Sponsorship Information - American Cancer Society Cancer Action

Corporate Membership Program
National Policy Forum in Washington, D.C.
State Lead Ambassador Summit
Leadership Summit & Lobby Day in Washington, D.C.
National Disparities Summit in St. Louis, MO
2015 Local Event Sponsorships
Quality of Life, Palliative Care Forum in
Denver, Colorado
Policy Forum on Quality of Life
This Fall the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network will host their
seventh annual Colorado Breakfast in Denver. This premier event will focus on
Quality of Life in 2015 and will bring together more than a hundred leaders from
business, education, government and research communities to discuss quality of
life issues for people facing serious and chronic illnesses.
Presenting Sponsorship ― $10,000
Opportunity to give welcoming remarks from the podium
Platinum recognition with name and logo featured prominently at the event
Company logo prominently featured on event website
Company name featured in all event media
Two tables for 8 at the event
Membership as a Corporate Friend in the ACS CAN Corporate Membership Program
 Three issue briefings per year with ACS CAN Senior Leadership
 Complimentary invitation to annual ACS CAN policy conference (invitation only event)
 Bi-monthly calls with ACS CAN Senior Leadership
 Monthly newsletter
 Recognition in the ACS CAN Annual Report, ACS CAN website and headquarters
Gold Level Sponsorship ― $5,000
Gold recognition with name and logo featured prominently at the event
Company name featured on event website and all event media
One table for 8 at the event
Membership as a Corporate Sponsor in the ACS CAN Corporate Membership Program
 Bi-monthly calls with ACS CAN Senior Leadership
 Monthly newsletter
 Recognition in the ACS CAN Annual Report and on ACS CAN’s website (acscan.org)
Silver Level Sponsorship ― $2,500
Silver recognition at event
Company name featured on event website and all event media
Five tickets to the event
Recognition in the ACS CAN Annual Report
Bronze Sponsor ― $1,000
Bronze sponsor recognition at the event including company name featured on event website
Two tickets to the event
For questions, please contact RJ Ours at RJ.Ours@cancer.org or 720.524.5445
Contributions or gifts to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc. are not tax deductible.
ACS CAN Corporate Membership Program
Corporate Sponsor $5,000 Annually
Bi-monthly calls with ACS CAN Senior Leadership
- Participants will have the opportunity learn about ACS CAN’s ongoing work and discuss issues of
mutual interest and share information.
Monthly newsletter
- The ACS CAN Online Newsletter is sent exclusively to our corporate partners and key contacts with
in allied organizations each month, to provide an “insider’s view” to our work and frequently
includes recognition of our corporate partners.
Recognition in the ACS CAN Accomplishments report
- This broadly distributed report highlights ACS CAN’s advocacy accomplishments for the year and is
seen each year by tens of thousands of people.
Recognition on ACS CAN’s website (acscan.org)
- ACS CAN’s website serves as the central communications point for all of ACS CAN’s nationwide
grassroots activity.
Corporate Friend $10,000 Annually
All Corporate Sponsors benefits listed above
Three issue briefings each year with ACS CAN Senior Leadership
- These in-person meetings are intended to foster dialogue around public policy issues that ACS CAN
and our corporate partners are engaged in.
Complimentary invitation to annual ACS CAN policy conference (invitation only event)
- A forum of thought leaders from patient advocacy, public policy, business and other key
stakeholder sectors, including federal and state officials, where thoughts and ideas on timely health
care issues of importance are shared and discussed.
Recognition in ACS CAN’s headquarters and logo placement on ACS CAN website
Corporate Hero $25,000 Annually
All Corporate Friends and Sponsors benefits listed above
Annual one-on-one meeting with ACS CAN Senior staff
- Opportunity to discuss specific issues of mutual interest in an effort to enhance collaboration.
Complimentary invitation and logo placement at annual Leadership Summit and Lobby Day
- Annual event with exposure among more than 700 ACS CAN staff and volunteers from every
Congressional District. Members are invited to the annual President’s Recognition Breakfast.
Annual white boarding session with ACS CAN Alliance Development team
Corporate Champion $100,000 Annually
All Corporate Heroes, Friends, and Sponsors benefits listed above
Annual one-on-one meeting with ACS CAN President
Presenting sponsorship and recognition at annual Leadership Summit and Lobby Day
- Tickets to attend President’s Recognition Reception at annual Leadership Summit & Lobby Day
Complimentary invitation to high profile ACS CAN events in Washington, DC (receptions, briefings, etc.)
Quarterly calls with ACS CAN Field and State and Local campaign team leadership
Contributions or gifts to the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc. are not tax deductible.