26 march 2015 - St James Catholic College

25 Mary Street, Cygnet Tasmania 7112
P: (03) 6295 1541 E: stjames@catholic.tas.edu.au W: www.sjcc.tas.edu.au
26 MARCH 2015
As you read this newsletter we are about to begin the most significant week in the
calendar of the Church’s year. From this Sunday - Palm Sunday - we move through Holy
week and into the Easter Triduum – the sequence of three days from The Feast of the Last
Supper on Thursday night through Good Friday to the Celebration of the Mass of the
Resurrection on Saturday night. How starkly does this week remind us of the absolute
humanity of Jesus and at the same time of His Divinity.
As a man he wrestles with the suffering confronting him and he pleads with his Father not
to abandon him, he feels just as we would, real agony as he endures the thought that he
is alone in his pain. But with a human faith in his Father he takes the path before him. He
is able to cling to the belief that his Father loves him, even when he cannot reconcile his
apparent absence. The joy of the Resurrection and our on going faith in a Jesus who is
permanently with us – not just a historical figure – is the greatest attestment to the Divinity
of Jesus. This complex and seemingly impossible contradiction and which is also a
perfect symmetry - a God who became human but is still our ever present God - is at the
heart of our Christian faith.
For me it is a great comfort to embrace and be embraced by a God who really
understands the imperfect humanness of us all – it makes it possible to believe in
unconditional love – wherever it is manifest. And it makes it imperative that we all
understand and are willing to reach out in forgiveness and mercy to those who need our
generosity. This Easter I entreat you to make time in the busyness of your lives to
participate in as many – even if that is only one – of the Easter Liturgies throughout the
course of the next week or so. These are listed over.
Consider being part of the fun of the Palm Sunday Pilgrimage in Hobart, attend the Mass
of the Holy Oils which is a most beautiful ceremony on Tuesday next, at the Cathedral or
participate in the Parish celebrations of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Good Friday
service or the beautiful Easter Vigil Mass of the Resurrection.
Opening of the Multi-Purpose Centre
There will be great celebration for us on Monday when we formally open the MultiPurpose facilities – our Music and Drama studios and Auditorium/Gymnasium and the
new Canteen. The Centre will also be formally named at this event. We have Senator
David Bushby opening the Centre and Fr Mark Freeman blessing the facilities with the
assistance of Fr Tate and in addition will are thrilled to host the new Director of Catholic
Education, Mr John Mula and a number of local politicians, Paul Harris, Lara Giddings,
Jackie Petrusma and others as well as former Principals of St James and current
Principals from other Schools and Colleges. Representatives of both of our founding
Charisms The Sisters of St Joseph and the Christian Brothers will also join us. All parents
are welcome to join us for the ceremony which begins at 1:45pm and afternoon tea
afterwards. Just let the Office know for catering purposes.
Anti Bullying day - Stand up Against Bullying
The student leaders made a great impact around the school last Friday with their activity “Chalk the School” with
many positive messages of support for standing up against bullying and students invited to mark their own
messages in chalk around the school.
Many activities have been followed up in classes and there are uplifting displays in many classrooms and the
Library and the message of the wristbands is being loudly shared - we can all be part of the solution to the issue
of bullying and exclusion.
Anne Foale, Principal
Easter Mass Times
Palm Sunday
6pm Vigil Cygnet
9.30am Ranelagh
Holy Thursday
10.30am Dover
12pm Geeveston,
7pm Ranelagh
Good Friday
Stations of the Cross 11am Cygnet
Good Friday Service 3pm Ranelagh
7pm Vigil Ranelagh
9.30am Cygnet
Holy Rosary
If you would like to say the Rosary, a group is meeting
on Tuesday at 10.45 am in the Church, until Easter.
