Date: 26th March 2015 Issue: 478 E-Bulletin Leadership Training Course The Big Aberdeen Clean Up 2015 As part of Big Aberdeen we are encouraging everyone to get involved with Clean Up Aberdeen. From the 27th of March, when the campaign launches we are asking you to pick up one piece of litter. While this may seem like a small contribution if everyone who gets this bulletin picks up one piece that is over 2000 bits of litter gone from Aberdeen! Date: 10th April 2015 Time: 0930 - 1630 Location: 38 Castle Street, AB11 5YU Cost: £80 (15% Discount for ACVO Members) The aim of this training course is to explore the concepts and practice of leadership. Clean Up Scotland is a mass-engagement campaign to involve one million people in action against litter and mess. It is a national coalition of organisations and people from all places and all backgrounds who want Scotland to shine. This campaign is being organised and led nationally by Keep Scotland Beautiful, supported by the Scottish Government through its Zero Waste Scotland programme. Aberdeen City Council is fully committed to supporting the campaign and is running its own local Clean Up Aberdeen campaign alongside the national campaign. The Environmental Services team seeks your help to make Aberdeen’s campaign a successful one. • Pledge your support campaign via • Register a Clean Up of your local community with friends and family, work colleagues or your community group. Clean Ups are great fun and make a noticeable difference to areas. Environmental Services can lend you litter picking tongs, high viz vests, gloves and black bags and will uplift the collected rubbish. All you have to do is pick and bag the litter. For more details, or to get help organising an event call 01224 219281, or email • Send in photos from clean ups to add to ‘Litter Wall of Fame’ on council website. • Awards will be given to our Clean Up Champions over the course of the year. • Encourage all residents to identify and report litter problems. To subscribe/unsubscribe to the ACVO E-Bulletin or to send contributions or comments, please contact Alasdair Simpson, Communications Officer at ACVO, 38 Castle Street, Aberdeen, AB11 5YU Tel: (01224) 686055 | Email: | Web: Facebook: ACVOAberdeenVolunteerCentre | Twitter: @Aberdeen_ACVO The opinions expressed in this E-Bulletin are not necessarily the opinion of ACVO All material is copyright of ACVO unless otherwise stated Please note that some weblinks are only valid for a short period of time ACVO News Training Shows the Way Ahead for Equalities INSIDE THIS E-BULLETIN QUICK LINKS ACVO NEWS NEWS FUNDING LOCAL EVENTS NATIONAL EVENTS GREC-Grampian Regional Equality Council and ACVO undertook important training with Langstane Housing Association to help progress equality and raise awareness of Prejudice Incident reporting. The ‘Equality for All’ training covered 3 key aspects: -Equality and Diversity -Recognising and Reporting Prejudice Incidents and Hate Crime -Sources of Help and Support VACANCIES VOLUNTEERING ADVERTISING It was the first time GREC and ACVO have linked up this way and more training is being planned. GREC and ACVO were delighted with the positive way the training was received. The enthusiasm from training participants was impressive and the strong commitment Langstane Housing Association has to equality and providing the best service to all tenants and customers was very evident. Ash Reid, Support Services Manager added ‘Langstane HA promotes equality for all its staff and customers. This new course was an ideal opportunity for our team to spend some time learning about recognising discrimination and handling prejudice incidents.’ *For more information regarding training provided by GREC and ACVO please contact Louise Farmer or Mike Melvin: tel: 01224 595505 / 01224 686076; e-mail: / for more details So Why Don’t You… Remember to listen in to the ACVO and SHMU team on SHMU FM Community Radio station – 99.8FM and online at: this Wednesday at 2.00pm and also repeated on a Monday morning 9-10am. This weeks ‘So Why Don’t You……’ programme is packed full of the latest ACVO, Third Sector, community news and volunteering updates brought to you by ‘Mike on the Mic’ from ACVO and SHMU’s ‘Rod on the Radio’. There are great special guests every week who highlight the work they are undertaking, how it makes a difference and how listeners can get involved as volunteers. Forthcoming guests include RVS-Royal Voluntary Service, Rosies Enterprises/ Turning Point Scotland, Childline, Future Choices, VSA/Carers Point, Advocacy Service Aberdeen, Dreams Come True and the Youth Outreach Bus. Remember to tune in…… ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 2 NEWS The Street Store - Aberdeen A worldwide initiative aimed at providing clothes to those who need them most is set to open up shop for the first time in Aberdeen. Originating in South Africa, The Street Store is an open source scheme that encourages volunteers to source clothes and create an outdoor pop-up shop for those in need. After successful events all around the world, from Vancouver and Cape Town to Sao Paulo and San Diego, a group of Aberdeen students is set to bring the innovative campaign to the Granite City in partnership with leading homeless charity Aberdeen Cyrenians. Aberdeen’s first Street Store event will take place on the upper deck of the St Nicholas Centre on Saturday, March 28, and is being organised by 26 year-old PhD student Niki Lacey. On hearing about the initiative through the internet, Niki and a group of friends decided to bring the shop to the north-east and have enlisted the help of Aberdeen Cyrenians in order to make sure as many people as possible, who perhaps would benefit from a clothing donation, know about the event. The response to various requests for clothing has already been incredibly positive, with bags of items already being donated that will enable those in need to come along to the event and pick garments free of charge. Niki, who is studying deep sea ecology at The University of Aberdeen, said: “I initially came across the Street Store initiative through Facebook. After watching the video showing other Street Store events from around the world, I realised that Aberdeen would be the perfect place for the first event of this type in Scotland. I’ve lived in Aberdeen for three years, studying here, and really have loved every minute of it. I’ve always wanted to do something for the city and the simple but effective Street Store format is the perfect opportunity. “Aberdeen Cyrenians is the ideal charity to partner with on this project. Hopefully the day will complement the fantastic work it does in the city. It would be amazing if this eventually turned into the first of many such events in Aberdeen and beyond.” Rachel Sanders, fundraising officer at Aberdeen Cyrenians, said: “The response and donations that are already coming in have blown us away and we’re really looking forward to what is sure to be a fantastic event that will be a great help to so many people who are perhaps in need of some new items of clothing. It really will be there for those who need it the most. We can receive donations right up until the day and we really are grateful for anything that comes forward, no matter how big or small you think it may be. A donation really can make a massive difference.” The first Aberdeen Street Store will run from 12pm until 4pm at the upper deck of the St Nicholas Centre on Saturday, March 28. More information on the Street Store initiative can be found at or by visiting Aberdeen Cyrenian’s dedicated Facebook and Twitter pages. Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Update Visit the link below to access the 100th and, last in it’s current form, issue of the Aberdeen City Health and Social Care Partnership Update. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 3 NEWS Aberdeen City Voice 35th City Voice Questinnaire - call for questions Aberdeen City Voice are looking for questions for their 35th Questionaire, due to be issued in June 2015 with results expected in August. Aberdeen City Voice is a panel of Aberdeen City residents who are contacted on a regular basis to ask for their views on a wide range of issues that affect their community. At the moment around 1,000 residents are on the City Voice Panel and are sent 3 questionnaires a year. The City Voice is supported by Aberdeen’s Community Planning Partnership, and covers a wide range of topics. If you are interested in submitting some questions to the City Voice please consult the questionnaire guidance below. Guidance for Submitting Questions Questionnaire Guidance Please ensure all questions for the 35th questionnaire are submitted to Sharon Wilkinson ( uk), on the proforma, by Wednesday 22 April 2015. Once the questions are submitted, you will be invited to attend the Editorial Board meeting on Wednesday 6th January 2015 at 10am (Marischal college, room 4-w-01) to discuss and review your questions. It is essential that you or a representative are able to attend the Editorial Board meeting to discuss your questions. If you do not attend your questions will be removed. ACVO is happy to take questions forward to the editorial board on behalf of the third sector. City Centre Masterplan Consultation Aberdeen City Council are looking for the views of as many people as possible on the draft city centre Masterplan as it nears the final stage. The Masterplan is a key document that will influence the shape of the city centre for years to come. This is particularly important now that ACC have been given the green light to negotiate with the cabinet office on the proposals for the £2.9bn City Region deal. Details of the plans can be found through the following link: To raise awareness, ACC would be grateful if you could distribute the attached brochure with questionnaire and the survey link below to encourage your service users/members/staff to respond with their comments. The survey link is: If you require hard copies of the brochures or if you have any questions please direct them to Louise MacSween via email on The consultation closes on 29th March so ACC would be appreciative if you could circulate to your lists as soon as possible. OFFICE TO LET within Port Elphinstone Community House Please contact: 01467 625206 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 4 NEWS Advocate to Make a Difference in 2015 Do you enjoy meeting people? Are you a good listener? Advocacy Service Aberdeen (ASA) is running a new training course for volunteers which is planned to start late spring 2015 in the city. Volunteer advocates need to be confident and good at expressing themselves as their main role is to help people communicate with professionals. Advocacy offers a great opportunity to make a real difference to people’s lives: volunteers advocates help people to take control over their lives and make their voices heard. ASA, which was founded in 1996, seeks to empower vulnerable members of the community by offering their clients free and confidential support. The charity provides a key service to individuals, some of whom have mental health issues or learning disabilities, to help them understand their rights and make informed decisions. Training and Volunteer Co-ordinator, Catherine Whiteman, says “ I feel it takes a special kind of person to become a volunteer, we look for people who enjoy meeting people and who, above all, are good listeners. Our volunteers need to be confident and good at expressing themselves as their main role is to help people communicate with professionals” “We accept people of all ages and from all walks of life who want to give something back to the community. Of course, it can sometimes be a challenging role but it’s also hugely rewarding.” Advocacy provides a high level of training to all its new recruits. All volunteers are fully trained in the skills needed to become an advocate nd fully supported when they start to volunteer. Catherine said: “It’s a wonderful way to put something back into the community and have your volunteer work valued. It’s not just about what our volunteers are doing for our clients but what they can gain through the process themselves.” For more information about becoming a volunteer advocate, or enrol in the new training course, please call Catherine on 01224 332366 for an application pack, or to arrange to visit the office for a chat. Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs Survey Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs are carrying out a survey in conjunction with the University of Edinburgh. The main purpose of this study is: • to explore the impact & harms experienced by families/close others of those who use alcohol and/or other drugs • to promote discussion and add knowledge about how this issue affects families/close others & what services can do for the affected persons. • to use the information to engage with the wider community, policy makers and health professionals involved with implementing alcohol and/or other drug strategies in Scotland. We are looking for people to take part in the 15 minute telephone survey who have been affected by a loved one’s substance use. The questions mainly relate to the person’s emotional wellbeing. Once all the questionnaires have been completed they will be analysed. This will give us important information to explore the impact & harms experienced by families/close others affected. This will give Scottish Families an evidence-base and it is hoped to lead to further funding and projects in order to continue to and give support in Scotland. If you know anyone that might want to take part in the survey please contact Kate on 0141 221 0544 or to find out more, and arrange a time suitable for you for a call back. Full details also available on our website - http://www. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 5 NEWS Sector Struggle Reflected in Two Survey Results Two separate ‘state of the sector’ reports were published this week. The 2015 version of an annual set of surveys, ‘Managing in the New Normal’ was run by Charity Finance Group, Institute of Fundraising and PwC. Over 400 charities responded, with seventy per cent experiencing an increase in demand for services in the last 12 months, and the same number expecting an increase in the next year. A majority of respondents identified public funding cuts as the most important challenge facing the sector and 40% of charities say that they are not sufficiently resourced to meet rising demand for their services, up from 27% for 2014. Other highlights include: • 41% of respondents plan to explore new fundraising options in the next 12 months • Investing in fundraising remains a popular strategy with 45% intending to increase fundraising in current areas of focus and 41% plan to start fundraising in new areas over the next 12 months • Top priorities for the next government are to ensure the sustainability of the sector, promoting charitable giving, and protecting the independence of the sector. • Public sector income remains the main area of financial concern • Some 57% of charities reported an increase in staff level in the past 12 months, an increase from last year The Charities Aid Foundation and the Association of Chief Executives Voluntary Organisations published ‘Social Landscape – the state of charities and social enterprises in 2015’. The headline from CAF’s press release is: One in seven charities are ‘struggling to survive’. And a third of charities have dipped into their reserves to cover an income shortfall in the last year, according to the survey of 572 voluntary sector chief executives. Scotland’s Benefit Sanction Hotspots Article orginally written by Robert Armour, TFN Read More - Aberdeenshire has been revealed as Scotland’s benefit sanction hotspot – with 10 sanctions for every 100 claimants. The revelation comes in a report produced by English homeless charity Crisis which warns of a postcode lottery in the use of sanctions across the UK. Benefit Sanctions and Homelessness - conducted for Crisis by the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research at Sheffield Hallam University - comes as a UK parliamentary inquiry on sanctions prepares to deliver its findings later this month. It uncovers wide variations in how rules are being applied on the ground and provides evidence of large numbers of unfair or inappropriate decisions, with particular concern over the impact on homeless people. It warns that homeless people may be disproportionately affected by sanctions, with many facing obstacles that make it harder for them to meet the conditions of the regime, including mental and physical health problems, a history of domestic violence and poor literacy and IT skills. The report also looks at evidence suggesting that sanctions can increase people’s risk of becoming homeless, leaving them struggling with debt and without enough money for food, rent or heating. Total sanctions (per 100 claimnets) 1. Aberdeenshire: 10.0 2. Clackmananshire: 9.7 3. East Renfrewshire: 9.1 4. Angus: 8.0 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 6 FUNDING If you need to discuss any funding issues for your organisation, please do not hesitate to contact ACVO’s Funding and Business Planning Officer, Alison Chandler on (01224) 686054 or e-mail Aberdeen Harbour Board - Community Action Fund 2015 The above Fund will be open for Sponsorship Applications from 2nd February to 31st March 2015 To apply, please visit: Please read Application Guidance Notes before completing the Application Form. Forms can be posted