2015 Pearl Invitational Pearl Country Club June 25, 26 & 27 FORMAT: ELIGIBILITY: FLIGHTS: ENTRY FEE: DEADLINE: SCHEDULE: STARTING TIMES: Application for Entry 54 Hole Stroke Play Competition Amateur Golfers with an official GHIN handicap as of May 2015. Tournament Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any application. Championship Flight (0-5), A-Flight (6-10), B-Flight (11-15), and Senior Flight. Entries limited to the first 144 contestants. $195.00 Includes green/cart fees, awards banquet, player gift and prizes. Entry Deadline is JUNE 8, 2015. Entries may be mailed or dropped off at the Pearl Country Club Pro Shop. Late Fee: $25 after June 9 CANCELATION FEE: $25 AFTER JUNE 8, 2015. NO REFUND AFTER JUNE 22, 2015 Thursday, June 25: Front/Back start Friday, June 26: Front/Back start Saturday, June 27: Final Round Shotgun Awards banquet to follow at the completion of the final round All contestants are invited to attend. (Guest Tickets $20 at door) June 23, 2015: Pairings will be posted PRACTICE ROUND: Each participant will be allowed one practice round at a reduced rate of $30. Practice rounds must be taken between June 10th, June 12th June 15th – 19th, June 22nd – 24th. Call Pearl C.C. for a reservation, practice round golf is non transferable. TOURNAMENT SCORES: REGISTRATION: INFORMATION: Will be posted by Tournament Committee to the GHIN Participants must register in person on Thursday June 25th, prior to the start of play. Call Pearl C.C. @ 487-3802 option 1 or e-mail: jr@pearlcc.com 1 2015 Pearl Invitational Please Print Legibly Full Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State: ____________________ Zip Code: __________________ Phone: _______________________________________ Cell: __________________________________________________ E-mail address: ______________________________________________________________ Age: ________________ GHIN #: ___________________________________ Handicap Index: ______________________ Complete entry in full. Incomplete entries will be rejected. Enclose entry fee (sorry no credit cards). Make Check or Money order payable to PEARL COUNTRY CLUB (no cash please) One check or money order per entry please Mail entries to: For Committee Use: Date: ________________ 2015 PEARL INVITATIONAL PEARL COUNTRY CLUB 98-535 KAONOHI ST. AIEA, HI 96701 TPP: ________________ Entry #: ________________ Initial: ________________ (Return page 2 with your entry fee) 2
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