1 1 PERCEPTIONS, ATTITUDES AND KNOWLEDGES AMONG THE GENERAL PUBLIC ON THE SUBJECT OF ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE - Full report November 2008 Translated by : Lionbridge Belgium SPRL/BVBA Avenue Jules Malou, 57-61 B-1040 Brussels Belgium Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 At the request of INPES, BVA has carried out a survey in a representative national survey of 2013 18 year olds and over. The sample was constructed using the quotas method by sex, age, occupation of head of family, after stratifying by region and place of residence. The subjects were questioned by telephone from 9 to 25 October 2008. 2 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz4. I would first like to ask you general questions about health. What are the three illnesses which you consider to be the most serious ? What is the leading one ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Cancer Aids Alzheimer’s disease Heart disease / myocardial infarction Cardiovascular diseases Diabetes Influenza Multiple sclerosis Tuberculosis Meningitis Mental diseases (anorexia, schizophrenia, depression, madness) Cystic fibrosis Malaria Hepatitis C Joint diseases/disorders (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism) Sexually transmissible diseases (syphilis, STI) Other infectious viral diseases (mononucleosis, poliomyelitis, gastroenteritis, Ebolavirus, colds, smallpox) Orphan diseases Alcoholism Physical handicap (without further details) / paralysis Lung diseases (Pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, COPD) Hepatitis B Genetic diseases (without further details) Childhood diseases (measles, rubella, chicken pox, bronchitis, mumps, otitis, …) Eye diseases (blindness, glaucoma, poor vision) Other infectious bacterial diseases (cholera, legionella, plague, tetanus, typhoid fever, leprosy) Neurological diseases (epilepsy) Neurodegenerative-neuromuscular diseases (myopathy, Charcot’s disease)) ST Cancer ST Viral diseases ST “society” diseases ST Neurological diseases ST Bacterial diseases ST Mental disorders ST Parasitic diseases ST Others Others: unspecified diseases (accidents, backache, stress, etc). (DON’T KNOW) Numbers % 2 013 1 414 320 64 58 27 22 13 12 8 7 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 100.0 70.2 15.9 3.2 2.9 1.4 1.1 0.6 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 1 414 346 113 78 17 6 5 26 4 8 0.1 0.0 70.2 17.2 5.6 3.9 0.8 0.3 0.2 1.3 0.2 0.4 3 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz4. I would first like to ask you general questions about health. What are the three illnesses which you consider to be the most serious ? In second place ? Numbers Total: 2005 st Citing a part in Alz4. 1 18 year olds and over Total 2 005 Aids 591 Cancer 386 Alzheimer’s disease 227 Heart disease / myocardial infarction 149 Cardiovascular diseases 146 Diabetes 57 Multiple sclerosis 44 Cystic fibrosis 28 Lung diseases (Pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, COPD) 27 Mental diseases (anorexia, schizophrenia, depression, madness) 25 Tuberculosis 25 Joint diseases/disorders (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism) 20 Malaria 17 Hepatitis B 17 Physical handicap (without further details) / paralysis 16 Alcoholism 13 Hepatitis C 13 Parkinson’s disease 11 Eye diseases (blindness, glaucoma, poor vision) 10 Influenza 9 Meningitis 8 Other infectious bacterial diseases (cholera, legionella, plague, tetanus, typhoid 8 fever, leprosy) Orphan diseases 8 Neurological diseases (epilepsy) 7 Neurodegenerative-neuromuscular diseases (myopathy, Charcot’s disease)) 6 Renal diseases (renal failure) 6 Sexually transmissible diseases (syphilis, STI) 5 Other infectious viral diseases (mononucleosis, poliomyelitis, gastroenteritis, 4 Ebolavirus, colds, smallpox) Genetic diseases (without further details) 4 Hepatitis A 4 Childhood diseases (measles, rubella, chicken pox, bronchitis, mumps, otitis, …) 2 Obesity 1 Parasitic diseases (scabies, toxoplasmosis, neosporosis) 1 Auto-immune diseases (Crohn’s disease, Wegner’s granulomatosis) 1 Deafness 1 ST Cancer 386 ST Viral diseases 641 ST “society” diseases 394 ST Neurological diseases 295 ST Bacterial diseases 41 ST Mental disorders 25 ST Parasitic diseases 18 ST Others 116 Others: unspecified diseases (accidents, backache, stress,...) 22 (DON’T KNOW) 90 % 100.0 29.5 19.2 11.3 7.4 7.3 2.9 2.2 1.4 1.3 1.3 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.6 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 19.2 32.0 19.7 14.7 2.0 1.3 0.9 5.8 1.1 4.5 4 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz4. I would first like to ask you general questions about health. What are the three illnesses which you consider to be the most serious ? In third place ? Total: 1916 nd Citing a part in Alz4. In 2 18 year olds and over Total Alzheimer’s disease Aids Heart disease / myocardial infarction Cardiovascular diseases Cancer Diabetes Multiple sclerosis Influenza Parkinson’s disease Tuberculosis Lung diseases (Pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, COPD) Mental diseases (anorexia, schizophrenia, depression, madness) Cystic fibrosis Physical handicap (without further details) / paralysis Hepatitis C Hepatitis B Joint diseases/disorders (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism) Malaria Neurodegenerative-neuromuscular diseases (myopathy, Charcot’s disease)) Genetic diseases (without further details) Other infectious bacterial diseases (cholera, legionella, plague, tetanus, typhoid fever, leprosy) Orphan diseases Other infectious viral diseases (mononucleosis, poliomyelitis, gastroenteritis, Ebolavirus, colds, smallpox) Neurological diseases (epilepsy) Meningitis Alcoholism Hepatitis A Eye diseases (blindness, glaucoma, poor vision) Renal diseases (renal failure) Childhood diseases (measles, rubella, chicken pox, bronchitis, mumps, otitis, …) Obesity Auto-immune diseases (Crohn’s disease, Wegner’s granulomatosis) Sexually transmissible