Dates to Remember:
29 March - Palm Sunday Pilgrimage for further information and to register visit: www.cymtas.org.au
30 March - Blessing and Opening of the Multi-Purpose Centre 1pm
30 March - 5 April - Holy Week
31 March - Mass of Oils - St Mary’s Cathedral
2 April - Final Day Term 1
3 April - Good Friday (Holiday)
5 April - Easter Sunday
20 April - Term 2 Commences
24 - 25 April - ANZAC Day / Camp Gallipoli and Dawn Service
1 May - May Ball (see attached flyer, TICKETS $5.00 from the Office)
Enrolments for Year 7, 2016
Enrolments for Year 7, 2016 are currently invited. SJCC Year 6 students will receive continuing enrolment
information in the near future. If you have a child currently not at SJCC, who would like to join us for Year 7,
please contact the College office for an enrolment form. Please invite friends or other family members who may
also be interested in enrolling at the College to contact the office on 62 951 541 or email:
stjames@catholic.tas.edu.au for an enrolment form. The system enrolment deadline is 24 April 2015.
School Fees
Thank you to families who have made fee payment arrangements and/or paid upfront. Don’t forget you can
receive a 5% fee discount (not levies) if you pay your account in full by the 30 March.
PALM SUNDAY PILGRIMAGE – Sunday 29 March 2015
Every member of our school community – students, staff, families and friends are encouraged
to join with other school and parish communities from right around Tasmania for the sixth Palm
Sunday Pilgrimage event! Filled with energy, hope and faith, this is a celebration of World Youth
Day 2015, Palm Sunday and all Catholic schools, parishes and organisations! This massive
celebration includes something for everyone: Pilgrimage Walk from Lindisfarne to St. David’s
Park (Hobart) for Festivities in the Park; Free music, dancing, giant slide, sumo suits, kid’s
activities. Food and Drink available for sale; Street Procession to St. Mary’s Cathedral for an inspiring celebration
of Palm Sunday Mass! Great opportunity to unite as one Archdiocese and have loads of fun! Please ensure you
register! For more information and to register go to: www.cymtas.org.au or contact Rachelle:
rachelle.smith@aohtas.org.au or 0400 045 368.
Our school is pleased to announce we will be commencing the Rainbows / Spectrum Program again very soon.
We have found this programme to be very supportive of children who are being affected by changes in their
family structure. When something significant happens in a family, the entire family is affected. Even though death,
divorce or separation appears to be only a grown-up problem, it does have a profound effect on the children that
it touches. Because of their age and short life experience, children find it extremely difficult to verbalise those
feelings. If your child is a part of a single-parent family, a step-family, or struggling through a painful experience of
loss, this will be an opportunity for him/her to gain assistance in expressing and understanding feelings, to begin
to accept what has happened and to feel a sense of belonging and being loved. I must stress that this is not a
counselling service but essential an opportunity for youngsters to talk through their feelings in a non-threatening
and confidential environment. We urge you to discuss this opportunity of being part of this programme with your
child, and if you feel your child would benefit from participating, please contact me at the College. Thank you.
