Holy Eucharist Liturgy of the Word

Holy Eucharist
The Episcopal Church of Our Saviour
A Congregation of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington
and the Anglican Communion
1700 Powder Mill Road - Silver Spring, MD 20903
www.episcopalcos.org 301-439-5900 churchoffice@episcopalcos.org
“ A Home for all God’s People”
Second Sunday Of Easter
April 12, 2015
Welcome to the Episcopal Church of Our Saviour.
We are glad that you are here with us today.
Everyone is welcome to receive Communion in our
church regardless of your denominational background.
Liturgy of the Word
Collect of the Day
Almighty and everlasting God, who in the Paschal mystery established the new covenant of reconciliation:
Grant that all who have been reborn into the fellowship
of Christ's Body may show forth in their lives what they
profess by their faith; through Jesus Christ our Lord,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one
God, for ever and ever. Amen.
O Lamb of God, Pure, Spotless
J.S. Bach
Entrance Hymns
This Joyful Eastertide
1982 Hymnal #192
1982 Hymnal #S280
First Reading Acts 4: 32-35
Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 93
Psalm 133
Oh, how good and pleasant it is, *
when brethren live together in unity!
It is like fine oil upon the head *
that runs down upon the beard,
Upon the beard of Aaron, *
And runs down the open collar of his robe. [ANT.]
It is like the dew of Hermon *
that falls upon the hills of Zion.
For there the LORD has ordained the blessing: *
life for evermore.
Second Reading 1 John 1:1 - 2:2
Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 187
Confession of Sin and The Peace
Book of Common Prayer, p. 360
Gospel Hymn We Walk by Faith
1982 Hymnal #209
Walk-up Offering
In Thanksgiving for Melinda & Melissa DaviesCole, whose 13th birthdays occurred on March 12, 2015
Gospel John 20:19-31
Pew Bible, New Testament, p. 88
Nicene Creed
Prayers of the People
On this day we praise our God for the dying which destroyed our
death, and we pray for our world in need of life, saying: Lord, have
The Lord calls us to examine the wounded hands and feet
of the risen one and to know the depth of his love for us.
Let us approach Christ in faith and share the good news
with all we meet. For this let us pray to the Lord: Lord,
have mercy.
The apostles received the Holy Spirit and the grace to lighten the burdens of one another’s sin. May the church be
faithful to this gift. May all the baptized live with abundant
compassion for all, especially for those shut out from the
society. For this let us pray to the Lord: Lord, have mercy.
Christ calls us blessed who have not seen, yet believe. May
more and more of God’s people and all the created order
become a sign of the resurrection in the world, and may
our faith give courage to the doubting. For this let us pray
to the Lord: Lord, have mercy.
We are strengthened by Christ’s resurrection to share the
power of the Spirit with all the suffering. We pray for all in
any need, especially those on our prayer list in the bulletin.
May the power of Christ’s resurrection give life to all who
have little reason to hope. For this let us pray to the Lord:
Lord, have mercy.
May that morning star which never sets, Christ our light,
find us burning with charity until the world is enlightened
with love. For this let us pray to the Lord: Lord, have
Eternally creative God, give us the faith and courage to recreate the
world in your image. We ask this in the name of the risen one, Jesus
our Lord and Saviour. Amen
Please join the family after the service for a reception in the twins’
honor, hosted by their parents, during coffee hour.
Trust and Obey
LEVAS, #205
You are welcome in the Name of the Lord
You are welcome in the Name of the Lord
I have seen in you the Glory of the Lord
You are welcome in the Name of the Lord
Holy Eucharist
O Morn of Beauty
J. Sibelius
Tune of 1982 Hymnal #400
Service continues in the
Book of Common Prayer, p. 361
(Eucharistic Prayer A)
1982 Hymnal #S-125
Fraction Anthem
1982 Hymnal #S-171
Communion Hymns
O Sons and Daughters
1982 Hymnal #206
Now the Green Blade
1982 Hymnal #204
At the Lamb’s High Feast
1982 Hymnal #174
Choral Benediction The Lord Bless You and Keep You
P. Lutkin
Closing Hymn
He Is Risen
1982 Hymnal #180
Blessing & Dismissal
A Mighty Fortress is Our God
J. Pachelbel
Those Serving at 10:00
Assistant Priest
Organist/Choir Director
The Rev. Robert W. Harvey
The Rev. Francisco Valle
Bruce Cole
Kenneth Egbuna
Marva Moxey-Mims, Tasha McCormack
Nancy McCormack
Jermaine Bedell, Francis Pettiquoi,
Natasha Kaditsi, Addo Davies, Jr.
