TRINITY TIMES A great place to grow! Trinity Episcopal Church 3450 Ridge Road West Rochester, NY 14626 585 225-7848 “We are a growing community of faith and joy, through radical hospitality, passionate spirituality and thoughtful engagement.” April 2015 REGULAR Schedule: Holy Eucharist (Rite 2) Sundays @ 9:00am & 10:30am Education for young persons—during the 10:30am service. Potluck and Bible Study—Wednesdays @ 6:00pm in the library. Young at Heart—2nd Wednesday of the month at 12:30PM Book Study—3rd Thursday of the Month @ 2:00pm in the library. Worship Team—1st and 3rd Sunday of the Month @ 10:30am! March 29 Palm Sunday Blessing Distribution of Palms 9:00am and 10:30am (Triumphant Procession) April 2 Maundy Thursday 7:00 pm foot washing and stripping the altar April 3 Good Friday Services 12:00pm Stations of the Cross 7:00pm Eucharist April 5 EASTER DAY 6:00am Sunrise Service—The Lighting of the Holy Fire 7:30am Easter Breakfast Following Service @ Blue Ridge Grill 10:30am Unburying the Alleluia and Festive Easter Service “Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson Page 2 At Trinity This Month Landscaping Master Plan: Here is an opportunity for all to be involved in planning the landscaping surrounding Trinity church. We need your creative and/or practical ideas for forming our grounds into a welcoming space not just for us but for anyone looking for a peaceful renewal of spirit. Please come join us in developing a master plan for our land on Monday, April 6 at 6 pm in the church library. Bring a small pizza, wine, or whatever you’d like to share with the others. To prepare for this meeting, think of the most beautiful outdoor spaces you’ve ever seen. These might include labyrinths, sunken gardens, water features, trellises, living archways, quiet reflective spaces with benches – the possibilities are endless. So please join us and bring those ideas or pictures with you and we’ll start on our journey of developing this land we’ve been blessed with. Young at Heart: Join us on Wednesday, April 8th 12:30pm at the Chili’s in the Sams/Walmart Plaza. For more information on the Young-at-Heart group, please call Eleanor Crist. Preaching Series after Easter: Beginning the first Sunday after Easter, April 12th I will be starting a preaching series on the Catechism. The Catechism is what each person studies before being confirmed in the Episcopal Church. It is the foundations of our faith. And yet how many of us have looked at these since we were confirmed? Do we remember what they are? If these are the foundations of our faith, how can we build our faith journey if we no longer know the foundation on which we are building? And for those of you who are new to the Episcopal church, perhaps you have wondered how we differ from other faiths? Or don’t? We will each Sunday be focusing on a different aspect of the Catechism, right up until Bishop Prince joins us in September for confirmation. If any of you are interested in officially joining the Episcopal Church, or are wanting to be confirmed, or baptized – please give me your name so that you can join with those making this commitment to God in September. TRINTY TIMES—April 2015 Green Film Series: Monday, April 13th at 7 PM, we will be wrapping up our film series (for now, anyway) with the PBS Nature series film “The Secret Life of Deer”. It’s an hour-long documentary that looks into the complex society of animals that we are very familiar seeing, often nervously from our cars. Building and Grounds Spring Clean-up: MARK YOUR CALENDARS - Saturday, April 25th and Saturday, May 9th from 8:30am till 2:00pm. Many jobs both inside and outside are on the list. Your help is needed and will be appreciated. A lunch will also be provided. All wreaths and ornamentals must to be removed in the columbarium . Please pick up your decoration before our Spring cleanup. Thank you! Seasons of Life Dear Friends, This year as we enter into Holy Week and Easter, (and perhaps a Spring that may come!) I find myself impatient. Impatient for spring to come, impatient for signs of life, impatient for a change in the weather and the lifting of my inner state, impatient for life. I am tired of the darkness, I am tired. And yet so too is our world. Paul writes about creation groaning and yearning, waiting also for redemption. Some things we have no control over, they are seasons of life that we try to live through with as much grace and strength as we can muster