Date: 10th April 2015 Issue: 479 E-Bulletin RGU Celebrates Great Student Achievements! Leadership Exchange Programme Information & Networking Event Thursday, 30 April 2015 10am to 12noon Aberdeen Community Health and Care Village FREE! ACVO were delighted to join RGU in recognising and celebrating the fantastic achievements of RGU students at the brilliant RGU Student Achievement Awards 2015. This event aims to bring together leaders from across sectors to network and potentially find a match for a Leadership Exchange. Delegates will be given a chance to speed network and meet others interested in the Leadership Exchange Programme. The Awards are devoted to recognising the work of RGU student societies, volunteers and individuals who have made a difference during the last year. There were over 25 award categories all highlighting and recognising the superb work of students, student societies and RGU. A Critical Path for Event Planning and Management ACVO were very impressed by the many achievements of students, the huge amount of help students are providing volunteering and the continued great support to volunteering from RGU and the RGU Students Association. ACVO were also delighted to sponsor the RGU Student Volunteer of the Year Award that was presented to Lewis Scott Eden (pictured being presented the award from Shona Cormack, Vice-Principal and Pro Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience and External Relations) at RGU). ACVO has excellent links with the RGU and the RGU Student Association and we congratulate all involved on the continued great achievements at the University. Date: 24th April 2015 Time: 10am - 4pm Venue: 38 Castle Street Cost: £50 (15% Discount for ACVO Members) This new workshop shares with delegates over 25 years of learning from Telethons, Conferences, Parades, Fun Days and Awards ceremonies. It will be useful for organisations and individuals needing a tool with which to manage risks and achieve their aims through and beyond events as part of their overall development strategy. To subscribe/unsubscribe to the ACVO E-Bulletin or to send contributions or comments, please contact Alasdair Simpson, Communications Officer at ACVO, 38 Castle Street, Aberdeen, AB11 5YU Tel: (01224) 686055 | Email: | Web: Facebook: ACVOAberdeenVolunteerCentre | Twitter: @Aberdeen_ACVO The opinions expressed in this E-Bulletin are not necessarily the opinion of ACVO All material is copyright of ACVO unless otherwise stated Please note that some weblinks are only valid for a short period of time ACVO News So Why Don’t You…! INSIDE THIS E-BULLETIN QUICK LINKS ACVO NEWS NEWS FUNDING LOCAL EVENTS The ACVO and SHMU team welcomed the brilliant Lisa Mann and Denise Hutton from Turning Point Scotland/Rosies Social Enterprises as this week’s special guests on the ‘So Why Don’t You….’ programme on SHMUFM Community Radio-99.8FM. Lisa and Denise provide SHMU-FM listeners with an overview of the excellent work at Turning Point Scotland/Rosies Social Enterprises. NATIONAL EVENTS VACANCIES VOLUNTEERING ADVERTISING Turning Point Scotland is a leading charity which provides person centred services across the country. In Aberdeen Turning Point Scotland provides a range of services such as housing support and employability for people who have experienced mental health issues, neurological conditions such as Huntington’s and acquired brain injury. Turning Point Scotland is also the parent organisation of Rosie’s Social Enterprises-a dynamic and successful social enterprise comprising a café in Rosemount and framers, crafts, gift shop and wedding stationery based at 45-49 Holburn Street, Aberdeen. There are great volunteer opportunities at Turning Point Scotland/Rosies Social Enterprises such as Craft Workshop Assistant volunteers. All volunteers are made welcome, receive fantastic support and make a real difference which is greatly appreciated. ‘Mike on the Mic’ from ACVO, SHMU’s ‘Rod on the Radio’ and ‘Avril who does A’thing’ also pack in the latest ACVO, Third Sector, volunteering, community news and updates, mixed in with some good tunes and banter throughout the programme. Listen in to the full programme on SHMU FM Community Radio station – 99.8FM or online at: this Wednesday between 2-3pm and also repeated on Monday 20th April 2015, 9-10am. The ACVO and SHMU team have more brilliant special guests lined up over the next few weeks including the Youth Outreach Bus, Future Choices, VSA/Carers Point, Advocacy Service Aberdeen, Home-start Aberdeen, Dreams Come True charity and Childline. Remember to listen in…… *For more details about the work of and volunteering opportunities with this week’s special guests- Turning Point Scotland/ Rosies Enterprises-please visit: and **If you/your organisation would like to appear on the ‘So Why Don’t You……’ programme or would like us to highlight any news from your organisation please contact Mike Melvin at ACVO on: ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 2 NEWS Integration Matters - March 2015 These are: Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership The Partnership became established as of 1st April and Judith Proctor, Chief Officer now has responsibility for those functions and services that were formerly discharged by Social Care & Wellbeing (adult services) and the Community Health Partnership (which was formally disestablished as of 31st March). We are now working towards our ‘Go Live’ date next year and the full delegation of those functions and services that are in the scope of integration. • • • • • • • Integration Scheme The revised Integration Scheme was approved by a meeting of the full Council on 4th March and by a meeting of the Health Board on 5th March. The Scheme was submitted to the Scottish Government on 9th March, in advance of the 31st March deadline. Our submission was acknowledged but no other feedback has been received as yet. Strategic Planning Group The Partnership is required by the Public Bodies Act to establish this group to oversee the development of our Strategic Plan. The membership of this group is broadly outlined in the regulations. The second meeting of the Strategic Planning Group took place on Wednesday 18th March. Jillian Evans, Head of Health Intelligence in NHS Grampian delivered a presentation on the health and wellbeing of the local population. It was agreed that the next scheduled meeting in April would have a workshop format so that strategic themes can be explored in more detail. It is anticipated that a draft consultation version of the Strategic Plan will be presented to the Integration Joint Board at its September meeting and then this will be put out for consultation during the months of October and November. Integrated Care Fund Plans are progressing with the planned recruitment of a Locality Programme Manager to oversee the implementation of our Integrated Care Fund Plan. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will commence in post late spring/ early summer. The Scottish Government has announced that there will be an additional two years funding of the Care Fund. Other Work Streams We are establishing a number of different work streams to make our integrated service delivery as effective as possible. Integrated Systems Human resources/Organisational Development Finance Governance Performance Framework Telecare & Telehealthcare Communication & Engagement The Finance, Communication & Engagement and HR/OD groups are up and running. We will facilitate a workshop in the near future with the theme of ‘a high performing organisation’ and from this we will seek participants for our Governance and Performance Framework groups (NB. Link to core suite of indicators aligned to national outcomes here Resource/0047/00473516.pdf ). Before commencing with the Integrated Systems group we will clarify the expectations of the three Partnerships in the Grampian area in relation to this work stream although a Joint Information Sharing Group (pan Grampian) has met to discuss the strategic and operational requirements of effective information sharing. It is anticipated that the Telecare & Telehealthcare group will commence its discussions in July. A paper will be presented to the shadow Integration Joint Board at its May meeting outlining the progress made in these workstreams. Integration Odds In excess of 80 colleagues from across the health, social care, third and independent sectors attended the most recent Integration workshop in the Beach Ballroom. An update on our integration activity was given and then Heather MacRae, Lead Nurse delivered a presentation on the Community Nursing function that is in the scope of integration. Attendees were also asked to suggest how we can facilitate better engagement with the individuals who access our services and their carers. These suggestions will contribute to the development of a future paper to the shadow Integration Joint Board on ‘User and Carer Involvement’. The next workshop is scheduled to take place on Wednesday 29th April; places can be booked by emailing Beverley Johnson on ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 3 NEWS Aberdeen City Voice 35th City Voice Questinnaire - call for questions Aberdeen City Voice are looking for questions for their 35th Questionaire, due to be issued in June 2015 with results expected in August. Aberdeen City Voice is a panel of Aberdeen City residents who are contacted on a regular basis to ask for their views on a wide range of issues that affect their community. At the moment around 1,000 residents are on the City Voice Panel and are sent 3 questionnaires a year. The City Voice is supported by