Chalice Bearers
Nancy Ahmed, Olivette Guy-Williams
Audrey Leslie, Kenneth Egbuna
Vivian Johnson, Gladys Mogekwu, Caleb Nicol,
Tarica Ngegba, Elizabeth Buck, Melrose Cole, Victoria Coker
Refiloe Bam, Steve Brushett,
Kenneth Egbuna, Helen Hanlon
This Week’s Calendar
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Sanctuary)
First Service Fellowship Time (Undercroft; until 10:30am)
Choir Practice (Choir Chancel)
Holy Eucharist Rite II (Sanctuary)
Second Service Fellowship Time (Undercroft; until 1:30pm)
NO Children’s Handchime & Steel Pan Rehearsal (Choir
Spanish Children’s Sunday School (Upstairs Classroom)
Latino Choir Rehearsal (Chapel)
Misa en Español (Sanctuary)
Tiempo de Compañerismo (Undercroft; until 3:00pm)
06:30pm Outreach Commission (Undercroft)
07:30pm Finance Committee (Commons)
07:30pm OA (Undercroft)
Weekly Announcements Deadine (Church office)
Holy Eucharist & Healing Prayers (Chapel)
Yoga (Choir Room)
Vestry (Commons)
Soup for the Homeless (Kitchen)
Chancel Choir Rehearsal
2015 Weekly Financial Summary
Each week COS needs to bring in $8,300.00 in order to meet our
basic operating expenses. You can help our church greatly by
keeping payments on your pledge current!
Last week, we brought in $17,539
in pledges and offerings.
Sunday, March 29 - $10,394
Sunday, March 22 - $8,215
Sunday, March 15 - $9,143.00
Your pledge can get to COS safely, whether you can attend or
One way to ensure your pledge arrives is to authorize your
bank to cut your weekly or monthly pledge checks directly from
your account, as part of their online bill pay system. Most
banks and credit unions offer this service FREE to their customers, which can be set up online with your bank.
If you don’t know how to set up an online bill pay account,
don’t worry! You can call your bank’s customer service number
and they will walk you through the process. It’s fast and easy.
All you need is your bank account number, any security passwords you’ve attached to the account, and the COS address:
Episcopal Church of Our Saviour
1700 Powder Mill Road
Silver Spring, MD 20903
Ask your banking representative to make the check payable to
Episcopal Church of Our Saviour and to indicate “2015
Pledge” on the memo line. If no memo line prints on the
check, please make the check payable to ECOS/Pledge 2015.
Bank of America: 1-800/432-1000
CapitalOne: 1-800/707-0489
Sun Trust: 1-800/382-3232, #3
PNC Bank: 1-888-762-2265
Wells Fargo: https://www.wellsfargo.com/online-banking/billpay/ (Direct bill-pay can only be set up online.)
Samaritan Sunday
Sunday, April 19 -- Join us for a morning of
celebration and learning!
You are invited to join Our Saviour’s Outreach Commission on Sunday, April 19, as we welcome the Rev. David
Wolf, executive director of Samaritan Ministry of Greater
Washington, as preacher and forum leader, for a Sunday of
learning and celebration around Samaritan Ministry’s “Next Step” program. We will hear testimony from
one of the participants in the Next Step program, and a
special walk-up offering will be taken in support of Samaritan Ministry’s “Empower the Homeless” campaign. Our
guests will be present after both the 8:00 and
10:00 service. A forum about Samaritan Ministry’s important work will be held at 11:30 in the Undercroft, with
refreshments provided by the Outreach Commission.
Please plan to come learn more about this important way
that the Church of Our Saviour ministers to our neighbors
in need. You can find more information about Samaritan
Ministry at www.samaritanministry.org, and click here to
learn more about Empower the Homeless ministry.
We hope you will join us!
Memorial and Honorary Easter Flowers
Anonymous - to the glory of God, and in honor of all who have gone before
Anonymous - to the glory of God
Anonymous - to the glory of God
Elizabeth Adegboyega-Panox - In thanksgiving for our 30th wedding anniversary and in honor of Olwale Adegboyega-Panox on his birthday
Yvonne Agostini - to my grandmother, Lillian Clarke, who passed away on
3/17/2015 at 102 years
Pamela Artis - E. Waynn Artis, Elfreda Hodge, Carl Von Der Pool, Jr.