and God provides. But there are some things we can do to help birth the new life that will come. We can avoid things that further strip us of life and the earth around us of life, we can do things that strengthen the frail life there is, and we can choose to be gentle and compassionate with ourselves, others and our creation. In this Trinity Times we have included a number of non toxic cleaning options for our families – why not try out some of these, and if you can make TRINTY TIMES—April 2015 them better – let us know! Why not explore a more intentional healthy way of cooking, or try some new recipes that are compassionate for all creatures. Intentionally discern what strips you of life, and what nurtures your body and spirit? How could you at this time spread a little more compassion and gentleness? Easter begins with just one resurrection, but that resurrection spills out into resurrection life for not just us, but the entire cosmos. But it starts with one act of death-defying life. May we all be strengthened in life and compassion this Holy Week. With love always, Debs Understanding Clergy Leave By Rev. Debs As I was looking at dates and planning leave for this year I found myself wondering how many of you may not be familiar with how clergy structure their time and their leave. And so I decided to write a little bit about it. Clergy, as you know, do not work a traditional 9-5 job. Many people want clergy to be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (lol). But off course that is not possible, as clergy are not God. So clergy divide the day into what we call blocks, a morning, an afternoon an evening each being a block, and we work 10 blocks a week – which make up a 5 day work week. Naturally, pastoral emergencies and other events can mean one works more than this some weeks, but this is how we try to balance the work load, so that we do not end up working from morning through till late in the evening. Clergy have 1 months annual leave each year. They also are expected to spend time either continuing their own education or going away for intensive prayer and 2 weeks are given per year for this. (It is with this leave that I have done my own doctoral studies). Lastly, every 5 years clergy are given 3 months sabbatical leave. Clergy have one of Page 3 the highest burn out rates of any profession. This is because we don’t have set hours, we are on call 24 hours a day almost every day, unless we go away. We carry in our hearts your tears, your grief, the pain that you have been through or are going through. We in one day can move from a death, to a celebration and back again to another tragedy. This emotional roller coaster day after day drains clergy emotionally as in no other profession. It is for this reason that sabbaticals are given. Sabbatical leave helps to prevent clergy burn out and enables clergy to remain for far longer in a parish in a healthy way. This year I will be taking my annual leave in August as my sister and her 2 children will be coming out to visit!!! I will be taking Sunday services during this month. My sabbatical leave we decided with the vestry, will be taken over 3 years, 1 month at a time. And so I will be taking my second block of sabbatical leave 11 May – 11 June. I am hoping to spend this time praying and deepening my own spiritual journey. I hope this helps explain to you a little better how clergy structure our time and leave. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask me! Minutes of Meeting February 16, 2015 Rev. Julie Secora, Cannon for Mission and Ministry spoke about the Mutual Ministry Review process. MINISTRY: The discernment committee has concluded. John is coming to the end of his contract with Trinity in April. Debs is looking for a new seminarian. A Wednesday service during the summer was discussed. It could be a garden service with a shortened liturgy and a pot luck supper. Page 4 TRINTY TIMES—April 2015 Linda Wackerow and Gayle have purchased coffee mugs for coffee hour. This will reduce waste. The mugs will stay here and then be taken home and put in the dishwasher to sanitize. A basket will be placed to help defer the cost of the mugs. shoveling, scraping, and wishing for spring. Replaced 2 shear pins in snow blower, due to previous item. Ate far too many pancakes at Cartwright’s Maple Tree Inn. The gardening project was discussed. There is food insecurity for the future. Creating food corridors in available