My team and I are excited about our new fair opening in the g rounds of Petworth HousethedayaftertheGeneralElectionandrunning forthreedays (Friday 8 to Sunday 10 May). We areoverwhelmed by the support we are receiving fromtheNationalTrust,SmithsGore,UppertonVineyards, Petworth Business Association (PBA), Petworth Antiques And Decorative Arts association(PAADA)andothers. LAPADATheAssociationofArt&AntiquesDealers, the UK's larg est org anisation forprofessional dealers, is hosting a talk 'What to look for when buying antique furniture' forinterested visitors, whichwillbeheldinPetworthHouse'sAuditRoom from 5.30pm on the Friday. This short talk is free (see below to book your place) and will g ive you t h eopportunity to ask pertinent questions, before returning tothefair. Wehaveselectedtwocharitiestojoinusatthefair, the National Trust's Lig hting Project at Petworth HouseandtheDavidShepherdWildlifeFoundation. Petworth Houseis home to important works of art andg reatcarehasbeentakentofindtherig httype and style of lig hting , which is quite an investment. The David Shepherd WildlifeFoundation fits perfectly with the fair, as we have a number of exhibitors selling wildlife inspired painting s and sculptures, including works by David Shepherd himself,hisdaug hterMandyShepherdandg rand-daug hterEmilyLamb. The Spread Eag le Hotel & Spa in Midhurst, just 15 minutes down the road from Petworth,has a special treat for g uests booking to stay over the fair's dates – each receives aDavid Shepherd print.One of the oldest coaching inns in Eng land, the hotel dates back tothe 15th century, boasting Queen Elizabeth I among st its former g uests.The Spread Eag le'sindividual rooms arefurnishedwithantiquesandtreasures,theperfectplacetoreturntoafter a busy day antiques hunting .Stephen Morris Shipping will be on-site and can lookafter safe delivery of your purchases to your home anywhere around the world. We look forward to welcoming you to Petworth or one of our other events laterthisyear. Ing ridNilson Director,TheAntiquesDealersFairLimited THE PETWORTH PARK ANTIQUES & FINE ART FAIR Friday 8 – Sunday 10 May 2015 Supported by Smiths Gore and Upperton Vineyards Photo:MartinOffer Venue: TheMarquee,PetworthPark,Petworth,WestSussexGU280QY PetworthHouseisopen11.00–17.00(partsonlyonFriday). Some 40 exhibitors are offering a wide and eclectic mix of antique and contemporaryfine art, antiques and antiquities. Traditional and country furniture, oriental carpets,ceramics, silver, clocks, jewellery, g lass, objets d'art, bronzes and outdoor sculpturecanbefoundatthislauncheventinthe 700 acre deer park surrounding Petworth House,the West Sussex house that inspiredsuchg reatartistsasJMWTurnerandJohnConstable. Tickets: £10 each, includes complimentary access to Petworth House and Park. FreeentryforNationalTrustmembers. FreeTalk: Friday 8 May 2015, 5.30pm, The Audit Room, Petworth House, hosted byRebecca Davies, Chief Executive of LAPADA The AssociationofArt&AntiquesDealers. 'What to look for when buying antique furniture' – Two expert dealers in conversation discussing styles, provenance and patina. How to spot g ood and bad restoration, and how to care foryour antiquefurnituresoitmaylastforanother100years. Tickets are free from or pick one up at the fair. Transport:By Road: A272 Tilling ton Road (antiques fairvehicle entrance at NewLodg es).Pedestrianentrancethroug hCricketLodg e. Ample free parking in the specially located antiques fair car park inPetworthPark(followAntiquesFairAAsig ns). Courtesyshuttlebusto/fromPetworthTownCentre. Nearest Railway Station: Pulboroug h (approx 70 minutes from LondonVictoria). NearestAirports:LondonHeathrow(42miles),Gatwick(30miles). Whereto TheSpreadEag leHotel&Spa,Midhurst,WestSussexGU299NH Stay: le-hotel-and-spa/ TheDiscoverPetworthwebsitelistsmanyotheroptions / Catering : Lig htsnacksandrefreshmentscanbefoundinTheMarqueeandin PetworthHouse'sAuditRoom. Charities: David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation(charity no 110683) supports anti-poaching and conservation projects throug hout Africa and Asia, making a real difference to the survival of critically endang eredmammals. National Trust's Lig hting Project at Petworth House (charity no. 205846).Overthecourseofthenexttwoyearsamajorfundraising projectisunderwaytoinvestinrelig hting 200painting sondisplay in the state rooms with energ y efficient picture lig hts and historicallycorrectmoulding s. .uk/petworth-house Media partner: Website: SAVE THE DATES – confirmed dates of forthcoming fairs Friday11–Sunday13September2015 The Antiques & Fine Art Fair at Harewood, The Marquee, Harewood House, Harewood,Leeds,WestYorkshireLS179LQ Opening Hours:Friday 11.00-18.00, Saturday 10.30-18.00, Sunday 10.3017.00 35stands Friday9-Sunday11October2015 The Esher Hall Antiques & Fine Art Fair, Esher Hall, Sandown Park Racecourse,PortsmouthRoad,Esher,SurreyKT109AJ Opening Hours:Friday 11.00-18.00, Saturday 10.30-18.00, Sunday 10.3017.00 35stands Thursday7-Sunday10January2016 The Mayfair Antiques & Fine Art Fair at the London Marriott Grosvenor Square,LondonW1K6JP Opening Hours:Thursday 12.00-21.00, Friday 11.00-18.00, Saturday 11.0018.00,Sunday11.00-17.00 44stands TICKETS If you have visited one or more of our fairs or are based within an 80 mile radiusandhaveg ivenusyourpostaladdress,youwillautomaticallybesenta complimentary ticket, which allows you and up to two g uests to attend the fairfreeofcharg e.Ifyouwouldlikeaticketforanyofourotherfairs,please contactusbyemailortelephoneandwewillarrang ecomplimentarytickets foryou. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE Allitemsforsaleatourfairsarevettedforqualityandauthenticity.Exhibitors are predominantly members of either of the two larg est associations of professional dealers - LAPADA The Association of Art & Antiques Dealers or the British Antique Dealers’ Association – both of which have codes of conduct to which their members must adhere.Consequently, you have recourse in the unlikely eventthere is a dispute over anything you have purchased. SOCIAL MEDIA If you participate in social media, why not follow us on Twitter (@ADFLfairs), where we send reg ular updates in the run up to each fair?Please also 'Like' us on Facebook.We post messag es in a variety of lang uag es, so please feel free to retweet or forward theinformationtofriendsyouthinkmaybeinterested.
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