Audrey Austin & Family - in remembrance of my husband Valentino Leslie
and my father James Collins, who is with the Lord
Norma Beaton - For Lilly Foy and Desmond Davis
Ernestine Blango & Family - Mrs. Modu Williams, Mrs. Catherine Forde,
Mr. Oladipor Forde, Ms. Clarisse Smith, Mr. O. Thomas, & Mr. Ernest Blango
Claudine-Maria Bobb - In honor of our loving mother and nana, Mrs. Elsa
Bobb, from her children and grandchildren
Elsa Bobb & Family - In loving memory of Clarabele McCooty, mother,
grandmother & great-grandmother
Jonathan & Carole Broadnax - In memory of Ruth & Dennis Broadnax and
all our deceased family & friends
Stephen Brushett & Refiloe Bam - In Thanksgiving for the birth of Eva
Rose Brushett on March 31, 2015, by her loving grandparents
Leonel Castro - to the glory of God
Lindell (“Bud”) Cole - In loving memory of Edith Cole
Derek Cole - For all those who have gone before, my relatives and friends.
May their souls rest in perfect peace
Avril Collier - In memory of my dad Hudson Harding
Michael Collier - In honor of Marina O. Collier, beloved mother
Addo & Roseline Davies - in memory of the 20th anniversary of the death
of Addo S. Davies I; in honor of Solomon Davis and Marina Dundas-Seyon
The Doe Family - In loving memory of Lawrence & Pendora Doe, and to
the honor and glory of God
Stephen Doe - for the glory of God
Ken Egbuna - in honor of John and Jessie Egbuna (parents); John N. Egbuna (brother); Dibuike (DeeCee) Ogwu; Uche Memeh, Grace Siwajuola
and Chinye Azuani
Kobi Enwemnwa - For Mr. Deveraux, Mrs. Liegler, Earnestine’s son;
thanksgiving for the continued blessings
Robert & Anne Harvey - In memory of Dr. & Mrs. Alexander Whitaker, Mr.
& Mrs. William B. Harvey, Roberta Harvey Rocher
Nancy Maisto Hewett - In loving memory of Ed Hewett, Mareda & Vincent
Maisto, and Anthony & Fernanda Maisto
Kenrick & Claire Hunte - In loving memory of our fathers, Cyril Hunte and
Leon Elcock
Chinasa & Lawrence Ifeajakwu - In memory of Uchenna Ifeajekwu, Okechukwu Ujuagu, Daniel Ujuagu, Mabel Meregini, Mathias Aguiyi-Irons,
Cordelia Ifeajekwu, Godwin Ujuagu, and Lucy Mebocha
Rotimi & Fadeke Iluyomade - In memory of our beloved fathers Dr. E.A.
Ifaturoti and Ven. J.A. Iluyomade
Tedy Jackson - To God, giving thanks and praise for Fox Chase Nursing
Wilbur & Lois Jenkins - In thanksgiving for David & Kim, and our grandson
Amri Joyner - To Sunday School Teachers and Helpers, with much thanks
and appreciation
Theresa & Terevid - to the memories of Mary T. Phillips, Renekeh F. Mason
and Muriel Ahlakor, loving parents of Theresa and grandparents of Terevid
Nancy MacCormack - to my husband, daughter, mom and dad, and other deceased relatives
Denise McGarrett & Desiree Marshall - In honor of the birthdays of Denise
McGarrett and Desiree Marshall
Erica Mitchell - for all those who have been called home by the Lord
Azuka Mogekwu - to the glory of God, and in honor of all who have gone before
Mathias & Gladys Mogekwu - In memory of our deceased parents, family members and friends we no longer see
Marva Moxey-Mims - for Ralph Moxey, Oscar Mims, Sr., and Russell Crockett
Caleb Nicol & Children - In loving memory of my beloved wife and mother, and
our children, Neil & Adel
Gloria Daphne Nicol & Children - In honor of my mother and father, Henrietta
Duro Nicol and Edward Prince Nicol, my brother Henry Derek Ojo-Williams and
my aunt Mrs. Louisa Thomas, who faithfully departed this life; may their souls
rest in peace
Catherine Nwokolo - in honor of Daniel Melidem and Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert
Melidem and Mr. Z. Nwokolo. In remembrance of their death
Sam & Evelyn Owusu - in memory of our late parents Gideon & Margaret
Owusu and William & Doris Smith; and for our late brothers William Smith and
Isaac Owusu
Clara Palmer - An Easter gift