space is important. It does not have to be accomplished all at once. What do we as Episcopalians want to bring to others? BUILDING AND GROUNDS: Both rental groups are doing well. The double doors in the parish hall needed to be repaired. Due to the inclement weather, the doors could not be locked. What is needed for the playground has to be addressed and are there any grants that could help defray the cost? FINANCES: Jack presented the Treasurer’s Report which included All Balance Sheets and MTD Analysis of Revenues and Expenses. Parishioners need to be informed of parish finances more routinely The next Vestry meeting will be April 20, 2015. Building & Grounds By Brooks Schneider A-Team Personnel: A tanned and re-energized Jim Wackerow has returned from a month-long sabbatical in Florida. A-Team March Activities: Replaced missing panic bar screws throughout the church. Repaired radiator cover in Green Room in basement. Received proposal for daycare area roof repairs to address recent leak. Continued ongoing effort of blowing snow, Ed and Linda Bohrer visiting the Ice Glacier after breakfast! Highlights 2014 Parochial (2013 numbers in brackets) Membership Active Baptized Members: 248 (239) Communicants in Good Standing: 255 (273) Communicants Under Age 16: 29 (44) Baptisms: 6 (4) Confirmations: 2 (12) Received: 4 (7) Marriages: 2 (2) Burials: 8 (8) Worship Avg Sunday Attendance: 105 (100) Sunday Eucharist: 100 (101) Weekday Eucharist: 2 (3) Home Eucharist: 36 (64) Stewardship Signed Pledge Cards: 70 (74) Total Pledged: $119,294 ($113,699) TRINTY TIMES—April 2015 Financial Operating Income: $161,821 ($154,278) Operating Expenses: $161,310 ($151,255) Outreach & Mission: $42,603 ($42,980) Capital Expenditures: 0 ($35,613) Cash on Hand 12/31: $52,893 ($59,506) Total investments: $238,167 ($243,179 ) Income Altar Fund February YTD 35 Budget YTD 11 Fundraisers Special 268 248 0 255 Pledge & Plate 20,413 21,438 Allocations 833 833 Building Use 4,720 7,105 Grant 2,000 2,000 Interest/Misc 3,000 3,000 Total 31,517 34,642 Expense February YTD Budget YTD B&G 7,184 8,755 Fundraisers 0 0 Evangelism 91 117 Personnel 18,343 19,881 Mission 2,685 2,685 Worship 427 956 Christian Ed 0 75 Stewardship 0 0 Office Expense 919 983 Taxes/Insurance 3,806 1,500 Grant Expense 0 0 Total 33,455 34,952 Outreach….. “Rector’s Discretionary Account” Make a difference in one of our own parishioner’s lives, donate an offering on the first Sunday of the month. Greece Food Shelf: The last Sunday of every month, Trinity collects and blesses the food drive to Page 5 help support those in our community. Thirty Hour Famine - By Pam Fitzmorris: The teen class certainly has been busy learning and serving. This spring these wonderful young Christians will be participating in 2 service projects. On April 24-25, they will be participating in our annual 30 Hour Famine. Students will be looking for sponsors as they fast for 30 hours to earn money to feed hungry children in South America. On May 2-3 our teens will be participating in Rhain's Car City. They will be spending the night at Asbury First Methodist Church along with teens from other parishes. Our teens are looking for sponsors for this as well. As you know, Trinity is an active participant in this wonderful program which provides emergency temporary housing for families at Trinity Emmanuel Lutheran church among others. Won't you please consider supporting one of these great kids for either of these very worthy causes. Thank you for considering. Crop Walk Set to Go: Mark your calendar! CROP walk is scheduled for Sunday, May 3rd! Walk begins and ends at Aldersgate Church. Detailed information will follow as we get closer. Our Habitat for Humanity House Starts this May: Groundbreaking for our new house, is tentatively scheduled on May 6 at 43 Murray St. Our lot is in the Josana neighborhood, north of I-490 in Rochester and west of the stadiums. Our Greece Coalition of Churches has built several homes over the past 15 years, many in this neighborhood. If you are interested in helping to build the house, all skills can be utilized. Even if you have never worked on a house and want to learn a skill, the supervisors will teach you that new skill. To volunteer, go to the website, click on the Volunteer button and follow the instructions to fill our your profile. Then, in late April or early May, when our house is listed as an active work site, you can go to the website and volunteer