The New Garden Friend Newsletter of New Garden Friends Meeting March 24, 2015 1/2 PRICE SALE Saturday March 28 at 8:00 a.m. Proceeds help fund the Young Friends spring trip. Women invited to Cora Worth Parson Circle Meeting where Ann Raper will talk about writing her new Weekly scheduled meeting calendar Wednesday March 25 6:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal / Choir Room 6:00 p.m. HSYF “Whine & Cheese” / Qave 6:30 p.m. Mindfulness Meditation 6:45 p.m. Investment Committee / Room 109 7:00 p.m. Cora W Parsons Circle / Parlor (info below) book. Meeting time is Wednesday, March 25 7:00 p.m. in the NGFM Parlor. Bring a friend and finger food if you like. It’s time to start thinking about NG scholarships! Each year New Garden Friends Meeting offers scholarship awards. Applications are available by e-mail request or in the meeting office and are due in by April 30, 2015. Monday March 30 7:00 p.m. FCP Meeting / Friendship Hall 7:30 p.m. Meditation / Parlor A note from the TransitionTeam-- “We welcome written feedback. You may place any communication related to our Pastoral Minister search in the TRANSITION TEAM box (located on the info table) in the Worship Room foyer.“ Bill Eagles, Karen Garraputa, Donna Allred, Max Carter, Scott Gibson, Charlie White, Mary Louise Smith, Bill Hamilton, Lizzie Biddle and Judy Haughee-Bartlett APRIL Carry-In Meal moved from April 5 to April 12 because of Easter holiday MM for Business Friends, at our last Monthly Meeting, I overlooked the fact that Easter falls on the first Sunday of April, so did not ask Monthly Meeting if they wanted to change the date of our next meeting. I am rescheduling the date of our next Monthly Meeting & carry-in meal to accommodate Friends who may wish to celebrate Easter with their families. Mary Louise Smith, Monthly Meeting Clerk Plans are coming together for Summer Program The RE Committee announces this year's Summer Program: "Quakers in Bolivia". Dates are June 22-26.” Contact Karin to get registration forms, ( Birthdays 24 25 27 30 30 31 Denzel Dickerson Jennifer Satterthwaite Steve Semmler Fred Hollowell Silas Vallejos Stephen Potthoff 25 26 29 30 30 Blake Finnegan Don Morgan Paul Fromson Halle Vallejos Verne Nielsen The New Garden Friend is published each Wednesday. Items for consideration for the newsletter should be submitted no later than noon on the preceding Tuesday. Items for the New Garden Bulletin should be submitted no later than noon on the preceding Thursday. Send submissions to Sharon Burton, ( Deliver paper submissions to the Meeting office. Questions? Call Sharon at the office. A Note to Friends Dear Wonderful New Garden Friends, Years ago you held me up, a struggling single mother, college student and NGFM religious education director. You have lifted me and my family again as we have grieved the loss and celebrated the life of my mother, Emily Bagley. To everyone who contributed to the service and the lovely reception that followed, who sent cards, called and crocheted, thank you! from Susan and the Bagley, Baker and Cox families New Garden Friends Meeting 801 New Garden Road Greensboro, N.C. 27410 336-292-5487 (E): (W): 1 Seeking Wholeness : 2015 Friends General Conference Cullowhee, NC at Western Carolina University July 5-11. This is an amazing gathering of 1000+ Friends, a week of worship, workshops and community for all ages. Plan now to attend, and begin by reading the blue Advance Program (with the Carolina moon and mountains on the cover) found in the connector, or visit the FGC website: Early registration is April 1-12. Financial support to attend the gathering is available through New Garden and Piedmont Friends Fellowship, and through FGC. Contact Karen Garraputa (PFF representative) ( or Virginia Driscoll (Clerk, Quaker Relations) Karen: Virginia: ( with questions or requests for support. > How to attend the 2015 FGC Gathering & request support: 1. Block out July 5 - 11 to attend (really, do this first) 2. Read the program and select workshop choices 3. Choose housing and meal options 4. Register on FGC's website between April 1 - 12 for best workshop selection and financial support, especially if you are a first-time attender. Follow the guidelines for requesting financial support from FGC. You may indicate support from New Garden and PFF at the following rates: - New Garden --$150 (individual); or $200 (family) - PFF -- $150 (individual); or $200 (family) 5. Advise Virginia Driscoll or Karen Garraputa, you have submitted your registration and wish to make a support request from New Garden and PFF as soon as you receive confirmation of workshops from FGC - no later than June 1. 