Theodora Hosten-Payne & Family - In loving memory of Willie Noel (father),
Patricia Britton (sister) and Phyllis Payne (mum-in-law)
Katuma Pettiquoi - In thanks for the Pettiquoi family
Phills-Buster Family - In memory of Sylvanie Phills; and in thanksgiving for
Justin and Priya
Monica & Victor Robinson - for the Rev. Alfred Jugbeh Robinson; and Mr. Archibald Gershawn Scott-Boyle
Gertrude Rose - For those we love and see no more
Judy B. Silveira - to the glory of God
Michael & Bernita Smith - In memory of Landon Smith, Joseph Bland and Mary
Phyllis Barson Solomon - In memory of Walt & Sue Barson, and David
McCallum; and for the health of Nancy Barson
Don Spicer & Nthakoana Peko - For all loved ones in the Peko and Spicer
Ebun Taylor - Giving thanks for blessings and my family
Glenroy & Erma Thomas - in memory of our family members Flora & Burnham
Pascal, Ruth Thomas, Edward Pascal, Zilta Walty, Rudolph Thomas, Cecil
James and Ernest Joseph
Adeyemi & Elsie Thompson - in loving memory of our parents Jonathan & Juliana Thompson, and John & Harriet Logan-Cumming; in dedication to Ketural
Claudia Turay - in honor of Emma Iyamide Jones, Claudius Mellville Jones, Sr.,
Claudius Mellville Jones, Jr., Ayo Bangura, Karen Jones, Richard Okoro Ideogu
Sr., Richard Okoro Ideogu Jr., Ayo Aribouf, Eineric Okoro Idogu, Juleana Yemi
Kargbo; and all the Jones, Stafford and Temple family that have left us
Cheryl Daves Wilburn - In loving memory of Jean Daves
Rita & Roy Wilkinson - to our grand baby boy, Derick Wilkinson
Linda Williams - in memory of Lelah Cooper
Sam R. Williams - in honor of my mother Mrs. Amera W. Williams
Those for Whom We Pray
Gracious God, watch over these your children. Send your healing power upon those who are sick, protect
those travelling or in danger, and guide those who have decisions to make. Make known your love to all.
We ask all this in the name of Your Son Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.
In Continuing Prayer
Elizabeth Adegboyega-Panox ~ Patricia Alexander ~ Nancy Barson ~ Julia Bauer ~ Gene & Evelyn Bean ~ Christina Bedell ~ Fred Bedell ~ Brandon
Bell ~ Clifton Braithwaite ~ Ken Brothers ~ Bev Byron ~ David Byron ~ Carol Caccitore ~ Laura Carbone ~ Jim Clark ~ Stacie Clark ~ Bud Cole ~
Jonathan and Irene Cole ~ Al Coley ~ Rosa Colon ~ Beverly Collins and Family ~ Kathleen Collins ~ Momolu Cooper ~ Christine Dawson ~ Lee
DeMulder ~
Barbara Dougherty ~ Chioma Ekechi and Family ~ Ben Elliott ~ Leslie Forder ~ Linda Francis ~ Valerie Franklin ~ Cindy Fryer ~ Gloria Gaskill ~ Bill
Goodwin ~ Deborah Goosby ~ Francisco Luis Gotay ~ Bob Hacker ~ Carl Hammond ~ James Hammond ~ Anna Heflin ~ Chickey Henderson ~ Janet
Hunte ~ Alisha Johnson ~ Richard Johnston ~ Reesa Jones ~ Princess Ado Kangay & Family ~ Keith Kaylor and Family ~ J. & M. Kent ~ Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph W. Lardner & Family ~ Jenny Lay ~ Carolyn & Moncure Logan ~ Nancy MacCormack ~ Virginia Mahsman ~ Bob Mann ~ Prince
McCormack ~ Kimberly Mott ~ Dorothy Murphy ~ Gagriela Navarro ~ Maeve Nguyen ~ Sandra Nylen~ ~ Fran Olson ~ Sandy Pang ~ Alexis Privitiera ~ Regina Randall ~ Jessica Rehn ~ Bonita Roberts-Jones ~ Bianca Rodriguez ~ Cecilia Rodriguez ~ Patricia Rodriguez ~ Jack Roof ~ Lee Rose ~
David Sheriff ~ Bernice Shook ~ Randie Siegel~ Joyce Simpkins ~ Fay Simpson ~ Michael Smith ~ David L. Stratmon, 3rd ~ Teddy Jackson ~ Elizabeth
Taylor ~ Evelyn Taylor ~ Matthew Tweh ~ Chelsea & Brandon Valentine ~ Quentin Walker ~ Karen Washington ~ Nathalie White ~ Anne Willemann ~ Emerica O. Williams & Family ~ Rhodel L. Williams ~ I. Rimisa Williams, Sr. ~ Brandon Wilson ~ Margaret Wilson ~
James and Ruby Young ~
The unemployed and the underemployed, and their families
Important Note:
In an effort to keep the “Short Term Needs” list as current as
possible, we will purge and renew this list every thirty days.