to: External Relations – Sponsorship, Aberdeen Harbour Board, 16 Regent Quay Aberdeen AB11 5SS or emailed to: Aberdeen City Council’s Cultural Awards Project Funding Aberdeen City Council’s Cultural Awards Project Funding scheme offers funding to local not-for-profit arts organisations and community groups to deliver cultural projects in Aberdeen. Grants of up to £10,000 are available to support a maximum of 50% of the total project costs. Remaining project costs can include a combination of funding and in-kind contributions, but must include at least 25% funding from a source external to the Council. Applications will be considered from any organisation, community group, partnerships or individual who has: • An ability to deliver high quality cultural activity. • Not-for-profit status. • An appropriate governance structure. • An equal opportunities statement or policy. • Relevant accounting procedures. • A clear requirement for support. Proposals will be considered for any type of high quality, aspirational and accessible arts and culture project, including: • Community arts workshops. • Heritage trails. • Networking events. • Visual arts exhibitions. The deadline for applications is 27 April 2015 (9am). Full details can be found on the Aberdeen City Council website Aviva Community Fund Insurance specialists Aviva have created the Aviva Community Fund, which will offer from £1,000 to £25,000 to local community groups and organisations. Anyone in the UK can now nominate a local group, club or charity to have the chance to receive funding. There will be 362 recipients. The entries with the highest number of votes from the public will be selected as finalists to go through to the judging phase. The winners will receive their funding in July 2015. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 7 FUNDING The Creative Breaks Funding Programme Creative Breaks provides grants to third sector organisations working in Scotland to increase the range and choice of short break opportunities for carers of adults, kinship carers, young carers and the people they care for. The programme will distribute around £1 million of Scottish Government funding in 2015. The deadline for applications is Noon, Friday 8th May 2015. Interested? The application form and guidance notes are on the Shared Care Scotland website including information about the fund. You can apply for grant either to develop short break services or for funding to establish your own small grant scheme for carers so that carers can then pay for the short break that’s right for them. Our maximum grant is £50,000 for one year. Successful applications will receive their grant in September 2015. Creative Breaks Application Workshop Aberdeenshire Shared Care Scotland Events Wednesday, 1 April 2015 from 11:00 to 13:00 (BST) Lochter Activity Centre, Inverurie Creative Breaks Applicant Workshop, open to Third Sector Organisations planning on submitting an application to the Creative Breaks Fund. The fund makes grants to third sector organisations to extend the range and reach of short breaks for carers and those they care for. The workshop will explain the process of making an application to the fund and will help applicants to make the most of their application. The workshop will last for 2 hours followed by a free networking lunch. New Funding Available for Local Groups in Aberdeen Local groups and organisations with great ideas to make their communities an even better place to live are now invited to apply for funding to turn their ideas into reality. People’s Health Trust has just launched Active Communities in the north of Scotland – a funding programme for local people wanting to create fairer places to grow, live, work and age. Using money raised by HealthKind through The Health Lottery, People’s Health Trust is looking to invest in projects that support people living in the most disadvantaged neighbourhoods of Aberdeenshire, Higland, Moray, Nah-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles) Shetland and Orkney Islands. Active Communities is a funding programme for not-for-profit groups with an income of less than £350,000 a year, or an average of £350,000 over two years, seeking investment of between £5,000 and £50,000 for projects lasting up to two years. Projects could be almost anything that encourages strong connections between people, and that help people to make their communities or neighbourhoods even better places to grow, live, work and age. We’re looking for small and local projects, genuinely designed and run by local people. By small, we mean just a small group of people on an estate, in a few streets or villages. We’re also looking for great ideas from communities of interest. By this we mean a group of people who have something in common and wish to come together to address something that is important to them. These ideas could be based in one neighbourhood, or cover a wider area. The closing date for applications is 1.00pm on Wednesday 15 April 2015. To apply for funding, visit ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 8 FUNDING NHS Grampian Endowment Funds Community Small Grants Scheme (up to £5,000) Community Small Grants (CSG) are available for projects that will directly benefit the health of residents in Grampian. Grants are available for “not for profit” organisations and registered charities. NHS Grampian’s 2020 Vision looks forward to how healthcare will be delivered at the end of this decade and beyond. The aim is to provide integrated and personcentred care which enables people to remain in their own communities and for hospital admissions to be minimised. New technologies can help with this aim, and projects which include the innovative use of technology are particularly welcome. Carers play an important role in caring for our residents, particularly older people, and projects may include elements which support carers in their role. Match funding is not essential, but details should be entered on the application form if there is more than one funder of the project. The activity for which the grant has been sought, must begin within six months from the grant being approved. For an application form and guidance notes, please contact: Sheena Lonchay, Operational Manager for NHS Grampian Charities, Finance Department, Westholme, Woodend Hospital, Queen’s Road, Aberdeen AB15 6XS. Email: sheena.lonchay@ or call 01224 556721 Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards The Santander Social Enterprise Development Awards aim to support social enterprises and charities with trading activities looking to grow their business and improve their local community. The Development Awards are targeted at established social ventures that have ambitions to develop their organisation but need a financial boost to help them realise their potential. SEDA is an annual competition with winners selected on the strength of their business plan for growth. The deadline for applications is 10 April 2015. If your venture could use a Development Award of up to £10,000 read more at - the%20Awards DCLG - Women’s Empowerment Fund The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) has launched a new one-off £250,000 fund to support women and give them the confidence to speak out against abuse and child sexual exploitation within their communities. The Government has created this fund to help overcome some of the barriers reported in the recent Jay and Casey inquiries into the child sexual abuse in Rotherham, which found that there is a reluctance to discuss the subject and challenge abusive behaviour. The new funding is one of a number of measures being announced by the Government as part of a national action plan to prevent further child sexual exploitation, better support victims, and hold those responsible to account. Voluntary and community groups, including faith groups, who work with women can apply for grants of between £2,000 and £20,000 to support local community engagement projects for the financial year 2015 to 2016. It is anticipated that between 10 and 20 grants will be awarded. Groups must demonstrate they can work with women who find it difficult to get their voices heard. The deadline for applications is 31 March 2015 (noon). Full details can be found at ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 9 LOCAL EVENTS To advertise an event in this E-Bulletin, please send details to Alasdair Simpson, Communications Officer at ACVO TRAINING PROGRAMME 2015 Below and on the next few pages are the first lot of courses we will be running in 2015. Click on the title to be taken to the booking information or visit Leadership Training Course Date: 10th April 2015 Time: 0930 - 1630 Location: 38 Castle Street, AB11 5YU Cost: £80 (15% Discount for ACVO Members) The aim of