AP RI L 2 01 5 Q u ar te r ly Ne w s l e tter MEADOWVI EW CLUBHOU SE G ARD EN TOU R AND WORKSHOP Come join us for a tour of our brand new water friendly landscape on SATURDAY, APRIL 25TH (9-11AM). Refreshments and educational items will be available. Come learn how we can save water and still have a beautiful landscape that is user friendly. Board President, Ron Krause Did you know ….. Associations Vice President, D.W. Duke is an attorney in Califor- nia, is also a Duke family historian and genealogist. He received his Bachelor of Arts from the University of Michigan and his juris doctor from Washington University School of Law. He is the author of five books and dozens of articles, mostly concerning the law. "The Duke Legacy" is his second novel. - While many others have studied the Duke family legacy, focusing primarily on Washington Duke, founder of Duke University, D.W. Duke has something that sets him apart - he's part of the legacy himself. Washington Duke was born in 1820, and was one of 10 children. At a young age, he realized there was a great amount of racial discrimination in the South. It was at this young age that his disdain for slavery began to form. D.W. Duke brings the legacy of Washington Duke to life in his historical fiction, "The Duke Legacy" , which follows Washington Duke's life and lasting impact. Throughout "The Duke Legacy," readers will follow Washington Duke on his righteous journey against slavery and injustice. Using information garnered from his relatives, D.W. Duke tells the story of a man who goes from a humble beginning in North Carolina to founding the well-known Duke University in Durham, North Carolina, all the while maintaining a strict moral code and standing up for those in need. D.W. Duke hopes his book will give readers a better understanding of Washington Duke and his family's lasting legacy, as he touches on the lives of numerous Duke family members, concluding with Washington Duke's granddaughter, who passed away in 1993. So not only is he an important member of our Board of Directors but he is an established lawyer and historian. Always willing to go the extra mile for something he is passionate about. He takes great pride in our community. HAPPY EASTER PLEASE COME JOIN US FOR AN EASTER EGG HUNT Sunday, March 29th 1:00 - 3:00 PM Meadowview Clubhouse RSVP: meadowviewsocial@gmail.com Please indicate how many adults and children will be attending Kids please bring your own baskets for collecting eggs and the Easter Bunny will be available for pictures Volunteers are needed! If you, or your kids are interested in helping out please send us an email to meadowviewsocial@gmail.com (we do give community service hours for High School Students) MEETINGS AND EVENTS ARE OPEN TO ALL MEADOWVIEW HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETINGS AND EVENTS ARE ON OUR WEBSITE: Phone: 951-676-4429 / Fax: 951-695-2409 Website: meadowviewhoa.or g Office Hours: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm (M-F) (the office does NOT close during lunch) Cindy Jackson ~ Association Manager cindymva@verizon.net Jennifer Brewer ~ Administrative Assistant meadowviewhoa@verizon.net Linda LaCoste ~ Administrative Assistant mcalacoste@verizon.net 2 0 1 5 A s s e s s me nt D ue D a te s Jan 1st $220.00 Jul 1st $220.00 Apr 1st $220.00 Oct 1st $220.00 Police Department—Emergency 911 Police Department Office Report Suspicious Activity 951-696-3000 Police Department (non emergency) Temecula Residents 951-696-4357 Police Traffic Division (for vehicles, boats and RV’s in the street) 951-776-1099 Fire Department 951-693-0683 Poison Control 800-222-1222 Animal Friends of the Valley 951-674-0618 City of Temecula, Graffiti 951-694-6411 City of Temecula, Code Enforcement 951-694-6444 City of Temecula, Building & Safety 951-506-5115 Adopt-A-Tree Program T hank you to the families that have donated towards this earth changing impact for our beautiful community. If you have not yet sponsored a tree and would like too; please do. Each tree is $35.00, but any amount is greatly appreciated. Even if you can not donate towards the adoption of a tree, please contact Teri B. to inform her that you want to volunteer. If you would like to donate towards Adopt -A-Tree please download the form from the Meadowview website. Thank You, Seeing Green Committee John & Jan Austin Maurice & Gerri Beidler Barbara Brand Branin Family Bill & Jackie Brown In Memory Of: Elisabeth Creemers Dennis Cullen From the Madrid's: In Memory Of Rich Everett Don & Elaine Farney John & Kathleen Finnell Dean & Jan George In Memory Of: My Husband, Jon Greaves John & Carol Howe The Joynts, In Memory Of Jon Greaves Joe & Cindy Krieger Joe & Sharon Kuebler Mike & Mary McKenna Lanier The Meyers: In memory of Annie Meyers Gerald & Linda Mikesell Michael Paul Ted and Anne Parsons Don & Polly Reidarson Beverly Scott James & Anna Silva Ray & Susan Stann Joe & Kathy Stradley Patricia Thornton Eric & Patricia Walz In Memory Of: My Wife, Mieko Wigma Jurg Zuger & Stephanie Chapin T h e L o w e r P o o l O pe n s F o r T h e S u m m e r — F r i d a y , M a y 2 2 nd The Lower Pool is open 7 days a week from 10 AM to 9 PM. Please be courteous of all others using the pool. If you need a copy of the pool rules, please visit the office or you can view and print it from the