diseases (syphilis, STI) Infectious parasitic diseases (scabies, toxoplasmosis, neosporosis) Deafness ST Cancer ST Viral diseases ST “society” diseases ST Neurological diseases ST Bacterial diseases ST Mental disorders ST Parasitic diseases ST Others Others: unspecified diseases (accidents, backache, stress,...) (DON’T KNOW) Numbers % 1 916 246 149 130 117 81 77 62 59 58 58 54 49 48 40 34 30 27 24 23 22 19 100,0 12.9 7.8 6.8 6.1 4.3 4.0 3.2 3.1 3.0 3.0 2.8 2.6 2.5 2.1 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.0 17 16 0.9 0.8 15 15 13 13 10 9 9 8 5 3 3 1 81 304 399 405 91 49 26 233 44 326 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.1 0.1 4.3 15.9 20.8 21.1 4.8 2.6 1.4 12.1 2.3 17.0 5 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz4. I would first like to ask you general questions about health. What are the three illnesses which you consider to be the most serious ? CUMULATIVE Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Cancer Aids Alzheimer’s disease Heart disease / myocardial infarction Cardiovascular diseases Diabetes Multiple sclerosis Tuberculosis Lung diseases (Pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, COPD) Cystic fibrosis Mental diseases (anorexia, schizophrenia, depression, madness) Influenza Parkinson’s disease Physical handicap (without further details) / paralysis Hepatitis C Joint diseases/disorders (osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatism) Hepatitis B Malaria Neurodegenerative-neuromuscular diseases (myopathy, Charcot’s disease)) Meningitis Alcoholism Genetic diseases (without further details) Other infectious bacterial diseases (cholera, legionella, plague, tetanus, typhoid fever, leprosy) Orphan diseases Other infectious viral diseases (mononucleosis, poliomyelitis, gastroenteritis, Ebolavirus, colds, smallpox) Neurological diseases (epilepsy) Eye diseases (blindness, glaucoma, poor vision) Hepatitis A Renal diseases (renal failure) Childhood diseases (measles, rubella, chicken pox, bronchitis, mumps, otitis, …) Sexually transmissible diseases (syphilis, STI) Obesity Auto-immune diseases (Crohn’s disease, Wegner’s granulomatosis) Infectious parasitic diseases (scabies, toxoplasmosis, neosporosis) Deafness ST Cancer ST Viral diseases ST “society” diseases ST Neurological diseases ST Bacterial diseases ST Mental disorders ST Parasitic diseases ST Others Others: unspecified diseases (accidents, backache, stress,...) (DON’T KNOW) Numbers % 2 013 100.0 1 881 93.4 1 060 52.6 537 26.7 337 16.7 291 14.5 156 7.8 118 5.8 90 4.5 84 4.2 81 4.0 81 4.0 81 4.0 70 3.5 58 2.9 52 2.6 50 2.5 49 2.5 46 2.3 31 1.5 30 1.5 29 1.5 29 1.4 29 1.4 28 23 1.4 1.1 23 22 16 15 14 11 9 6 4 2 1 881 1 140 785 686 144 81 49 356 69 8 1.1 1.1 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1 93.4 56.6 39.0 34.1 7.2 4.0 2.4 17.7 3.4 0.4 6 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz5. Overall, do you think your health is ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Excellent Very good ST Very good health Good ST Good health Mediocre Poor ST Poor health (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 2 013 245 425 670 1 128 1 798 164 43 207 8 % 100.0 12.2 21.1 33.3 56.0 89.3 8.2 2.2 10.3 0.4 Alz6. Are you currently covered 100% by the Social Security system for a long term disorder ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes No (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 2 013 397 1 580 36 % 100,0 19.7 78.5 1.8 Alz7. Which ? Numbers Total: 397 Those who are currently covered 100% by the Social Security system for an LTD 18 year olds and over Total 397 Alzheimer’s disease and other related 3 diseases (Others) 382 (Don’t know) 12 % 100,0 0.7 96.2 3.1 Alz8. Do you feel that you are very well, quite well, not very well, or not at all well informed about the following ? On smoking Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Very well Fairly well ST Well Fairly poorly Very poorly informed ST Poorly (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 950 941 1 891 84 20 104 18 % 100.0 47.2 46.8 93.9 4.2 1.0 5.2 0.9 7 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz8. Do you feel very well, fairly, fairly poorly or very poorly informed about the following major subjects ? On alcohol Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Very well Fairly well ST Well Fairly poorly Very poorly informed ST Poorly (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 781 1 011 1 792 171 33 204 17 % 100.0 38.8 50.2 89.0 8.5 1.6 10.1 0.9 Alz8. Do you feel very well, fairly, fairly poorly or very poorly informed about the following major subjects ? On Aids Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Very well Fairly well ST Well Fairly poorly Very poorly informed ST Poorly (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 663 1 047 1 710 228 59 287 16 % 100.0 32.9 52.0 8.0 11.3 2.9 14.2 0.8 Alz8. Do you feel very well, fairly, fairly poorly or very poorly informed about the following major subjects ? On Alzheimer’s disease Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Very well Fairly well ST Well Fairly poorly Very poorly informed ST Poorly (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 348 901 1 249 614 145 759 5 % 100.0 17.3 44.7 62.0 30.5 7.2 37.7 0.3 8 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz8. Do you feel very well, fairly, fairly poorly or very poorly informed about the following major subjects ? On cancer Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Very well Fairly well ST Well Fairly poorly Very poorly informed ST Poorly (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 487 1 157 1 644 319 47 366 3 % 100,0 24.2 57.5 81.7 15.8 2.4 18.2 0.1 Alz8. Do you feel very well, fairly, fairly poorly or very poorly informed about the following major subjects ? On cardiovascular diseases Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Very well Fairly well ST Well Fairly poorly Very poorly informed ST Poorly (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 