this training course is to explore the concepts and practice of leadership. By the end of the course participants will have: • Discussed styles of decision making and their application in different leadership situations • Considered strategies for influencing others • Explored ideas of leading change in organisations • Discussed motivational theory and how it applies to your staff and volunteers • Defined practical actions to take away Presentation Skills Training Date: 17th April Venue: ACVO, 38 Castle Street, Time: 9.30 – 4.30 Cost: £80 (15% discount for ACVO members) Do these scenarios sound familiar? • Intense anxiety prior to, or simply at the thought of having to verbally communicate with any group, • Avoidance of events which focus the group’s attention on individuals in attendance, • Physical distress, nausea, feelings of panic in such circumstances. Lots of people are anxious when they are asked to give a presentation. This program will equip you with the techniques to help you deliver a clear, engaging and memorable presentation, so that the next one you give will not seem quite so daunting! In this highly interactive program, participants hone their skills to prepare and present in a powerful manner and to inspire and motivate their audience. A Critical Path for Event Planning and Management Date: 24th April 2015 Time: 10am - 4pm Venue: 38 Castle Street Cost: £50 (15% Discount for ACVO Members) This new workshop arises from demand expressed at the hugely successful Big Aberdeen Event on 22nd September and shares with delegates over 25 years of learning from Telethons, Conferences, Parades, Fun Days and Awards ceremonies. It will be useful for organisations and individuals needing a tool with which to manage risks and achieve their aims through and beyond events as part of their overall development strategy. It will be most useful for those just beginning to think about their event (rather than having one imminent) and will be useful for Board members and voluntary committee members as well as paid staff. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 10 LOCAL EVENTS Strategy Workshop Date: 28th April 2015 Time: 0930 - 1630 Location: 38 Castle Street, AB11 5YU Cost: £80 (15% Discount for ACVO Members) The aim of this workshop is to provide participants with practical guidance on strategy development and implementation. By the end of the course participants will have: • Considered a number of tools for developing and implementing organisational strategy • Defined or reviewed or the process for strategy development in their organisation • Considered how to engage their boards in effective strategy development • Explored how to measure and track implementation • Identified practical actions • Drafted a strategy map for their organisation Management Committee Skills Date: 30th April Time: 12.30 – 2pm Venue: 38 Castle Street Cost: £10 Come along to ACVO’s Training course Introduction to Management Committee Skills. Led by ACVO Development Officer Sandy Mathers, the lunchtime session will cover; Role of the Committee Role of the Committee Member Roles of the Office Bearers Before, during and after a meeting Legal Responsibilities Recruitment & Retention VAT & Tax implications of Charities Trading Date: 1st May 2015 Venue: ACVO, 38 Castle Street Time: 9.45 – 1.30pm Cost: £40; 15% discount for ACVO members This course provides awareness of key VAT and Tax risks and opportunities for charities with trade and trading subsidiaries Duties and Responsibilities of Charity Trustees 28th May Time: 12 – 2pm Venue: 38 Castle Street Cost: £10 Come along to ACVO’s Training course on Duties and Responsibilities of Charity Trustees. Led by ACVO Development Officer Sandy Mathers, the lunchtime session will cover; Background to the Act Who are Charity Trustees? General duties of Trustees Specific duties of Trustees Remuneration of Charity Trustees Breach of duty as a Charity Trustee ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 11 LOCAL EVENTS Leadership Exchange Programme Information & Networking Event Thursday, 30 April 2015 10am to 12noon Aberdeen Community Health and Care Village, 50 Frederick Street, Aberdeen, AB24 5HY FREE! This event aims to bring together leaders from across sectors to network and potentially find a match for a Leadership Exchange. Delegates will be given a chance to speed network and meet others interested in the Leadership Exchange Programme. To book a space at this event, please click here. What is the Leadership Exchange Programme? The Leadership Exchange Programme pairs up leaders across sectors with the aim of improving leadership capacity between peers. An exchange takes the form of flexible meetings where you and your partner take turns to work alongside each other in your organisations, allowing for individuals to gain an insight into the different cultures, constraints and opportunities that are experienced in different organisations. The Leadership Exchange also allows participants to network and build stronger relationships between organisations. The length and format of your meetings are co-ordinated by you to suit. Click here to watch our videos featuring previous Leadership Exchange participants describing their experiences. The Leadership Exchange Programme is a workstream of Workforce Scotland led by ACOSVO. This event is held in partnership with ACVO and the North East Learning Collaborative. If you have any further questions about Leadership Exchanges please contact Leadership Exchange Development Officer, Emily Martin on or 0131 243 2755 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 12 LOCAL EVENTS ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 13 LOCAL EVENTS MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID One in four people in Scotland experience a mental health problem each year. 15-20% of employees experience mental health problems in any given year, accounting for about one-third of all workplace sickness absence. AIMS? Scotland’s Mental Health First Aid has been developed as part of a national approach to improving awareness of mental health problems in Scotland. The 2-day course will teach you to: • Give initial help to someone experiencing a mental health problem • Deal with a crisis situation or the first signs of someone developing mental ill health • Guide people towards appropriate self and professional help A recent evaluation found that course participants improved their confidence and ability to help others, improved their knowledge and reduced negative attitudes they may have had about mental health problems. It also improved delegates’ own mental health. WHO FOR? It is aimed at, and has proved successful with, members of the general public and different professional groups including teachers, health workers, front line public sector and care sector workers. DELIVERED BY: Bill Murdoch, Mental Health Practitioner and/ or David Adam, Training Coordinator (both SMHFA Instructors since 2005) The next available Mental Health First Aid Course has been scheduled as follows: 9th & 10th June 2015 at: The Hopeville Club, 34 Harlaw Rd, Inverurie, AB51 4SR Tel: 01467 621478; All sessions will last from 9.30am to 4.30pm and attendance on both days is required. The cost is £55 per person for the general public, £65 p.p. for public/voluntary organisations and £95 p.p. for private sector organisations (inclusive of tea/coffee and delegate pack). A 45 minute lunch break will be allocated. Soup & sandwich lunch is available at a reasonable price but please feel free to bring a packed lunch or there are cafés and shops nearby. Free parking @ the venue. To book a place, please contact: or: David Adam, 18 Forest Rd, Kintore, AB51 0XG Mobile: 07500 940877 Thursday 26th March 2015 Open meeting Come along and join in a discussion about dyslexia and how it affects us all. Talk to likeminded people about schooling, exams and the daily issues that affect both adults and children with dyslexia. All Welcome! 