Aberdeen’s Community Planning Partnership, and covers a wide range of topics. If you are interested in submitting some questions to the City Voice please consult the questionnaire guidance below. Guidance for Submitting Questions Questionnaire Guidance Please ensure all questions for the 35th questionnaire are submitted to Sharon Wilkinson (swilkinson@aberdeencity., on the proforma, by Wednesday 22 April 2015. Once the questions are submitted, you will be invited to attend the Editorial Board meeting on Wednesday 6th January 2015 at 10am (Marischal college, room 4-w-01) to discuss and review your questions. It is essential that you or a representative are able to attend the Editorial Board meeting to discuss your questions. If you do not attend your questions will be removed. ACVO is happy to take questions forward to the editorial board on behalf of the third sector. Consultation on Aberdeen City Council Gaelic Language Plan The Gaelic Language (Scotland) Act 2005 was passed by the Scottish Parliament with a view to securing the status of the Gaelic language as an official language of Scotland commanding equal respect to the English language. One of the key features of the 2005 Act is the provision enabling Bòrd na Gàidhlig to require public bodies to prepare Gaelic Language Plans. This provision was designed to ensure that the public sector in Scotland plays its part in creating a sustainable future for Gaelic by raising its status and profile and creating practical opportunities for its use. ACC’s intention is to present the Plan for consideration to the Finance, Policy and Resources Committee at its meeting of 9th June with the Plan then being submitted to Bòrd na Gàidhlig on 12th June. Any feedback you may have would be gratefully received. Responses should be sent to Sandra Bruce, sandrab@ by 10th May. Access the draft plan here - doc Tapadh leibh ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 4 NEWS OSCR Consults on Charity Test Guidance OSCR, Scotland’s charity regulator has announced a full revision of its key guidance for charities and applicants, and has called on the sector and the public to give feedback on its draft publication. Meeting the Charity Test has been updated in light of the Scottish Charity Regulator’s experience over the past nine years, granting charity status to nearly 10,000 applicants and handling nearly 2,000 complaints and status reviews of charities. Read the draft guidance here; Respond to the consultation here; Key features of the updated guidance include a less formal tone, case study examples and web-based sections that allow users to navigate easily between areas of particular interest to their own organisations. ACVO Development Officer Sandy Mathers writes; “This is a major development of the guidance on the charity test with much extended examples and case studies.” The consultation runs until 26th May. Doorstep Crime A national campaign to raise awareness about Doorstep Crime has been launched by Police Scotland. Officers from Aberdeen City Division of Police Scotland will be working with partners from Trading Standards, SEPA and Aberdeen Care and Repair to carry out prevention and enforcement action throughout and beyond the operation. Doorstep Crime consists of two main types of offences; bogus callers and rogue traders. Bogus callers are criminals who arrive at victims’ homes on a pretext, usually with the intention of gaining entry to the home with the intention of stealing. They may claim to represent bona fide organisations, which they do not, or to use the toilet, ask for water to take tablets with or for the radiator of a broken down car, which is just out of sight. Rogue traders are workmen who offer to do work on driveways, rooves or in the garden, at knock-down prices, often when the work is not actually needed. This can result in work of a shoddy standard, if any work gets done at all. On occasion, the cost of this work escalates alarmingly while the work is still being done or shortly afterwards and victims may be put under pressure to pay substantial sums of cash as a result. Constable Bob McKinney said: “Throughout and beyond this campaign, we’ll be working closely with our partners to provide safety advice to the public. We believe that incidents of doorstep crime are under-reported, so we’re keen to raise awareness of this issue and what to do if a doorstep criminal comes to your door.” Constable McKinney added “I’d also like to remind people to follow a few simple steps which may prevent them from becoming a victim to this type of crime and they are; keep your doors locked, fit a door chain or bar - and use it, only let callers in if they’ve made an appointment and you’re satisfied that they’re genuine, always ask for identification, don’t keep large sums of money at home and always report suspicious activity immediately. Lastly, if in doubt - keep them out.” If you’d like to find out more about how to avoid becoming the victim of Doorstep Crime, please contact your local Police Scotland Crime Reduction Officer. Likewise, Police Scotland would encourage everyone to report incidents of Doorstep Crime. As always the number to use is the non-emergency number of 101, or 999 in the event of an emergency. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 5 NEWS Welfare Tests are Weighted Against Women Original Article by: Robert Armour, TFN Mental health charities say new fit-for-work assessments discriminate against women when it comes to those who are at risk of suicide. Campaigners say new guidance issued by the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) on how to score people at risk of suicide when it comes to Work Capability Assessments (WCAs) places additional and unfair criteria on women because their risk of taking their life is statistically less. Assessments deem that, for example, a man who has depression with the additional personal factor such as being a diagnosed self-harmer would be scored as being of limited capability for work. However the same guidance states a woman in the same situation would need an additional personal factor over and above the criteria men must meet. Campaigners say that while some gender factors do come into play with mental health issues, such as men being more at risk of suicide, the tests are unfair and over simplistic. Carolyn Roberts, public affairs manager at the Scottish Association for Mental Health (SAMH), said: “The Work Capability Assessment has already been heavily criticised for not being able to accurately assess mental health problems, with independent reviews recommending its assessors should have more experience in mental health.” Microvolunteering Day 15th April 1 day, 24 hours, 10 minutes to do good! Find a cause you care about and a few odd moments in your life. Benefit nonprofits via actions that take only 10 minutes to complete. #MicroDay ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 6 FUNDING If you need to discuss any funding issues for your organisation, please do not hesitate to contact ACVO’s Funding and Business Planning Officer, Alison Chandler on (01224) 686054 or e-mail BUPA UK Launches New Charitable Foundation Healthcare provider Bupa UK has announced the launch of the Bupa UK Foundation, a new charitable foundation that will provide grants to support health and social care projects across the UK. The new foundation is expected to award up to £1 million in grants this year. The funding will be offered through clearly defined funding programmes, each of which will be focused on a different theme. The theme of the first funding round will be announced in mid-May when the Foundation opens to applications, with funding decisions expected in the summer. According to the Bupa UK Foundation website, the Foundation will fund a small number of practical projects and initiatives that aim to tackle critical challenges in health and social care, deliver public benefit and make a direct impact on people’s health and wellbeing. The Foundation has a strong interest in tackling health conditions that can affect everyone, including heart health, cancer, Type 2 diabetes and dementia. It will also focus on important factors that underpin good health, such as mental health, ageing and wellness, the prevention of long-term conditions, and behaviour change to improve health and wellbeing. The Foundation is currently inviting interested groups to comment and provide their ideas on: • Themes or challenges they would like to see the Foundation tackle through its funding programmes. • Its approach to grant-making and the kinds of projects and initiatives it plans to fund. Aberdeen City Council’s Cultural Awards Project Funding Aberdeen City Council’s Cultural Awards Project Funding scheme offers funding to local not-for-profit arts organisations and community groups to deliver cultural projects in Aberdeen. Grants of up to £10,000 are available to support a maximum of 50% of the total project costs. Remaining project costs can include a combination of funding and in-kind contributions, but must include at least 25% funding from a source external to the Council. Applications will be considered from any organisation, community group, partnerships or individual who has: • An ability to deliver high quality cultural activity. • Not-for-profit status. • An appropriate governance structure. • An equal opportunities statement or policy. • Relevant accounting procedures. • A clear requirement for support. Proposals will be considered for any type of high quality, aspirational and accessible arts and culture project, including: • Community arts workshops. • Heritage