Fourth Press May/June 2015 Volume 39, Issue No. 4 The Silence of God Rob Norris, Senior Pastor God. Yet there is We are often distressed at the seeming silence of alem, can strengthen our souls and should a silence that, on that day it shall be said to Jerus est of committed responses. As the prophet call from us the loudest of praise and also the deep hands grow weak. The LORD your God is Zephaniah wrote to the people of God, “Let not your rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will you by his love.” (Zeph. 3:16-17) to enjoy the divine rest for our souls. The rest It is both a call to faithful service and an invitation God and the certainty of eternal life amid the offered to Christians is that of enjoying peace with ity we enjoy as we labor for God is assured challenges and pains of the present world. The secur ed it. Divine justice is silent, because love because divine wrath is silent, because love has hush emned it. Satan is silent, because love has has satisfied it. Sin is silent, because love has cond but its own. vanquished him. God's love has silenced every voice the memories of sins committed, or duties This means that when our souls torment us with the world accuses, we can answer the undone, or divine commands unheeded, or when silenced every accusation. Just as when an accusations with the assurance that Christ has presence of Jesus, and He was called upon accusation was brought against a sinner in the ped down, and with His finger wrote on the to judge in the case, it is recorded that He "stoo , because of His love! ground, as though He heard them not." He was silent the sinner brought to repentance by His grace There is nothing that His love has not covered for freedom. and sacrificial love. It is the reason we can live in Inside this Edition Spring Festival......................................................................3 Adult Education....................................................................4 In Our Libraries................................................................. 4-6 Women of Fourth............................................................. 7-9 Milestones..........................................................................10 Youth Ministry.............................................................. 11-12 FROM THE PASTOR'S STUDY On Prayer and Spiritual Warfare by Charles H. Spurgeon In preparing for the lecture on Angels and Demons, one of the issues that motivated the whole series was the reality of spiritual warfare. In the face of so much writing that is bizarre and wrong, it was helpful to return to Charles H. Spurgeon’s On Prayer and Spiritual Warfare. In these sermons he not only produces material that is profoundly biblical, but also that which is a comfort to the soul of the believer. Spiritual warfare is seen in a balanced and pastoral way, as he deals with practical subjects like divine assurance in God's promises when others disappoint us. He also provides understanding as to how we can face the assaults of the evil one. The book contains some of his actual prayers, which I have always found to be a source of blessing. Spurgeon reminds us that the Lord has already done everything by the covenant with His Son and would never break His word to His own Son, thus assuring Christians of the victory over evil that has already been accomplished by our Lord Jesus Christ. This is a book to be relished anew. On Prayer and Spiritual Warfare, by Charles H. Spurgeon, is available for checkout from Fourth’s Media Center. We also have 33 other books by this author and 133 other books on prayer in the Media Center. About Fourth Press FOURTH PRESS is published eight to nine times a year through the Communications and Media Services Ministry, Fourth Presbyterian Church, Bethesda, MD. Current and archived copies may be read on our website, Hard copies of current issues are available in the Media Center and throughout the church. Materials to be included in the next (July/August) issue should be sent to by 5pm on June 17. Renewal Line Need to renew your books, movies, CDs, or DVDs? Email or call 301-320-3434, x465 and leave a message. We’ll take care of it for you. 2 Fourth Press Fourth Press MANAGING EDITOR PRINT LAYOUT & DESIGN PROOFREADERS Jeri Weaver Natasha Gilliam Bob Klassen Esther Steele Joe Ann Stenstrom What will YOU be doing May 16? Come join Fourth Presbyterian Church as we reach out to our local community and neighborhood with the annual SPRING FESTIVAL! There will be activities for people of all ages, and everything is FREE! Play bingo for prizes Listen to live bluegrass music and attend a rock concert View the car show Play in a video game challenge Enjoy the obstacle course, inflatables, train rides, crafts, fire equipment, free food… And SO MUCH MORE! You, your friends, family, neighbors and co-workers are invited to the Spring Festival! If you’d like to volunteer for an hour or more, contact Alison Muscato at Visit for more information! May/June 2015 3 Adult Sunday School Classes Summer 2015 • June 6 - July 26 Keys to Maturing as a Disciple of Jesus Christ Tom Tarrants (C.S. Lewis Institute) 9:30 and 11am – Chapel How do we mature into faithful and fruitful disciples of Jesus in daily life? Our transformation progresses as we come to more fully understand and obey all that Jesus taught His original disciples (Matthew 28:20). A growing, grateful love for the Father and the Son propels us forward in joyful obedience (John 14:15). In these classes, we probe the meaning and practical application of key teachings of Jesus that can help us become more conformed to His image. Hebrews 11: Faith on Display Rob Yancey, Dave O’Connell, Ron Meyer 9:30 and 11am – Room 146 (Handbell Room) Rising to the Call of Leadership: The Making of a Leader God’s Way Steve Liston 9:30am – Room 132 God calls every one of His people to positions of leadership and influence—in our homes, communities, churches, and ultimately the world. In this study from Precept Ministries International, we’ll look at four important leaders of Israel— Eli, Samuel, Saul, and David—and explore key leadership principles, including how to make wise decisions under pressure, deal effectively with mistakes, and set a course that others will follow. Most important, you'll learn what God expects of you, and how you can rise to the call of effective leadership. There is a charge of $8 for materials. “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” As we think about the faith required to live the Christian life, we can all admit there is a lot we hope for and a lot we do not yet see. We all would like to live with more faith in the promises of God, especially in times of trial and persecution. Join us as we look back to the faith of the Old Testament saints as a means of strengthening our faith. Where Did All These Books Come From? Jeri Weaver, Director of Communications and Media Services Members of the Fourth family love to read! The first mention of a church library at Fourth is in Session records from 1877. Even back then, we already had 475 books! Today, while many other church libraries have fewer than 500 volumes, we have more than 10,000. A little research brought out another fact: More than 1,000 of those books came from YOU! We are often asked if we take donations, and the answer is YES. More specifically, we DO want new and like-new Christian books and DVDs. If your books are older and/or annotated, we will put them on the Halverson Hall book cart. 4 Fourth Press We also appreciate your donations of Bibles (we give them out to anyone who needs one), reading glasses (people often forget theirs!) and calendars (we share them at the start of each year). At this time we DO NOT need any loose CDs, cassette recordings, or movies on video. (If you accidentally bring us those, we do recycle them.) Do continue to bring your like-new Christian books to US! If we don't have them (OR if your copies are better/newer than ours), we'll add them to our collection. Your donations of Christian books and movies enrich our collection -- AND save us money! SEVENTH IN A SERIES “I donated this book to the Media Center because...” Thomas Myrick, Director of Community Groups Editor’s Note: This is the seventh article in a new series that gives you a chance to write about a book or movie that you have donated to us. If you’d like to donate something (and write about it), contact Jeri, at We continue to welcome your recommendations and donations. I want to do something big for God. Since seventh grade I’ve dreamed about reaching my school for Christ, helping my city come to know the Lord, watching revival sweep across the nation, and taking the gospel to unreached people groups all around the world. If you’re like me, we don’t want to settle for comfortable cultural Christianity. We want to do awesome things for our Awesome God. What’s that? You have a plane ticket for a pastor’s conference in São Paulo, Brazil? My bags are packed! There’s an opportunity to disciple Muslims coming to Christ in Chicago? Let’s go today! A US Senator wants help seeing how the Bible informs his law-making? I’m available! Waking up on a rainy Tuesday morning, making the monotonous commute to a mid-level job in a window-less office? Oh. Can I pray about that? I don’t need courage for the radical. I need faith for the ordinary. Tish Harrison Warren writes, “I’m slowly realizing that, for me, being in the house all day with a baby and a two-year-old is a lot more scary and a lot harder than being in a war-torn African village.” In Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World author Michael Horton agrees. “Even more than I’m afraid of failure, I’m terrified of boredom. Facing another day, with ordinary callings to ordinary people all around us is much more difficult than chasing my own dreams that I have envisioned for the grand story of my life.” This fabulously refreshing book will remind you of biblical themes that we prefer to forget. “We’ve forgotten that God showers his extraordinary gifts through ordinary means of grace, loves us through ordinary