417 978 1 395 514 101 615 3 % 100,0 20.7 48.6 69.3 25.5 5.0 30.6 0.2 Alz8. Do you feel very well, fairly, fairly poorly or very poorly informed about the following major subjects ? On depression Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Very well Fairly well ST Well Fairly poorly Very poorly informed ST Poorly (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 301 785 1 086 737 171 908 19 % 100.0 15.0 39.0 53.9 36.6 8.5 45.1 0.9 9 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz9. Of the different risks and diseases can you tell me if you fear them for yourself, not at all, not really, fairly or very ? Cancer Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Not at all Not really ST No Fairly Very ST Yes (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 155 302 457 867 671 1 539 17 % 100.0 7.7 15.0 22.7 43.1 33.4 76.4 0.8 Alz9. Of the different risks and diseases can you tell me if you fear them for yourself, not at all, not really, fairly or very ? Heart disease Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Not at all Not really ST No Fairly Very ST Yes (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 296 503 800 829 376 1 205 8 % 100.0 14.7 25.0 39.7 41.2 18.7 59.9 0.4 Alz9. Of the different risks and diseases can you tell me if you fear them for yourself, not at all, not really, fairly or very ? Aids Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Not at all Not really ST No Fairly Very ST Yes (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 1 142 502 1 644 207 159 366 3 % 100.0 56.7 24.9 81.7 10.3 7.9 18.2 0.2 10 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz9. Of the different risks and diseases can you tell me if you fear them for yourself, not at all, not really, fairly or very ? Road traffic accidents Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Not at all Not really ST No Fairly Very ST Yes (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 156 357 513 878 617 1 495 5 % 100.0 7.7 17.7 25.5 43.6 30.6 74.3 0.3 Alz9. Of the different risks and diseases can you tell me if you fear them for yourself, not at all, not really, fairly or very ? Smoking related diseases Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Not at all Not really ST No Fairly Very ST Yes (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 1 133 277 1 410 344 258 602 1 % 100.0 56.3 13.7 70.0 17.1 12.8 29.9 0.0 Alz9. Of the different risks and diseases can you tell me if you fear them for yourself, not at all, not really, fairly or very ? Alzheimer’s disease Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Not at all Not really ST No Fairly Very ST Yes (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 339 458 797 746 448 1 194 22 % 100.0 16.8 22.8 39.6 37.1 22.2 59.3 1.1 11 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz9. Of the different risks and diseases can you tell me if you fear them for yourself, not at all, not really, fairly or very ? Depression Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Not at all Not really ST No Fairly Very ST Yes (Don’t know) Numbers 2 013 626 594 1 220 555 231 786 7 % 100.0 31.1 29.5 60.6 27.6 11.5 39.1 0.3 12 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz10. I am- now going to ask you some questions about Alzheimer’s disease. What are the three words or ideas which come to mind when I say “Alzheimer’s disease” to you ? In first place. Numbers Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total 2 013 ST loss of memory 1 077 Losing memory, forgetting, not 1 077 remembering ST Dependency, handicap and 246 care Dependency, loss of independence, 200 assistant Difficulties, burden on family and 25 close contacts Handicap, loss of mobility 20 No care or poor care, care difficulties 1 ST loss of intellectual capacity, 254 violence, madness Disorientation, loss of identify in 78 space and time, distraction Losing reason, losing one’s head, 124 deficiency of the brain Dementia, Madness 38 Aggression, violence 2 Behavioural disorders (no details) 6 Enunciation problems, speech 6 problems ST Loss of identity, decline, death 135 Human waste, decline, degeneration, 68 deficiency Vegetative state, vegetables, existing 25 without existing, absence, wandering Death, end of life, black hole, empty, 12 nothing Loss of self, loss of identity 30 ST Ageing 147 Senility, ageing, elderly people 117 Tremor 30 ST Fear, burden, impotence 70 Impotence, there’s nothing can be 24 done about it, it is irreversible, distress, despair Serious disease, terrible, causes fear, 46 is a catastrophe ST Desocialisation 38 Isolation, desocialisation, exclusion, 38 separation from friends and family ST Ill at ease, patient depression 7 Depression, patient ill at ease 7 Others 23 Don’t know 16 % 100.0 53.5 53.5 12.2 10.0 1.2 1.0 0.0 12.6 3.9 6.2 1.9 0.1 0.3 0.3 6.7 3.4 1.2 0.6 1.5 7.3 5.8 1.5 3.5 1.2 2.3 1.9 1.9 0.3 0.3 1.1 0.8 13 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz10. We are now going to ask you some questions about Alzheimer’s disease. What are the three words or ideas which come to mind when I say “Alzheimer’s disease” to you ? In second place. Numbers Total: 1997 st Quoting a part of Alz10. In 1 place 18 year olds and over Total 1 997 ST loss of memory 366 Losing memory, forgetting, not 366 remembering ST Dependency, handicap and 571 care Dependency, loss of independence, 413 assistant Difficulties, burden on family and 76 close contacts Handicap, loss of mobility 70 No care or poor care, care difficulties 13 ST loss of intellectual capacity, 339 violence, madness Disorientation, loss of identify in 158 space and time, distraction Losing reason, losing one’s head, 90 deficiency of the brain Dementia, Madness 25 aggression, violence 32 Behavioural disorders (no details) 20 Enunciation problems, speech 14 problems ST Loss of identity, decline, death 160 Human waste, decline, degeneration, 82 deficiency Vegetative state, vegetables, existing 37 without existence, absence, 