ChemCom WQI Field Trip Practice Test 2015 Name: The WQI is calculated using nine different tests. For questions 1-9 describe what each test measures. 1. D.O. 2. Fecal Coliform 3. pH 4. BOD 5. Δ Temperature 6. Total Phosphate 7. Nitrates 8. Turbidity 9. Total Solids The WQI is calculated using nine different tests. For questions 10-18 describe in one sentence how the test is done. 10. D.O. 11. Fecal Coliform 12. pH 13. BOD 14. Δ Temperature 15. Total Phosphate 16. Nitrates 17. Turbidity 18. Total Solids Low quality (Q) values by any of the nine tests that make up the WQI can cause problems in a lake or river. Match the described problems below with the likely cause. 19. Water Problem: Dead fish found in a specific area of lake near an nuclear power plant that is discharging cooling water into a lake. Likely test showing a low Q-Value: a. fecal coliform b. temperature c. nitrates 20. Water Problem: Cultural Eutrofication has caused overgrowth of weeds and plants. Likely test showing a low Q-Value: a. pH b. temperature c. nitrates 21. Water Problem: Local fishermen have contracted typhoid fever and hepatitis. Local kids playing in the river have reported numerous ear infections and dysentery. Contact with the water seems to be making people sick. Likely test showing a low Q-Value: a. pH b. fecal coliform c. temperature 22. Water Problem: Entire lake appears to lack life of any kind. No fish, no frogs, no snails, no mayfly’s etc. Lake is completely clear but sterile. Tests also show a high level of heavy metals in the water. The water most likely is suffering from a. acid contamination b. fecal coliform contamination c. high turbidity from construction runoff Low quality (Q) values by any of the nine tests that make up the WQI can cause problems in a lake or river. Match the described problems below with the likely cause. 23. Water Problem: Cultural eutrofication has caused overgrowth of weeds and plants. Which of the following is probably the cause of the problem? a. High dissolved oxygen b. Excessive acid contamination c. High levels of phosphates 24. Water Problem: Water appears very muddy. Visible silt and floating particles in the water. The bottom cannot be seen even in shallow water. Likely test showing a low Q-Value: a. turbidity b. pH c. phosphates 25. Water Problem: The water temperature is very warm. Water is clear but there are dead fish, mostly pike and trout. Likely test showing a low Q-Value: a. turbidity b. DO c. total solids The environment surrounding a stream or creek can often have a direct impact on some of the nine tests used to measure the WQI. Match the environmental factor described below with the likely impact it will have on the lake or river. 26. A local creek is surrounded by farms. The farmers are often seen using fertilizers on the cornfields directly next to the stream. Likely impact on the stream: a. Increased dissolved oxygen - -3 b. Increased NO 3and PO 4 levels c. Decreased pH levels 27. A lake is directly down wind from a number of coal mines and coal-fired power plant. Likely impact on the lake: a. Increased fecal coliform bacteria b. Acid contamination and low pH readings c. Decrease dissolved oxygen levels 28. A dairy farm has a creek in the middle of the field where chickens and horses can be seen grazing daily. Often the cows can be seen dropping cow pies (poop) into the river. The most IMMEDIATE effect on the water would be a. Increased fecal coliform bacteria b. Increased O levels 2 c. Acid contamination and low pH readings 29. A housing construction site surrounds a river. All the existing trees and grasses have been striped away. Large valleys can be seen eroded into the banks of the river and muddy water is flowing from the development towards the river. Likely influence on the stream: a. Decreased fecal coliform bacteria levels. b. Increased pH levels. c. Increased turbidity levels. 30. Which of the following tests would be almost impossible to perform at the lake or river? a. pH b. Nitrates c. Total solids 31. A stream has very low level of oxygen. What would be a good solution to increase the dissolved oxygen levels? a. Add limestone b. Install a fountain or construct a series of rapids to tumble the water c. Add chlorine 32. A stream is next to a coal mine that releases very acidic water. What would help neutralize the acidic runoff? a. Add limestone b. Install a fountain or construct a series of rapids to tumble the water c. Add chlorine 33. A lake has very high levels of fecal coliform bacteria from too many sea gulls. What would probably decrease fecal coliform entering the water from sea gulls? a. Add limestone b. Install a fountain or construct a series of rapids to tumble the water c. Station a dog by the lake to scare away birds 34. A series of lake cottages have illegally installed septic systems that are dumping human waste directly into a stream. What would help control the level of bacteria? a. Add limestone to the waste before it gets to the lake b. Add chlorine to the waste before it gets to the lake c. Add a sand filter to the waste stream before it gets to the lake Nitrate Testing Nitrate Level = 35 ppm 35. What is the Q value for the sample tested? 36. What is the WQI score for this sample? 37. How would you rate the quality of the water? Dissolved Oxygen Testing Color matches at 8 ppm on the color chart Temperature of water: 15 deg C 38. % Saturation = 39. What is the Q value for the sample tested? Turbidity Testing 40. Turbidity is measured with a secchi disk. A student using this technique estimates the Secchi disk disappears at depth of 1 foot. What is the Q-Value of turbidity test? NTU conversion = Total solids data for question #41. Water poured into beaker: Mass of beaker with dried solid: Mass of clean beaker: Q-Value = 150.0 ml 105.025 grams 105.000 grams 41. Using the data above and the total solids formula, what would be the calculated level of total solids in this sample? 42. What activity would you most like to participate in during a Friday in May? Fecal Coliform Testing Total tubes tested: 21 # of positive tubes: 13 # of negative tubes: 8 43. Using the data above and the Lesniak Fecal Equation, what would the calculated level of fecal coliform be for this water sample? 44. What is the Q-Value? 45. How would you rate the quality of the water?
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