association website. Come on down, relax and have some fun ! Reminder: During the summer months the Upper Pool is considered the Quiet Pool. Th e A rch i t ect u ra l R ev i e w Co m mi t t ee ( ARC) The ARC meetings are held the Second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Clubhouse. Members are welcome to attend the meeting, as it helps to have a few questions answered before you start a project. MEADOWVIEW COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 2015 APPROVED VIOLATION FINES EFFECTIVE DATE JANUARY 1, 2015 The Board has the power to establish a system of fines and penalties enforceable as a Reimbursement Assessment. The Association Rules do not discriminate among Owners but are applied equitably and consistently with the CC&R’s of Meadowview Community Association. 1ST OFFENSE 2ND OFFENSE 3RD OFFENSE 4TH OFFENSE NOT TO EXCEED $100.00 $150.00 $250.00 $300.00 $3,500.00 REPRINT FROM: JAN 2015 NEWSLETTER Thank you to all of our members that participated in the Meadowview election of directors for 2015 Teri Biancardi, Mary Tantee and Rob Walford was elected as our newest Board Members along with incumbent Paula Peterson . They join directors: DW Duke, Ron Krause and Missi Kay, whose terms on the board expire in 2016. THANK YOU! Barbara Brand and Donna Christensen for serving many, many years on the Board and being vary active in the community. Serving on the Board requires a great deal of time, willingness to make tough decisions and the ability to always put the welfare of Meadowview first. Te n Re a s o n s t o Vo l u n t e e r f o r t h e A s s o c i a t i o n 1. Protect your self-interests. Protect your property values and maintain the quality of life in your community. 2. Correct a problem. Has your car been towed, or do you think maybe maintenance has been neglected? 3. Be sociable. Meet your neighbors, make friends, and exchange opinions. 4. Give back. Repay a little of what’s been done for you. 5. Advance your career. Build your personal resume by including your community volunteer service. 6. Have some fun. Association work isn’t drudgery. It’s fun accomplishing good things with your neighbors. 7. Get educated. Learn how it’s done—we’ll train you. 8. Express yourself. Help with creative projects like community beautification. 9. Earn recognition. If you would like a little attention or validation, your contributions will be recognized and celebrated. 10. Try some altruism. Improve society by helping others. SEEING GREEN NEWS Dogs absolutely need to be kept on a leash. Horses tend to be nervous around the sheep, so equestrians take care. And we will not tolerate any chasing or harassment of these animals. Last year the community was great at reinforcing this. SHEEP NEWS: With the meadows bursting with life we are making plans for the return of the sheep - though whether they’ll actually come is still somewhat in question. The owner of the flock has been carefully watching the sort of vegetation growing in local open spaces and is concerned about this year’s prevalence of foxtails that cause lots of problems in his animals. We should soon know one way or the other. So think positive thoughts, and hopefully the sheep will be returning to our meadows to feast on nature’s extraordinary buffet of grasses and forbs. If they do, we’ll have a shepherd living among us, and his amazing sheepdogs, and we’ll get great pictures, and it will be a lot of fun. But it also means that we will have to adjust to living alongside a flock of sheep which might cramp our style on occasion, just a bit. When the flock is here we sometimes close trails and ask that people respect these closures. The sheep need to be left to graze, and do what they were brought here to do, and if they are disrupted by us, the effort fails. Why are we doing this? The sheep do a great job of reducing the dry stuff that fuels fires. While we used to mow in the required strips, the areas in between still had a lot of dead material. And while fire breaks help, they’re not a lot of use in a Santa Ana-driven ember storm. The best protection from fire is to remove as much grass as possible. Go sheep. If you want to be a part of this effort, please email teribiancardi@icloud.com. Volunteers are key to the success of this project. NATURE WALK Tuesday, March 24th See how many names of the spectacular wildflowers covering our meadows you can remember! Join us for a nature walk with our Fish and Wildlife partner Jonathan Snapp-Cook, on Tuesday, March 24th. He is a botanist so that means he knows the common names of plants as well as the impossible Greek and Latin ones too. We meet at the clubhouse at 8:30 AM. Bring water, sunscr een, hats, etc. All are welcome to attend. Teri Biancardi, Seeing Green Commi ee Chair QUARTERLY CLEAN-UP Saturday, April 18th Spring is bursting forth. The weather is mild and more residents are strolling, biking, jogging and riding the many trails through our beautiful community. One thing remains less than beautiful though and that is the amount of trash that has been tossed along our roadways and trails. Join your neighbors for our quarterly clean-up day. Meet in the clubhouse parking lot at 9:00 AM, grab a trash bag and fill it up! The more that attend, the faster the clean up will be.
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