“Actively live the Gospel through discovering the Spirit alive within our parishioners”. ST. THERESA’S ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISH 7508 – 29 Avenue, Edmonton, AB Phone: 780.463.8646 info@strcp.com T6K 3Y8 Fax: 780.450.2431 www.strcp.com & THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF CORPUS CHRISTI info@corpuschristi-edm.ca www.corpuschristi-edm.ca PARISH BULLETIN April 12th, 2015 – 2nd Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy PARISH TEAM SACRAMENTS Fr. Jim Corrigan (2227) Pastor Fr. Matthew Hysell Associate Pastor mhysell@op.dspt.edu Fr. Luan Vu (2223) Associate Pastor RCIA Sr. Cornelia Ramirez, RVM Sacramental Preparation Deacon Tony Obleada Permanent Deacon Deacon Gem Mella Permanent Deacon (2224) RCIA ADAPTED FOR CHILDREN Classes for 2014-2015 started in Sept. for children (7-14 years old, unbaptized or baptized validly in a non-Catholic Church). Angela McCormick (2226) Youth Ministry Marie Woolgar (2233) Ministry/Business/Web Coordinator Nina Obleada (2225) Parish Bookkeeper Dany Lee (2221) Reception/Secretary Sherry Robak (2222) Records Coordinator Chuck Long Maintenance Fernando Hermoso Custodians Piotr (Peter) Kus Pamela Petruchik Rectory Housekeeper OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday Closed for lunch Open Saturday 9:00 am - 8:30 pm Noon - 1:00 pm 9:30 am - 5:00 pm WEEKDAY MASS TIMES Monday Tuesday – Saturday Tuesday & Wednesday Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is for anyone over 14 years of age wishing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation. Meetings are Thursdays, 7:30 - 9:30 pm, MacDonald room Call Genevieve - 780.437.8011 Sharon - 780.462.2867 8:00 am 9:00 am 6:25 pm SUNDAY MASS TIMES Saturday Sunday 5:30 pm 8:30 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm Life Teen Mass 6:00 pm ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Weekdays 1 hour prior to the following Masses: Tuesdays 6:25 pm Mass Wednesdays 9:00 am Mass Fridays 9:00 am Mass SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION 30 minutes prior to all weekday Masses except Monday. Saturdays from 9:45 - 11:00 am FIRST FRIDAY, MAY 1 9:00 am Mass & Exposition 9:30 am - 6:00 pm Adoration 6:00 pm Benediction & Mass Before First Reconciliation (Confession) and First Eucharist (Holy Communion), children who have reached the age of reason (7 years old) are required to go through the process called RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults adapted for children. Documents required: Birth certificate for the unbaptized Birth and Baptism certificate for those who were validly baptized in a non-Catholic Church Baptism certificate of the Catholic parent Wednesday, EVENING CLASSES 7:00 - 8:00 pm, MacDonald room Sr. Cornelia Ramirez, RVM 780.463.8646 ext. 2224 ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED? Please make an appointment 6 months to 1 year prior to your wedding date. Fr. Jim Corrigan 780.463.8646 ext. 2227 frjim@strcp.com or Fr. Matthew Hysell mhysell@op.dspt.edu or Fr. Luan Vu - 780.463.8646 ext. 2223 frluanvu@strcp.com Corpus Christi pledge total as of April 08/15 is Father Michael Troy School 3630 - 23 Street $5,970,678.00 Email: info@corpuschristi-edm.ca Website: www.corpuschristi-edm.ca SUNDAY LITURGY CORPUS CHRISTI 9:30 am and 11:30 am at Father Michael Troy School, 3630 - 23 Street HOSPITALITY SUNDAY will be on the 2nd Sunday, April 12 after both Masses. There will be goodies, coffee, & juice. Donations of treats are always welcome! The K of C, Fr. Michael Troy Council, hosts alternate Masses on the 3rd Sunday of the month. The next K of C sponsored Mass will be on April 19 at the 11:30 am Mass. Have you ever tasted the crêpes breakfast? Don’t wait too long! CORPUS CHRISTI ADORATION EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Please pick up a Corpus Christi Pledge Package from the display tables. Be one of