for a day. Work days are Tuesday afternoon (12:00 – 4:00, eat lunch before you arrive), and WednesdaySaturday (8:45- 4:00, bring a lunch) Information on what to wear, where to arrive on your workday, TRINITY TIMES—April 2015 Page 6 etc. is on the website. On the page that lists volunteer opportunities, click on “construction sites” for the information you need. Not a builder? Then you can still help. Our coalition needs to finish the fund raising that will pay for our portion of the house. Come and support the Sticky Lips BBQ on May 21 or make a donation through church to the Greece Churches Habitat for Humanity Coalition. Sponsor a box of nails ($10), some door hardware ($25) or a square foot ($65). Any and all cash donations are thankfully accepted! Announcing “Team Trinity” - Brooks Schneider: The annual Tour de Cure bicycle ride to benefit the American Diabetes Association has been moved to Saturday this year. As a result, we have formed a team to participate. Please plan on joining us on Saturday, June 13th, as a rider, volunteer, spectator, and/or financial supporter. It will be a great opportunity to wear our Trinity shirts and show everybody what a fun group of people we are. For details, please see or contact me. Please share this with anyone you know who might be interested in joining in on the fun, whether Trinity members or not. You’ve Brought Your Heart By Linda Wackerow When you attend Trinity's church service on April 5th Easter morning take a minute to really notice the cassock that Debs will be wearing. This beautiful garment, with all of the elegance that comes with the formality of being a priest, was handcrafted by Laurie Phillips. She explained it took her about 40 hours to cut and sew. Take note of the soft linen fabric designed with small collar, embellished sleeves, darts and folds, and little cloth covered buttons down the front. To say this will be worn and honored by Debs for years to come is an understatement. I know each of us here at Trinity feel fortunate to have had many new members from Concord, Epiphany and Messiah join us over the past few months. We have come to love them as I feel they love us, and we truly thank God for them bringing to us their many talents as well. The beautifully designed quilts sewn by Barb, Peggy and Alice, the wood crafted items made by Joe the large cross, so meaningful, esp. at Easter and my favorite, Noah's Ark. Even little Sammy and his desire to help the children in Guatemala have shoes, shows no matter how young a person is, they can cut a path in life making it more rewarding. Susan and her strong desire to make life better for the homeless people of Rochester. Bob D. and his knowledge of the bible can only be summed up by saying we appreciate it when he finds a scripture to share at that perfect and much needed moment. We have Fred to thank for Habitat for Humanity and Molly for her interest in the RCSD children. Let me not forget every Sunday, we have Mike recording our 10:30 service to share with the housebound and Suzanne assisting with her power point knowledge. Lastly, listen to the Intergen Worship songs and hear how much stronger the chorus sounds with the added voices of Robin, Jiffy, Mary Ann and Hank. What I have mentioned in this article does not include the many committees such as liturgy, altar guild, A-team, vestry, discernment just to name a few, that many have been willing to serve on. If I have left anyone unaccounted for, I apologize. I just want others, like myself, to realize how much these many new family members bring to our lives. THANK YOU!!!!! Sunday School By Marion Montstream As we move into April, our children are anticipating Easter, but also knowing that Palm Sunday precedes Holy Week with all those events leading up to Jesus' Resurrection. Easter Sunday will be an Intergen family service. The “Alleluia,”which was buried on the first Sunday in Lent, will be unburied by the children. The Mites Boxes will be returned. There have TRINITY TIMES—March 2015 Page 7 been several children making and selling items for their Mite Boxes. There is also a “Treasure Chest”on the narthex table for additional contributions. The sum of all these contributions will go towards a new playground. On April 12 our children will be learning about Thomas the doubting disciple. On April 26 we shall talk about Jesus as the “good shepherd.” We will also include Psalm 23. Have a happy and blessed Easter! Trinity