fellow image bearers, and sends us out into the world to love and serve others in ordinary callings.” Rather than searching for the Next Big Thing we are receiving a kingdom that our Heavenly Father is giving to us in his Son by his Spirit. Michael Horton’s newest book, Ordinary: Sustainable Faith in a Radical, Restless World is available for checkout from Fourth’s Media Center. There are more than 20 other books by Michael Horton in our library as well. May/June 2015 5 N W E Children's Reading Club—Mid June through July Holly Gochnour, Children's Librarian S Everyone enjoys finding treasure. Going on a treasure hunt and discovering hidden treasures is fun and rewarding. Do you have a treasure? Or are you still looking? The Bible says “ up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” The Children’s Library welcomes all treasure lovers, seekers and collectors this summer. Join the Children’s Library Summer Reading Crew for the 2015 Reading Club “Digging for Treasures.” The treasure hunt begins on Sunday, June 21, and continues for five weeks through the month of July. The official Reading Club Kickoff is on Thursday morning, June 18. This is a time to sign up, meet other club participants, play games, and check out your first books. The club is for children, ages 3 to 12, including those entering sixth grade in the fall. Children who can’t yet read can earn points for listening to stories; older children also earn points for reading to 6 Fourth Press younger ones. This summer, read books about biblical spiritual truths and treasures, books about God’s promises to us, and the Bible, which points us to God as the Ultimate Treasure. Children who read books from the Children’s Library (or Christian books from other libraries) and memorize Bible verses will earn points that can be traded in for prizes. Special prizes will go to top readers and Scripture memory participants. As you read Christian books, you absorb gems of God’s truth. The more you read, the more you acquire and the larger your treasure will be. Readers will collect gems and jewels (stickers) as they read. Will you find only a few gems or enough to fill a treasure chest? Join the club and find out. Plan to attend the Thursday Story Hour at 11am when readers present the newest books from the Children’s Library. Kids earn points just for attending and listening. The first Thursday Story Hour is June 25. To get a head start on the “Digging for Treasures” Club, come to the Children Library. We are open Sunday– Thursday, closed Friday and Saturday. Or register online at What's New with Women of Fourth? Book Clubs Tuesday nights, June 16 - July 21, 7-8:15pm This is our third summer for book clubs and we can't wait!!!! Join us Tuesday nights 7:00-8:15 from June 17 to July 22. More information will be available soon, but for now - choose your book(s) and mark your calendars! Here are this summer's choices...(These are the books we will be discussing. The preferred editions will be communicated soon.) GROUP 1 Led by Janis Glenn............................................ Room 132A A Severe Mercy by Sheldon Vanauken Surprised by Joy C. S. Lewis GROUP 3 Led by Diane Jones.................................................. Chapel Pride and Prejudice, Emma by Jane Austen Miniatures and Morals: The Christian Novels of Jane Austen by Peter Leithart GROUP 2 Led by Esther Steele..........................................Room 132B The Certainty of Faith by Herman Bavinck GROUP 4 Led by Kim Pomponi and Liz Yancey.................... Room 130 Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are, As You Are by Shauna Niequist May/June 2015 7 Summer 2015 Women's Brochure What else is happening with Women of Fourth? To find out which events are planned, and how you can connect with other women, pick up a new summer brochure. You’ll find them in the racks throughout the church. Family Beach Vacation Summer 2015 ...and a sneak pe ek into Fall ve and g o o d works Women’s Retreat ed) “And let us consider h 2015 ow to stir o works, noHighlights t ne a negle cting to m grandmothers, nmothers otheroftoadult “How great was of teens, mothers butitetoncbeouwith great-grandmothers, lovechildren, e e t and gmothers t o g e ther,married o o of young children, mothers ra ofgbabies, mothers, newly and single women. We were all represented. d ing onexpectant as is the h e an oth a b e it All of us were brought together, and to delight in each other. Fantastic! I’m already looking forward to next year.” Janet r , o and all the f some, lanta, GGarrison more as A. Day rray drawing n nglish inia, Beta ears, , ear.” (Hebr e you see th e ws 10:24-2 4) Saturd ay Worksh Afternoon ops p , d • across er in Bible Study hly semina rs o Time,” “Ho n such w to Share he Bible.” terian Chu rch, women’s m in and discus istry, sion en’s Counc il from 8 Fourth Press re her hus ban Encourage ment for m others of – a panel d all ages iscussion • Encou ragement to know c in the mid ontentme st of life r nt a t her than in of it – Jess ica Schick spite • Encou