Welcome to St Andrew’s Life at St Andrew’s “I hope you will enjoy the time we spend together today. If you are new, or passing through, we hope you are blessed by joining with us who call Hong Kong, and St Andrew’s, home. Come over to the Hub so we can offer you a personal welcome and a small gift to say hello.” Rev John Menear Vicar My Story FAMILY family@standrews.org.hk It is our desire to help enrich and support marriages, strengthen and equip parents, and find ways to better connect families, so they can become more integrated into the life of St Andrew’s. Ultimately, we strive to see the gospel shared and God, the Father of families, glorified in all we do! Stay tuned for future events. GLORIFYING JESUS IN THE LIFE CENTRE When the tribes of Israel eventually entered into the Promised Land it was said to be a land of milk and honey. I guess that means it was like paradise to them. It would be like saying today it was a land of a full rice bowl, (and dare I say chicken, duck and pork?). However, the big mistake Israel made was that they took this Promised Land for granted. The same was true for the Temple. It was built by Solomon to glorify God – who was the God of the Nations, and who had promised to make Israel a blessing to all the nations. On a somewhat smaller scale, the Life Centre will be a blessing or a hindrance to us all at St Andrew’s. It will be a blessing if we accept this gift from God and determine never to taking it for granted would mean we get comfortable in it, feel proud about it, but never use it for its intended purpose. We didn’t build the Life Centre just to have a more luxurious place to meet. It is more luxurious of course, and comfortable and new. However, its greatest asset is it’s seats: over 800 of them. That means we can welcome into each church meeting about 400 more people. Not just people, but men and women for whom Christ gave his life. Women and men whom the Father says he loves with an everlasting love, and knows them by name. People in whom the Holy Spirit longs to move and give new life and a fresh start. Of course there is increased space to welcome children and youth. To make parents welcome with small children. To make a comfortable space for those who have special access needs. It means we have more bathroom facilities to make people feel more comfortable. And it means we have more space for quiet contemplation both inside and in the Seeds Garden. The greatest challenge that faces St Andrew’s from this week is: can we be as energetic, enthusiastic and giving to ensure that we welcome people into our fellowship as we did raising dollars to pay for the construction? I think we can. You didn’t leave the fundraising to the “experts” or the staff. You took control yourselves, and made it happen. Let’s do the same with the women and men of Hong Kong, and the young people as well. Not because we want to make a name for St Andrew’s. But because it’s what God gave us this place for: to be a blessing to the peoples of Hong Kong. John Menear Vicar YOUTH youth@standrews.org.hk Fusion Sunday Programme: Time: 9:30am & 11:30am Venue: 1/F Hall, Christian Centre Ages: 11-18 Fusion Growth Groups: Time: 6:00pm - 8:00pm, every Friday Venue: 3/F, Christian Centre Ages: 11-18 MIGRANT WORKERS FELLOWSHIP zara@standrews.org.hk Home4U Time: 2:00pm-5:00pm, every Sunday Venue: 1/F Old Vicarage There will be NO Fellowship meeting Today, feel free to join us next week as we will continue the study series on The Story of Joseph. CHINESE MINISTRY chineseministry@standrews.org.hk Putonghua church meets every Sunday at 2:00pm. Its ministries include Kidzone, youth, bible studies and Cantonese and English language classes for university students from the Mainland. Please refer to the Chinese ministry page in the church website for more details. PRAYER pastoral@standrews.org.hk Prayer ministry is available after church. Pray for St Andrew’s, follow the Weekly Prayer Focus on website: LIFE @ ST ANDREW’S > Prayer Enquiries or Sign-ups? Please go to the Hub or church website CHILDREN Church News Date: 7 June (Sunday) Time: 3:00pm Venue: St Andrew’s Church Life Centre children@standrews.org.hk REMINDER: Crèche and Kidzone have moved to the Life Centre, Lower Ground Floor. Next week, 9:45am Kidzone and Crèche change to a 9:30am start. 11:30 am Crèche and Kidzone remain the same start time. Crèche: GROWTH GROUPS Time: 9:30am / 11:30am grow@standrews.org.hk Venue: Life Centre, LG/F A new University - aged Growth Group Topic: has started. It meets on Thursday nights. Ages 0 - under Jesus helps us Contact Jonty if3:interested. (jonty@standrews.org.hk) Kidzone: Time: 9:30am / 11:30am Venue: Life Centre, LG/F Topics: Ages 3-6: Jesus’ Friends Show His Love Ages 7-9: Tell others how great God is! Ages 9-10: God can use anyone to accomplish His plans STAKC (St Andrew’s Church Kids Club) Our first class for STAKC resumes on Friday 8 May. Welcomer’s needed As we begin using the Life Centre, we need more volunteers to serve as ‘Welcomers’ to make our 9:30 service possible. Can you help? You can sign up at the Hub or contact Juliana (juliana@standrews.org.hk) St Andrew’s Church Site Plan You can pick up a Site plan of St Andrew’s Church at the Life Centre reception