Green By Brooks & Gayle Schneider Film Series: It has been a fun couple of years, but we’re running out of new things to watch. The 2nd Monday of the month time slot is on the calendar for the remainder of the year, so if anyone has any ideas of things to do then, please let us know. Earth Day, 2015: Wednesday, April 22nd is the 45th anniversary of the first Earth Day. There is a major Rochester Earth Day event, a visit by Dr. James Hansen. Dr. Hansen is the former head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies and brought climate change to the forefront by testifying to Congress in 1988. He will be at the MCC Theater (Building 4) on Tuesday, April 21st from 6:30 – 8:30 PM. The presentation is called “Climate, Energy, and Intergenerational Justice”. Lend and Borrow List: Do you have some items at home that you don’t use every day and would be willing to lend to others for a short time? Maybe you need a sewing machine, carpet shampooer, tent, rototiller or extra set of silverware for a day or two but don’t want it sitting around your house for years after. If you want to be part of network of your friends from Trinity that can lend and borrow from each other, just send Gayle ( your name and email address or phone number. I’ll send the email addresses out to everyone that signs up. If you need to borrow something, send your request out to the list to see if anyone has that item. New Mugs for Coffee Hour: Last month we said goodbye to disposable styrofoam cups at Sunday coffee hour and said hello to a set of 50 beautiful new mugs with the Trinity logo imprinted on them. This set of 50 mugs is to remain at church for everyone to use so please do not take them home. You will have an opportunity in the next few weeks to purchase a mug for personal use. In case you're wondering how the mugs will get washed and ready for the next Sunday's coffee hour, volunteers will take them home and run them through the dishwasher then return them the following Sunday. Just let Gayle or Brooks know if you'd like to help out with that. Non-Toxic Cleaning Ideas: Washing powder—1 cup borax, 1 cup washing soda, 1 cup grated fels naphtha (Mix all together) Use 1 tablespoon. Brass—Dip lemon in salt and rub, salt and vinegar cream of tartar and lemon juice Silver—Salt and baking soda, Line pan with aluminum foil. Put silver in and cover with water. Add salt and baking powder. Boil for 3 min Abrasive cleaner—Salt and vinegar General cleaner—2 T baking soda and 1 cup warm water Disinfectant—½ cup borax and 16 cups hot water Wood floors—1 oil/ 1 vinegar – spot clean Stone floors—1 cup vinegar to 16 cups hot water Drain cleaner—½ cup baking soda, then ½ cup vinegar. Leave 15 min.. Pour pot of boiling water down. Carpet stains—1 T vinegar to 1 T cornstarch. Furniture polish—½ cup olive oil to 3 lemon juice. Windows—1/3 cup vinegar to 1 t castile soap and 3 cups water. Spray. TRINITY TIMES—April 2015 Page 8 Rummage Sale August 13th, 14th & 15th Plan now to bring “things” you previously enjoyed and no longer want, to our 2015 Trinity Rummage Sale. Your once loved item could be another’s treasure! Please bring items to Sandy’s office or call ahead for larger items. Items should be at the church BEFORE— Sunday, August 9. ☺ We want your items and we NEED your help. ☺ Sign up in the Narthex if you can support our sale! ☺ Set up and process items the first week of August; ☺ Sign up for a two hour shift during the Sale to be a cashier, a bagger, a table monitor, customer information, a parking lot manager, a sign maker ☺ OR Plan to provide baked goods for one of the days of the sale for our table sale. graduate of Greece Arcadia High School, Greece New York, and a 2002 graduate of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach, Florida. Shaun possessed a deep faith in God. He was academically gifted and musically talented. Shaun endeavored to do his best in all his achievements. He loved God, his family, his friends and flying. Shaun was a remarkable young man of outstanding character who lived his faith. He shared his love of the Lord with all who knew him. He touched many lives while he was alive; it is our hope that with this scholarship his ministry will continue. The Shaun M. Bohrer Memorial Scholarship is available to a graduating high school senior who will be attending college. To be eligible the student must have at least an 85% average, must be an active member of Trinity and must possess the