7-9pm, Kaimhill School Please contact the branch if you are interested in attending – ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 14 LOCAL EVENTS ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 15 LOCAL EVENTS FEEDING ABERDEEN SEMINAR ½ Day Seminar, 27th March, 2015 Aberdeen Conference and Exhibition Centre 9.30a.m. – 1.30pm Aberdeen City’s Community Planning Partnership Welfare Reform Board is hosting a ½ day seminar regarding the growth of food banks in the city, the reasons why people are using them and what we collectively need to do in the future to tackle food poverty. The seminar will hear from: Mary Anne Macleod, Research Officer at The Poverty Alliance, and author of “Making the Connections: A Study of emergency food aid in Scotland” Dr Flora Douglas, University of Aberdeen, will present on “Household Insecurity: what do we know about it?” Caroline Comerford, NHS Grampian, Health Improvement Coordinator will provide insight into “Who Uses Food banks and Why” Dave Simmers, Chief Executive of Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE) and lead partner for the Food Bank Partnership Aberdeen will talk about “The Food Bank Experience in Aberdeen” The presentations will be followed by Workshops; further information is available on request. If you are interested in attending please contact Anne Knight, (, who will forward you a booking form and further information, by 5pm on the 23rd March, 2015 Places will be allocated after that date. There is a lot happening at next Ethnic Minority Forum (EMF) Meeting 31st March 2015 Would you like to be involved in an exciting new radio show which will be broadcast on Aberdeen’s Shmu FM? The EMF are looking for volunteers to get involved to support a new Multi Cultural Show that will showcase Aberdeen City’s cultural diversity. We are looking for people to get involved that can organise guests, coordinate activities, promote the show, and help with publicity. Most importantly we are also looking for people to come on the show to represent their community. If you would like to know more about this come along and hear from Alan Parker about how you can help Also… Dave Black, Outreach Worker from the Minority Ethnic Housing Project will be joining us to provide an overview about the scope of the project, the issues arising in the North East, and the partnership work that is addressing these issues”. If you would like to come along and find out more about either of these exciting opportunities, or to find out more about the Ethnic Minority Forum, please email to confirm your attendance. We look forward to welcoming you! ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 16 LOCAL EVENTS Calling all cake lovers! The Friends of Seaton Park Present: “Cakefest-2” Four categories to enter your best bakes. Handmade prize for the best in each. Free to enter. Entries must be received by 9.30am on the day. Just like eating cake? Then try three cakes (with a drink) for £3 Buy more tokens for extra cake! Vote for your favourites. Raffle and Crafts Table 10am-12pm Saturday 28th March 2015 Dunbar Hall, Dunbar Street, Old Aberdeen For more information and how to take part: FOSP are dedicated to using monies raised to support their aims of enhancing and protecting Seaton Park. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 17 LOCAL EVENTS Making Connections Finding Solutions Registered as charity by the Inland Revenue, Scottish Charity Number SCO44328 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 18 LOCAL EVENTS Do you have 5 minutes to make a difference? Fresher Future is a city based project at Aberdeen Foyer promoting the message of giving up smoking in three ways: • Raising the Issue of Smoking motivational training (free for staff and volunteers) • Awareness sessions for young people about tobacco • Organisational support from the Foyer’s own experience of tobacco policy development Training - Raising the Issue of Smoking Raising the Issue of Smoking is a short accessible course, designed by ASH Scotland in partnership with the NHS Scotland, which aims to give participants the confidence, skills and knowledge to have a conversational intervention with people on smoking. Prospective participants include anyone who may come into contact with, and is able to raise the issue of smoking with individuals in the course of an opportunistic 3 to 5 minute chat. Those 5 minutes could make positive change a possibility for someone. How is the course delivered? This is a short, easily accessible course. The e-learning component takes around 1 hour to complete at your own computer. You will then attend a 3-hour participatory session, which are being delivered at the Marywell Centre, or you can have them at your premises for groups of more than six. Current dates available are: 9.30am 7th May 2015 9.30am 2nd June 2015 9.30am 7th July 2015 9.30am 9th September 2015 9.30am 6th October 2015 To register for training or further information on awareness sessions for young people, policy development, organisational culture and attitudes, staff training or accessing support services then please contact: Keith Grassick, Tobacco Development & Support Worker, Fresher Future Email: Tel: 01224 536706 Today’s the Day! The importance of 1st April 2015 to your Business Rates bill. Wednesday 1 April 2015 Marischal College Aberdeen 12 for 12.30 – 1400 Gavin Oag, Depute Assessor and Electoral Registration Officer with the Grampian Valuation Joint Board will give an insight into the on-going preparations for the 2017 Revaluation. The presentation will examine: • the role of the Assessor • how your rateable value is determined • the information required from businesses in order for the rating system to function effectively • the information available to businesses to aid an understanding of the rating system • the valuation appeals process Time has been scheduled for a Q&A session ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 19 LOCAL EVENTS KNOW YOUR FOOD SAFETY: a talk for World Day Monday 6th April 2015 6pm – 7pm Central Library Interested in finding out the food safety aspect of running/setting up a small food business? Or interested in the hidden world of the environmental health officer (EHO) who ensures our safety when eating out? Come to this free and unique talk with Katie Langan (EHO) to find out more! Booking essential: @silvercitylibs ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 20 LOCAL EVENTS Help people with sight loss get out and about This inspiring session will enable you to safely and confidently guide someone with sight loss Sighted guide taster session taking place in Aberdeen. Come along, meet new people and learn a new skill. “The training was brilliant, we did lots of practical activities and by the end of it I felt really confident in my guiding skills.” More details Date: Thursday 9th April 2015 Time: 1:30pm – 4:30pm Location: The Credo Centre, 14-20 John Street, Aberdeen, AB25 1BT Places are limited, so please contact Rosalind Wallace on 0118 983 8703 or myguideeastofscotland@ Registered charity in England and Wales (209617) and in Scotland (SC038979) 01/14 7178 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 21 LOCAL EVENTS ARE YOU A MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE USER or CARER WHO IS INTERESTED IN WORKING WITH THE MENTAL HEALTH NURSING TEAM IN THE SCHOOL OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY, TO DEVELOP AND DELIVERY OUR MENTAL HEALTH COURSES? On the 13th April 2015, 2pm – 4pm we are holding an event for you to come and meet with us to continue to explore how you can influence our courses in relation to mental health nursing. The aim of the afternoon is to: Ascertain service user and carer perspectives on the areas that are important to address within curriculum To share the development of the in relation to years 1, 2 and 3 Therapeutic Practice modules To share the development to date in relation to years 2 and 3 Sciences modules To plan how service users and carers can become more involved and co-produce our modules, teaching, learning and assessment activities in relation to mental health nursing. If you are a service user or unpaid carer you will be given a £20 M&S or ASDA voucher for participating in the afternoon. Your travel expenses will also be re-imbursed, (anything over £45 will need to be agreed in advance). Employees of organisations will not have access to expenses or a voucher. Tea, coffee, water, fruit and biscuits/cakes will be provided. There are 25 places available for this event. To register for the event: please contact Clare Smith by Wednesday 8th April 2015 on 01224 262904 or email We will let you know by 12md on Friday 10th April 2015 whether you have a place and to ensure any requirements or adjustments that you need to attend, are taken account of. If you cannot attend the workshop but want your details to be added to our Public Involvement database, which means we will contact you when we are having future events, please contact Clare and give her your details. For general information please contact Debbie Banks on 01224 262688 or ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 22 LOCAL EVENTS RELATIONSHIP FIRST AID Do you work in? • Health • Housing • Finance • Social work • Social care • Early Years • Education • Employability Do the challenges your clients face impact upon their relationships…or vice versa? How well do your clients engage and communicate with you? Why do they react in the way they do? Whether you support clients, customers, patients, tenants, service users or families, Relationship First Aid