trails. • Networking events. • Visual arts exhibitions. The deadline for applications is 27 April 2015 (9am). Full details can be found on the Aberdeen City Council website ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 7 FUNDING NHS Grampian Endowment Funds Community Small Grants Scheme (up to £5,000) Community Small Grants (CSG) are available for projects that will directly benefit the health of residents in Grampian. Grants are available for “not for profit” organisations and registered charities. NHS Grampian’s 2020 Vision looks forward to how healthcare will be delivered at the end of this decade and beyond. The aim is to provide integrated and personcentred care which enables people to remain in their own communities and for hospital admissions to be minimised. New technologies can help with this aim, and projects which include the innovative use of technology are particularly welcome. Carers play an important role in caring for our residents, particularly older people, and projects may include elements which support carers in their role. Match funding is not essential, but details should be entered on the application form if there is more than one funder of the project. The activity for which the grant has been sought, must begin within six months from the grant being approved. For an application form and guidance notes, please contact: Sheena Lonchay, Operational Manager for NHS Grampian Charities, Finance Department, Westholme, Woodend Hospital, Queen’s Road, Aberdeen AB15 6XS. Email: sheena.lonchay@ or call 01224 556721 Grab a Grant CSV’s Action Earth campaign is helping to get people and communities busy outdoors. We have grants to give to groups of volunteers who are carrying out environmental projects in Scotland. The campaign runs from April to February each year. • Grants from £50 to £250 are available for practical activities that involve volunteers in improving outdoor spaces or creating habitats for wildlife. Grants can be used to purchase plants, tools and materials or to cover volunteer expenses. • If your group is volunteering on a Local Nature Reserve we can give you up to £500 for practical work, wildlife recording or educational activities that encourage more people onto the reserve. If you have any questions contact Robert Henderson at or call 0131 222 9083 / 622 7766. For more information and to apply online go to: People’s Postcode Trust Invites Applications from Scotland The People’s Postcode Trust has opened its Small Grants Programme to applications from not-for-profit organisations in Scotland for its first funding round of 2015. Registered charities, SCIOs, constituted voluntary and community groups, social enterprises, community interest companies (CIC), not-for-profit organisations and sports clubs have the month of April to submit an application. Grants of between £500 and £20,000 are available for projects in Scotland lasting up to 12 months. Applicants that are not formally registered as a charity with the OSCR can apply for up to £2,000, while those that are registered can apply for up to £20,000. The grants are aimed at projects that advance citizenship or community development. Advancing community development involves creating opportunities for the community to learn new skills and, by enabling people to act together, helps further social inclusion and equality. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 8 FUNDING The Creative Breaks Funding Programme Creative Breaks provides grants to third sector organisations working in Scotland to increase the range and choice of short break opportunities for carers of adults, kinship carers, young carers and the people they care for. The programme will distribute around £1 million of Scottish Government funding in 2015. The deadline for applications is Noon, Friday 8th May 2015. Interested? The application form and guidance notes are on the Shared Care Scotland website including information about the fund. You can apply for grant either to develop short break services or for funding to establish your own small grant scheme for carers so that carers can then pay for the short break that’s right for them. Our maximum grant is £50,000 for one year. Successful applications will receive their grant in September 2015. Aviva Community Fund Insurance specialists Aviva have created the Aviva Community Fund, which will offer from £1,000 to £25,000 to local community groups and organisations. Anyone in the UK can now nominate a local group, club or charity to have the chance to receive funding. There will be 362 recipients. The entries with the highest number of votes from the public will be selected as finalists to go through to the judging phase. The winners will receive their funding in July 2015. New Funding Available for Local Groups in Aberdeen Local groups and organisations with great ideas to make their communities an even better place to live are now invited to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality. People’s Health Trust has just launched Active Communities in the north of Scotland – a funding programme for local people wanting to create fairer places to grow, live, work and age. Using money raised by HealthKind through The Health Lottery, People’s Health Trust is looking to invest in projects that support people living in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Aberdeenshire, Higland, Moray, Nah-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles) Shetland and Orkney Islands. Active Communities is a funding programme for not-for-profit groups with an income of less than £350,000 a year, or an average of £350,000 over two years, seeking investment of between £5,000 and £50,000 for projects lasting up to two years. Projects could be almost anything that encourages strong connections between people, and that help people to make their communities or neighbourhoods even better places to grow, live, work and age. We’re looking for small and local projects, genuinely designed and run by local people. By small, we mean just a small group of people on an estate, in a few streets or villages. We’re also looking for great ideas from communities of interest. By this we mean a group of people who have something in common and wish to come together to address something that is important to them. These ideas could be based in one neighbourhood, or cover a wider area. The closing date for applications is 1.00pm on Wednesday 15 April 2015. To apply for funding, visit ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 9 LOCAL EVENTS To advertise an event in this E-Bulletin, please send details to Alasdair Simpson, Communications Officer at ACVO TRAINING PROGRAMME 2015 Below and on the next few pages are the first lot of courses we will be running in 2015. Click on the title to be taken to the booking information or visit Presentation Skills Training Date: 17th April Venue: ACVO, 38 Castle Street, Time: 9.30 – 4.30 Cost: £80 (15% discount for ACVO members) Do these scenarios sound familiar? • Intense anxiety prior to, or simply at the thought of having to verbally communicate with any group, • Avoidance of events which focus the group’s attention on individuals in attendance, • Physical distress, nausea, feelings of panic in such circumstances. Lots of people are anxious when they are asked to give a presentation. This program will equip you with the techniques to help you deliver a clear, engaging and memorable presentation, so that the next one you give will not seem quite so daunting! In this highly interactive program, participants hone their skills to prepare and present in a powerful manner and to inspire and motivate their audience. A Critical Path for Event Planning and Management Date: 24th April 2015 Time: 10am - 4pm Venue: 38 Castle Street Cost: £50 (15% Discount for ACVO Members) This new workshop arises from demand expressed at the hugely successful Big Aberdeen Event on 22nd September and shares with delegates over 25 years of learning from Telethons, Conferences, Parades, Fun Days and Awards ceremonies. It will be useful for organisations and individuals needing a tool with which to manage risks and achieve their aims through and beyond events as part of their overall development strategy. It will be most useful for those just beginning to think about their event (rather than having one imminent) and will be useful for Board members and voluntary committee members as well as paid staff. Strategy Workshop Date: 28th April 2015 Time: 0930 - 1630 Location: 38 Castle Street, AB11 5YU Cost: £80 (15% Discount for ACVO Members) The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with practical guidance on strategy development and implementation. By the end of the course participants will have: • Considered a number of tools for developing and implementing organisational strategy • Defined or reviewed or the process for strategy development in their organisation • Considered how to engage their boards in effective strategy development • Explored how to measure and track implementation • Identified practical actions ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 10 LOCAL EVENTS Management Committee Skills Date: 30th April Time: 12.30 – 2pm Venue: 38 Castle Street Cost: £10 Come along to ACVO’s Training course Introduction to Management Committee Skills. Led by ACVO Development Officer Sandy Mathers, the lunchtime session will cover; Role of the Committee Role of the Committee Member Roles of the Office Bearers Before, during and after a meeting Legal Responsibilities Recruitment & Retention VAT & Tax implications of Charities Trading Date: 1st May 2015 Time: 9.45 – 1.30pm