the 10 families to get us to the $6 Million mark! ~ Make a pledge of $20/wk for 5 years ~ Thank you, one and all! MINISTRY IN FOCUS SACRISTANS SACRISTANS were listed by writers and Church councils as “ministers of God.” When recounting his life in the 4 th century, Bishop Paulinus of Nola wrote “I call the Lord to witness that I longed to begin my holy service with the name and office of sacristan”. SACRISTIES are privileged places where the liturgical rites are prepared and where the treasured objects that facilitate prayer are stored. WHY BECOME A SACRISTAN? It is a perfect job for those who prefer to help in a quiet, “behind the scenes” way. Sacristans are responsible for care of the holy things used in the worship life of the parish. They keep the Sanctuary clean and in orderly condition. Join our faith community in Eucharistic Adoration ON the land blessed for our church the last Friday of the month, 34 Street & 28A Avenue. Our next Holy Hour will be on: Fri., April 24, 6:00 - 7:00 pm. Join us for an hour with the Lord! Meet on the sidewalk on 28A Ave. for an hour with the Lord. Please do not park on 34 Street entrance. DUTIES include: Cleaning the linens, candles and vessels Changing the altar cloths and coordinating materials according to the liturgical season Setting up for Communion CORPUS CHRISTI CWL PARISH COUNCIL If you’d like to volunteer or need more information please contact: St Theresa’s : Luisa Rivera - 780.868.8607 Elizabeth Ulliac - 780.633.0718 Corpus Christi: Michèle Brubaker - 780.463.7392 Anna Truong - 780.450.9579 The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a national organization rooted in gospel values calling its members to holiness through service to the people of God. Have you considered becoming a CWL member? Join us at our monthly meeting to learn more. Next meeting: Wednesday, April 22 at 6:30 pm Holy Family School Library, 1710 Mill Woods Rd. East BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC DO YOU KNOW YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE LEVEL? Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit and your life a gift from God. Take care of it and be in the know. April 18 & 19, 2015, after all Masses, MacDonald room ST. THERESA'S & CORPUS CHRISTI PARISHES WEEKLY COLLECTION – 2015 Mar. 28 – 29 Ordinary Receipts 24,812.88 Average weekly expenses (this includes the Emergency Reserve) 20,213.49 Building Fund 5,126.62 SACRISTANS work in teams during their assigned month. Any new sacristans will receive full training and be paired with experienced sacristans. It is a rewarding privilege to serve God in this way. AN EASTERTIDE MISSION IN PREPARATION FOR PENTECOST! The Eastertide Mission has begun and new participants are still welcome! Join us next Wednesday and all the Wednesdays of the Easter Season in preparation for the 'birthday of the Church' - Pentecost. Catecheses, witnesses, small-group sharing, and fellowship will mark our parish mission as we pray for the "manifestation of baptism" by opening ourselves more profoundly to the Gift of the Holy Spirit. Following the 6:25 pm Mass, the mission runs from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm. April 15, 22, 29 and May 6, 13, 20. St Theresa's Parish - 780.463.8646 for more information or to register. Love offering is gratefully appreciated. N.B.: An ASL interpreter will be present for Deaf participants. SPIRITUAL SHARING CIRCLE Tuesday, April 21 at 1:00 pm - St. Thomas More Parish, 210 Haddow Close. Julian Hammond will tell us about Christianity in the Middle East. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. Maureen Gouveia - 780.438.7060 WEEK AT A GLANCE SUNDAY April 12th 8:30 am Mass MONDAY April 13th 10:30 am Mass 7:00 - 9:00 pm CC Finance Committee 12:30 pm Mass (OLGC/FMMG rooms) 2:30 - 3:30 pm Divine Mercy Holy Hour (Main body) 6:00 pm - Life Teen 7:30 - 9:00 pm Life Night (MacNeil hall) MONDAY April 13th 8:00 am Mass 8:45 am Rosary (Main body) 10:00 am - 12:00 pm Greater Edm. Alliance th TUESDAY April 14 8:00 am Rosary (Main body) 8:30 am Reconciliation 9: 00 am Mass 10:00 am - 1:00 pm (Grandin room) 7:00 - 9:00 pm Baptism Preparation (MacDonald room) 7:30 - 8:30 pm Respect for Life (MacDonald room) WEDNESDAY April 15th 8:00 am Adoration 8:30 am Reconciliation 9:00 am Mass 10:00 - 11:00 am Hospitality (Main body) (Main body-MacDonald room) (OLGC/FMMG rooms) 7:15 - 10:00 pm Secular Franciscans Meeting (OLGC/FMMG rooms) 7:15 - 8:45 pm Legion of Mary FRIDAY April 17 8:30 am Reconciliation The Knights of Columbus invite all to their pancake breakfast on Sunday, April 19 after the 8:30 & 10:30 am Masses in the McNeil hall. Join us for a delicious meal which will cost you only $5.00 each or $20.00 per family for all you can eat – eggs, sausages and yes, those special hot cakes smothered with syrup, jam, or non-sugar syrup if you wish. You also have a choice of apple/orange juice, tea & coffee. Special feature: Strawberries & whip cream. Yummy! “Pancakes for a purpose” All proceeds will go to Knights Charities ** Bring your aluminum can pull tabs to support the KC wheelchair program. PLANNING AHEAD A Catholic’s Guide to Funeral Rites, Burial Options, and Prearrangements. Fr. Jim Corrigan, along with Edmonton Catholic Cemeteries Director, Deacon Paul Croteau, invites you to join them for an evening that will engage and inform you on these important topics. Also in attendance to answer your questions will be Aimee Anderson, Catholic Funeral Director. Please attend this informative evening and gain peace of mind for yourself and your loved ones. Tuesday, May 5, 7:30 - 9:30 pm (following Mass) at St. Theresa’s Parish - MacNeil hall. To register - Parish office: 780.463.8646, ext. 2221 (Main body) 8:40 am Little office of Mary (Main body) 9:00 am Mass 9:45 – 11:00 am Reconciliation 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Eucharistic Ministry Training (Main body-MacDonald room) 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Greater Edm. Alliance 5:30 pm Mass th (MacDonald room) K OF C SPONSORED PANCAKE BREAKFAST SATURDAY April 18th 8:00 am Rosary (Ozanam room) (MacDonald room) 9:00 am Mass 6:30 - 10:30 pm CFC Christian Life Program (MacDonald room) 7:30 - 10:00 pm CFC Youth 10:30 am - 12:00 pm Junior Legion of Mary 7:30 - 9:30 pm RCIA 5:55 pm Reconciliation 6:25 pm Mass (OLGC/FMMG rooms) (Grandin room) (Ozanam room) 8:00 am Adoration (Office Kitchen) FRIDAY April 17th 7:00 - 9:30 pm Ephphatha Prayer Group (Malayalam) (Ozanam room) THURSDAY April 16th 8:00 am Rosary 10:00 am - 12:00 pm GriefShare Program 7:00 - 10:00 pm Marriage Preparation 7:00 - 9:00 pm CWL Ex. Meeting (Main body) 6:25 pm Mass 7:00 - 9:00 pm Stewardship (MacDonald room) 6:00 - 8:00 pm True Devotion (MacNeil hall) 7:00 - 9:00 pm As By A New Pentecost 5:30 pm Adoration Legion of Mary - Knitting group Canadian North Churches (OLGC/FMMG rooms) 6:30 - 8:30 pm EDGE (MacDonald-Ozanam rooms) 8:30 am Reconciliation 9:00 am Mass 10:00 am - 12:00 pm True Devotion (MacNeil hall) (Main body-OLGC/FMMG rooms) WEDNESDAY April 15th 7:00 - 8:00 pm RCIA Child After Mass Diabetic Clinic (MacDonald room) 6:00 - 11:30 pm Singles for Christ (OLGC/FMMG rooms) 6:30 - 8:30 pm Youth Minister Farewell Potluck (MacNeil hall) GREATER EDMONTON ALLIANCE HOUSE MEETING The Greater Edmonton Alliance Seniors Team is hosting a House Meeting at St. Theresa’s Parish - MacNeil hall, on April 13, 2015 at 10:00 am – 12:00 pm. It’s been a while since February 24, 2014, the last time the Greater Edmonton Alliance conducted a house meeting at St. Theresa Parish, and that meeting, along with the others GEA hosted, has led us to this point. On April 13, you will: Learn about the action plan the Seniors Team has diligently constructed, based on your insights and recommendations Learn how you can be a participant in the