2 Death, end of life, black hole, empty, 13 nothing Loss of self, loss of identity 28 ST Ageing 162 Senility, ageing, elderly people 117 Tremor 45 ST Fear, burden, impotence 100 Impotence, there’s nothing can be 53 done about it, it is irreversible, distress , despair Serious disease, terrible, causes fear, 47 is a catastrophe ST Desocialisation 95 Isolation, desocialisation, exclusion, 95 separation from friends and family ST Ill at ease, patient depression 15 Depression, patient ill at ease 15 Others 57 Don’t know 133 % 100.0 18.3 18.3 28.6 20.7 3.8 3.5 0.6 17.0 7.9 4.5 1.3 1.6 1.0 0.7 8.0 4.1 1.8 0.7 1.4 8.1 5.9 2.3 5.0 2.6 2.4 4.7 4.7 0.7 0.7 2.8 6.7 14 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz10. We are now going to ask you some questions about Alzheimer’s disease. What are the three words or ideas which come to mind when I say “Alzheimer’s disease” to you ? In third place. Numbers Total: 1864 Quoting a part of Alz10. In second place 18 year olds and over Total 1 864 ST loss of memory 135 Losing memory, forgetting, not 135 remembering ST Dependency, handicap and 497 care Dependency, loss of independence, 290 assistant Difficulties, burden on family and 115 close contacts Handicap, loss of mobility 56 No care or poor care, care difficulties 37 ST loss of intellectual capacity, 225 violence, madness Disorientation, loss of identify in 92 space and time, distraction Losing reason, losing one’s head, 64 deficiency of the brain Dementia, Madness 22 aggression, violence 26 Behavioural disorders (no details) 10 Enunciation problems, speech 10 problems ST Loss of identity, decline, death 197 Human waste, decline, degeneration, 74 deficiency Vegetative state, vegetables, existing 40 without existence, absence, wandering Death, end of life, black hole, empty, 58 nothing Loss of self, loss of identity 25 ST Ageing 101 Senility, ageing, elderly people 94 Tremor 7 ST Fear, burden, impotence 173 Impotence, there’s nothing can be 104 done about it, it is irreversible, distress , despair Serious disease, terrible, causes fear, 69 is a catastrophe ST Desocialisation 150 Isolation, desocialisation, exclusion, 150 separation from friends and family ST Ill at ease, patient depression 31 Depression, patient ill at ease 31 Others 50 Don’t know 306 % 100.0 7.2 7.2 26.7 15.5 6.2 3.0 2.0 12.1 4.9 3.4 1.2 1.4 0.6 0.6 10.6 3.9 2.1 3.1 1.3 5.4 5.0 0.4 9.3 5.6 3.7 8.0 8.0 1.7 1.7 2.7 16.4 15 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz10. We are now going to ask you some questions about Alzheimer’s disease. What are the three words or ideas which come to mind when I say “Alzheimer’s disease” to you ? CUMULATIVE Numbers Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total 2 013 ST loss of memory 1 379 Losing memory, forgetting, not 1 379 remembering ST Dependency, handicap and 1 062 care Dependency, loss of independence, 798 assistant Difficulties, burden on family and 207 close contacts Handicap, loss of mobility 140 No care or poor care, care difficulties 47 ST loss of intellectual capacity, 688 violence, madness Disorientation, loss of identify in 309 space and time, distraction Losing reason, losing one’s head, 267 deficiency of the brain Dementia, Madness 83 aggression, violence 61 Behavioural disorders (no details) 36 Enunciation problems, speech 31 problems ST Loss of identity, decline, death 438 Human waste, decline, degeneration, 210 deficiency Vegetative state, vegetables, existing 101 without existence, absence, wandering Death, end of life, black hole, empty, 84 nothing Loss of self, loss of identity 80 ST Ageing 389 Senility, ageing, elderly people 318 Tremor 83 ST Fear, burden, impotence 291 Impotence, there’s nothing can be 169 done about it, it is irreversible, distress , despair Serious disease, terrible, causes fear, 152 is a catastrophe ST Desocialisation 260 Isolation, desocialisation, exclusion, 260 separation from friends and family ST Ill at ease, patient depression 52 Depression, patient ill at ease 52 Others 119 Don’t know 16 % 100.0 68.5 68.5 52.8 39.6 10.3 6.9 2.3 34.2 15.3 13.2 4.1 3.0 1.8 1.5 21.8 10.4 5.0 4.2 4.0 19.3 15.8 4.1 14.4 8.4 7.5 12.9 12.9 2.6 2.6 5.9 0.8 16 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz11. Do you have or have you had within your close contacts (family, friends, neighbours), a person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, one Yes, several ST Yes No (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 2 013 537 226 763 1 248 3 % 100.0 26.7 11.2 37.9 62.0 0.1 Alz12. What is your relationship with this person ? Total: 537 Those who know a single person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease 18 year olds and over Total Your grandfather or grandmother A friend Your father or mother Neighbour, male or female relation, acquaintance Your partner A colleague Another member of the family ST Member of family ST Non-member of family Others None (Does not wish to answer) Numbers % 537 108 78 73 50 100.0 20.1 14.6 13.6 9.4 10 4 207 399 135 2 2 1 1.9 0.8 38.7 74.3 25.1 0.3 0.4 0.2 17 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz13. What is your relationship with the PERSON CLOSEST TO YOU who is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease ? Total: 226 Those who know several people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease 18 year olds and over Total A friend Your grandfather or grandmother Your father or mother Neighbour, male or female relation, acquaintance A colleague Your partner Another member of the family ST Member of family ST Non-member of family Others None Numbers % 226 57 35 28 23 100.0 25.2 15.3 12.6 10.0 3 3 72 138 87 4 2 1.3 1.3 31.8 61.0 38.3 1.7 0.8 Alz14. What is your relationship with others close to you who suffer from Alzheimer’s disease ? Total: 226 Those who know several people suffering from Alzheimer’s disease 18 year olds and over Total A friend Neighbour, male or female relation, acquaintance Your grandfather or grandmother A colleague Your father or mother Your partner Another member of the family ST Member of family ST Non-member of family Others None (Does not wish to answer) Numbers % 226 81 37 100.0 35.9 16.5 24 5 4 3 80 105 123 3 2 1 10.7 2.2 1.8 1.3 35.4 46.5 54.