May 17, 2015 - Amazon Web Services

Appleton Alliance Women’s Ministry Bible Study
by Ma
Tuesdays, Jun. 16-Jul. 21 | Cost: $15 for book
9:00-11:00 a.m. | Register at
-OR- 6:30-8:00 p.m. | Register at
Fight Back with Joy is a study declaring that joy is more
than just a feeling. It’s a weapon we can use to fight life’s
greatest battles. God wants to empower us to fight back
with a defiant joy.
Xcel Sports
Friday Morning Golf
Fight Back with Joy:
by Margaret Feinberg
Tuesdays, Jun. 16-Jul. 21
9:00-11:00 a.m. or 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Student Ministries Center
Cost: $15 per book | Late fee of
$5 will be added after Jun. 9
Childcare is not available during
summer Bible studies
Fight Back with Joy is a study
declaring that joy is more than
just a feeling. It’s a weapon we
can use to fight life’s greatest
battles. God wants to empower
us to fight back with a defiant joy.
Questions? Contact Sami at
or 920-931-1122.
Friday, Jun. 5 | 6:00 a.m.
Mid Vallee Golf Course, DePere, WI
No registration
Cost: Pay as you play
If you’re interested in joining
guys from AAC to play golf on
Friday, Jun. 5, contact Dave Quella
at for
more information.
Night of Worship
Sunday, May 31 | 6:00 p.m.
Worship Center
No cost or registration
There are few things that foster
community like singing and
worshiping God together with
those who have found freedom
through His grace. Night of
Worship is an extended time
of worship through song and
reflection. Shout for joy and have
your spirit renewed.
Use Cancelled Stamps
for Ministry
Because of your efforts this past
year, the Alliance-owned Shell
Point Retirement Community
located in Fort Meyers, FL was
able to send over $41,000 for
Christian educational material to
churches in South America.
Bring your used stamps to the
Welcome Center or office. Please
cut envelopes in half and turn in
stamped portion. Thank you to
those already supporting this cause.
Collecting Gently Used
Christian Literature
Sunday, Jun. 7 | All Services
West Hub Entrance
Do you have Christian literature
that you do not know what to
do with? Love Packages is an
organization that will put it in the
hands of people around the world
who are hungry for God’s Word.
May 17, 2015
Donate your gently used Bibles,
tracts, Christian books, cassettes,
or reference books on Sunday,
June 7 to bless people overseas.
Pray for Our Military
Travis Ball, Nicole Brunette,
Jordan Driessen, Joshua
Fischer, Drew Gemmel, Dustin
Kahl, Rebekah Kopesky, Robert
Kopesky II, Shane Leveille, Mike
Madsen, Joshua Mennen, Eric
Olson, Ace Pierce, Grant Pierce,
Andy Rezmer, Justin Schuh, Brad
Schmoll, Patrick Shuman, Wes
VanEpern, Marshal Williams, and
Melissa Winterfeldt.
Sunday Morning Prayer
Would you like someone to pray with you? Stop by the Welcome
Center after service and prayer team members will be happy to
serve you.
Discovery Land is for children
ages 6 weeks and older. Trained
volunteers are ready to care for
and teach your child. Children
are never too young to learn
about Christ’s love. Also, if you
prefer, an usher can direct you to
a place to view the service with
restless children. Thank you for
your consideration.
Appleton Alliance Church | 2693 W Grand Chute Blvd, Appleton WI 54913
920-968-0700 | |
Appleton Alliance Church
Sunday Services: 8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 a.m.
Connecting People with God and One Another
A Message from Rev. Mark Byrom
Great Commission Sunday
Growing up, I remember my home church focusing on people who
hadn’t heard of the love and hope found in a personal relationship
with Christ. I also kept up with the news, and read about the huge
physical and spiritual needs around the globe. Realizing this was a gap
in need of a bridge, I answered the call to go and become part of what
The Christian & Missionary Alliance is doing around the world.
The C&MA is part of a Christ-centered global movement with
700+ U.S. workers serving in 70 nations. Read Acts 1:8 and you will
understand part of our DNA. Because of who Jesus is and what He
has done, we are compelled to “go!” Humbled by the open invitation
He extends to us, called The Great Commission, we join in Christ’s
work to restore and reconcile lost and broken people to Himself.
