 9:00am; Saturday: 8am. Mon. – Fri.: 6:30am and PENANCE: Tuesdays from 7-9pm, Saturdays from 4-5pm STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Fridays at 7:00pm Days of FAST and ABSTINENCE (no ea ng between meals and no meat): Ash Wednesday & Good Friday (The norms of fasƟng are obligatory from age 18 unƟl age 59. When fasƟng, a person is permiƩed to eat one full meal. Two smaller meals may also be taken, but not to equal a full meal. The norms concerning absƟnence from meat are binding upon members from age 14 onwards.) Days of ABSTINENCE (no meat): Fridays of Lent There will be NO CLASSES Thursday April 2nd through Monday April 6th in observance of the Holy Days of Easter. Classes will resume on Tuesday, April 7th. SAVE THE DATE – Our ANNUAL ST. MARY SCHOOL AUCTION is Coming Home! It will be held on April 25th from 6pm to 11pm in the school. Buffet dinner, cash bar, dancing, and fun! Tickets are $40 per person or $75 per couple. Contact Juliana Rioux 203-470-7519 for addi onal informa on. St. Mary School is proud to present THE SOUND OF MUSIC. This year’s play will be held on May 1st and 2nd. More informa on to follow soon. REGISTRATION for students entering Pre-school through Grade 8 is ongoing. Please call the school at 203-744-2922 or email our Admissions Coordinator Linda Garvey at for informa on. You can also visit our website at for school and registraon informa on. New for 2015! The BISHOP’S SCHOLARSHIP FUND provides tui on assistance for students and families enrolling in our Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese of Bridgeport for the 2015-2016 school year. For more informa on on how to apply visit: or call 203-416-1629. Name:_____________________ Phone: _________________ Email: _____________________ Amount Enclosed: ________ Number of attendees: ________ Please seat me with the following people: ____________________________________________ _________________________________________________ ___ YES, I’d like to sponsor the Auction, please send me information ___ YES, I’d like to donate an item/service I am unable to attend the Auction, but would like to support St. Mary School with the following donation: $______________ 2015 ANNUAL CATHOLIC CAMPAIGN Catholic Charities of Fairfield County dispenses life’s material essentials through a comprehensive network of 35 ministries each year to thousands of individuals and families regardless of their health, age, race, religious belief or economic status. Sheltering the homeless, feeding the hungry, counseling the troubled, attending to the elderly, infirm, disabled and incarcerated, assisting newly-arrived immigrants, and so much more, all are made possible through Annual Catholic Appeal funding. Your gift will enable these life-changing ministries and services to continue without interruption whenever and wherever this outreach is most needed. The next mee ng of the Knights is Monday, April 6 at 8:15pm KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS APPLICATIONS FOR THREE SCHOLARSHIPS at $4,000 each, to be awarded by Pavia Council #48, are now available. An eligible applicant must be a resident of Bethel or a daughter/son of a current or deceased member of Pavia Council, as well as an ac ve Catholic. High School seniors may pick up an applica on at their school guidance office or at the Rectory. For informa on contact Eric Keener at (203) 739-0468, or by email at Deadline: 4/6/15. AROUND THE DIOCESE DEFENDING OUR RELIGIOUS LIBERTY The Catholic Church has always been a provider and advocate for accessible, affordable and life-affirming health care. Had the federal government made accommoda ons to protect religious freedom for all Americans, dozens of lawsuits filed around the country challenging it could have been avoided. If you haven’t done so already, please voice your opposi on to the federal health care mandate by calling U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews Burwell at 202-205-5445. Let her know that the mandate is in viola on of our First Amendment right to religious freedom. LENTEN CONFESSION CAMPAIGN This Tuesday at 7-9pm will be the last opportunity to take part in the Diocesan-wide Lenten Confession Campaign. Even if you have been away from the Sacrament for some me or are unfamiliar with the “steps” of the Sacrament that is fine. Pope Francis gives us a gi when he tells us not to be “afraid” to go to confession. Come to Easter with a sense of peace from the Risen Lord. Christ appointed his Apostles, his priests, to con nue His mission of healing, forgiveness and reconcilia on — His mission of bringing peace. Peace is the “gi ” of the Sacrament of Reconcilia on. It is because of this we can say that the Sacrament of Reconcilia on is a celebraƟon. There is joy in heaven when a sinner repents. Let us open our hearts to the boundless love of Christ and celebrate the joy of the Resurrec on of the Lord with a reconciled heart. BROTHERHOOD IN ACTION is collec ng food for the needy in our area throughout the Lenten Season. Please drop off your dona ons in the Parish Hall and be as generous as you can!!! Thank You!! OFF THE STREETS is always in need of basic household items for homeless persons moving into a small room (basic things such as kitchen utensils, pots/pans/dressers/ beds/tables/chairs etc.). We especially need kitchen brooms, dustpans and pillows. Bring such items to the United Methodist Church parking lot (across from the Bethel Municipal Center) on Sat., April 4 from 10:00 – noon. Like us on Facebook! Search: StMaryChurchBethel
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