is an experiential skills-based programme that will help you answer these and many more questions. The Relationship First Aid Skills Framework will enable you to:• Identify early where your clients might be struggling with relationships • Create more effective relationships with your clients • Achieve better outcomes for both your clients and your organisation Wednesday 22nd April & Wednesday 29th April 2015 9.30am– 4.30pm Aberdeen Citadel, 28 Castle Street, Aberdeen, AB11 5BG Monday 11th May & Monday 18th May 2015 9.30am– 4pm Tesco Community Room, Tesco, Harlaw Road, Inverurie, AB51 4SR Course Cost: Full 2 day programme £85 per person. Full details available on our website. To book a place contact our Training Department. Details below. To find our more about Relationship First Aid in this area contact Emma Cameron on 07760257038 E-mail: 0141 222 2166 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 23 LOCAL EVENTS Raising the Issue of Smoking Training course Insert your Health Board logo here or delete box if not needed This exciting new course has been designed using a blended approach, combining e-learning with face-to-face training. Who is this training for? Prospective participants include anyone who is able to raise the issue of smoking with individuals. This includes a range of staff include health professionals and support staff from secondary, primary care services and workers from other sectors and wider partner agencies. What will it cover? Participants will gain awareness of the purpose, benefits and process of raising the issue of smoking and delivering brief advice. It also covers knowledge on tobacco, smoking and health, communication skills and how to refer people to local stop-smoking services for support. How long will it take? This is a short, easily accessible course. The e-learning component takes around 1 hour to complete at your own computer. You will then attend a 3-hour participatory session (details below). When is the course running? The next dates for the participatory sessions are: Date: Thursday 23rd April Time: 9.30am – 12.30pm , Woodend Hospital Date: Monday 25th May Time: 1.00pm – 4.00pm, Elgin Time: 9.30am -12.30pm, Inverurie Date Tuesday 9th June To register a place or find out more please contact: Sheila Robertson Tobacco Administrator 01224 (5)58466 Action on Smoking and Health (Scotland) (ASH Scotland) is a registered Scottish charity (SC 010412) and a company limited by guarantee (Scottish company no 141711) ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 24 LOCAL EVENTS ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 25 NATIONAL EVENTS To advertise an event in this E-Bulletin, please send details to Alasdair Simpson, Communications Officer at Brand new programme to enable people with autism to take to the skies! Fear of Flying Events, with kind support from Ryanair, is launching a brand new programme to enable individuals with autism to take to the skies. ‘Flying with Autism’ will be delivered over two dates, including an information session on the ground as well as a 30 minute flying experience from Edinburgh Airport. Scottish Autism’s Advisors will be lending their support and will be on hand throughout the programme which is due to pilot in April 2015. Ground Course: Friday 17th April at 7:30pm Hilton Hotel, Edinburgh Airport This pre-flight session is aimed at parents or carers of an individual with autism and will take them through all the stages of a journey by air to help them fully prepare the individual for a flight. It will provide advice and coping techniques to assist them to support a first time flyer with autism through the more stressful parts of the experience such as airport security and the noises and sensations on board an aircraft. Flying Day: Sunday 26th April at 2pm Edinburgh Airport The flying day offers a unique experience flight on board a Ryanair Boeing 737, flying from and back to Edinburgh Airport. This exclusive 30 minute round trip will enable the parents or carers who attended the ground course, along with the individual with autism, to all fly together and experience a short journey in a secure and controlled environment. Cost: The cost of the course is £189, which includes one parent or carer to attend the ground course and for them to take the experience flight with the individual with autism. An additional parent or carer can attend the ground day and experience flight for an extra £69. To learn more or to book please visit or download the flyer here. EXCITEMENT AT LAUNCH OF NEW SCOTTISH EXHIBITION PROMOTING INDEPENDENT LIVING Independent Living Scotland, 7-8 October 2015, SECC, Glasgow Scottish exhibition organiser, QD Events, are delighted to announce the launch of a new event with the twofold aim of offering advice, support and information for individuals living with disability or a long-term condition, and providing learning, product knowledge and networking opportunities for healthcare professionals in Scotland. Independent Living Scotland, which will take place in Hall 3 of Glasgow’s SECC on the 7th and 8th October, will bring together people with disabilities, their families and carers along with healthcare professionals to test and compare the latest products on the market, network, gain advice on what is new and identify which product is best suited for each individual need. Independent Living Scotland will run at the SECC, Glasgow, from the 7th-8th October. Admittance is free of charge to all visitors providing they have registered their details in advance at Companies wishing to take a stand should contact Lyndsey McElwee on 0141 576 3546 or email lyndsey.mcelwee@qdevents. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 26 JOB VACANCIES To advertise a job in this E-Bulletin, please send details to Alasdair Simpson, Communications Officer at asimpson@ Please note that there is a charge see back page for more details. Job adverts are also posted on our website - Location: Recovery Workers & Recovery Practitioners Aberdeen Roles Summary Penumbra is an innovative Scottish voluntary organisation working in the field of mental health. We provide a wide range of personalised and recovery focused services to adults and young people that provide practical, emotional and social support and promote recovery and social inclusion. Recovery means that people fulfil their potential and are able to live as full a life as possible. Our services promote recovery through focusing on the areas of Home, Opportunity, People and Empowerment. Services use our unique outcomes approach, I.ROC and our HOPE Toolkit as a means of ensuring our work is relevant for each person. As a Recovery Worker you will support people to establish and maintain a meaningful and fulfilling life in the community. You must demonstrate a personalised approach to support and have a passion for making a difference. You will offer hope and positivity and be willing to contribute in an innovative and creative environment. Experience of working in a supportive and enabling role and an SVQ 3 in Health and Social Care or equivalent would be welcome, however, are not essential. Reporting into the Project Support Manager you will work in cooperation with colleagues and staff from other agencies working in line Penumbra’s policies and procedures, the SSSC Code of Practice and National Care Standards to keep up to date with sector and organisational developments. Job No. N025/15 N026/15 N027/15 N028/15 Position Recovery Worker Recovery Worker Recovery Worker (Part Time) Recovery Practitioners Location Aberdeen (Ellon Road) Hours 36.25hrs Aberdeen (Ellon Road) 36.25hrs Aberdeen (Ellon Road) 18.13hrs Aberdeen SLS 36.25hrs Salary £16,099 £16,667 £16,099 £16,667 £8,049.50 £8,333.50 Closing 24/04/2015 @ 12 noon 24/04/2015 @ 12 noon 24/04/2015 @ 12 noon £17,096 – £17,976 31/03/2015 @12 noon Application form available@ Completed Applications should be returned to: or posted to Human Resources, Penumbra, Norton Park, 57 Albion Place, Edinburgh, EH7 5QY ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 27 JOB VACANCIES Project Summary: Inspiring Opportunity Employment Officer – Café Academy Ref: 1512 39 Hours per week Salary - £20,248 per annum, pro rata Café Academy offers work-focussed training within the customer service and hospitality industries for unemployed individuals who have a support need. The 11 week course is delivered through a series of workshops, accredited training sessions, food focussed outings, and placements in Café Coast and with other local employers. Both Inspire and North East Scotland College are responsible for the training. We have an exciting opportunity available for someone to join our team, Inspire Ventures Ltd in the position of Employment Officer. The purpose of the Employment Officer is