Venue: ACVO, 38 Castle Street Cost: £40 (15% discount for ACVO members) This course provides awareness of key VAT and Tax risks and opportunities for charities with trade and trading subsidiaries Finance for Non- Finance Manager – Managing your Charity’s Finances Date: 7th May Time : 9.30 – 11.30am Venue: 38 Castle Street Cost: £35 (15% discount for ACVO members) This course provides awareness of key issues within charity finances Topics to be covered: • Financial processes/procedures • Reporting & framework • Maintenance of books & records • Financial management • Budgets • Tips for your charity in difficult times Introduction to Fundraising Date: 19th May 2015 Time: 0945 - 1630 Venue: ACVO, 38 Castle Street Cost: £50 (15% discount for ACVO members) Based on several decades of fundraising experience, this enjoyable, light-hearted and practical stand-alone workshop is a must if you want to get serious about sustaining your organisation. Limited places available for this interactive workshop which is both an excellent refresher for fundraisers seeking to a new direction and the essential grounding for those new to fundraising and grant-seeking ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 11 LOCAL EVENTS Duties and Responsibilities of Charity Trustees 28th May Time: 12 – 2pm Venue: 38 Castle Street Cost: £10 Come along to ACVO’s Training course on Duties and Responsibilities of Charity Trustees. Led by ACVO Development Officer Sandy Mathers, the lunchtime session will cover; Background to the Act Who are Charity Trustees? General duties of Trustees Specific duties of Trustees Remuneration of Charity Trustees Breach of duty as a Charity Trustee Big Lottery Workshop Date: 9th June Venue: 38 Castle street Time: 0930-1200 or 1245 to 1500 Cost: Free Session 1 0930/0945 registration/teas 1000 presentation 1030 questions 1045 one-to-ones with groups. We would split people into two. Those interested in grants of up to £10,000/50,000 and those interested in larger grants. Each one-to-one would be for ten minutes. 1200 finish Session 2 1245 registration/teas 1300 presentation on our funds 1330 questions 1345 one-to-ones with groups. We would split people into two. Those interested in grants of up to £10,000/50,000 and those interested in larger grants. Each one-to-one would be for ten minutes. 1500 finish Objective The goal will be to inform applicants/stakeholders of our available funding and to get quick tips on applying. Who it is aimed at: These sessions are aimed predominately at potential applicants and will also be relevant for people who advise on funding. Organisation Big Lottery Fund provides funding to community projects across Scotland. We invest in Scotland through a range of funding programmes, starting with grants of up to £10,000. This includes our most popular fund Awards for All. Through our Investing in Communities fund, we can fund very specific projects for between one and five years. Investing in Communities closes to stage one applications on 30 June 2015. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 12 LOCAL EVENTS Leadership Exchange Programme Information & Networking Event Thursday, 30 April 2015 10am to 12noon Aberdeen Community Health and Care Village, 50 Frederick Street, Aberdeen, AB24 5HY FREE! This event aims to bring together leaders from across sectors to network and potentially find a match for a Leadership Exchange. Delegates will be given a chance to speed network and meet others interested in the Leadership Exchange Programme. To book a space at this event, please click here. What is the Leadership Exchange Programme? The Leadership Exchange Programme pairs up leaders across sectors with the aim of improving leadership capacity between peers. An exchange takes the form of flexible meetings where you and your partner take turns to work alongside each other in your organisations, allowing for individuals to gain an insight into the different cultures, constraints and opportunities that are experienced in different organisations. The Leadership Exchange also allows participants to network and build stronger relationships between organisations. The length and format of your meetings are co-ordinated by you to suit. Click here to watch our videos featuring previous Leadership Exchange participants describing their experiences. The Leadership Exchange Programme is a workstream of Workforce Scotland led by ACOSVO. This event is held in partnership with ACVO and the North East Learning Collaborative. If you have any further questions about Leadership Exchanges please contact Leadership Exchange Development Officer, Emily Martin on or 0131 243 2755 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 13 LOCAL EVENTS NORTH EAST JOINT SUPERVISORY SKILLS PROGRAMME – STEPPING INTO MANAGEMENT What is it? A programme to assist first line managers from across public and third sectors in the North East of Scotland to help deliver even better services to local people through the way they manage people. This modular programme is set against the backdrop of public sector reforms and challenges. What are the objectives? The programme aims to: • Help participants develop their supervisory knowledge, skills and behaviours and • Create sustainable networks of learning and support across public and third sectors. Who should attend? The programme will benefit those who are new to supervision and management or first line managers who want to refresh their skills and techniques in a collaborative environment. The programme is limited to 19 places for first line managers in the public and third sectors in the North East. What does it involve? The programme consists of 5 modules delivered over 3 consecutive days. These modules cover the essentials of effective people management and are designed to provide a sound foundation for first line managers as well as an understanding of the shared challenges across sectors. How much will it cost? The 5 statutory organisations co-ordinating this programme have provided the funding so there is no direct cost to individuals. Any associated expenses incurred by participants, eg travel, overnight accommodation etc, require to be paid by the participant’s organisation. When is it happening? The next programme will take place from 19–21 May 2015 Venue: Riverside East, N204, Robert Gordon University, Garthdee Road, Aberdeen, AB10 7GJ The programme: Introduction The Role of the Supervisor Tuesday 19 May 0900-0915 Module 1 Coaching and Mentoring Skills for Managers Tuesday 19 May 0915-1215 Module 2 Managing Performance Tuesday 19 May 1245-1400 Module 3 Managing a Positive Working Environment and Practical Skills Exercise Wednesday 20 May 0900–1215, 1245–1400 Module 4 Part 1 Managing Change (1) Planning and Communicating Change Wednesday 20 May 1400-1600 Module 5 Managing Health and Safety Thursday 21 May 0900–1215 Module 4 Part 2 Managing Change (2) Personal Responses Thursday 21 May1245–1600 to Change NB Participants are required to attend all modules to complete the programme - please ensure all dates are available before applying. How to participate? Firstly, discuss the opportunity with your line manager and gain their support. A learning contract will form part of the programme so you can discuss support and feedback arrangements. If you wish to apply for a place please contact Fiona Lindsay - for an application form. CLOSING DATE FOR NOMINATIONS Wednesday 29 April 2015 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 14 LOCAL EVENTS ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 15 LOCAL EVENTS Free WRAP Workshop’s for Aberdeen City Penumbra is delivering WRAP workshops on wellbeing and self management. We are running 2 different training sessions on the following dates – 1. Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th April 2015 (must attend both days) – 10.00am till 4.00pm each day 2. Thursday 23rd and Friday 24th July 2015 (must attend both days) - 10.00am till 4.00pm each day The venue for both WRAP workshops: Rosemount Learning Centre, Belgrave Terrace, Aberdeen AB25 2NS *Tea, coffee will be provided – please bring your own lunch or shops are nearby* What is WRAP®? Wellness Recovery Action Planning (WRAP) helps you take more control over your own mental health recovery and wellness. It recognises that you are the expert in your own experience and there are no limits to recovery. WRAP is developed by you. You choose who assists and supports you as you work on your own plan. Two SRN (Scottish Recovery Network – Accredited WRAP Facilitators facilitate the workshop. They will describe the tool, using their experience of WRAP to support their recovery, and how they plan for their own wellness. If you are interested contact the Penumbra Aberdeen Nova Project on 01224 621266 or email: aberdeen.nova@penumbra. *Please be aware that there are limited spaces so please book quickly to avoid disappointment* ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 16 LOCAL EVENTS ARE YOU A MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE USER or CARER WHO IS INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH THE MENTAL HEALTH NURSING TEAM IN THE SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY, TO DEVELOP AND DELIVERY OUR MENTAL HEALTH COURSES? On the 13th April 2015, 2pm – 4pm we are holding an event for you to come and meet with us to continue to explore how you can influence our courses in relation to mental health nursing. The aim of the afternoon is to: Ascertain service user and carer perspectives on the areas that are important to address within curriculum To share the development of the in relation to