Connie Thomas - Rainbows Coordinator
Board Nominations Sought - Closing Friday 27 March 2015 - CLOSING SOON
All parent/care givers of students currently enrolled in the school as well as members of the local parish/school
community are eligible to be considered for Board membership.The principal focus of Board members is to work
to improve the capacity of the College as a Catholic school in order to deliver quality educational outcomes for
our students. Nominations for membership should be in writing and signed by the proposer, seconder and
nominee and forwarded to Mrs Anne Foale, Principal by 27 March 2015. A copy of the application form can be
found on the reverse, additional nomination forms are available from the office and from the website
(www.sjcc.tas.edu.au). At the close of nominations, following consultation with Fr Michael Tate, Parish Priest,
prioritised recommendations are submitted to the Director of Catholic Education for decision. The intent is for
vacant positions to be filled prior to the Annual General Meeting scheduled for 20 April, 2015. The inclusion of
different voices, experiences and perspectives that support the Catholic ethos of the school bring an energy and
! richness to the College. Please consider approaching those within our community that you believe have gifts that
would be valued on the Board. Self-nominations are acceptable. If you would like to discuss a nomination please
call me (62 951 541) or email: anne.foale@catholic.tas.edu.au Anne Foale, Principal
Please submit to Mrs Anne Foale, Principal by 27 March 2015
25 Mary Street, CYGNET 7112
Full name of nominee:
Address: _________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________
Email: ___________________________
Occupation: ______________________________________________________________
Religious Affiliation __________________________________________________
Association with College (Please tick)
Parent/Care Giver – children attending St James Catholic College
Parent/Care Giver – children attending other Catholic School/College
School Association (e.g. Parent/P&F Committee etc)
Parish Association
Please attach a brief CV
Name & Signature of Proposer: _______________________________________________
Name & Signature of Seconder:_______________________________________________
Name & Signature of Nominee: _______________________________________________
Kindergarten News
The kindergarten children are working hard learning lots of new and exciting words. Words such as prance,
shiver, gallop, cocoon, and miracle to name a few. In Kindergarten we think it is vital to help children develop
fantastic oral language skills so that as they progress throughout their schooling, they will have brilliant success
with their literacy skills. By incorporating rich words into the daily vocabulary of the Kinder children we are
expanding the pool of words they know, understand, and can use. Interesting words are fun!!
St Vincent de Paul Induction Mass
Thursday 19 March was the very important annual event for the St Vincent de Paul school based Conferences in
the south of the State. Archbishop Julian Porteous led the Mass and Rite of Induction for office bearers and
members of the 14 Conferences. He spoke to the young people, their parents and teachers present, offering
words of encouragement and support as well as acknowledging their willingness to step forward and make a
Those St James College students able to attend were outstanding in their conduct and reverence during the
Mass and Ceremony. They also demonstrated their willingness to make a difference beforehand by assisting in
preparing the Cathedral for the event. Amelia Fennell accepted thec andle on behalf of our Senior Conference,
Jinju Redding accepted the candle on behalf of the Mini Vinnies Group, Monica Robbie participated in the
offertory procession, whilst Chloe Bott, Chloe’s parents, Amelia’s mother, Mrs Thomas and I provided very proud
Mrs Newbon
This year both the 9/10 and 7/8 Retreats were held at the College. Years 7 and 8 worked with Project Hatch in
the Multi Purpose Hall. Whilst the size of the venue proved a little daunting, they were still able to participate in
the program.
The theme was “The Real Gift.” The students worked on co-operation and supporting each other. They looked at
what are the good qualities and how Jesus chose ordinary people to do His work, how positive behaviours
impact on those around us.
It was fun.
It was interesting.
Some parts were a bit emotional.
I would like to have another day like that.
There were games, my favourite was Jockey up Jockey down.
The 9/10 group worked in the more intimate space of the “Kommon Room”, beneath the Year 7 and 8
classrooms. The theme was the Impact of You. It was a day full at times of high energy, a fair bit of laughter,
great participation and then quiet times of reflection.
The presenter, Dave Jorna, focused on the positivity of small things such as a smile, a kind comment, a word of
welcome and how these can strongly affect those around you and yourself.
Students were encouraged to work with those they would like to get to know and not to spend the day hanging
around with their friends. Students were asked to reflect upon the statement “How do you want to be
remembered by your classmates – the person who was always welcoming?” The person who made your school
days ones you want to remember?
Primary Liturgy: 11:45am
St James Catholic Church
Secondary Liturgy &
Crowning Ceremony: 7pm
St James Catholic Church
Primary Dancing
7pm - 9pm
Secondary Dancing
SJCC Multi-Purpose Centre
Marian Celebrations & May Ball 2015
When: Friday 1 May 2015
Liturgies: Primary - 11:45am, Secondary - 7pm
Location: St James Catholic Church and the SJCC Multi-Purpose Centre
(Kindergarten to Year 10)
Tickets: Admission $5, Children (under 5) free, Family $15
The focus of the Liturgy is our devotion to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, through a real recognition and
celebration of the importance of mothers and parenthood in general.