to develop and maximise the impact of our training programmes within our social enterprises. The post holder will cooperate with both their line manager and other stakeholders to assist individuals with learning disabilities and other support needs to maximise their opportunities to find meaningful and sustainable employment or supported work. We are looking for someone who has significant experience of working with people with disabilities, confident communication skills and has the ability to self motivate. DESIRED EXPERIENCE AND SKILLS Experience in employability with people with disabilities An A1 Assessor Qualification Food Hygiene Certificate A track record of working with employers to secure employment opportunities This post may include evening and weekend work. For informal enquiries and a job description post please contact Louise Coyle, Recruitment/Learning & Development Coordinator on 01224 289028. Applications should be emailed to or posted to: Recruitment Department, Head Office, Beach Boulevard, Aberdeen, AB24 5HP Closing date: 16/04/2015 Interviews: 21/04/2015 Inspire PTL is an equal opportunities employer and positively encourages applications from suitably qualified and eligible candidates regardless of sex, race, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, religion or belief, marital status, or pregnancy and maternity. All applicants who have a disability and meet the minimum requirements for the job will be interviewed. Scottish Charity No. SC000038. Inspire, Beach Boulevard, Aberdeen, AB24 5HP 01224 280005 Scottish Charity No. SC000038 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 28 JOB VACANCIES Climate Change: Project Manager Salary: (SCP: 27-30) £24,134- £26,728 (Part time pro rata) Part Time: 20 Hours per Week (3-4 days per week) Fixed Term Contract until 31 March 2016 Closing Date for Application: Wednesday 15 April 2015 Expected Interview Date: Monday 27 April 2015. We are looking for an experienced Project Manager for successful delivery of the project. The ideal candidate will have clear understanding of carbon foot print reduction and capacity to engage with community groups. Minimum requirement for the post is graduate on the relevant field or should be able to demonstrate equivalent experience. Must have excellent communication skills and ability to network and build relationships. Must be computer literate, ability to write precise reports and managing outreach workers and volunteers, must be willing to travel for meetings and training as required. Apply with CVs and covering letter to: Aberdeen Multicultural Centre, 427 George Street, Aberdeen, AB25 1ER Tel: 01224 478203 E-mail: or for informal discussion please call Ahashan Habib: 07588529412 Climate Change: Outreach Worker- 2 Posts Salary: (SCP: 19-22) £19,220- £21,318 (Part time pro rata) Part Time: 12 Hours per Week (2-3 days per week) Fixed Term Contract until 31 March 2016 Closing Date for Application: Wednesday 15 April 2015 Expected Interview Date: Monday 27 April 2015. We are looking for someone with experience of community engagement activities. The ideal candidate will have clear understanding of carbon foot print reduction and capacity to engage with community groups. In addition to this you will have excellent communication skills, communication in Bengali with the target community is desirable. You will also be enthusiastic and have an understanding of the minority ethnic communities in Aberdeen city. You will be computer literate, have the ability to write precise reports and must be willing to travel for meetings and training as required. Apply with CVs and covering letter to: Aberdeen Multicultural Centre, 427 George Street, Aberdeen, AB25 1ER Tel: 01224 478203 E-mail: or for informal discussion please call Ahashan Habib: 07588529412 ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 29 JOB VACANCIES Team Leaders Rosemount and Garthdee areas, Aberdeen 20 & 30 hours per week Ref: 1684. Salary: £21,010 - £23,180 per annum (part time pro rata) Closing Date: 03 Apr 2015, 12:00 Cornerstone have permanent vacancies for Team Leader posts. The service has a combination of a care home and housing support and care at home service. We are looking for a motivated and pioneering individual to support the Service Manager with running a service that meets our aims and values; empowering the people we support and encourage their independence at all times. Previous experience in the care sector is desirable, however not essential as key skills are transferable to the management role. An SVQ 3 in Health & Social Care (or equivalent) would be advantageous and a willingness to work towards it is essential. The role offers a range of variety and challenges related to the changing environment in care. Knowledge of the personalisation agenda and Self Directed Support bill would be advantagous. For an informal discussion please contact Dawn Williams-Briggs on 01224 256 033 or James Cook on 01224 256 017. For more information, please visit our website; Scottish Charity No: SC004780 Plusone Mentoring Programme Manager Salary: £25,000 pa Full time: 35 hours per week including evenings and weekends Closing date: 3rd April 2015 We are looking for a motivated and committed member of staff to take forward our new mentoring programme for young people. Plusone will be delivered in partnership with Aberdeen City Council, particularly with Northfield Academy, Bramble Brae and Manor Park Primary Schools. You will be involved in the referral of Young People to the programme and; recruiting, training and supporting volunteer mentors from the wider community. Each mentor will be matched to a Young Person referred to the programme and will meet with that young person every 1 – 2 weeks providing the young person with a positive role model and a friend who can support and challenge where appropriate. You will support 20 – 25 mentoring relationships. The Young People will be aged 8-14 and show evidence of: a) disruption or disengagement at school b) offending, aggressive or anti-social behaviour c) conflict in the home/family d) substance misuse It is an Occupational Requirement (Equality Act - part 1, schedule 9), that the post-holder is a committed Christian. Details available from Ian Marr, Aberdeen YMCA, 52 Skene Terrace, Aberdeen, AB10 1RP 01224 643291 ian@aberdeenymca. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 30 JOB VACANCIES Relationship Counsellor Salary: £23,000 per annum/pro rata (sessional contract) Location: Aberdeen, Inverness, Peterhead We all struggle with our relationships at different points in our lives, but accessing support early can make all the difference. The Spark, a registered charity, offers relationship counselling and support for couples, individuals and families across Scotland. The Spark is seeking to appoint relationship counsellors to their Aberdeen, Inverness and Peterhead centres. In Aberdeen/Inverness we are seeking applications from counsellors qualified to work with couples, whereas in Peterhead we are seeking counsellors to work with individual clients. You will need to possess a Diploma in Relationship Counselling or Diploma in Counselling, have a minimum of 100 hours experience of working with clients in a counselling role and have significant knowledge of attachment, relational and systemic theories. The successful candidate will be responsible for counselling allocated clients who are experiencing relationship difficulties in a secure and confidential setting, in order to support and facilitate enhanced relationships and personal wellbeing. We can offer you the opportunity to join our charitable organisation that is growing and developing throughout Scotland. We will also support you towards COSCA membership and accreditation; provide supervision and a varied CPD programme. The full Job Description and Application Form can be found here For an informal discussion prior to applying please contact Emma Cameron on 07760257038 or email NESS is the leading local provider of services for people living with serious sensory loss including people who are blind and deaf. Our highly successful Connect Inform Support (CIS) service is dedicated to older people living with significant sensory impairments and is partly funded by the National Lottery through the BIG Lottery Fund We are seeking to recruit to two posts: Volunteer and Activities Co-ordinator (Aberdeen) Part Time (10 hrs per week over 2 or 3 days) Salary begins at £5,774 for a 10 hour week (pts 23-26) Based in our Aberdeen office, as the member of the CIS team with specific responsibilities for its volunteers, activities and events, you will bring organisation, enthusiasm and hands-on leadership to implement a programme of activities which helps our service users overcome isolation, and