years 1, 2 and 3 Therapeutic Practice modules To share the development to date in relation to years 2 and 3 Sciences modules To plan how service users and carers can become more involved and co-produce our modules, teaching, learning and assessment activities in relation to mental health nursing. If you are a service user or unpaid carer you will be given a £20 M&S or ASDA voucher for participating in the afternoon. Your travel expenses will also be re-imbursed, (anything over £45 will need to be agreed in advance). Employees of organisations will not have access to expenses or a voucher. Tea, coffee, water, fruit and biscuits/cakes will be provided. There are 25 places available for this event. To register for the event: please contact Clare Smith by Wednesday 8th April 2015 on 01224 262904 or email We will let you know by 12md on Friday 10th April 2015 whether you have a place and to ensure any requirements or adjustments that you need to attend, are taken account of. If you cannot attend the workshop but want your details to be added to our Public Involvement database, which means we will contact you when we are having future events, please contact Clare and give her your details. For general information please contact Debbie Banks on 01224 262688 or ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 17 LOCAL EVENTS The Alternative Pain Management Group Programme aims to support chronic pain management for anyone aged over 65, living in Aberdeen City. The 6 week course will consist of a variety of alternative therapy approaches that have been suggested to assist in the reduction or help with the management of pain. The programme is free of charge. Each week will consist of a light exercise option: Qi Gong: The art and science of using breathing techniques, gentle movement and meditation. Through learning to control your movements and breathing correctly, your mind becomes calm and focused enabling to help your body to relax. Bend and Stretch: Either seated or standing the instructor will guide you through a range of gentle stretches. It is hoped this exercise will enable you to feel energised, improve circulation whilst reducing aches and pains. Your 6 Programme plan: • Week 1: Qi Gong (60 minutes). • Week 2: Bend and stretch (modified yoga, seated option available, 60 minutes) • Week 3: Qi Gong (60 minutes). • Week 4: Bend and stretch + Relaxation Workshop (2 hours). • Week 5: Qi Gong + Aromatherapy Workshop (2 hours). • Week 6: Bend and stretch + Mindfulness workshop (2 hours). Course start dates: Torry Youth and Leisure Centre: 13/04/2015. Every Monday, from 3.30pm. Kincorth Leisure Centre: 23/04/2015. Every Thursday, from 1pm. To book your space or for any further information please contact: Laura Purnell, Wellbeing Coordinator: Tel: 07799861111. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 18 LOCAL EVENTS ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 19 LOCAL EVENTS RELATIONSHIP FIRST AID Do you work in? • Health • Housing • Finance • Social work • Social care • Early Years • Education • Employability Do the challenges your clients face impact upon their relationships…or vice versa? How well do your clients engage and communicate with you? Why do they react in the way they do? Whether you support clients, customers, patients, tenants, service users or families, Relationship First Aid is an experiential skills-based programme that will help you answer these and many more questions. The Relationship First Aid Skills Framework will enable you to:• Identify early where your clients might be struggling with relationships • Create more effective relationships with your clients • Achieve better outcomes for both your clients and your organisation Wednesday 22nd April & Wednesday 29th April 2015 9.30am– 4.30pm Aberdeen Citadel, 28 Castle Street, Aberdeen, AB11 5BG Monday 11th May & Monday 18th May 2015 9.30am– 4pm Tesco Community Room, Tesco, Harlaw Road, Inverurie, AB51 4SR Course Cost: Full 2 day programme £85 per person. Full details available on our website. To book a place contact our Training Department. Details below. To find our more about Relationship First Aid in this area contact Emma Cameron on 07760257038 E-mail: 0141 222 2166 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 20 LOCAL EVENTS Silver City Surfers @Cummings Park Community Flat 122 Cummings Park Drive Thursday, 23 April from 11am until 1pm Drop in to our free event to introduce you to the internet. Come along for a cup of tea and some cake and we'll help you to connect with computers. Whether you are a complete novice or want to brush up on the basics we will be pleased to see you. It's on bus routes 12 and 13 for Granitehill Road, we're just around the corner. Just come along or contact us for more details. Phone Donna on 01224 681357 or email ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 21 LOCAL EVENTS ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 22 LOCAL EVENTS Making Connections Finding Solutions Registered as charity by the Inland Revenue, Scottish Charity Number SCO44328 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 23 LOCAL EVENTS Dementia Care in Grampian - Call for Poster Abstracts The Dementia Care in Grampian Conference will be held on Wednesday 10th June at the AECC. There will be a poster display at the event and we are now accepting abstract submissions until 30th April - please see flyer for more details. Registration for delegates to attend the event will be open very shortly - watch this space! Inaugural ‘Dementia Care in Grampian’ Conference Wednesday 10th June 2015 Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre (AECC) Call for Poster Abstracts All delegates are invited to submit abstracts for poster presentation that support delivery of Scotland’s National Dementia Strategy 2013-2016 within NHS Grampian. Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30th April 2015 Abstracts must not exceed 400 words. Abstracts should be submitted electronically to Late abstracts will not be considered. In order to standardise the abstract layout, we ask you to read the preparation guidelines below. Guidelines for preparation and submission of abstracts: Abstracts must be submitted via email only. Abstracts submitted via fax or post will not be accepted. Please structure your abstract using the following (or similar) headings: Objectives/Situation Method/Background Results/Assessment Conclusion/Recommendation All abstracts must be submitted and presented in English using UK English spelling. After having submitted your abstract, you will receive confirmation of receipt by e-mail. Should your entry be successful, you will receive an email confirming week beginning 11th May 2015. Please note: At least one author of the abstract/poster must attend the event as a delegate. The abstract/poster author must display their poster no later than 08:30 10th June 2015. Posters should be A1 in size and please indicate if either horizontal or landscape in orientation. For further information, please email Please note, after the event, we may use images of successful posters on our forthcoming Dementia Care website. If you would not be happy for us to do this, please stipulate when you submit your abstract. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 24 LOCAL EVENTS Intellectual Property Basics for Charities This 9O-minute seminar covers the basics of protecting Intellectual Property in the charity sector. Receive free expert advice and information on what intellectual property is and how to protect it. Followed by a Q&A session with guest speaker Mike Vettese, Director of Trade Marks at Murgitroyd in Aberdeen. Thursday 3O April 12.15pm 4th Floor Seminar Room | Marischal College, Broad Street Contact Aberdeen Central Library on O1224 652511 or e-mail to reserve a place (booking essential) ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 25 LOCAL EVENTS ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 26 LOCAL EVENTS ACT in the Community Interested in drama? Are you aged 12—18 years old? We are looking for 12 young people with an interest in drama to join our Spotlighters group for six months (free of charge) (spaces are funded by Aberdeen City Council) - Join us for a free taster session on Saturday 2nd May 2015 9am—11am Mastrick Community Centre Greenfern Road Aberdeen AB16 6TR 2pm—4pm Inchgarth Community Centre Aboyne Place Aberdeen AB10 7DR 1130am—130pm Northfield Community Centre Byron Square Aberdeen AB16 7LL For more information contact Paula Gibson on 01224 635208 Or turn up on the day Arts Centre & Theatre 33 King Street Aberdeen AB24 5AA ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 27 LOCAL EVENTS ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 28 NATIONAL EVENTS To advertise an event in this E-Bulletin, please send details to Alasdair Simpson, Communications Officer at Working Towards a Collaborative Culture Wednesday, 29 April 2015 from 10:00 to 14:30 Victoria Quay, Commercial Street, EH6 6QQ, Edinburgh Free Co-produced by The Scottish Government Third Sector Unit, ACOSVO, Children in Scotland and Voluntary Health Scotland, this event will connect leaders across the sectors, facilitate dialogue and explore some of the myths of each other’s sectors. Our ambition is that this dialogue will build relationships, and contribute to the continued understanding, development and implementation of policy in relevant areas, including: Assets-Based Approaches Collaborative Learning Environments and Cultures Workforce Empowerment We are delighted to invite you to join us in these conversations, and help strengthen the connections between the third sector and the government. EXCITEMENT AT LAUNCH OF NEW SCOTTISH EXHIBITION PROMOTING INDEPENDENT LIVING Independent Living Scotland, 7-8 October 2015, SECC, Glasgow Scottish exhibition organiser, QD Events, are delighted to announce the launch of a new event with the twofold aim of offering advice, support and information for individuals living with disability or a long-term condition, and providing learning, product knowledge and networking opportunities for healthcare professionals in Scotland. Independent Living Scotland, which will take place in Hall 3 of Glasgow’s SECC on the 7th and 8th October, will bring together people with disabilities, their families and carers along with healthcare professionals to test and compare the latest products on the market, network, gain advice on what is new and identify which product is best suited for each individual need. Independent Living Scotland will run at the SECC, Glasgow, from the 7th-8th October. Admittance is free of charge to all visitors providing they have registered their details in advance at Companies wishing to take a stand should contact Lyndsey McElwee on 0141 576 3546 or email lyndsey.mcelwee@qdevents. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 29 JOB VACANCIES To advertise a job in this E-Bulletin, please send details to Alasdair Simpson, Communications Officer at asimpson@ Please note that there is a charge see back page for more details. Job adverts are also posted on our website - Location: Recovery Workers & Recovery Practitioners Aberdeen Roles Summary Penumbra is an innovative Scottish voluntary organisation working in the field of mental health. We provide a wide range of personalised and recovery focused services to adults and young people that provide practical, emotional and social support and promote recovery and social inclusion. Recovery means that people fulfil their potential and are able to live as full a life as possible. Our services promote recovery through focusing on the areas of Home, Opportunity, People and Empowerment. Services use our unique outcomes approach, I.ROC and our HOPE Toolkit as a means of ensuring our work is relevant for each person. As a Recovery Worker you will support people to establish and maintain a meaningful and fulfilling life in the community. You must demonstrate a personalised approach to support and have a passion for making a difference. You will offer hope and positivity and be willing to contribute in an innovative and creative environment. Experience of working in a supportive and enabling role and an SVQ 3 in Health and Social Care or equivalent would be welcome, however, are not essential. Reporting into the Project Support Manager you will work in cooperation with colleagues and staff from other agencies working in line Penumbra’s policies and procedures, the SSSC Code of Practice and National Care Standards to keep up to date with sector and organisational developments. Job No. N025/15 N026/15 N027/15 N028/15 Position Recovery Worker Recovery Worker Recovery Worker (Part Time) Recovery Practitioners Location Aberdeen (Ellon Road) Hours 36.25hrs Aberdeen (Ellon Road) 36.25hrs Aberdeen (Ellon Road) 18.13hrs Aberdeen SLS 36.25hrs Salary £16,099 £16,667 £16,099 £16,667 £8,049.50 £8,333.50 Closing 24/04/2015 @ 12 noon 24/04/2015 @ 12 noon 24/04/2015 @ 12 noon £17,096 – £17,976 31/03/2015 @12 noon Application form available@ Completed Applications should be returned to: or posted to Human Resources, Penumbra, Norton Park, 57 Albion Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 30 JOB VACANCIES Development Director, Moray Location: Moray Job Type: Full Time Salary: £57,470 pa Opening Date: Friday, 27 March 2015 Closing Date: Monday, 27 April 2015 Full Description Gordonstoun School is one of the most prestigious schools in the UK and is at the forefront of global education. It’s a school which can offer its students an outstanding prospect. Set within a beautiful 200-acre wooded campus only a mile from the Moray Firth and eight miles from the nearby town of Elgin, Gordonstoun prepares each student through learning by diverse experience for a full and active role as an international citizen in a changing world. They are now looking to appoint a Development Director to develop school fundraising strategies to maximise campaign income. In this key role you will be responsible for maintaining and developing existing and key relationships with potential supporters and alumni. You will also manage a small fundraising team. You will have previous experience and success in working towards a targeted fundraising campaign including experience of making a direct ‘ask’. Proven management experience and the ability to make key decisions in charity fundraising is essential for this role. If you are a strong and skilled fundraiser who is able to inspire others and, through your leadership of fundraising, play a key role in developing Gordonstoun’s educational vision then we want to hear from you! In return you will receive a salary of £57,470 with a 1.5% increase pending at 1st September 2015, as well as an excellent package which includes substantially reduced school fees, six weeks annual leave, access to a contributory pension scheme, re-location costs and an initial rental subsidy. How to Apply If you have this experience, we’d love to hear from and tell you more about this exciting and important job. Simply email for a full information pack and details about how to apply or call us on 01786 849759 for an informal discussion. Closing Date: Monday 27th April 2015 Interviews will be held on Monday 4th May 2015 This search is being conducted on behalf of Gordonstoun School by Bruce Tait Associates – Scotland’s leading voluntary sector recruitment agency. We have all worked in the voluntary sector and we use this experience to match organisations and individuals to create great charity appointments ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 31 JOB VACANCIES Relationship Counsellor Salary: £23,000 per annum/pro rata (sessional contract) Location: Aberdeen, Inverness, Peterhead Closing Date: Friday 24th April 5pm We all struggle with our relationships at different points in our lives, but accessing support early can make all the difference. The Spark, a registered charity, offers relationship counselling and support for couples, individuals and families across Scotland. The Spark is seeking to appoint relationship counsellors to their Aberdeen, Inverness and Peterhead centres. In Aberdeen/Inverness we are seeking applications from counsellors qualified to work with couples, whereas in Peterhead we are seeking counsellors to work with individual clients. You will need to possess a Diploma in Relationship Counselling or Diploma in Counselling, have a minimum of 100 hours experience of working with clients in a counselling role and have significant knowledge of attachment, relational and systemic theories. The successful candidate will be responsible for counselling allocated clients who are experiencing relationship difficulties in a secure and confidential setting, in order to support and facilitate enhanced relationships and personal wellbeing. We can offer you the opportunity to join our charitable organisation that is growing and developing throughout Scotland. We will also support you towards COSCA membership and accreditation; provide supervision and a varied CPD programme. The full Job Description and Application Form can be found here For an informal discussion prior to applying please contact Emma Cameron on 07760257038 or email GRAMPIAN WOMEN’S AID Refuge/Crises Support Worker, Aberdeen City - Maternity Cover Grampian Women’s Aid has delivered domestic abuse services across Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire for more than 30 years. We aim to provide an outstanding level of service provision to support the needs of women, children and young people who have experienced, or are presently experiencing domestic abuse. We require a Support Worker to cover for maternity in one of our Refuges in Aberdeen City. The worker will provide women who have experienced domestic abuse and who are living in temporary refuge accommodation provided by Grampian Women’s Aid with the necessary and appropriate support. Salary range - £19,857 - £20,931 pro rota for 20 hours Please get in touch with Dorothy McDonald or Alison Hay for further information and an application pack: Or telephone: 01224 593381 This role is subject to PVG scheme checks. Women only need apply. This post is covered by a Genuine Occupational Requirement (Schedule 9; Equality Act 2010) Closing date – 26th April 2015 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 32 JOB VACANCIES Service Manager Ref: 1701 Closing date: 27-Apr-2015 Aberdeenshire £26,567 - £28,635 (39 hours per week) Cornerstone are one of the leading providers of care and support services in Scotland for people with disabilities and other support needs. We are looking for an enthusiastic Service Manager to join the team in North Aberdeenshire. You will have excellent planning, organising and communication skills to ensure the effective running of your service with the ability to be flexible as on call duties to support our services will be required on a rotational basis. You will be required to demonstrate knowledge and a commitment to service and staff development and of personalisation and involvement. Joint working with other professionals, agencies, and the contracts and commissioning team will be essential. You will hold an SVQ4 or equivalent in care along with a management qualification, or be working towards