AR T GA LL E R Y S h op 59, Capi to l Arcad e (Bas ement Level ) . 113 Sw an sto n S tr eet M e l b o u r n e CB D, 30 00 E n t e r v i a H o w e y P lace. HO UR S: Tu e s - S a t 1 1am - 5p m inf o @ f or tde l m .au f or td e l m. au (03) 8804 0888 Please direct all enquiries to Adria n e Str a m p p Vorbeig ehen 20 A p ri l - 9 M ay. In 2012, Adriane Strampp re-visited a northern part of the USA, just above the Great Lakes, where she had spent a portion of her childhood. From the car she was travelling in, Strampp photo-documented the nine-hour road trip to her past. Out of the hundreds of photo that she took from first light through to dusk, Strampp selected only a few to use as structures to diverge from and create the works that form Vorbeigehen. Vorbeigehen is an exhibition series of faintly painted and distanced landscapes. Some large in scale, surrounding and enveloping us in their eminence, others are smaller and dense in shadow. In these paintings, the focus is not on the landscape itself but rather on our deeper, ephemeral relationship with memory and the experience, anticipation, and expectations of revisiting a place once loved. The visually immersive paintings attempt to materialise intangible, visceral experience that bleed into hallucinations of memory and imagination. In this regard, Strampp’s work has a strong correlation to the writing of Susan Sontag. In her 2003 book, Regarding The Pain of Others, Sontag observed that memory alters an image according to its need to confer an emblematic status on things we feel worthy of remembering. One may feel shame, fear, anxiety, sadness or loss upon remembering a past and it’s associated vernacular or ‘landscape’ of imagery we remember it by. -Born in the USA, Strampp completed a BA in Fine Art at Prahran College (1983) and an MFA at Monash University (2010). Strampp has shown extensively throughout Australia and has held over thirty solo exhibitions. She has been short-listed several times for the Sulman, Paul Guest, Adelaide Perry, R.M. McGivern and Möet & Chandon prizes, as well as being a finalist in many others, including the Geelong Contemporary Art Prize, Kedumba Drawing Award, Hazelhurst Works on Paper, Hutchins and City of Hobart Works on Paper Prize. Her work has been included in several curated exhibitions including Five Miles from the Sea at Victoria University Gallery (2011); Whiteout at Span, Benalla, Maroondah and Monash University (Gippsland) galleries (2005, 2006); Just Married, Monash Gallery (2002); The Exquisite Corpse at Bendigo Art Gallery (2000), and A Horse Show, Heide Park and Art Gallery (1988). Strampp has work in public, corporate and private collections in Australia, the UK, USA, Europe and the Middle East. 6.24 am, 2013 oil on linen 91 x 122 cm $8,200.00 First Light , 2015 Oil and wax on linen 41 x 41 cm $2,200.00 6.03 am, 2012 oil on linen 152 x 152 cm $12,000.00 Morgen, 2015 oil and wax on linen 50 x 50 cm $3,300.00 5.38 am, 2012 oil on linen 91 x 91 cm $7,700.00 Unease, 2014 oil and wax on linen 152 x 152 cm $12,000.00 The Shifting, 2014 oil and wax on linen 91 x 91 cm $7,700.00 Pass, 2014 oil and wax on linen 91 x 91 cm $7,700.00
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