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 18 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Relationship with the person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease Total: 763 Those who know at least one person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease 18 year olds and over Total A friend Your grandfather or grandmother Your father or mother Neighbour, male or female relation, acquaintance Your partner A colleague Another member of the family ST Member of family ST Non-member of family Others None (Does not wish to answer) Numbers % 763 174 153 104 93 100.0 22.8 20.0 13.6 12.2 16 10 321 548 270 7 5 2 2.1 1.4 42.1 71.8 35.4 0.9 0.7 0.2 Alz15. Do you or have you helped this person in everyday activities or tasks because of his/her disease ? Total: 763 Those who know at least one person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease 18 year olds and over Total Yes No (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 763 251 511 1 % 100.0 32.9 67.0 0.1 Alz16a. How often do you or have you helped this person in everyday activities or tasks because of his/her disease ? Total: 167 Helping and knowing one sufferer 18 year olds and over Total Every day Several times per week Once per week ST At least once per week Two to four times per week Once per month or less often (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 167 60 28 33 121 19 25 2 % 100.0 36.1 16.8 19.5 72.4 11.4 15.1 1.1 19 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz16b. Can we now talk about the person you have given most assistance to. How often have you helped this person in everyday activities or tasks because of his/her illness ? Total: 84 Helping and knowing several sufferers 18 year olds and over Total Every day Several times per week Once per week ST At least once per week Two to four times per week Once per month or less often (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 84 26 15 20 61 8 14 1 % 100.0 31.3 17.9 23.9 73.1 9.7 16.1 1.1 Frequency of assistance to a patient with Alzheimer’s disease Total: 251 Helping and knowing several sufferers 18 year olds and over Total Every day Several times per week Once per week ST At least once per week Two to four times per week Once per month or less often (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 251 86 43 53 182 27 39 3 % 100.0 34.5 17.2 21.0 72.6 10.8 15.4 1.1 Alz17. In your opinion do the following behaviours or factors reduce the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease ? Eating fruit and vegetables regularly Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 2 013 467 679 1 146 360 380 741 126 % 100.0 23.2 33.7 56.9 17.9 18.9 36.8 6.3 20 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz17. In your opinion do the following behaviours or factors reduce the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease ? Regular physical exercise or sports Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 534 815 1 350 289 310 599 65 % 100.0 26.5 40.5 67.1 14.3 15.4 29.7 3.2 Alz17. In your opinion do the following behaviours or factors reduce the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease ? Not smoking Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 324 459 784 476 598 1 074 155 % 100.0 16.1 22.8 38.9 23.7 29.7 53.4 7.7 Alz17. In your opinion do the following behaviours or factors reduce the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease ? Drinking wine Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 76 312 388 674 803 1 477 149 % 100.0 3.8 15.5 19.3 33.5 39.9 73.4 7.4 21 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz17. In your opinion do the following behaviours or factors reduce the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease ? Doing crosswords or memory games Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 827 780 1 607 160 209 369 36 % 100.0 41.1 38.8 79.9 8.0 10.4 18.4 1.8 Alz17. In your opinion do the following behaviours or factors reduce the risk of having Alzheimer’s disease ? Living in an unpolluted environment Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 307 575 882 511 500 1 011 120 % 100.0 15.3 28.6 43.8 25.4 24.8 50.2 6.0 Alz18 In your opinion do the following symptoms suggest the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease ? Not remembering events from the day before Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 865 802 1 666 208 114 323 24 % 100.0 43.0 39.8 82.8 10.3 5.7 16.0 1.2 22 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz18 In your opinion do the following symptoms suggest the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease ? Being unable to remember the name of an actor or politician at the right time Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 337 443 780 746 472 1 217 16 % 100.0 16.7 22.0 38.8 37.0 23.4 60.5 0.8 Alz18 In your opinion do the following symptoms suggest the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease ? Having difficulties remembering how to get home Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 1 253 664 1 917 39 51 91 5 % 100.0 62.3 33.0 95.2 1.9 2.6 4.5 0.3 Alz18 In your opinion do the following symptoms suggest the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease ? Lack of appetite Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 137 355 492 746 606 1 352 169 % 100.0 6.8 17.6 24.4 37.1 30.1 67.2 8.4 23 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz18 In your opinion do the following symptoms suggest the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease ? Having headaches Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 103 343 446 806 571 1 376 191 % 100.0 5.1 17.0 22.2 40.0 28.4 68.4 9.5 Alz18 In your opinion do the following symptoms suggest the beginning of Alzheimer’s disease ? Asking the same question several times Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 664 877 1 541 306 142 448 25 % 100.0 33.0 43.6 76.5 15.2 7.0 22.2 1.2 Alz19. In your opinion, do patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease always, sometimes, occasionally or never experience the following difficulties ? Difficulties driving a car Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Always Often Sometimes ST Yes Never (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 426 611 769 1 806 136 71 % 100.0 21.2 30.4 38.2 89.7 6.7 3.5 24 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz19. In your opinion, do patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease always, sometimes, occasionally or never experience the following difficulties ? Difficulties looking after administrative paper work. Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Always Often Sometimes ST Yes Never (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 502 802 614 1 919 69 26 % 100.0 25.0 39.8 30.5 95.3 3.4 1.3 Alz19. In your opinion, do patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease always, sometimes, occasionally or never experience the following difficulties ? Difficult relations with their friends and family Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Always Often Sometimes ST Yes Never (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 292 742 808 1 843 138 32 % 100.0 14.5 36.9 40.2 91.5 6.9 1.6 Alz19. In your opinion, do patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease always, sometimes, occasionally or never experience the following difficulties ? Difficulties completing everyday activities such as meals, personal hygiene or housework. Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Always Often Sometimes ST Yes Never (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 385 719 765 1 869 108 36 % 100.0 19.1 35.7 38.0 92.9 5.4 1.8 25 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz20 Do you or would you feel uncomfortable faced with a person you know is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 209 414 623 482 891 1 373 17 % 100.0 10.4 20.6 30.9 23.9 44.3 68.2 0.9 Alz21. If you had signs of Alzheimer’s disease, would you wish to know your diagnosis to know whether or not you were suffering from the disease ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes No (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 1 840 141 32 % 100.0 91.4 7.0 1.6 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. Memory loss is normal with ageing. Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 618 866 1 484 318 199 518 11 % 100.0 30.7 43.0 73.7 15.8 9.9 25.7 0.6 26 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz22I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. Treatment for Alzheimer’s disease will be discovered in your lifetime Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 399 897 1 296 411 185 596 120 % 100.0 19.8 44.6 64.4 20.4 9.2 29.6 6.0 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. Increasing numbers of people are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 908 768 1 677 207 53 260 77 % 100.0 45.1 38.2 83.3 10.3 2.6 12.9 3.8 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. Alzheimer’s disease is often inherited. Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 128 452 581 687 495 1 182 250 % 100.0 6.4 22.5 28.8 34.2 24.6 58.7 12.4 27 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. There are effective treatments for Alzheimer’s disease Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 138 433 571 859 429 1 288 154 % 100.0 6.9 21.5 28.4 42.7 21.3 64.0 7.7 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. Alzheimer’s disease can have devastating effects on the patient’s family. Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 1 323 552 1 876 86 40 127 10 % 100.0 65.7 27.4 93.2 4.3 2.0 6.3 0.5 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. The television, papers and magazines should discuss Alzheimer’s disease more Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 717 876 1 593 321 82 403 16 % 100.0 35.6 43.5 79.1 16.0 4.1 20.0 0.8 28 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. Alzheimer’s disease is a term used to describe memory loss in the elderly Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 485 630 1 115 506 372 878 20 % 100.0 24.1 31.3 55.4 25.2 18.5 43.6 1.0 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. A 40 year old person can have Alzheimer’s disease. Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 932 672 1 604 250 83 333 76 % 100.0 46.3 33.4 79.7 12.4 4.1 16.6 3.8 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. There’s nothing we can do at present to cure a person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 708 597 1 305 439 216 655 53 % 100.0 35.2 29.7 64.8 21.8 10.7 32.5 2.6 29 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. There is nothing to do to avoid getting Alzheimer’s disease Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 499 585 1 084 585 251 837 93 % 100.0 24.8 29.0 53.8 29.1 12.5 41.6 4.6 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. A person suffering from Alzheimer’s disease can live an almost normal life for several months. Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 717 823 1 540 278 143 421 52 % 100.0 35.6 40.9 76.5 13.8 7.1 20.9 2.6 Alz22. I am now going to ask you about your opinions on Alzheimer’s disease in general and about people suffering from it. Please tell me for each of these whether you agree entirely, fairly, mostly not or not at all. There are treatments to improve the well-being of patients. Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Entirely agree Mostly agree ST Agree Mostly do not agree Do not agree at all ST Do not agree (DON’T KNOW) Number s 2 013 827 866 1 693 191 62 253 67 % 100.0 41.1 43.0 84.1 9.5 3.1 12.6 3.3 30 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz23. For each of the following areas, please tell me in your opinion whether these are priorities for the public authorities, important but not priority or secondary in importance. The health of the elderly Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Priority for the public authorities Important but not a priority Of secondary importance (Don’t know) Number s 2 013 700 893 409 11 % 100.0 34.8 44.4 20.3 0.5 Alz23. For each of the following areas, please tell me in your opinion whether these are priorities for the public authorities, important but not priority or secondary in importance. Combating Alzheimer’s disease Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Priority for the public authorities Important but not a priority Of secondary importance (Don’t know) Number s 2 013 789 873 339 12 % 100.0 39.2 43.4 16.8 0.6 Alz24. In your opinion, which of the following points should be the three priority objectives of the state to combat Alzheimer’s disease ? Most important ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Finding new treatments Facilitating identifying the first signs of the disease and access to the diagnosis Relief for families who look after a relative suffering from Alzheimer’s disease on a daily basis Developing specialist residential organisations (retirement homes) Finding resources to prevent development of the disease Helping to keep the affected person at home Others (No objective) DON’T KNOW Number s % 2 013 450 390 100.0 22.3 19.4 340 16.9 317 15.7 291 14.4 205 10.2 4 11 5 0.2 0.6 0.2 31 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz24. In your opinion, which of the following points should be the three priority objectives of the state to combat Alzheimer’s disease ? In second place ? Total: 1997 Citing a part in Alz24. In first place 18 year olds and over Total Finding new treatments Relief for families who look after a relative suffering from Alzheimer’s disease on a daily basis Developing specialist residential organisations (retirement homes) Helping to keep the affected person at home Facilitating identifying the first signs of the disease and access to the diagnosis Finding resources to prevent development of the disease Others (No objective) DON’T KNOW Number s % 1 997 442 439 100.0 22.2 22.0 355 17.8 271 13.6 248 12.4 231 11.6 4 2 5 0.2 0.1 0.3 Alz24. In your opinion, which of the following points should be the three priority objectives of the state to combat Alzheimer’s disease ? And in 3rd place ? Total: 1989 Citing a part in Alz24. Secondly 18 year olds and over Total Relief for families who look after a relative suffering from Alzheimer’s disease on a daily basis Finding new treatments Developing specialist residential organisations (retirement homes) Finding resources to prevent development of the disease Facilitating identifying the first signs of the disease and access to the diagnosis Helping to keep the affected person at home Others (No objective) DON’T KNOW Number s % 1 989 420 100.0 21.1 417 376 21.0 18.9 260 13.1 260 13.1 234 11.7 2 6 13 0.1 0.3 0.7 32 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz24. In your opinion, which of the following points should be the three priority objectives of the state to combat Alzheimer’s disease ? CUMULATIVE Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Finding new treatments Relief for families who look after a relative suffering from Alzheimer’s disease on a daily basis Developing specialist residential organisations (retirement homes) Facilitating identifying the first signs of the disease and access to the diagnosis Finding resources to prevent development of the disease Helping to keep the affected person at home Others (No objective) DON’T KNOW Number s % 2 013 1 309 1 199 100.0 65.0 59.6 1 047 52.0 898 44.6 782 38.8 710 35.3 9 11 5 0.4 0.6 0.2 Alz25. Do you personally have confidence in the actions of the public authorities to combat Alzheimer’s disease ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW / does not wish to answer) Number s 2 013 331 803 1 134 552 302 854 25 % 100.0 16.4 39.9 56.3 27.4 15.0 42.4 1.2 Alz26. Have you heard of the term “Alzheimer Plan” ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes and you know what it is about Yes but you do not know what it is about ST Yes No (DON’T KNOW / does not wish to answer) Number s % 2 013 326 755 100.0 16.2 37.5 1 081 931 1 53.7 46.3 0.0 33 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz27. The Alzheimer plan is a 5 year public programme aiming to provide specific efforts in three main areas relating to Alzheimer’s disease: research into better understanding of the disease, health to promote early diagnosis and solidarity to better support patients and their families. Knowing this, do you think that the Alzheimer Plan will improve the situation for Alzheimer’s disease in France ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes, completely Yes, fairly ST Yes No, mostly not No, not at all ST No (DON’T KNOW / does not wish to answer) Number s 2 013 660 1 086 1 746 162 77 239 28 % 100.0 32.8 54.0 86.7 8.0 3.8 11.9 1.4 Alz28. Lastly, which of the following areas in the Alzheimer Plan, which would you like to know about as a priority ? In first place ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Advances in research into the disease Advances in diagnosis Progress in the care of patients and their friends and family Local achievements of the plan in your area Effective funding reaching ground workers Irregular review on the progress of measures European initiatives (None in particular) (Don’t know) Number s % 2 013 835 100.0 41.5 400 340 19.9 16.9 123 6.1 121 6.0 119 5.9 48 13 14 2.4 0.7 0.7 34 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz28. Lastly, which of the following areas in the Alzheimer Plan, which would you like to know about as a priority ? And in second place ? Total: 1986 Citing a part in Alz28. In first place 18 year olds and over Total