table. Monthly Church Prayer Meeting Date: 4 May (Monday) Tomorrow Time: 7:30-8:30pm Venue: Church Let’s join together to pray for our Church and our 2020 Vision. Focus on Finance 2015 Budget $ As at 27 April 2015 PASTORAL CARE pastoral@standrews.org.hk We aim to encourage everyone to grow to Christian maturity through life’s varying circumstances. Please contact one of the pastoral staff to find out more about the support we offer. GROWTH GROUPS grow@standrews.org.hk A new University - aged Growth Group has started. It meets on Thursday nights. Contact Jonty if interested. (jonty@standrews.org.hk) LOCAL AND GLOBAL OUTREACH mission@standrews.org.hk Check out the monthly Global News Updates on the website. Send us an email if you would like to get involved. $34,368,893 April Actual Year-to-Date Actual Income $ 2,530,090 8,795,930 Expenditure $ 2,427,086 7,917,963 Surplus $ 103,004 877,967 Year-to-Date Actual Annual Budget 2,436,075 10,000,000 2020 Vision Loan Repayment $ Tax deductible receipts for tax year 14/15 have been sent out to all PCG members. Did you know? St Andrew’s Church is a financially independent church. All income is provided by the sacrificial giving of church members. St Andrew’s has also committed 12% of the offertory income to mission. To support the ministry, you can donate in cash or by cheques made payable to “St Andrew’s Church”, or transfer to SAC HSBC bank account 018-057919-001, or join the Planned Christian Giving Scheme (PCG) to give regularly. For more information about PCG, please go to the church website. Church News Tour to Jordan and Israel, October 2015 Upcoming Events Are you interested in a knowledge deepening and faith enriching journey to the land of much of the bible’s storyline? A ‘once in a life-time’ tour is being conducted to Jordan and Israel. Visit places such as Petra, Masada, Jericho, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, the Jordan River, and Galilee. ‘Equip’ is a new initiative beginning in June on Sunday mornings at St Andrew’s. Through regular courses led by staff and trained lay members, you will have the opportunity to be equipped to better understand the bible, to live it out, and to explain it to others. The courses include the ‘Preliminary Theological Certificate’ (PTC), as well as other courses on apologetics, sharing your testimony, and lifestyle issues. Tour dates: 11 October (Sunday) - 24 October (Saturday), 2015 Expressions of interest are invited. After 10 years of dedicated ministry as Vicar of St Andrew’s Church, our vicar Rev. John Menear and his wife Janelle, will be retiring in July and moving back home to Australia. The St Andrew’s Church Council would like to invite you to a dinner gathering in honour of John and Janelle. Date: 5 June 2015 (Friday) Venue: The Hong Kong Jockey Club, Chater Room at the Happy Valley Clubhouse Time: 7:30pm (drinks from 7:00pm) Participants: All SAC members and guests, children over 12. Cost: HK$750 per head Style: Smart casual attire, western buffet dinner and drinks. RSVP: Limited seats available. First come first served. Fill in the order form at the Reception in the Life Centre on Sunday, or online. Enquiries: Helena Chan at helenaminde@gmail.com There will also be a farewell Church Family lunch on Sunday 21 June at SAC – more details to be published soon. Job Vacancies Office Manager and Receptionist 3 May 2015 Our first course is ‘Introduction to the Bible’ in PTC. Here are the details: Date & Time: 7 June-9 August (10 Sundays), 9:30-11:00am (so that you can go to the 11:30 service afterwards) Venue: G/F Lounge Enquires: Please contact Diana (diana@standrews.org.hk), or find more information on the church website Please contact Alex (alex@standrews.org.hk). There will be an information meeting on Tuesday 5 May at 8:00-9:00pm. Farewell to John and Janelle Enquiries or Sign-ups? Please go to the Hub or church website Community Island ECC Women’s Conference 2015 “Half the Church” featuring author and speaker Carolyn Custis James on what it means to carry the female characteristics of God as His image bearer and God’s blueprint for creating women in the first place. Date & Time: 22 May (Friday), 7:00-9:00pm, 23 May (Saturday), 9:00am-5:30pm Registration:www.islandecc.hk/womens-conference-2015/ Early bird price before 3 May Sermon The story of Joseph: Living for God in a hostile world - 3 May (Guilt and grace - Genesis 42:1-9; 45:1-9) 8:30am/9:30am/11:30am/5:00pm 11:30am John Menear Sok Han Yong We are seeking an Office Manager and a Receptionist to join our administration team. www.standrews.org.hk facebook.com/standrewkln 2367 1478 / info@standrews.org.hk 138 Nathan Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Details of the positions can be found on the church website. Clergy Sunday St Andrew’s Church Building John MENEAR, Vicar Dale HANSON, Senior Associate Minister 8:30am Early Morning Lord’s Supper* 11:30am Mandarin Church Dan EVERS, Associate Minister Alex McCOY, Associate Minister Life Centre - Auditorium 9:30am Mid Morning Church Sok Han YONG, Associate Minister 11:30am Late Morning Church 5:00pm Evening Chunch *All other services - Lord’s Supper 2nd & 4th Sundays Now at the Life Centre
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