increase their connections. Admin Assistant (Elgin) Part time (10 hours per week over 2 or 3 days) Salary begins at £4,545 for a 10 hour week (pts 13- 16) Based in our Elgin Office, you will provide administrative support to the Moray CIS service. Communicating and processing information, keeping records and working closely with colleagues, you will be well organised and able to plan and see tasks through to completion. All posts at NESS require membership of the PVG scheme and disclosure check. Informal enquiries can be made to Adam Hillhouse, Head of Enterprise on the number below. Closing date for both posts: 12 noon Friday 27 March Application forms available at or from North East Sensory Services, 21 John Street, Aberdeen AB25 1BT Tel. 0845 27 12345 Email ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 31 VOLUNTEERING If you are interested in volunteering or want to find out more about involving volunteers in your organisation please contact the volunteer’s centre on 01224 686076/77 or email A full range of opportunities are also available on the website LATEST VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES IN ABERDEEN INCLUDE: Advocacy Service Aberdeen: Do you enjoy meeting people? Are you a good listener? Advocacy offers a great opportunity to make a real difference to people’s lives. Our Volunteer advocates help people to take control over their lives and make their voices heard. All volunteers are fully trained in the skills needed to become an advocate. This is a great opportunity to help make a positive difference. For more information about becoming a volunteer advocate, or enrol in the new training course, please call Catherine on 01224 332366 / e-mail: for an application pack, or to arrange to visit the office for a chat. Silver City Surfers Reaching Out: Going Local Volunteers: Silver City Surfers helps older people to learn to use technology in a social setting. We have a great team of volunteers of all ages that help to run our current sessions and are presently looking for volunteers for a new project Reaching Out: Going Local at Mastrick and Sheddocksley. This project is specifically to help over 65s. We are looking for Computer Tutor Volunteers who can help people to learn basic computer skills. We’re not looking for experts, just folk who know the basics and are happy to share this. We are also looking to recruit Hospitality Volunteers who can welcome our Learners with a friendly chat and offer them a tea or coffee. This is a great opportunity to help and make a positive difference. For further details please contact: Suzanne Murdoch tel. 07519958293 email Future Choices Aberdeen: We have exciting opportunities for volunteers to come along and assist disabled members with various activities. This includes arts, crafts, games, leisure activities, volunteer drivers to mention but a few. There are also opportunities to help with tasks such as driving, escorting disabled people if out on trips etc. You will be made to feel very welcome as we are a very friendly, dynamic group and expanding organisation. All volunteer assistance is greatly appreciated. This is a great, enjoyable opportunity to help in the local community, make a positive difference and also the opportunity to develop new skills and interests as well. For more information please contact: Tel.: 0800 566 8728 e-mail: For more information about volunteering in Aberdeen and ACVO please visit uk and ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 32 VOLUNTEERING DOES YOUR ORGANISATION NEED BUSINESS SKILLED VOLUNTEERS? Do you have business skills and time available to assist in your local community? Do you run an organisation which has skills gaps within its personnel? Volunteering is fun, beneficial, valued and makes a real difference to society. Volunteers are not paid for their time and energy which makes them priceless to an organisation. Volunteering is a choice made by an individual to be involved in an activity which benefits either the environment, local community or someone. Many of us have had or are having careers through which we have gained much experience and expertise. Volunteering is a means where your business skills can be put to good use for the benefit of organisations operating across a wide spectrum of communities throughout our great city of Aberdeen. Not only does volunteering make a big difference in the lives of others, it can also provide you with the experience needed to further your career or keep your skills up to date. Volunteers have the opportunity to learn new skills, meet new people, have fun, gain a sense of belonging in the local community and help a favourite charity achieve far more than would otherwise be possible. Volunteers make a huge difference. In Aberdeen it is estimated around 52,000 people volunteer, contributing around 4.4 million hours every year. The economic impact of volunteering to Aberdeen is thought to be a staggering £67.3 million annually. With so many opportunities there has never been a better time to get involved in volunteering. ACVO exists to involve, represent, support and develop not-forprofit organisations by finding business skilled volunteers to fill gaps in a charity’s personnel base. The hours of volunteering are flexible to fit in with a volunteer’s availability. ACVO’S BUSINESS SKILLED VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME The Business Skilled Volunteers Programme operates within the Aberdeen city boundary and aims to match business skilled volunteers and professionals to organisations requiring specific skills, allowing the organisation to expand its range of activities. Many organisations desperately need additional resources but lack the time or finances needed to recruit suitably skilled workers. Organisations are in constant need of volunteers with skills in areas such as Accountancy, Business Planning, Human Resources and staffing issues, Information Technology, Training, Marketing, Project Management, Strategic Management and Training. ACVO assists business-skilled volunteers find challenging and rewarding opportunities, often in roles where they can provide leadership, advice and professional support. Skilled volunteers can have a major impact on the future success of the organisation, perhaps becoming a trustee on the board of management to guide it through difficult decisions. Contact Ian Gourlay (, the Skilled Volunteer Advisor at AVCO who produces a list of organisation’s skills gaps which is sent to potential volunteers at the beginning of each month. He’s waiting to hear from you! ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 33 VOLUNTEERING Alcohol Support Volunteer Counsellors & Supervisors Alcohol Support is currently redeveloping its counselling service and is looking for volunteer counsellors and supervisors who would like to donate their time. For over 30 years Alcohol Support has been providing a variety of services to the community to assist those affected by alcohol misuse. Alcohol Support currently provides services in both Aberdeen City and Aberdeenshire. Requirements: Individuals should possess either a PgDip in Counselling or a Counselling Skills Certificate (COSCA validated). Additional training in alcohol addiction counselling will be provided. 01224 595981 78 Dee St, Aberdeen ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 34 Advertising Advertising in the ACVO E-Bulletin The E-Bulletin will keep you up-to-date with the latest news, consultations, funding opportunities, jobs, volunteering opportunities and forthcoming events relevant to the Third Sector in Aberdeen City. The E-Bulletin is sent out every Friday to over 2,000 subscribers. It is free for third sector organisations to advertise news, services and events in the E-Bulletin; the deadline for submitting content is every Thursday at noon. Format for Articles/Advertisements: For the ACVO E-Bulletin guidelines, please visit: Non-Third Sector Advertising: • Articles/adverts must be directly relevant to the third sector. • Charges apply – see below ACVO E-Bulletin – Advertising Prices Services & Events Third and Public Sector Private Sector Advert (Up to a full A4 page) Free £100 per advert* Job Vacancies (Third Sector and CPP only) Third Sector Community Planning Aberdeen Partners Advert (Up to a full A4 page) Member £50 per advert Member Non-Member £100 per advert Non-Member £100 per advert £150 per advert Fees introduced on the 1st April 2013 and revised on 6th March 2015 For details of ACVO membership, please click here. *Discount for Aberdeen Impact Affiliates. Affiliation is by invitation, for more information please click here. ACVO NEWS | NEWS | FUNDING | LOCAL EVENTS | NATIONAL EVENTS | VACANCIES | VOLUNTEERING Page 35
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