this. You must have a minimum of one years experience working at management level. Closing date for all applications is Monday 27th April with interviews being held on Friday 15th May in Peterhead. Applications should be submitted via our recruitment website:- For an informal discussion please contact Wendy McManus on 07584 210 229 or Amanda Nicolson on 01224 256 000. Quality & Performance Coordinator Ref: 1700 Closing date: 17-Apr-2015 £22,224 - £25,316 (36.25 hours per week) This role has a national remit and can be based in Aberdeen, Glasgow or Dundee. Every day across Scotland, Cornerstone provides care and support services for adults, children and young people with disabilities and other support needs. We are looking for an enthusiastic, professional and highly committed individual to join our Quality and Performance team. This is a new appointment. The postholder will work in collaboration with operational and business support staff across the country to ensure that quality is promoted, managed and monitored efficiently and effectively throughout the organisation. Reporting to the Quality & Performance Manager, the Quality & Performance coordinator will support the work of the team and ensure that we continue to provide the highest standard of services to the people we support. For an informal discussion about the role and expectations please contact Hilary Bennison (Quality & Performance Manager) on 07825050018 or John Grant (Deputy Chief Exectuive) on 07825050003 Closing date for applications is Friday 17th April at 12 noon with interviews being held on Wednesday 29th April 2015 in Aberdeen. Applications should be submitted via our recruitment website:- For an informal discussion please contact John Grant on 07825 050 003 or Hilary Bennison on 07825 050 018. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 33 JOB VACANCIES CLAN Cancer Support – Shop Assistant – Full Time CLAN Cancer Support has a very good reputation for selling high quality goods in all our charity shops. We have a number of shops that generate much needed income which enables CLAN to continue to deliver, free of charge, the support services that we do in all areas we support. All money generated from goods sold goes directly towards services for anyone affected by cancer across the North East of Scotland, Orkney and Shetland. We are currently recruiting for a Full Time Shop Assistant in Aberdeen. As part of the team of Shop Assistants, the post holder will have particular responsibility for the on-going daily co-ordination and provision of a profitable CLAN Cancer Support shop. This post will be supported by the Senior Shop Manager and Shop Manager, and as part of our present team of Shop Assistants be the main focus for all shop related activity. Suitable candidate will be a team player with a proven track record in retail and experience of customer relations. Closing date: Friday 24th April 2015 17:00 For a full application pack please either visit our website or contact Nici Armstrong at CLAN House on or 01224647000. For detailed information regarding the role please contact Lorna Gates Senior Shop Manager or Kirsty Macdonald Shop Manager either in store or by calling 01224 622894. CLAN CANCER SUPPORT - Registered Scottish charity No.SC022606 INNOVATION AND ACHIEVEMENT UNDER ONE ROOF BE PART OF IT! FINANCIAL CAPABILITY OFFICER x 1.5 posts Salary £17,934 - £19,565 (Fixed term contract until 31 March 2016) Grampian Housing Association Ltd currently serves more than 3,000 households in North East Scotland. GHA seeks to appoint a Financial Capability Officer to its SMART Financial Inclusion Project funded by the Scottish Government’s People and Communities Fund, The Officer would provide financial health-checks and budgeting advice, including welfare benefits advice, to clients referred by CFINE or NESCU or other partners in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire and to those approaching the Food Banks. The successful candidate will have knowledge of a range of financial inclusion issues and welfare benefits as well as the ability to communicate effectively and concisely both verbally and in writing with internal and external contacts. In return we offer a modern work environment, ongoing professional development, flexible working and a contributory pension scheme. A driving licence and use of a car is essential for this post. Place on the salary scale commensurate with experience. This post will be subject to a Basic Disclosure Scotland record check. For more information and to apply online, please visit Closing date: 24 April 2015 Interview Date: w/c 6 May 2015 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 34 JOB VACANCIES Project Summary: Inspiring Opportunity Employment Officer – Café Academy Ref: 1512 39 Hours per week Salary - £20,248 per annum, pro rata Café Academy offers work-focussed training within the customer service and hospitality industries for unemployed individuals who have a support need. The 11 week course is delivered through a series of workshops, accredited training sessions, food focussed outings, and placements in Café Coast and with other local employers. Both Inspire and North East Scotland College are responsible for the training. We have an exciting opportunity available for someone to join our team, Inspire Ventures Ltd in the position of Employment Officer. The purpose of the Employment Officer is to develop and maximise the impact of our training programmes within our social enterprises. The post holder will cooperate with both their line manager and other stakeholders to assist individuals with learning disabilities and other support needs to maximise their opportunities to find meaningful and sustainable employment or supported work. We are looking for someone who has significant experience of working with people with disabilities, confident communication skills and has the ability to self motivate. DESIRED EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS Experience in employability with people with disabilities An A1 Assessor Qualification Food Hygiene Certificate A track record of working with employers to secure employment opportunities This post may include evening and weekend work. For informal enquiries and a job description post please contact Louise Coyle, Recruitment/Learning & Development Coordinator on 01224 289028. Applications should be emailed to or posted to: Recruitment Department, Head Office, Beach Boulevard, Aberdeen, AB24 5HP Closing date: 16/04/2015 Interviews: 21/04/2015 Inspire PTL is an equal opportunities employer and positively encourages applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity. All applicants who have a disability and meet the minimum requirements for the job will be interviewed. Scottish Charity No. SC000038. Inspire, Beach Boulevard, Aberdeen, AB24 5HP 01224 280005 Scottish Charity No. SC000038 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 35 JOB VACANCIES Climate Change: Project Manager Salary: (SCP: 27-30) £24,134- £26,728 (Part time pro rata) Part Time: 20 Hours per Week (3-4 days per week) Fixed Term Contract until 31 March 2016 Closing Date for Application: Wednesday 15 April 2015 Expected Interview Date: Monday 27 April 2015. We are looking for an experienced Project Manager for successful delivery of the project. The ideal candidate will have clear understanding of carbon foot print reduction and capacity to engage with community groups. Minimum requirement for the post is graduate on the relevant field or should be able to demonstrate equivalent experience. Must have excellent communication skills and ability to network and build relationships. Must be computer literate, ability to write precise reports and managing outreach workers and volunteers, must be willing to travel for meetings and training as required. Apply with CVs and covering letter to: Aberdeen Multicultural Centre, 427 George Street, Aberdeen, AB25 1ER Tel: 01224 478203 E-mail: or for informal discussion please call Ahashan Habib: 07588529412 Climate Change: Outreach Worker- 2 Posts Salary: (SCP: 19-22) £19,220- £21,318 (Part time pro rata) Part Time: 12 Hours per Week (2-3 days per week) Fixed Term Contract until 31 March 2016 Closing Date for Application: Wednesday 15 April 2015 Expected Interview Date: Monday 27 April 2015. We are looking for someone with experience of community engagement activities. The ideal candidate will have clear understanding of carbon foot print reduction and capacity to engage with community groups. In addition to this you will have excellent communication skills, communication in Bengali with the target community is desirable. You will also be enthusiastic and have an understanding of the minority ethnic communities in Aberdeen city. You will be computer literate, have the ability to write precise reports and must be willing to travel for meetings and training as required. Apply with CVs and covering letter to: Aberdeen Multicultural Centre, 427 George Street, Aberdeen, AB25 1ER Tel: 01224 478203 E-mail: or for informal discussion please call Ahashan Habib: 07588529412 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 36 VOLUNTEERING If you are interested in volunteering or want to find out more about involving volunteers in your organisation please contact the volunteer’s centre on 01224 686076/77 or email A full range of opportunities are also available on the website LATEST VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES IN ABERDEEN INCLUDE: Home-Start Aberdeen - Home Visiting Volunteers: Home-Start Aberdeen have a great team of volunteers and increasing numbers of local