As well as focusing on Mary and parenthood, the Liturgy and the Balls which follow, have been part of our
College tradition for a long time. The social aspect of the Ball contributes to the very special nature of
school; bringing young and older students together, publicly introducing our Prep children to the
community and presenting our final year students to peers and families.
Some important points to note:
• All Primary students are expected to attend the daytime Liturgy and May Ball (Times to be
• All Secondary students (not Preps) are expected to attend the evening Liturgy and May Ball.
At the conclusion of the balls, students must be taken home by parents or an adult. If for some
reason, a student is unable to attend, a note of explanation is to be sent to the Principal Anne Foale
• Dress Code: Boys wear a pair of trousers (not denim jeans), a neat open-necked shirt and black
shoes (school shoes would be fine). They may choose to wear a tie. Girls wear a formal dress, or
skirt and blouse and shoes suitable for dancing. Parents of students in Prep or Year 10 will receive
a letter outlining the special procedures for the night. Dress code for parents is normally smart and
casual. Please note that due to the Multi-Purpose Centre surface, girls will not be able to
wear stiletto heeled shoes. Flats, wedges or a similar type of shoe may be worn.
• Photographs: Photographers will be working at the Ball and prints will be available for viewing at
Cygnet News Agency and Huonville (updates provided by future newsletters).
• Donations (Supper): Families are asked to supply sandwiches to be brought along on the
evening of the Ball.
• Flowers: If you are able to assist by supplying flowers for the decoration of the Church and
Centre, please bring along to school before or on the Friday 1 May 2015.
• Cost: Tickets are $5.00 per adult and if possible should be pre-purchased from the College office.
Door tickets may also be purchased on the evening.
• Decorations: The new Multi-Purpose Centre is the venue for both the Primary and Secondary
balls. Volunteers to help the May Ball Committee decorate this area will be sought on a date(s) to
be advised.
Six Packs
Maggie Dent
Dannielle Miller
Two of Australia's leading adolescent authors and educators — Dannielle Miller and Maggie Dent —
have created an inspiring seminar that explores the dynamic, confusing time of adolescence in
today's modern context.
Maggie will explore the unique changes that occur during adolescence, which explain why
bedrooms go off, things get lost and communication can become a challenge. As a boy champion
she will cover the 'six packs' aspect of the evening.
Dannielle is recognised as a passionate girl champion and she will explore this time of transition
with information that will help you guide your adolescent girl towards adulthood with self-respect,
assertiveness and self-esteem.
This seminar is excellent for parents, educators, youth workers, allied health professionals,
doctors and anyone who gets to live with or work with adolescents.
This event has been made possible for presentation in Hobart through the support of the Tasmanian
Catholic Schools Parents Council and Guilford Young College. It is open to the public.
Date: Tuesday 28th April
The Undercroft, Guilford Young College, Hobart Campus, 94 Barrack St, Hobart
Time: 7pm (Doors open 6.15pm). Close 9pm
Cost: $30 per head
Bookings: Please book online at http://www.trybooking.com/HGWL
Books & resources available for purchase at the event.
Dannielle Miller is an author, educator and media commentator. She is the co-founder and CEO of Australia's largest
provider of workshops aimed at empowering teen girls, Enlighten Education, and the founder of Goodfellas, a new
initiative supporting teen boys. Her books include The Butterfly Effect, The Girl with the Butterfly Tattoo and Loveability.
Maggie Dent is an author, educator, and parenting and resilience specialist. She has extensive experience as a
high-school teacher, and counsellor with young people and their families, in suicide prevention and palliative care. She
is the mother of four adult sons. She has written seven books including Saving Our Adolescents.
Maggie Dent
quietly improving lives