action plan Be a real voice in the election which may be coming sooner than later At every one of the meetings the Seniors’ Team had with the city of Edmonton administration, and with Provincial ministers and administration staff, the asks presented based on your views were received with positive and encouraging response. The time for the next step is here! Mark your calendars and come together on April 13, as we combine our efforts to further the common good of all seniors not only in Edmonton, but in Alberta! Cam Hale - 780.440.0192 SAVE THE DATE St. Theresa’s CGL is hosting it’s annual Talent Show on Sunday, April 26, 2015 at 2:00 pm, in the MacNeil hall. Join us for a funfilled afternoon. From the desk of Reverend Matthew Hysell, MA MTh The Indwelling Gift (Part III) Eastertide is fifty days long—hence Eastertide, since it is a season of the Church year, indeed the most important one. Thus the conclusion of the Easter Season is Pentecost, from the Greek word for “fiftieth.” Hence the liturgical book proper to Eastertide (or, more properly, Paschaltide) among the Ukrainian Greek-Catholics and other Byzantine Christians is called the Pentecostarion. Notice that during Eastertide, our First Reading is always taken from the Acts of the Apostles. Outside the Easter Season, the First Reading is always taken from the Old Testament. During the fifty days of Easter, however, Acts is read first of all, and not without reason. Already on Easter Sunday morning, the Roman Liturgy reads from Acts 10:34a, 37-43, in which Peter is shown preaching with boldness and authority. Acts shows a very different portrait of the Apostles than the gospels do—the gospels show Peter bumbling, saying all the wrong things, and finally rejecting Jesus on the night of His Trial. But, for the rest of Eastertide, vastly different personalities of the Apostles—from feeble, fickle, and fumbling men to resolute, fearless, and steadfast preachers and missionaries—emerges. What accounts for this about-face? How did the Apostles change so much? It was not so much the shock and the surprise of Jesus’ Resurrection—even after seeing the Risen Lord, they were still ambivalent (cf Mt 28:17; Mk 16:8, 14). The portent and wonder of the Lord Jesus—risen, glorified, and exalted—was not enough to change these men. It was the first Easter and the Holy Spirit that changed them. Thus, when the Holy Spirit descended upon the Church on that first Pentecost, “[a]ll of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak…” (Acts 2:4). Let us take a good look at ourselves: Are we fearless like the Apostles in professing our Catholic Christian faith in the workplace? In public? Among our family and friends? If we are timid about even making the sign of the Cross or bowing our heads at the Name of Jesus, consider this: “[F]or God did not give us a Spirit of timidity, but rather a Spirit of courage!” (2 Tim 1:7). The question, then, is this: Are you open to the Holy Spirit? Or can the words of St Stephen the First-Martyr be woefully applied to us?—“You stiff-necked people! …You always resist the Holy Spirit!” (Acts 7:51). The whole point of the Sacrament of Confirmation is to give us “a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the Faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the Name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, ¶ 1303). The Lord Jesus does not continue His Mission in the world alone. He relies on His disciples—you and me—to be His co-missionaries. But in order to be effective, we simply must surrender ourselves to the working of the Holy Spirit in our lives. It begins with trustful surrender to him. To be continued. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL FOOD BANK CORNER Because of your generosity during Holy Week, the shelves in the Food Bank are looking good. Items still in short supply are: Canned Fruit, Hamburger Helper, Jam, Rice Side Kicks, Toilet Paper, Shampoo. Thank you so very much! Maria - 780.940.9010 NEW EDMONTON CATHOLIC SCHOOLS’ 100 VOICES PRE-KINDERGARTEN PROGRAMMING Genesis School, as part of Edmonton Catholic Schools’ 100 Voices Pre-Kindergarten program, offers programming for 3 and 4 year olds in unique City of Edmonton Recreation Centres and Attraction sites throughout the city. Sites include the Valley Zoo, John Janzen Nature Centre, Muttart Conservatory, Kinsmen Sports Centre and many more! For a complete list of locations and information on how to register for these exciting programs please call 780.638.6810 or go to www.genesis.ecsd.net SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL ST. THERESA’S CONFERENCE NORTH OF 60 PROJECT! It’s time again. As any other project, with each year, we modify and change, so that it works out better for all involved. This time, the containers will be placed in a warehouse, where the sorting of donations will also take place. The project has expanded to nine (9) Northern Communities: Inuvik, Tsiigehtchic, Tuktoyaktuk, Paulatuk, Gjoa Haven, Taloyoak, Aklavik, Ulukhaktok and Sachs Harbour. Shortly, we will be publishing a list of items and food that we need to collect in order to send North. At the moment, I can tell you that the following items will be more than welcome: tables, sewing machines, fabric, school supplies, fur coats. A more complete list will be available soon. Maria - 780.940.9010 or www.ssvpedmonton.ca or www.ssvpwrc.ca or www.ssvp.ca SOW MUCH LOVE THE TROUBLE WITH UPOV ‘91 Plant breeding is an agricultural practice where seeds are bred with other seeds in order to create a desired change to a plant. It is a process that can take many years. Farmers have been practicing natural plant breeding for thousands of years as a way to improve their crops. In the 1960s, as seeds began to be produced by corporations, there was a call to recognize the intellectual property rights, including royalties, of professional plant breeders for the new plant varieties they created. As a result, the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) was introduced. Many countries signed on to the convention. However, over time it has been updated to incorporate changes in the industry, particularly the development of GM seeds by multinational companies. The latest version, UPOV ’91, places greater restrictions on farmers’ rights to save, exchange and use seeds. Many countries have not ratified this version, but trade agreements are placing pressure on governments to adopt it. Here in Canada, our seed system has been built up through the knowledge of farmers, public research and access to farmers’ seeds collected from around the world. Over time, a few corporations have captured this heritage, and pushed the Canadian seed system towards GMOs and genetically uniform varieties. As such, farmers’ associations and advocates have mobilized against Bill C-18, which is a law that was drafted in order to apply UPOV ’91 in Canada. Introduced in Parliament in 2014, the law, if passed, will significantly reduce farmers’ rights to use seeds. Maria - 780.940.9010 or go to www.devp.org SACRAMENTS 2015 BAPTISM PREPARATION Monday, 7:00 pm - MacDonald room April 13, May 04 & 11, June 01 & 08 2015 BAPTISM CELEBRATION Sunday at 2:30 pm April 19 & 26, May 17 & 24, June 21 & 28 MINISTRIES CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE Meets on scheduled days. Next Exec. Meeting on Mon., April 13 - 7:00 pm Check receptionist for room WANT TO JOIN THE CWL? Carmen - 780.440.0069 or cjrouthier@me.com CATHOLIC GIRLS LEAGUE Open to all girls ages 10 - 16. Next meeting: Mon, April 20, 6:30 - 8:00 pm Fern Hardie - 780.462.9167 TRUE DEVOTION TO JESUS THROUGH MARY Prayerful study for spiritual growth through St Louis de Montfort's book Group 1: Thursdays - 10:00 am, MacDonald room. Group 2: Mondays - 6:00 pm, (ask receptionist for room) Enter church through