Persons who have need for prayer longer than thirty days
should be submitted to the “In Continuing Prayer” list.
If you find that someone has been removed from the short term
list who should instead be placed on the Continuing Prayer list,
please call or email the church office at
301-439-5900 or churchoffice@episcopalcos.org
Short Term Needs
Margaret Gordon ~ Tom Williams ~ Linda Lopez ~ Nancy Ahmed
Those Traveling
Melrose Cole
The Deceased
Gloria Etta Ford, sister of Bernice Shook
Jean Daves, mother of Cheryl Daves Wilburn
William Scott, brother of Beatrice Perry and brother-in-law of Varney Perry
Members of the Armed Forces
Jake Barr ~ Jason Durkaj ~ Harrison Grimes ~ Mary Q. Jackson ~ Christopher Shy ~ Keith Foster ~ Brittany Thomas
Donald D. Valentine ~ Adam Walker ~ Mason Walker ~ Dellion Sitladin, Sr. ~ Mason Walker ~ And All Those Who Serve Now, and in The Past
Many thanks to those who have pledged their financial commitments to
the church for 2015.
If you have turned in a pledge card but do not see your name here, please
contact the church office at
churchoffice@episcopalcos.org or 301-439-5900 or see our Givings Recorder, Kathy Staudt.
Olawale, Elizabeth, Yewande and Adeola Adegboyega-Panox~Olusyeyi & Sade Adegoroye~Yvonne Agostini~Nancy Ahmed~Verna Alexander~Bernard Alfred~Chukwudulye Amaikwu~Elsy Amava~Joshua & Estella Anderson~Odette Anderson~Perry Anderson~Pamela Artis~Naett Asgill~Audrey Austin~Margarita and Bernardo Baez~Alexander & Yaata Bazzie~Gene and Evelyn Bean~Norma Beaton~J. Wah
-Doe Bedell II~Maize Blackman~Ernestine Blango~Carolyn and Donna Blauvelt~Martin & Geraldine Boadu~Elsa and Daniel
Bobb~Victor Bondzie~Eyatunde Bowen Wright~Jonathan G. & Carole Broadnax~Stephen Brushett and Refiloe Bam~Kate Bryant~Mary
Bryant~Elizabeth Buck~Claudette Bucknor~Beverly Byron~Harriett Campbell~Malena Campos~Nora Campos~Rufus and Mildred S Cannon~Robert and Elisabeth Carlson~Leonel Castro~Charles Chiazor~Sumner Clarren~Durosemi L & Blanche E Cleeve~Modupeh
Cleeve~Melvina Coker~Rosaline Coker~Victoria Coker~Bruce & Kathryn Cole~ Christina Cole~Derek Cole~Lindell Cole~Melrose and
Hannah Cole~Ebenezer & Avril Collier~Michael and Olga Collier~Amid Conteh~Rufus Conteh~Xiomara and Jaime Contreras~Sarah
Crooke~Addo & Roseline Davies~Hector Davies-Cole~Richard Davis~Bernadette Denis~Wunika Dimka~Stephen K. Doe~Kenneth Egbuna~Daniel & Dorothy C. Epps~Ivan Flores~Alex O. Forde~Quarshe Sam and Carnell Fredericks~Juan F and Maria E Garcia~Marilin
Garcia~ Athelstan (Ted) Gaskin~Deborah Gebhardt~Virginia Gonzalez~Amorette Gooding~Sheralyn Gooding~Margaret Gordon~Idali
Gotay and Miguel Mercado~Roy and Rita Gray~Denton & Melive Guy-Williams~Olivette Guy-Williams~Sylvia Hamilton-Reubens~Helen
Hanlon~Robert & Anne Harvey~Dolores Henderson~Milagro Hercules~Antonia F Hernandez~Nancy Maisto Hewett~Wilfred