Progress in the care of patients and their friends and family Advances in research into the disease Advances in diagnosis Local achievements of the plan in your area Effective funding reaching ground workers Irregular review on the progress of measures European initiatives (None in particular) (Don’t know) Number s % 1 986 491 100.0 24.7 446 22.5 349 214 17.6 10.8 185 9.3 145 7.3 125 15 15 6.3 0.7 0.8 Alz28. Lastly, which of the following areas in the Alzheimer Plan, which would you like to know about as a priority ? CUMULATIVE Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Advances in research into the disease Progress in the care of patients and their friends and family Advances in diagnosis Local achievements of the plan in your area Effective funding reaching ground workers Irregular review on the progress of measures European initiatives (None in particular) (Don’t know) Number s Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Male Female Number s % 2 013 1 282 100.0 63.7 831 41.3 748 338 37.2 16.8 306 15.2 263 13.1 174 13 14 8.6 0.7 0.7 Sex 2 013 962 1 051 % 100.0 47.8 52.2 35 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Age Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total 18 - 24 years 25 - 34 years 35 - 49 years 50 - 64 years 65 years and over Number s 2 013 235 342 548 460 428 % 100.0 11.7 17.0 27.2 22.9 21.3 Occupation of head of family Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Farm worker Higher manager Middle grade profession Blue collar worker Labourer Not working Number s Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Public sector employee Private sector employee ST Employees Self-employed Unemployed Not working Number s Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Farm worker Higher manager Middle grade profession Blue collar worker Labourer Not working Numbers 2 013 40 334 284 198 406 750 % 100.0 2.0 16.6 14.1 9.8 20.2 37.3 Status of head of family 2 013 400 661 1 061 149 50 753 % 100.0 19.9 32.8 52.7 7.4 2.5 37.4 Occupation of interviewee 2 013 29 295 256 359 211 864 % 100.0 1.4 14.7 12.7 17.8 10.5 42.9 36 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Status of interviewee Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Public sector employee Private sector employee ST Employees Self-employed Unemployed Not working Numbers 2 013 383 603 986 98 79 851 % 100.0 19.0 30.0 49.0 4.9 3.9 42.3 Number of people in household Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and over (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 2 013 392 680 337 347 191 46 10 5 5 . % 100.0 19.5 33.8 16.8 17.3 9.5 2.3 0.5 0.2 0.3 . Number of children under 15 years old in household Total: 1621 Household with 2 or more people 18 year olds and over Total 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and over (DON’T KNOW) Numbers 1 621 1 000 289 233 83 10 2 . 2 . . 2 % 100.0 61.7 17.8 14.4 5.1 0.6 0.1 . 0.1 . . 0.1 37 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz3. Do you live ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Alone As a couple with children As a couple without children With your parents Alone with children With other people (Does not wish to answer) Numbers Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total No qualification / Primary Studies Certificate BEPC – Middle school qualifications CAP / BEP (middle school grade qualifications) ST Below Bac BAC BAC +2 and above ST Bac and above (REFUSES TO ANSWER/ DOES NOT WISH TO SAY) Numbers Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Less than from 1500€ From 1500 to 2499€ From 2500 to 3499€ 3500€ and over Refused / Don’t know Numbers 2 013 421 724 600 179 47 41 . % 100.0 20.9 36.0 29.8 8.9 2.3 2.0 . Highest level qualification % 2 013 285 100.0 14.2 134 487 6.7 24.2 907 376 720 1 097 10 45.0 18.7 35.8 54.5 0.5 Income 2 013 460 499 350 341 362 % 100.0 22.9 24.8 17.4 17.0 18.0 Monthly household income per person Numbers Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total 2 013 Less than 900€ 457 From 900 to 1499€ 443 1500€ and above 749 Don’t know / Does not wish to answer 364 % 100.0 22.7 22.0 37.2 18.1 38 Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Alz31. What is your marital status ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Unmarried (or living with partner) Married for the first time Remarried following a divorce Remarried following being widowed Widower / widow Divorced or separated Civil partnership (Does not wish to answer) Numbers 2 013 644 975 45 6 136 170 27 10 % 100.0 32.0 48.4 2.2 0.3 6.8 8.4 1.4 0.5 Alz34. Do you receive a low income social payment such as the RMI (Minimum income payment), single parent allocation (API), or handicapped adult allocation (AAH) ? Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Yes No (DON’T KNOW) Numbers Total: 49 Those who receive social payments 18 year olds and over Total Minimum income payment (RMI) Handicapped adult allocation (AAH) Specific solidarity allocation (ASS) Single parent allocation (API) Retirement equivalent allocation (REA) Additional old age allocation Others DON’T KNOW Numbers 2 013 49 1 949 15 % 100.0 2.5 96.8 0.7 Alz35. Which ? % 49 24 17 6 1 1 100.0 49.0 33.8 12.2 2.6 1.9 1 2 1 1.9 4.7 2.3 39 Commentaire : I have not translated these abbreviations as they are French standard. Perceptions, attitudes and knowledges among the general public on the subject of Alzheimer’s disease – November 2008 1 Place of residence Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total Rural community Less than 20 000 pop. From 20 000 to 99 999 pop. 100 000 pop. and + Paris urban area Numbers Total: 2013 All interviews 18 year olds and over Total North East Pas de Calais West Pas de Calais West South West Mediterranean East Central East R. Paris Numbers 2 013 519 345 260 573 315 % 100.0 25.8 17.1 12.9 28.5 15.7 Region 2 013 138 167 190 287 233 228 239 176 355 % 100.0 6.9 8.3 9.4 14.3 11.6 11.4 11.9 8.7 17.6 40
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