AFFLICTIONS When one thinks that a particular planet is in unfavorable position in the horoscope or in transit, listen to the concerned CD. Listening to the frequency of these CD is propitiation of planets afflicting one person. Sun 136.1 Hz frequency Heals short temperedness When one is not able to use talent Court cases with government departments Mercury 141.27 Hz frequency Forgetful, Disruption in education, Bad habits and company, straying from good path, frequent transfers ; Art music blocks Lung problems, Knee Joint problem When one blames God ENT Moon 210.42 Hz frequency Confusion; Indecision Depression, Hallucinations Delusion, less attractive, fear, lung problems, illegal contacts Jupiter 183.58 Hz frequency Loss of child, Loss of position Unable to progress Obstacles for marriage Problems in Marriage Debt problems Separation Problems as Guarantor Mars 144.72 Hz frequency Brothers sisters conflict over ancestral property, Court cases dragging, Hormonal imbalance, High B.P. [ not a treatment] When one is cheated Venus 221.23 Hz frequency Husband wife disputes Bad company; Bad luck; Partner enmity , Loss of articles Ignominy (humiliation) More and More expenses Insults, Spend thrift Family dispute going to court Problem in foreign countries Saturn 147.85 Hz frequency Efforts not rewarded Injury, Theft of cars/vehicles Problems because of servants Anti-law problems Servitude, Fear of enemies, Depression, grumbling, blamed for no fault , cheated, Insomnia (sleeplessness) Rahu 7.83 Hz frequency Problem in Foreign travel; Loss in exports Jail in foreign land, Bed-ridden, Cheated by bad company, cheated by partners, Guarantor problem, Separation from parents, Feeling unprotected. Paternal ancestral property disputes. Insults for no fault done by self Ketu 194.71 Hz frequency Bad habits and company, straying from good path, Getting insulted, bribery, Depression, Addiction, unexpected failure, Loss in business, Cheated by Partners, Guarantor problem, Employed below qualification Insults, blocks everywhere, Government cases against tax. Disclaimer for CDs Naran CDs present the ear with alternating frequencies to stimulate and activate the brain. While this treatment has had a wide variety of benefits for various individuals, we do not guarantee any particular result. When you undertake a CD, it is with this understanding, as each nervous system is unique and will respond differently to the program. It is highly likely, if you persist with the program that you will experience benefits, but we cannot predict nor guarantee what those will be. WARNING- For medical advice or if symptoms persist, please see your doctor or health professional. CDs with headphones should not be heard by people suffering from epileptic seizures and nervous disorders. CD should not be listened while driving, working or standing.
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