Heyliger~Theodora Hosten-Payne~Kenrick and Claire Hunte~Maurice Hunter, Sr.~Prince Hunter~Lawrence & Chinasa
Ifeajekwu~Nnaemeka Ifeajekwu~Josephine Isaac~Geoffrey Jackson~Dorothy Jarrett~ Mr.& Mrs. Frank Jarrett~Wilbur & Lois Jenkins~Aarona Johnson~Omoyemi and Alfred Johnson~Delano King~Vivian Kingsley Johnson and Fatmata Saui~Harry JohnstonTaylor~Angela Jones~Lauretta Jones~Victor & Linda Jones~Amri Joyner~Ethel Kalitsi~Jonathan Kamkwalala~Thomas Kavanagh~Marion Keita~John & Nancy Knotts~Audrey Leslie~Ernesto Luna~Norma Luna~Gloria Lyn-Burnett~Eben and Rita Ojukutu
Macauley~Nancy MacCormack~Desiree Marshall~Josfa Martinez~ Max and Maria Martinez~Laura Martinez-Garcia~Theresa Mason~Adrian and Pauline Maynard~Javier and Luz Maynard~Geoffrey McCormack~Prince Mccormack~Denise McGarrell~Nazario Membreno~Erica Mitchell~Ikenna Mogekwu~Mathias E. and Gladys O. Mogekwu~Nkechi Mogekwu~Jamila Moumeni~Marva MoxeyMims~Colm & Joan Murtagh~Olatunge and Vera Nat-Jon~Norman Nicholson~Caleb Nicol~Gloria Daphne Nicol~Willie Nicol~Gabriel
Nwani~Emmanuel Nwokolo~Quintin Okon-Thomas~ Bertha Ordonez~Maria Luisa Orozco~Flor de Maria Ortiz and Julio Flores de
Flor~Evelyn & Samuel Owusu~Olanike Oyefeso-Watts~Clara Palmer~Patrick Palmer~Sandra Pang~Varney and Beatrice Perry~Katuma
Pettiquoi~Gary & Roseann Pinckney~Colin Pitt~Emile & Victoria Pitt~James Porter~Una Prescott~Gladys Pyne-Caulker~Rosa E Ramos
Diaz~Ula Ramroop~Millicent Redd~Dr. and Mrs. Philip L. Repetto~Arnold Robinson and Lena Cole Smith~Augusta Robinson~ Ella
Robinson~Victor T. and Monica V. Robinson~Cordelia G Robinson and Obidiah Moore~Gertrude Rose~Theodora RoyJohnson~Simeona and Alejandro Salmeron~Martha Sango~Yvonne Sawyer~Blyden & Malphina Scale~Logan & Cheryl Schutz~Devin
Scott~Gladys Scott~James & Bernice Shook~Carlos Sierra~Victor Silva~Joyce Simpkins~Abdullah Skerritt~Michael & Bernita
Smith~Stephen and Phyllis Barson Solomon~Donald Spicer and Nthakoana Peko~Kathleen & Louis Staudt~Samuel & Sally
Stokes~Donald and Cynthia Sutton~ Eva Taylor~Eglah Thomas~Glenroy Thomas~Adeyemi D. & Elsie Thompson~Jacqueline Threatte~Andy Umanzor~Liduvina Umanzor~Silvia Valencia~Elvia Valencio~Jesse Velasquez~Rose Washington-Bright~Bruce Wallace~Jacqueline & Randolph Weithers~Eldora Whitehead~Robert Wigand~Cheryl Wilburn~Alma Williams~Emerica Williams~I Rimisa
Williams~Nellie Williams~Sam Williams~Akitoye and Sarian Wilson~Victoria Wilson~Victoria Wleh~Agneatha Wright~Nadia-Marie
For pastoral emergencies (someone has gone into the hospital or has died) after office hours, please call the Pastoral
Care Line at 301-602-6570. Be sure to leave the name of the hospital. Your call will be returned as quickly as possible.
Please send all announcements or schedule changes to the church office by email at:
churchoffice@episcopalcos.org or by phone at 301-439-5900. All Sunday bulletin announcements must be received
by the church office by 12 noon the preceding Wednesday.