6. Karen will submit a list of requests from New Garden to the PFF clerk, and PFF will send one check for all support to FGC; Virginia will do the same with New Garden's treasurer. 7. Confirmation of support from New Garden & PFF will be sent out. 8. Show up in Cullowhee on July 5, prepared to have great worship and great fun among friends. Plans are being made for a Children’s Summer Peace Camp The Friendship Community Partnership summer PEACE Camp for 25 kids, grades K-6, will be held at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church on Jefferson Road, June15-26, from 8:30 a.m. 12 noon. The cost will be $50 per child per week, with scholarships available. The curriculum will focus on Teaching Tolerance materials, from the Southern Poverty Law Center, which focuses on character building and diversity. If you would like your child to experience this diverse summer enrichment, contact Cathie Holcombe - 288-7555 or ( DIRECTOR LAVINIA JACKSON IS TRYING TO GET AN INDICATION OF INTEREST ONLY AT THIS TIME. Shepherd’s Center announces Adventures in Learning The spring session will be on Thursdays from April 16 - May 21, so it is time to register for classes. Max Carter and Bill Rogers, as well as other good instructors, are in the line-up. Spring Newsletters are on the table in the connector. For more information go to or call Dot Mason, 288-2852. Are you interested in being a Spiritual Nurturer? To learn more about this 2015 – 2017 program, please come to the Testing the Waters Retreat at Jamestown Friends Meeting (Greensboro) Saturday, April 18 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Come meet the core teachers of the “On Being a Spiritual Nurturer” program in a one-day contemplative retreat format. Program includes: - Introduction to ‘spiritual nurture’ and how it serves Quaker meetings. - Reflection on spiritual disciplines, prayer, and cultivating the inward life. - Small group experience to practice close listening and mutual support. - Question & Answer period about the program. Snacks, beverages, and light lunch provided. Free-will donations are gladly accepted to help defray expenses and the travel costs of the core teachers. Contact: Beckey Phipps, Program Coordinator, Phone: 781-718-9928; email ( Spring into Action: Faith Voices for Clean Energy Advocacy Day You are invited to join NCIPL and Interfaith Power & Light founder and president Rev. Sally Bingham on March 25 at the NC General Assembly in Raleigh for the Faith Voices for Clean Energy Advocacy Day. We will meet with members of the General Assembly to hear their vision for North Carolina and to express our support for new and existing clean energy policies. We will also be hosting a webinar before Advocacy Day on the policy issues that we are watching. We will discuss what to expect and answer any questions you may have. Can’t join us in Raleigh? Join us virtually! Starting on the evening of March 24, congregations from across the state will be logging on and participating by sending e-mails to NC General Assembly members! Register for Advocacy Day in Raleigh on March 25 and register for the virtual advocacy session at C. Wess Daniels to lecture at New Garden on March 30 C. Wess Daniels will be the Judith Weller Harvey Quaker Scholar at Guilford College March 30 and 31. He will speak on themes from his new book, “A Convergent Model of Renewal” on Monday, March 30, 7:30 p.m. at New Garden Friends Meeting and at the NCYM (FUM) Ministers' Association meeting on Tuesday morning, March 31, at 9:00 a.m., also at New Garden Friends Meeting. Contact Max L. Carter at: ( for more information. 2 Contact: Bill McNeil at (
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