Sending Sunday is not only an opportunity to give to C&MA workers,
but a time to ask the Lord how you can be a part of His Great
Commission. Could it be He’s asking you to experience cross-cultural
ministry through short-term missions or to perhaps serve for
a longer term? Maybe God is moving you to adopt a missionary
worker or family to pray for and support, or to connect with one of
our sister churches. There are countless ways to take part. Let’s ask
the Lord how we should pray, give, and go.
Mark Byrom
Sermon Notes
“Global Bridges to Christ” — Rev. Mark Byrom
Context: John 2:23-25 (Judea), 4:1-42 (Samaria), 4:43-54 (Everyone else)
Small Groups
Mini-Church Blast
Thursday, Jun. 11 | 6:30-7:30 p.m.
West Hub | No cost
Register at
Meet the leaders, connect with
others wanting to join a small
group, and get plugged in to your
future small group. Questions?
Contact Cheryl at 920-931-1101 or
John 4:34-35
John 4:39-42
Luke 10:2
Matthew 10:37-38
Blood Drive
Sunday, May 24
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | West Hub
The Community Blood Center
provides a steady blood supply to
17 hospitals in Central and Northern
Wisconsin. To donate blood,
check-in at the Welcome Center.
Spanish Translation
Plan your summer! Pick up a
2015 AAC Summer Guidebook today.
We are so glad you’ve chosen to
worship with us today! Are you new to AAC? Stop
at the Welcome Center in the Hub. We have a
gift for you and you’ll meet people who can tell
you about our church and how to get connected.
We are putting together a team
of Spanish translators to do live
translation of Sunday morning
sermons. If you’re interested
in being a translator, find out
more by contacting Barb at the
Welcome Center or email her at
Global Connections
Today is Sending Sunday
During our services, all
undesignated contributions will
go toward The Great Commission
Fund to support long-term
workers through The Christian
& Missionary Alliance.
Our annual silent auction is today
from 7:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m. in the
Hub. Check out and bid on the
many great items. The auction
helps fund AAC short-term
mission trips. A brat fry will also
be held throughout the morning.
Discovery Land
Thank You!
Special thanks to all our schoolyear volunteers for Bringing the
Bible to Life on Sunday mornings.
Your faithfulness, dedication,
and passion to love, care for,
and teach kids the Word of God
has been priceless to our church
family. Thank you!
The next two Sundays, May 24
and May 31, DL is open for kids in
preschool and under only.
Fun learning continues with
the summer quarter (Let’s Go!)
beginning on June 7 for kids
going into 6th grade and under.
Annual Silent Auction help fund 2015 Global Connections adult and
youth short term mission trips | AAC Hub | 7:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Great Commission Fund Collection help fund AAC’s long-term Alliance
International Workers | Worship Center | During Sunday services
Brat and Burger Fry AAC Hub | 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Support Groups
Make Student
Ministries Possible
Mondays, Jun. 1-Aug. 31 | D132
6:00-7:30 p.m. | Cost for book
The Student Ministries team
would like to thank all of the
volunteers that helped to make
this past year possible. We can’t
wait to serve with you again!
Second Saturday
Service Project
Saturday, Jun. 13 | 8:00 a.m.
Guys, let’s support our local
community by helping families
in need. The second Saturday
of each month we will work on
home projects for people in our
community. More information
will be provided when you
register at
Men of Integrity
Men of Integrity is a group for
men ready to honestly deal with
pornography and sexual sin.
Through the strength and purity
only God can provide, you’ll find
the way out of bondage into a
life free of shame and secrets.
Beyond Betrayal
Mondays, Jun. 1-Aug. 31 | D135
6:30-8:00 p.m. | No registration
Beyond Betrayal is for women
whose lives have been affected
by a boyfriend’s or husband’s
sexual addiction or other sexual
betrayal. It is an opportunity
for women to talk in a safe and
confidential setting while being
challenged to grow personally
and spiritually.
Support Group questions? Contact