VENERABLE MARY OF EGYPT - FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT MARTYRS: MARK, BISHOP OF ARETHOUSA, CYRIL THE DEACON & THEIR COMPANIONS MARTYRS: JONA, BARACHISIOS & THEIR COMPANIONS; VENERABLE CONFESSOR EFSTATHIOS OF BITHANY Sunday, March 29, 2015 His Grace Bishop Apostolos / Oratorical Festival Orthros Tone: One Ninth Eothinon: John 20:19-31 Divine Liturgy Epistle: Hebrews 9:11-14 (pg. 143) Gospel: Mark 19:32-45 (pg.144) Epistle Reader: Arlene Staich Prosphora: Maria Smith (in memory of Neko Colevins) Coffee Set-Up: Maria Smith & Mary Tervo Coffee Hostesses: Mary Peters, Judy Frangos, Mary Lee LaRiccia Parish Council: Alexander Goumas, Bill Marutsos, John Giakouminakis Memorials: Neko Colevins, 40 days; Athanasios Angouras, 1 year Organ: Collection: Christians, to the Paschal Victim (Plainsong Mode I) Dismissal: Ashokan Farewell (J. Ungar) Boys Team: Five Next Week’s Team: One Parish Schedule for the Week March29, 2015 Orthros 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00 AM Sunday, March 29 Oratorical Festival (NO Sunday School) 11:00 AM AHEPA Loukoumades Fundraiser 12:00 PM GOBL Away Game (vs. St. Nicholas) 2:00 PM Monday, March 30 Great Compline & Confessions 7:00 PM Tuesday, March 31 Youth Choir Practice (Fireside Room – EC200) Men’s Chant Practice Women’s Ensemble Practice (Fotion Fellowship Hall – EC104a) 6:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM Wednesday, April 1 Daughters of Penelope Baking Bible Study (Fireside Room - EC200) Boys Basketball Practice Pre-Sanctified Liturgy & Confessions Thursday, April 2 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM Friday, April 3 Greek Language School Pre-Sanctified Liturgy GOYA Night & Palm Cross Tying Saturday, April 4 Saturday of Lazarus Orthros Divine Liturgy 4:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Sponsored Coffee Hour – May their memory be eternal: In memory of Neko Colevins by the Smith Family; and in memory of Athanasios Angouras by the Angouras Family. Dismissal Hymn of the Resurrection: Τοῦ λίθου σφραγισθέντος The stone that had been sealed before Your tomb by the Jews and the soldiers guarding did watch over Your pure and sacred body. O Savior the third day You arose, and unto all the world did You give life, whereby all the heavenly powers did proclaim that You are the giver of life. Glory unto our resurrected Christ. Glory unto Your Kingdom. Glory to Your dispensation, O You alone who loves mankind. WELCOME to His Grace Bishop Apostolos of Medeia: We are honored to have visiting us today our Metropolis’ Chancellor, His Grace, Bishop Apostolos of Medeia. This is His Grace’s first pastoral visit to our parish since he was elevated to the rank of bishop. Πάντα Ἄξιος!! Stewardship News – As of 3/24 – 311 Pledge Cards received, totaling $348,362 – Get your card in today! We are reminding those of you who have not turned in your 2015 Pledge Card to do so as soon as possible. We will have a Parish Assembly on April 26; where we will make very important decisions, affecting the entire community. We hope that all of you will be available and eligible to attend and vote. If you have misplaced your card, more are available in the Office or every Sunday near the Stewardship Board in the Community Center. Myrrh Bearers needed – A service of honor and privilege, open to Sunday School students (grades 3-12): Young ladies interested in being an important part of Holy Week and serving the Lord, should sign-up today during coffee hour or contact Zoi White at 310-541-2561. Palm Sunday Luncheon – Next Sunday, April 5 – Deadline to RSVP is TODAY! Today is the last day to make reservations for next week’s Palm Sunday luncheon before the ticket prices increase. After today, tickets will only be available as space permits. For reservation information, see Andrea Ballas during coffee hour or contact her at or 310-325-5002. Gospel readers for Holy Pascha – Agape Service: It is time for those who can read the Holy Gospel in languages other than English to contact Dcn. Kyriakos in the church office to sign-up to read at the Agape Vespers. Come join us as we celebrate and proclaim Holy Pascha. GOYA Night & the art of tying Palm Crosses – Friday, April 3 at 7PM: Come join our Sr. & Jr. GOYA’ns as we prepare Palm Crosses for distribution on Palm Sunday. Immediately after the pre-sanctified liturgy we will enjoy fellowship and a Lenten meal and then we will make Palm Crosses. PARENT REMINDER – Sunday School Office, a safe and welcoming place for the little ones: We are happy to provide access to the Sunday School Office for your children’s supervised use during church and coffee hour. This room is an active office and resource/supply center for the Sunday School staff. The equipment, drawers and toys/supplies inside the closet are for Sunday School use only. The children’s library and toys left out in the buckets may be used by the children under your supervision. We appreciate your help! St. Katherine Foundation Scholarships – Application deadline; Tues. April 14 at 5:00 PM! Scholarships will be awarded on Sunday, May 17 after the Divine Liturgy in Church. Philoptochos is offering freshly baked Tsourekia for Pascha: To order a delicious, home baked tsoureki (or two) for your Pascha celebration, please stop by the Philoptochos table during coffee hour or contact Carolyn Crossley at 310-483-3591 or Each loaf is $8.00 and will be available for pick-up on Saturday of Lazarus, April 4 or on Palm Sunday, April 5. Koulourakia for Pascha – Daughters of Penelope: Not so good at baking or just too busy? Don’t worry, Anthos chapter of the Daughters has your koulouraki needs covered. To pre-order a dozen koulourakia, contact Helen Servetas: 310-379-9282 or Sr. Citizens – April 14 meeting and lunch – RSVP by April 6 REQUIRED (no “walk-ins” please!): In celebration of our Lord’s Resurrection the Senior Citizens will have a special lamb shank luncheon at their April 14 meeting, and fun too! Lunch tickets cost only $12. To RSVP call Anne Eliopulos at 310-371-4027. ATTENTION! Parents of “out of state” college students – Our Seniors are offering Easter Care Packages: If your child cannot be home for Pascha, the Seniors Citizens would like to send them a care-package. Please call Anne Eliopulos (310-371-4027) no later than April 6 with your student’s name and mailing address. Loukoumades Fundraiser in support of St. Nicholas Shrine in NYC – Get yours today… hot, fresh & delicious! AHEPA’s Harry S. Truman chapter is sponsoring today’s loukoumada fry. Proceeds will help rebuild St. Nicholas.
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