character traits of leadership, commitment and responsibility. Applications are available in the church office and will be accepted through May. Come enjoy the hunt for your own new treasure! Questions, suggestions, more detailed directions? Please call committee members: Myrna Lawrence -Waters 563-7796 Joan Campbell 723-0092 Jan Musolino 413-3950 Sandy Pacyga 225-4366 Shaun M. Bohrer Memorial Scholarship The Shaun M. Bohrer Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Shaun Michael Bohrer who died, at age 22, in an aviation accident on April 12, 2003. Shaun was a 1998 Don’t forget to keep Recycling Bottles and Cans: Just bring them to Trinity, or turn your redemption tickets into the pledge basket or you may return them directly to Ridge Nickelback at 4945 W Ridge Rd and Trinity will get cash for your returns! Weekly Sermons Online: If you were unable to attend service and would to like to listen to Trinity’s weekly sermons, please visit our website at Video clips and pictures of the services are also available to borrow from the office. Thank you Mike Yergeau for capturing the beautiful pictures and videos at our Services. Page 9 TRINITY TIMES—April 2015 Good Friday “Requiem”: St. Peter’s Community Arts Academy Concert Series, 7:300pm, April 3rd, Free Admission, 149 Genesee St, Geneva NY. For more info please call 315-789-4910. Public Policy Luncheon, Saturday, April 11th 9:30am – 2:0pm St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Penn Yan; The Poverty Trap; Presenters – The Rev. Philip Schaefer, Brigit Hurley, Lesley Christman; Lunch provided RSVP or 585-62-5215 by Thursday, April 2nd 5:00pm. Aurora House, Starry Night Dinner: Friday, April 24th @ 6:30pm. Plantation Party House; For Tickets call Norma @ 520-6780 or Ro @ 3929198; OR visit Fowler’s Canaltown Wine & Spirits or; $40 per person, $75 per couple, #35 each for groups of 10 or more. CAR CITY 2015: RAIHN—May 2/3, 2015 from 5:00pm till 7:30am. Grab some friends, get some sponsors, and experience RAIHN Car City! Raise awareness and funds for RAIHN. Visit to sign up or donate to Car City! Rock of Ages: Saturday, May 9, 2015 At 3:00pm. Hymns for the Soul, St. Stephen Episcopal Church, 350 Chili Ave (585) 328-0856. Cancer, Caring & Sharing: Educational classes for people touched by cancer. St. Thomas Episcopal Church, 2000 Highland Ave, 1st Monday of every month from 6:30-8:00pm. The Prayers Of The People We pray for parishioners and friends Joan Barstow, Bill, Judy and Julie Freeman, Joan Petroske Those facing long-term challenges: Stuart & Carol Caswell, Donald & Mary Lou Casperson, James Clifford and Family, Pam Fitzmor- ris, Betty Gardner, Roy Hess, Marilyn Long, John Lowenguth, Bridget Martin, Suzanne Miller, Gladys Paige, Diane Petricone, Louise Stone, Turnquist Family Those celebrating wedding anniversaries. Gerald & Kelley Stoll - April 4th Timothy & Janet McGavern - April 20th Phil Ehmann & Carol Lush-Ehmann - April 25th Remembering those who have died… Please notify the Church office to reserve specific Sunday dates for memorials of family members or any loved ones via the Sanctuary Candle. 4 1 Gloria Cooper 4 1 Thomas Standeven 4 3 Richard Pacyga 4 6 Kimberly Hamm 4 10 Willie Waters 4 11 Ariana Lehmann 4 11 Sandra Pacyga 4 11 Georgia Rush 4 11 Jack Naumann 4 12 Kaylee Bennett 4 17 Christine Niven 4 17 Samantha Chilano 4 19 Austin Setzer 4 19 Betty Brown 4 21 Carter Burris 4 21 Stephanie Romanet 4 22 Joan Barstow 4 22 Sage Richardson 4 24 Jane Bechtold 4 24 Flora Nelson 4 25 Mika Richardson 4 25 Richard Stone 4 27 Sara Palmer 4 28 Matthew Branco Page 10 TRINITY TIMES—April 2015 TRINITY TIMES—April 2015 Page 11 How Well do you Know Your Service? The teen class has been busy learning about each component of our Sunday service. As promised, we have created a new quiz for you using just a few elements of the service. The answers at the bottom. Please let us know how you did. Good Luck! Can you match the service term to its scrambled definition? 1. _____ Sanctus A. Hymn of praise. During Lent and Advent, it is more Solmn (Kyrie) 2. _____Passing of the Peace B. Recall Jesus' words at the last supper 3. _____Collect of the Day C. An enacting of Matthew 5:23-24 4. _____ Opening Acclamation D. Helps the Priest prepare us for worship 5. _____Gloria E. Ancient Hebrew hymns Christians and Jews have sung for thousands of years 6. _____Gradual Psalm F. Hebrew Scriptures which Jesus and His disciples heard and studied. God's first 7. _____Concluding Collect G. promise to Israel through Abraham. 