ragement in develop discipline ing spiritu s – Melissa al V o orhees • Encou ragement when life Barbara M changes – urray Taste of Fourth Cookbook! We still need your name in our book! We've extended the cutoff date so we can include your recipes in the "official" cookbook of Fourth Presbyterian's Women's Ministries. Please send in your very favorites to cookbook or place handwritten copies in the WOF cookbook file located in the cabinet under the mail slots in the Church Office. (We'd love to see them ASAP!) kbook! Coo Taste of Fourth NEEDED: INGREDIENTS sbyterian Women ok. Fourth Pre Recipes from ctacular community cookbo spe a ate to cre S: INSTRUCTION up to 5 recipes for mit including is invited to sub Each woman tion in all areas of cuisine ps, salads, considera in dishes, breads, sou hes and more! dis ma rs, an tize veg , pe wd ap cro hes, food for a slow cooker dis BAKE TIME: il April 15 by visiting unt y s electronically ing a hard cop Submit reciperg/cookbook or by dropp in Office. .o the Ma http://4thpres ipes folder in in the WOF Rec SERVES: will this cookbook m the sale of Fourth Ministry. Proceeds fro men of support the Wo CONTACT: QUESTIONS, or Sarah Thatch ney Stephanie cookbo May/June 2015 9 Fourth Family Milestones Information reported to these sources will automatically be included in this monthly listing unless you request otherwise. Births and Adoptions: Amanda Westly, x219,; Marriages: Jean Erskine, x205;; Anniversaries: Jeri Weaver, x206;; Deaths: Alison Muscato, x216; We welcome your pictures! Email photos to accompany your announcements to Or bring them to the Media Center. Please do not send photos through the mail. Birth Betsy Grace Dobish Born March 16, 2015 Parents: Julia and Mark Dobish Grandparents: Ron and Michele Meyer Anniversary Ted and Carol Smith | 50th Anniversary Married on June 26, 1965 in Brooklyn, NY 10 Fourth Press Prayer Requests for May and June Chelsea Custer, Youth Ministries Pray for the Youth Ministry team (Rob, Nate, Devan, Garrett, and Chelsea) who will lead and shepherd the summer staff interns this summer. Pray for strength and joy through long hours and a ministry-intensive summer. Pray for the college-aged men and women on summer staff who will disciple middle and high school students May 23 through August 7. Pray for their fruitful relationships with our students. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work through them and use them to draw students closer to the Lord. Pray for the summer staff experience to be spiritually challenging and rewarding in their lives. Pray that our middle school and high school students would feel loved, welcomed, and cared for, in the name of Jesus. Continue to pray for our community to be a safe and welcoming place for students to bring their friends and for these friends to be welcomed into fellowship and community. youth Focus on Bubble Soccer We hosted about 40 kids at the YMCA off Old Georgetown Rd. for a fun outreach event consisting of large blow-up plastic bubbles and soccer balls. We played a round-robin tournament with the winner taking home $250 in Chipotle gift cards! Pray for rest for our Sunday school teachers and Wednesday night Bible study leaders who take the summer off while summer staff is here. Pray for the Lord to raise up more adult leaders to pour into our middle and high school students on Sundays, Wednesdays, and throughout the year. Pray for The Rock (MS) and The Root (HS) programs on summer Tuesday evenings. Pray also for the Sunday morning studies that the summer staff will lead through the book of Ephesians. Pray for students to feel loved and welcomed in Jesus’ name. Pray for students to hear and respond to the gospel as they hear from speakers about what it looks like to commit and follow Jesus. Pray for real relationships to develop among students and their peers. Pray for middle and high school students away at Summer Camp on June 17-21 at Camp Sandy Cove in High View, WV. Pray for the Lord to move in students' hearts and lives during this intentional week away. Pray for them to develop relationships with one another and become a Christ-centered community. Pray for Rob Yancey as he speaks on Following Jesus. Pray for our full-time staff, summer staff, and volunteers as they share the gospel with students this week. Pray for students to develop a heart for service in Jesus' name to their communities and neighbors. Pray that God would stir in their hearts a desire to serve and further understand the gospel. Especially pray for those students who will serve on June 27 middle and high school service days. May/June 2015 11 Senior Florida Trip Sixteen high school seniors and six leaders went to St. Augustine, FL, for a time of fellowship and teaching around the idea of Becoming the Body of Christ. We spent days at the beach building sandcastles, playing frisbee, etc. and then spent evenings hearing about leaders' experiences in college and the challenges in trying to walk with the Lord post high school.
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