families need our help. In response to this increased need, Home-Start Aberdeen has launched a campaign to recruit 50 new volunteers in 50 weeks! Our Home Visiting Volunteers provide support such as: - Visit a family regularly, usually once a week for a couple of hours. - Reassure parents that difficulties they experience are not unique to them. - Encourage parents to use local resources. - Help the family get out – perhaps to keep appointments, shopping or taking family to parks, etc. - Encourage parents, by highlighting the positive aspects of their parenting. - Play with the children/give the parent some space and time for themselves. - Volunteers can share their own parenting experiences and quite often they can be a listening ear. All volunteers attend a preparation course which is usually one session per week for eight weeks. Volunteers are also required to provide two references and complete an enhanced disclosure check. At the end of the course, volunteers will be introduced to a family by a Co-ordinator. This Co-ordinator will continue to support the volunteer throughout the time they are visiting the family. Volunteers visit families weekly in their own home. Volunteers receive regular support and supervision from their Co-ordinator and also ongoing training sessions approximately 3 times per year. This offers an ideal opportunity for personal development and also a chance to meet up with other volunteers. Volunteers receive out-of-pocket expenses. For more information please contact: Tel: (01224) 693545 / E-Mail: CHILDREN 1ST-Volunteer Marshals for Baker Hughes: CHILDREN 1ST is delighted to be taking part in the fantastic Aberdeen Baker Hughes 10k. To support us in this we have great opportunities for people to assist as Volunteer Marshals. The event takes place on Sunday 17th May 2015 (meet at the Beach Boulevard, Aberdeen) and we are recruiting volunteers now. All help is greatly appreciated and supports CHILDREN 1ST in our vital work with children and young people. A brilliant opportunity to be part of an exciting event and help a major charity at the same time. For more information please contact: Caitlin Woods Tel No: 0131 319 8067 / E Mail: For more information about volunteering in Aberdeen and ACVO please visit uk and ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 37 VOLUNTEERING DOES YOUR ORGANISATION NEED BUSINESS SKILLED VOLUNTEERS? Do you have business skills and time available to assist in your local community? Do you run an organisation which has skills gaps within its personnel? Volunteering is fun, beneficial, valued and makes a real difference to society. Volunteers are not paid for their time and energy which makes them priceless to an organisation. Volunteering is a choice made by an individual to be involved in an activity which benefits either the environment, local community or someone. Many of us have had or are having careers through which we have gained much experience and expertise. Volunteering is a means where your business skills can be put to good use for the benefit of organisations operating across a wide spectrum of communities throughout our great city of Aberdeen. Not only does volunteering make a big difference in the lives of others, it can also provide you with the experience needed to further your career or keep your skills up to date. Volunteers have the opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people, have fun, gain a sense of belonging in the local community and help a favourite charity achieve far more than would otherwise be possible. Volunteers make a huge difference. In Aberdeen it is estimated around 52,000 people volunteer, contributing around 4.4 million hours every year. The economic impact of volunteering to Aberdeen is thought to be a staggering £67.3 million annually. With so many opportunities there has never been a better time to get involved in volunteering. ACVO exists to involve, represent, support and develop not-forprofit organisations by finding business skilled volunteers to fill gaps in a charity’s personnel base. The hours of volunteering are flexible to fit in with a volunteer’s availability. ACVO’S BUSINESS SKILLED VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME The Business Skilled Volunteers Programme operates within the Aberdeen city boundary and aims to match business skilled volunteers and professionals to organisations requiring specific skills, allowing the organisation to expand its range of activities. Many organisations desperately need additional resources but lack the time or finances needed to recruit suitably skilled workers. Organisations are in constant need of volunteers with skills in areas such as Accountancy, Business Planning, Human Resources and staffing issues, Information Technology, Training, Marketing, Project Management, Strategic Management and Training. ACVO assists business-skilled volunteers find challenging and rewarding opportunities, often in roles where they can provide leadership, advice and professional support. Skilled volunteers can have a major impact on the future success of the organisation, perhaps becoming a trustee on the board of management to guide it through difficult decisions. Contact Ian Gourlay (, the Skilled Volunteer Advisor at AVCO who produces a list of organisation’s skills gaps which is sent to potential volunteers at the beginning of each month. He’s waiting to hear from you! ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 38 VOLUNTEERING 㻲㻵㻺㻰㻌㼅㻻㼁㻾㻌㻲㻻㻯㼁㻿㻌 㻲㻸㻵㻼㻌㼅㻻㼁㻾㻌㻌 are you aged 18-26? do you have aspergers and additional mental health conditions? Are you struggling and would like support? is a new peer mentoring initiative aimed at • reducing • developing • promoting • supporting you to •in a i Located @the one stop shop, 9 queens gardens, aberdeen To find out more information Contact Nicola McIlraith e: t: 07594 085024 f: NAS One Stop Shop North East ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 39 VOLUNTEERING Volunteering Opportunity Community Fundraiser Dreams Come True works to fulfil the dreams for children and young people with serious and life-limiting conditions aged between 2 and 21 years old. Fulfilling a dream can help a child or young person to think beyond their illness or disability and focus on something highly positive and empowering. The experience can create amazing memories for entire families. Over the years, we’ve arranged for thousands of children and young people to meet their heroes, enjoy amazing experiences, visit special places and more. For some, a dream is simply to enjoy everyday activities so we’re also happy to provide specialist items such as disability trikes, wheelchair swings, sensory equipment and technology. • Have you seen our latest video? Find out what a dream really means to the children and young people we help. Watch it now Dreams Come True is currently helping to fulfil the dreams of life limited and seriously ill children in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. We are looking for dedicated volunteers to help us raise awareness. Volunteers are vital for the charity to continue to fulfil the dreams of life limited and seriously ill children in the local area. There are many different ways you can get involved with the charity • Organise events such as Quiz nights, dinner/dances, balls, family fun days, cake sales, sporting events, raffles, walks, the list is endless! • Help us at organised events, such as bag packs, family fun days, awareness days, bucket collections, balls, dinner/auctions, cheer at sporting events, represent us at cheque presentations. • Present the charity to different community groups, businesses and schools. • Encourage your work place to get involved with Dreams Come True As a Dreams Come True volunteer you will be giving an induction to the charity with continued ongoing training and support. We will work with you throughout your volunteering and support you in any events you plan. This role is home based but will require you to work in the local community, therefore we ask volunteers to be 18+ and may be required to have a DBS check. For more information please contact Claire- or telephone 01428 726331 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 40 Advertising Advertising in the ACVO E-Bulletin The E-Bulletin will keep you up-to-date with the latest news, consultations, funding opportunities, jobs, volunteering opportunities and forthcoming events relevant to the Third Sector in Aberdeen City. The E-Bulletin is sent out every Friday to over 2,000 subscribers. It is free for third sector organisations to advertise news, services and events in the E-Bulletin; the deadline for submitting content is every Thursday at noon. Format for Articles/Advertisements: For the ACVO E-Bulletin guidelines, please visit: Non-Third Sector Advertising: • Articles/adverts must be directly relevant to the third sector. • Charges apply – see below ACVO E-Bulletin – Advertising Prices Services & Events Third and Public Sector Private Sector Advert (Up to a full A4 page) Free £100 per advert* Job Vacancies (Third Sector and CPP only) Third Sector Community Planning Aberdeen Partners Advert (Up to a full A4 page) Member £50 per advert Member Non-Member £100 per advert Non-Member £100 per advert £150 per advert Fees introduced on the 1st April 2013 and revised on 6th March 2015 For details of ACVO membership, please click here. *Discount for Aberdeen Impact Affiliates. Affiliation is by invitation, for more information please click here. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 41
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