8. _____ Sersum Corda H. G. Latin for Holy. A hymn of praise dating back to the 4th Century. A hymn of joy 9. _____Eucharist Prayers I. H. A salutation to fellowship. An exclamation of praise and permission to preside 10. _____ Words of Institution J. I. Allows time for the Gospel reader and acolytes to get into place. 11. _____Collect for Purity K. J. The first part of each recalls the events of salvation history. This is called Anamnesis 12. _____ Sequence Hymn 13. _____Old Testament Reading L. K. Latin for Lift Up Your Hearts M. L. A word for prayer that collects intentions, sets a theme for the readings of the day. N. M. One concluding prayer often chosen from the prayer book. Often concludes with a prayer for peace. A father was approached by his small son who told him proudly, "I know what the Bible means!" His father smiled and replied, "What do you mean, you 'know' what the Bible means? The son replied, "I do know!" "Okay," said his father. "What does the Bible mean?" "That's easy, Daddy..." the young boy replied excitedly," It stands for 'Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.' Answer Key: 1.G, 2.C, 3.L, 4.H, 5.A, 6.E, 7.M, 8.K, 9.J, 10.B, 11.D, 12.I, 13.F Trinity Episcopal Church 3450 Ridge Road West Rochester, New York 14626 Non-Profit Organization US POSTAGE PAID Rochester NY 14626 Permit #1829 Phone: (585) 225-7848 Fax: (585) 225-7514 Email: To Love Jesus and His Love the Lord Christ, Spread Mailing Mailing Mailing Mailing Mailing Address Address Address Address Address Line Line Line Line Line 1 2 3 4 5 A Joyful Community Celebrating the Life of God in Us and Around Us! TRINITY TIMES April 2015 Inside This Month ............................................................. Page Join us is this Easter .......................................................... 1 Highlights this Month ....................................................... 2 Seasons of Life ................................................................. 2-3 Understanding Clergy Leave ............................................ 3 Vestry................................................................................ 4-5 B&G ................................................................................. 5 Highlight 2014 Parochial .................................................. 4-5 Our Budget ....................................................................... 5 Outreach............................................................................ 5-6 You’ve Brought Your Heart ............................................. 6 Sunday School .................................................................. 6-7 Trinity Green .................................................................... 7 Rummage Sale .................................................................. 8 Shaun M. Bohrer Scholarship ........................................... 8 From Parish Office ........................................................... 8 Community News ............................................................. 9 Prayers of the People ........................................................ 9 Trinity Pics ....................................................................... 10 How well do you know your service? ............................... 11 Calendar ........................................................................... Insert Worship Ministers ........................................................... Insert Ministers The Congregation Our Church Staff The Rt. Rev. Prince Singh, 8th Bishop of Rochester The Rev. Deborah Duguid-May, Priest-in-Charge (585)729-3231 Mrs. Marion Montstream, Trinity School Director Mrs. Lisa Scoppo, Secretary Mrs. Gloria Cooper, Custodian Trinity Vestry Gayle Schneider, Ed Bohrer—Wardens Paul Antonowicz, Linda Canfield, Sandy Cashimere, Laurie Phillips, Paul Pompili, Jim Stewart Peggy Swarts, Mike Yergeau, Anne Young —Members Trinity Times is a publication of Trinity, Rochester, New York. It intends to inform, educate and uplift the members and friends of our parish. If you wish to submit an article for publication please send it, drop it off, or submit it by email to by the third Thursday of the month for inclusion in the next month’s issue. Anyone wishing to unsubscribe to Trinity Times, please email Lisa at or call 585-225-7848.
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