doors northwest side of building. Colleen - 780.463.2227 or c1mcfar2@gmail.com LIGHT of CHRIST CHARISMATIC PRAYER GROUP meets on Wednesdays for regular weekly meetings at 7:15 - 9:30 pm, MacNeil hall RESPECT FOR LIFE Join us on the 1st Monday of the month at 7:30 pm (2nd Monday if statutory holiday) Check receptionist for room Nicole – comet471@yahoo.ca KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS St. Peter Council #7070 Meetings are at the K of C Hall on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Grand Knight Ardie - 780.463.3803 SECULAR FRANCISCANS Meets at 7:15 pm every: 3rd Wednesday - General Meeting 4th Wednesday - Formation Session OLGC & FMMG rooms Adora D. - 780.468.3353 SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm - OLGC/FMMG rooms Call Maria L. – 780.940.9010 LEGION of MARY Join us in the Ozanam room! Seniors - ages 18+: Every Thursday 7:15 - 8:45 pm Juniors - Ages 8 - 17: Every Saturday 10:30 - noon See brochure at church entrance for details. WE NEED MORE MEMBERS FOR THIS MINISTRY Do you knit or crochet? Join this ministry. Drop in, sign up, have a cup of tea/coffee and make some warm toques, scarves, mittens, slippers, socks, baby blankets, booties. Knit with the group or in your home. We have until May/June to complete as many pieces as possible prior to shipping to the Canadian North Mission churches. DONATIONS OF YARN NEEDED Check your closets, storage, craft room, friends, family, neighbours – what you have no use for we surely do! DROP IN and DROP OFF DONATIONS only during group session. TUESDAYS after morning Mass until 1:00pm in the MacDonald Room. Colleen: c1mcfar2@gmail.com or 780.977.2227 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A STRAIGHTFORWARD WAY TO GIVE ALMS? Please consider donating your empty beverage containers (cans, bottles, cartons, etc.) to St Mark's Community of the Deaf. Proceeds will go towards defraying the tuition for our pilgrimage to Rome and Assisi in October 2015. Following the Archbishop Sheen Principle, 10% of the proceeds will go to St Vincent de Paul Society. Beverage containers can be dropped off on Saturdays, 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, at the East Basement Doors of St. Theresa's Parish. Your charity will be met with Masses for your intentions at the Seven Pilgrim Churches of Rome. Thank you! SOUP & SCRIPTURE (Gr. 8 - 12) Sunday, April 12, 2015 from 7:30 - 9:00 pm, MacNeil hall Socialize, eat soup, reflect on Scripture. Angela - 780.463.8646, ext. 2226 angela@strcp.com EDGE (Gr. 6 - 8) Moses: An Unlikely Leader Monday, April 13, 2015 from 6:30 - 8:30 pm, MacNeil hall We explore how life isn’t always easy but God is there to help. Angela - 780.463.8646, ext. 2226 angela@strcp.com LIFE TEEN (Gr. 9 - 12) on Sunday, April 19, 2015 LOVE: Self Gift What is true love? How is it expressed? Why should we not settle? FMT SPORTS DROP IN Sunday, April 19, 2015 from 1:00 - 2:00 pm FMT school gym - 3630 23 St NW Play sports you enjoy, have fun & meet new friends. Floyd at fmd_85@hotmail.com for info. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY (Ages 18-35) Sunday, April 19, 2015 Come meet other young adults and grow in faith together! Regularly scheduled events: 1st & 3rd Sundays of each month (except holidays) 7:15 pm, after 6:00 pm Mass. Our Lady of Good Counsel room WE NEED MEN! Adult youth ministry leaders needed, particularly men, to give our teens healthy male role models. Assist with our Middle School Edge Ministry (gr. 6-9) or High School Life Teen ministry (gr. 10-12) and help draw youth closer to Christ. Angela - 780.463.8646 ext. 2226 or angela@strcp.com E-NOTES FROM RESPECT FOR LIFE For after greeting his disciples with the words “Peace be with you”, our Divine Saviour “showed them His hands and His side”, thereby confirming Isaiah’s prophecy, “by his stripes, we are healed”.
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