2014 List of Participating Antique Dealers Services Mary Lou’s Crystal Repair Joliet, IL 815-726-5554 Crystal and china repaired on site, while you shop Antique Dealers (in alphabetical order) Antique Cellar Brookfield, WI 262-781-1251 Specializing in Victorian glass, hand painted china, sterling, silver plate, pattern glass and quality smalls. Attic Resale Shop Hortonville, WI Specializing in a great selection of smalls, tools, paper and textiles. Attic Treasures Wausau, WI 715-675-3738 China, glassware, linens and silver flatware. Blackwolf Antiques Oshkosh, WI 920-688-5090 Antique jewelry, copper, brass, pewter, smalls, and small furniture. Boarding House Antiques Decorah, IA 563-382-1952 Specializing in vintage children’s items, stoneware, pottery and old prints. Jamie and Christine Boone Roscoe, IL Potry9@ix.netcom.com Vintage pottery and dinnerware, glassware, linens, books and other quality smalls. The Calamity House Campbellsport, WI 920-533-8731 rbs@kmoraine.com Quality furniture, smalls, lamps & homemade lampshades. Carolina’s Once In A Blue Moon Green Bay, WI 920-468-1177 fmoes@aol.com Linens, vintage clothing and accessories, original art, art glass, stoneware and American Pottery. Country Peddlar Antiques Oostburg, WI 920-564-6386 18th & 19th century furniture and accessories. Crooked Ladder Antiques Neenah, WI 920-327-2387 A great selection of primitives, painted pieces, advertising and smalls. Pamela & Robert Easey Antiques Hartford, WI 262-670-6019 easey@charter.net Illustrated children’s books, pottery, costume jewelry, retro items, prints and calendars. Gordon’s Grafton, WI 262-377-7225 Period to country furniture, lighting, glass and porcelain, postcards, American Indian and fine art. Kathryn Hatopp Oshkosh, WI Jewelry- antique and collectible from gold to gold filled, silver, Bakelite, and much more. Haven Hill Antiques Dousman, WI 262-313-7234 www.havenhillantiques.com Fine 18th and 19th century furniture and smalls. Sales, refinishing and restoration. House of George Antiques Waupaca, WI 715-258-7150 housegeorge@yahoo.com Specializing in fine artwork including pastels, William Chandler and Civil War watercolors; Art Deco and Art Nouveau; sterling railroad items; pewter, paper money and coins and much more. Hunters Lake Antiques Dousman, WI 262-965-2797 Jaz4@earthlink.net Postcards, silver, painted porcelain buttons, art pottery, advertising tins and many unusual smalls. J & L Antiques Cottage Grove, WI Specializing in lodge with Navajo, primitives, bear rugs, decoys, pottery, snowshoes and trappers baskets. Ken’s Family Antiques Fond du Lac, WI 920-795-4373 Fine antique furniture including Turn-of-the-Century oak, Victorian, walnut and primitive pieces. Kitchen Antiques Janesville, WI 608-752-1279 Specializing in quality sports, military and advertising items. Susan Landusky Milwaukee, WI 414-358-1406 An eclectic selection of smalls and small furniture pieces. Laura's Collectibles Wauwatosa, WI 414-466-4000 A great variety of smalls, jewelry and women's items. Gloria Lyon Lyn’s Antiques Eagle River, WI 715-675-5628 lynsantiques108eastwall@gmail.com General mix of primitives, interesting smalls and jewelry. ML Fancy Antiques Bloomington, MN 612-723-8768 An interesting variety of quality antiques including railroad items, linens, jewelry, cast iron doorstops, cast iron toys, dolls, vintage clothes & hats, Christmas ornaments and diecuts, pottery, and small primitives. James & Eva Maki Antiques Slinger, WI 262-644-5981 Elegant glassware of the Depression Era, Christmas and holiday, paintings, pottery. Maki’s Menomonee Falls, WI 414-510-6372 Breweriana, old advertising, tobacco, trays, signs, glasses, fishing lures and sports items. Memory Lane Conover, WI 920-716-5107 Vintage fishing, sporting, Winchester tools, furniture, McCoy, Hull and Roseville pottery, vintage holiday, linens, toys, Breweriana and crystal. Midwest Antique Gallery Oshkosh, WI 920-252-0319 Crystal, glass and jewelry. Miss Muffets Milwaukee, WI 414-690-4112 Quality mid-century items, clothing and jewelry. The Missing Link Roseville, MN 763-257-7073 nancy@adomeit.net Specializing in high quality cuff links, postcards, maps, lithographs and etchings. Our Piece of the Past Antiques Brooklyn, WI 608-455-3112 A great variety of refinished trunks, milk bottles, advertising items and quality paper goods. Out On The Farm Green Lake, WI Quality smalls and stoneware. Pat’s Gallery of Antiques Fond du Lac, WI 920-923-9237 pwendt@yahoo.com Featuring a large selection of Classical furniture and accents; Country furniture, primitives and accessories, Men’s sporting items, garden antiques, Folk Art, toys, fine costume jewelry, smalls and much more. Pierce Regal Milwaukee, WI 414-651-7015 Jmdc4140@wi.rr.com Antique furnishings & accessories Raven Nest Cleveland, WI 920-693-8428 Specializing in fine small wares. Dan & Kathy Roe Antiques Springfield, IL A variety of quality antiques including Americana, garden items, smalls jewelry and silk scarves. Saint Elmo's Antiques Springfield, IL 217-529-5069 A great selection of quality country primitives, toys and games. Schurter’s Curio Cabinet Tremont, IL 309-925-3031 Specializing in Old Fenton glass, Flow Blue, Westmoreland, kitchen glass bowls and shakers, sterling & silver plated flatware, porcelain including Limoge and RS Prussia. Sproule's Antiques Freeport, IL 815-297-5291 sproule-antiques@comcast.net High quality primitives, smalls and furniture. Sunshine Treasures Milwaukee, WI 414-699-5431 Specializing in fine silver and jewelry. Ugly Rick's Grand Rapids, MN 218-341-5913 An eclectic variety of quality toys, advertising and men's collectibles. U.P. Treasures & Antiques Manistique, MI 906-450-7182 www.uptreasuresandantiquesman.com Specializing in a great variety of smalls including tools, ice fishing tools, books, glass and jewelry. Victorian House Antiques Hanover, WI 608-879-2567 Antiques1@yahoo.com Quality line of general antiques and unusual items. Village Blacksmith Antiques Appleton, WI 920-993-9817 Quality furniture and smalls, dolls, toys, primitives, advertising posters, pottery, stoneware, Cambridge crystal and sporting items. Weather Vane Antiques Cedarburg, WI 262-375-0641 pklamm@sbcglobal.net Primitives & architectural items. Wintergreen Farm Fort Mill, SC 803-415-1776 540-239-0458 nanettefortmill@gmail.com Specializing in primitives, vintage clothing, smalls and tools (18th-19th c.).
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